Agreements v2
Agreements v2
Agreements v2
Jad Chamcham
This guide was created exclusively for members of the Resistance Breakthrough
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Such agreements often occur as the result of trauma, times of duress or other situations where the stakes are
running high resulting in decisions or commitments that take on absolute forms, i.e. “I will never …” or “I will
always …”. These decisions are for the most part designed to protect us in the moment but have often
outlasted their usefulness and can be very detrimental.
For instance, a vow of chastity might have been very applicable in a lifetime where you were a nun or monk
but is not useful now if you’re trying to be in a loving relationship.
People often wonder why we would make contracts or agreements with negative entities or other dark forces.
It is important to remember that we have all played the roles of perpetrators as well as victims. In times when
we were the perpetrator, we might have entered into agreements with dark entities who fueled our negativity.
It is very important to now clear these agreements otherwise those dark entities have a hold on us. It is also
important to release feelings of guilt, pain and judgments from participating in these agreements.
© Copyright 2021 Jad Chamcham. All Rights Reserved
Clearing Procedure
1. The basic wording is: [type of agreement] with/to/from [person/entity/org] to [verb] [something]
2. Using muscle testing or intuition, identify the missing words from the chart (on the next page) to come up
with the full wording. Example: “vow to current self to never have anything” (vow of poverty)
3. Ask if you need to know more information
4. If yes, common useful information can be:
1. Age of occurrence
2. Name of other people involved
3. Present life or other lifetime
4. Etc…
5. Ask if there are any underlying imbalances (if using the Body Code) or trapped emotions (if using the
Emotion Code) that can be released that are causing/contributing to this agreement.
6. Clear all the underlying trapped emotions or imbalances
7. Clear the agreement itself (you can swipe with a magnet, your fingers, or simply use your intention).
8. Optionally, you can install the opposite positive statement to the agreement that you just cleared.
NOTE: Always check for hidden/secret and other fail-safes when trying to identify vows, oaths, contracts and
other agreements. Refer to the “Going Deeper with Fail-Safes” guide for more information.
© Copyright 2021 Jad Chamcham. All Rights Reserved
Vow Current self DO/ALWAYS DO Anything
If after doing all of the above, you are still not able to clear the agreement, you can check the following:
1. You might be getting your answers from a dark force/entity. In this case, it is important to throughly clear yourself of any interferences
2. Ask if it is in the highest and best good to clear this agreement? Sometimes, it isn’t. An example of this would be trying to clear an
agreement that ties certain spirits to a sacred land.
3. Is there a spiritual lesson that first needs to be learned/acknowledged? If so, you can refer to the “Spiritual Lessons Guide” for more
4. Is there a trapped emotion or imbalance that first needs to be released in order to be able to clear the agreement? This is similar but a
bit different to asking and clearing the underlying causes for an agreement.
• While working with a client, I discovered an “obligation towards parents” as well as an “idea allergy to leaving one’s family”. Later found
out from this client that at age 42, they were still living with their parents, which I had no prior knowledge of.
• Often with clients having issues being in a loving relationship, I find a “vow to never get hurt” again.
• With a client who was struggling to forgive themselves, I found a ”vow to punish oneself”
• With a client who was struggling with putting themselves out there, there was an ”oath to protect self”.
• When dealing with entity attachment, I often find contracts which are important to clear in order to keep them from “coming back”.
Typical contracts with negative entities include ones to ”be a slave”, “not to be in your power”, and “not stand up for self”.
• Sometimes when dealing with a divorce or death of a spouse, there can be a vow to “never remarry” or ”never be with someone else”.
Reminder: There is nothing wrong with consciouscly making these decisions. It is when they are subconscious, running unexamined and
contrary to your goals that they can be an issue.
2. These agreements can be not only from this lifetime but also from past or future lives.
3. The provided chart is designed to give you the most flexibility in identifying the most accurate description for your agreement.
4. Use the clearing procedure to release negative agreements and their underlying causes.
5. Fail-safes are especially important to check with vows/oaths/contracts and other negative agreements.
I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you’d like to be part of a wonderful community of like-minded people who are
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