PR1 DLL W2 Feb 27 Mar 03
PR1 DLL W2 Feb 27 Mar 03
PR1 DLL W2 Feb 27 Mar 03
Del Pilar National High School – Senior High School Department Grade Level: Grade 11
GRADE 11 Teacher: ZARA JEAN T. TANGLAO Learning Area: Practical Research 1
Teaching Dates and Time: February 27 – March 03, 2023 Quarter: 2nd Semester, 3rd Quarter
I.OBJECTIVES The learner is able to: The learner is able to:
1. design a research project related to daily life; and 1. provide the justifications/reasons for conducting research
2. write a research title.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner demonstrates understanding of
1. the range of research topics in the area of inquiry 1. the range of research topics in the area of inquiry
2. the value of research in the area of interest 2. the value of research in the area of interest
3. the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed 3. the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to: formulate clearly statement of research problem The learner is able to: formulate clearly statement of research problem
C. Most Essential Learning 1. designs a research project related to daily life (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-1) 3. describes the justifications/reasons for conducting the research (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-3)
Competency 2. writes a research title (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-2) .
II.CONTENT 1. The Research Problem and the Research Title 1. Rationale of the Study
a. References Practical Research 1 Quarter 3 – Module 5, Practical Research 1 Quarter 3 – Module 6
1. Reviewing the previous lesson or The class will briefly describe the difference between qualitative and quantitative Learners will determine whether the statements serve as good considerations in providing
presenting the new lesson research. Learners will identify whether the statement is Qualitative or Quantitative justifications for conducting a particular study.
*See module 5 p 3-4 *See module 6 p 2
2. Establishing a purpose for the Learners will watch a short clip entitled, “Selling Pineapple Ice cream” Learners will go to their respective groups to analyze their formulated research titles.
lesson (Motivation) And before watching the short clip the facilitator will post the questions for analysis.
• What does the little girl want to do?
• What was the outcome of the first sale of pineapple ice cream?
• How was the little girl improve her sales?
• How did the mother help her child to solve the problem?
• How would you liken the girl's story to conducting research?
3. Presenting examples/instances of After watching the film, the learners will answer the questions that follow. Time for sharing………
the new lesson What are the research titles that your group formulated?
What is the basis of these research titles?
*the facilitator will critique the learners research title
4. Discussing new concepts and 1. The Research Problem 1. Rationale of the study
practicing new skills #1 2. Sources of Research Problem 2. Sample of research rationales
3. Considerations In Formulating The Research Problem
5. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will give examples of research problems together with their derived The teacher will facilitate the writing of their rationale with the use of guide questions
practicing new skills #2 research title
6. Developing Mastery Discussion WRITING RATIONALE
(Leads to Formative Assessment) 1. Research Title On the selected research title, learners will search for related literature and will start writing
7. Finding practical applications of 2. Characteristics of a Research Title their research rationale.
concepts and skills in daily living *Presentation of Research topics across types of Qualitative Research
8. Making generalizations and Exercises as an indication of good practice in the selection of the problem or in the Analyzing statements about rationale
abstractions about the lesson formulation of the title. *See module 6 p 13
*See module 5 p.12
9. Evaluating learning Quiz on the topics discussed Quiz on the topics discussed
10. Additional activities for Formulation of research title with 10 literature reviews. Writing of research rationale
application or remediation