JNMES Template
JNMES Template
JNMES Template
Instructions for Preparing Papers for Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical
Aaa Surname1*, Bbb B. Surname2, Ccc C.C. Surname3
Affiliation, address
Affiliation, address
Affiliation, address
https://doi.org/10.18280/jnmes.xxxxxx ABSTRACT
Received: Detailed instructions for preparing your paper submitted to Journal of New Materials for
Accepted: Electrochemical Systems are given as follows. Please be responsible for the quality and
appearance of your work. It’s strongly recommended that you directly type over the
Keywords: template or just cut and paste from another document and use markup styles. Please keep
key word 1, key word 2, key word 3, key in mind all the way through the preparation: do not modify page setup in this template,
word 4, key word 5, key word 6, key word such as font, line spacing, margin, uppercase and lowercase, and the order of sections. The
7, key word 8 abstract section is mandatory, with a word limit of 200 words. The purpose, methodology,
(no more than 8 keywords) results & conclusions, and implications should be summarized here. Avoid inserting any
reference in this section. In the Keywords section, please enter words or phrases in
alphabetical order. There is a maximum of 8 keywords.
The way that section titles and other headings are 4. MORE DETAILS ABOUT PAPER TITLE AND
displayed in these instructions, is meant to be followed in AUTHOR INFORMATION
your paper.
4.1 Paper title
important to take care of the case in which the measurement
Paper titles should be written in upper-case and lower-case units are typed. e.g. “Km” does not mean “kilometres”, but
letters, not all upper-case, e.g., “Instructions for preparing “Kelvin-meters”.
papers for Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical When providing numerical values followed by
Systems”. Do not use capital letters for prepositions, articles measurement units, please leave a regular space or non-
or conjunctions unless one is the first word. breaking space between each value and the measurement
Avoid writing long formulas with subscripts in the title; unit. This also includes percentages and degrees Celsius (e.g.
short formulas that identify the elements are fine (e.g., “Nd– 42% or 35%, 234°C, 504 K). This rule also applies to the unit
Fe–B”). for litre, which is recommended to be capital “L”.
The authors are encouraged to render the numbers
specifying the dot as a decimal separator and the comma as a
4.2 Author information thousand separator. Please use the British style for numbers –
i.e. 1,000,000 and not 1000000 or 1 000 000.
4.2.1 Name
Full names of authors are required. The middle name can
be abbreviated. 6. TABLES AND FIGURES