Asymptotic Schur Orthogonality in Hyperbolic Groups With Application To Monotony
Asymptotic Schur Orthogonality in Hyperbolic Groups With Application To Monotony
Asymptotic Schur Orthogonality in Hyperbolic Groups With Application To Monotony
Given an irreducible unitary representation π of a group Γ on a Hilbert space H,
one may consider its matrix coefficients, i.e. the functions on the group of the form
g 7→ hπ ( g)v, wi with v, w ∈ H. If Γ is a finite group, then H is finite-dimensional,
and the Schur orthogonality relations tell us that
dim H
|Γ| ∑ hπ ( g)v1, w1 ihπ ( g)v2, w2 i = hv1, v2 ihw1, w2 i.
In this form, the ortogonality relations do not make sense for infinite groups and
infinite-dimensional representations. However, the sum in the left-hand side of
the above equation could be replaced by some kind of average over either a ball,
or an annulus, and we may consider the limit of the obtained expression as the
radius goes to infinity.
The aim of the paper is to make that statement precise for a certain class of rep-
resentations of Gromov-hyperbolic groups, studied in [16], generalizing the rep-
resentations of fundamental groups of negatively curved manifolds introduced in
[4]. If Γ is a non-elementary Gromov hyperbolic group endowed with an invariant
metric d satisfying some regularity assumptions, the Gromov boundary ∂Γ of Γ can
be endowed with a Patterson-Sullivan measure µ PS corresponding to d. The class of
µ PS is invariant under the action of Γ, yielding a quasi-regular representation π on
L2 (∂Γ, µ PS ), given by
dg∗ µ
[π ( g)v](ξ ) = ( ξ ) v ( g −1 ξ ) ,
which we call the boundary representation associated to the metric d. The main result
of our paper, the Asymptotic Orthogonality Theorem, reads as follows.
Theorem. Let π be a boundary representation of a hyperbolic group Γ corresponding
to the metric d with Patterson-Sullivan measure µ PS . Let A R = { g ∈ Γ : d(1, g) ∈
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 20C15, 20F65, 22D10, 22D40 Secondary 22D25,
37A25, 37A30, 37A55.
Key words and phrases. hyperbolic group, boundary representation, Schur orthogonality, Property
RD, Patterson-Sullivan measure, Gibbs measures, equidistribution.
Adrien Boyer was partially supported by ERC Grant 306706. Łukasz Garncarek was partially sup-
ported by Narodowe Centrum Nauki grant 2012/06/A/ST1/00259.
µ R ( g ) f 1 ( g ) f 2 ( g −1 )
∑ hπ ( g)1∂Γ , 1∂Γ i2
hπ ( g)v1, w1 ihπ ( g)v2, w2 i =
g∈ A R
for some constant Cg depending only on g, and therefore Γ acts on (∂Γ, d ǫ ) contin-
uously, by bi-Lipschitz maps.
2.4. The Patterson-Sullivan measure. The space (∂Γ, d ǫ ) is a compact metric space,
and therefore it admits a Hausdorff measure of dimension D. It is nonzero, finite,
and finitely-dimensional, and in the context of hyperbolic geometry it is known as
the Patterson-Sullivan measure. We will denote it by µ PS , and normalize it so that
µ PS (∂Γ) = 1. Usually all measures of the form ρdµ PS with 0 < c ≤ ρ(ξ ) ≤ C < ∞
for some c, C are called Patterson-Sullivan measures. This class of measures is in-
dependent of the choice of ǫ, but different metrics d ∈ D(Γ) usually give rise to
mutually singular measures. Moreover, the Hausdorff dimension changes with ǫ,
although the relationship is very simple, namely
(2.11) eǫD = ω,
where ω is defined by
(2.12) ω = lim |{ g ∈ Γ : | g| ≤ R}|1/R .
