MLC-003 Rev.2 17

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Office of Rev. 2/17
Deputy Commissioner
of Maritime Affairs



SUBJECT: Terms and Conditions for employment of seafarers under the Maritime
Labour Convention (MLC), 2006

Reference: (a) Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006

(b) ILC.103/Amendments of 2014 to MLC, 2006
(c) Liberian Maritime Law (RLM-107) Articles: 292, 320, 324, 327, 328, 330,
331, 333, 336A, 341, 342, 343, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356
(d) Liberian Maritime Regulations (RLM 108) Regulations: 2.66(2), 10.291,
10.292, 10.320, 10.325, 10.327, 10.336, 10.336, 10.341, 10.342
(e) Requirements for Merchant Marine Personnel (RLM 118)
(f) Liberian Marine Notices: MLC-001, MLC-002, MLC-004, MLC-005,
MLC-006, INS-001, INT-001, ISM-001, MAN-001, MAN-003, SEA-002,

Supersedes: Marine Notice MLC-003, dated 12/13

This notice sets forth the Administration’s terms and conditions for seafarers to work on a ship
under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006, having due regard to seafarers rights to
fair terms of employment, decent working and living conditions, elimination of fatigue amongst
seafarers and the safety of life, ship and cargo and protection of the environment.


This notice applies to any person who is employed or engaged or works in any capacity
on board ships to which MLC, 2006 applies, except as provided otherwise in Marine
Notice MLC-001.


Definitions have been taken from the MLC, 2006 and where necessary, Liberian National

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Inquiries concerning the subject of this Notice should be directed to the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Republic of
Liberia, the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry, 8619 Westwood Center Dr., Suite 300, Vienna, VA 22182,
2.1 Basic pay or wages: The pay, however composed, for normal hours of work; it
does not include payments for overtime worked, bonuses, allowances, paid leave
or any other additional remuneration.

2.2 Consolidated wage: The wage or salary which includes the basic pay and other
pay-related benefits; a consolidated wage may include compensation for all over-
time hours worked and all other pay-related benefits, or it may include only
certain benefits in a partial consolidation.

2.3 Hours of Rest: Time outside hours of work; this term does not include short

2.4 Hours of Work: Time during which seafarers are required to do work on account
of the ship.

2.5 Overtime: Time worked in excess of the normal hours of work.

2.6 Seafarers Employment Agreement: Includes both a contract of employment and

the articles of agreement.


These requirements are supplemental to Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance –

Part I, the Maritime Law (RLM-107), Maritime Regulations (RLM- 108) and Marine
Notices contained in the Combined Publication Folder (RLM-300).

3.1 Seafarers employment agreements

3.1.1 A seafarers’ employment agreement is a legally enforceable agreement

setting out the terms and conditions for employment of a seafarer, and
includes both the contract of employment and the articles of agreement
and may incorporate any applicable collective bargaining agreement

3.1.2 Prior to commencing work on a Liberian registered ship, every seafarer

shall have a seafarers’ employment agreement signed by both the seafarer
and the shipowner or a representative of the shipowner, where they are not
employees, there shall be evidence of contractual or similar arrangements
providing them with decent working and living conditions on board ship.
The shipowner and seafarer concerned shall each have a signed original of
the seafarers’ employment agreement.

3.1.3 Seafarers shall be given an opportunity to examine and seek advice on the
agreement, including any collective bargaining agreement that forms part
of it, before signing, as well as other facilities as necessary to ensure that
they have freely entered into an agreement with sufficient understanding
of their rights and responsibilities. The agreement may include a provision
stating that the seafarer has the opportunity to examine and seek advice on
the agreement before signing.
3.1.4 The shipowner shall ensure that clear information as to conditions of
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seafarers employment can be easily obtained on board by seafarers,
including the ships master, and that such information including a copy of
the seafarer’s employment agreement and any applicable CBA that forms
all or part of it, is also accessible for review by a Liberian Maritime
Labour Inspector (“LMLI”) or an authorized Recognized Organization
(“RO”) inspector and authorized officers in the ports to be visited.

