Vladimir I. Arnold
Steklov Mathematical Institute
8, Gubkina Street
119991 Moscow – Russia
Mathematics and Physics: is the former only series of consequences of arbitrary axioms?
Indian Statistical Institute
203 Barrackpore Trunk Road
Calcutta 700 035 - India
Mathematical simplicity and beauty which arise from the philosophical background of the pursuit
of science is the prime concern in arriving at truth. In the context of modern physics, we have
encountered some apparent mathematical complexities, like symmetry braking and divergence,
which eventually lead the inner beauty and helped us in realising truth. The apparent complex nature
of mathematics as envisaged in noncommutative geometry, which is the outcome of the interplay
between general relativity and quantum mechanics, leads to the beautiful inner visions of the world
of elementary particles and the structure of space-time. However, the poverty of philosophy in the
pursuit of science often leads to mathematics complexities that are devoid of beauty and may miss
certain aspect of truth.
Dipartimento di Filosofia
Università di Padova
Piazza Capitaniato, 3
35100 – Padova - Italia
In the first part of my talk, without assuming any metaphysics on the world, and without
committing myself with any strong epistemology, but even without demeaning the importance of
the problem by adopting an instrumentalistic approach, I will try to offer a descriptive account of
the role of mathematics in contemporary physics. I will do this by taking advantage of what Ch. S.
Peirce sustained regarding the structure of the physical theories which he analysed in semiotic terms.
In this way, I will propose some possible answers to the following questions:
1) Why mathematics in physics?
2) What is the role of mathematics in physics?
3) Why is mathematics effective in physical sciences?
In the second part of my talk, I will analyse what might be called Dirac’s methodological
revolution, according to which before doing physics we must work on mathematics. Unfortunately
this methodological revolution concerning the heuristic role of mathematics is incredibly
underestimated both in the philosophical analysis of the scientific method and in the historical
analysis of the development of science
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Palermo
Palermo - Italia
On The Interplay Between Mathematics And Physics: What Does History Teach Us?
In the talk I will focus on the first three questions asked by the organizers:
1) How can we explain the success of mathematics in the physical sciences?
2) Is mathematics only a tool or something more?
3) Which is the interplay between physics and mathematics?
In order to provide a tentative answer to them I will consider a couple historical cases:
1. Riemann’s 1854 paper on the foundations of geometry
2. Poincaré’s work on the three-body problem.
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera, 11
34014 – Trieste – Italia
E'. Cartan, the founder of spinor gemetry, formulated the conjecture that simple spinors
might the elementary constituents of euclidean geometry, in so far with them one may construct
(bilinearly) euclidean null vectors and sums (or integrals) of null vectors give generally ordinary
euclidean vectors (or minimal surfaces and strings). From Cartan's conjecture one may draw several
consequences which, while relevant for elementary particle physics, transparently illustrate some
specific roles of pure mathematics in physics. We will mention, among others the following ones:
1) The Cartan's equations defining simple spinors may be interpreted as equations of motion, in
momentum space for fermions; the elementary constituents of matter, and most of the
equations, defined ad hoc in elementary particle theoretical physics, are then naturally
obtained. In particular the so called internal symmetry groups transparently originate from the
3 complex division algebras: complex numbers, quaternions and octonions.
2) Momentum spaces, constructured with simple spinors, result compact and isomorphic to
spheres imbedded in each other.
3) The euclidean concept of point-event has to be abandoned when dealing with quantum
mechanics of fermions and must necessarily be sobstituted with that of string (or integral of
null vectors) fundamentally non local.
Adopting Cartan's conjecture one may also proove that Cartan's equations of motion may
be conceived as representing general or "framing laws" which are indipendent from space and time,
in particular they may be conceived atemporal, while their solutions are "evolutive laws" which
describe the evolution of particular phaenomena in space and time. This distinction may render
significant the role of mathematics in physics, specially after the Dirac's methodological revolution.
In fact when a new framing law is discovered through mathematics - rather than, as in Galilei
Newton mechanics, by induction on evolutive laws of known phaenomena - its consequent new
evolutive laws may predict the existence of completely new phaenomena neither observed nor
imagined before; as it happened for the discovery of antimatter, gravitational lenses and black holes.
