Urban Mobility Readiness Index: 2022 REPORT

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Urban Mobility

Readiness Index
Just as the world was beginning to recover from the disruption of
COVID‑19, global cities encountered a new wave of challenges from
high inflation and slowing growth to an energy crisis and increasing
threat of climate change. As cities tackle these issues and look for
ways to strengthen their economic and environmental resilience, they
should make modern mobility systems a core part of their strategies.
Efficient and equitable mobility networks are key engines of urban
vitality and sustainability.

In this report, you’ll find the 2022 edition of the Urban Mobility
Readiness Index, a ranking of 60 global cities on how prepared they are
for mobility’s next chapter, created by the Oliver Wyman Forum and
the University of California, Berkeley. This year’s edition introduces
a Public Transit sub‑index, a ranking of how well cities are managing
their public transit systems and how many commuters use them.
Public transit is by far the most eco‑friendly way to enable large groups
of people to move around and can help businesses attract the workers
they need and keep city centers buzzing with activity.

This report also includes commentary and analysis on each city and
region’s strengths and challenges. We hope that you come away from
this report informed, inspired, and prepared to innovate mobility for a
more sustainable and equitable future.

Guillaume Thibault Alexandre Bayen

Partner and Mobility Co‑lead, Professor of Engineering, UC Berkeley
Oliver Wyman Forum

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022


Foreword 3

The building blocks of urban mobility 6

Mobility matters for the future of cities 8

Regional analysis 16

City profiles 28

Methodology 110

References 118

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

The building
blocks of urban
In defining the new transport paradigm, four key trends
were identified in the 2022 Urban Mobility Readiness Index
where top cities are able to distinguish themselves

Connectivity Public transit Electrification Automation

The global pandemic Remote work and Electric mobility Automated mobility
has hindered lockdowns have is gearing up with continues its testing
the connectivity jeopardized the public different dynamics in developed cities
of established transit agencies’ across regions (with no but the industry is
transportation hubs model. Solutions to impact in investments struggling to find a
in Europe, Asia, bring commuters due to COVID). virtuous business
and the Middle back have been European cities are model. As road
East. Uncertainties experimented by cities leading the pack, casualties are on the
over the long‑term with mixed results. followed by Asia, with rise in North America,
impact remain as the US cities starting to new technologies
market rebounds. embrace the transition. should be explored.

The 2022 Index includes a selection of 60 global cities
across five regions: Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America,
the Middle East and Africa and North America

The top performing cities are clustered in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific

North America


Asia Pacific

Middle East and Africa

Latin America





Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

The Index captures what business, consumers, and policymakers
consider indispensable for urban mobility

Urban Mobility Sustainable Mobility Public Transit

Readiness Index sub‑index sub‑index
Mobility readiness is holistically First launched in 2021, the The new sub‑index for
measured by 57 KPIs across Sustainable Mobility sub‑index 2022 measures cities’
social impact, infrastructure, measures cities’ efforts to build performance on public transit
innovation, system efficiency, greener and more sustainable density, efficiency, and
and market attractiveness. mobility ecosystems. utilization rate.

Succeeding in these five dimensions is critical

for a winning mobility ecosystem.

Social impact metrics are based on volatile variable measures that often
prove controversial for municipal governments to regulate, such as
Social Impact commuting time, traffic fluidity, public transit utilization, commuter density,
car ownership, vehicle occupancy, population density, road safety, air quality,
and international airport volumes.

Infrastructure metrics focus on static measures that are likely to remain near
constant over time or are at least difficult to change, such as the density of
Infrastructure public transit stations, the walkability of a city, and the strength of a city’s
multimodal networks.

Market attractiveness is based on market‑driven metrics over which

municipal governments can exert influence, such as the competitiveness and
Market Attractiveness penetration of sharing‑economy business models in mobility, multimodal app
maturity and availability, fleet management, internet connectivity, and the
scope of international airport connections.

System efficiency metrics focus on controllable factors that are influenced

by market dynamics and the public sector, such as public transport
System Efficiency operating hours, public transport affordability, public transport reliability, and
traffic management.

Innovation is a technology‑related metric linked to emerging technologies,

such as connected autonomous vehicles, electrification, and advanced
Innovation connectivity. It considers the city government’s investment and commitment
to these technologies, and the city’s abilities to attract and keep high‑tech
labor and startups.

The 2022 Urban Mobility Readiness Index
The top cities score highly in a diverse set of metrics, underscoring the importance of a
well‑rounded playbook

1. San Francisco
2. Stockholm
3. Helsinki
4. Singapore
5. Zurich
6. Amsterdam
7. Munich
8. Berlin
9. Paris
10. London
11. New York
12. Chicago
13. Boston
14. Washington, D.C.
15. Tokyo
16. Hong Kong
17. Los Angeles
18. Oslo
19. Seoul
20. Madrid
21. Sydney
22. Vancouver
23. Atlanta
24. Barcelona
25. Toronto
26. Montreal
27. Houston
28. Dallas
29. Beijing
30. Dubai
31. Milan
32. Dublin
33. Shanghai
34. Moscow
35. Warsaw
36. Istanbul
37. Abu Dhabi
38. Doha
39. Santiago
40. Kuala Lumpur
41. Buenos Aires
42. Cape Town
43. Sao Paulo
44. Bangkok
45. Mexico City
46. Jakarta
47. Johannesburg
48. Rio de Janeiro
49. Riyadh
50. Delhi
51. Jeddah
52. Mumbai
53. Bogota
54. Casablanca
55. Cairo
56. Lima
57. Quito
58. Manila
59. Nairobi
60. Lagos






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

matters for the
future of cities
Sustainable and efficient mobility is vital for economies
as they face new disruptors

Cities, just recovering from the disruptions Public Transit Is Key
of COVID‑19, cannot let new economic
challenges and worsening extreme weather
for Urban Vitality
stall efforts to modernize their mobility Hong Kong tops our inaugural Public Transit
systems. They need efficient and equitable sub‑index. Its affordable transport network
mobility networks to ensure resilience and has high station density and a strong rail
drive economic vitality. network for the city’s large population. It’s a
popular mode of transit among commuters,
Many cities already have implemented these despite the fact that it isn’t available 24/7, like
strategies, including affordable and extensive in some cities. But Hong Kong has room for
transit systems and more shared options improvement. It lags in autonomous transit
such as e‑bikes and scooters, according to the and lacks smartphone apps to seamlessly
2022 edition of the Urban Mobility Readiness navigate its multimodal network.
Index – a forward‑leaning ranking of how
well‑positioned global cities are to lead Public transit is the most efficient and
mobility’s next chapter. sustainable way for cities to transport large
groups of people compared to private means
Conducted by the Oliver Wyman Forum in of transit, and an efficiently run system can
partnership with the University of California, not only encourage workers and tourists to
Berkeley, this year’s edition introduces a travel through cities but can provide more
new Public Transit sub‑index that measures equal opportunity access to additional
how well cities are maintaining mass transit mobility modes, jobs, shopping centers,
networks and how many commuters use it. and more.
And while efficient public transit is a key
ingredient for many cities, there are other With many public transit systems struggling
elements that can elevate a city’s mobility. to recoup riders and revenue in this new
work‑from‑home era, it’s an immense piece
Thanks to its proximity to Silicon of the puzzle for cities to solve to recover
Valley firms and a rich ecosystem for efficiently. The potential domino effect of a
mobility‑as‑a‑service and autonomous tech, desolate public transit system is staggering:
San Francisco claims this year’s overall economic fallout from poor revenue and
top ranking. The Golden Gate city also lost jobs to operate it, increased congestion
offers robust incentives for consumers to associated with more private travel, likely
buy electric vehicles and has invested in a more road fatalities, and worse noise, light,
strong charging infrastructure. And while and air pollution.
San Francisco’s public transit usage isn’t as
high as it could be thanks to a car‑centric Making public transit convenient and
infrastructure, the city introduced “slow” affordable is vital for cities looking to regain
streets during lockdown measures to ridership. More than half of commuters in
accommodate more micromobility modes Canada, the United States, and the United
like cycling and walking. Kingdom said that affordability was the

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

most important factor when choosing a integrates and connects each of these
mode of transportation, according to an different transport modes. A single ticket
Oliver Wyman Forum consumer sentiment costs just over $3 and can be used on any
survey completed in October 2022. travel mode.
Accessibility and safety tied as the second
most‑important factor. Tokyo, ranking seventh in our Public
Transit sub‑index, plans to enhance its
Convenient and affordable is a hallmark network with more buses that connect the
of Helsinki’s public transit system. It’s city center with the waterfront area via Bus
multimodal, offering travel by bus, tram, Rapid Transit, tests of demand‑responsive
metro, train, and ferry. A journey planner transport programs, and more convenient
app, created by a startup in Helsinki, transport hubs.

The 2022 Public Transit sub‑index

Global average
Leading cities

1. Hong Kong
2. Zurich
3. Stockholm
4. Singapore
5. Helsinki
6. Oslo
7. Tokyo
8. Paris
9. Berlin
10. London
Lagging cities

51. Cairo
52. Abu Dhabi
53. Casablanca
54. Quito
55. Cape Town
56. Manila
57. Johannesburg
58. Riyadh
59. Nairobi
60. Jeddah



Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Europe Continues to Europe, particularly cities in Scandinavia,

Lead in Sustainable claims eight of the top 10 spots in that

sub‑index. They offer a comprehensive
Mobility package of electrification, access to public
transit, and strongly encourage more
An increasing number of governments, cities, physical forms of mobility like walking
and mobility firms are committing to net‑zero and cycling.
mobility, and that holds significant implications
for urban residents and commuters. The Oslo, often called the electric vehicle capital
second edition of our Sustainable Mobility of the world, leads that sub‑index for the
sub‑index measures how well cities are second year in a row – and is not likely to
making that pivot to greener mobility. give up that ranking any time soon, given

The 2022 Sustainable Mobility sub‑index

Global average
Leading cities

1. Oslo
2. Amsterdam
3. Helsinki
4. Stockholm
5. Hong Kong
6. Singapore
7. Munich
8. London
9. Zurich
10. Berlin
Lagging cities

51. Cairo
52. Lima
53. Kuala Lumpur
54. Jakarta
55. Mumbai
56. Doha
57. Riyadh
58. Nairobi
59. Jeddah
60. Lagos



Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

be better prepared for future disruptions with
resilient and sustainable economies. By some
estimates, every $1 billion invested in public
transport could create 50,000 jobs and every
$1 invested may bring $5 in returns.

But inflation, social unrest, climate change,

The percentage of consumers in the US, and other disruptions all pose a risk that
UK, and Canada who said affordability urban mobility will fall off the priority list
was the most important factor in for governments. An increased commitment
choosing a mobility mode. The emphasis from the private sector is crucial to
on affordability can’t be overstated if supplement the cost of new solutions and
economies are serious about using mobility equitably raise the quality of life among
to revitalize their economies. all communities. Some companies in New
York, for example, are subsidizing the cost
of e‑bikes for low‑income communities.
the lead it has secured. The city has a dense Efforts to expand electric vehicle charging
network of charging stations and provides infrastructure are typically carried out
a comprehensive package of incentives for by automakers and other private firms,
electric vehicle owners, like cheaper toll fares although public‑private partnerships can
and priority access to certain roads. Oslo is accelerate their development. Zurich worked
home to so many electric vehicle drivers that with a manufacturing firm, for example, to
the city government has even begun dropping commission 45 electric bus charging stations
some incentives, like free parking, because that are scheduled to be installed this year.
those incentives are no longer necessary.
The cities that struggled this year failed to
Outside of Oslo’s sparkling electric vehicle take advantage of the pandemic’s disruption,
reputation lies two other important factors or even let the pandemic cause further
that contribute to its sustainable mobility regressions, like public transit service cuts
success: socially impactful policies, like and poorer road safety. Singapore, while
car‑free zones that in turn help reduce light still a top‑five city, dropped one spot since
pollution and congestion, and a strong, last year’s index because it struggled to
affordable public transit system. strike a balance between COVID safety
and connectivity. International flights and
connections fell as tight controls were put
in place to curb the virus’ spread, and riders
Preparing for the reported increased wait times for public

Next Disruptors transit. Activity of top mobility companies

in Singapore dipped, perhaps reflecting the
Cities that tackle future mobility challenges, private sector’s uncertainty in the face of the
particularly as it relates to public transit, will city‑state’s level of caution.