Since Γ acts on its boundary by bi-Lipschitz maps, the Patterson-Sullivan mea-
sure µ PS is quasi-invariant. It actually satisfies a stronger condition of quasi-con-
formality, namely
dg∗ µ PS
(2.13) (ξ ) ≍ ω 2( g,ξ )−|g| .
dµ PS
It is also Ahlfors regular of dimension D, i.e. for r ≤ diam ∂Γ we have the follow-
ing estimate for the volumes of balls:
(2.14) µ PS ( B∂Γ (r, ξ )) ≍ r D .
Finally, the Patterson-Sullivan meaure is ergodic for the action of Γ.
The theory of Patterson-Sullivan measures for geodesic hyperbolic spaces was
developed in [13], and it was extended to the roughly geodesic case in [5].
2.5. Boundary representations of hyperbolic groups. Given a measure space ( X, µ)
with a measure class preserving action of a group G, we may define a unitary rep-
resentation πµ of G on the Hilbert space L2 ( X, µ) with the formula
dg∗ µ
(2.15) [πµ ( g)v]( x ) = (x) v ( g −1 x )
for g ∈ G, v ∈ L2 ( X, µ), and x ∈ X. It is often referred to as the quasi-regular
representation or Koopman representation. Its unitary equivalence class depends only
on the equivalence class of µ. If we apply this construction to the action of Γ on
(∂Γ, µ PS ), where µ PS is the Patterson-Sullivan measure corresponding to a metric
d ∈ D(Γ), we obtain the boundary representation of Γ corresponding to the metric d.
In [16] irreducibility and equivalence of boundary representations of hyperbolic
groups were studied, leading to the following results.
Theorem 2.1 ([16, Theorem 6.2 and 7.4]). For any hyperbolic group Γ which is not
virtually cyclic, and any metric d ∈ D(Γ), the corresponding boundary representation is
irreducible. Moreover, if d, d ′ ∈ D(Γ) are two metrics giving rise to Patterson-Sullivan
measures µ PS and µ′PS , and boundary representations π and π ′ , then the following condi-
tions are equivalent.
(1) the metrics d and d′ are roughly similar, i.e. there exists a constant α > 0 such
that the difference |d − αd′ | is uniformly bounded,
(2) the Patterson-Sullivan measures µ PS and µ′PS are equivalent,
(3) the boundary representations π and π ′ are unitarily equivalent.
Clearly, this does not depend on the choice of the generating set of G, and the
polynomial P can be chosen to be of the form P(t) = C (1 + t)n for some C > 0.
Property RD can be reformulated in terms of matrix coefficients of unitary rep-
resentations of G. First, we say that a unitary representation π : G → U (H) is
weakly contained in the regular representation, if for all f ∈ C [ G ] we have
(2.24) kπ ( f )kop ≤ k f kop ,
where π is uniquely extended to C [ G ] by linearity, and on the right we treat f
as its corresponding convolution operator, i.e. λ( f ), where λ is the left regular
representation. Now, a finitely generated group G has property RD if and only
if there exist constants C, s > 0 such that for every representation π : G → U (H)
weakly contained in the regular representation, and for every ξ, η ∈ H the estimate
|hπ ( x )ξ, η i|2
(2.25) ∑ (1 + |x |)s ≤ C k ξ k kη k
is satisfied.
The crucial fact we will be relying on is the following strengthening of the stan-
dard property RD for hyperbolic groups, where thanks to restricting to the an-
nulus, one can decrease the exponent (without this restriction, hyperbolic groups
satisfy (2.25) with exponent s = 3).
Proposition 2.4. Let Γ be a hyperbolic group endowed with a metric d ∈ D(Γ), and let
π be a unitary representation of Γ on a Hilbert space H, weakly contained in the regular
representation. Then for v, w ∈ H the estimate
(2.26) ∑ |hπ ( g)v, wi|2 ≺h (1 + R) kv k kw k
g ∈ A R,h
holds uniformly in R.
In a less general setting of a group acting on a negatively curved manifold, this
result appears in [17, Section 3.2], and the proof presented therein requires only
some technical adjustments to work for a general hyperbolic group Γ equipped
with a metric d ∈ D(Γ). We will include the adapted proof for the sake of self-
containment. Note that a proof of the fact that hyperbolic groups satisfy property
RD can be fund in [15].
