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Caster Semenya and the “Question

of Too”: Sex Testing in Elite Women's
Sport and the Issue of Advantage
Jaime Schultz
Dept. of Kinesiology , The Pennsylvania State University ,
University Park , PA
Published online: 14 Feb 2012.

To cite this article: Jaime Schultz (2011) Caster Semenya and the “Question of Too”: Sex
Testing in Elite Women's Sport and the Issue of Advantage, Quest, 63:2, 228-243, DOI:

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Quest, 2011, 63, 228-243
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Caster Semenya and the “Question

of Too”: Sex Testing in Elite Women’s
Sport and the Issue of Advantage
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Jaime Schultz

In 2009, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) forced

Caster Semenya, the women’s 800-meter champion from South Africa, to submit to
“gender verification tests.” It took eleven months for officials to review the results
of those tests and, ultimately, permit her compete again. Sports organizations,
including the IAAF and the International Olympic Committee, have implemented
sex testing since the 1960s, but Semenya’s story reinvigorated debates about how
to determine sex and whether sex testing is necessary in sport. However, I argue
that there is another issue at which researchers should direct energies. That is,
instead of asking whether an athlete “counts as” a woman, kinesiologists and
those in affiliated fields might better concentrate their efforts on discerning which
conditions, naturally occurring or otherwise, constitute unfair advantages.

In August 2009, an 18-year-old South African woman named Caster Semenya

blew away her competition in the 800-m race at the Track and Field World Cham-
pionships in Berlin. During live, televised coverage of the event, sportscasters read
from an official International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) state-
ment confirming “concerns that she does not meet the requirements to compete as
a woman.” Never clarifying what those particular requirements are, the organization
subjected her to a process of “gender verification” (see, for example, Berlin, 2009).
It took nearly a full year for the IAAF’s medical commission, which included a
gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, internal medicine specialist, and a
“gender expert,” to interpret the test results and determine Semenya’s sex. The
word “determine” illuminates a crucial distinction, for the procedures not only
decide to which sexual category an individual belongs, they also set and police the
boundaries of those categories.
The panel convened to determine Semenya’s sex indicates that this is a topic
that can be, and should be, studied from a number of approaches, making it espe-
cially well suited for interdisciplinary, kinesiological concerns. At the center of
those concerns are at least two fundamental questions: 1) what determines sex?
and 2) is sex testing necessary in sport? Responding to these inquiries requires
integrating insights from kinesiology’s “three cultures” (i.e., natural sciences,

The author is with the Dept. of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.

Caster Semenya and the “Question of Too”   229

social sciences, and humanities, see Kagan, 2009). I believe, however, that there is
a third, more important issue at which researchers should direct energies. That is,
instead of asking whether an athlete “counts as” a woman, kinesiologists and those
in affiliated fields must first establish whether variously defined intersex conditions
minister “unfair” attributes in sports.1 To this end, I consider media speculations
about Semenya as points of entry into larger discussions of sex determination and
athletic advantage. Rumors about her anatomy, chromosomes, hormones, and
gender, as well as the history behind those rumors, too often fail to address any
underlying associated advantages.
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Public Privates
When it comes to questions of sex and its importance to sport and physical culture,
the answers are not as simple as they may seem. Many assume that we differentiate
men from women based on internal sex organs or external genitalia. Amid uncor-
roborated reports that Semenya’s IAAF examination revealed some variety of
intersexuality (anachronistically and pejoratively identified as “hermaphroditic” in
the popular press), her father produced her birth certificate that indicates her sex as
female, a designation typically assigned according to a newborn’s external sexual
anatomy. Others, including the midwife who delivered Semenya, her grandmother,
an aunt, her former nanny and teammates, and a one-time roommate have all con-
firmed her appearance (Bearak, 2009). Indeed, The New Yorker reported that she
“became accustomed to visiting the bathroom with a member of a competing team so
that they could look at her private parts and then get on with the race” (Levy, 2009).
A half century ago, similar external surveys would have satisfied the first
iteration of sex testing, initiated at the IAAF’s 1966 European championships,
“because,” related Life magazine, “there had been persistent speculation through
the years about women who turn in manly performances” (“Are Girl Athletes Really
Girls?” 1966).2 The fear seemed to be that as women’s sports became increasingly
important on the international stage, men might infiltrate their competitions. The
midcentury athletic dominance of African American and Soviet women, seen by
the white, Western gaze as “two symbols of mannishness,” exacerbated these anxi-
eties (Cahn, 1994, p. 138; see also Lenskyj, 1986, pp. 86–89; Wiederkehr, 2009).
Amid that climate, the IAAF ordered all female athletes to submit to visual
inspections or, in locker-room vernacular, “nude parades” before a panel of physi-
cians. As Time magazine reported
The examination was perfunctory. Lined up in single file, the 234 female
athletes paraded past three female gynecologists. “They let you walk by,” said
one competitor afterward. “Then they asked you to turn and face them, and
that was it.” (“Preserving la Difference,” 1966, p. 72)
Of the athletes who consented to these tests, physicians determined that all
qualified as women, although five record holders opted not to attend the event. One
felt the exam was an affront to her religious beliefs, while the other athletes, one
from Rumania and three from Russia, did not give reasons for their unexpected
absence and subsequent disappearance from international competition (Teitel,
1983; Guttmann, 1991, p. 206).
230  Schultz