And for cities ranking outside of the top
echelon of the index, there’s still reason
for optimism as many look to capitalize
the industry’s pivot to sustainable,
interconnected networks: Dublin and
Johannesburg have invested in their
micromobility networks; Mumbai has seen
a drop in traffic fatalities thanks to a road The share of European cities,
safety strategy; Dubai plans to make its particularly in Scandinavia, that claim
public transit system emissions‑free by 2050 the top 10 spots in our Sustainable
and announced an agreement with Singapore Mobility sub‑index. They boast a
to bolster its public transport and road comprehensive package of electrified
infrastructure; and Mexico City continues mobility, easy access to public transit,
to be a pioneer in offering non‑monetary and strongly encourage micromobility
electric vehicle incentives, like tax modes like walking and cycling.
exemptions from “no‑car days.”

Every city stands at a crossroads as the world

faces an array of disruptions from inflation
to climate change. And while cities like
San Francisco and Oslo were predisposed
to adapt more easily than others, thanks
to existing tech capabilities and continued
investment in sustainable mobility, the
emphasis has now started to shift somewhat
to bolstering public transit. That spirit of
preparedness needs to be applied to every
city as we enter a new chapter.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022


Each region possesses unique strengths. Asia Pacific 18

Some offer attractive markets for the Europe 20
private sector, dense electric charging
Latin America 22
infrastructure, strong public transit
networks, or high rates of micromobility. Middle East and Africa 24

Understanding urban mobility from a North America 26

more macro view will provide a crucial
backdrop for city‑by‑city insights.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific encompasses leading,
developing, and lagging cities with regards
to urban mobility readiness. The leading
mobility cities offer affordable, efficient, and
2022 vs. 2021 Score high‑density mass transit systems alongside
Singapore 4 (-1) 70.2% high‑quality roads with national road and
Tokyo 15 (+1) 65.7% rail connections. Hong Kong is home to
Hong Kong 16 (-8) 65.4% what is widely regarded as one of the most
Seoul 19 (+1) 64.8% efficient public transit systems in the world,
Sydney 21 (+1) 62.9% topping the ranks for the Public Transit
Beijing 29 (-2) 58.2% sub‑index introduced this year. Public transit
Shanghai 33 (-4) 56.9% utilization is a strength for these cities, whilst
Global average 53.7% private vehicles play a secondary role in
Asia Pacific average 51.9%
urban transport.
Kuala Lumpur 40 (-2) 45.1%
However, air and noise pollution are often
Bangkok 44 (+2) 40.5%
high in Asian cities and should be a key focus
Jakarta 46 (+1) 39.9%
in the future with regards to sustainable
Delhi 50 (-2) 38.3%
mobility. For developed cities, such as Beijing,
Mumbai 52 (-1) 36.1%
investments are being made to support
Manila 58 (-2) 31.2%
electrification and improve electric vehicle
market share. However, these cities are about
to lose the race to Europe as European cities
head towards carbon neutrality in 2050.
For developing cities, including Jakarta
and Manila, sustainable mobility is less of a
priority and motorized vehicles are likely to
remain the most common transit option.

Many cities within the Asia Pacific region have

fallen in rank since 2020 due to challenges
in finding a balanced approach to the COVID
pandemic. Singapore, previously topping
the Urban Mobility Readiness Index in 2020,
now ranks at fourth in 2022 due to the impact
of strict COVID‑related lockdowns during
2020‑2021 which hindered connectivity,
reduced international airport volumes, and
limited public transit offerings. This trend
may be reversed in coming years as Singapore
rebounds from the impacts of COVID.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit
Distribution of Asian Pacific cities’ scores in percentage

Singapore 70.2%

Urban Mobility Readiness

Hong Kong 65.5%

Sustainable Mobility

Hong Kong 77.2%

Public Transit




Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index Score
Average scores of Asian Pacific cities in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban
Mobility Readiness Index, compared with global average

Asia Pacific Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

European cities dominate the top echelon
of the 2022 Urban Mobility Readiness
Index. Their mobility networks are highly
sustainable thanks to high public transit use
2022 vs. 2021 Score and electric vehicle penetration, particularly
Stockholm 2 (-1) 72.0% in Scandinavian cities. Stockholm, Helsinki,
Helsinki 3 (+1) 70.7% and particularly Oslo (ranking top for
Zurich 5 (+5) 69.9% Sustainable Mobility) have made significant
Amsterdam 6 (-1) 69.8% investments in charging infrastructure and
Munich 7 (+2) 69.5% implemented ambitious consumer incentives
Berlin 8 (-2) 69.0% to use electric vehicles, boosting the region’s
Paris 9 (+3) 68.9% electric vehicle market share. In fact, the
London 10 (-3) 68.4% incentives in Oslo have been so successful
Oslo 18 - 65.3%
that public authorities are considering
Europe average 64.1%
winding them down.

Madrid 20 (+4) 63.0%

European cities also perform well with
Barcelona 24 (+1) 62.3%
regards to the adoption of active mobility,
Milan 31 (+2) 57.4%
such as walking and cycling. Amsterdam
Dublin 32 (-2) 57.4%
has a world‑renowned cycling culture and
Global average 53.7%
infrastructure, with more than a quarter of all
Moscow 34 - 55.4%
trips made by bike – by far the highest share
Warsaw 35 - 53.6%
in the Urban Mobility Readiness Index.
Istanbul 36 (+1) 53.6%

All European cities in the Urban Mobility

Readiness Index score higher on Public
Transit than the global average. Local
authorities in Europe are typically turning
away from a car‑centric mobility approach,
giving an opportunity for public transit
authorities to boost their utilization rate.
The top cities in Europe boast efficient,
affordable multimodal public transit systems
with easy walking distance to stations and
strong connections to the rest of the country.
The availability of specific apps that can
support journey planning and payment also
add to the success of these cities with regards
to public transit.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit
Distribution of European cities’ scores in percentage

Stockholm 72.0%

Urban Mobility Readiness

Oslo 75.9%

Sustainable Mobility

Zurich 73.2%

Public Transit




Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index Score
Average scores of European cities in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban
Mobility Readiness Index, compared with global average

Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Latin America
Latin American cities are developing or
lagging in their mobility maturity, as Urban
Mobility Readiness Scores fall below the
global average of 54%. Cities in the region
2022 vs. 2021 Score offer relatively affordable, multimodal public
Global average 53.7% transit networks that maintain relatively high
Santiago 39 (+1) 46.6% ridership, but transit commute speed and
Buenos Aires 41 - 43.8% accessibility would need to be improved for
Sao Paulo 43 - 41.0% cities to boost Public Transit scores.
Mexico City 45 (-1) 40.0%
Latin America average 39.0% In lower‑income cities, providing equitable
Rio de Janeiro 48 (-3) 38.6% and affordable access to public transit may
Bogota 53 (-3) 35.3% be challenging. However, Rio de Janeiro’s
Lima 56 (-1) 34.8%
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan has been
Quito 57 - 32.2%
credited with extending the reach of public
transit to more low‑income residents.

With regards to sustainable mobility,

Latin America cities, such as Bogota, boast
several car‑free zones and low level of car
ownership, whilst levels of walkability
are relatively high. And while charging
infrastructure is underdeveloped and electric
vehicle market share is currently low, Latin
America cities are increasing investments
in charging infrastructure and consumer
incentives. In Mexico City, government
incentives such as exemption of local taxes
and vehicle verification proceedings (where
electric and hybrid cars can circulate daily
without limitation) have had a positive
impact with an observed uptake in electric
vehicle adoption.

Fewer investments and academic

institutes have limited innovation in the
region, particularly in connected‑vehicle
technologies and availability of fully
automated services.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit
Distribution of Latin American cities’ scores in percentage

Santiago 46.6%

Urban Mobility Readiness

Bogota 43.2%

Sustainable Mobility

Buenos Aires 53.5%

Public Transit




Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index Score
Average scores of Latin American cities in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban
Mobility Readiness Index, compared with global average

Latin America Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Middle East
Most cities in the Middle East are developing,
whilst African cities are currently lagging

and Africa
in their mobility maturity. However, some
cities, including Dubai, Doha, Riyadh, and
Jeddah, are rising in our Urban Mobility
Readiness Index ranks, driven by substantial
2022 vs. 2021 Score investments in mass transit.
Dubai 30 (+2) 57.8%
Global average 53.7% Local authorities in Dubai seek to develop
Abu Dhabi 37 (-1) 53.6% a public transit package on par with
Doha 38 (+1) 46.7% leading global cities, while also investing
Middle East average 46.5% in alternative transit such as their fully
Cape Town 42 - 42.8% automated metro and urban air mobility
Johannesburg 47 (+2) 39.6% trials. Due to start operations in 2023, a new
Riyadh 49 (+5) 38.3% mass transit system under construction
Jeddah 51 (+7) 36.3%
in Riyadh has the potential to increase
Casablanca 54 (-2) 35.0%
public transit use, supporting the region’s
rapid growth.
Cairo 55 (-2) 34.8%
Africa average 34.0%
Despite recent investments, the preference
Nairobi 59 - 26.3%
for cars contributes to low utilization
Lagos 60 - 25.3%
of non‑motorized transit in the Middle
East, although a high penetration of
shared mobility services helps lower
congestion levels.

In African cities, including Nairobi and

Casablanca, low or moderate rates of car
ownership and less developed public transit
systems result in relatively high levels of
walking. Across both Africa and the Middle
East, investment has been a barrier to
development of electric vehicle solutions,
although there may be opportunities for
developing cities with currently low car
ownership to rapidly develop strong electric
vehicle markets and leapfrog the current
leaders in electrification.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit
Distribution of Middle Eastern and African cities’ scores in percentage

Dubai 57.8%

Urban Mobility Readiness

Abu Dhabi 39.5%

Sustainable Mobility

Dubai 53.9%

Public Transit




Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index Score
Average scores of Middle Eastern and African cities in percentage across the five dimensions of
the Urban Mobility Readiness Index, compared with global average

Middle East and Africa Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

North America
The success of North American cities
is driven by infrastructure and system
efficiency. San Francisco tops the 2022
Urban Mobility Readiness Index by excelling
2022 vs. 2021 Score in market attractiveness thanks to a rich
San Francisco 1 (+1) 72.5% network of academics and entrepreneurs
New York 11 - 67.4% embracing emerging technology. The
Chicago 12 (+2) 67.3% city is close to Silicon Valley, Stanford
Boston 13 - 66.7% University, University of California at
Washington, D.C. 14 (+1) 65.7% Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National
Los Angeles 17 - 65.3% Laboratory, and it has embraced the
North America average 64.2% new technology emerging from these
Vancouver 22 (+1) 62.8% institutions – particularly autonomous
Atlanta 23 (-4) 62.4%
driving systems.
Toronto 25 (-4) 62.0%
North American cities typically offer strong
Montreal 26 - 60.9%
market attractiveness, usually through
Houston 27 (+1) 59.2%
a strong university presence and high
Dallas 28 (+3) 58.5%
international airport volumes. However,
Global average 53.7%
these cities are sprawling, making it
difficult for public transit authorities
to provide enough stations. As a result,
commuters have long walks to reach transit
stations and utilization rate is low. Instead,
many residents rely heavily on private
car ownership as their primary mode of
transport. There have been substantial
investments in electric vehicle charging
infrastructure, particularly in Californian
cities, in an effort to make car usage
more sustainable.

