Basic Concepts in Org. Chem-Theory Module-4
Basic Concepts in Org. Chem-Theory Module-4
Basic Concepts in Org. Chem-Theory Module-4
In Chapter Examples.............................................................. 45
Solved Examples ................................................................... 29
The further the ionisation go to the right, the CH3 –– CH2 –– CH2 –– COOH
greater the acid strenth. In other words.
CH3 –– CH2 –– CH2 –– CH2 –– COOH
O + I power of alkyl groups Acid strength in
|| are in increasing order decreasing order
R – C – O [H]
Ka =
[RCOOH] Example 2.
Acid strength Ka
pKa – I power is in increaasing order,
or Acid strength concentration of acid anion acid strength is in increasing order
or Acid strength stability of acid anion (B) Acidity of Alcohols : Acidity of alcohol depends
on the stability of alkoxide ion (i.e., conjugate
Thus strength of acid is the function of base of alcohol) which is obtained by the
stability of acid anion. dissociation of alcohols.
The influence of the inductive effect on acidity
can be summarised as follows : R – O – H R – O + H
Acid strength of alcohol stability of alkoxide
|| ion
(a) EWG – C – O – H Note : As we know that as the distance from
source increases, intensity of effect decrease
O also (distance prefer on power).
EWG C O + H Ex. CH2 – OH CH2 – CH2 – OH
Electron withdrawing group (– I gp) stabilises | |
Cl NO 2
group (– I gp) stabilises
acid anion and strengthens the acid I II
or, – I group increases strength of acid and I is more acidic than II even power of NO2
thus : (–I) is more, but in case of Cl distance is
Strength of acid –I power of the group present
on – COOH
(C) Basicity of Amines :
O Basicity is defined as the tendency to donate an
|| electron pair for sharing. The difference in the
(b) EDG C O base strength in various amines can be explained
Electron donating groups (i.e, + I gp) destablise on the basis of + - effect.
acid anion and weaken the acid.
The groups producing + effects (alkyl groups)
or, + I group decreases strength of acid and tends to intensity electron density over N in
thus : amines thereby producing a base strengthening
strength of acid effect.
Thus, strength of base + I power of group Sol.
1 (D) Stability of Non-conjugated Cations and
present on – NH2 Kb Anions : Stability of non-conjugated charge
species can be compared by the following rules:
Whereas, a group producing - effect [–Cl, –NO2]
tends to decrease electron density over N -atom Rule 1 : Less is the magnitude of charge, more
in amines, thereby producing a base weaking will be stability of charge species.
Stability of simiar charge species (i.e. stability
Thus, strength of base
between cations or stability between anions) can
1 be compared by this rule in those cases where:
I power of group present on NH2
The order of basicity is as given below : Thus, stability
magnitude of ve or ve ch arg e
Alkyl groups (R—) Relative base strength
(i) CH3 R2NH > RNH2 > R3N > NH3 (i) Charge is present on the same atoms in all
(ii) C2H5 R2NH > RNH2 > NH3 > R3N species, and
(iii) (CH3)2CH RNH2 > NH3 > R2NH > R3N (ii) Hybridisation of atom bearing the charge
(iv) (CH3)3C NH3 > RNH2 > R2 NH > R3N should be same in all species.
Comparing with increasing + effect, trend is For example :
rather surprising. This is due to the inability of 3°
amines to give up their electrons due to presence CH3 – C H2 CH3 – C H – CH3 CH2 = C H
of three bulky alkyl groups over N (steric effect).
sp 2 sp 2 sp
Acidic and Basic Strength ( ) ( ) ( )
Ex.5 Strongest acid among the following is - Stability of cations I and II can be compared by
(A) CF3COOH (B) CCl3COOH rule -1 because positive charge in (I) and (II) is
(C) CBr3COOH (D) CH3COOH present on same atom (i.e. carbon) and
Sol. (A) F has greater – I effect.
hybridisation of C is same in both cases.
Ex.6 Basic nature of H3O+, H2O and OH– is in Stability of (I) and (III) cannot be compared by
order - rule-1 because hybridisation of C in (I) and (III)
(A) H3O+ < H2O < OH– is different.