It appears that IAAF officials found the external scans inadequate for detect-
ing male interlopers because later that year, at the 1966 Commonwealth Games in
Kingston, Jamaica, they subjected female athletes to gynecological examinations.
Lined up outside an examining room, the women had not been given “a hint about
what kind of procedure we might expect,” recounted pentathlete Mary Peters in
her 1974 autobiography.
I went into a bare room which contained two women doctors, one examination
couch and one large enamel bowl containing some white, cloudy antiseptic in
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which the doctors apparently washed they hands after each examination. What
occurred next I can only describe as the most crude and degrading experience
I have even known in my life. I was ordered to lie on the couch and pull my
knees up. The doctors then proceeded to undertake an examination which, in
modern parlance, amounted to a grope. Presumably there were searching for
hidden testes. They found none and I left. Like everyone else who had fled
that detestable room I said nothing to anyone still waiting in the corridor and
made my way, shaken, back to my room. (pp. 55–56)
The “nude parades” of the 1960s, as well as precursor and successor examina-
tions, have apparently failed to expose any men attempting to pass as women. To
date, the only noted case of a man impersonating a woman in athletic competition
is that of Heinrich (or Hermann) Ratjen, who took fourth place in the high jump at
the 1936 Olympics (Heggie, 2010). The dominant narrative, regularly circulated
each time sex testing makes headlines, is that under the orders of Adolph Hitler,
Ratjen grew his hair long and bound his genitals so he might add to Germany’s
medal count (“Preserving la Difference,” 1966, p. 72).3 Today, strictly monitored
antidoping tests and the revealing nature of contemporary sportswear make it
unlikely that a competitor in women’s sports could hide male sex organs. There
remains the possibility, though, that an individual might have “ambiguous” geni-
talia, variations in gonadal differentiation or development, or other attributes that
obfuscate sexual assignment (Qinjie, Fangfang, Yuanzheng, & Quinsheng, 2009).

The Chromosome Formula

These complexities have historically failed to deter athletic bureaucrats who sought
simple solutions to the riddles of sex. In 1967, officials turned to what they felt
was a “simpler, objective and more dignified” laboratory-based chromosomal
assessment (Hay, 1972, p. 998). For the 1968 Games, the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) formally adopted these procedures, asserting the “chromosome
formula indicates quite definitely the sex of a person” and “that a simple saliva
test will reveal its composition” (quoted in “Olympics Require Sex Test,” 1968,
p. 48). Human beings typically posses 46 chromosomes, 22 pairs of which are the
numbered autosomes—the twenty-third set, the sex chromosomes, are commonly
designated XX for a woman and XY for a man. Athletes who exhibited the 46,
XX pattern effectively passed their examinations, known as the Barr Body test. A
“positive” result meant the detection of a second, inactivated X chromosome (or
Barr Body) and, in the eyes of the IOC the competitors were, in fact, women. Doc-
tors then granted them with “sex passports” or “certificates of femininity”—small,
Caster Semenya and the “Question of Too”   231

laminated licenses that they presented to officials at subsequent competitions as

