How To Simplify Complex SQL Queries
How To Simplify Complex SQL Queries
How To Simplify Complex SQL Queries
(With Examples)
In this article, we’ll discuss various ways to simplify complex SQL queries and
apply these tips to answer difficult SQL interview questions.
As a data scientist, you should always aim to write simple and efficient SQL queries that
perfectly address the problem and handle edge cases. From time to time, however, you’ll have
to write complex SQL queries to handle difficult tasks.
The problem is that sometimes queries are more complex than they need to be.
As you accumulate experience writing SQL queries, you’ll be able to simplify them using the
right SQL features. This article will explain how to simplify complex SQL queries to help you
learn faster.
What Is a Complex SQL query?
They are difficult to characterize, but you’ll know one when you see one.
Complex SQL queries typically involve a fair bit of logic and advanced SQL features like
transforming data, working with subqueries, aggregation, analytics, filtering, joining tables, or all
of these features combined. Usually, the code looks unintelligible, and its logic is difficult to
For example, nested subqueries can be an indicator of a complex query. These are subqueries
that have more subqueries in them. CTEs allow you to store the result of each subquery. So
instead of having subqueries in the main query, you can simply reference their result.
CTEs are more readable than subqueries and also easier to test and build upon. Our blog post
about SQL query interview questions contains plenty of examples where we use CTEs to
simplify the query.
Let’s take a closer look at each of these features and how you can use them to simplify SQL
If your SELECT statement contains an aggregate function, use the AS keyword to give it a
descriptive name.
The FROM clause specifies the dataset for selecting values. If there are multiple tables, try to
establish relationships between them and decide which ones you’ll need to JOIN.
Creating a subquery
Subqueries are useful when you want to work with the result of a query. If the subquery is
simple and easy to understand, it may be better to leave it as it is. If it’s complex, use CTEs
Subqueries tend to become unintelligible when nested or contain too many calculation steps.
Later in the article, we’ll replace difficult subqueries with CTEs.
CTEs also allow you to save the result of a subquery and reference the result as many times as
you want. This is useful if your main query references the same subquery multiple times.
Storing the result of a subquery in a CTE also makes it easy to debug. You can run the
subquery, preview its output, fix possible errors and make necessary changes to achieve the
desired result.
We use the WITH clause and AS command to create a common table expression:
Choose a descriptive name for the output of the subquery, so the dataset and its values are
easy to understand.
For example, if you create a value using three different functions, giving it a descriptive name
can save you and your collaborators some time in understanding this value and its purpose.
If tables in the FROM clause have long names, use the AS keyword to give them aliases and
avoid writing long table names.
JOINs are a ubiquitous SQL feature. Understanding different types of JOINs and their use cases
can help you simplify a complex SQL query. Sometimes you can use the ON clause to do all the
filtering and eliminate the need for an additional WHERE clause.
Depending on the specifics of the task, using the right type of JOIN can save you multiple lines
of code.
Setting conditions
Complex SQL queries tend to have very specific and complex conditions.
In addition to commonly used AND and OR logical operators, SQL has other useful operators
like NOT, IN, and EXISTS.
You can use the NOT operator to specify the list of unacceptable values. IN is the opposite. It
allows you to specify a list of acceptable options, so you won’t have to use the OR logical
operator to chain multiple conditions.
This tip is really useful if GROUP BY or ORDER BY statements specify multiple columns or if
column names are too long or difficult to write.
Aggregate functions
Aggregate functions can be used to eliminate a lot of unnecessary code.
You are probably aware of the five most popular aggregate functions - AVG(), SUM(), COUNT(),
MIN(), and MAX(), but there are many more.
Being aware of ‘unpopular’ aggregate functions can help you write a simple query to solve a
difficult challenge. Sometimes interviewers ask you these questions to measure your ability to
choose the right SQL feature for any given task. Read our SQL Advanced Interview Questions
blog for more examples.