(B) H2O < OH– < H3O –
Rule 2 : For maximum stability : positive
(C) OH– < H2O < H3O +
charge should be present on electropositive atom
(D) OH– = H3O+ = H2O in catrion or negative charge should be present
Sol. (A) Anion are always more basic due to on electrongative atom in anion.
presence of real charge.
This rule can be used in those cases where
hybridisation of atoms bearing charge is different.
Ex.7 Among the following which one is most basic- Thus stability of cations (I) and (III) or (II) and
(A) NH3 (B) CH3NH2 (III) can be compaired by this rule.
(C) CH3CH2NH2 (D) CH2 – NH2 (1) Stability of Alkyl Carbocation :
| Stability of alkyl carbocation
Sol. (C) + I group increases the basicity of amine. 1
Ex.8 Which one of the following is the weakest magnitude of positive ch arg e
base - Magnitude of positive charge
(A) (C2H5)3N (B) (C2H5)2NH
(C) C2H5NH2 (D) NH3 1
I power of group (i.e., alkyl group )
(Ans. A)
From (i) and (ii)
Stability of alkyl carbocation + power of the (3) Stability of Alkyl and Vinyl Carbocation :
group present on C .Thus tertiary alkyl Stability of these two type of species can be
carbocation is more stable than secondary which compared by rule 2.
is more stable than primary carbocations.
CH3 –
H – C H2 R – C H2 R– C H –R R – C– R
methyl 1º- 2º-carbocation 3º- Positive charge is present
carbocaton carbocation on less E.N. carbon.
CH2 =
(i) Number of + I groups on C is in increasing
(ii) + I power on C is in increasing order
(iii) Magnitude of positive charge is in decreasing
Positive charge is present on
(iv) Stability is in increasing order electropositive carbon
Hence alkyl carbocation is always more stable
than vinyl carbocation.
Note : Stability of free redical varies in same order
as carbocation. Note :
(A) Order of electronegativity of different type of
(2) Stability of Alkyl Carbanion
hybridised orbital is sp > sp2 > sp3
Stability of alkyl carbanion
(B) Less E.N. carbon consist of +ve charge is
1 more stable.
magnitude of negative ch arg e
....(i) (4) Stability of Alkyl, Vinyl and Acetylenic
Carbanions : Stability of these three species
Magnitude of negative charge + I power of the can be compared by rule 2.
group (i.e., alkyl group)....(ii)
Stability of alkyl carbanion (I)CH3 –
I power of the alkyl group present on C
For examples :
Negative charge is present on
electropositive carbon
(II) CH2 = CH
sp -hybrid carbon
It is electronegative carbon
( % s-character is 33.33)
(i) Number of alkyl groups on C is in increasing Negative charge is present on electronegative
order. carbon (less electronegative)
(ii) + I power on C is in increasing order
(iii) Negative charge on C is in increasing order
(iv) Stability is in decreasing order
Ex.13 Most stable carbocation is -
(A) CH3 – CH 2 (B) CH 2 CHCl2
(C) CH 2 CH2Cl (D) CH 2 – CH2NO 2
(Ans, A)
Negativ e charge is present on more Sol.
electronegative carbon 1.2 Resonance (or Mesomeric Effect)
Hence, acetylenic carbanion is more stable than When a molecule or ion can be represented by
vinylic carbanion which is more stable than two or more structures which have the same
alkyl-carbanion. arrangement of atomic nuclei but differ in
Note : distribution of electrons, the phenomenon is called
More E.N. carbon consist –ve charge is more as Resonance. The various structures are called
stable. contributing or resonating structures. None of
these structures truly represents all the properties
Stability of that molecule or ion. The actual structure is a
resonance hybrid of sev eral contributing
Ex.9 Which of the following ions is most stable : In the molecule if resonance is present then
(A) CH3CH2 C H2 (B) CH3 C HCH2CH3 mesomeric effect may be present or may not be
present. Resonance generally occurs when there
is a conjugation of -bonds (alternate double -
(C) (CH3)3 C (D) (CH3)3 C . C H2 single - double bond arrangement) known as
Sol. (C) ter. carbocation is more stable. (Rule 1) conjugated system.