proof of their sexual legitimacy (Hay, 1972; Vignetti, et al., 1996; Wackwitz, 1996).
The sex chromosome test is far from infallible. Some people are born with fewer
than 46 chromosomes. Turner Syndrome, for instance, encompasses several varia-
tions, the most common of which is 45, XO. Under the provisions of the Barr Body
test, the lack of the second X would have made a woman with Turner’s ineligible
to compete, though the condition confers no athletic advantage. Alternatively, an
individual might have more than 46 chromosomes, as with Klinefelter’s Syndrome,
which carries a 47, XXY karyotype (François & Matton-Van Lueven, 1973). These
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are just two among a number of ways in which human beings deviate from the XX/
XY bimodality (see Blackless et al., 2000, p. 152).
Polish sprinter Ewa Klobukowska, who passed the visual inspection in 1966,
“failed” her sex test the following year when the IAAF’s medical commission
determined she had “one chromosome to many” (quoted in “Sex Test Disqualifies
Athlete,” 1967, p. 28; see Cole, 2000). She did not intentionally set out to perpe-
trate any fraud and the chromosome in question probably had little bearing on her
sporting talents; but, as one member of the Commission put it, “A lady cannot be
a lady and not know it” (quoted in Larned, 1976, p. 9). The IAAF nullified all of
her victories and rescinded her records and medals, including the gold and bronze
from the 1964 Olympics. At 21 years old, Klobukowska could no longer compete
at the international level. “It’s a dirty and stupid thing to do to me,” she said at
the time. “I know what I am and how I feel” (quoted in “Records,” 1968, p. 50).
Despite rising criticism from the medico-scientific community over cases such
as Klobukowska’s, the IAAF continued chromosome testing for another 25 years.
The organization finally abandoned blanket examinations in 1992 after convening
workshops that involved experts in genetics, gynecology, pediatrics, biochemistry,
psychiatry, endocrinology, pathology, psychology and sports medicine, as well as
female athletes and representatives from women’s sports. The group concluded
that, “women athletes have been excluded unfairly from competition because of
erroneous sex chromatin testing and medical ignorance.” To address any lingering
concerns about men masquerading as women, a “medical examination for the health
and well-being of all athletes (men and women) . . . would be to ensure satisfactory
physical status for competition and would, or course, include simple inspection
of the external genitalia” (Ljungqvist & Simpson, 1992, p. 852; see also Vines,
1992, p. 39; Elsas et al., 2000, p. 251; Dickinson, Genel, Robinowitz, Turner, &
Woods, 2002). Yet in its official 2006 “Policy on Gender Verification,” the IAAF
Medical and Anti-Doping Commission still insists that “a search has continued for
an acceptable and equitable solution in order to be able to address the occasional
anomalies that do surface.” The policy declares “If there is any ‘suspicion’ or if
there is a ‘challenge’ then the athlete concerned can be asked to attend a medical
Like Semenya, Indian track star Santhi Soundarajan experienced the devastating
effects of this abstruse stipulation. After taking second place in the 800-m race at
2006 Asia Games, officials forced her to submit to the tests because of suspicions
about her gendered appearance. The Indian Olympic Association subsequently
determined that she “did not possess the sexual characteristics of a woman,” stripped
of her silver medal, and banned her from future competition for what they called
a “Games rule violation” (“Indian Runner,” 2006). Nine months after losing her
232  Schultz

livelihood and experiencing unimaginable humiliation, Soundarajan reportedly

attempted suicide by drinking a potentially lethal dose of poison. As she admitted
in a recent interview, “I am physically and mentally totally broken” (quoted in
Bhowmick & Thottam, 2009).4
In the seven years that followed the IAAF’s decision to discontinue exams for
all competitors, the IOC remained “wedded to the notion that gender testing was
necessary to prevent masquerading males from infiltrating female-only events”
(Stephenson, 1996, p. 178). Instead, the organization shifted the criteria by which
to determine sex. At the 1992 Winter Olympics in Albertville, France the IOC
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moved to sex testing via gene amplification through polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) technology, which looks for the presence of Y chromosomal material. Any
resulting positive samples were then reanalyzed for the presence of a specific
gene (sex-determining region Y or SRY), believed to lead to embryonic testicular
development. Implicit, though unacknowledged in this evolution is that sex is not,
as commonly believed, as simple as women = XX/men = XY. By searching for the
SRY gene in female competitors the IOC tacitly admits that women can exhibit
evidence of a Y chromosome.
Despite the assertion that this scientific method was the most progressive and
sophisticated way to judge sex, many objected to its enforcement. Just before the
opening ceremonies of the 1992 Games, 22 French geneticists signed a letter to
the IOC demanding the discontinuation of all genetic sex tests on the basis that
they were unethical and often inconclusive (“Experts Slam,” 1992; Sakamoto et al.,
1988). Others followed suit throughout the 1990s as medical authorities, genetic
specialists, and advocates of women’s sports around the world openly denounced
the tests (Ritchie, 2003; Wiederkehr, 2009). Finally, in 1999 the IOC accepted the
unanimous decision of its Athletes’ Commission and announced an end compre-
hensive sex testing.
During the era of compulsory sex testing, experts estimated that about “one or
two [women] have been banned at each Olympic Games, except for one since 1968”
(Elsas, 2000, p. 252). Further obscuring the numbers, some individuals “failed”
tests implemented by local, regional, or national organizations and never made it
to the international stage. And although women can appeal their disqualifications
and submit to further scrutiny, experts speculate that most do not exercise those
rights. Instead, coaches or physicians instruct them to withdraw from competition
under the pretense of injury or illness rather than face the humiliation of additional
analyses (Larned, 1976, p. 41). Following the World Championship debacle, Caster
Semenya’s coach withdrew her from the South African national cross-country
championships, explaining that she was “not feeling well” (“Gender Test,” 2009,
sec. D, p. 2).
Since their advent, experts and laypeople alike have condemned the sex chro-
mosome test on several rationales: 1) There is a lack of disciplinary specificity or
consensus about how sex is defined; 2) The tests and their results are unreliable
and easily misinterpreted; 3) The tests have failed to account for psychological
or social status; 4) They violate civil, legal, and human rights to privacy; and 5)
The sex chromosome test is ineffective in determining unfair athletic advantage
(see Fastiff, 1992; Ferguson-Smith & Ferris, 1991; Moore, 1968; de la Chapelle,
1986a, 1986b; 1987; Simpson, 1986; Ferris, 1992; Ljungqvist et al., 1992). Each
Caster Semenya and the “Question of Too”   233