3.1.5 Where a CBA forms all or part of the seafarers’ employment agreement, a
copy of the applicable CBA shall be available on board for seafarers to
review their conditions of employment.

3.1.6 For ships engaged in international voyages, where the language of the
seafarers’ employment agreement and any applicable CBA is not in
English, then a copy of the standard form of the seafarers’ employment
agreement and those portions of the applicable CBA that are subject to a
port state inspection, shall also be available in English.

3.1.7 Each seafarer provided with a seafarer’s identification and record book
(“SIRB”) shall have their record of employment entered in this document.
The SIRB or other document shall not contain any statement as to the
quality of the seafarers’ work or as to their wages.

3.1.8 The minimum notice to be given by seafarers or shipowners for early

termination of the seafarers’ employment agreement shall not be shorter
than 7 days.

3.1.9 In accordance with Liberian Maritime Law, Section 330, a notice period
shorter than the minimum may be given for termination of the seafarers'
employment agreement at shorter notice or without notice.

3.1.10 Seafarers shall have the opportunity to terminate the seafarers’

employment agreement without penalty at a shorter notice or without
notice for valid compassionate or urgent reasons.

3.1.11 The seafarers’ employment agreement shall contain at least the following
a) the seafarer’s full name, date of birth or age, and birthplace;
b) the shipowner’s name and address;
c) the place where and date when the seafarers’ employment agreement is
entered into;
d) the capacity in which the seafarer is to be employed;
e) the amount of the seafarer’s wages or, where applicable, the formula
used for calculating it;
f) the amount of paid annual leave, or where applicable, the formula used
for calculating it;
g) the termination of the agreement and the conditions thereof, including:

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1. if the agreement is for an indefinite period, the conditions entitling
either party to terminate it, as well as the required notice period
which shall not be less for the shipowner than for the seafarer;
2. If the agreement is for a definite period, the date fixed for its
expiry. In lieu of the date fixed for its expiry, the period of
engagement may be included with provision to extend or reduce
the period of engagement by thirty days for operational reasons, by
mutual consent between the shipowner and the seafarer and always
consistent with the entitlement to repatriation after a period of less
than 12 months;
3. If the agreement is for a voyage, the port of destination and the
time which has to expire after arrival before the seafarer should be
h) The health, medical care and social security protection benefits to be
provided to the seafarer by the shipowner, in accordance with MLC-
005, sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.5.
i) The seafarer’s entitlement to repatriation in accordance with section
3.6.1of this Marine Notice.
j) Reference to the CBA, if applicable; and
k) The number of hours of work for the corresponding wage and any
additional allowances.

3.1.12 Where the shipowner is unable to implement any of the provisions in

paragraphs 3.1.2 and 3.1.11b, the Administration may provide measures
in the declaration of maritime labour compliance (DMLC) Part I which
are substantially equivalent to these provisions, while ensuring that the
shipowner implements these measures in the DMLC Part II.

3.2 Wages and payment of wages

3.2.1 Seafarers shall be paid in full at no greater than monthly intervals and in
accordance with their employment agreements.

3.2.2 Seafarers shall be given a monthly account of the payments due and the
amounts paid, including wages, any additional payments, and the rate of
exchange used if applicable.

3.2.3 Seafarers are entitled to receive, on demand, from the master wages
actually earned, less any valid deductions, and payable at every
intermediate port where the vessel shall load or discharge cargo before the
voyage is ended, but not more than once in any fifteen-day period.

3.2.4 The normal working hours’ standard for seafarers shall be based on an
eight-hour day with one day of rest per week and rest on public holidays.
Any applicable collective agreement may determine seafarers’ normal
working hours on a basis no less favourable than this. Hours worked in
excess of the normal working hours shall be considered overtime. The rate
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of compensation for overtime should not be less than one and one-quarter
times the basic wage per hour.