Conjugate positions of the molecule :
Ex.10 The most stable carbanion is -
Alternate positions of the molecule having bond,
(A) methyl carbanion
positive charge, negative charge, odd electron or
(B) primary carbanion lone pari of electrons are known as conjugative
(C) seccondary carbanion ion positions.
(D) tertiary carbanion
CH3– CH2 – CH = CH – CH = CH – CH = CH2
Sol. (A) + I group decreases the stability of 1 3 5
carbonion. 1, 3, 5 are alternate positions having bonds.
Hence these positons are known as conjugate
Ex.11 Which of the following statements is wrong ?
(A) a tertiary free radical is more stable than
a secondary free radical
CH 2 = CH – CH = CH – C H – CH3
(B)a secondary free radical is more stable 1
3 5
(I) (II)
(I) and (II) are resonating structures of acyl
cation. (II) will be more stable than (I).
(III) If all structures have formal charge, the
most stable one is that in which the positive
and negative charges reside on the most
electropositive and most electronegative
atoms of the species respectively.
| |
two real opposite poles H – C = OH H – C – H
I to IV are the resonating structures of aniline.
The real structure of aniline will be a (I) and (II) are resonating structures of formic
resonance hybrid of all these four structures. acid. All atoms in (I) and (II) have their
complete octets. In (I) negative charge is on
5. Effect of resonance on the resonating
oxygen but in (II) negative charge is on carbon
structures : Consider structures of benzene: therefore (I) will be more stable than the (II).
(iv) Resonating structure with a greater number
of covalent bonds is more stable.
(v) Increase in charge separation decreases the
stability of resonating structure.
(I) (II)
C or
Position of hydrogen nuclei in (I) and (II) are
different hence (I) and (II) are not the
When flow of e– pair (movement) starts from the
resonating structures.
group (G). It takes place when G has a lone pair
(2) The resonating structures must have the or an extra electron (in ion).
same numbers of paired and unpaired
e.g. – NH2, – OH, –Cl, –OR etc.
electrons. However, they differ in the way of
distribution of electrons. – M effect (– R) :
= – – =
–C C G or
Total number of Total number of
paired electrons = 16 paried electrons = 16 When e– pair movement takes place towards G
from the molecule.
unparied electron=one unpaired electron=one
e.g. – NO2 , – C = O, –C N, –SO3 H etc.
(3) The energies of the different remaining
The v arious resonating structures of
structures must be the same or nearly the
chlorobenzene, aniline and nitrobenzene are
illustrated in following diagrams. Note that – Cl
(4) All atoms that are part of the delocalisation and – NH2 show + M effect and – NO2 show
system must be in a plane or be nearly – M effect.
(5) All aotms of the resonating structure should
follow the octet rule. For example :
Nitrogen does not
follow its octet rule
(I) (II) hence (II).is not (d) (e)
structure of (1).
(C) Acidity of aromatic acids Thus decreasing order of the stability of these
Acidity of substituted acids Ortho substituted anions is follows : > > > V
banzoic acid is always a stronger acid than
m- and p-derivative due to the ortho effect. We know that ortho derivative is the most acidic
Case I : When group is –R and – group. therefore decreasing order of acidity of these
acids is as follows :
o-derivative>p-derivative>m-derivative>benzoic acid
Basicity Electronegativity of nitrogen
Example :
group () (II) – group
hence amines are more basic than hydroxyl
sp 2 ••
CH3–CH = CH – N H2
sp ••
CH3–C CH – N H2 () ()
hence () is more basic than ()
(iii) Basicity of substituted Anilines : Para
Electronegativity of carbons substituted aniline is more basic than ortho
attached to amino group is in increasing order substituted aniline and the effect is known as
hence basicity is in decreasing order. para effect.
Case I : When group has –R has – effect.