With lower car ownership, stronger public

transit systems, and ample car‑free zones,
Canadian cities lead on Sustainable Mobility
over those in the United States. Cities in
the Unted States often have fewer car‑free
zones and underdeveloped micromobility
infrastructure, resulting in low rates of active
mobility such as walking and cycling.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit
Distribution of North American cities’ scores in percentage

San Francisco 72.5%

Urban Mobility Readiness

Vancouver 58.5%

Sustainable Mobility

New York 62.4%

Public Transit




Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index Score
Average scores of North American cities in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban
Mobility Readiness Index, compared with global average

North America Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

City Profiles

No two cities are alike, and none are 1. San Francisco 32

without their challenges. Even San 2. Stockholm 34
Francisco, leader of this year’s Urban
3. Helsinki 36
Mobility Readiness Index, lags in some
key metrics. The challenges of each 4. Singapore 38

city should be as instructional as their 5. Zurich 40

strengths; revealing the gaps that should 6. Amsterdam 42
inspire business and government leaders
7. Munich 44
to innovate new solutions together.
8. Berlin 46

9. Paris 48

10. London 50

11. New York 52

12. Chicago 54

13. Boston 56

14. Washington, D.C. 58

15. Tokyo 60

16. Hong Kong 62

17. Los Angeles 64

18. Oslo 66

19. Seoul 68

20. Madrid 70

21. Sydney 72 41. Buenos Aires 92

22. Vancouver 73 42. Cape Town 93

23. Atlanta 74 43. Sao Paulo 94

24. Barcelona 75 44. Bangkok 95

25. Toronto 76 45. Mexico City 96

26. Montreal 77 46. Jakarta 97

27. Houston 78 47. Johannesburg 98

28. Dallas 79 48. Rio de Janeiro 99

29. Beijing 80 49. Riyadh 100

30. Dubai 81 50. Delhi 101

31. Milan 82 51. Jeddah 102

32. Dublin 83 52. Mumbai 103

33. Shanghai 84 53. Bogota 104

34. Moscow 85 54. Casablanca 105

35. Warsaw 86 55. Cairo 106

36. Istanbul 87 56. Lima 107

37. Abu Dhabi 88 57. Quito 108

38. Doha 89 58. Manila 109

39. Santiago 90 59. Nairobi 110

40. Kuala Lumpur 91 60. Lagos 111

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

San Francisco
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

1/60 22/60 16/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 142,661.64
Population 4,822,176

Surface area (km )2 3 2,872

Population density (people per km )2 4 2,204

San Francisco takes the top ranking in this However, San Francisco does not feature
year’s Urban Mobility Readiness Index in the top 15 in Sustainable Mobility or
thanks to a rich ecosystem of academia Public Transit rankings. The city’s limited
and entrepreneurs who have made the number of public transit stations means
city a global hub for Mobility as a Service long walks to reach them and relatively
and connected autonomous vehicles low usage. Despite attempts to mitigate the
technologies. The city is close to Silicon threat of natural disasters, such as forest
Valley, Stanford University, University fires and earthquakes, San Francisco’s
of California at Berkeley, and Lawrence legacy infrastructure means that its mobility
Berkeley National Laboratory, and it has systems are still inadequately prepared to
embraced the new technology emerging from meet these challenges.
these institutions, in particular autonomous
driving systems. In 2022, San Francisco
became one of the world’s first cities to allow
commercial operations of self‑driving cars.

Robust incentives and investment in

charging stations are boosting Electric
vehicle adoption. California motorists can
receive up to $9,500 in rebates5 when they
buy an Electric vehicle, as well as a up to
$7,500 federal tax credit.6 Electric vehicles
are also allowed to use high‑occupancy
vehicle lanes.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

San Francisco North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

San Francisco North America Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

2/60 4/60 3/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 81,048.53
Population 1,888,786

Surface area (km )2 3 847

Population density (people per km )2 4 2,504

In contrast to first‑placed San The commitment to clean mobility allows

Francisco – which excels in innovation Stockholm residents to enjoy high levels of
and market attractiveness but lags in other air quality and low noise and light pollution,
areas – Stockholm is a high performer particularly as electric vehicles produce less
in all dimensions of the Urban Mobility noise than gasoline‑powered vehicles. The
Readiness Index. Significant investments city’s climate action plan7 outlines measures
in charging infrastructure, combined with to go net‑zero by 2040, with plans to expand
incentives to switch to electric vehicles, public transit, bicycle lanes, and establishing
have boosted the market share of electric mobility hubs to encourage free‑flowing
vehicles and turned Stockholm into a success sharing services.
story for electrification. It has the second
highest share of electric vehicles in Europe, And although the city claims the #2 ranking,
after Oslo. it has room to grow. Stockholm’s Arlanda
Airport is not considered a major European
Stockholm also boasts a dense, multimodal hub. It has relatively low passenger volumes
mass transit system with good connections and international connections.
to Sweden’s excellent national rail network.
However, utilization remains relatively low
compared to private vehicles. And active
mobility choices, such as walking and
cycling, do not have high shares in the city’s
modal mix.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Stockholm Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Stockholm Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

3/60 3/60 5/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 68,543.71
Population 1,269,879

Surface area (km )2 3 515

Population density (people per km )2 4 2,373

Helsinki is a leader in providing a clean and is valid on any form of transport in the
urban living environment, and it ranked entire region. Helsinki is also very walkable,
third in both the Urban Mobility Readiness and many journeys are carried out on foot.
Index and the Sustainable Mobility
sub‑index. Extensive car‑free zones and However, the city is home to few major
a high market share of electric vehicles mobility companies, and this has had an
contribute to superior air quality, and both impact on the amount of private investment
noise and light pollution are low. Car taxation available for mobility research. Helsinki
in Finland is based mainly on vehicle carbon residents have few shared‑mobility options.
dioxide emissions intensity, and the country
has Europe’s second highest excise duty for Another weak point is air travel. Helsinki
petrol (gasoline) and fourth highest for diesel Airport is not a European hub and sees
(though this is partly because Finland did relatively low passenger volumes and few
not reduce fuel excise duties in early 2022 in international connections. Its development
response to rising fuel prices). as a hub for travel between Europe and
East Asia has been hampered by the war
The multimodal public transportation in Ukraine.
network comprises bus, tram, metro,
commuter train, and ferry services. It is
convenient thanks to linkages to the robust
national rail system and a journey planner
app, created by a Helsinki startup, that
integrates all transport modes. The system
is also affordable: A single ticket costs $3.168

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Helsinki Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Helsinki Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

4/60 6/60 4/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 65,304.82
Population 5,987,401

Surface area (km )2 3 523

Population density (people per km )2 4 11,436

Singapore topped the Urban Mobility in many personal vehicles help to incentivize
Readiness Index in 2020 but has since positive driving behavior.
slipped in part because of its performance
in shared and active mobility. Micromobility Academics work together with government
is a particular weakness, with a relatively officials, and the government has taken an
low share of people walking or biking, in active role in connected autonomous vehicles
spite of good cycling infrastructure. There promotion, especially through its National
is great wariness of the safety implications Research Foundation. Singapore launched
of e‑scooters, which are not banned but are the world’s first self‑driving taxi trial in
subject to strict usage rules.9 The city‑state 2016, and the city‑state has become a living
would benefit from enabling regulations and laboratory for urban mobility solutions, with
more investment to promote shared mobility numerous startups. It is now considered a
and Mobility as a Service. model for metropolises aiming to distinguish
themselves in autonomous mobility.
However, Singapore’s traditional strengths
remain – notably a rich innovation Singapore invested in one of the world’s
ecosystem and a strong political will first automated rail systems, dating back to
to improve mobility that have led to 2003, and is now credited with maintaining
forward‑looking policies like congestion one of the best. Public transit options
pricing. Singapore’s traffic management are affordable and within easy walking
system is unparalleled, and its road‑user distance. Strong risk‑preparedness and
charging system has made it a pioneer in disaster‑management capabilities make for a
reducing congestion. Moreover, traffic rules resilient transportation network.
are strongly enforced, and onboard cameras

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Singapore Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Singapore Asia Pacific Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

5/60 9/60 2/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 115,495.59
Population 1,168,786

Surface area (km )2 3 243

Population density (people per km )2 4 3,820

Zurich’s public transport system is efficient, However, the city’s reliance on trams
affordable, and almost always within easy could cause it to fall behind metro‑based
walking distance. That lands the city second cities, because the automation of metros
in Public Transit, as well as fifth in the Urban has progressed much faster. One reason is
Mobility Readiness Index. Zurich also benefits that, despite strong public investments in
from Switzerland’s excellent rail network. mobility, Zurich is home to few mobility
companies, which limits the access to private
Zurich’s roads – like those in the rest of funding for infrastructural upgrades, such as
Switzerland – are safe and high‑quality, autonomous transit.
which benefits pedestrians and results
in low rates of traffic fatalities. One In shared mobility, too, Zurich lags behind
reason is a traffic enforcement structure European peers. Usage rates are low, and
that incentivizes good driving behavior relatively few companies provide services.
through an exponential, and ultimately And the city’s cautious approach to connected
income‑based, system of fines. Congestion autonomous vehicles technologies may
is not a major issue, and air quality is put it at a disadvantage in next‑generation
highly rated. mobility. In some ways, Zurich is an example
of slow technology adoption: The municipal
Switzerland’s largest city is planning to government has not invested in technology
release an advanced master plan in 2023,10 related to autonomy or connectivity, for
which is likely to integrate urban and social example. Zurich Airport, while the largest airport
space with transport. It will also feature an in Switzerland, logs relatively few passengers
urban climate vision and include an agenda and offers limited international connections
for implementation over the next few decades. in comparison to large European hubs.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Zurich Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Zurich Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

6/60 2/60 11/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 72,718.45
Population 1,405,760

Surface area (km )2 3 487

Population density (people per km )2 4 3,397

Amsterdam has a world‑renowned cycling Amsterdam already has a high density, with
culture and infrastructure, and more than one station for every four electric vehicles.13
a quarter of all trips are made by bike,11 by
far the highest share in the Urban Mobility The city also plans to encourage market‑led
Readiness Index. However, the bicycle is solutions with pitch competitions to
so dominant that usage of other forms of strengthen the climate for innovation. The
mobility – such as ride‑sharing and public Smart Mobility program notes that, if the
transit – is relatively low, and the city is home city wants to step into ride‑share urban
to relatively few mobility companies. air mobility, changes to legislation will
be required. It also indicates an openness
To address these challenges, the city to testing phases with e‑scooter and
government’s 2019‑2025 Smart Mobility microcar providers.12
program presents a vision of connected and
electric mobility to create a more holistic
network. It consists of three pillars: (i)
implementing affordable shared mobility
as an alternative to private cars; (ii)
encouraging eco‑friendly mobility options;
and (iii) digitizing the mobility network to
better manage traffic.12 The plan envisages
continued investments in mobility to support
connected autonomous vehicles technologies
and shared mobility. It also aims to add more
electric vehicle charging stations, of which