3.2.5 Where hourly overtime is payable for hours worked in excess of those
covered by the consolidated wage, overtime records shall be maintained at
least monthly on board and endorsed by the seafarer. The records of
overtime shall be consistent with the record of rest hours.

3.2.6 Seafarers shall be provided by the ship owner with a means to transmit all
or part of their earnings to their families or dependants or legal

3.2.7 The shipowner shall have a system for enabling seafarers, at the time of
their entering employment or during it, to allot, if they so desire, by bank
transfers or similar means, all or a proportion of their wages for remittance
at regular intervals and in due time and directly to the person or persons
nominated by the seafarers.

3.2.8 Any charges directed to the seafarer for such transmission of wages,
including the currency exchange rates shall be at the prevailing market
rate or the official published rate and shall not be unfavourable to the

3.2.9 In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, the shipowner or the
master of the ship shall pay to every seafarer their wages within two days
after the termination of the Articles, or at the time when the seafarer is
discharged, whichever is first, and provide the seafarer a full and true
account of their wages due and all deductions therein.

3.3 Hours of work and hours of rest

3.3.1 The Administration has provided for the minimum hours of rest of not less
than 10 hours in any 24-hour period; and 77 hours in any seven-day
period, however, shipowners may choose to apply the maximum hours of
work of not more than 14 hours in any 24-hour period; and 72 hours in
any seven-day period, but shall not implement both on the same vessel.

3.3.2 The minimum hours of rest in any 24-hour period may be divided into no
more than two periods, one of which shall be at least 6 hours in length,
and the interval between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14

3.3.3 This period of 24 hours shall begin at the time a seafarer starts work
immediately after having any period of rest, which does not include short

3.3.4 The shipowner shall ensure that musters, fire-fighting; lifeboat; security,
oil-spill drills, enclosed space entry and other emergency drills, safety &
security exercises are conducted in such a manner so as to minimise the
disturbance of rest periods and not to induce fatigue. Thus, time spent in
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the aforementioned musters, drills and exercises need not be included in
normal hours of work or be regarded as overtime.

3.3.5 The shipowner shall ensure that adequate compensatory rest period is
provided if the normal period of rest is disturbed for call-outs to work,
such as when a machinery space is unattended, or for other unscheduled
work that was not anticipated at the commencement of the voyage. The
compensatory rest period should be added to the minimum rest hours
required before the seafarer returns to work. The call-out to work and
provision of compensatory rest shall be clearly recorded.

3.3.6 The shipowner shall post in an accessible place in the standardized format
established by the Administration or in the ILO/IMO model format, a table
of shipboard working arrangements containing the following information
for every position on board the ship provided in English and the working
language of the ship:

(a) position of the seafarer;

(b) the schedule of service at sea and service in port; and
(c) the minimum hours of rest or the maximum hours of work, as

The comments section in the table of ship-board working arrangements

may be used to indicate the anticipated number of hours to be devoted to
unscheduled work and any such hours should be included in the
appropriate total daily work/rest hours column.

Other forms of the tables of shipboard working arrangements may be

accepted provided the required information is included.

3.3.7 The shipowner shall ensure that records of daily hours of work or daily
hours of rest are maintained in a standardised format as established by the
Administration or in the ILO/IMO model format, in English and in the
working language of the ship, to allow monitoring of compliance with the
requirements in 3.3.1 to 3.3.7 inclusive. Although the records are marked
at thirty (30) minute intervals in the model format, records with shorter
intervals may be used for recording actual time worked or rested. Other
forms of record keeping may be accepted provided the required
information is included. Use of electronic record keeping systems, such as
“ISF Watchkeeper” available on the International Chamber of Shipping
website, are also acceptable.

3.3.8 The shipowner shall ensure that seafarers receive a copy of their records as
referred to in 3.3.7 above, endorsed by the Master, or a person authorized
by the Master, and by the seafarer at intervals not exceeding one month.
The records must be retained on board for each seafarer during the period
of their employment on board or for 12 months, whichever is longer.