Basicity – power of the group on nitrogen
•• ••
R – N H2 N H2 – OH Thus order of basicity is as follows :
aniline > m-derivative > p-derivatives > o-derivative Arrange these compounds in decreasing order
of their basicity :
Basicity in decreasing order (A) a>b> c > d (B) b > c > a > d
Case-II Effect of cross conjugation on (C) d > a > c > b (D) d > a > b > c
basicity :
Sol. (C) (+ M) nature of CH3 group increase
C6H5 – – (C) CH3 – C H – CH3 (D) CH3 – C– CH3
In this amide there is cross conjugation which |
increases basicity; thus C6H5CONH2 is more CH3
basic than CH3CONH2. bond of C = O group
is in conjugation to benzene ring as well as lp of Sol. (A) more resonance in (A).
NH2 group.
Case-III Basicity of different nitrogen Ex.24 Which carbocation is the most stable -
compounds in decreasing order :
Application of mesomeric effect CH2
1.4 Hyperconjugation
When (C – H) sigma electrons are in conjugation
to pi bond, this conjugation is known as
(C – H), conjugation, excessive conjugation
or hyperconjugatioon.
Structural requirement for hyperconjugation:
(A) Compound should hav e at least one
sp2-hybrid carbon of either alkene alkyl
carbocation or alkyl free radical.
(B) -carbon with respect to sp2 hybrid carbon
should have at least one hydrogen.
If both these conditions are fulfilled then H
hyperconjugation will take place in the |
moelucle. H – C CH – C H2
(C) Hyperconjugation is of three types :
(i) (C – H), conjugation : This type of
conjugation occurs in alkenes. In the above resonating structures there is no
covalent bond between carbon and hydrogen.
From this point of view, hyperconjugation may be
C H3 – CH = CH2 CH3 – C H – CH = CH2 regarded as “ no bond resosnance ”.
CH3 Application of Hyperconjugation :
CH3 (A) Stability of Alkenes : Hyperconjugation explains
CH3 – C – CH = CH2 the stability of certain alkenes over other alkenes:
| (i) Stability of alkenes Number of alpha
CH3 hydrogens Number of resonating structures
CH3–CH=CH2 CH3–CH2–CH=CH2 (i) Number of resonating structures in increasing
CH3– CH –CH = CH2 order
| (ii) Stability is in increasing order
CH3 (E) Electron releasing (or donating) power of R
in alkyl benzene : CH3 – (or alkyl group) is
+R group, ortho-para directing group and
Stability in decreasing order
activating group for electrophilic aromatic
substitution reaction because of the
Number of alpha hydrogens in decreasing order
stability of alkenes in decreasing order
(B) Carbon-carbon double bond length in The electron donating power of alkyl group will
alkenes: As we know that the more is the depends on the number of resonating structures,
number of resonating structures, the more will be this depends on the number of hydrogens present
single bond character in carbon-carbon double on -carbon. The electron releasing power of
bond. some groups are as follows -
The bond length between carbon-carbon double
bond number of resonating structures. CH3
(C) Stability of Alkyl Carbocations : Stability of CH3 CH3 – CH2 CH3 – C –
alkyl carbocations number of resonating |
structures number of hydrogens. CH3
C H3 CH3 – C H2
Electron donatnig power in decreasing order due
to the hyperconjugation
CH3 – C H – CH3 CH3 – C – CH3 Reverse Hyperconjugation :
| The phenomenon of hyperconjugation is also
observed in the system given below :
(i) Number of -hydrogens in increasing order X
(ii) Stability in increasing order – C– C = C
(D) Stability of Alkyl free radicals : Stability of
alkyl f ree radicals can be explained by where X - halogen
hyperconjugation. Stability depends on the In such system the effect operates in the reverse
number of resonating structures. direction. Hence the hyperconjugation in such
structure system is known as reverse hyperconjugation.
C H3 CH3– C H2 CH3– C H –CH3 CH3– C – CH3 Cl
CH3 C l – C C H – C H2
0 4 7 10 Cl
No of resonating
C l C CH – C H2 as -
Cl – C CH – C H2
The meta directing influence and dectivating effect
of CX3 group for electrophilic aromatic substitution ....
reaction can be explained by this effect.
