CHP 1-4-1
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CHP 1-4-1
text to understand how the various components function and to explain its structure
important to break it down into single smaller units that will make it easier to
uncover how and why an author decides to use a particular style and to understand
the meaning of those elements in isolation and when taken together. Therefore,
conducting a stylistic analysis of a given text will help readers to precisely and
meaningfully interpret the author’s ideas, concerns and observations. Short (1996)
claims that the primary goal of stylistic analysis in present times has been to try to
understand the relationship between the literary text on the one hand, and how we
understand it, and are affected by it, on the other. Short state that the aim of
choice of language.
This research notes that a stylistic analysis of the poems selected in Lara
Owoeye’sTime to Sing and other Poemshas not been done, so this research
addresses itself to analysing these poems stylistically and examining the
uniqueness of the poems in this aspect. It also addresses itself to examining how
The ultimate aim of this research is to carry out a stylistic analysis of three selected
ii. examining the artistic functions of the identified stylistic features; and
iii. analysing how these stylistic features contribute to the subject matter of the
selected poems.
ii. What are the functions of the selected stylistic features identified in the
selected poems?
iii. How do these stylistic features contribute to the general understanding and
1.5 Scope of Study/ Limitation
The work is exclusively stylistic, and the analysis is conducted through the
use of the following levels of analysis; phonology, graphology, lexical and lexico
semantic features.For the purpose of indepth analysis, the work restricts itself to
three poems in the collection,‘Tick Tock’, ‘This Country makes me Sick’, and
‘Whitewashed Sepulcher’
poems. If otherwise, it will be important to erase the notion that those linguistic
patterns (that will be identified in the selected poems) can contribute to the overall
Also, it will be impossible for students to respond fully to any literary piece
without a thorough understanding of the writer’s language use: that is, how the
creative artist patterns his use of language at all levels of linguistic organisation
such as: graphology, phonology, semantic and syntax to create his unique visions
of life. This study, therefore, will also help students to understand and respond to
these poems with special reference to the patterns of language and their
collection and analysis of data generated from the primary texts as well as
lexico-semantics features are the centre of our concern. The features from the
selected poems will enable the researcher to link the style to the poet and show the
The researcher reads each poem carefully and thoroughly in order to identify
them after which excerpts are cited from the poem. This is followed by a
discussion of the stylistic functions of the artistic features identified in the poem.
Prof. Lara Owoeye was born on the 19th of December, 1973 into the family
of Chief and Mrs. S.B Adeyeye who were learned parents. She is a native of
She attended Christ Nursery/ Primary School, Ado-Ekiti but she did
not complete her nursery and primary education in Ado-Ekiti due to her
mother's transfer from state hospital, Ado-Ekiti. Her mom later moved to
Omuo-Ekiti where she started her own clinic and she completed her nursery
education there. From there, she got admitted into Mary Immaculate Girls’
When she sat for her WAEC examination, she passed all the subject
combination to enable her study an Art related course but subjects related to
calculations, she failed in them. After much persuasion and insistence that
she wanted to study an art course, her parents re-enrolled her in Christ Girls
School, Ado-Ekiti where she cleared all her papers and had 5 distinctions
first degree but later found herself in University of Ado-Ekiti (UNAD) now
1997 and went for the compulsory youth service in Abuja where she
received a call that she should come to her Alma Mata. She was employed in
April 1999 as an assistant Lecturer and she combined this with her second
Prof. Lara has published quality papers in both local and international
2018.Being a Christian, she believes God oversees all and He is the Giver of
1.9 Conclusion
This chapter has been able to make clear what stylistics is all about. It also
discussed the scope of the study, significance of the study and profile of the poet
amongst others. The next chapter deals with review of related literature as well as
2.1 Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to review some existing topics, concepts and works that
are relevant to this study. It begins with a discussion of the concepts of language,
symbols that allows the users to generate meaning and in the process, to define
its being rule governed, its being made up of symbols, its productivity and how it
of communication among human beings. This is why Yeibo (2011: 138) sees
existence as human beings. Another function of language in the human society is
its imaginative or aesthetics function. This is mainly used by artists in the literary
field. A skilled speaker or writer uses language to achieve certain effects. In fact, a
skilled speaker or writer manipulates words in the same way as he/she might mode
clay or paint a picture; a good literature is not judged so much on the account of
the story, but on the way the story has been told which is achievable only through
language that makes it possible for a literary writer to form and express his literary
ideas effectively. This is why language competence is one of the factors that affect
sense that, the forms of words like proverbs, idioms, figures of speech etc. that are
used to embellish literature are formed using language. For this reason, language is
Yeibo (2011) states some functions of language such as creativity and passing of
Language is also used as a tool for passing information among humans. This
function of language also goes for literature, as literature deals with creativity and
in a way informs its reader. In a bid for a writer to be creative, he has to choose his
2.3 Stylistics
(Widdowson, 2014). Stylistics is a word which is derived from 'style'. Style is the
outcome of the Latin word "Elocutio" which means 'style'. Moreover, stylistics
refers to the study of style; it may be the style of a person or the style of a writer.