Before we proceed to the proof, note that since by [1] the action of Γ on ∂Γ is
amenable, and by [18], ergodic amenable actions lead to quasi-regular represen-
tations which are weakly contained in the regular representation, Proposition 2.4
applies to the matrix coefficients of boundary representations.
We begin the proof of Proposition 2.4 with several technical lemmas.
Lemma 2.5. Let g ∈ Γ. Then
(2.27) diam{ x ∈ A R,h : x −1 g ∈ A R′ ,h′ } >h,h′ max{0, R + R′ − | g|}.
In particular, for fixed h and h′ the cardinality of this set is bounded uniformly in R +
R ′ − | g |.
Proof. Assume that the considered set is non-empty, and contains two elements
x1 , x2 . We have
(2.28) ( x1 , x2 ) ? min{( x1 , g), ( x2, g)} ≈h,h′ ( R + | g| − R′ ),
and therefore
(2.29) d( x1, x2 ) = | x1 | + | x2 | − 2( x1 , x2 ) ≈h,h′ R + R′ − | g| .
Lemma 2.6. Suppose that φ, ψ ∈ C [Γ] are supported in A R,h and A R′ ,h′ , respectively.
Then for g ∈ Γ we have
(2.30) |φ ∗ ψ( g)|2 ≺h,h′ ,R+ R′ −| g| |φ|2 ∗ |ψ|2 ( g).
Proof. We have
(2.31) φ ∗ ψ ( g ) = ∑ φ ( x ) ψ ( x −1 g ) ,
where x runs through the set { x ∈ A R,h : x −1 g ∈ A R′ ,h′ }, whose cardinality is, by
Lemma 2.5, bounded by some C depending only on h, h′ , and R + R′ − | g|. Hence,
(2.32) |φ ∗ ψ( g)|2 ≤ C ∑ | φ( x )|2 |ψ( x −1 g)|2 = C |φ|2 ∗ |ψ|2 ( g).
Lemma 2.7. Let g ∈ A R,h A R′ ,h′ = {kk′ : k ∈ A R,h , k′ ∈ A R′ ,h′ } for some R, R′ , h, h′ ≥
0, and put p = ( R + R′ − | g|)/2. Then there exist u g , v g ∈ Γ such that
(1) u g v g = g,
(2) |u g | ≈h,h′ R − p, and |v g | ≈h,h′ R′ − p,
(3) for any decomposition g = uv with u ∈ A R,h , and v ∈ A R′ ,h′ , we have |u− 1
g u| =
|vv− 1
g | ≈h,h ′ p.
we have | g| ?h,h′ R − R, so R − p ?h,h′ 0. We
Proof. By the triangle inequality
may thus pick u g satisfying u g ≈h,h′ R − p on some roughly geodesic segment
from 1 to g, and define v g = u− 1
g g. Then
(2.33) v g ≈ | g| − u g ≈h,h′ R′ − p.
To verify condition (3), choose a decomposition g = uv with u ∈ A R,h , and v ∈
A R′ ,h′ , and observe that u− 1 −1 −1 −1
g u = ( vv g ) , so we have to estimate only | u g u|. We
(2.34) u g ≥ (u g , u) ? min{(u g , g), ( g, u)},
(2.35) (u g , g) ≈ u g ≈h,h′ R − p,
(2.36) ( g, u) = (| g| + |u| − d( g, u)) ≈h,h′ R − p,
(2.37) (u g , u) ≈h,h′ R − p.
It follows that
(2.38) |u− 1
g u| = | u g | + | u| − 2( u g , u) ≈h,h ′ p.
Lemma 2.8. Suppose that φ, ψ ∈ C [Γ] are supported in A R,h and A R′ ,h′ , respectively.
Then, the restriction of their convolution to the annulus A R′′ ,h′′ satisfies the estimate
φ ∗ ψ| A R′′ ,h′′
≺h,h′ ,h′′ k φk2 kψk2 .
