Observational Study On Secondary Bacterial Infection and The Use of Antibiotics in cOVID-19 Patients Treated in A Tertiary Referral Hospital
Observational Study On Secondary Bacterial Infection and The Use of Antibiotics in cOVID-19 Patients Treated in A Tertiary Referral Hospital
Observational Study On Secondary Bacterial Infection and The Use of Antibiotics in cOVID-19 Patients Treated in A Tertiary Referral Hospital
*Corresponding Author:
Khie Chen Lie, MD, PhD. Division of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine Universitas Indonesia – Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Jl. Diponegoro no. 71, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia.
Email: drkhiechen@gmail.com.
Background: Data on secondary bacterial infection in patients with COVID-19 in Indonesia are still
limited, while the use of empirical antibiotics continues to increase. This study aims to determine the secondary
bacterial infection rate in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and factors related to secondary bacterial infection.
Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study on hospitalized COVID-19 patients undergoing treatment at
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from March 2020 to September 2020. Secondary bacterial infection is defined
as the identification of a bacterial pathogen from a microbiological examination. Results: From a total of 255
subjects, secondary infection was identified in 14.5%. Predictors of secondary infection were early symptoms
of shortness of breath (OR 5.31, 95% CI 1.3 – 21.5), decreased consciousness (OR 4.81, 95% CI 1.77 – 13.0),
length of stay > 12 days (OR 8.2, 95% CI 2.9 – 23.3), and central venous catheter placement (OR 3.0, 95%
CI 1.1 – 8.0) The most common pathogen of secondary bacterial infection is Acinetobacter sp. (n=9; 28%).
Empirical antibiotics were administered to 82.4% of subjects with predominant use of macrolides (n=141; 32.4%).
Conclusion: The secondary bacterial infection rate in COVID-19 was 14.5% and is associated with dyspnea,
decreased consciousness, length of stay >12 days, and central venous catheter placement. The use of antibiotics
in COVID-19 reaches 82.4% and requires special attention to prevent the occurrence of antibiotic resistance.
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Khie Chen Lie Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med
of COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized according to the World Health Organization
received antibiotics. This excessive use of (WHO) criteria. Corticosteroids and
antibiotics must be monitored closely because immunosuppressants, including anti-cytokine
excessive and irrational use of antibiotics will agents, calcineurin inhibitors, antimetabolites,
affect the normal flora in the body and increase and similar therapies were found in the medical
bacterial resistance.4,6 records to be used for treating the comorbid prior
This study aims to provide an overview of to COVID-19 infection, as well as for treating
the incidence of co-infection and secondary the COVID-19 itself once a patient was infected.
infection as well as the causative pathogen in Procalcitonin (PCT) and c-reactive protein
COVID-19 patients. In addition, this study also (CRP) values were obtained from laboratory
assessed the predicting factors for the presence tests performed at the admission. Sepsis and
of secondary infection in COVID-19 patients Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA)
undergoing treatment. score were determined based on the diagnosis
in the medical record or the worst SOFA score
METHODS >2 was obtained during the hospitalization of
the patients.
Study Design and Participant
This retrospective cohort study collected Sample Size and Data Collection
data from medical records of COVID-19 patients The sample estimate was calculated by
who were hospitalized at Cipto Mangunkusumo considering the prevalence of COVID-19
Hospital. COVID-19 was confirmed by the infection when the study was designed, which
reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction was 21%, with a 95% confidence level, and
(RT-PCR) method. Data on confirmed COVID-19 5% prediction error. Therefore, a sample size
adult patients were collected consecutively from of 255 subjects was determined. Data were
March to September 2020. collected consecutively from the medical records
of patients who were hospitalized in Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital in the period from
This study was approved by the Ethical March 2020 until the required number of samples
Committe of Faculty of Medicine Universitas was achieved.
Indonesia (Ref. Number: 1454/UN2.F1/ETIK/
PPM.00.02/2020). Outcome Measurement
The outcome measured in this study was
Study Definition
the incidence of secondary bacterial infection in
COVID-19 infection is defined as an RT- COVID-19 and its associated factors.