(A) (B)
Ex.32 W hich of the following is most stable
Ex.29 M effect of -CCl3 can be explained on the + +
basis of (A) CH3 – CH2 (B) CH3 – CH – CH3
+ +
(A) – effect (C) CH3 – C – CH3 (D) (CH3 – CH2)3 C
(B) + R effect |
(C) negative hyper conjugative effect CH3
(D) none
Sol. (C) There is a negative hyperconjugative in Sol. (C) Because CH3 – C – CH3 has '9' H
atoms which is maximum in all f our
2. BOND FISSION (C) The energy required for heterolytic bond
fission is always greater than that for
Breaking of covalent bond of the compound is homolytic bond fission due to electrostatic
known as bond fission. A bond can be broken by force of attraction between ions.
two ways:
2.1 Homolytic Fission :
Reaction intermediates are generated by the
Occurs in gas phase or in non-polar solvents and
breaking of covalent bond of the substance. They
is catalysed by reagents. In such fission free
radicals are formed. Here the bond pair is equally are short -lived species and are highly reactive.
shared after the fission. There are six important types of reaction -
AB A° + B° (free radicals) (1) Carbocation (2) Carbanion
Condition for Homolytic Bond Fission : (3) Free radical (4) carbene
Homolysis takes place in the presence of (5) Nitrene
peroxide, UV light, heat ( 500°C), electricity and
free radical. The process is known as initiation of 3.1 Carbocations
free radical reaction. (1) An organic species which has a carbon
(i ) Peroxide
atom bearing six electrons in its outermost
A : B ( Aº + Bº orbit and has a positive charge is called a
ii) h
( iii) carbocation.
( iv ) Electricity
or (2) Carbocations can be classified into the
( v ) Free Radical
following groups :
• • (A) Alkyl carbocations : When positive charge
CH3 – H h
C H3 + H is present on the alkyl carbon, carbocation
is known as alkyl carbocation.
methyl free radical Stability of alkyl carbocations can be
(i) Homolytic bond fission gives free radical as explained by
the reaction intermidiate. (i) Inductive effect and
(ii) Reaction mechanism of the reaction is known (ii) Hyperconjugation
as free radical or homolytic mechanism. Stability of carbocation depend on the + I &
2.2 Heterolytic fission : – I group as follows :
Occurs in polar solvents, catalysed by acids or Stability + I power of group
bases, greatly influenced by polarity of solvents. According to these two effects the stability
Here, the ions are formed. In an organic order is as follows :
compound such as R - G, two types of ions are
R - G R+ + G –
R C R R CH R R C H2 C H3
(R+ is known as carbonium ion )
R - G R– + G + R
(R– is known as carbanion ion )
Stability in decreasing order
The factor which favours heterolysis is a greater
difference of electronegativity between A and B. 1
Thus Stability I power of group
(A) Heterolytic bond fission gives carbocation or
carbanion as reaction intermediate.
I – CH 2 Br – CH 2 Cl – CH 2 F – CH 2
(B) Mechanism of the reaction in which
heterolytic bond fission takes place is known
as heterolytic mechanism or ionic –I power of halo group increases
mechanism. Stability increases (due to p-poverlapping)
(1) Characteristic of Carbanions :
Cl F
(i) Hybridisation and geometry : Alkyl carbanion
has three bond pairs and one lone pair. Thus
hybridisat ion is sp 3 and geometry is (i) – power of halo group is in increasing order
pryamidal. (ii) Stability in increasing order.
(C) Delocalistion or Resonance : Allyl and
banzyl carbanions are stabi lised by
delocalisation of negative charge.
Note : Geometry of allyl and benzyl cabanion
is almost planar and hybridisation is sp2. CH2 = CH – C6H5 –
(ii) There are eight electrons in the outermost 2 4
orbit of carbanionic carbon hence its octet is
complete. (C6H5)2 – (C6H5) –
(iii) It behaves as charged nucleophile. 7 10
(iv) It is diamagnetic in character because all
eight electrons are paired.