be different from others. Additionally, style may vary from culture to culture and
it also tells us about the mindset of the writer. Haynes (1989) has the views that
according to the context. Further, style and variety are the two sides of the same
coin. Lawal (2004) believes that style is an expression which covers different
aspects of language: diction, sentences, and phrases that are closely allied with the
subject matter.
Leech and Short (1981) write that style is used by the writers according to the
written and spoken and may be applied on literary and non-literary text but if we
focus on the traditions, then stylistic analysis goes in the favour of literary text.
Hence, stylistics has broadened its vision from literary to non-literary text. Wales
(2014) opined that stylistics not only focuses on the formal features of the text but
also highlights the interpretation of the text whether it is literary or not. Carter
(1996) said that stylistics is the process of scrutinising the text from different
perceptions or methods. Birch (2005) expressed that language and style always
remain under the supremacy of the words. Leech and Short (1981) argued that
style is a "dress of thought" and that it is the basic idea of the style to distinguish
what the writers have said, and how it is being presented in front of the readers.
However, most of the time it seems that ideas are being conveyed by the writer and
it is up to the readers to know how he/she can perceive and interpret that idea.
defined stylistics as the sub-discipline which started in the second half of the 20th
century. Short and Candlin (1988) defined stylistics as an approach which helps to
study literary text. Widdowson (2014) proposed that stylistics works as a mediator
between linguistics and literary criticism. Moreover, Carter and McCarthy (2014)
had the same considerations that stylistics functions as a bridge between linguistics
and literature.
2.3.1 A Brief Historical Overview of Stylistics
The origin of stylistics according to Nina et al (2010: 2) focuses on the style of oral
Britain and the United States in the 1960’s, and was largely spurred by works done
Viktor Shklovsky. The Russian Formalist wished to make literary inquiry more
It is, therefore, this linguistic approach (stylistics) that this study intends to use to
2.4 Style
According to Wales (1989:435), the word 'style' is quite difficult to define. The
reason behind this difficulty is related to the way readers understand it. This might
affect the features related to stylistics which is part of linguistics. Moreover, the
scholar has listed the most common features of the term “style” which are
summarised below:
Style means the way of expressing oneself in writing and speaking. There is a
distinctive style for every person in doing things such as in playing games or
thinking in a special way for a solution to certain problem; There are also styles in
speaking; one can make jokes, and the other may be more serious. Also style can
be good or bad.
Wales (1989:435) pointed out that each person has his own way of doing an
action or writing about the same theme or even describing the same painting. She
ascertains that style can be different in various situations and according to the
degree of formality, which refers to what she called "style shifting". Furthermore,
the genres of literature also differ in their style whether fiction, poetry or any other
type of literature. Wales also mentioned that style can vary through time, for
by the number of linguistic features. The personality of each writer can be seen in
his works. If a keen reader reads Jane Austen's novels, e.gPersuasion andPride and
Prejudice he can notice the similarity in the style of the writer of the two texts
(Wales, 1989:435). According to Carter and Stockwell (2008: 44), there are many
different styles according to the style of the author, e.g. racy, formal and colloquial
Linguistics which represents the broader discipline and which stylistics is part of
helps readers to discover the hidden clues about the language. It can act as the
screw that dismantles the pieces of the whole text into smaller understandable
parts. It can be a great help to interpret the meaning of a certain literary work.