PCR confirmed positive COVID-19 from
nasopharyngeal swab accompanied by signs and Statistical Analysis
symptoms of COVID-19 and other laboratory Demographic and clinical characteristics of
examinations that support the diagnosis of patients are presented in percentage, as shown
COVID-19. Bacterial co-infection is defined as in the table. Variables that are hypothesized to
the presence of a pathogen other than SARS- be related to the outcome (secondary bacterial
CoV-2 in a COVID-19 patient within the first infection) were analyzed univariately. The
48 hours of hospital admission. Secondary variables that meet the requirements for
bacterial infection was defined as the presence multivariate analysis using logistic regression
of a pathogen other than SARS-CoV-2 in a were further analyzed to obtain the odds ratio
COVID-19 patient after the first 48 hours (OR) value. The value of p<0.05 was considered
of hospital admission. The microbiological as statistically significant. Data analysis was
examination was carried out in patients with performed with SPSS version 25.0.
suspected secondary bacterial co-infection
according to the standard of care based on the RESULTS
instruction from the attending physicians. A total of 255 records of hospitalized
The degree of COVID-19 is classified COVID-19 patients were reviewed. It was found
Vol 54 • Number 2 • April 2022 Observational Study on Secondary Bacterial Infection
that 98 subjects (36.5%) were diagnosed with infection. Compared to all subjects with
sepsis, 27 subjects (10.6%) had bacterial co- COVID-19, the group with secondary bacterial
infection, 37 subjects (14.5%) had secondary infection had more comorbidities. The average
bacterial infection, and 45 subjects (17.6%) length of stay for COVID-19 subjects was 11.9
died during hospitalization. Table 1 shows the days and the group with secondary bacterial
demographic data and clinical characteristics. infection has longer length of stay, i.e., 22 days
Of all subjects, the average age was 46 on average.
years. The most frequently reported COVID-19 The group with secondary bacterial infection
complaints are fatigue, cough, and fever. In had a higher proportion of ventilator use, ICU
the group with secondary bacterial infection, care, corticosteroid and immunosuppressant
complaints of tachypnea, dyspnea, fatigue, therapy, sepsis, and in-hospital mortality than
anorexia, myalgia, nausea, vomiting, and the group without secondary bacterial infection.
decreased consciousness were more common The use of antibiotics in COVID-19 was 100% in
than in the group without secondary bacterial the group with secondary bacterial infection and
Khie Chen Lie Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med
SD: standard deviation, COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019, ICU: intensive care unit, CVC: central venous catheter
*from subjects receiving antibiotics
79.4% in the group without secondary bacterial in the previous two weeks, history of long-term
infection. 59% of subjects with COVID-19 care, bacterial co-infection, organ dysfunction,
received combination of antibiotics, including sepsis, comorbidities, CRP level, procalcitonin
81% of subjects in the group with a secondary values, and SOFA scores. COVID-19 is classified
bacterial infection. into mild and moderate to critical groups. CRP
Table 2 describes the univariate and level cut-off used in this study was 80 mg/
multivariate analysis of factors associated L7, procalcitonin levels cut-off point was 0.25
with secondary bacterial infection in ng/ml8, and SOFA score cut-off point was 2.
COVID-19, including age, gender, clinical Prolonged length of stay was determined with the
manifestations, length of stay, ICU care, cut-off of 12 days for the group with the length
use of mechanical ventilators, use of central of stay associated with the risk of secondary
venous catheters, corticosteroid therapy and/or infection.9,10
immunosuppression, history of hospitalization
Vol 54 • Number 2 • April 2022 Observational Study on Secondary Bacterial Infection
History of corticosteroid 4.2 (2.0 – 8.8) <0.001 1.33 (0.08 – 21.8) 0.84
History of immunosuppressant 4.0 (1.9 – 8.3) <0.001 0.75 (0.2 – 2.2) 0.61
History of hospital admission 1.54 (0.76 – 3.10) 0.27
within the previous 2 weeks
Long-term care 2.6 (1.2 – 5.6) 0.011 1.3 (0.43 – 3.9) 0.622
Organ dysfunction 7.1 (3.3 – 14.9) <0.001 0.9 (0.1 – 5.5) 0.968
Sepsis 10.5 (4.4 – 25.2) <0.001 2.3 (0.52 – 10.8) 0.258
Comorbidity 3.48 (1.7 – 7.12) 0.01 1.0 (0.3 – 3.4) 0.917
CRP level 2.7 (1.3 – 5.7) 0.006 1.3 (0.49 – 3.8) 0.537
Procalcitonin level 1.5 (0.74 – 3.0) 0.275
SOFA score 8.37 (3.8 – 18.1) <0.001 0.47 (0.11 – 2.0) 0.31
Bacterial co-infection 5.34 (2.2 – 12.7) <0.001 1.8 (0.52 – 6.44) 0.34
OR: odds ratio, 95% CI: 95% confidence interval, COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019, ICU: intensive care unit, CVC:
central venous catheter, CRP: c-reactive protein, SOFA: sequential organ failure assessment
Based on multivariate analysis, several grew from the culture sample after 48 hours of
factors associated with secondary bacterial hospitalization. The prevalence of secondary
infection in COVID-19 were complaints of bacterial infection in all study subjects was
dyspnea (OR 5.31, 95% CI 1.3 – 21.5), decreased 14.5%. Of the 255 subjects, 46 subjects (18%)
consciousness (OR 4.81, 95% CI 1.77 – 13.0), underwent microorganism culture examination.