consideration is of vital importance to understanding these tests and their applica-

tion, though I am especially concerned with the fifth. Teasing out the various criteria
used to determine an individual’s sex should be secondary to addressing the extent
to which those criteria contribute to athletic performance and whether authorities
have the right to control for naturally occurring human variations.
Suppose, hypothetically, that Caster Semenya does have a genetic condition
that gives her a competitive edge. Is this any different from a volleyball or basket-
ball player with Marfan syndrome, which can make one unusually tall? Why does
Michael Phelps possess “genetic gifts” that make him “built to swim” (Michaelis,
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2008) while Semenya gets labeled an “anomaly” with an “unfair advantage”

(Dreger, 2009)? In other words, why are genetic variations that affect autosomal
chromosomes an advantageous endowment while those that affect sex chromosomes
amount to a curse that can effectively drum one out of competitive sport?
It may be that part of what makes some elite athletes successful could relate to
certain genetic predispositions that augment, as examples, endurance, blood flow,
metabolic efficiency, muscle mass, bone structure, pain threshold, or respiratory
and cardiac functions (Pearson, 2006). Researchers now assess that there at least
200 autosomal performance enhancing polymorphisms (PEPs), or variations in
one’s DNA sequence can enhance athletic performance (see Ostrander, Hudson, &
Ostrander, 2009; Sharp, 2008). As Dr. John Fox (1993), a gynecologist and medi-
cal advisor to the British Amateur Athletic Board argues, “One has only to look
at the enormous variation in physique in both sexes to appreciate that ‘unfairness’
is more often attributable to autosomal genetic variation, irrespective of the sex
chromosome complement” (p. 149).

Hormonal Thresholds
As an alternative to chromosome testing, some scientists and sports administrators
propose hormonal analyses to assess sex. Returning to Semenya, a persistent rumor
is that her tests showed unusually high levels of testosterone, a sex hormone typically
more abundant in men than in women. Yet if, as reported, Semenya has three times
the levels of testosterone of the “average” woman (see, for example, Harrell, 2009),
that still locates her within the “female” range and well under those of the average
“male.” And should her testosterone levels prove, for whatever reason, elevated,
there are a number of factors that can influence the endocrine system. Women with
adrenal tumors, for example, are eligible to compete in elite athletics, even though
their testosterone levels might be higher than the men’s average.
Moreover, the presence of disproportionate androgens does not necessarily
confer athletic benefits; it is about the ways that one’s body responds to those
androgens that demands consideration. This is the sticking point with Androgen
Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS, formerly called testicular feminization), a condition
that affects an estimated 1 in 500 athletes and because of which, experts calcu-
late, “several women are unjustly excluded from each Olympic Games” (Vines,
1992, p. 41; Qinjie, Fangfang, Yuanzheng, & Quinsheng, 2009). With AIS, cells
do not form their usual androgen receptors and, consequently, do not respond to
circulating testosterone secreted by small intra-abdominal testes. Women appear
to be genetically male, but do not develop strength, musculature, or body types
234  Schultz

