ACCTG 114 Lecture (04-05-2022)
ACCTG 114 Lecture (04-05-2022)
ACCTG 114 Lecture (04-05-2022)
Ruling of the accounts is to carry over the accounts to the next accounting period.
- Should be procedural.
1. Close all nominal & related accounts with credit balances to the income summary account.
- Just transferring the account to the income summary account. Then transferred to the debit
side of the income summary account.
2. Close all nominal & related accounts with debit balances to the income summary account.
- Just transferring the account to the income summary account. Then transferred to the credit
side of the income summary account.
- Will represent either net profit or net loss before any income tax to be paid.
- Will depend on the intentions of the partners, when closing the income summary account.
- The one on the right is the income summary account, the PR will be depending on what page it was in
the Journal.