Carter and Stockwell (2008: 39) pointed out that linguistics can give readers a
point of view, a way of looking at a text that helps readers to develop a consistent
analysis, and urges them to ask questions about the language of the text that they
come through.
The concept of style can be examined under the following subtitles and they are
important instrument of stylistics since it deals with distinct options that are
available to an author. Since language provides it users with more than one choice
in a given situation, there are different choices that are available to the writer in a
given text. This then depends on the situation and genre the writer chooses in
Halliday (1994: 106) states that “there are many ways of accounting in language
for the various events that constitute our ‘mental picture of reality’. Indeed, there
are often several ways of using the resources of language system to capture the
one type of structure should be preferred to another or why, from possibly several
ways of representing the same ‘happening’, one particular type of depiction should
unconsciously, and choice has a profound impact on the way texts are structured
and interpreted.
The concept of style as deviation is based on the notion that there are rules,
conventions and regulations that inform the different activities to be executed, but
when these conventions are not complied with, there is deviation. Deviation in
stylistics is concerned with the use of different styles from expected norm of
rules for its use. Thus, a piece of writing that throws to the wind the rules of
language is said to have deviated. Traugott and Pratt (1980:31) suggest that the
old concept which stems from the work of great scholars as Jan Mukarovsky.
Mukarovsky relates style to foregrounding and points out that ‘the violation of the
When an idea is presented in an unexpected way, then, it is said that such a manner
of carrying it out has deviated from the norm. Deviation may occur at
Style as man is based on the notion that every individual has his or her own unique
way of doing things and that no two persons bear the same character. These are
distinctive features that distinguish one person from the other. It can also be
Achebe and Wole Soyinka, based on their use of language among other things. A
person’s style is also governed by his social and political background, religious
2.5 Foregrounding
Foregrounding is much related to the Russian Formalist concept of
things become familiar to us, we stop noticing them. Therefore, in his view, the
they have stopped noticing because of its familiarity and ultimately, to make them
assumed that this object is perceptually more salient and hence more important. An
object may also be visually foregrounded by means of features such as, for
instance, its size or colour, which can make it stand out as salient in contrast to
There are two major means of foregrounding in a literary text and they are
discussed below.
2.5.2 Deviation
The concept of style as deviance is well described by Mukarovsky (1990: 172), as
a stylistic strategy that has the function of bringing some items into artistic
concerned with the use of different styles from the expected norm of language use
Leech and Short (2007:39) define deviation as purely statistical notion: as the
difference between the normal frequency of a feature, and it’s frequency in the
permission for poet and writer to say or write what people in normal situations of
At the graphological level, for example, we may see capital letters where they are
At the lexico-semantic level, words that should not go together may be deliberately
brought together, for example: open secret. Semantic deviation is when the
meaning relations are logically inconsistent or paradoxical. Example: midwinter
2.5.3 Parallelism
certain elements or structures occur in a text, they become regular and their excess
as he makes the same choice again and again from the range of alternatives in the
Crystal (2003:466) state that parallelism is simply “the use of paired sound, words
or constructions” E.g
The two words “two and too” in the previous sentence have similar pronunciation
“paired sounds”
The linguistic syllabus of the students in the morning study is the same as
The above sentence compares two similar things which are the linguistic syllabus
of the students in the morning study with the linguistic syllabus of the students in
moon: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The structure
of the two noun phrases in this sentence is similar due to the repeated use of “one.”
This work makes use of approaches from the concept of style as a man and the
concept of foregrounding. The concept of style as man is based on the notion that
every individual has his or her own unique way of doing things and that no two
persons bear the same character or do things the same way. This is why this
concept is chosen to look at the uniqueness of Lara Owoeye’s selected poems and
the way she makes her choice of words and uses them to pass across her message.
language that somehow stand out against the background of the text in which they
conventions are established and observed and if these are related to complex
Foregrounding refers to moves away from norm on all linguistic levels while
For the purpose of an in-depth analysis, certain works relevant to this work has
been reviewed. These works were published by reputable scholars in the field of
stylistics. The review of these existing works is for the purpose of serving as a
guide and to create awareness that stylistic enterprise is not a new field of study
under linguistics.