associated with male levels of testosterone; neither can they benefit from the use
of anabolic steroids.5
Spanish hurdler María José Martínez-Patiño brought global attention to AIS,
which she did not know she had until her sex test at the 1985 World University
Games in Japan. Her body type, external sexual organs, gender identity, socializa-
tion, birth certificate—everything indicates she is a woman, yet her test results
indicated, “Karyotype is decided 46, XY.” As Martínez-Patiño (2005) described
the ordeal:
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I was expelled from our athletes’ residence, my sports scholarship was erased
from my country’s athletics records. I felt ashamed and embarrassed. I lost
friends, my fiancé, hope and energy. But I knew I was a woman, and that
my genetic difference gave me no unfair physical advantage. I could hardly
pretend to be a man; I have breasts and a vagina. I never cheated. I fought my
disqualification. (p. S38)
With the assistance of geneticist Albert de la Chappelle, an outspoken critic
of the tests, she contested the ruling and the IAAF restored her license to compete,
but not before she suffered unimaginable indignities and insurmountable damage
to her career. Because of Martínez-Patiño’s inability to respond to the androgens
in her body, as one track and field expert put it, she “was disqualified for having
an advantage that she didn’t have” (quoted in Carlson, 1991, p. 29). Thus, before
questioning an athlete’s sex, it is vital to identify which conditions bestow athletic
success and whether they require detection.
My contention is not that governing bodies capriciously establish hormonal
or chromosomal norms. To the contrary, these benchmarks are the results of care-
ful study. Empirical knowledge, though, is neither fixed nor neutral and no matter
how assiduously they approach a topic, investigators regularly ascertain new infor-
mation and, accordingly, adjust their standards. Based on “tens of thousands of
athlete samples . . . to establish reference values,” for instance, scientists working
for the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) determined that relative amounts of
testosterone to epitestosterone (the T/E ratio) for both men and women should be
1:1 (Ljungqvist, Horta, & Wadler, 2008, p. 1176). The human body produces both
hormones naturally, although the perception of an out-of-kilter relationship between
the two can be evidence that an athlete has elevated her or his testosterone through
the use of prohibited, performance-enhancing substances. In 1983, the IOC and
IAAF established that athletes’ test results must show T/E ratios no greater than
6:1. In 2005, WADA lowered that threshold to 4:1, while others, like the NCAA,
remain at 6 (Bowers, 2008). The purpose here is not to conflate intersexuality and
doping or suggest that the former represents some type of ethical transgression, but
to show that the changing scale and continued lack of consensus over where to draw
classificatory lines further confounds the application of hormonal testing—both in
determining athletes’ sex and matters of advantage.

The Stockholm Consensus

As advocates caution, intersex identities should not be confused with transgender
or transsexual identities, though groups and individuals may face related struggles
(see, for example, Intersex Society of North America, n.d.). With this qualification
Caster Semenya and the “Question of Too”   235

in mind, the IOC’s recent decision to allow transsexual athletes (provided they meet
certain standards) to compete in the Games deserves consideration here.6 There are
at least four justifications for this. First, the policies that organizations initiate for
intersex and transathletes highlight the problematic criteria used to determine sex.
Second, both call into question the ways in which these criteria relate to athletic
advantage. Third, intersex and trans identities appear to complicate the two-sex
system yet, in the end, the policies these organizations prescribe insist that all ath-
letes must conform to the dictates of the sexual binary. When it comes to maleness
and femaleness (at least in women’s sports) either/or is the only option—there is
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no space for neither/nor.

In brief, the “Statement of the Stockholm Consensus on Sex Reassignment
in Sports,” adopted for the 2004 Athens Games, stipulates that individuals must
prove they have undergone sex reassignment surgery. They must also obtain official
and legal recognition of their reassigned sex and demonstrate hormonal therapy
“appropriate for assigned sex has been administered in a verifiable manner and
for a sufficient length of time to minimize gender-related advantages in sports
competitions” (“Statement of the Stockholm Consensus”). Because male athletes
are not under the same onus to prove their sex, the Stockholm Consensus seems
more likely to affect male-to-female transsexuals than those who transition from
female to male. They must submit to a “feminizing” program of androgen suppres-
sion and estrogen supplementation before they can be judged, on a case-by-case
basis, as to whether they fall in line with the parameters the medical commission
deems acceptable (Ljungqvist and Genel, 2005; Pilgrim, Martin, and Binder, 2003;
Sykes, 2006; Teetzel, 2006).
Ostensibly progressive in that it attempts to accommodate sporting participation
for those who “change sex,” the Stockholm Consensus, like earlier forms of sex
testing, only serves to reify the bimorphic sexual system in both sport and society.
In effect, the decision reasserts the notion that there are two and only two choices
when it comes to one’s sexual identity, thereby ignoring the range of social and
biological possibilities that exist along the continuum between these two seemingly
pure categories. Moreover, researchers have not established conclusive data on the
effects of androgen deprivation or exposure in transathletes (Gooren & Bunck,
2004). Anecdotal evidence from the few athletes who discuss their postsurgical
and posthormonally transitioned selves assert that their bodies are “greatly weak-
ened” and their testosterone levels are well below those of “normal” women (see
Cavanaugh & Sykes, 2006, p. 95).
Over time, governing sports bodies have employed sex testing to prohibit the
participation of transathletes. The United States Tennis Association, for instance,
adopted the chromosome test to bar Renee Richards, born Richard Raskind, from
the 1976 U.S. Open. “There will be no exceptions,” announced the tournament’s
director. “Anyone who doesn’t take the test cannot play. I guess we have Dr. Renee
Richards to thank for instituting this” (quoted in “Sex Tests for Open,” 1976, p.
38). Richards took her case to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the justices ruled
that the test was “grossly unfair, discriminatory and inequitable, and violative of
her rights” (Richards v. USTA 1977, in Birrell and Cole, 1994, p. 374).
At the earlier Tennis Week Open, tournament organizers permitted her to enter
after presenting “gynecological affirmation that she is a woman.” (“U.S. Open Unit
Weighs Sex Test for Applicant,” 1976, p. 52). In protest, 25 women withdrew from
236  Schultz

