Analysis Flange: Design Conditions
Analysis Flange: Design Conditions
Analysis Flange: Design Conditions
Analysis flange
Design conditions
Design Test
Design pressure p 40 pt 60
Allowable stress factor (sheet 6) z 1
Safety factor (design) S 1.5 St 1.05
Design temperature 50
Axial supplementary cylindrical load design PRz 0 PRz 0
Flange Adj. Cyl.
Material identification C22.8 S355J2G3
Material norm DIN17243 EN 10025
Elastic modulus (design temp) E 205350
Material strength (design temp) K 226.25 345
Elastic modulus (test temp) Et 208000
Material strength (test temp) K20 230 345
Geometrical data
Nominal diamter NW 800
Outside diameter of flange da 1140 mm
Outside cyl shell diameter de 813 mm
Adjacent cylinder thickness sR 14.2 mm
Hub thickness sF 54 mm
Total flange height hA 190 mm
Actual flange thickness hf WN 72 mm BP 115 mm
Bolt data
Type (1=full shaft ; 2 = reduced shaft) 1
Bolt circle diameter dt 1030 mm
Number of bolts n 24
Diameter of flange holes dL 56 mm
Bolt nominal diameter 52 mm
Construction allowance C 1 mm
Effective bolt length ls 200 mm
Bolt material identification 8.8 Norm
Design Test
Bolt elastic modulus E 205350 Et 208000
Bolt material strength K 621.25 K20 640
Gasket data
Type (1 = soft ; 2 = soft + metal ; 3 = metal) 1
Mean gasket diameter dD 875 mm
Physical gasket width bD 85 mm
Physical gasket thickness hD 3 mm
Limit load factor (table 1) V 30
k0 1
Design Test (liquid)
Gasket coefficient for k1 1.1 1.1
Gasket coefficient for k0kD 22
Coeffcient (0.1 for liquid ; 0.2 for gas) A 0.1
Coefficient design SD 1.2 SD 1
Coefficient test
Gasket elastic modulus E 1500 Et 1500
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
nalysis flange
60 bar
0 N
Adj. Cyl.
EN 10025
345 N/mm²
345 N/mm²
BF 115 mm
Test (liquid)
1500 N/mm²
DN800 PN40
Sheet 1 of 1
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
Design conditions
Design pressure p #NAME? bar
Test pressure pt 60 bar
Allowable stress factor (sheet 6) z 1
Safety factor (design) S 1.5
Safety factor (test) St 1.05
Design temperature 50 °C
Axial supplementary cylindrical load design PRz 0 N
Axial supplementary cylindrical load test PRz 0 N
Flange material identification C22.8
Flange material norm DIN17243
Flange elastic modulus (design temp) E 205350 N/mm²
Flange material strength (design temp) K 226.25 N/mm²
Flange elastic modulus (test temp) Et 208000 N/mm²
Flange material strength (test temp) K20 230 N/mm²
Adjacent cyl material identification S355J2G3
Adjacent cyl material norm EN 10025
Adjacent cyl material strength (design temp) K 345 N/mm²
Adjacent cyl material strength (test temp) K20 345 N/mm²
Geometrical data
Nominal diamter NW 800
Outside diameter of flange da 1140 mm
Outside cyl shell diameter de 813 mm
Inside cyl shell diameter d 784.6 mm
Adjacent cylinder thickness sR 14.2 mm
Calcul cyl thick (design) s1 #NAME? mm eq. 15
Calcul cyl thick (test) s1 3.35 mm eq. 15
Calcul cyl thick (bolt up) s1 0.00 mm eq. 15
Hub thickness sF 54 mm
Axial hub length hC 118 mm
Total flange height hA 190 mm
Actual flange thickness hF 72 mm
Distance to gravity center from face of flange e 58.70 mm
Distance to gravity center from axe 507.67 mm
d3 in flange definition (d+2*sF) d1 892.6 mm
Distance section B-B to cog cA 131.30 mm
Bolt data
Type (1=full shaft ; 2 = reduced shaft) 1
Bolt circle diameter dt 1030 mm
Number of bolts n 24
Diameter of flange holes dL 56 mm
Calculation hole diameter d'L 28 mm
Bolt nominal diameter 52 mm
Actual bolt root section 1833.69 mm²
Actual bolt root diameter dK 48.319 mm
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
SA VERDON – rue de Trazegnies, 124 – BE 6180 Courcelles