Proof. Pick g ∈ A R′′ ,h′′ such that φ ∗ ψ( g) 6= 0; in particular, g ∈ A R,h A R′ ,h′ . Let
p = ( R + R′ − R′′ )/2, and let g = u g v g be the decomposition from Lemma 2.7.
Then there exists a constant κ ≥ 0 depending only on h, h′ and h′′ such that
(2.40) |φ ∗ ψ( g)| ≤ ∑ |φ(u)ψ(v)| ≤ ∑ φ(u g k)ψ(k−1 v g ) ≤ φ p (u g )ψ p (v g ),
uv = g k ∈ A p,κ
1/2 1/2
(2.41) φ p ( u) = ∑ |φ(uk)|2 and ψp (v) = ∑ ψ(k−1 v)
k ∈ A p,κ k ∈ A p,κ
are defined on the annuli of the form A R− p,r and A R′ − p,r ′ respectively, where r and
r ′ depend only on h, h′ , h′′ . Therefore, we have
φ ∗ ψ| A R′′ ,h′′
= ∑ |φ ∗ ψ( g)| ≤ ∑ φ p (u g )2 ψ p (v g )2 ≤
g ∈ A R′′,h ′′ g ∈ A R′′,h ′′
≤ ∑ (φ p ∗ ψ p ( g)) .
g ∈ A R′′,h ′′
and therefore
kφ ∗ ψk22 = ∑ k(φ ∗ ψ)χm k22 ≺h (1 + R) kφk2 ∑ ∑ k ψn k22 ≺h
m m n ∈ Im
≺h (1 + R) kφ k2 ∑ 2
k ψn k22 = (1 + R)2 kφk22 kψk22 .
(2) in the space C (∂Γ × ∂Γ)∗ endowed with the weak-* topology we have
(3.3) lim J∗′ µ R = µ ⊗ µ.
Proof. First, assume (1), and let F ∈ C (∂Γ × ∂Γ). Define Fe ∈ C (Γ × Γ ) using the
retraction p : Γ → ∂Γ from Lemma 2.2, as Fe( x, y) = F ( p( x ), p(y)). By (1), and the
fact that p is identity on ∂Γ, we have
(3.4) lim F dJ∗′ µ R = lim Fe dJ∗ µ R = F (ξ, η ) dµ(ξ )dµ(η ).
R→∞ R→∞
Let us now prove the other implication. Assume (2), and take F ∈ C (Γ × Γ).
Define Fe in the same manner as before. We then have
′ e
(3.5) F dJ∗ µ R − F dJ∗ µ R ≤ | F − F | dJ∗ µ R ,
but G = | F − Fe| vanishes on ∂Γ × ∂Γ, and we may estimate the above integral
separately on some large ball B = BΓ (1, r ) ⊆ Γ, and its complement, by writing
(3.6) G dJ∗ µ R = G ◦ J dµ R + G ◦ J dµ R .
B Γ\ B
(3.9) µR ( B) = H ( ĝ, ǧ) dµ R ( g) ≤ H dJ∗′ µ R ,
and therefore
(3.10) lim µ R ( B) ≤ lim H dJ∗′ µ R ( g) = H dµ2 < λ
R→∞ R→∞
for any ball B ⊆ Γ.
To bound the second term in (3.6), observe that for any λ > 0 the set
(3.11) Uλ = {( x, y) ∈ Γ × Γ : G ( x, y) < λ}
is an open neighborhood of ∂Γ × ∂Γ, and since ∂Γ × ∂Γ can be written as an inter-
section of closed sets
(3.12) ∂Γ × ∂Γ = (Γ \ BΓ (1, r )) × (Γ \ BΓ (1, r )) ,
r >0
by compactness every Uλ contains one of these sets. This means that for suffi-
ciently large r
(3.13) G ◦ J dµ R < λµ R (Γ \ B) ≤ λ.
Γ\ B
This gives estimates in (3.6), and proves that (2) implies (1).
Now, we may proceed to the equidistribution theorem, asserting that for a hy-
perbolic group, the product measure µ PS ⊗ µ PS can be approximated in the way
described in Lemma 3.1 by a reasonably well-behaved family of measures on Γ.