This role of mathematics may be compared to that of a telescope with which a new astronomical
phaenomenon is discovered; however now it deals of an abstract, mental telescopes. This particular
role of pure mathematics conceived as an instrument for the discovery of new natural phaenomena
may be analised in the frame of those historycally proposed (platonic, Galilei, Berkeley, Kant,
Wigner...). Some possible interpretations are proposed.
Institute for the History and Foundations of Science
Utrecht University
Buys Ballotlaboratorium
PO Box 80000
Nl 3508 TA Utrecht
Although holism in physics is usually associated with quantum theory, elements of holism can also
be discerned elsewhere in physical theory. We will discuss several instances: the way local inertial
frames are determined by global characteristics of the universe in a relational version of classical
mechanics; the way in which global descriptions can go beyond local ones in special relativity (in the
case of accelerated frames) and general relativity; and, finally, the holism relating to entanglement in
quantum mechanics. The mathematical characterizations of these various types of holism are
different. We will discuss these differences and ask whether it is appropriate to use the term
‘holism’ indiscriminately in all cases.
Dipartimento di Filosofia
Università di Roma 3
Via Ostiense 234
00146 Rome – Italia
In my talk I try to evaluate what I regard as being the main attempts at answering the above
ambitious as much as neglected question, first clearly posed by Kant and then rehearsed by Wigner
in the last century, namely (1) Antinaturalism, (2) Kantianism, (3) Semanticism, (4) Algorithmic
Complexity Theory and (5) Deflationism. The first position has been defended by Mark Steiner
(1998), who claims that the “user friendliness” of nature for the applied mathematician is the best
argument against a naturalistic explanation of the origin of the universe. The second is naturalistic
and mixes the kantian tradition with evolutionary studies about our innate mathematical abilities.
The third turns to the Fregean tradition and considers mathematics a particular kind of language,
thus treating the effectiveness of mathematics as a particular instance of the effectiveness of natural
languages. The fourth hypothesis, building on formal results by Kolmogorov, Solomonov and
Chaitin, claims that mathematics is so useful in describing the natural world because it is the science
of the abbreviation of sequences, and mathematically formulated laws of nature enable us to
compress the information contained in the sequence of numbers in which we code our observations.
In this tradition, laws are equivalent to the shortest algorithms capable of generating the lists of
zeros and ones representing the empirical data. Finally, the “deflationary explanation” claims that in
wondering about the applicability of so many mathematical structures to nature, we tend to forget
the many cases in which no application is possible. Since by forgetting the negative instances, we
can make any hypothesis look good, we must consider the import of this skeptical outlook. In the
final part of the talk, I argue that a plausible solution to the problem should be looked in the second
and third hypothesis.
Istituto di Filosofia
Università di Urbino
Via Saffi 9
61029 URBINO - Italia
The relation between sensorial intuition and mathematical representation could be interpreted in at
least four different manners:
1. Instrumentalism. Sensorial intuition and mathematical representation are altogether
inhomogeneous, so that the latter becomes a mere instrument for calculation .
2. Platonism. Sensorial intuition is devoid of any cognitive value, but mathematical representation
allows to catch the true reality beyond appearances.
3. Transcendentalism. Sensorial intuition is produced by the contact between subjective categories
and a reality not knowable in itself. Therefore it possesses in itself those structures, which make
possible its mathematical representation.
4. Phenomenology. There is an analogy between mathematical and sensorial structures, that makes
possible the mathematical representation of the latter.
Through the example of quantum non-locality, we attempt to show that among the above-mentioned
perspectives the phenomenological is the most reasonable one.
From a transcendental point of view, quantum non-locality could be interpreted as a bad use of
mathematical representation. From the Platonic point of view, quantum non-locality could be
interpreted as a further confirmation of the deceptive character of appearances.
Let us consider two systems 1 and 2. Let us measure the observable spin S on the directions _ and
_, whose result we denote with s. Then quantum mechanics violates the following equality:
p( s1a ) = p (s1a / s2 b , b )
Where p is the probability. The violation of (1) expresses that the probability of finding the result
s1_ on system 1, measuring on the direction _, depends on the whole constituted by the direction _
of the apparatus that measures on system 2 and the result s2_ of that measurement.