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3.3.9 Formats of the table of shipboard working arrangements and record of
work or rest periods are provided in the annexes to this Marine Notice.

3.3.10 Any applicable collective agreement may permit an exception to the 77-
hour rest in any 7-day period in 3.3.1 provided:

a) the working pattern does not compromise the safety and security of the
ship and the protection of the marine environment;
b) that the rest period is not less than 70 hours in any 7-day period;
c) such an exception from the weekly rest period shall not be allowed for
more than two consecutive weeks.
d) the intervals between two periods of exceptions on board shall not be
less than twice the duration of the exception.

3.3.11 Any applicable collective agreement may permit an exception to the two
rest periods in any 24-hour period in 3.3.2 provided:

a) the hours of rest in any 24-hour period may be divided into no more
than three periods, one of which shall be at least six hours in length
and neither of the other two periods shall be less than one hour in
b) exceptions to the two rest periods in any 24-hour period shall not
extend beyond two 24-hour periods in any 7-day period and the
intervals between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14

3.3.12 Collective agreements permitting such exceptions as in 3.3.10 and/or

3.3.11 above may take account of more frequent or longer leave periods or
the granting of compensatory leave for watch keeping seafarers or
seafarers working on board ships on short voyages.

3.3.13 Shipowners desiring to implement such exceptions shall record this in the
DMLC-II under ‘Hours of work or rest.

3.3.14 The master has the right to suspend the schedule of rest and require a
seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary for the immediate safety
of the ship, persons on board or cargo, or for the purpose of giving
assistance to other ships or persons in distress at sea. As soon as
practicable after the normal situation has been restored, the master shall
ensure that any seafarers who have performed work in a scheduled rest
period are provided with an adequate period of rest.

3.3.15 The shipowner shall ensure that if there is a deviation from the schedule of
service at sea and service in port, an explanation for this deviation should
be recorded. Deviation from the schedule is not an infringement, provided
the requirements for minimum hours of rest, including any applicable
compensatory rest are being adhered to.

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3.3.16 The shipowner shall ensure that there are procedures for on-board
monitoring of the rest periods of the seafarers.

3.4 Hours of work and hours of rest for young seafarers under the age of 18

3.4.1 Young seafarers under the age of 18 years should not work more than 8
hours per day and 40 hours per week and overtime should be worked only
where unavoidable for safety reasons.

3.4.2 Sufficient time should be allowed for all meals, and a break of at least one
hour for the main meal of the day should be assured.

3.4.3 A 15-minute rest period as soon as possible following each two hours of
continuous work should be allowed.

3.4.4 Exceptionally, the provisions of 3.4.1 to 3.4.3 above need not be applied
if: they are impracticable for young seafarers in the deck, engine
and catering departments assigned to watchkeeping duties or
working on a rostered shift-work system; or the effective training of young seafarers in accordance with
established programmes approved by the Administration would
be impaired.

3.4.5 Such exceptional situations should be recorded, with reasons, and signed
by the master.

3.4.6 The provisions of 3.4.1 to 3.4.3 above does not exempt young seafarers
from the general obligations of all seafarers to perform any hours of work
necessary for the immediate safety of the ship, persons on board or cargo,
or for the purpose of giving assistance to other ships or persons in distress
at sea.
As soon as practicable after the normal situation has been restored, the master
shall ensure that any young seafarers who have performed work in a scheduled
rest period are provided with an adequate period of rest.

3.5 Entitlement to leave

3.5.1 All seafarers shall be granted shore leave to benefit their health and well-
being, whenever and wherever possible and with the operational
requirements of their positions.

3.5.2 All seafarers shall receive annual leave with pay calculated on the basis of
a minimum of 2.5 calendar days per month of employment.

3.5.3 Justified absences from work shall not be considered as annual leave. Any absence from work to attend an approved maritime

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vocational training course or for such reasons as illness or injury
or for maternity should be counted as part of the period of
service. The following should not be counted as part of annual leave with

a) public and customary holidays recognized as such in the

country in which the seafarer is ordinarily resident and/or as
indicated in the seafarers employment agreement, whether
or not these fall during the annual leave with pay;
b) periods of incapacity for work resulting from illness or
injury or from maternity;
c) temporary shore leave granted to a seafarer while under an
employment agreement; and
d) compensatory leave of any kind.