(i) Number of resonating structures is in
(v) It is formed by heterolytic bond fission. increasing order
(vi) It reacts with electrophiles.
(ii) Stability is in increasing order
(2) Stability of carbonions : The stability of (D)Stabilisation by Sulphur and Phosphorous:
carbanion may be explained by Attachment of carbanionic carbon of a sulphur
(A) Electronegativity of carbanionic carbon : and phosphorus atom causes an increase in
carbanion stability.
StabilityElectronegativity of carbaionic carbon
The cause of stabi lity is due to the
delocalisation of negative charge of carbanion (i) Condensation reactions of carbonyl
by vaccant d-orbital (p–d bonding) of compounds, i.e., aldol condensation, Perkin
phosphorus and sulphur. reaction, reformatsky reaction etc.
(E) Stabilisation by >C=O, –NO 2 and CN (ii) Condensation reactions of ester; Claisen
groups present on carbanionic carbon : condensation.
These groups stabi lise carbanion by (iii) Wittig reaction.
resonance effect 3.3 Carbon Free Radical
(1) Carbon free radicals are odd electron species
in which carbon atom bears the odd electron.
. (2) Homolytic bond fission of a covalent single
bond gives rise to free radicals.
Carbanion Enolate ion
(3) There are seven electrons in the out most
() () orbit of carbon of carbon free radicals.
(4) Owing to the presence of an odd electron; a
carbon radical is paramagnetic in nature. Due
to this reason free radicals are highly
() () (5) The structure of the carbon free radicals are
Contribution of structure () will be more very difficult to predict. They have planar to
than () because in () negative charge is pyramidal geometry depending upon the
present on electronegative oxygen. groups and atoms attached to the carbon
(F) Stability of Aromatic Carbanions : atom having odd electron. For example,
(i) Anions in which negative charge is present methyl free radical is planar. On the other
on carbon of aromatic system is known as hand trif luoro methyl f ree radicals is
aromatic carbanions. pyramidal. Alkyl free radicals have also
(ii) Aromatic carbanions are most stable pyramidal geometry.
carbaions. (6) Free radicals are neutral electrophiles.
(iii) Anions obeying Huckel rule are stable (7) Free radical generally reacts with free radical.
because they are aromatic and there is (8) Stability :
complete delocalisation of negative charge. (A) Stability of Alkyl free redicals : Stability
of alkyl free radicals can be explained by
hyperconjugation and number of resonating
structures due to the hyperconjugation. The
Cyclopentadienyl anion decreasing order of stability of alkyl free
(3) Stability of different type of carbanions radicals is as follows :
in decreasing order : tertiary > secondary > primary > CH3
Aromatic carbanion > Benzyl carbanion > Both electron withdrawing group such as
carbonyl, cyano and nitro and electron-
Allyl carbanion > CH > CH2 = > donating groups such as methoxy and
Alkyl carbanion dimethyl amino have a stabilising effect on a
radical at an adjecent carbon due to
(B) Stability of Allyl and Benzyl free radicals:
(i) Stability of these radicals can be explained
by delocalisation or resonance.
Structure :
(D) Reactions in which product formation
(C6H5)3 C > (C6H5)2 CH > C6H5– C H2 >
takes place by formation of carbanion
as reaction intermediate : In the 10 7 4
following reactions product formation takes
place by the formation of carbanion as
reaction intermediates :
(C) presence of even number of electrons
CH2 = CH – C H2 (D) assiociated with high stability
Sol. (B) Presence of odd electrons
No. of resonating structure : Ex.35 Most stable carbonium ion is :
H– –H, R– –H, R– –R
– < H
50% of configurations are (+) type
optically active
(–) configuration
Hence in SN1 mechanism, a racemic mixture
This means in SN2 mechanism, the inversion
is formed. The above discussion provides an
of molecules takes place i.e.if the original
reactant molecules is dextro–rotatory (+), the evidence for SN1 & SN2 mechanisms.
product formed is levo–rotatory (–). NOTE : 4
So in S N 2 mechansim, the nucleophile The nature of solvent also affects the
attacks the substrate from back side and mechanism of the reaction e.g. more polar
forms an intermediary transition state and solvent favours SN1 mechanism because of :
forms a molecule with opposite configuration.