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Amsterdam Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Amsterdam Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

7/60 7/60 17/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 83,052.86
Population 1,795,687

Surface area (km )2 3 482

Population density (people per km )2 4 4,231

Munich, ranked seventh in our Urban Mobility conveniently located near mass transit
Readiness Index, also carries the same stations. A proposed redistribution of traffic
ranking in the Sustainable Mobility sub‑index. lights aims to encourage environmentally
The city maintains a robust, affordable, and friendly mobility options.
multimodal public transit system consisting
of eight‑line metro and regional rail systems, Munich Airport has climate goals of its
13 tram lines, and a bus network. Operating own, including plans for carbon‑neutral
hours for the metro and tram systems are operations by 2030.16 The airport plans
long, and tickets are relatively low‑priced. to reduce its emissions by 60% through
Thanks to its extensive bikeways, Munich has measures such as supplying clean energy
the second highest percentage share of cycling and electrifying its road vehicle fleet.
journeys in the Urban Mobility Readiness The remaining 40% will be offset by
Index (after Amsterdam). supporting climate protection projects,
including the creation of a forest to offset
The Bavarian capital aims to build on its carbon dioxide emissions and promoting
success with a plan to make its mobility regional biodiversity.17
network carbon‑neutral by 2035.14 An
intermediate goal for 2025 is for at least While Munich excels in its climate plans, it’s
80% of traffic to be a combination of not without its challenges. Munich Airport
emissions‑free vehicles, public transit, has strong international connectivity but
pedestrians, and cyclists. To reduce car suffers from low international passenger
traffic, there are also plans to install up volumes. And the city’s dependence on
to 200 mobility hubs,15 where riders can legacy infrastructure will make it challenging
select shared bicycles, cars, and scooters to switch to autonomous transit.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Munich Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Munich Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

8/60 10/60 9/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 45,769.88
Population 4,012,000

Surface area (km )2 3 3,743

Population density (people per km )2 4 2,934

Berlin has embraced multimodality through it records few traffic fatalities. Though the
its networks of metro and suburban trains, standard maximum speed limit is 50 kph,
trams, and ferries. These are supported by this has been reduced to 30 kph in certain
an integrated app, which provides journey areas – residential and mixed‑use, for
planning and payment for all types of example – to make streets safer, as well as
transport, including cars and e‑scooters. reducing noise and pollution.
However, low station density makes public
transit less convenient, and more journeys Berlin is famous for past legal battles
are made by car and on foot. In 2020, Berlin against prominent ride sharing companies,
replaced three older airports with the and ride sharing still attracts relatively
Brandenburg Airport; however, numerous few passengers. Also, few new mobility
technical problems mean that it is still companies have chosen Berlin as their
only the third busiest in Germany,18 with European base.
fewer international destinations than many
European peers.

Cycling has become popular following

recent investment in infrastructure;19
including protected bike lanes, green
markings to indicate space for cyclists,
and cycle superhighways, as well as bike
parking facilities. The city has launched
schemes to encourage the use of cargo bikes.
Berlin is also a leader in road safety,20 and

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Berlin Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Berlin Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

9/60 20/60 8/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 72,707.53
Population 11,069,273

Surface area (km )2 3 2,300

Population density (people per km )2 4 3,877

Over the last couple of years, Paris has serving 68 new stations. In addition, major
repurposed some of its road space, and it infrastructure work is being carried out
now has significantly fewer parking spaces to improve traffic flow ahead of the 2024
to encourage Parisians to use other forms of Olympic Games.
transit. Car‑free zones, extra bike parking
facilities and measures to improve safety Innovation in smart mobility flourishes,
have made the city more accessible by bike, in part thanks to a strong academic sector:
and by 2021 it had more than 1,000 km of The French capital is home to several of the
cycling infrastructure, including 300 km of world’s top institutions for engineering and
bike lanes.21 computer science. The government also
invests strongly in the sector, and there are
Few parts of the city are more than a short many mobility companies headquartered
walk from a public transit station, and in Paris.
the system enjoys a high rate of usage. As
well as the 16‑line Paris metro system, the Traffic management remains
city is also served by the Réseau Express underdeveloped because of insufficient
Régional network, which reaches out to the infrastructure investment, and city residents
surrounding region, as well as four tram complain of high levels of noise and light
lines around the perimeter. The Grand Paris pollution typically associated with vehicles
Express project, scheduled for completion on the road. However, the speed limit was
in 2030, will further expand the city’s lowered from 50 to 30 kph across most of
public transit.22 As part of Europe’s largest Paris in 2021 to reduce noise and improve
transport project, trains will run on 200 km road safety.
of new, automated tracks around the city,

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Paris Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Paris Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

10/60 8/60 10/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 79,085.31
Population 10,344,000

Surface area (km )2 3 1,738

Population density (people per km )2 4 6,481

London has one of the largest public transport The city’s government is encouraging
networks in the world, with integrated metro the switch to electric vehicles through
(“Underground”), train and bus systems investment in charging infrastructure and
spanning the city.23 In 2022, services started incentives for the use of electric vehicles,
on the new, high‑frequency Elizabeth line such as a “cleaner vehicle discount” on the
stretching between suburbs to the east and Congestion Charge. As part of the Mayor’s
west of the city. Transport Strategy to increase active and
sustainable mobility, uptake of plug‑in
Pollution levels have dropped dramatically electric vehicles has been increasing year‑on
over the past 10 years, at least partly year.24 Furthermore, cycling infrastructure
thanks to London’s restrictions on has been significantly expanded, so that
polluting vehicles. The Low Emission in 2022, 20% of Londoners live within
Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone impose 400 meters of the Cycleways network.20 In
charges on older, more‑polluting vehicles. addition, sustained increase in customer
The Ultra Low Emission Zone was expanded demand for London’s Santander Cycles hire
in 2021 from central London to a wider area, scheme has been recorded for 2021/2022.
a move expected to further contribute to
air quality. London’s fight against pollution The UK capital hosts a wealth of top academic
is also helped by modest levels of car institutions – such as Imperial College
ownership and the London Congestion London and University College London – and
Charge, which is levied on most vehicles innovation flourishes. This is particularly
circulating central London. However, the case for connected autonomous vehicles
residents still complain of high levels of noise technologies, for which tests have been
and light pollution. underway in parts of the city.25

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

London Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

London Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

New York
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

11/60 23/60 13/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 105,209.49
Population 20,165,785

Surface area (km )2 3 9,469

Population density (people per km )2 4 1,779

New York’s public transit system boasts is the biggest and most successful in the
several major multimodal hubs, and large United States. It has 24,500 bikes and over
parts of it run throughout the night. The 1,500 stations and operates in all boroughs,
system is also friendly to bikes onboard. apart from Staten Island, as well parts of
However, New York’s transit systems need New Jersey.
investment and modernization. While the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority is New York is slowly rolling out e‑scooters,
upgrading subway signals that are 70 years with several pilots in the Bronx. It is taking
old, autonomous operation is not imminent. a cautious approach because of the risk of
accidents, and e‑scooter rental companies
The New York area’s airports have rebounded are still not allowed to operate in Manhattan.
in a big way since the COVID pandemic. Both A sign that the city is taking micromobility
international connections and passenger seriously is a plan to encourage people to
volumes are strong, and facilities have been report vehicles stopped on cycling lanes, by
upgraded this year. The city is also seen as letting them claim 25% of the fine. Another
a big potential market for urban air taxis, major change has been the removal of
where helicopters remain popular despite thousands of street parking places to make
noise pollution. way for outdoor restaurants.

The city that never sleeps suffers from

significant levels of noise and light pollution
and the resulting social impact. However, it
has embraced cycling in recent years. Citi
Bike, the New York public bikeshare program,

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

New York North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

New York North America Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

12/60 29/60 20/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 80,828.84
Population 8,967,215

Surface area (km )2 3 5,498

Population density (people per km )2 4 1,293

After the COVID pandemic, the an early adopter of vehicle loop detection
accompanying economic downturn, and to monitor highways. As other American
the protests against racial injustice crises cities move forward with electrification,
in 2020, Chicago released a Strategic Plan Chicago lags behind, both in terms of
for Transportation to address inequity in charging infrastructure and electric vehicle
the transportation system.26 It includes market share.
one‑ and three‑year goals to build safer
streets and crosswalks to encourage walking, Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport is one
increase access to opportunities in neglected of the world’s busiest and best‑connected
neighborhoods, and expand protected bike airports, ranking fourth in airport volumes
and bus lanes. In particular, the authorities in the Urban Mobility Readiness index and
have sought to make public transit widely third in the Unted States, behind New York
accessible, by making it more affordable and and Atlanta. The airport also boasts strong
increasing its hours of operation.26 international flight connectivity.

Chicago currently has 400 miles of protected

bike lanes, and the city boasts a sound
bike‑sharing service. However, due to the
size of the city and a car‑centric culture,
Chicago still relies significantly on private
cars, with low rates of cycling and walking.
Due to this reliance on transportation via
private vehicles, the city is a longtime
leader in traffic management, having been

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Chicago North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Chicago North America Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

13/60 25/60 33/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 108,876.04
Population 5,875,947

Surface area (km )2 3 1,971

Population density (people per km )2 4 780

Boston offers affordable service on a Renowned for its innovative culture, the
comprehensive transit network consisting of city and its surrounding area incubate
five modes: commuter rail, subway, buses, top mobility talent and research through
ferry, and the RIDE – a door‑to‑door service its abundance of leading universities and
for people with disabilities who cannot labs, with Harvard University, and the
easily use the Boston area’s public transit Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
system.27 However, the city’s legacy transit close proximity to the city.
infrastructure will make any transition
to autonomous transportation difficult Boston’s Logan International Airport has
to implement. limited international connections and
modest passenger volumes.29 However,
Boston is one of the most bike‑friendly passenger volumes are increasing after a
cities in the United States thanks to a robust downturn with the COVID pandemic and a
cycling infrastructure. The city’s 2030 $62 million grant has been awarded by the
mobility plan aims to increase cycling by Federal Aviation Administration to support
fourfold, create flexible lanes that can adapt infrastructure projects at the airport.29
for greater biking capacity, and expanding
its bikeshare network to create 268 stations
by the end of 2022.28 Boston also hopes to
make its city even more walkable, with
pedestrian‑first traffic signals that shorten
wait times at crossings and adapt to real‑time
pedestrian traffic flows.28

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Boston North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Boston North America Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Washington, D.C.
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

14/60 21/60 24/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 97,441.19
Population 5,378,377

Surface area (km )2 3 3,644

Population density (people per km )2 4 1,387

The Unted States capital benefits from being Cycling infrastructure has been
the seat of the national government and improving with the District Department of
has one of the country’s most developed Transportation and as of the end of 2021,
mass transit systems, offering affordable there were 24 miles of protected bike lanes
prices and multiple modes of transit.30 (with a physical separation from car lanes).31
The Metrorail network, serving 91 stations And there is still growing demand to install
over 117 miles of track averaged over more protected bike lanes with the DDOT
600,000 riders per day until 2019, after embarking on a plan to build 20 miles of new
which numbers declined during the COVID protected bike lanes by 2023. The bikeshare
pandemic. The Metrobus network operates service, Capital Bikeshare, has 5,000 bikes
around the clock.30 Like many Unted States and more than 600 stations in Washington,
cities, however, some areas have low station D.C. and the surrounding area. E‑scooters
density, and car ownership still rules. are permitted, and more than 10,000 are
available in the District.32
Washington D.C. also possesses a robust
traffic management system, featuring
changeable message signs, coordinated
traffic lights for arterial roads, and
high‑occupancy lanes. However, the city
has been slower than some of its peers in
making electric charging infrastructure
widely available.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Washington, D.C. North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Washington, D.C. North America Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