Rédacteur : François Salmin – N/Réf : Affaire 2140
Actual bolt shaft diameter dS 48.319 mm
Effective bolt length ls 200 mm
Bolt material identification 8.8
Bolt material norm DIN 267
Bolt elastic modulus (design temp) E 205350 N/mm²
Bolt material strength (design temp) K 621.25 N/mm²
Bolt safety factor (design temp) S 1.6 1.6 type 1 /
Bolt elastic modulus (test temp) Et 208000 N/mm²
Bolt material strength (test temp) K20 640 N/mm²
Bolt safety factor (test temp) St 1.2 1.2 type 1 /
Gasket data
Type (1 = soft ; 2 = soft + metal ; 3 = metal) 1
Mean gasket diameter dD 875 mm
Physical gasket width bD 85 mm
Physical gasket thickness hD 3 mm
Limit load factor (table 1) V 30
k0 1
Gasket coefficient for k1 (design) 1.1
Gasket coefficient for k1 (liquid) 1.1
Gasket coefficient for k0kD 22
Gasket coefficient k1 for design k1 93.5 mm table 1 or da
Gasket coeeficient k1 for test k1 93.5 mm table 1 or da
Gasket coefficient k0kD kokD 1870 N/mm² table 1 or da
Coeffcient (0.1 for liquid ; 0.2 for gas) A 0.1
Coefficient design SD 1.2
Coefficient test SD 1
Gasket elastic modulus (design temp) E 1500 N/mm²
Gasket elastic modulus (bolting up temp) Et 1500 N/mm²
Calculation of loads
design test
Axial cyl load (int press) PRP #NAME? 2900933
Axial suppl cyl load PRz 0 0
Total axial cyl load PR #NAME? 2900933
Load flange ring area PF #NAME? 706990
Total load due to int pressure Pi #NAME? 3607923
Gasket predeformation load PDV 5140431
Gasket predeformation load P'DV #NAME?
Min required gasket load PDB #NAME? 1542129
Actual calculated gasket load PDB #NAME? 1542129
Min required bolt load PSB #NAME? 5150052
Actual total bolt load PS #NAME? 5150052
Min bolt load (bolting up) PS0 #NAME?
Min bolt load (bolting up) #NAME?
Lever arms
aR 115.6 mm
aF 100.1 mm
aD 77.5 mm
a1 68.7 mm
For loose flange only a 0 mm
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
Bolt diamter
design test bolting up
Construction allowance C 1
Min required root diameter #NAME? 22.63 #NAME?
Actual root diameter 48.319
Actual shaft diameter 48.319
is of circular flange
ng to "Vornorm" DIN 2505 - Jan 1986
eq. 15
eq. 15
eq. 15
Sheet 1 of 3
table 1 or datasheet
table 1 or datasheet
table 1 or datasheet
2900933 N eq. 1
0 N
2900933 N eq. 2
706990 N eq. 3
3607923 N eq. 4
N eq. 5
N eq. 5a
1542129 N eq. 6
1542129 N eq. 12
5150052 N eq. 12
5150052 N
N eq. 11
N eq. 11a
Sheet 2 of 3
bolting up
#NAME? Nm eq. 13
3140 cm³ eq. 14
#NAME? N/mm²
219.05 N/mm²
#NAME? Nm eq. 13
3368 cm³ eq. 14
#NAME? N/mm²
219.05 N/mm²
#NAME? Nm eq. 13
4414 cm³ eq. 14
#NAME? N/mm²
219.05 N/mm²
bolting up
#NAME? mm eq. 19
kN/mm eq. 21
mm eq. 20
cm3 eq. 25
cm3 eq. 26
cm³ eq. 24
kN/mm eq. 23,30,32
mm eq. 22
bolting up
#NAME? mm
Sheet 3 of 3
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
Design conditions
Design pressure p #NAME? bar
Test pressure pt 60 bar
Allowable stress factor (sheet 6) z 1
Safety factor (design) S 1.5
Safety factor (test) St 1.05
Design temperature 50 °C
Axial supplementary cylindrical load design PRz 0 N
Axial supplementary cylindrical load test PRz 0 N
Flange material identification C22.8
Flange material norm DIN17243
Flange elastic modulus (design temp) E 205350 N/mm²
Flange material strength (design temp) K 226.25 N/mm²
Flange elastic modulus (test temp) Et 208000 N/mm²
Flange material strength (test temp) K20 230 N/mm²
Adjacent cyl material identification S355J2G3
Adjacent cyl material norm EN 10025
Adjacent cyl material strength (design temp) K 345 N/mm²
Adjacent cyl material strength (test temp) K20 345 N/mm²
Geometrical data
Nominal diamter NW 800
Outside diameter of flange da 1140 mm
Outside cyl shell diameter de 813 mm
Inside cyl shell diameter d 784.6 mm
