The Space Web
The Space Web
The Space Web
Tech billionaires are racing to build an orbiting internet
that is accessible anywhere on Earth, says Mark Harris
ISHTAN SHAKARIAN knew there was another machine that could be anywhere in
money to be made from the internet. the world. Most of those connections are via
So she took a spade into the woods cables. Even smartphones only use radiowaves
near where she lived, about 50 kilometres to connect the last few hundred metres to
outside the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. The a cabled cell tower. But longer stretches are
75-year-old hoped to dig up copper wiring to possible. Satellite internet today often uses
sell for scrap. Instead, she cut through a fibre- relay stations far enough from Earth that they
optic cable – worthless to her, but priceless remain in a steady “geostationary” orbit:
to the millions of people in neighbouring as seen from the ground, they are in a fixed
Armenia left staring at blank screens for position. Pinned 35,000 kilometres above the
12 hours. She had cut off the country’s internet. equator, they can serve a wide swathe of land.
The 2011 incident shows how easily this can But the 70,000-kilometre round trip adds
happen with underground cables, and those a lag of half a second or more to signals, an
under the sea are even more vulnerable. Every annoyance that disrupts voice calls and makes
few days, an earthquake, anchor or boat multiplayer online gaming or high-speed
damages one of the roughly 430 sea-floor financial trading impossible. On top of that,
cables. Tonga went offline for nearly two weeks download speeds are slower than modern
in January after an underwater cable was cut. cable connections and subscriptions are
In some ways, as an isolated island nation, pricier. The set-up also requires a large dish
Tonga is lucky to have this connection. and a clear view of the sky.
The cost of laying cables to remote places One alternative that tech companies have
means only about 10 per cent of the planet’s recently considered is the stratosphere. From
surface has terrestrial communication links. around 10 to 50 kilometres up, this layer of the
According to the UN, nearly half the world’s atmosphere is high enough for a transmitter
population has never been online. there to serve a city‑sized area below, yet low
To reach them, and ensure everyone has enough that a phone could communicate
a reliable connection, billionaires like Elon with it without the need for a receiver dish.
Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson plan Better still, putting things in the
to reinvent the internet – to free it from its stratosphere is easy compared with space.
Earthly roots and build a wireless web above Hungry for extra customers, Facebook and
our heads. Balloons in the stratosphere, Google built prototype solar-powered drones
constellations of satellites, cruising drones – that could loiter about 20 kilometres up for
there is no shortage of ideas. Pull this off and weeks, beaming down the internet. But these
humanity’s greatest information repository projects are now on hold following crashes
would find a dazzlingly futuristic home. To and damage when landing the feather-light
make it work, we just need to deploy some old aircraft. Other companies, including Boeing
technology, albeit in a highly unusual way. and Airbus, are working on similar drones,
The internet is a gigantic network of but the technology is far from proven.
computers. When you type an address into a Google’s next idea sounds kookier still:
browser, you are instructing it to connect with a train of gracefully floating balloons
Mark Harris is a technology journalist based in Seattle