15/60 11/60 7/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 43,610.89
Population 37,535,903

Surface area (km )2 3 2,191

Population density (people per km )2 4 4,584

Tokyo’s mass transit system, dominated by needs to take precautions to ensure

the world’s most extensive urban rail network service continuity. Preventing climate
of suburban trains and subways, alongside change‑related disasters is at the heart of
buses, trams, and monorails, boasts Tokyo’s sustainability plan, which aims
frequent service and on‑time departures. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
It also connects with Japan’s top‑notch rail 50% by 2030, using renewable energy and
network, including high‑speed bullet trains. green hydrogen where possible.33 The plan
also seeks to bolster the city’s road system
Given the extensive transit system, private (like developing better cycling and walking
automobiles and motorcycles play a routes), public transit network, multimodal
secondary role in urban transport in Tokyo. offerings, and airport functionality. Tokyo
As a leader in road safety, Tokyo diligently takes 11th place on our Sustainable Mobility
enforces traffic laws and records few sub‑index. However, despite government
fatalities from road accidents. Walking and investment, charging infrastructure remains
cycling are much more common than in somewhat underdeveloped in Tokyo and
many cities around the globe, and people consequently electric vehicle uptake has
use their bikes for everything from shopping been relatively slow.
trips to work and school commutes. Around
14% of all trips in Tokyo are made by bikes,
much higher than most other big cities,
despite limited cycling infrastructure.

Tokyo is vulnerable to natural hazards

such as typhoons and earthquakes and

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Tokyo Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Tokyo Asia Pacific Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Hong Kong
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

16/60 5/60 1/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 47,970.98
Population 7,524,095

Surface area (km )2 3 290

Population density (people per km )2 4 25,684

Hong Kong offers one of the best public convenience for commuters, and encourages
transportation services in the world and people to choose the metro over other
lands atop the Public Transit sub‑index. modes of transportation. Profits generated
The Mass Transit Railway operates a from property sales are used to finance new
multi‑layered network that serves 166 railway projects, and the system is one of
stations with very few delays or service the most profitable operators in the world,
disruptions. It is affordable, stations are despite being self‑financing and setting fares
rarely more than a short walk away, and relatively low. It could thus serve as a model
interchanges are designed to be seamless for other cities.
to ensure a smooth flow of passengers. As a
result, Hong Kong residents are avid users of Hong Kong has installed ample car‑free
public transportation, and it has the highest zones, and the rate of car ownership is
utilization rate in the world. However, the relatively low. The city is pedestrian‑friendly,
system is lagging in autonomous transit. and a high share of journeys are carried
out on foot. But Hong Kong’s policies
The city’s high population density has led and systems are insufficient to promote
local authorities to prioritize public transit shared mobility.
over private modes, and to integrate the
metro system into the city infrastructure.
Residential communities and offices are built
above stations, and the network counted
1,550 station retail outlets as of December
2021.34 This optimizes land use, is financially
and environmentally sustainable, offers

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Hong Kong Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Hong Kong Asia Pacific Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Los Angeles
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

17/60 27/60 37/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 85,013.66
Population 13,831,444

Surface area (km )2 3 6,351

Population density (people per km )2 4 2,394

Los Angeles has historically experienced To make better use of roads, some carpool
high levels of car ownership, and its lanes have been converted to Express Lanes,
notorious traffic congestion may reach which are free for carpoolers but charge
new peaks as traffic returns to pre‑COVID single drivers a toll. The prices change based
levels. One way to improve mobility for on real‑time traffic demand to ensure that
Angelenos is better public transit options. vehicles travel at least 45 mph in the toll
But the city spreads over a wide area, which lanes.36, 37
makes it challenging to provide a service
with a sufficient density of stations. As a The electrification of the vehicle fleet is
consequence, travel by public transit tends continuing, helped by financial incentives,
to be slow, and ridership is low: Only 6% as well as a California order directing that all
of workers living in the city of Los Angeles new car sales be zero‑emission by 2035.38, 39
commute by public transportation.35

However, local authorities are highly

involved in mobility improvement and
innovation. The county’s 2020 Long Range
Transportation Plan envisages investment
of more than $80 billion over a 30‑year
period to improve, expand, and upgrade
Los Angeles County’s public transit system.
That will include expanding the Metro
Rail network to over 200 stations covering
nearly 240 miles.36

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Los Angeles North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Los Angeles North America Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

18/60 1/60 6/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 89,461.01
Population 1,061,590

Surface area (km )2 3 324

Population density (people per km )2 4 3,296

Often called the electric vehicle capital has also improved its cycling and public
of the world, Oslo holds the top rank in transport infrastructure. Its metro network
our Sustainable Mobility sub‑index. The consists of several lines, with another
Norwegian capital has encouraged adoption under construction. Multiple tram lines run
with strong monetary incentives, and local primarily on the road network, though with a
authorities have invested heavily in charging few dedicated tracks.
infrastructure. Electric vehicles have also
been encouraged through lower road tolls The city promotes a circular economy: It uses
and taxes, free parking schemes, and access biogas produced from bio‑waste and city
to bus lanes. In September 2021, the number sewage to fuel city buses and waste trucks.
of electric vehicles entering Oslo’s toll ring The city has the ambition to become one of
was higher than the number of fossil‑fueled the first zero emission cities in the world
vehicles. Oslo is home to so many electric and is targeting a 95% reduction in climate
vehicle drivers that the government has even emissions by 2030.
begun dropping some incentives because
they’re no longer necessary. However, a relatively small academic
community may limit Oslo’s ability to
Oslo has won a reputation for road safety, innovate, and few mobility companies are
which it achieved through a combination of headquartered or operating in the city,
measures that slow traffic and discourage restricting access to external resources
car use, such as tolls on vehicles, a reduction for development.
in the number of parking spaces, increased
parking charges, and the imposition of a
30 kph speed limit outside schools. The city

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Oslo Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Oslo Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

19/60 12/60 12/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 42,743.57
Population 16,491,839

Surface area (km )2 3 2,769

Population density (people per km )2 4 8,313

Seoul’s affordable and efficient public transit of private cars. The government expects
system sustains high ridership levels, and the policies to reduce residents’ annual per
the city ranked second for Public Transit. capita greenhouse‑gas emissions.
Seoul Metro is one of the world’s largest
urban railways and has 23 lines, 293 stations A rich ecosystem of strong university
and 319 km of track. The system serves talent and several local mobility and tech
nearly 10 million inhabitants within Seoul players fosters technological innovation in
and the Gyeonggi, Incheon, and northern mobility‑related industries, such as batteries,
Chungnam provinces. automation, robotics, and urban air mobility.
But Seoul lags many peers in offering
Few residents prefer walking or cycling to incentives for electric vehicles, and adoption
less environmentally friendly transport remains correspondingly modest.
modes. But the city’s “Vision 2030 for
Transportation in Seoul,” moves away from
a past emphasis on car ownership and
economic growth and instead focuses on
pedestrians and environmental protection.40
It consists of policies to promote walking
and cycling by increasing the space for
sidewalks, closing roads to cars on certain
days, setting up bike‑sharing services, and
building cycle paths. Other policies include
the encouragement of car‑sharing and other
measures to discourage the excessive use

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Seoul Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Seoul Asia Pacific Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

20/60 14/60 26/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 39,729.68
Population 6,439,933

Surface area (km )2 3 2,124

Population density (people per km )2 4 4,551

Madrid provides affordable transit through the lowest European cities in the Urban
a strong multimodal network including Mobility Readiness Index for number of
metro, local rail, and buses, as well as charging points per capita.
park‑and‑ride facilities. Bikes can be carried
on public transport with some restrictions,41 The Madrid 360 Sustainable Mobility
and the city operates BiciMAD, an electric Plan includes an expansion of the metro
bike‑sharing service.42 Madrid is the hub and bus‑lane networks, including the
of Spain’s high‑speed rail network, which implementation of 60 km of green corridors
makes it very easy to access from the rest of to enable buses to achieve similar speeds to
the country. The network has significantly the metro.46 High‑occupancy vehicle lanes
reduced inter‑city travel by road and air.41, 42 will be introduced at all major road entrances
to the city, according to the plan. And the
The city is pushing forward with clean city’s electric bike sharing system, BiciMAD,
air initiatives which include a maximum will be expanded, as will its network of bike
speed limit of 30 kph in many streets and lanes and the availability of parking spaces
low‑emissions zones for different parts of the for bicycles and personal mobility vehicles.
city, preventing more‑polluting vehicles from
circulating.43, 44, 45 Drivers must display an Madrid‑Barajas Airport is not a major
environmental sticker reflecting how clean European hub, and it has comparatively
their vehicle is. The zones are scheduled to low passenger numbers. Madrid lacks an
be extended in the coming years. Madrid extensive presence of top universities and
is also installing electric vehicle charging labs working on mobility and is home to few
points, but the pace of deployment has been mobility companies.
modest, and the Spanish capital ranks among

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Madrid Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit





Dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index score
City scores in percentage across the five dimensions of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index,
compared with global and regional averages

Madrid Europe Global







Social Impact Infrastructure Market System Innovation

Attractiveness Efficiency

Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Sydney boasts a strong multimodal transport
network, seamlessly connecting bus, train,
and ferry. It includes a fully automated metro
system, which opened in 2019 and is one of
the world’s most innovative transit systems.

However, the public transit system still has

a low density of stations, which makes them
hard to access and results in low ridership.
Sydney has a low density of electric vehicle
charging stations, which leads to range Urban Mobility Sustainable
anxiety for consumers. That has also slowed Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
the uptake of electric vehicles in Sydney,
despite Australia’s targets of reducing
21/60 26/60 14/60
emissions 43% by 2030 and to achieve
net‑zero by 2050.47, 48 GDP per capita (US$)1 60,002.74
Population 4,851,827

Surface area (km )2 3 2,178

Population density (people per km )2 4 2,163

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Sydney Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Vancouver’s affordable public transit has
a strong multimodal network, and the
city ranks 22nd globally for Public Transit.
Vancouver’s long history of automated
transit started with its Skytrain, putting
the system at the forefront of innovation.
Its mass transit authority plans to achieve
net‑zero emissions by 2050 and deploy over
400 electric buses by 2030.49 It also aims
to identify infrastructure vulnerabilities to
climate‑related events. Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
The city hosts few shared mobility
companies and lacks a central multimodal
22/60 15/60 22/60
app for routing and payment across
providers. Vancouver’s airport has low GDP per capita (US$)1 52,725.73
international passenger volumes and Population
relatively few connections despite being Surface area (km )2 3 912
Canada’s second busiest. Population density (people per km )2 4 2,698

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Vancouver North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Atlanta has a car‑centric approach to
mobility, translating into low public transit
station density and longer walks to stations.
As a result, utilization rates are currently low,
even though the transit system is fast and
affordable – qualities that may help boost
ridership in the future.