Casting values
You can simplify casting operations by using a shorthand syntax (::) in or using the implicit
conversions. Later we’ll show you an example where, instead of explicitly casting an integer
value to a float, we multiply it by 1.0 to achieve the same result.
Better formatting
SQL does not provide guidelines on formatting. Technically you can write complex queries on a
single line, but it will be a nightmare to understand.
Poorly formatted SQL queries tend to look more complex than they actually are. Using white
spaces, indentation, and new lines can improve the readability of the code.
It’s also important to implement consistent casing. You can write SQL features like the SELECT
statement in uppercase or lowercase. Usually, most data scientists use upper case, but you can
also do lower case and even title case.
Whatever you decide, be consistent throughout the query. For example, don’t write a SELECT
statement in uppercase and the ‘from’ clause in lowercase.
Technically, comments do not simplify complex SQL queries, but they help you, and your
collaborators better understand the query.
It’s best to keep comments short. One or two sentences are usually enough to explain
confusing parts of code.
Available data:
To solve this question, candidates have to work with the uber_request_logs table, which
contains information about all requests.
- We will need to work with request_date values to find the absolute average distance per
dollar for each month.
- The question itself specifies that we need to use distance_to_travel and
monetary_cost values to calculate the mean deviation.
The most complex part is the query that contains another subquery. It divides the result of one
window function by another to calculate the average distance per dollar for each month. Also,
we use the TO_CHAR() function to convert date values, which we cast to date. Instead of using
the double-semicolon shorthand syntax, this solution uses the CAST() function.
The query uses the AS command, but the specified names are too vague. For example, we
divide the results of analytical functions, but the result is named division_result_one, not a
descriptive name.
SELECT request_mnth,
round(avg(result), 2) AS number
(SELECT request_mnth,
CAST(abs(division_result_one-division_result_two) AS decimal) AS result
(SELECT to_char(CAST(request_date AS date), 'YYYY-MM') AS request_mnth,
distance_to_travel/monetary_cost AS division_result_one,
sum(distance_to_travel) OVER (PARTITION BY to_char(CAST(request_date AS date),
'YYYY-MM')) / sum(monetary_cost) OVER (PARTITION BY to_char(CAST(request_date AS date),
'YYYY-MM')) AS division_result_two
FROM uber_request_logs) a) b
GROUP BY request_mnth
This is definitely a complex query. The logic is difficult to follow, but nested queries add to the
complexity of the query. To simplify the query, we need to save the results of subqueries as
CTEs. So instead of embedding them in the main query, we’ll be able to reference their result.
This doesn’t always reduce the amount of code, but it will make the query much easier to follow.
This solution from the ‘Solution Discussions’ thread utilizes a combination of comments, and the
AS keyword, replacing subqueries with CTEs to simplify this query and giving more descriptive
aliases to the column. Additionally, we changed the capitalization so the SQL keywords are
written in uppercase.
SELECT DISTINCT(year_month),
FROM absolute_average_difference
This way, the entire logic of the query is spread across five CTEs. The code may be longer, but
it’s much simpler and easy to understand.
The main query is reduced to just three lines. There may be more overall lines of code, but
CTEs are easier to understand.
Also, instead of using the CAST() functions, we used shorthand to convert data types.
You can run both codes and see they return the same output.
Available data:
We are given the lyft_drivers table, which contains information about Lyft drivers.
- We’ll have to work with end_date values to find the number of drivers who left the
company in a specific year and compare that number with the previous year.
WHEN n_churned > n_churned_prev THEN 'increase'
WHEN n_churned < n_churned_prev THEN 'decrease'
ELSE 'no change'
(SELECT year_driver_churned,
COUNT(*) AS n_churned,
LAG(COUNT(*), 1, '0') OVER (ORDER BY year_driver_churned) AS n_churned_prev
(SELECT date_part('year', CAST (end_date AS date)) AS year_driver_churned
FROM lyft_drivers
WHERE end_date IS NOT NULL) base
GROUP BY year_driver_churned
ORDER BY year_driver_churned ASC) calc
To simplify this query, we’re going to move subqueries out of the main query and write them as
CTEs. We will also separate logic into two different CTEs, making both datasets easier to
First, we’ll define a CTE that extracts the year from every end_date value. If the driver is still
working with Lyft, the end_date column will be empty. So we need to SELECT years from
end_date values that are not NULL.