Theorem 3.2. For any hyperbolic group Γ endowed with a metric d ∈ D(Γ), there exists
a family of measures {µ R : R ≥ 0} ⊆ Prob(Γ) such that
(1) lim R→∞ J∗ µ R = µ PS ⊗ µ PS in the weak-* topology on C (Γ × Γ)∗
(2) there exists h > 0 such that every µ R is supported in the annulus A R,h ,
(3) the estimate µ R ({ g}) ≺ ω − R is satisfied uniformly in R.
Notice, that conditions (2) and (3) above are as close as one can get to uniform
distribution on the annulus. Indeed, in the context of general hyperbolic groups,
from the very beginning all equalities and inequalities are approximate.
Proof of Theorem 3.2. The construction of measures µ R will proceed analogously to
the proof of [16, Proposition 5.4]. Using Proposition 2.3, we may take ρ and h
sufficiently large for the double shadows Σ2 ( g, ρ) with g ∈ A R,h to cover ∂Γ × ∂Γ.
Fix R and define a family { Eg : g ∈ A R,h } of subsets of ∂Γ × ∂Γ by putting an
arbitrary linear order on A R,h , and taking inductively
(3.14) E g = Σ2 ( g ) \ Eh ⊆ Σ 2 ( g ) .
We now have
(3.17) F dJ∗′ µ R = F ◦ J ′ dµ R = ∑ F ( ĝ, ǧ)µ R ({ g}) = ∑ F ( ĝ, ǧ) dµ2PS ,
Γ Γ g∈ A R g ∈ A R Eg
3.2. Asymptotic Schur orthogonality relations. Let us stop for a moment and
recall the classical Schur orthogonality relations. Let G be a finite group, and let
π be its irreducible representation on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space V. The
matrix coefficients of π are functions Duv ∈ C [ G ], indexed by u, v ∈ V, defined by
(3.18) Duv ( g) = hπ ( g)u, viV .
As G is finite, C [ G ] is naturally a Hilbert space with the normalized inner product
(3.19) hφ, ψi =
|G| ∑ φ( g)ψ( g).
g∈ G
With this notation, Schur orthogonality (for a single representation) can be rephrased
as the identity
≺ ( 1 + R ) 2 k v 1 k k w1 k k v 2 k k w2 k ,
which concludes the proof.
Proof. Define F ∈ C (Γ × Γ) by
(3.32) F ( g, h) = f 1 ( g) f 2 (h)v1 ( p(h))w1( p( g))v2( p(h))w2 ( p( g)),
and put
e ( g ) v i , w i i,
αi ( g) = hπ
(3.33) β i ( g) = vi ( ǧ)wi ( ĝ),
dνR ( g) = | f 1 ( g) f 2 ( g−1 )|dµ R ( g).
By definition of µ R we have
(3.34) lim F dJ∗ µ R = F dµ2 = h f 2 |∂Γ v1 , v2 ihw1 , f 1 |∂Γ w2 i,
and we need to estimate the difference
( v ,v ,
Φ R 1 2 1 2 w , w ) − F dJ∗ µ R ≤
(3.35) Z
≤ α1 ( g)α2 ( g) − β 1 ( g) β 2 ( g) dνR ( g).
By [16, Lemma 5.3], for v, w ∈ Lip(∂Γ, dǫ ) we have
(3.36) hπe( g)v, wi − v( ǧ)w( ĝ) ≺v,w (1 + | g|)−1/D ,
so for g ∈ A R , with estimates depending on vi and wi ,
α1 ( g)α2 ( g) − β 1 ( g) β 2 ( g) ≤
≤ α1 ( g)(α2 ( g) − β 2 ( g)) + (α1 ( g) − β 1 ( g)) β 2 ( g) ≺
≺ (|α1 ( g)| + | β 2 ( g)|)(1 + R)−1/D ≺
≺ (| β 1 ( g)| + | β 2 ( g)| + (1 + R)−1/D )(1 + R)−1/D .