The formation of carbonium ions is easy
This means that there is complete inversion
which is also refers to a Walden Inversion. The ions formed are easily solvated.
NOTE : 3 The ionising power of solvent depends upon
In SN1, first carbonium ion is formed which is its dielectric constant. e.g. the order of
sp2 hybridised & planar. ionising power of some solv ents is
(c) Electrophillic Substitution :
Substitution in benzene ring f ollows
electrophillic substitution.
e.g. bromination of benzene. + H+
C 6H6 Br2
C 6H5Br HBr
Mechanism :
Formation of electrophile :
In benzene derivatives (C6H 5 – G), the
Br Br FeBr3 Br FeBr4 functional group G can also be classified on
basis of their polar nature as : Activating or
Br+ attacks benzene due to nucleophillic
character of ring :
An activating group (or an electron donating
group) is one which makes benzene more
Br H
reactive than benzene itself. Such groups are
+ : – NH2, –OH, –OR. etc.
+ Br
A de–activating group is one which makes
benzene less reactive than benzene itself.
Such groups –COOH, –C=O, –CHO, NO2, –
CN etc.
The presence of activating groups in benzene
+ H•
ring increases the ease of electrophillic
substitution, whereas the deactivating groups
do just the opposite.
Br H Br H
Directive influence of substituents on
The various groups are classified as electron
donating and electron withdrawing. Those
Br H Br H
+ that withdraw electrons inductively (polar
+ effect) are said to exert an – effect and
those withdraw electrons conjugatively are
said to exert a – M effect. Similarly + and
aromatic carbonium ion is resonance stabilised + M effect terms are used for electron
elimination of proton : donating. The following table illustrates the
directive influence of various functional groups
over benzene for second substitution.
Very strong O bg
I, ( ) M
I bg
M o, p Directors
Moderately strong
activating g NHCOR
C 6H5
I bg
M o, p Directors
Weak activating g CH3
CR3 bg
I o, p Directors
F(~ H)
Weak de activating g CH2 Cl
I () M o, p Directors
Strong de activating g CONH2
I bg
M m Directors
NO 2
Very strong de activating g NR3
I m Directors
In presence of CN – (nucleophile) e’s of
bond are shifted towards more
electronegative oxygen atom (electromeric effect).
CN CN The reaction rate increases with increasing
5.3 Elimination Reactions : strength of the base :
These reactions involve loss of atoms or group of
atoms from a molecule to form multiple bonds. b g
CH3CH2X + (alc.) KOH CH2= CH2 + HCl The ease of elimination follows :
CH3CH2OH + H2SO 4 CH2= CH2+ H2O C – I > C – Br > C – Cl > C – F
In general, loss of atoms or group occurs from The order of reactivity is : 3° > 2° > 1°
adjacent carbon atoms to yield an alkene. The elimination occurs more easily when the
Mechanism of elimination reactions : halides are already unsaturated. e.g.
Elimination reactions are divided into two classes elimination occurs readily in
based on their mechanisms. CH2=CH-CH2CH2Br than in
E2 : bimolecular elimination CH3CH2CH2CH2Br.
E1 : unimolecular elimination The nature of products of E2 elimination of a
Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides : compound having two chiral carbons depends
upon stereochemistry of starting isomers.
dehydrohalogenation of 1° halides follows E2 Consider dehydrohalogenation of meso
mechanism. compound diphenyl dichloro ethylene.