Car‑free zones are limited, and cycling

infrastructure is currently underdeveloped.
However, a $750 million infrastructure Urban Mobility Sustainable
initiative over the next five years plans Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
to build more sidewalks and bike lanes.50
Atlanta’s airport is a major hub: It is
23/60 33/60 42/60
the second largest airport in the Urban
Mobility Readiness Index, and international GDP per capita (US$)1 76,247.09
travel continues to recover from the Population
COVID pandemic. Surface area (km )2 3 7,400
Population density (people per km )2 4 740

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Atlanta North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Barcelona’s well‑connected multimodal
public transit network is affordable and
complemented by Spain’s strong rail
system. Barcelona also benefits from a
national road network that provides strong
regional connectivity. A national road safety
plan announced this year plans to halve
traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030,
through increasing bike lanes and lowering
speed limits.51
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Despite low‑emission zones, electric vehicle Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
market share remains lower than in many
other European cities, due to relatively
24/60 17/60 21/60
low density of charging stations. Cycling
adoption lags other European cities, but GDP per capita (US$)1 35,274.16
a proposed mobility plan aims to improve Population
traffic lights for cyclists and create safer Surface area (km )2 3 1,072
bicycle parking.52 Population density (people per km )2 4 4,477

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Barcelona Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Toronto has affordable public transit, and its
subway system, buses, streetcars, trains, and
ferries are connected by a strong multimodal
network. The metropolitan area benefits
from the regional connectivity offered
by Canada’s strong road network. Road
infrastructure is of high quality, and Toronto
sees relatively few traffic fatalities. However,
the city’s 2017 Vision Zero goal to eliminate
traffic deaths hasn’t yet been achieved:
Fatalities remain in the double digits.53 Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
Few mobility companies are based in
Toronto, and past initiatives to attract private
25/60 19/60 34/60
sector investment have failed. The city’s
international airport logs low passenger GDP per capita (US$)1 54,155.82
volumes compared with leading global hubs. Population
Surface area (km )2 3 2,344
Population density (people per km )2 4 2,889

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Toronto North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Montreal has prioritized multimodality in its
dense, affordable bus and metro networks.
The city’s 2021‑2023 Transportation
Electrification Strategy aims to have 84% of
trips electrically powered.

The local government has continued strong

investment in electric charging infrastructure
and incentives, and the Transportation
Electrification Strategy is aiming for 600
public charging stations and more than 2,000 Urban Mobility Sustainable
shared electric bikes by 2023.54 Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

However, residents tend to avoid active

26/60 24/60 31/60
modes of mobility like cycling and walking,
perhaps due to winter weather. Few GDP per capita (US$)1 46,672.59
shared mobility companies operate in Population
Montreal, which appears not to be seen as a Surface area (km )2 3 1,383
major market. Population density (people per km )2 4 2,680

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Montreal North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Houston’s high rate of car ownership
contributes to low usage of its limited
public transit system. But the city is
seeking to improve public transportation
through its Moving Forward Plan. This
envisages multimodal offerings, including
more park‑and‑ride facilities, and aims to
expand bus and light‑rail services, as well as
high‑occupancy‑vehicle lanes.55

City authorities are encouraging connected Urban Mobility Sustainable

autonomous vehicles pilots, and self‑driving Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
pizza deliveries started in 2021. However,
Texas residents have been slow to switch to
27/60 35/60 43/60
electric vehicles, and charging infrastructure
is limited in much of the state. GDP per capita (US$)1 73,767.88
Population 6,495,375

Surface area (km )2 3 4,931

Population density (people per km )2 4 1,318

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Houston North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Dallas is emerging as a living lab
for connected autonomous vehicles
technologies, and several mobility providers
carried out pilots in the city in 2022.
Arlington, a 30‑minute drive west of Dallas,
launched an on‑demand self‑driving shuttle
service last year in partnership with mobility
providers and a local university.56 Traffic in
Dallas is increasing, and the city operates
adaptive congestion pricing to prevent major
traffic blockages. Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
However, Dallas has not yet developed
infrastructure to encourage non‑motorized
28/60 41/60 45/60
modes of mobility, such as walking and
cycling. As such, Dallas is regarded as one of GDP per capita (US$)1 75,644.63
the least bikeable cities in the United States. Population
Surface area (km )2 3 5,278
Population density (people per km )2 4 1,317

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Dallas North America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Beijing commuters benefit from strong
regional connectivity, as China boasts an
excellent rail network. The city has achieved
wide adoption of electric vehicles by offering
incentives for consumers, such as easing
restrictions on peak‑hour driving for electric
vehicles57 and extensions on tax breaks for
electric vehicle buyers.58

Despite the high market share of electric

vehicles, Beijing is one of the world’s most Urban Mobility Sustainable
polluted cities, having poor air quality and Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
high levels of noise and light pollution. In
addition, the Chinese capital is not very
29/60 16/60 27/60
pedestrian‑friendly, which limits the number
of trips made on foot. GDP per capita (US$)1 27,504.55
Population 19,709,411

Surface area (km )2 3 4,284

Population density (people per km )2 4 4,324

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Beijing Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Dubai is institutionally friendly to new
paradigms in mobility. The city has invested
significantly in urban air mobility and
scooter‑sharing pilots over the last year.

The city has sought to develop fast,

affordable, and sustainable public transit,
with a multimodal app and automated
operation on the metro lines,59 with plans
for the system to be net‑zero by 2050. Still,
car ownership is currently preferred to Urban Mobility Sustainable
public transit due to Dubai’s geographical Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
spread.60 Residents have not fully embraced
cycling or walking, due to the high summer
30/60 39/60 29/60
temperatures and the current small number
of bike lanes and car‑free zones. GDP per capita (US$)1 31,234.17
Population 4,662,688

Surface area (km )2 3 1,507

Population density (people per km )2 4 4,249

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Dubai Middle East Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Milan boasts a well‑connected, multimodal
network of central transit hubs and suburban
park‑and‑ride stations. Its public transit
system is fast and affordable.

Although Milan has put in place regulations

and incentives to increase the adoption of
electric vehicles, charging infrastructure
and electric vehicle sales lag compared with
the city’s European peers. Milan does not
benefit from a rich environment of mobility Urban Mobility Sustainable
innovation: Few mobility companies are Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
located there, and only a limited number
of Information and communications
31/60 28/60 18/60
technology patents are filed in Italy,
indicating relatively little innovation in new GDP per capita (US$)1 58,415.37
forms of mobility. Population
Surface area (km )2 3 2,225
Population density (people per km )2 4 2,467

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Milan Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Dublin has few road fatalities and enforces
traffic laws diligently, in line with Ireland’s
road safety strategy. The city has one of the
fastest growing market shares of electric
vehicles, and the government has invested
in building out the charging infrastructure.
However, Dublin does not have a strong
mobility innovation ecosystem, and few of
the leading universities and labs operating in
the mobility space are present in the city.
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Dublin’s airport is not a major hub and has Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
low international connectivity compared
with its European peers.
32/60 13/60 28/60
GDP per capita (US$)1 111,335.27
Population 1,314,477

Surface area (km )2 3 461

Population density (people per km )2 4 3,009

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Dublin Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Ride‑sharing is popular among residents,
and the city continues to invest in shared
mobility modes. Bold regulations and
investment in charging stations have fueled
impressive growth in the city’s electric vehicle
market share.

But despite the popularity of electric vehicles,

Shanghai experiences poor air quality and
high levels of noise and light pollution,
similarly to other Chinese cities. The city Urban Mobility Sustainable
struggles with sustainable mobility outside of Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
electric vehicles, as few residents bike or walk.
A low density of public transit stations also
33/60 18/60 32/60
impedes accessibility.
GDP per capita (US$)1 26,000.58
Population 27,795,702

Surface area (km )2 3 4,333

Population density (people per km )2 4 5,556

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Shanghai Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Moscow operates a wide variety of public
transit modes, including buses, trams,
subways and more. The public transportation
network is supported by a well‑developed
multimodal app.

Despite the comprehensive public transit

system, Moscow’s roads are highly
congested – a problem likely exacerbated by
Russia’s overall poor road quality. Moscow
has also suffered from weaknesses in its Urban Mobility Sustainable
supply chain infrastructure and services. Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

34/60 31/60 15/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 22,796.39
Population 14,962,626

Surface area (km )2 3 2,562

Population density (people per km )2 4 2,817

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Moscow Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Warsaw benefits from a high level of
employment in the transportation sector.
Multimodality flourishes in Warsaw
with extensive car‑free zones. The Polish
capital’s Urban Mobility Operating System
project aims to further strengthen its
mobility‑as‑a‑service offerings by 2023,
with options including a journey planner to
integrate multimodal fares in one place.61

Warsaw’s electric vehicle market lags Urban Mobility Sustainable

that of other European cities, in part due Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
to limited charging infrastructure and
incentives. With relatively few companies or
35/60 32/60 19/60
leading universities and labs in the city, the
mobility innovation ecosystem is currently GDP per capita (US$)1 37,614.72
quiet. Nationally, few information and Population
communication technology patents are filed, Surface area (km )2 3 546
suggesting relatively little mobility innovation. Population density (people per km )2 4 3,592

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Warsaw Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Road transportation is well developed
in Istanbul. High‑quality infrastructure
in the metropolitan area is supported by
strong connectivity with the rest of the
country. However, roads are often extremely
congested, especially in the morning and
evening rush hours.

Residents have not embraced cycling as

a way of getting around, partly because
Istanbul sits atop hilly terrain. The city’s new Urban Mobility Sustainable
international airport, opened in 2019, has Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
seen relatively high volumes of traffic.
36/60 30/60 25/60
GDP per capita (US$)1 14,151.87
Population 15,747,099

Surface area (km )2 3 1,471

Population density (people per km )2 4 10,930

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Istanbul Europe Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi is implementing a strategy to
manage driving speeds in order to reduce
traffic accidents.62

Public transit includes buses, taxis, and

ferries, and the city is trying to make these
services more attractive through affordable
prices and a comprehensive multimodal app.
Abu Dhabi International Airport is secondary
to Dubai’s airport, resulting in fewer
passengers and international connections. Urban Mobility Sustainable
The city needs to invest in more charging Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
infrastructure to boost its low rate of electric
vehicle adoption.
37/60 38/60 52/60
GDP per capita (US$)1 67,712.50
Population 1,442,884

Surface area (km )2 3 1,064

Population density (people per km )2 4 1,291

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Abu Dhabi Middle East Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Residents generally favor personal cars
over walking, but ride‑sharing is common
among residents as well. Doha lags in
sales of electric vehicles and needs to
expand its charging infrastructure and
experiment with incentives in order to spur
consumer adoption.

The government has invested heavily in

the recent launch of the autonomous Doha
Metro, which is known for its low wait Urban Mobility Sustainable
times and affordable pricing relative to Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
local incomes.
38/60 56/60 44/60
GDP per capita (US$)1 58,677.75
Population 1,266,089

Surface area (km )2 3 575

Population density (people per km )2 4 3,280

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Doha Middle East Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Santiago benefits from strong regional
linkages thanks to Chile’s well connected
overall road network. The city possesses
an affordable public transit system,
combining bus, metro and train. It includes
an integrated fare system using a single
contactless transit smartcard.63

Santiago has few leading universities and

labs focused on the mobility space and
does not have a strong presence of mobility Urban Mobility Sustainable
companies to spur innovation. The city’s Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
airport has only limited international
connectivity, with correspondingly
39/60 42/60 36/60
few passengers.
GDP per capita (US$)1 15,327.21
Population 6,991,298

Surface area (km )2 3 838

Population density (people per km )2 4 6,250

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Santiago Latin America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur benefits from a wide variety of
public transit modes, ranging from Bus Rapid
Transit to rapid rail. Autonomous technology
powers the city’s metro system.