poems. His perception is that linguistic provides a basis for understanding the
cannot yield meaningful result. Therefore, the study of language can be viewed as
Xenia's (2015) work entitled A Stylistic Analysis of Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise”
and “Caged Bird” focuses on two objectives. The first is to describe the language
features employed to develop the themes in the poem “Still I Rise” and “Caged
Bird”. The second is to find out the different language features used in each poem
to develop the same theme that is about Black oppression and survival. The
researcher analyses the poems at four language levels which are phonological
level, graphological level, grammatical level, and lexical level. The contribution of
Worthword’s poem Early Spring” is also relevant to the work. In this work,
stylistic techniques and methods are used for the stylistic analysis of Worthword’s
poem “Early Spring”. The analysis covers the aspects of graphology, syntax,
concepts of the poem which is the contrast between the harmony of nature and the
disharmony of mankind.
Iqbal et al (2014) analyse the poem “o where are you going” at three different
purpose of this study is to explore the literal and hidden meanings in the poem and
to enhance the understanding of the poem. In this poem, the poet exhibits a conflict
between optimism and pessimism; the two attitudes towards life overlap each
other. He was torn between aesthetics versus truth. He believed that it is the duty of
EbiYeibo’s (2011) work titled “Patterns of Lexical Choices and Stylistics Function
contradiction, lexis and thematisation and the appropriation of indigenous idioms,
in E.E Cumming: She Being Brand”, analyses “E.E Cumming: She Being Brand”
from the angle of stylistics. The analysis covers deviation from the regular pattern
stylistically analyse the use of deviation in the poetry of an American poet, Edward
Estlin Cummings who is well known for creative ideas and innovative style. This
syntactic, morphological and grammatical levels. The poet conveyed his message
phonetics spellings and creation of new style and irregular arrangement of syntax.
Looking at the above reviewed works, the difference between the previous works
and this research is that this current research discusses on the prominent stylistics
features in Lara Owoeye's poem, their functions and their contributions to the
understanding of the poems. The researcher discovers that no work, to the best of
her knowledge, exists on the current poems that she is working on. This probably
may be attributed to the fact that the book was published in 2017 which makes it
relatively new.
2.8 Conclusion
This chapter discusses stylistics, origin of stylistics, style, approaches to the study
works on stylistic analysis of poems from different scholars. By this, this chapter
3.1 Introduction
This chapter focuses on certain aspects of stylistics features of some poems in Lara
Owoeye's book entitled Time to Sing and other Poems. It discusses the
poems. The selected poems are "Tick Tock", "This Country makes me Sick" and
one", "This Country makes me Sick" is referred to as "poem two", and
3.2Graphological Features
communication in that they are not arbitrarily used. Babajide further explains that
elements are often used to achieve foregrounding in the text which means, making
some graphological device in the selected poems. Some of these are discussed
Poem one is divided into six irregular stanzas: stanza one contains five lines;
stanzas two contains five lines; stanzas three contains five lines; stanza four
contains four lines; stanza five contains six lines; and stanzas six contains six lines.
Poem two is divided into two irregular stanzas: stanza one contains nine lines and
Poem three is divided into six irregular stanzas: stanzas one, two, three, four, five
have four lines each and stanza six has five lines.
The whole of poem one consists of thirty one lines; poem two consists of twenty
six lines and poem three consists of twenty five lines. Looking at the structure of
the poems and the irregularities of the poems, stanzas, and lines, one can deduce
that the persona has no standard she has followed when writing her poem but she
has only written them to address issues of the society just the way it appears to her.
3.2.2 Capitalisation
conventionally. The initial letter of each word that begins each of the stanzas of the
poems is capitalised
Full stop is one of the techniques in achieving clarity in a text. In other words, it
indicates where one idea stops and where another begins. It serves the purpose of
marking the end of a sentence, it is used at the end of a complete sentence. In poem
one, two and three, there is the use of full stop, in poem one and three, full stop is
used at the end of the last stanza while in poem two, full stop is used at the fourth
line of stanzas one and at the end of stanzas one and two. This connotes that the
poems are run-on line poems, relating just one idea to its reader.
