Regression Testing

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Regression Testing

Dr. Durga Prasad Mohapatra

CSE Department
NIT Rourkela
What is regression testing?

Regression testing is testing done to check that a

system update does not cause new errors or re-
introduce errors that have been corrected earlier.
Need for Regression Testing
 Any system during use undergoes frequent code
◦ Corrective, Adaptive, and Perfective changes.
 Regression testing needed after every change:
◦ Ensures unchanged features continue to work
Partitions of an Existing Test Suite

To Tu

Tor Tr
Optimized Regression Tests
Major Regression Testing Tasks
 Test revalidation (RTV):
◦ Check which tests remain valid
 Test selection (RTS):
◦ Identify tests that execute modified portions.
 Test minimization (RTM):
◦ Remove redundant tests.
 Test prioritization (RTP):
◦ Prioritize tests based on certain criteria.
Automating regression testing
Build results
Test data for version x

Build tests
for version x

Run tests
Compare Verdict
for version x
Regression Testing
 Does not belong to either unit test, integration
test, or system test.
◦ In stead, it is a separate dimension to these three forms
of testing.
 Regression testing (RT)is the running of test suite:
◦ after each change to the system or after each bug fix
◦ ensures that no new bug has been introduced due to the
change or the bug fix.
 Regression tests assure:
◦ the new system’s performance is at least as good as the
old system
◦ always used during phased system development.
Regression Testing
 Regression testing is any type of software testing that
seeks to uncover new errors, or regressions, in the existing
functionality after changes have been made to the software,
such as functional enhancements, patches or configuration
 It can also be defined as the software maintenance task
performed to instill confidence that changes are correct
and have not adversely affected the unchanged portions of
the program.
Progressive vs. Regressive Testing
 All different types of testings like Unit Testing, Integration
Testing are Progressive testing or Developmental testing.
 From verification to validation, the testing process progresses
towards release of the product.
 But, the intent of Regressive testing is to assure that a change,
such as a bug fix, did not introduce new bugs. One of the
main reasons for regression testing is that it's often
extremely difficult for a programmer to figure out how a
change in one part of the software will echo in other parts of
the software.
Regression testing cont…
 A system under test (SUT) is said to regress if,
 a modified component fails, or
 a new component when used with unchanged component, causes
failures in the unchanged component by generating side effects.
 Therefore the following versions will be there in the system:
 Baseline Version: The version of a component that has passed a test
 Delta Version: a changed version that has not passed a regression test.
 Delta Build: an executable configuration of the SUT that contains all
the Delta & Baseline Components.
 So, we can say that, most test cases begin as
progressive test cases and eventually become
regression test cases.
 RT is not another testing activity; it is the re-
execution of some or all of the already developed
test cases.
 IEEE Definition:
◦ It is the selective retesting of a system or component to verify that the
modifications have not caused unintended effects and that the system
or component still complies with its specified requirements.
 It can also be defined as
◦ The s/w maintenance task performed on a modified program to instill
confidence that changes are correct and have not adversely affected
the unchanged portions of the program.
Importance of Regression Testing
 Regression testing is performed in case of bug fixing or whenever there
is a need to incorporate a new requirement.
 Importance of Regression Testing is due to following Reasons:
 It validates the parts of software where changes occur.
 It validates the parts of the software which may be affected by the
 It ensures proper functioning of software before changes occur.
 It enhances quality of software, as it reduces the risk & high risk bugs.
Regression Testability
 Regression Testability refers to the property of a program,
modification, or test suite that lets it be effectively and
efficiently regression-tested.
 It is a function of both the Design of the program and the
Test Suite.
 Regression Number: Avg no. of affected test cases in the
test suite that are affected by modification to a single
 If Regression Testability is done at early stages it reduces
cost of development and maintenance of the Software.
Objectives of Regression Testing

 It tests to check that the bug has been addressed:

 It finds other related bugs
 It tests to check on the other parts in the
When Regression Testing is Done?
 Corrective Maintenance: Changes made to the system after failure.
 Adaptive Maintenance: Changes made to achieve continuing
compatibility with the target environment or the other system.
 Perfective Maintenance: Changes designed to improve/add capabilities.
 Rapid iterative Development:The extreme programming approach.
 First Step of Integration: Re-running accumulated test suite, as new
components added.
 Compatibility Assessment & Benchmarking: Test suites for wide range
of platforms and application.
Regression Testing Types
 Bug-Fix Regression: This testing is performed after bug has
been reported & fixed. The goal is to repeat the test cases
that expose the problem in the first place.
 Side-Effect regression/Stability Regression: It involves
retesting substantial part of product. The goal is to prove
that changes have no detrimental effect on earlier program.
It tests the overall integrity of the program, not the
success of software fixes.
Defining Regression Testing Problem
P :denotes a program or procedure.
P’ :denotes modified version of P.
S :denotes the specification for program P.
S’ : denotes the specification for program P’.
P(i):refer to output of P on input i,
P’(i):refer to output of P’ on input i.
T={t1,t2…}:denotes a set of test suite
Regression Testing: Problem Definition
 Given a program P, its modified version P’, and
a test set T that was used earlier to test P, find
a way to utilize T to gain sufficient confidence in
the correctness of P’.
Is Regression Testing a Problem?
The following difficulties occur in Regression Testing:
 Large system can take a long time to retest.
 It can be difficult & time consuming to create the
 It can be difficult & time consuming to evaluate the
 Cost of testing can reduce the resources available
for maintenance.
Regression Testing Techniques
 Regression Test Selection : Reduce the time required
to retest by selecting smaller Subset of test suite.
 Test case Prioritization Technique: Prioritize the test
cases then execute according to priority. There are two
types of Prioritization:
◦ General Test case Prioritization – no knowledge of the modification.
◦ Version-Specific Test case Prioritization - knowledge of the
modification is known.
 Test suite Reduction Technique : reduce testing costs
by eliminating redundant test cases.
Selective Retest Technique
 Software maintenance includes more than 60% of development costs.
 In that case, testing costs dominate because many systems require
labour-intensive manual testing. Selective retest techniques attempt to
reduce the cost of testing by identifying the portions of P’ that must be
exercised by the regression test suite.
 Selective retesting is distinctly different from a retest-all approach that
always executes every test in an existing regression test suite ( RTS).
 The objective of Selective Retest Technique is cost reduction. It is the
process of selecting a subset of the regression test suite that tests the
Selective Retest Technique cont…
It has following characteristic features:
 It minimizes the resources required to regression test a
new version.
 It minimizes no. of test cases.
 It is needed to remove obsolete, uncontrollable &
redundant test cases.
 It analyses the relationship between test cases & software
elements they cover.
 It uses the information about changes to select the test
Selective Retest Technique cont…

Test suite Program p


T’’ new
test cases

Program P
Changed feature
New feature

T’ Regression T’’ New test

test cases cases
Selective Retest Technique cont…
1. Select T’ subset of T, a set of test cases to execute on P’.
2. Test P’ with T’, establishing correctness of P’ with respect to
3. If necessary create T’’, a set of new functional or structural
test cases for p’.
4. Test P’ with T’’, establishing correctness of P’ with respect to
5. Create T’’’, a new test suite and test execution profile for
P’, from T, T’ and T’’.
Each of these steps involves the following important problems:
Selective Retest Technique cont…
 Regressive test selection problem: The problem
is to select a subset of T’ of T with which P’ will be
 Coverage test selection problem: Specification
that requires additional testing.
 Test suite execution problem: Execute test case
efficiently and checking test results for correctness.
 Test maintenance problem: Update & store test
Strategies for Test case Selection
A procedure for selecting the test case is provided by a test
criterion . The criteria are as follows:
Selection criteria based on code
 Motivation: Potential failures can only be detected if the
parts of the code that can cause faults are executed.
 All the code based regression test selection techniques
attempt to select a subset T’ of T that will be helpful in
establishing confidence that P’s functionality has been
preserved where required.
 All code-based test selection techniques are concerned
with locating tests in T that expose faults in P’.
 The following tests are based on these criteria:
Selection criteria based on code cont…
 Fault-revealing test cases: A test case t detects a fault in
P’ if it causes P’ to fail. Hence t is faulting revealing for P’.
◦ There is no effective procedure to find the tests in T that are fault
revealing for P’.
◦ Under certain conditions, however, a regression test selection
technique can select a superset of the tests in T that are fault-
revealing for P’.
◦ Under these conditions, such a technique omits no tests in T that can
reveal faults in P’.
Selection criteria based on code cont…
 Modification-revealing test cases:
◦ A test case t is modification revealing for P and P’ if and
only if it causes the outputs of P and P’ to differ.
 Modification-traversing test cases:
◦ A test case t is modification traversing if and only if it
executes new or modified code in p’.
◦ These tests are useful because a non-obsolete test t in T
can only be modification-revealing for P and P’ if it is
modification traversing for P and P’.
Regression Test Selection Techniques
 Minimization Techniques:
◦ attempt to select minimal sets of test cases from T that yield
coverage/affected portion of P.
 Dataflow Techniques:
◦ It selects test cases that exercise data interaction that have been
affected by modification.
◦ Every definition-use pair that is deleted from P, new in P’, or modified
for P’, should be tested.
◦ The technique selects every test case in T that, when executed on P,
exercised, deleted, or modified definition-use pairs, or executed a
statement containing a modified predicate.
 Safe Techniques:
◦ An explicit set of safety condition needs to be satisfied
◦ When an explicit set of safety conditions can be satisfied,
safe regression test selection techniques guarantee that
the selected subset T’ contains all the test cases in the
original test suite T that can reveal faults in P’.
 Ad doc/Random Techniques:
◦ When time constraints prohibit the use of all test cases, select test
cases based on ‘Intuitions’/Randomly select predetermined no. of test
◦ Another simple approach is to randomly select a predetermined
number of test cases from T.
 Retest-all Technique:
◦ The retest-all technique simply reuses all the existing test cases.
◦ To test P’, the technique effectively selects all test cases in T.
Evaluating Regression Test Selection Techniques
 Rothermel et al. have recognized the following categories for
evaluating Regression test selection techniques:
 Inclusiveness:
◦ It measures the extent to which M chooses modification-revealing test from
T for inclusion in T’. [ M: Regression Test selection Technique]
◦ Suppose T contains n tests that are modification revealing for P and P’,
suppose M selects m of these tests. The inclusiveness of M relative to P and
P’ and T is:
 1.INCL(M) = (100 * (m / n) %, if n != 0
 2. INCL(M) = 100%, if n = 0
 (here T contains n modification-revealing tests & M contains m modification-
revealing tests .)
 For example, if T contains 100 tests of which 20 are
modification-revealing for P and P’, and M selects 4 of these
20 tests, then M is 20% inclusive relative to P, P’, and T.
 If T contains no modification-revealing tests, then every test
selection technique is 100% inclusive relative to P, P’, and T.
 If for all P, P’, and T, M is 100% inclusive relative to P, P’, and
T, then M is safe.
Evaluating Regression Test Selection Techniques cont…