On the other hand, quantum mechanics does not violate the two following equalities:
p( s1 ) = p (s1 / s2 ) (2)
p( s1a ) = p (s1a / b ) (3)
The violation of (2) would imply that the probability of the result on system 1 would depend on
the results on the second system tout court. On the other hand, the violation of (3) would imply that
the probability of the result on system 1 would depend on the direction of the apparatus measuring
on system 2. If (2) or (3) were violated, it would be possible to build a quantum telephone.
In our opinion, the violation of (2) would be a confirmation of Platonic perspective, since it would
prove an actual action at distance, that is against our sensorial intuition.
If (3) were violated, then the violation would depend on the measure apparatus, which implements
the kind of mathematical representation that has been chosen. This could be a confirmation of the
transcendental perspective, according to which non-locality depends on a bad mathematical
On the contrary (1) is violated; and this can be interpreted only in the light of instrumentalism or
phenomenology. That is quantum non-locality could be considered either as a recording in the
mathematical representation of a phenomenon that does not need further explanation or as a
confirmation that the mathematical representation is rooted in the sensorial intuition, i.e. non-
locality is neither altogether objective, neither due solely to the representation that has been chosen.
For reasons external to the problem of quantum non-locality, we incline to the phenomenological
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera, 11
34014 – Trieste – Italia
INFN - sez. Trieste - Italia
Some Mathematical Aspects Of Modern Science And Their Relevant Physical Implications:
The Subtle Interplay Of Entanglement And Nonlocality
We stress how the mathematical framework which is characteristic of the modern conception of
natural processes, i.e. the Hilbert space structure of the set of the allowed states, combined with the
direct product rule for the description of composite systems, implies an extremely peculiar and
typical aspect of the formalism, i.e. entanglement, the feature which Schrödinger has appropriately
identified as the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure
from classical lines of thought. In turn, the physical counterpart of this formal aspect are the
nonlocal aspects of natural processes, a feature that nobody had appropriately taken into account
(or even contemplated) before the revolutionary investigations by J.S. Bell. We stress how these
nonlocal aspects have a completely general conceptual status which is totally independent from the
position one takes about the theory and its interpretation. Moreover, they have been proved to
actually occur in the wonderful experiments of A. Aspect and nowadays they find repeated
confirmations in everyday experimental practice in quantum optics and various other fields which
have a particular relevance for quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation and quantum
Dipartimento di Filosofia
Università di Milano
Via Festa del Perdono
20100 – Milano - Italia
g.giorello@tiscalinet.it; c.sinigaglia@tiscalinet.it
In our talk we are going to analyse different descriptions of space through different geometries,
considered, each of them, as a study of invariant relations as regards a specific group of
tranformations. This method enables a fruitful treatment of physical space and sets the condition for
a riqualification of the methodological and epistemological problem of space representation.
Dipartimento di Fisica
Università di Trieste
Via Valerio, 2
34134- Trieste – Italia
INFN – sez. di Trieste - Italia
The official birth of the modern experimental method commonly referred to Galileo’s work, and,
considered at the beginning as a revolutionary procedure, is one of the two main instruments of the
modern science. The other one is the mathematical method, employed to formulate the scientific
explanations. This is mainly the merit of the ancient Greek philosophers, and its power to
understand and describe the world phenomena, which the Greeks had fully grasped, was and is
continuously confirmed in the development of the scientific thought. What has made so powerful
the physics is the “hypothetical-deductive method”, which explains via mathematical hypotheses
experimentally observed facts. The mathematics provides modern physics of the predictive power
and this is strictly related to the possibility of expressing the determinism in mathematical form via
differential equations.
Moreover, this procedure in the development of physics, has been questioned in many historical
moments by pure empiricists, who did not accept the assumption, fundamental for the rationalists,
of the capability of the human mind to generalize, as “natural laws”, what are simply experimentally
observed regularities, and to overestimate the role of mathematics in building the science.