In poem one, the persona is talking about time, the different things that happen at
different time.
The use of comma is only seen in poem two. Comma is used in the poem for
It is this country
The commas are used stylistically to indicate pause in the poem in order to make
Semi colon is a punctuation mark that separates two closely related independent
clauses, provided they are not already joined by a coordinating conjunction. Semi
colon exists only in poem two, stanza two, line one. It is used to separate two
closely related independent clauses and specifically, for the reader’s attention to be
Also, semi colon can be found in stanza two, line fifteen. The persona use semi
It is this country
28 Apostrophe
In English language, apostrophe is used for marking the omission of one or more
letters (as in the contraction of “do not” to don’t) and marking of possessive case
of nouns (as in “goat’s horn”). In poem one, apostrophe is used in stanza six, line
Whistling in victory."
prominent as it is in spoken texts. This includes the use of sounds and their
is the study of the way sounds function in languages, including phonemes, syllable
structure, stress, accent, intonation, and which sounds are distinctive units within a
3.3.1 Alliteration
Alliteration is the conspicuous repetition of identical initial consonant sounds in a
successive closely associated syllable within a group of words, even those spelt
"Time is ticking..."(line 1)
"... From this throbbing in the head,..."(lines 22)
Alliteration in this poem is used stylistically to make the poem sound rhythmic to
its readers so as to make its reading interesting to them and by reading, the reader
will get the message the persona is trying to pass across to her reader.
feigning rebel to deceive the masses, get their votes and amass the country’s
Alliteration is also used to describe the effect of the act of these deceitful
3.3.2 Repetition
important phonological feature used for achieving stylistic and conventional effects
in any literary piece. It is a feature which is used to add phonological flavor to the
Examples of repetition in poem one:
"Time is ticking..."(line 1)
"...From this throbbing in the head..."(line 22)
Repetition in this poem is used to foreground the theme of suffering. Apart from
3.3.3 Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is the use of words whose sound suggests the sense or meaning. It is
"Time is ticking..."(line 1)
Instances of onomatopoeia in poem two:
Onomatopoeic words in this poem are used to describe the painful plight of the
3.3.4 Ryhme
Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounding words. The literary device is used at
the end of lines in poems or songs, it occurs when two or more words have similar
"...Sleep is missing..."(line 2)
"...Head is aching..."(line 3)
"... Day is breaking..."(line 6)
"...Sun is rising..."(line 7)
"...Time is flying..."(line 23)
Lexical features can be described as how words or lexis are used to reinforce the
meaning of a text. It is the relationship between the dominant themes and the
Lexical features, mainly in stylistics deal with words. To analyze the lexical
the relationship between the poems and the lexis used by the author, meaning the
The first two stanza of the poem talks about time, that time waits for no man and
also talks about the plight and struggle of some people with time, while some
people enjoy time other suffer from time. Owoeye uses the following lexis to
"...Sun is rising..."(line 7)
The persona also talks about the plight of the masses on how they are working and
toiling but yet they still suffer, and also it talks about the workers (civil servants)
how they work tirelessly waiting for the month to end but yet they are not paid
thier wages. The only people left out the suffering are the leaders that are spending.
"... Woman are toiling..."(line 13)
The last aspect talks about bad government and looks forward for their liberation
of the oppressed and the masses. The author makes us to know that definitely
karma will have it way and judgment will eventually come and the masses will
"...But pocket is empty..."(line 14)
The persona is expressing the terrible experience, the aches that medicine cannot
cure that he encounters which is caused by his country’s policies and politics. The
poet talks about the unpleasant situation and also show us the negative picture of
the country. The major theme of this poem is bad governance and the persona is
"...For peace..."(line 18)
Anyone who comes across the above lexis will not have difficulty in locating the
poem’s theme.