the tournament. As the New York Times reported, “They argued that Dr. Richards’s
presence was unfair, that despite her operation and resulting feminine appearance,
she still retained the muscular advantages of a male and genetically remained a
male” (Herman, 1976, p. 31). Proponents of this “advantage thesis” (Cavanaugh
& Sykes, 2006) frequently omit the additional influence of culture in these mat-
ters. As Birrell and Cole (1994) maintain, Richards enjoyed significant benefits
associated with the social “advantages of Raskind’s life of white male privilege,
including attendance at a boys’ prep school, graduation from Yale, completion of
medical school, a successful surgical practice, the thrill of being approached by a
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scout from the New York Yankees, and access to highly competitive tennis which s/
he took as his/her natural right as a male” (pp. 385–386). We must, therefore, take
into account the cultural allowances associated with being unequivocally male in
contemporary sport and society.

Sociocultural Concerns
While anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones warrant considerable attention
when it comes to sex distinction, sociocultural concerns must also be part of the
debate. In the case of Semenya, issues of race, politics, nationalism, gender, and
conceptions of the “natural” body became especially pronounced. For instance,
Australian papers have been out in front of this story from the beginning; the Sydney
Morning Herald and the Sydney Daily Telegraph broke the news of the tests and
have subsequently reported their alleged results. In reaction, South African journal-
ists have called the Australians “sore losers”—suggesting that they are trying to
discredit Semenya’s victory because of their country’s recent losses in international
competition. The South African Football Players’ Union issued a public state-
ment declaring that, “The athletics federation must not allow [itself to] be used by
countries like Australia to push their racist agenda” (quoted in “Storms of Protest,”
2009). Her compatriots thus articulate nationalist agendas with racialized concerns.
Some of Semenya’s defenders have charged that the Western media was suspi-
cious because she did not fit the dominant Occidental expectations about a woman’s
appearance. Leonard Chuene, former-President of Athletics South Africa (ASA),
pointedly asked, “Who are white people to question the makeup of an African girl?
I say this is racism, pure and simple. . . . It is outrageous for people from other
countries to tell us ‘We want to take her to a laboratory test because we don’t like
her nose, or her figure’” (quoted in Smith, 2009).
Unfortunately, Chuene’s lack of credibility overshadows his insightful criticism
of Western bias. Since the scandal first broke, he has done little to inspire trust or
demonstrate integrity. In bits and drabs, he has admitted that there were concerns
about Semenya’s sex well before she competed in Berlin and, at the IAAF’s behest,
he had authorized a round of tests before her departure for the 2009 World Champi-
onships. South African authorities did not inform her of their sex testing plans but
instead told her that she had been selected for doping screens. Chuene ignored the
advice of a top South African medical official who counseled she should be withheld
from international competition; he then feigned indignity when the press reported
that the IAAF had subjected Semenya to their “gender verification” processes. In
November 2009, the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee
Caster Semenya and the “Question of Too”   237

suspended Chuene and the rest of the ASA board for their mishandling of the situ-
ation (Xababisa, 2009). It appears that the ousted leader exploited Semenya in his
quest for international sporting acclaim.
Chuene’s dishonesty should not detract from the fundamental point he makes
about the intersections of race, sex, and gender. In fact, women who do not fit the
white, Eurocentric ideals of femininity—those cultural understandings about what
a woman should look like, how she should behave outside of sport, and how she
should perform when competing in it—find themselves most often subjected to
“suspicion based testing” (Pilgrim et al., 2003, p. 511). This is especially evident
Downloaded by [Washington University in St Louis] at 09:02 27 December 2014

as pundits, journalists, and the general public demonstrate a disturbing tendency to