(3.38) | β i ( g)| ≤ kvi k ∞ kwi k ∞ ,
hence the differences in (3.37) converge to 0 uniformly as R → ∞, and since νR (Γ)
is bounded by k f 1 k∞ k f 2 k ∞ , so is the difference in (3.35).
Proof of the Asymptotic Orthogonality Theorem 3.3. By Lemma 3.4, the forms Φ R are
uniformly bounded. Hence, to show the desired convergence, it suffices to do
so for vectors belonging to some dense subspaces of H. The space of Lipschitz
functions is such a space, and by Lemma 3.5, the convergence holds. We are thus
done with the proof.
As an immediate corollary, we deduce an ergodic theorem à la Bader-Muchnik
for general hyperbolic groups. For f ∈ C (∂Γ) let m( f ) denote the correspond-
ing multiplication operator on H, and let P be the orthogonal projection onto the
subspace spanned by 1∂Γ .
Corollary 3.6. Let Γ be a hyperbolic group endowed with a metric d ∈ D(Γ), and let
µ R ∈ Prob(Γ) be a family of measures satisfying the conditions (1)-(3) of Theorem 3.2.
Then for any function f ∈ C (Γ) we have
(3.39) lim
R→∞ g∈Γ
∑ µR ( g) f ( g)πe( g) → m( f |∂Γ ) P
(4.4) (ξ ) = ω β ξ ( x,y),
dµ x
(4.6) ∂2 X = ∂X × ∂X \ {( x, x ) : x ∈ ∂X } .
Under this identification, called the Hopf parametrization, the geodesic flow can be
written as
dµ x (ξ )dµ x (η )ds
(4.10) dm(ξ, η, s) = ·
d x (ξ, η )2α
It is invariant under both the geodesic flow Φt , and the action of Γ. The latter
action admits a measurable fundamental domain, which can be identified with
the quotient SX/Γ. We denote by mΓ the measure on SX/Γ corresponding to the
restriction of m to the fundamental domain, and say that Γ admits a finite BMS
measure if mΓ is finite.
(4.11) t( g) := inf d( x, gx ),
Theorem 4.1 (T. Roblin). Let Γ be a discrete group of isometries of a CAT(-1) space X
with a non-arithmetic spectrum. Assume that Γ admits a finite BMS measure associated
to a Γ-invariant conformal density µ of dimension α = α(Γ). Then for all x, y ∈ X we
Corollary 4.2 (T. Roblin). Under the assumptions of Theorem 4.1, for all x, y ∈ X we
(4.13) lim
R→∞ | A R ( x, y)| ∑ δg−1 x ⊗ δgy = µ x ⊗ µy
g ∈ A R ( x,y )
Now, suppose again that Γ is convex cocompact, and thus hyperbolic. Fix a
basepoint o ∈ X and denote dΓ ( g, h) = d( go, ho ). If the orbit map g 7→ go is
not injective, this is only a pseudometric, which can be remedied by applying a
bounded perturbation
+ 0 if g = h,
(4.14) dΓ ( g, h) =
dΓ ( g, h) + 1 otherwise,
5.1. The Gibbs stream. We briefly recall the theory of Gibbs measures in negative
curvature, following [23] where the reader could consult for more details. Let X
be a complete simply connected Riemannian manifold of dimension at least 2,
and pinched sectional curvature −b2 ≤ K ≤ −1 with b ≥ 1, equipped with its
Riemannian distance denoted by d, and acted upon by a non-elementary discrete
group of isometries Γ. Such manifolds form a particular class of CAT(-1) spaces in
Let µ F be a Gibbs stream for (Γ, F ) of dimension σ = σ( Γ,F ). Once we have fixed
a base point x ∈ X and used the Hopf parametrization, define on T 1 X the Gibbs
measures associated with µ F by
dµ xF (η )dµ xF (ξ )dt
(5.9) dm(ξ, η, t) = .