3.5.4 Any agreement to forgo the minimum annual leave with pay shall be
prohibited, except in cases provided by the Administration. The maximum
period that a seafarer can serve on board a ship is eleven (11) months
before taking minimum paid annual leave. This is also linked to the
requirement in Standard A2.5, paragraph 2(b), regarding the entitlement to
repatriation in a period of less than 12 months. The Administration will
take into consideration the following when permitting a seafarer to forego
the minimum annual leave with pay:

a) evidence that the seafarer requested the shipowner to forego

the minimum annual leave with pay;
b) evidence that the shipowner agreed to the request;
c) the reason for foregoing minimum annual leave with pay; and
d) a proper risk assessment carried out by the shipowner taking
into account the ships trading pattern, the seafarers’ record of
rest hours, fatigue and other identified hazards.

3.5.5 A seafarer taking annual leave should be recalled only in cases of extreme
emergency and with the seafarers consent.

3.6 Repatriation

3.6.1 All seafarers shall be entitled to repatriation:

1. Upon termination of the period of employment by reason of

completion of the voyage for which the seafarer was engaged or of
expiration of the seafarers contract period of employment, to the port
at which the seafarer was engaged, or to such other port as may be
agreed upon;

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2. Under the following cases:
a) In the event of shipwreck;
b) In the event of the shipowner not being able to continue to fulfill
their legal or contractual obligations as an employer of the
seafarers by reason of insolvency or abandonment, sale of ship,
change of ship’s registration or any other similar reason;
c) In the event of a ship being bound for a war zone, as defined by
seafarers employment agreements, to which a seafarer does not
consent to go; and
d) In the event of termination or interruption of employment in
accordance with an industrial award or collective agreement, or
termination of employment or for any similar reason.

And shall be returned as a seafarer or otherwise, but without expense

to the seafarer:
 at the ship owner’s option, to the port in which the seafarer
was engaged or where the voyage commenced or a port in
such seafarers’ own country; or
 to another port agreed upon between the seafarer and the
shipowner or master.

However, in the event such seafarers’ contract period of service has

not expired, the shipowner shall have the right to transfer the seafarer
to another of the shipowners’ vessels, to serve thereon for the balance
of the contract period of service, unless otherwise provided;

3. In the event of disabling sickness or injury, while a seafarer is on

board a ship under signed Shipping Articles (Seafarers Employment
Agreement) or off the vessel pursuant to an actual mission assigned to
the seafarer, by the master or by the authority of the master, to the port
at which the seafarer was engaged, or to such other port as may be
agreed upon; and

4. Upon being abandoned by the master or shipowner in a foreign port or

place without being brought back to the place as required under the
Shipping Articles (Seafarers Employment Agreement).

3.6.2 The costs for repatriation to the destination selected shall be borne by the

3.6.3 Time spent awaiting repatriation and repatriation travel time shall not be
deducted from paid leave accrued to the seafarers.

3.6.4 Shipowners shall take responsibility for repatriation arrangements by

appropriate and expeditious means, which should normally be by air

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3.6.5 Shipowners shall maintain financial security to ensure that seafarers are
duly repatriated in the event of their abandonment. A seafarer shall be deemed to have been abandoned where, in

violation of the requirements of this Convention or the terms of
the seafarers’ employment agreement, the shipowner or

a) fails to cover the cost of the seafarers’ repatriation; or

b) has left the seafarer without the necessary maintenance and
support (adequate food, accommodation, drinking water
supplies, essential fuel for survival on board the ship and
necessary medical care); or
c) has otherwise unilaterally severed their ties with the seafarer
including failure to pay contractual wages for a period of at least
two months. The financial security maintained by the shipowner shall