 Precision: It measures the extent to which M omits tests

that are non-modification-revealing.
◦ Suppose T contains n tests that are non-modification
revealing for P and P’, and suppose M omits m of these
◦ The precision of M relative to P, P’, and T is given by
1. Precision = 100 * (m / n)%, if n != 0
2. Precision = 100%, if n = 0

 For example, if T contains 50 tests of which 22 are non-

modification-revealing for P and P’, and M omits 11 of
these 22 tests, then M is 50% precise relative to P, P’, and
 If T contains no non-modification-revealing tests, then
every test selection technique is 100% precise relative to
P, P’, and T.
Evaluating Regression Test Selection Techniques cont …

 Efficiency: Measured in terms of their Space & Time

◦ Where time is concerned, test selection technique is
more economical than the reset all technique, if the
cost of selecting T’ is less than the cost of running the
test in T- T’.
◦ Space efficiency depends on the test history and
program analysis information a technique must store.
Steps for Regression Test Case Prioritization
1. Select T’ subset of T, a set of test cases to execute on P’.
2. Produce T’p , a permutation of T’, such that T’p will have a better rate
of fault detection than T’.
3. Test P’ with T’p, establishing correctness of P’ with respect to T’.
4. If necessary create T’’, a set of new functional or structural test cases
for p’.
5. Test P’ with T’’, establishing correctness of P’ with respect to T’’.
6. Create T’’’, a new test suite and test execution profile for P’, from T, T’p
and T’’,
( T’p: Contains Execution ordering of regression tests)
Steps for Regression Test Case Prioritization

 Step 1 allows the tester to select T’ such that it is proper

subset of T or that it actually contains every test that T
 Step 2 could produce T’p so that it contains an execution
ordering for the regression test that is the same or different
than the order provided by T’.
 The intension behind prioritizing the execution of a
regression test suite is to ensure that the defects normally
introduced by the competent programmers are discovered
earlier in the testing process.
 Regression testing is the selective retesting of a System or
Component to verify that Modifications have not caused
unintended effects and that the System or Component still
complies with its Specified Requirements.
 It has positive Influence on software quality.
 Regression number is the average number of affected test
cases in the test suite that are affected by any modification
to a single instruction.
 It is of two types: bug-fix regression and side-effect
1. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering,
(Chapter – 10), Fifth Edition, PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd., 2018.
2. Naresh Chauhan, Software Testing: Principles and
Practices, (Chapter – 8), Second Edition, Oxford
University Press, 2016.
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