This poem is all about the persona’s doubt of the politicians who pretend to be an
apostle of change but when given the opportunity to make the revolution happen,
they turned out to be something else, using the opportunity afforded them to amass
the wealth of the nation to themselves, leaving the masses who should also be a
in the society, examining the title of the poem we can see that whitewashed and
sepulcher contradict each other so also are some other lexis in the poem. The
following are the lexis the persona used to make the poem’s theme known to his
"...Whitewashed Sepulchre..."(line 1)
"...Made up glory..."(line 4)
"...Festering sore..."(line 6)
"...Covered tomb..."(line 7)
"...Guilty of blood..."(line 8)
"...Shrouded in agbada..."(line 9)
"...Expert in perfidy..."(line 19)
With the above underlined lexis, any reader will not find it difficult detecting the
tone of disappointment which the persona used to describe the politicians parading
themselves as revolutionaries.
can collocate or co-occur with phrases and sentences and words that are suitable
idiomatic expressions, proverbs and figures of speech. For the purpose of this
research, attention will only be paid to figures of speech whose usages are of
3.5.1 Simile
Simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things that is often
introduced by “like” or “as”. Owoeye does not deploy much use of simile in the
texts and its use can only be found in poem three. But the very few she deploys are
Simile in poem three is also used for stylistic purpose. It is used to describe the
effect of the deceptive nature of the politicians on the people that have hopes in
"...Flowing babanriga..."(line10)
"...Real agbaya..."(line11)
"...Horror as man..."(line12)
"...Evil shepherd..."(line13)
"...Chaperon of wickedness..."(line14)
3.5.2 Metaphor
Metaphor is a figure of speech that compares one thing with another and combines
the two into one. Metaphor in the texts are used to create stylistic effects. Example
of Metaphor is:
"...Time is flying..."(line23)
3.5.3 Personification
"...Night is moving..."(line 5)
3.6 Conclusion
This chapter has carefully analysed some prominent aspects of stylistic features in
some selected poem of Lara Owoeye’s collection of poems. The title of the
selected poems are; "Tick Tock", "This Country makes me Sick" and
"Whitewashed Sepulcher" and it also considers the artistic functions of all the
stylistic features identified in the text. The prominent features identified in the text
chapter revealed the way the author of the text uses those stylistic features to pass
across her message to her audience. The next and final chapter focuses on the
4.1 Introduction
This is the concluding chapter of this research and it deals basically with the
4.2 Summary
Chapter one of this research presents the background to the study by writing on the
society. The chapter also discusses the statement of the problem, aim and
and research methods. It also provides a brief profile of the poet, Lara Owoeye.
Chapter two covers literature review and theoretical framework of this study. The
chapter discusses in detail the importance of language in literature, and sheds light
on some concepts like stylistics, style and foregrounding. The next section of the
Chapter three deals with the data analysis of the study. Here, attention is focused
on some aspects of notable stylistic features in the text. Some of the features
lexical features and lexico-semantic features. Lastly, Chapter four covers the
4.3 Findings
Based on the analysis in Chapter three, below are the major findings of the study.
audience. It uses everyday people and issues as fit and proper subject of
her verse making. Both the people and the issues portrayed in poems are
metaphoric and they cut across all classes of the society. In order to treat
this issues deeply, the poet does not follow any laid down principle.
ii. That the author uses capitalization and other punctuation marks
iii. That the author uses figures of speech such as simile, metaphor,
iv. That each of the poems has a specific message and that singular message
v. That Owoeye uses the right lexis to pass across the notable themes in the
vi. That the author copiously uses rhyme which makes the poems not only to
vii. That Owoeye makes use of lexical transfer which gives each words the
right meaning.
viii. That the author uses present tense in writing the poems which simply
4.4 Conclusion
In the words of Lawal (2003) “stylistics is concerned with the analysis and
variation and distinctiveness of features within and across the texts as occasioned
by situational factors are the major purview of stylistics as an emergent field in the
study of language”. This means that an in-depth stylistic study of a text brings out
the hidden meaning of the text because the author alone is not responsible for the
interpretation of meaning.
In conducting a stylistic analysis of a text, and using the correct linguistic features,
the analyst is able to enter into the mind of the author to get the author’s meaning
and equally give his/her own additional meaning to the text. By making use of
insights from the concept of linguistic analysis, this research has been able to
objectively take a look at some selected poems of Lara Owoeye titled "Tick Tock",
"This Country makes me Sick" and "Whitewashed Sepulcher" in the area of
interpretations of the texts. Further research can make use of another dimension of
linguistics in analysing the convert and overt meanings embedded in the texts of
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