blur the categories of sex and gender when it comes to these exams. The confusion
is, perhaps, unsurprising given the language used by sports organizations that alter-
natively refer to the procedures as “sex testing,” “sex control,” “femininity control,”
and “gender verification,” a term sociologist Dayna Daniels (1992) finds especially
“oxymoronic”: “To verify something is to confirm the truth or reality of that thing.
Since gender is a constructed, social practice that changes over time, the ability to
verify gender is indeed a challenge” (p. 373; see also Hercher, 2010). Considering
the anatomical, chromosomal, and hormonal difficulties in distinguishing men from
women, sex, like gender, is also a subjective, historically- and culturally-constructed
category (Hood-Williams, 1995; Wackwitz, 2003).
The tempest surrounding Semenya demonstrates that the tests have as much,
if not more, to do with gender than they do with sex. They emanate from social
expectations for how women should look and perform. Media outlets relentlessly
bring up her “muscular build and deep voice,” her flat chest, and strong jaw line (see,
for example, “Semenya Withdraws from Event,” 2009). “Just look at her,” remarked
Russia’s Mariya Savinova, who finished fifth in the 2009 World Championships,
suggesting Semenya’s appearance was enough to confirm suspicion (quoted in
Epstein, 2009). In a transparent attempt to ameliorate this type of criticism, South
Africa’s You magazine’s September 10, 2009 cover story exclaimed, “We turn South
Africa’s power girl into a glamour girl—and she loves it! Wow, look at Caster now!”
Two photographs, juxtaposed to illustrate the transformation, grace the front of
the publication: a small image shows her resplendent in athletic gear, presumably
after her victory in Berlin; a second, significantly larger snapshot depicts her in
recline, her glossy lips parted in an uncomfortable smile. Using the “femmed up”
gender codings of fluffed hair, overt makeup, an evening dress, excessive jewelry,
and demure body position, the editors attempt to dispel questions about her sex
but only succeed in inviting greater scrutiny.
At the heart of sex testing resides “the question of too.” At what point is a
woman’s appearance deemed too masculine, her physique too muscular, her voice
too deep, or her hips too narrow? How do we distinguish how much testosterone
is too much testosterone? What chromosomal makeup is too aberrant or too ben-
eficial? When does progress in one’s athletic performance come too quickly and
when is that performance too good for a woman? Allegedly, the combination of
Semenya’s appearance and the improvements in her race times instigated the calls
for her tests. At the 2009 World Championships she beat her personal best in the
800 by over one second; in the year leading up to the meet, she improved her time
in the event by more than seven seconds, an astounding leap to be sure. But while
she defeated her closest competitor (defending champion Janeth Jepkosgei) by
238  Schultz

more than two seconds, her winning time of one minute, 55.45 seconds does not
even put her in the top ten all-time women’s best; the world record, set in 1983 (by
Jarmila Kratochvílová), stands at one minute, 53.28 seconds, more than two seconds
better than Semenya. Her performances do not dominate the history of the event,
so the questions about her sex did not emerge simply because she was too good.
In the wake of the scandal, the IOC and IAAF convened a panel of medical
experts to garner advice on sex testing policies. Following a two-day meeting and
“based on up-to-date science and global expertise,” according to IOC medical com-
mission chairman Arne Ljungqvist, the group recommended that, “Athletes who
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identify themselves as female but have medical disorders that give them masculine
characteristics should have their disorders diagnosed and treated.” Participants
sidestepped discussing individual cases and avoided the quagmire of fairness.
Instead they framed intersexuality as a health disorder that must be addressed
through medical intervention. They proposed that athletes under sexual suspicion
would be assessed and subsequently administered hormone therapy and surgery in
specialized centers. “Those who agree to be treated will be permitted to participate,”
explained Dr. Maria New, who served on the council. “Those who do not agree to
be treated on a case-by-case basis will not be permitted” (quoted in Kolata, 2010).
To determine which athletes must submit to the diagnostic procedures, the
IOC’s commission reported that, “Sports authorities would send photographs of ath-
letes to experts. . . . If the expert thinks the athlete might have a sexual-development
disorder, the expert would order further testing and suggest treatment” (Ibid.).7
Hence, an athlete’s gendered appearance determines the grounds upon which
officials would mandate the examinations, without evidence of inequitable athletic
endowments. The seemingly forward-thinking aspect of these recommendations
comes with allowing athletes to compete as women if they undergo prescribed
procedures. But they cloak intersexuality in the discourse of pathology—it is made
an affliction that must be corrected regardless of whether the condition poses any
health risk or provides superior athleticism.