I will consider these two attitudes in the framework of the development of the history of the
Dipartimento di Scienze Pedagogiche e Filosofiche
Via Is Mirrionis, 1
09123 Cagliari - Italia
Quantum computation has recently suggested new forms of quantum logic that have been called
quantum computational logics (QCL) ([CDCGL01]). These logics are based on the following
semantic idea: unlike orthodox quantum logic [DCG02], the meaning of a sentence is identified with
a qubit or a quregister (a system of qubits). From a physical point of view, qubits represent
possible pure states of quantum systems , whose associated Hilbert space is C2 (based on the two-
dimensional space consisting of all ordered pairs of complex numbers). Quregisters represent pure
states of compound systems, whose associated Hilbert space is an n-fold tensor product
The two basis-elements |0>:={1,0} and |1>:={0,1} of C are usually taken as encoding the classical
bit-values 0 and 1, respectively. From a semantic point of view, they can be also regarded as the
classical truth-values Falsity and Truth. Recalling the Born rule, any qubit y >= c 0 | 0 > +c1 | 1 > (with
|c0|2+|c1|2=1) can be regarded as an uncertain piece of information, where the answer NO has
probability |c0|2, while the answer YES has probability |c1|2.
In quantum computation, quantum logical gates (shortly gates) are unitary operators that transform
quregisters into quregisters. Being unitary, gates represent characteristic reversible transformations
[TO80]. Generally, quantum gates correspond to some basic logical operations that admit a
reversible behaviour. We will consider the following gates: negation (NOT), conjunction (AND) and
the square root of negation ( NOT ) [DEL00]. The first two gates are semiclassical. In other
words, their quantum logical behaviour only emerges when they are applied to superpositions.
When restricted to classical registers, they turn out to behave as classical (reversible) truth-
functions. The gate NOT , instead, is a genuine quantum gate that transforms classical registers into
quregisters that are superpositions.
QCL is based on a sentential language L with the following connectives: negation ( Ø ), square root
of not ( Ø ), conjunction ( Ù ). The basic concept of our semantics is represented by the notion of
quantum computational model, i.e., an interpretation of the language L that associates to any
sentence _ ?a quregister. Since the meaning associated to a given sentence reflects the logical form of
the sentence under consideration, we can say that our semantics has a typical intensional character.
We define in the expected way the notion of truth, logical truth, consequence and logical
consequence in QCL. Interestingly enough, QCL turns out to be unsharp, because the
non–contradiction principle can be violated: the negation of a contradiction (_? Ù Ø _) is not
necessarily true. Further, QCL does not have any logical truth. Finally, we will contrast QCL and
orthodox quantum logic and we will show that these two logics are incomparable.
[CDCGL01] G. Cattaneo, M. L. Dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini and R. Leporini, “An unsharp logic from quantum
computation”, to be published in International Journal of Theoretical Physics; e-print: quant-ph/0201013.
[DCG02] M. L. Dalla Chiara and R. Giuntini, “Quantum logics”, in G. Gabbay and F. Guenthner (eds.), Handbook of
Philosophical Logic, vol. VI, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002, pp. 129–228.
[CDCGL02] M. L. Dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini, A. Leporati and R. Leporini, “Qubit semantics and quantum trees”, to
be published in International Journal of Theoretical Physics; e-print: quant-ph/0211190.
[CDCGL02] M. L. Dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini, A. Leporati and R. Leporini, “Quantum Computational Structures”, to
be published in Tatra Mountains Journal of Mathematics.
[DEL00] D. Deutsch, A. Ekert, and R. Lupacchini, “Machines, logic and quantum physics”, Bulletin of Symbolic
Logic, 3, 2000, pp. 265–283.
[TO80] T. Toffoli, “Reversible computing”, in J. W. de Bakker and J. van Leeuwen (eds.), Automata, Languages and
Programming, Springer, 1980, pp. 632–644. Also available as TechnicalMemo MIT/LCS/TM-151, MIT Laboratory
for Computer Science, February 1980.