prolonged length of stay (OR 8.2, 95% CI 2.9 There was a total of 66 samples used for
– 23.3), and central venous catheter placement microorganism culture examination, consisting
(OR 3.0, 95% CI 1.1 – 8.0). of 22 blood samples, 32 sputum samples, two
Etiologic Pathogens Cause Secondary bronchoalveolar lavages (BAL) fluid samples,
Bacterial Infections in COVID-19 four urine samples, one pleural fluid sample, four
Secondary bacterial infection in wound tissue samples, and one cerebrospinal
COVID-19 was determined by the presence of fluid sample. Of the total 66 samples, 49
microorganisms other than SARS-CoV-2 that samples were positive, and 17 were sterile
Khie Chen Lie Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med
6% 17%
Vol 54 • Number 2 • April 2022 Observational Study on Secondary Bacterial Infection
cellular damage, goblet cell hyperplasia, severity of COVID-19, even before the respiratory
increased mucus secretion, mucociliary disturbance appears.17 Therefore, according to this
disturbances, and discoordination may occur. study, impaired consciousness is associated with
In addition, the alveolar macrophage cells secondary bacterial infection in COVID-19.
deplete and phagocytes’ function is impaired, Based on the analysis of this study, the
which cause a decrease in the ability of bacterial prolonged length of stay for more than 12
clearance by phagocytes and an increase in the days and central venous catheter placement
rate of bacterial replication. In viral and bacterial in COVID-19 patients were associated with
co-infection, pathogen-associated molecular the risk of secondary bacterial infection.
patterns (PAMPs) and damage-associated Prolonged treatment is associated with the risk
molecular patterns (DAMPs) are formed. These of nosocomial infection, which is mainly related
molecules bind to pattern recognition receptors to medical devices and surgical procedures.10,18–21
(PRRs) and activate the formation of interferons The results obtained from this study are in
(IFNs), cytokines, and chemokines that act as accordance with the results of other studies in
pro-inflammatory molecules, causing more COVID-19 patients with secondary bacterial
extensive tissue damage.12–14 The presence of infections. The most common infections reported
immune dysregulation in both co-infection and in this study were pneumonia and catheter-
secondary bacterial infection in COVID-19 associated bloodstream infections.22,23 Central
leads to worse clinical manifestations in the venous catheter placement is also associated with
COVID-19 group with secondary bacterial an increased risk of nosocomial infection.24,25 In
infection in this study. severe and critically ill COVID-19 patients, the
Factors associated with secondary bacterial risk of prolonged length of stay was increased,
infection in COVID-19 are dyspnea on admission, followed by an increase in the duration of use
decreased consciousness, prolonged hospital of a central venous catheter, the risk of entry of
stay, and central venous catheter placement bacteria through the catheter (catheter as port
during treatment. In this study, dyspnea was d’entrée), and a decrease in the immune system
experienced by almost all subjects with secondary of the patient, and hence, increased the risk of
bacterial infection. The association between the secondary catheter-related bacterial infection.24
two could be due to complaints of dyspnea All study subjects with secondary bacterial
which were more common in severe/critical infection received broad-spectrum antibiotics
COVID-19 – the predominant grade in the therapy, and so did 80% of subjects without
secondary bacterial infection group. However, secondary bacterial infection. The same thing
in multivariate analysis, it was found that the was found in another study, with the rate of
severity of COVID-19 was not associated with antibiotics use in COVID-19 patients reached
secondary bacterial infection, and therefore, 90%.4,26 This high number of antibiotics usage
the association between dyspnea and secondary can be caused by the difficulties experienced
bacterial infection appeared to be independent by medical personnel in distinguishing clinical
from the degree of COVID-19. Dyspnea was symptoms of bacterial and viral infections, since
also found in other studies observing secondary both have similar manifestations. In addition, at
bacterial infection in COVID-19, accompanied the beginning of the pandemic, administration of
by fever and gastrointestinal symptoms.15 macrolide antibiotics, i.e., azithromycin, was still
Impaired consciousness is a factor associated recommended for COVID-19 with or without
with secondary bacterial infection in COVID-19. suspicion of co-infection or secondary bacterial
COVID-19 patients with impaired consciousness infection, which led to extremely frequent use
have a higher risk of admission to ICU, of it.27 Cephalosporins and quinolones were also
intubation, need for mechanical ventilation, widely used in this study. These two groups were
prolonged length of stay, prolonged need for widely used because they are the recommended
ventilator, and mortality.16 In addition, impaired regimens in the management of community and
consciousness also acts as an indicator of the nosocomial pneumonia in bacterial infections.28,29
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