Adjacent cylinder thickness sR 14.2 mm
Calcul cyl thick (design) s1 #NAME? mm eq. 15
Calcul cyl thick (test) s1 3.35 mm eq. 15
Calcul cyl thick (bolt up) s1 0.00 mm eq. 15
Hub thickness sF 14.2 mm
Axial hub length hC 0 mm
Total flange height hA 115 mm
Actual flange thickness hF 115 mm
Distance to gravity center from face of flange e 57.50 mm
Distance to gravity center from axe 556.37 mm
d3 in flange definition (d+2*sF) d1 813 mm
Distance section B-B to cog cA 57.50 mm
Bolt data
Type (1=full shaft ; 2 = reduced shaft) 1
Bolt circle diameter dt 1030 mm
Number of bolts n 24
Diameter of flange holes dL 56 mm
Calculation hole diameter d'L 28 mm
Bolt nominal diameter 52 mm
Actual bolt root section 1833.69 mm²
Actual bolt root diameter dK 48.319 mm
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
SA VERDON – rue de Trazegnies, 124 – BE 6180 Courcelles
Rédacteur : François Salmin – N/Réf : Affaire 2270
Actual bolt shaft diameter dS 48.319 mm
Effective bolt length ls 200 mm
Bolt material identification 8.8
Bolt material norm DIN 267
Bolt elastic modulus (design temp) E 205350 N/mm²
Bolt material strength (design temp) K 621.25 N/mm²
Bolt safety factor (design temp) S 1.6 1.6 type 1 /
Bolt elastic modulus (test temp) Et 208000 N/mm²
Bolt material strength (test temp) K20 640 N/mm²
Bolt safety factor (test temp) St 1.2 1.2 type 1 /
Gasket data
Type (1 = soft ; 2 = soft + metal ; 3 = metal) 1
Mean gasket diameter dD 875 mm
Physical gasket width bD 85 mm
Physical gasket thickness hD 3 mm
Limit load factor (table 1) V 30
k0 1
Gasket coefficient for k1 (design) 1.1
Gasket coefficient for k1 (liquid) 1.1
Gasket coefficient for k0kD 22
Gasket coefficient k1 for design k1 93.5 mm table 1 or da
Gasket coeeficient k1 for test k1 93.5 mm table 1 or da
Gasket coefficient k0kD kokD 1870 N/mm² table 1 or da
Coeffcient (0.1 for liquid ; 0.2 for gas) A 0.1
Coefficient design SD 1.2
Coefficient test SD 1
Gasket elastic modulus (design temp) E 1500 N/mm²
Gasket elastic modulus (bolting up temp) Et 1500 N/mm²
Calculation of loads
design test
Axial cyl load (int press) PRP #NAME? 2900933
Axial suppl cyl load PRz 0 0
Total axial cyl load PR #NAME? 2900933
Load flange ring area PF #NAME? 706990
Total load due to int pressure Pi #NAME? 3607923
Gasket predeformation load PDV 5140431
Lever arms
aR 115.6 mm
aF 100.1 mm
aD 77.5 mm
a1 108.5 mm
For loose flange only a 0 mm
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
Bolt diamter
design test bolting up
Construction allowance C 1
Min required root diameter #NAME? 22.63 #NAME?
Actual root diameter 48.319
Actual shaft diameter 48.319
is of circular flange
ng to "Vornorm" DIN 2505 - Jan 1986
eq. 15
eq. 15
eq. 15
Sheet 1 of 3
table 1 or datasheet
table 1 or datasheet
table 1 or datasheet
2900933 N eq. 1
0 N
2900933 N eq. 2
706990 N eq. 3
3607923 N eq. 4
N eq. 5
1542129 N eq. 6
1542129 N eq. 12
5150052 N eq. 12
5150052 N
N eq. 11
N eq. 11a
Sheet 2 of 3
bolting up
#NAME? Nm eq. 13
2647 cm³ eq. 14
#NAME? N/mm²
219.05 N/mm²
bolting up
#NAME? mm eq. 19
kN/mm eq. 21
mm eq. 20
cm3 eq. 25
cm3 eq. 26
cm³ eq. 24
kN/mm eq. 23,30,32
mm eq. 22
bolting up
#NAME? mm
Sheet 3 of 3
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
Design conditions
Design pressure p #NAME? bar
Test pressure pt 60 bar
Allowable stress factor (sheet 6) z 1
Safety factor (design) S 1.5
Safety factor (test) St 1.05
Design temperature 50 °C
Axial supplementary cylindrical load design PRz 0 N
Axial supplementary cylindrical load test PRz 0 N
Flange material identification C22.8
Flange material norm DIN17243
Flange elastic modulus (design temp) E 205350 N/mm²
Flange material strength (design temp) K 226.25 N/mm²