Quantum Physics And The Mathematical Debates Concerning The Problem Of The
Ontological Priority Between Continuous Quantity And Discrete Quantity
In his book about the Categories (that is about the ultimate element of classification and order), in
the chapter concerning the quantity (IV, 20) Aristotle says that this concept recovers two kinds of
modalities: the discrete quantity and the continuous quantity and he gives as examples the number
for the first one; line, surface, solid, times and space for the second one. The main philosophical
problem raised by this text is to determine which of the two modalities of the quantity has the
ontological priority over the other (given two concepts A B we assume that A has ontological
priority over B if every entity that possesses the quality B possesses necessarily the quality A).
The problem is magnified by the fact that space, which in some part of Aristotle's Physics is
mentioned not only as a category properly speaking but even as the main category whose power can
be amazing, is in the evoked text of the Categories's Book reduced to expression of the continuum,
and sharing this condition with time. In this matter the controversy is constant through the common
history of Science and Philosophy. For example, the Cantor's theory of transfinite numbers implies
the ontological subordination of the continuum to the concept of cardinality, which can be
considered as intrinsically discrete; on the other side, some contemporary mathematicians claim for
the continuum as the intrinsic support of the infinite, rejecting therefore the philosophical
foundations of modern mathematic set theory. But in this debate there is room for a third argument
to be raised: that of the philosophical theories which have strongly revindicated the mutual
implication between the concepts of continuous quantity and discrete quantity, tied together in an
dialectic knot, without possibility to give ontological priority to one of them.
In this paper we will recall the main points of projection of
the controversy through the history of though, from Zeno's apories
(and the mathematic attempts of solution) to the contemporary Non
Standard Analysis. To summarize: in order to display the ontological
weight of quantum physics we will replace in its philosophical
background the dramatic moment when Einstein suggested that Max
Planck's theory was faraway of being merely an speculative
mathematical construction, and that energy in nature actually comes
in indivisible packets, instead of infinitely divisible streams. We
will ask ourselves what different answers to the question have been
brought forward by the ulterior developments of the discipline. In a
second part of the paper we will try to establish the link between
the problem raised up, the controversies about quantum non locality
and the contemporary philosophical objections concerning a lack of
rational explanation in the quantum theory, in spite of being
largely successful at predicting the results of atomic processes.
For, as the Newton's hypothesis non fingo displays, description and
prevision doesn't necessarily means explanation.
Institute of Philosophy
University of Zagreb
Ulica grada Vukovara 54
10000 – Zagreb – Croatia
In the contribution is discussed the different views on mathematics in Plato's and Aristotle's
natural philosophy. This difference arises from the specific approaches in those two natural
philosophies. The world of physical objects is not the world of ideas in Plato's natural philosophy.
It is questionable if mathematics could be applied on this physical world.
Aristotle's sublunar and supralunar physical world are also two different types of physical
world and two types of physics exist. One could be mathematical physics, the other one could not.
In the article is stressed how and way mathematics is or is not applied to the physical world. It also
means that the application of mathematics generally depends on the ontological and cosmological
point of view.
Plato's and Aristotle's approaches have become two different paradigms in the explanation of
physical world and the possibility of applied mathematics to the physical world.
Department of Science & Technology Studies
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT – Great Britain
I will explore similarities in the research of Einstein and Picasso during their most creative years,
1905-1915. I focus on Einstein's and Picasso's discovery of new aesthetics and of the effect of non-
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Euclidean geometry and x-rays on Picasso's thought. Their dazzling works that will serve as
examples are Einstein's 1905 relativity theory and Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.
Physical Geodesy
Graz Technical University
Steyrergasse 30
A-8010 Graz – Austria
International School of Advanced Study
Via Beirut 4
34014 – Trieste – Italia
In this talk, I will deal with some problems facing a working mathematician in trying to keep in
touch with current research and advances in areas of Physics which are related to one's own field of
research in Mathematics. One problem is to (understand and) interpret the insights and results of
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physicists in a language familiar to mathematicians. The talk will be illustrated with examples in
Differential and Algebraic Geometry arising from my personal experience.
Dipartimento di Fisica
Università di Padova
Via Marzolo, 8
35100 – Padova – Italy
INFN – sez. di Padova - Italy
When Galileo said that "nature speaks the language of mathematics", he was naturally making a
reference to classical mechanics and elementary mathematics.