provide direct access, sufficient coverage and expedited
financial assistance to any abandoned seafarer. Beginning 18 January 2017, ships shall carry on board a

certificate or other documentary evidence of financial security
issued by a financial security provider acceptable to the
Administration. A copy shall be posted in a conspicuous place
on boards where it is available to seafarers and a copy shall be
provided annually to the Administration. When more than one
financial security provider provides cover, the document
provided by each provider shall be carried on board. The certificate or other documentary evidence of financial

security shall contain the information required in the Annex III.
It shall be in English or accompanied by an English translation.
The Administration may accept a certificate or other
documentary evidence of financial security issued to the
shipowner, which could be the owner, if the owner is the one on
whose behalf financial security is provided by a financial
security provider acceptable to the Administration. Assistance provided by the financial security maintained by the

shipowner shall be granted promptly upon request made by the
seafarer or the seafarers’ nominated representative and
supported by the necessary justification of entitlement in
accordance with paragraph above. Having regard to payment of wages and repatriation, assistance

provided by the financial security maintained by the shipowner
shall be sufficient to cover the following:

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a) outstanding wages and other entitlements due from the
shipowner or operator to the seafarer under their
employment agreement or the relevant collective bargaining
agreement, limited to four months of any such outstanding
wages and four months of any such outstanding
b) all expenses reasonably incurred by the seafarer, including
the cost of repatriation referred to in subparagraph;
c) the essential needs of the seafarer including such items as:
adequate food, clothing where necessary, accommodation,
drinking water supplies, essential fuel for survival on board
the ship, necessary medical care and any other reasonable
costs or charges from the act or omission constituting the
abandonment until the seafarer’s arrival at home. The cost of repatriation shall cover travel by appropriate and

expeditious means, normally by air, and include provision for
food and accommodation of the seafarer from the time of
leaving the ship until arrival at the seafarer’s home, necessary
medical care, passage and transport of personal effects and any
other reasonable costs or charges arising from the abandonment. The financial security shall not cease before the end of the
period of validity of the financial security unless the financial
security provider has given prior notification of at least 30 days
to the Administration. In implementation of paragraph, if time is needed to

check the validity of certain aspects of the request of the
seafarer or the seafarer’s nominated representative, this should
not prevent the seafarer from immediately receiving such part of
the assistance requested as is recognized as justified.

3.6.6 The maximum duration of service periods on board following which a

seafarer is entitled to repatriation shall be less than 12 months.

3.6.7 No shipowner shall require that seafarers make an advance payment

towards the cost of repatriation at the beginning of their employment, and
also from recovering the cost of repatriation from the seafarers’ wages
except where the seafarer has been discharged in accordance with Liberian
Maritime Law, Section 343.

3.6.8 Liberian provisions regarding repatriation as provided for in section 3.6.1

above shall be made available to seafarers.

3.6.9 Young seafarers under the age of 18 years should not be required to serve
more than 6 months without the ship having called their country of
residence, and will not return in the subsequent three months of the voyage.
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In such cases, repatriation to their country of residence should be at no
expense to the seafarer.

3.6.10 If, after young seafarers under the age of 18 years have served on a ship for
at least four months during their first foreign-going voyage, it becomes
apparent that they are unsuited to a life at sea, they should be given the
opportunity of being repatriated at no expense to themselves.

3.7 Seafarer compensation for the ship’s loss or foundering

3.7.1 Shipowners shall provide for adequate compensation to each seafarer in the
case of unemployment arising from the ship’s loss or foundering, which
shall not be less than 15 days basic wage or the basic wages until the
expiration of the period for which the seafarer was engaged, whichever
shall be least; provided the seafarer is not employed as a seafarer during
this period or has not refused substantially equivalent seagoing

However, the seafarers’ employment agreement or any applicable CBA may

provide for more favourable terms than those provided for above.