Flange elastic modulus (test temp) Et 208000 N/mm²
Flange material strength (test temp) K20 230 N/mm²
Adjacent cyl material identification S355J2G3
Adjacent cyl material norm EN 10025
Adjacent cyl material strength (design temp) K 345 N/mm²
Adjacent cyl material strength (test temp) K20 345 N/mm²
Geometrical data
Nominal diamter NW 800
Outside diameter of flange da 1140 mm
Outside cyl shell diameter de 813 mm
Inside cyl shell diameter d 784.6 mm
Adjacent cylinder thickness sR 14.2 mm
Calcul cyl thick (design) s1 mm eq. 15 (DIN2
Calcul cyl thick (test) s1 mm eq. 15 (DIN2
Calcul cyl thick (bolt up) s1 mm eq. 15 (DIN2
Hub thickness sF 14.2 mm
Axial hub length hC 0 mm
Total flange height hA 115 mm
Actual flange thickness hF 115 mm
Distance to gravity center from face of flange e 57.50 mm
Distance to gravity center from axe 556.37 mm
d3 in flange definition (d+2*sF) d1 813 mm
Distance section B-B to cog cA 57.50 mm
Bolt data
Type (1=full shaft ; 2 = reduced shaft) 1
Bolt circle diameter dt 1030 mm
Number of bolts n 24
Diameter of flange holes dL 56 mm
Calculation hole diameter d'L 28 mm
Bolt nominal diameter 52 mm
Actual bolt root section 1833.69 mm²
Actual bolt root diameter dK 48.319 mm
Engineering –Piping – Boiler works
SA VERDON – rue de Trazegnies, 124 – BE 6180 Courcelles
Rédacteur : François Salmin – N/Réf : Affaire 2270
Actual bolt shaft diameter dS 48.319 mm
Effective bolt length ls 200 mm
Bolt material identification 8.8
Bolt material norm DIN 267
Bolt elastic modulus (design temp) E 205350 N/mm²
Bolt material strength (design temp) K 621.25 N/mm²
Bolt safety factor (design temp) S 1.6 1.6 type 1 /
Bolt elastic modulus (test temp) Et 208000 N/mm²
Bolt material strength (test temp) K20 640 N/mm²
Bolt safety factor (test temp) St 1.2 1.2 type 1 /
Gasket data
Type (1 = soft ; 2 = soft + metal ; 3 = metal) 1
Mean gasket diameter dD 875 mm
Physical gasket width bD 85 mm
Physical gasket thickness hD 3 mm
Limit load factor (table 1) V 30
k0 1
Gasket coefficient for k1 (design) 1.1
Gasket coefficient for k1 (liquid) 1.1
Gasket coefficient for k0kD 22
Gasket coefficient k1 for design k1 93.5 mm table 1 or da
Gasket coeeficient k1 for test k1 93.5 mm table 1 or da
Gasket coefficient k0kD kokD 1870 N/mm² table 1 or da
Coeffcient (0.1 for liquid ; 0.2 for gas) A 0.1
Coefficient design SD 1.2
Coefficient test SD 1
Gasket elastic modulus (design temp) E 1500 N/mm²
Gasket elastic modulus (bolting up temp) Et 1500 N/mm²
Calculation of coefficients
delta 1.51 eq. 5
dt/dD 1.18
C1 0.56
d 275 mm
et 20 mm
di 235 mm
di/dD 0.268571429
dt/dD 1.177142857
CA 1.32
is of circular flange
n according to AD-2000 B5
eq. 15 (DIN2505)
eq. 15 (DIN2505)
eq. 15 (DIN2505)
Sheet 1 of 2
table 1 or datasheet
table 1 or datasheet
table 1 or datasheet
eq. 5
Sheet 2 of 2
10 7.83 8.159
12 9.4 9.853
14 11.546
16 13.065 13.546
18 14.932
20 16.383 16.932
22 18.932
24 19.691 20.319
27 22.691 23.319
30 25.017 25.706
33 28.017 28.706
36 30.344 32.319
39 33.344 35.319
42 35.669 38.319
45 38.669 41.319
48 40.991 44.319
52 44.991 48.319
56 48.311 52.319
64 55.573 60.319
72 68.319
C22.8 DIN 17243 60 208000
C22.8 DIN 17243 105 208000
C22.8 DIN 17243 225 208000
C22.8 DIN 17243 375 208000
C22.8 DIN 17243 9999 208000
E200 K20 K100 K150 K200
F22-A 1 2 3 4
1 1.007489 -0.02409278 0.02144546 -0.00489583
2 3.208035 -1.091489 1.553827 -0.423889
3 -13.19182 10.651 -13.27656 3.525713
4 30.58818 -44.89968 47.62793 -11.93544
5 -43.36178 79.56794 -71.67355 16.79465
6 42.25349 -92.64466 74.76717 -17.85693
2.5 3
-5.7138269 -8.3735899
14.807053 22.346833
-13.227394 -21.173729
5.4295275 9.1438678
-0.84077281 -1.4855474