The relationship between physics and mathematics has changed somewhat since those times,
owing to the great development of both the mathematical and the physical sciences. Within this
framework, the discovery of the physical world at the microscopic level, which goes back to the
beginning of the 20th Century, was of crucial importance, owing to the emergence of a new,
problematic relationship between the human mind and the ``objects'' within the microcosm. And the
new physics led to the selection of some mathematical language, able to describe discontinuous
I will endeavour to deal with these very general problems, making particular reference to the
mathematical language used in nuclear physics. Most of the behaviour of the atomic nucleus, both
with respect to spectroscopic and dynamic phenomenology, can be described using the algebra of
irreducible spherical tensors. Nuclear phenomenology consists of a large collection of data which
appears to be difficult to enclose within a single, reductionist theory. Nevertheless, it represents a
mathematical logic which does obey a complicated mathematical formalism, that is, the quantum
angular momentum theory which is substantially reducible to the rotation group logic.
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Lorand Eötvös University
P.O. Box 32
H-1518 Budapest 112 - Hungary
The physics community is split over the role and significance of mathematical rigor in physics: the
protagonists demand mathematical exactness, the antagonists view mathematical precision misplaced
in the context of physics. Accordingly, one can discern two attitudes towards von Neumann's
achievements in mathematical physics: the appreciative and the ambivalent. While both camps view
12 5
J. von Neumann's work in physics as the typical representative of the modern mathematical-
axiomatic approach to physics, the appreciative group regards von Neumann's axiomatic approach
as a useful one yielding deep insights, the ambivalent attitude ignores von Neumann's achievements.
The talk recalls the main characteristics of von Neumann's views on mathematical physics and on
the role of the axiomatic method in physics. It will be argued that striving for mathematical precision
was for von Neumann never a goal in itself and that he opted for the method of what will be called in
the talk an "opportunistic soft axiomatism" in mathematical physics. The practice of this method
will be illustrated on von Neumann's work in quantum theory.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Dpto. de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia
28040 Madrid - Spain
Departments of Mathematics
University of Zagreb
Bijenieka 30
10000 – Zagreb - Croatia
zsikic@math.hr, zvonimir.sikic@fsb.hr
We discus the role of abstract objects in mathematics. Are they dispensable or indispensable? Do
they exist or not? Are there any factual criteria for answering these questions? We offer some
arguments that there is a fact of the matter as to whether abstract objects are dispensable or not, but
that there is no fact of the matter as to whether abstract object exist or not.
Indian Institute of Advanced Studies
Rashtrapati Nivas
Shimla 171 005 - INDIA
navjyoti@email.com, navjyoti@rediffmail.com
It is said that if in Greece mathematics was considered as queen of sciences then in India linguistics
was considered as queen of sciences. Panini’s grammar is woven as a web of algorithmic procedures
and much of early Indian mathematical thought drew from its overarching presence. It is noteworthy
that in the Indian mathematical tradition the idea of dimensioned quantities; which can be physically
interpreted and arranged in law-like formula (as in PV=RT or f=ma) never got articulated. On the
other hand quite interestingly mathematical thought was employed for understanding 'working of
mind' by different Indian philosophical schools. In particular there were intense debates on cognitive
process of counting, nature of number and implication for working of cognition as such. We will
introduce and explore reason for this strangeness by focusing on the nexus between the ideas of
causation and mathematics in the Indian intellectual context.
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Institute for Science and Technology Studies
University of Bielefeld
P.O. Box 100131
D-33501 Bielefeld - Germany
On Theoretical Mathematics
The spectacular success of string theory in geometry has sparked some scepticism among
mathematicians. Many heuristic proofs advanced by string theorists could be made rigorous by
geometers. Many heuristically devised structures could be turned into well-entrenched mathematical
concepts. But there were illusions and failures as well. Apart from sociological problems, among
them how credit was shared, mathematicians wondered about the ontological status of non-rigorous
results. Were they merely conjectures? The eminent mathematicians Arthur Jaffe and Frank Quinn
have proposed to subsume them under theoretical mathematics, because theoretical results still
require independent corroboration. This terminology suggests to consider rigorous mathematicians
as the experimental counterparts of theoretical mathematicians; and, as a matter of fact, there are
hardly other experimental partners for sting theorists.