Despite its strong public transit system,

Kuala Lumpur has a high number of road
traffic accidents – a rate that’s among the
worst in our Urban Mobility Readiness Index.
The city’s roads also provide low regional
connectivity, as Malaysia has a fragmented Urban Mobility Sustainable
road network. Few residents currently Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
bike or walk on a daily basis, and the city
would benefit from investment in cycling
40/60 53/60 23/60
infrastructure and in sidewalks.
GDP per capita (US$)1 31,228.03
Population 8,560,873

Surface area (km )2 3 2,163

Population density (people per km )2 4 4,121

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Kuala Lumpur Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires is noted for its affordable
public transit, which has a high rate of usage.
Its networks include Bus Rapid Transit,
traditional buses, trams, and commuter rail
services. The six‑line metro system is known
for rapid service.64

Argentina employs a high proportion of

workers in transport and storage, with the
lion’s share in the capital. However, the city
struggles with supply chain efficiency due to Urban Mobility Sustainable
the country’s weak logistics infrastructure. Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
Ezeiza International Airport has limited
international connectivity and comparatively
41/60 40/60 30/60
few passengers.
GDP per capita (US$)1 13,621.69
Population 15,983,837

Surface area (km )2 3 3,437

Population density (people per km )2 4 4,862

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Buenos Aires Latin America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Cape Town
Cape Town’s extensive Bus Rapid Transit
system has strong multimodal linkages, with
park‑and‑ride connections and permissive
rules for bikes on transit. The city is also
served by commuter and suburban rail
services.65 Cape Town has few internationally
competitive universities, which may hurt its
prospects for future mobility development.

The city is South Africa’s most congested due

to heavy use of private cars.66 It also suffers Urban Mobility Sustainable
from high rates of road traffic fatalities, in Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
part due to poor enforcement of traffic laws.
But Cape Town benefits from good regional
42/60 44/60 55/60
linkages with South Africa’s road network.
GDP per capita (US$)1 7,066.59
Population 4,578,995

Surface area (km )2 3 839

Population density (people per km )2 4 5,301

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Cape Town Africa Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Sao Paulo
Sao Paolo is connected by a strong
multimodal network, including significant
hubs connecting bus, metro, and rail
networks. Despite having bike‑friendly rules
on public transit, cycling adoption in the city
remains limited. However, the city has poor
rail connections to the rest of Brazil. Ticket
prices are high relative to local incomes,
putting public transit out of reach of Sao
Paulo’s poorest residents.
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Local and national authorities have sought to Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
encourage electric vehicle adoption through
monetary and non‑monetary incentives,
43/60 37/60 47/60
such as exemptions from some of Sao Paulo’s
circulation restrictions. GDP per capita (US$)1 12,566.23
Population 22,661,736

Surface area (km )2 3 3,649

Population density (people per km )2 4 6,326

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Sao Paulo Latin America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Bangkok has a rich mix of transportation
modes, including light rail, buses, and river
taxis, and it is linked by a strong multimodal
network. This enables residents to park at
commuter lots and bring bicycles on public
transportation. Transit is affordable for
the general public, with tickets priced at a
reasonable level relative to local incomes.

However, traffic laws are not well enforced,

and the city suffers from a high rate of Urban Mobility Sustainable
road fatalities and ranks near the bottom Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index for
road safety. And the authorities have yet to
44/60 47/60 39/60
take adequate precautions against natural
hazards despite frequent flooding during the GDP per capita (US$)1 18,979.01
rainy season. Population
Surface area (km )2 3 3,199
Population density (people per km )2 4 5,630

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Bangkok Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Mexico City
Mexico City benefits from Mexico’s national
investment in mobility, which has achieved
a high level of road connectivity. But the
city also suffers from an underdeveloped
traffic management system, as well as low
enforcement of transport safety rules. Public
transit consists of various forms of bus and
rail service, including a heavily used metro
network and Metrobús, a seven‑line Bus
Rapid Transit system.67
Urban Mobility Sustainable
The authorities offer monetary and Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
non‑monetary incentives to encourage
electric vehicle adoption, and these have
45/60 36/60 50/60
been effective. However, Mexico City has
not yet prioritized connected autonomous GDP per capita (US$)1 23,451.42
vehicles technologies. Investment and Population
enabling regulations are lacking, and fully Surface area (km )2 3 2,530
autonomous transit is not yet in place. Population density (people per km )2 4 8,617

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Mexico City Latin America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Jakarta’s public transit system is affordably
priced and offers integrated payment for a
range of modes, including Bus Rapid Transit,
metro, light rail, and commuter rail. However,
the Indonesian capital’s transportation
infrastructure remains inadequate in terms of
the density of public transit stations and the
country’s low‑quality road network.

The city has been making efforts to become

more sustainable and move away from Urban Mobility Sustainable
car‑oriented planning, for example by Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
repurposing space for cars into space for
walking and cycling. It still faces challenges
46/60 54/60 38/60
from pollution and congestion, but its relatively
low level of car ownership may mitigate future GDP per capita (US$)1 19,555.51
impact. The city is not noted for its mobility Population
innovation ecosystem, with few leading Surface area (km )2 3 3,546
universities contributing to research in the field. Population density (people per km )2 4 9,521

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Jakarta Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Johannesburg benefits from strong road
connectivity with the rest of South Africa.
Over the next decade, local authorities plan
to invest extensively in public transportation.

The city has been slow to embrace shared

mobility. Few companies operate, and
residents’ usage rate is low. Despite some
bike infrastructure, Johannesburg residents
have been slow to adopt cycling in their
daily routines. Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

47/60 50/60 57/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 8,004.04
Population 10,256,334

Surface area (km )2 3 4,040

Population density (people per km )2 4 3,610

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Johannesburg Africa Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro offers diverse public transit
modes, and transit stations are generally
within a short walk for residents. The
options include ferries, a metro, light‑ and
commuter‑rail services, city buses, and
minibuses. Mobility has been the focus of the
city’s recent planning efforts. Its Sustainable
Urban Mobility Plan,68 for example, is
credited with having extended the reach of
public transit to more low‑income residents.
Urban Mobility Sustainable
Rio de Janeiro’s airports lag Sao Paulo’s in Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
international connections and passenger
volumes. The city, like Brazil as a whole,
48/60 49/60 40/60
suffers from inefficient supply chain
infrastructure and poor‑quality roads. GDP per capita (US$)1 10,573.73
Population 13,068,231

Surface area (km )2 3 2,020

Population density (people per km )2 4 6,233

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Rio de Janeiro Latin America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

To support its rapid growth and diversify
its mobility options, Riyadh is nearing
completion of a new mass transit system
combining a bus network and a driverless
metro with 85 railway stations and six
lines.69 The metro will be connected to the
city’s international airport, the financial
district, the main universities, and the
downtown area. However, Saudi Arabia’s
limited rail network impedes the capital’s
regional connectivity. Urban Mobility Sustainable
Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
Riyadh is accustomed to cars for hire, and
residents have been quick to embrace
49/60 57/60 58/60
ride‑sharing. But the city, like the country,
suffers from limited enforcement of GDP per capita (US$)1 25,477.06
traffic regulations and a high rate of road Population
traffic fatalities. Surface area (km )2 3 1,673
Population density (people per km )2 4 4,326

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Riyadh Middle East Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Delhi’s public transit is attractive and
affordable, and there is a multimodal app
to navigate the system. As of 2022, the
Delhi Metro network has 12 lines serving
286 stations.70

Delhi’s streets are regularly gridlocked

because of a weak traffic management system,
and the city scores low on most social impact
indicators, including safety, pollution, and
national employment in the transportation Urban Mobility Sustainable
sector. Low levels of car ownership among its Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
residents may aid in containing congestion
and air quality in the future.
50/60 46/60 35/60
City authorities have been investing in an GDP per capita (US$)1 6,441.02
electric vehicle transition, showing their Population
willingness to address the pollution linked Surface area (km )2 3 2,344
to mobility. Population density (people per km )2 4 13,749

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Delhi Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Jeddah has strong regional linkages thanks
to Saudi Arabia’s well‑connected roads,
and road infrastructure in the metropolitan
area is high quality. The government
has invested in connected autonomous
vehicles technologies, but the city does
not yet have a framework to enable testing
and development.

Most trips in Jeddah are made by private car,

and a low density of bus stations contributes Urban Mobility Sustainable
to low usage of public transit.71 In an effort Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
to increase ridership, the city has made its
public transit network more affordable for
51/60 59/60 60/60
locals. The city plans to open a metro system
in 2030. GDP per capita (US$)1 21,093.52
Population 4,695,535

Surface area (km )2 3 1,261

Population density (people per km )2 4 3,634

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Jeddah Middle East Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Mumbai has low car ownership levels,
and the city has a promising public transit
system. This includes suburban rail and
the Mumbai Metro, which is currently
being expanded,72 and also includes some
autonomous lines. While residents have
started to use electric mopeds and scooters,
the city’s share of electric cars remains low
amid limited density of charging facilities.

Mumbai has several mobility related Urban Mobility Sustainable

environmental problems, such as traffic Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
congestion, poor air quality, and noise and
light pollution.
52/60 55/60 41/60
GDP per capita (US$)1 5,329.32
Population 20,667,655

Surface area (km )2 3 976

Population density (people per km )2 4 25,577

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Mumbai Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Local authorities are prioritizing
electrification by investing in electric
vehicle charging infrastructure, incentives
for consumers to buy electric vehicles, and
a fleet of electric buses. Still, the density
of charging points and the electric vehicle
share of the car market remain relatively
low, although the level of car ownership is
generally low. The city has several car‑free
zones, and air quality is high.
Urban Mobility Sustainable
The enforcement of traffic laws is limited, Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
and road traffic fatalities have worsened
in the past few years, giving the city a
53/60 34/60 48/60
poor rating for road safety. International
connections from the airport are poor, as GDP per capita (US$)1 6,173.84
is Bogota’s supply chain infrastructure, Population
and the city suffers from delays in Surface area (km )2 3 562
cargo transportation. Population density (people per km )2 4 17,945

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Bogota Latin America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Casablanca is a walker’s city and has one of
the highest percentages of pedestrians in the
Urban Mobility Readiness Index. The rate
of car ownership is low, yet road congestion
is high. The municipal and national
governments have been slow to invest in
charging stations, and the share of electric
vehicles is low.

Shared mobility is not popular among

residents: Casablanca has few providers, and Urban Mobility Sustainable
the government invests little in the area. Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

54/60 43/60 53/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 5,471.17
Population 4,053,793

Surface area (km )2 3 469

Population density (people per km )2 4 9,203

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Casablanca Africa Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Most residents use the public transit system,
which includes buses, light rail, and the
Cairo Metro. The metro currently has three
lines, with one under construction and two
more planned.73

The city’s roads are often gridlocked, and

noise and light pollution are also seen as
problems. However, Egypt has an extensive
national road network, providing Cairo with
links to other parts of the country. Cairo Urban Mobility Sustainable
suffers from an underdeveloped supply Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
chain infrastructure, with low visibility and
increasing delays, especially in the light of
55/60 51/60 51/60
recent global supply chain challenges.
GDP per capita (US$)1 7,210.46
Population 21,322,750

Surface area (km )2 3 2,010

Population density (people per km )2 4 10,099

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Cairo Africa Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Car ownership rates in the city remain low,
and residents tend to use public and shared
transportation. The city’s public transit
network will become more expansive, as
multiple metro lines are being constructed as
part of a 2019 National Infrastructure Plan.74
Shared mobility is gaining significant market
share, in part thanks to a local tradition of
shared taxis.