(CH3 )3 C OH
CH3 C CH2 CH3 (CH3 ) 3 C OK b
H Cl |
C 6H5
(A) CH3CH2C H2 (B) CH3—CC– Sol. –OH group show (+M) effect and also +m
effect is greater from (–CH3) group.(Ans. D)
(C) CH3CH=C H (D) CH3— C =CH2
Sol. When highly electronegative atom carry –ve Ex.10 The weakest acid among the following–
charge than it is highly stable. (Ans. B) (A) CH3COOH (B) CH3CO2OH
Ex.4 Correct order of nucleophilicity–
(A) CH3– < NH2– < OH– < F – ||
(B) F– < OH– <CH3– < NH2– Sol. CH3 C O O H peroxide is week acid.
(C) OH– < NH2– < F– < CH3– (Ans. B)
(D) F– < OH– < NH2– < CH3– Ex.11 The correct order of boiling point for primary
Sol. For same periods nucleophilicity Basic (1º), secondary (2º) and tertiary (3º) alcohols
Strength. Thus if more E.N. atom consist – is–
ve Charge than stability & basic strength (A) 2º > 1º > 3º (B) 3º > 2º > 1º
. Thereby nucleophilicity (Ans. D) (C) 1º > 2º > 3º (D) 2º > 3º > 1º
Sol. On increase branching surf ace area
Ex.5 Hydrogen bonding is maximum in– decrease, thus boiling point decrease.
(A) Ethanol (B) Diethyl ether (Ans. C)
(C) Ethyl chloride (D) Triethylamine Ex.12 Which of the following is most acidic ?
Sol. Due the presence of O–H bond. (A) m-chlorophenol (B) benzyl alcohol
(Ans. A) (C) phenol (D) cyclohexanol
(+I) Primary amine
(Ans. D)
Aromatic primary amine is more basic than
Because lone pair delocalised..
Ex.14 Strongest acid out of the following–
Sol. Acidic strength –I power of Cl group.
(Ans. B)
Ex.15 Increasing order of acid strength among (Ans. D)
p-methoxyphenol, p-methylphenol, and at meto position +m effect absent thus only
p-nitrophenol is– – effect of –NO 2 is taken in (iii)
(A)p-nitrophenol, p-methoxyphenol, (iv) > (iii) > (i) > (ii)
(B)p-methylphenol, p-methoxyphenol, Ex.17 Most powerful leaving group in following–
p-nitrophenol (A) NH2– (B) OH–
(C) CH3 – (D) F–
(C)p-nitorphenol, p-methylphenol,
p-methoxyphenol Sol. Weak base are always better leaving group .
(D)p-methoxyphenol, p-methylphenol, (Ans. D)
group +m – (Ans. A)
– COOH, & –NO2 group are deactivating
thus they are less reactiv e towards
electrophile nitration then benzene.
– CH3 group is activating thus it is most
reactive towards electrophic nitration then
(A) III < IV < I < II (B) III < I < IV < II
(C) I < III < II < IV (D) II < IV < III < I
Sol. CH3 N
CH3 (C) (D)
(a) lone pair delocalised lone pair localised
(I) (II)
Ex.25 Arrange in increasing pK a Ex.28 What is the correct increasing order of bond
(a) CH3CH2COOH lengths of the bonds indicated as I, II, III and
(b) CH3CH2CH2COOH IV in following coumpounds -
Correct answer is-
(A) (c) < (a) < (b)
(B) (b) < (a) < (c) (A) I < II < III < IV (B) II < III < IV < I
(C) (a) < (c) < (b) (C) IV < II < III < I (D) IV < I < II < III
(D) (b) < (c) < (a) Sol. Ans.(D)
Sol. (Ans. A)
Ex.29 Which one of the following chlorides gives
Ex.26 Arrange in increasing basic strength white precipitate with AgNO3 most readily -
(a) Cl – CH2 – COOH (A) CH2 = CH – CH2Cl
(b) Cl – CH2 – CH2– CH2 – COOH (B) CH2 = CH – Cl
(c) Cl – CH2 CH2 COOH
(C) CH3 – CH2Cl
Correct answer is-
(D) (C6H5)2 CH – Cl
(A) (a) < (c)< (b)
(B) (b) < (a) < (c)
(C) (c) < (b)< (a) Sol. Ans.(D)
(D) (a) < (b) < (c)
Sol. (Ans. A)