After classifying the various positions in the Jaffe-Quinn debate I shall outline three
approaches to make sense of theoretical mathematics. Imre Lakatos regards heuristics and
conjectures as the real driving force of mathematical progress. Proofs themselves correspond to
constantly refined thought experiments. But Lakatos’s requirement of informal ancestors for any
rigorous result proves problematic for the axiomatically introduced concepts prevailing in modern
mathematical physics. In this respect, John von Neumann’s opportunistic axiomatics performs
better. Insisting that the best inspirations of mathematics stem from the physical sciences, he set
out a series of aesthetic criteria of success. In virtue of its great reliability, mathematics occupies a
special position among the sciences; but its complete freedom in concept formation is
counterbalanced by the interaction with the empirical sciences. Within von Neumann’s pragmatist
ontology, axiomatisation is thus both exploratory and justificationist. Still one may hope that
opportunistic strategies can be given a sound mathematical meaning. As recent works of Mark
Wilson have shown it is quite difficult to disprove such a mathematical optimism even in the domain
of applied mathematics. Combining this perspective with the earlier approaches teaches us that the
problem might not be just one way. Setting up mathematical structures is, on pain of aestheticism,
not fully independent of how these structures are applied to real-world problems. Mathematics
might thus constantly oscillate between an opportunistic stand, driven by the quest for application,
and an optimist stand, in which one tries to give mathematical meaning to successful application
Rudjer Boskovic Institut
Bijenicka 54
10000 – Zagreb – Croatia
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Quest For Values And Meaning In The Quantum Universe
Cartesian problem of the mind - matter orthogonality persists for more than three centuries.
Realm of classical physics has no natural place for human mind, not even for the very life. No any
set of values can be attributed and humans are scientifically justified automata obeying
mathematically expressed cold laws of physics. They are responsible for nothing and their ethics
consists of own interests and survival. The only ethical act in this world view based on classical
physics is the choice of initial conditions that fully fixed the destiny of spacetime. This is left for
At the other hand quantum theory creates a fundamental bridge between the matterlike and
the idealike things in nature. A great deal of physicists now tries to look beyond the orthodoxy of
the standard interpretation of quantum theory, which is pure epistemology, and eventually ask
"what is really happening there?". At the level of actual quantum events (sometimes called the
Heisenberg events) one may recognize that a profound quantum choice takes place everywhere and
forever and injects the meaning into the physical universe. Mental universe is subject to the same
mechanism once we accept the idea that human thoughts are just the actual quantum events over the
entire brain.
Thus the mental and material universes are brought together on a deeper level of reality
beyond our experience. Such a realm can accommodate concepts of choice, meaning, value,
responsibility, ethics, etc.
Julius Wess
Proceedings coordinator
Majda Trobok
Department of Mathematics
University of Rijeka – Croatia
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Provisional Time Table
Mo 25 August
First session: Mathematics and physics: reflecting on the historical role of mathematics
Chair: TBD
12,10-12,50 +10’ Victor Gomez Pin Quantum Physics And The Mathematical Debates
discussion Concerning The Problem Of The Ontological
Priority Between Continuous Quantity And Discrete
13,00-18,45 Break
18,45-19,00 Short communication To be announced
19,00-19,40 +10’ Navijoti Singh Indian Tradition Of Mathematics With Respect To
discussion Theories Of Matter And Mind
Tu 26 August
Second session: Mathematics and physics: searching for the right mathematics
18 5
Chair: TBD
19 5
We 27 August
Third session: Mathematics and physics: philosophical analyses
Chair: TBD
Th 28 August
Fourth session: Mathematics and physics: the case of quantum mechanics
Chair: TBD
20 5
9,00-9,40 +10’ Giancarlo Ghirardi Some Mathematical Aspects Of Modern Science And
discussion Their Relevant Physical Implications: The Subtle
Interplay Of Entanglement And Nonlocality
21 5
Fr 29 August
Fifth session: Mathematics and physics: insights
Chair: TBD
22 5