However, residents complain of high levels of Urban Mobility Sustainable

noise and light pollution. The city has done Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
little to spur innovation, relying on limited
investment from the municipality. And the
56/60 52/60 46/60
research environment is not sufficient to
develop new mobility services. GDP per capita (US$)1 9,600.29
Population 10,601,379

Surface area (km )2 3 891

Population density (people per km )2 4 11,583

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Lima Latin America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Quito has created a strong public transit
offering at affordable prices, leading to its
widespread use. In addition to the existing
bus services, a metro line is expected to open
by the end of 2022.75

The city’s car ownership rate is low, which

could help a future transition to more
sustainable transport. However, Quito has
a limited innovation ecosystem, with few
universities and labs to lead research on Urban Mobility Sustainable
mobility. The city’s international airport has Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
relatively few international connections and
low passenger volumes.
57/60 45/60 54/60
GDP per capita (US$)1 9,335.92
Population 2,346,286

Surface area (km )2 3 536

Population density (people per km )2 4 5,208

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Quito Latin America Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Several modes of transportation are available
in Manila, including jeepneys and some
metro lines. Linkages to active mobility
are provided by permissive transit rules
towards bikes, as well as significant cycling
infrastructure. Despite these multimodal
strengths, Manila’s public transit system has
room for improvement in speed, wait times,
station density, and affordability.

Road transport faces challenges including Urban Mobility Sustainable

the poor quality of roads in the metropolitan Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
area and the limited regional connectivity
provided by the national road network.
58/60 48/60 56/60
Manila is congested and polluted, but a low
level of car ownership should help prevent GDP per capita (US$)1 10,593.65
these problems from worsening. Population
Surface area (km )2 3 1,911
Population density (people per km )2 4 13,039

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Manila Asia Pacific Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Nairobi’s public transit, consisting of
matatus (public minibuses) and buses, is
affordable, and wait times are low. However,
it is underutilized due to inadequate station
density and a poor national rail network.

Walking is a popular mode of transportation

in the city due to low road quality and
connectivity as well as a limited public
transit offering. But few shared mobility
operators are active in the city, and residents Urban Mobility Sustainable
have not yet embraced it. Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit

59/60 58/60 59/60

GDP per capita (US$)1 4,112.83
Population 5,760,596

Surface area (km )2 3 852

Population density (people per km )2 4 7,745

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Nairobi Africa Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Car ownership has stayed at a moderate
level in Lagos, which may limit future
problems with noise and light pollution.
Instead, the city’s population relies on public
transportation, which currently consists
of Bus Rapid Transit and ferry services. A
rail system is being developed, with some
operations planned to begin shortly.76

Lagos’ mobility systems have insufficient

risk preparedness and business continuity Urban Mobility Sustainable
measures to cope with potential crises such Readiness Index Mobility Public Transit
as natural disasters. Poor road quality has
worsened the city’s supply chain issues: It is
60/60 60/60 49/60
known for long delays, limited visibility, and
an underdeveloped infrastructure. GDP per capita (US$)1 7,384.20
Population 15,749,556

Surface area (km )2 3 1,966

Population density (people per km )2 4 8,464

Urban Mobility Readiness Index, Sustainable Mobility and Public Transit scores
City scores in percentage compared with global and regional averages

Lagos Africa Global

Urban Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Public Transit






Source: Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California, Berkeley analysis

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

For the 2022 edition of Oliver Wyman In developing the Urban Mobility
Forum’s Urban Mobility Readiness Index, our Readiness Index, we began with a vision
research covered 60 global cities for in‑depth of what cities need to be striving for – the
analysis. These cities are geographically characteristics that businesses, consumers,
diverse, representing six regions – North and policymakers consider indispensable
America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle today and will still be pursuing a decade
East, Asia Pacific, and Africa. They range from now. That approach led us to break
from sprawling megacities like Tokyo and out a sub‑index on Sustainable Mobility,
Delhi, to more compact cities such as Oslo which groups together cities’ performance
and Washington D.C., to fast‑developing on existing metrics such as the strength of
metropolises like Nairobi. They were selected the multi‑modal network, public transit
because of their distinct mobility challenges usage, electric vehicle ownership and
and the varied solutions they are pursuing. infrastructure, walking, and the cycling
They tend to be leaders in understanding infrastructure. In addition, a sub‑index on
the importance of mobility and serve as Public Transit was introduced to this year’s
economic epicenters for their regions, edition covering metrics such as the transit
making their efforts to improve mobility vital commute speed, public transit station
to the growth of much wider areas. The cities density, strength of the multimodal network,
were also chosen because data is available to and public transit utilization rate.
assess, compare, and track the evolution of
their mobility capabilities. The 60 mobility ecosystems examined in
this year’s Urban Mobility Readiness Index
consist of real‑time connected, multimodal
networks for moving people or goods with
minimal impact on the environment. Based
on internal discussions and conversations
with leading professionals and experts, the
research team arrived at the six key attributes
of future mobility ecosystems.

Integrated Leading cities in the mobility revolution are
Mobility in the future will stress intermodal, likely to expand their public transportation
one‑stop services that provide seamless modes, availability and linkages; provide safe
travel, commutes, and delivery experiences. roads, reliable services, and employment
opportunities; enable emerging technologies,
Accessible like electric and autonomous vehicles;
Future mobility will focus on user‑oriented emphasize digitization and sustainability;
approaches that are transparent, easy to bolster their risk preparedness; and align
use, affordable, convenient, efficient, and municipal policies, regulations, and
available to everyone. budgets accordingly.

Systems and solutions that will not degrade
the environment or health of city residents
and can even offer economic benefits to them.

Cities should encourage a local innovation
ecosystem and take advantage of the latest
technologies, reinterpreting them to fit
their needs.

Municipalities need to create coalitions with
private‑sector enterprises – both large legacy
players and start‑ups – so they can work
together to shape the future.

As disasters and other risks threaten the
health of cities, it is important that mobility
ecosystems emphasize preparedness in
a conscious effort to meet the needs of
their residents.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Ranking dimensions
The Urban Mobility Readiness Index uses five basic dimensions to rank the 60 cities – infrastructure,
social impact, market attractiveness, system efficiency, and innovation. These five dimensions,
in turn, are comprised of a total of 57 metrics, – key performance indicators – that collectively
identify which cities are ready to excel in meeting their future mobility challenges.

Sustainable Mobility sub‑index Public Transit sub‑index

Along with the 2022 Urban Mobility For this 2022 edition, we are introducing a
Readiness Index, our results also display a new sub‑index on Public Transit. It is based
sub‑index on Sustainable Mobility. It is based on the following 13 metrics drawn from the
on the following 16 metrics drawn from the Urban Mobility Readiness Index:
Urban Mobility Readiness Index:
• Transit commute speed
• Air quality • Public transit affordability
• Noise and light pollution restraint • Rail network
• Walkability • Public transit station density
• Car‑free zones • Length of walk to Public Transit
• Cycling infrastructure • Strength of multimodal network
• Rail network • Diversity of public transit modes
• Strength of multimodal network • Public transit operating hours
• Government investment in • Transit estimated time of arrival
charging stations
• Multimodal app maturity
• Direct electric vehicle incentivization
• Public transit utilization
• Electric charging station density
• Share of time in public transit
• Public transit utilization
• Autonomous transit in operation
• Car ownership moderation

• Cycling adoption

• Disaster‑risk informed development

• Climate‑related losses

• Electric vehicle market share in sales

2022 Urban Mobility Readiness
Index Methodology
The Urban Mobility Readiness Index uses five basic dimensions to rank the
cities – infrastructure, social impact, market attractiveness, systems efficiency, and
innovation. Below, find the 57 metrics that fall under these five dimensions – key
performance indicators that identify which cities will excel in mobility.

Social Impact

Does the city maximize societal benefits while minimizing harmful qualities like poor air quality?

Social benefits • Road safety

• Enforcement of transport safety
Environmental benefits • Air quality
• Noise and light pollution restraint
Economic benefits • Transit commute speed
• Public transit affordability
Business benefits • Mobility employment
• Mobility‑related spend
• International airport volumes


Has the city developed robust infrastructure and expanded connectivity to support
future mobility?

Micromobility enablement • Walkability

• Pedestrian friendliness
• Cycling Infrastructure
Public transit accessibility • Rail network
• Public transit station density
• Length of walk to Public transit
Regional connectivity • Road connectivity
• Strength of multimodal network
International connectivity • International airport connectivity
Quality of infrastructure • Road quality
• Air transport facilities
• Supply chain infrastructure

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

Market Attractiveness

How well does the city engage the private sector and secure diverse investments to build
out mobility?

Public transit offering • Diversity of public transit modes

• Public transit operating hours
• Transit estimated time of arrival
Smart mobility activation • Mobility sharing economy competitiveness and penetration
• Multimodal app maturity
Mobility headquarters • Market capitalization of mobility companies headquartered
in city
Public funding availability • Government investment in the mobility sharing economy,
charging stations, and connected and autonomous
vehicles technologies

Systems Efficiency

How well does the municipal government coordinate and enhance the city’s mobility network
through things like traffic management systems or investment in e‑charging stations?

Demand and transport planning • Existence of master plan

• Information and communication technology preparedness
• Innovation grade
• Direct electric vehicle incentivization
• Electric charging station availability
Modal mix optimization • Public transit utilization
• Car ownership moderation
• Cycling adoption
• Share of time in public transit
Operational efficiency • Traffic management grade
• Traffic fluidity
• Supply chain efficiency
Risk preparedness • Disaster‑risk informed development
• Natural hazard preparedness
• Catastrophe insurance
• Institutional capacity and access to resources
Service continuity • Disaster management/business continuity
• Annual deaths from natural disaster
• Annual attacks on facilities/infrastructure
• Supply chain services


How well does the city leverage local talent and resources to drive technological advances?

Quality of human capital • Top university/lab presence

• University quality
• Information and communication technology patents
Technology adoption • Connected and autonomous vehicles adoption grade
• Autonomous transit in operation
• Electric market share in sales

Urban Mobility Readiness Index Structure

and Reliability
In the process of constructing the Urban conducted with a wide range of experts
Mobility Readiness Index, the key including urban planners, traffic managers,
performance indicators that make up each transportation finance specialists, and
dimension have been assigned a weight mobility technology executives as well as
based on their relative importance to the data collected by the Oliver Wyman Forum
ultimate task of building urban mobility and the Institute of Transportation Studies
ecosystems that can thrive in the future. The at UC Berkeley. As part of the construction
Urban Mobility Readiness Index gives extra and testing of the Urban Mobility Readiness
weight to factors that capture the ability of Index, convex optimization techniques
a city to become a future leader and ensure were used to understand the proper weight
rankings reflect performance prospects structure needed to benchmark cities against
rather than the competitive status quo. each other. The extensive testing yielded
results similar to the weights chosen by
Weights of the key performance indicators our team, reinforcing our confidence in the
were determined based on discussions that Urban Mobility Readiness Index composition
our Urban Mobility Readiness Index team and metrics’ weighting.

Urban Mobility Readiness Index 2022

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Guillaume Thibault, Matthieu de Clerq, Fabian Brandt,
Andreas Nienhaus and Alexandre Bayen.

This report would not have been possible without the

contributions of Ludovic Cartigny, Emilio ElAsmar,
Wai Leong Hoh, Allie Ibarra, Dustin Irwin,
Karolina Jaworska, Dan Kleinman, Nyashadzashe Marangu,
Filidausi Mbatudde, Jilian Mincer, Sebastien Moffett,
Laura Reid, Samika Parab, Sophie Shaw, Adrien Slimani,
Weronika Talaj, and Lydia Woo.

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