The Issue of Advantage

Eleven months passed before IAAF officials permitted Semenya to race again,
explaining they needed the time to review her test results. On July 6, 2010 they
issued a brief release stipulating that the organization “accepts the conclusion of a
panel of medical experts that she can compete with immediate effect” (IAAF, 2010).
Many speculate that, in the interim, Semenya underwent some type of hormonal and/
or surgical intervention designed to mitigate some “question of too.” As she began
to work her way back into competitive form, a back injury forced her to withdraw
from the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Predictably, members of the press corps
conjectured that a hormonal regimen designed to assuage some perceived advantage
had weakened her musculature and caused the injury (e.g., Hurst, 2010). Evidently,
whatever Semenya does will be tinged by questions about her sex.
The most important “question of too,” I contend, is whether athletic advantages
can be too advantageous? In spite of the egalitarian and meritocratic ideals of sport,
competitors never begin on an even playing field. Arguably, the small percentage of
those who excel at the elite levels of sport enjoy some form of advantage that the
general population does not—whether that advantage is circumstantial, cultural,
Caster Semenya and the “Question of Too”   239

psychological, or biological. As such, these quandaries must incorporate insights

from those in biomechanics, philosophy, psychology, physiology, motor control,
history, and sociology to approximate a more holistic understanding of sex and
athletic advantage (see, as examples, Fausto-Sterling, 2008; Hochstetler, 2008;
Gill, 2007; Vertinsky, 2009).
Instead of worrying over how to define “woman,” perhaps researchers in
kinesiology and affiliated fields might better concentrate their efforts on discerning
which conditions, naturally occurring or otherwise, constitute unfair advantages.
Physiologists can, for example, help us better understand how intersex conditions
Downloaded by [Washington University in St Louis] at 09:02 27 December 2014

influence cardiovascular or muscle functions relative to athletic performance. Bio-

mechanists, motor behaviorists, and psychologists can ascertain vital information
about musculoskeletal structures, coordination and control, neurophysiological
mechanisms, and psychophysiological aspects of physical activity as they relate
to genetics, endocrinology, anatomy and, consequently, sporting excellence. Phi-
losophers may help think through the very notions of “fairness,” while historians
and sociologists might demonstrate how those notions shift over time and articulate
with larger structures and patterns.
These illustrations from kinesiology’s various fields are admittedly limited, but
my position is that understanding the complexities of sex testing and human move-
ment necessitates an alliance of cultural, scientific, and social knowledges. Certainly,
kinesiologists will and should prioritize the various cognate and subdisciplines in
which they have been trained, immersed, and to which their research contributes.
However, the privilege of an appointment in a department of kinesiology should
compel scholars to find points of articulation, unity in difference, and ways to meld
pluribus into some semblance of unum (Hatfield, 2008). Problem-based inquiries,
such as those that relate to the determination of advantage and, contingently, to
sex, provide one potential route for getting there.

Thank you to Diane Gill and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful critiques of this
essay, as well as Mark Dyreson and Stephen M. Roth for their invaluable advice.

1 Intersex is both a biologically and politically charged term. Dreger and Herndon (2009, pp.

200–201) offer a simple explanation in which they “define a person as intersex if she or he was born
with a body that someone decided isn’t typical for males or females.” They continue to explain that,
“Several dozen known biological variations and conditions may be considered intersex,” poten-
tially affecting one’s chromosomes, external genitalia, internal reproductive anatomy, hormones,
or gender identity. Intersex may also be referred to as “disorders of sex development” or DSD.
2 There is evidence to suggest that women athletes submitted to various forms of sex testing before

this date, however, the IAAF made its policy official and public in 1966.
3 For a fascinating analysis of Ratjen and his perhaps unfair induction into the “cannon of gender
frauds,” see Vanessa Heggie’s 2010 article.
4 Vignetti and colleagues (1996) administered sex tests for international competitions and reported

that at least two women affected by androgen insensitivity developed “severe depression” fol-
lowing the tests and that one “attempted suicide” (p. 240).
240  Schultz

5 Both men and women produce testosterone, as well as estrogen. Androgen insensitivity can range

from “partial” to “complete,” in which case it is sometimes referred to as testicular feminization

(see Griffin, 1992; Ferguson-Smith & Ferris, 1991).
6When it comes to questions about sex and gender, the vocabulary is unavoidably tricky. Griffin
and Carroll (2010) define transgender as “a broad term used to describe the experiences of people
whose gender identity and expression do not match the sex they were assigned at birth. Some
people transition to live as their preferred gender by changing their names and the pronouns they
use to refer to themselves. . . . Some transgender people undergo reconstructive surgery or take
hormones to make their bodies more congruent with their internal sense of themselves. Others
Downloaded by [Washington University in St Louis] at 09:02 27 December 2014

do not.” The IOC’s policy, on the other hand, does not allow for similarly inclusive identities. By
insisting that transgender athletes undergo sex reassignment surgery, the Stockholm Consensus
seems to specifically refer to transsexualism, despite the problematic use of the term.
7Elizabeth Reis (2007) contends that “disorder” implies a need for correction and instead rec-
ommends the phrase “divergence of sex development” instead of “intersex” or “disorders or sex

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