As usual, we use WITH and AS keywords to create a common table expression (CTE). We also
use the AS keyword to give the year value a descriptive name - year_driver_churned. This
creates a list of all drivers who quit Lyft.
The second CTE is based on the result of the first one. In it, we use COUNT() and GROUP BY
to find the number of churned drivers for each year. Then we use the LAG() window function to
generate the number of churned drivers in the previous year. Finally, we order rows by year.
Everything is simple.
To make the query look cleaner, we use numbers to specify columns for GROUP BY and
ORDER BY statements.
Once subqueries are out of the main query, it becomes a basic SELECT statement with a CASE
expression and a simple ORDER BY statement.
In the previous code, we used the CAST() function to convert one column into a DATE data
type. It’s much easier to use ‘::’ as its shorthand, shown in this example.
Run the codes in the widgets to see their output. Also, feel free to play around with it and find
some other ways to simplify these codes.
WITH drivers_churned AS
(SELECT date_part('year', end_date::DATE) AS year_driver_churned
FROM lyft_drivers
WHERE end_date IS NOT NULL),
churned_current_and_previous_year AS
(SELECT year_driver_churned,
COUNT(*) AS n_churned,
LAG(COUNT(*), 1, '0') OVER (ORDER BY year_driver_churned) AS n_churned_prev
FROM drivers_churned
WHEN n_churned > n_churned_prev THEN 'increase'
WHEN n_churned < n_churned_prev THEN 'decrease'
ELSE 'no change'
FROM churned_current_and_previous_year
Also, you can go an entirely different route and use the COALESCE() function to write a solution
without any subqueries or even CTEs.
With a deep knowledge of SQL features, you can come up with various solutions to the same
problem. Then you can choose the simplest one.
- We’ll need to work with price and variety values to find the median price for each variety
of wine.
- The question tells us to find the median price for each variety of wine across both
datasets. We’ll work with price and variety values in this table as well.
As an inexperienced data scientist, you might not be aware of this function and take a different
1. Use UNION to vertically combine variety and price values from two tables
2. Group wines by ‘variety’
3. Use COUNT() to find the number of wines in each group
4. Use ROW_NUMBER() to number wines in each partition. Also, order wines by their price
in ascending order.
5. Somehow calculate the median for each group.
The median is calculated by using two SELECT statements to query the second CTE and
unionize the two statements’ results.
The query is correct and follows the logic of calculating the median. For wines with an even
number of rows, the median is calculated by finding the average values from the two middle
rows. If there’s an odd number of rows, the median simply takes the value from the middle row.
WITH winemag AS
ranked_wine AS
AND variety != ''
AND variety != ''
SELECT variety,
AVG(price) AS median
FROM ranked_wine
WHERE cnt%2 = 0 AND n IN (cnt/2, cnt/2+1)
SELECT variety,
price AS median
FROM ranked_wine
WHERE cnt%2 <> 0 AND n = cnt/2+1
GROUP BY variety, median
ORDER BY variety
This could work, but it’s a very roundabout way of calculating the median. There’s a function for
this task - PERCENTILE_CONT(). It takes one argument - the percentile to compute (a decimal
between 0 and 1). Passing 0.5 as an argument will return a median price for each variety of
wine in the list.
As you can see, using the PERCENTILE_CONT() function significantly reduces the amount of SQL
code. You can read documentation to learn about useful SQL functions like this one.