Dx,F −σ(η, ξ )2
Similarly as in Section 4.2, this measure descends to a measure m F on the quotient
T 1 X/Γ = T 1 M, called the Gibbs measure on T 1 M associated with µ F . It is invari-
ant under the geodesic flow, and in the case of convex cocompact groups, always
We are now ready to state the equidistribution theorem for the Gibbs stream
due to Paulin, Policott and Shapira [23].
Theorem 5.2 (Paulin-Pollicott-Schapira). Assume that σ is finite and positive. If m F
is finite and mixing under the geodesic flow on T 1 X, then for all x, y ∈ X and sufficiently
large h > 0
σ km F ke−σn F ( x,gy )
(5.10) lim ∑ ed δg−1 x ⊗ δgy = µ xF ⊗ µyF
n → ∞ 1 − e− cσ
g ∈ Sn,h
Here we will present an example of application of our results. We will deal with
the phenomenon of monotony of representations, described by Kuhn and Steger in
Let Γ be a non-abelian free group. By a generalized boundary representation (called
boundary representation in [20]) of Γ on a Hilbert space H we will understand a pair
(σ, ρ), where
(1) σ is a unitary representation of Γ on H,
(2) ρ is a representation of the C ∗ -algebra C (∂Γ) on H,
(3) σ and ρ satisfy the condition σ ( g)ρ( f )σ ( g−1) = ρ( f ◦ g −1 ) for all g ∈ Γ
and f ∈ C (∂Γ).
In other words, this is a representation of the crossed product C (∂Γ) ⋊ Γ, where Γ
acts on C (∂Γ) via g · f = f ◦ g−1 .
Now, let π be a unitary representation of Γ on a Hilbert space H. A boundary
realization of π on a Hilbert space H ′ is a triple (ι, σ, ρ), where (σ, ρ) is a generalized
Theorem 6.2. Let Γ be a non-abelian free group, and let µ be the Patterson-Sullivan
measure on ∂Γ associated with a metric d ∈ D(Γ). Then the associated boundary repre-
sentation π satisifes monotony.
Our method will be still relying on the Good Vector Bound (GVB) introduced by
Kuhn and Steger. Endow Γ with its word-length dw associated to its free basis,
and denote by Sn ⊆ Γ the set of elements of length n. A representation π of Γ on a
Hilbert space H satisfies GVB if there exists a non-zero vector w ∈ H such that for
all v ∈ H we have
(6.1) ∑ |hπ ( g)v, wi|2 ≤ C k vk22 .
g ∈ Sn
On the other hand, for sufficiently large h > 0, and a suitable family of measures
{µ R }, by the Asymptotic Orthogonality Theorem 3.3 we have
|hπ ( g)v, wi|2
(6.3) k vk2 kwk2 = lim e( g)v, wi|2 dµ R ≺h lim inf
|hπ ∑ ,
R→∞ R→∞
g ∈ A R,h
(1 + R)2
so for large R
|hπ ( g)v, wi|2
(6.4) ∑ ≻ h ( 1 + R ) 1 − ǫ k v k2 k w k 2 .
g ∈ A R,h (1 + R)1+ ǫ
Let F ( g, h) denote the probability that a trajectory of the random walk starting at
g passes through h. We will assume that for any r > 0 there exists C (r ) such that
(6.6) F ( g, h) ≤ C (r ) F ( g, k) F (k, h)
for all k within distance r from a geodesic joining g and h in the Cayley graph of Γ.
Both this condition, and having exponential moment are satisfied by any finitely
supported ν, and condition (6.6) is due to Ancona [2]. Together they guarantee
that the Green metric
(6.7) dν ( g, h) = − log F ( g, h)
is in the class D(Γ). By [5, Theorems 1.1(ii) and 1.5], the harmonic measure µ on ∂Γ
associated to the random walk ν is equivalent to the Patterson-Sullivan measure
corresponding to the Green metric dν . Hence the following.
Corollary 6.4. Let Γ be a non-abelian free group, and let ν be a symmetric random walk
on Γ with an exponential moment, satisfying condition (6.6). If µ is the associated har-
monic measure on ∂Γ, then the corresponding quasi-regular representation πµ satisfies
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