3.7.2 Shipowners shall provide adequate compensation for injury or loss arising
from the ship’s loss or foundering.

3.8 Manning level’s

3.8.1 The Administration shall set the minimum number of seafarers employed
on board every ship to ensure that ships are operated safely, efficiently,
with due regard to security under all conditions and protection of the
marine environment, taking into account seafarer fatigue and the particular
nature and conditions of the voyage.

3.8.2 Shipowners shall ensure that at all times, ships are manned in accordance
with the minimum safe manning set by the Administration that seafarer’s
licenses and special qualifications are valid and that seafarers are
sufficiently rested to limit fatigue.

3.8.3 Shipowners shall ensure that there are adequate seafarers for food
preparation and medical care on board the ship.

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3.8.4 Shipowners shall ensure that through the shipboard table of working
arrangements, the minimum safe manning requirements are being

* * * * *

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Model format for Table of shipboard working arrangements 1

Name of ship: ______________ Flag of ship: Liberia IMO number: __________ Latest update of table: _____________ ( ) of ( ) pages

The minimum hours of rest or the maximum hours of work are applicable in accordance with RLM-108/10.341, MLC-003/3.3 issued in conformity with ILO's
Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, and with any collective agreement exceptions authorized in RLM-108/10.341, MLC-003/3.3 & 3.4 and with the
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended.
Minimum hours of rest / Maximum hours of work 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Other requirements: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Position / Rank 3 Scheduled daily work hours at sea Scheduled daily work hours in port Comments 4 Total daily work/rest hours 2
Watchkeeping Non-watchkeeping Watchkeeping Non-watchkeeping At Sea In Port
(from – to) duties (from – to) duties
(from – to) (from – to)

Signature of Master: __________________________

1. The terms used in this model table are to appear in the working language or languages of the ship and in English.
2. Delete as applicable.
3. For those positions/ranks that are also listed in the ship's minimum safe manning document, the terminology used should be the same as in that document.
4. For watchkeeping personnel, the comments section may be used to indicate the anticipated number of hours to be devoted to unscheduled work and any such hours
should be included in the appropriate total daily work/rest hours column.

Model format for Record of hours of work / hours of rest of seafarers 1
Name of ship: _____________________ IMO Number: _______________________ Flag: _____________________
Seafarer (full name): _________________________ Position / Rank: ___________________ Month / Year: _______________ Watchkeeper: Yes No 2)
Please mark periods of work or rest as applicable with an X, or using a continuous line or arrow.
RLM-108, Regulation 10.341 and MLC-003, 3.3 & 3.4 governing limitations on maximum working hours or minimum hours of rest period apply on this ship
The following collective agreement(s) permitting exceptions to the minimum rest periods apply on this ship: _______________________________________
Hour 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Not to be completed by seafarer
Da Hours of Comments Hours of work or Hours of work or

te rest in 24 rest as applicable in rest as applicable in

hour any 24 hours any 7 days period
period period 4) 4)

I agree that this record is an accurate reflection of the hours of work or rest of the seafarer concerned.
Name / Signature of Master or Authorized Person to sign this record: __________________________________ __________________________________ Signature of Seafarer: ________________________________ Date: _______________
A copy of this record is given to the seafarer. This form is subject to examination and endorsement under procedures established by the Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs, Republic of Liberia.
1) The terms used in this model table are to be appear in the working language or languages of the ship and in English. 2) Check as appropriate

3) For completion and use in accordance with the procedures established in MLC-003/3.3.16

4) Additional calculations or verifications may be necessary to ensure compliance with the relevant requirements of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping, 1978 as

Evidence of financial security under Regulation 2.5, paragraph 2

The certificate or other documentary evidence referred to in paragraph above, shall
include the following information:

(a) name of the ship;

(b) port of registry of the ship;

(c) call sign of the ship;

(d) IMO number of the ship;

(e) name and address of the provider or providers of the financial security;

(f) contact details of the persons or entity responsible for handling seafarers’ requests for

(g) name of the shipowner on whose behalf financial security has been provided;

(h) period of validity of the financial security; and

(i) an attestation from the financial security provider that the financial security meets the
requirements of Standard A2.5.2

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