This SQL query also uses shorthand syntax for converting data types. It also names results of
aggregate functions and uses numbers to specify columns for GROUP BY and ORDER BY
Complex SQL Queries Example 4: Olympic Medals By Chinese
Available data
We are given access to the olympics_athletes_events, which contains information about
athletes’ performance on each Olympic event.
- General overview of most important values in the dataset
sum(CASE WHEN year = 2000 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END),
sum(CASE WHEN year = 2004 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END),
sum(CASE WHEN year = 2008 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END),
sum(CASE WHEN year = 2012 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END),
sum(CASE WHEN year = 2016 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END),
count(*) AS n_medals
team = 'China' AND
(year = 2000 OR year = 2004 OR year = 2008 OR year = 2012 OR year = 2016) AND
medal IS NOT null
medal) base
sum(n_medals) DESC
In the SELECT statement, we use the SUM() aggregate function to create six values. We do not
use the AS command to give values a custom name, so the result of the SUM() function will be
sum. To know which column shows what data, you would have to read the CASE statement
each time. Previewing the table isn’t going to help either because all columns will have the
same name - sum.
Also, to know which column shows what data, you would have to read the CASE statement
each time.
We can use the AS command to give columns a descriptive name. For example, the SUM()
function that finds the number of medals won in the year 2000 should be named medals_2000.
The condition for the WHERE clause can be improved as well. We want to find Olympic records
where the year value is either 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, or 2016. Currently, we use the OR
logical operator to set this condition. We can use the IN operator to make this expression much
We could further simplify the query by using numbers to specify columns for GROUP BY and
ORDER BY statements. Since we didn’t give an alias to a column, we don’t have a choice but to
use the SUM() function to calculate the number of medals. Redundancy in SQL should be
avoided whenever possible.
Another issue is the poorly named subquery(‘base’). This can be resolved by moving the
subquery outside the main query and writing it as CTE with a more descriptive name.
Also, use all uppercase letters for the SQL keywords to improve readability.
WITH types_of_medals_in_specific_years AS
COUNT(*) AS n_medals
FROM olympics_athletes_events
WHERE team = 'China'
AND YEAR IN (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016)
GROUP BY 1, 2)
SELECT medal,
SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2000 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END) AS medals_2000,
SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2004 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END) AS medals_2004,
SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2008 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END) AS medals_2008,
SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2012 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END) AS medals_2012,
SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2016 THEN n_medals ELSE 0 END) AS medals_2016,
SUM(n_medals) AS total_medals
FROM types_of_medals_in_specific_years
Available data
To answer this question, we’ll have to work with the google_friends_network table:
- In this case, both user_id and friend_id values are essential for finding an answer.
This query contains a nested subquery that generates a list of all friend connections, and
another that finds the number of friends for each user_id. In the main query, we use SUM() to
find the total number of friends, COUNT() to find the number of unique users, and divide two
numbers to find the average.
We can simply use the COUNT() aggregate function to find the total number of friendships on
the website.
Currently, we find the total number of users by grouping friendships by user_id and using
COUNT() to find the number of users. We can instead use COUNT() and DISTINCT to find the
total number of unique users.
We also don’t need a nested subquery. Only a simple subquery that creates a list of all friend
-- x * 1.0 converts values to a float. This is necessary to make sure numbers can be divided
COUNT(*) * 1.0 / COUNT(DISTINCT users) AS avg_num_of_friends
user_id AS users,
friend_id AS friends
friend_id AS users,
user_id AS friends
) AS t
Also, we multiply one of the numbers by 1.0 to convert the integer value to a float and add a
comment explaining what we did.
SQL complex queries are usually born of necessity, but more often than not, they can be
simplified. In this article, we explained different ways to simplify complex SQL queries while
maintaining their core features.
Later we walked you through examples of simplifying answers to difficult SQL interview
You should practice if you want to get into the habit of writing simple and efficient queries. The
StrataScratch platform is a safe environment where you can practice writing queries to answer
actual interview questions. More importantly, the platform has a community of data scientists
who discuss queries and ways to simplify them.