Efficacy of Unani Formulation in Infertility Among Obese Women: A Clinical Study
Efficacy of Unani Formulation in Infertility Among Obese Women: A Clinical Study
Efficacy of Unani Formulation in Infertility Among Obese Women: A Clinical Study
International Journal of Medical and Health Research
Background and objectives: Obesity represents a rapidly growing threat to the health of populations which has detrimental effect
on fertility by disrupting the neuroendocrinal and ovulatory functions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of Unani
formulation in infertility among obese women.
Methods: A single blind non-randomized pre and post observational study was carried out at National Institute of Unani Medicine
Hospital, Bengaluru. Infertile women (n=30) in the age group of 18-40 years, with Body Mass Index 30-40 kg/m2, menstrual
irregularities, controlled thyroid dysfunction and spouse normal seminogram were included in the study. Patients with systemic
illnesses and those on weight reduction in last 3 months were excluded. 12.5 gm of Unani formulation (Tukhme Karafs, Tukhme
Anisoon, Tukhme Ajwain Desi, Tukhme Hulba, Asaroon) was administered orally twice daily in the form of decoction for two
consecutive months. Primary outcome measures (weight reduction, menstrual regulation and conception) and secondary outcome
measures (changes in BMI, lipid profile and fasting insulin) were assessed for improvement. Data were analyzed using paired
Student ‘t’ test.
Results: Weight loss (7% reduction of body weight) was achieved in 80% patients with significant reduction (P<0.001) in BMI
and waist to hip ratio, Menstrual regulation was achieved in 66.7% with significant reduction (P=0.081) in duration of cycle. The
conception rate was 0% during the study period, but 10% patients conceived after 2 months of completion of study. Changes in
lipid profile (on fixing 5% reduction) were achieved in 40% patients clinically (P>0.05). Changes in fasting insulin were achieved
in 20% patients (P=0.004).
Interpretation and conclusion: Unani formulation may be used as an effective alternative in infertility among obese women with
that the ingredients of this formulation act as insulin sensitizer, Sample size calculation: It was determined on the basis of
hypolipidemic, [22-28] diuretic, emmenagogue [29] and are previous study conducted on obese infertile PCOS women with
known to contain phytohormones as well as obesity 53.5% of them became pregnant in first 6 months; provided
suppressing active substances. [30] Hence, this Unani 80% to power with significance level of 5%, the effective
formulation may help in conception by weight reduction, sample size of 43 was calculated. [31] However, due to cost
menstrual regulation and ovulation.The study was conducted effectiveness, practical feasibility and availability of patients in
to test the hypothesis that the treatment of infertility among hospital, the sample size of 30 was kept as single group.
obese women with Unani formulation is likely to result in
conception. The study was planned with an objective to Selection criteria: Married women with in the age group of
evaluate clinically the efficacy and safety of Unani formulation 18-40 years, with infertility (primary and secondary), BMI
in infertility among obese women. between 30-40 kg/m2, menstrual irregularities
(oligomenorrhoea and amenorrhoea), controlled
hypothyroidism and spouse normal seminogram were included
Materials and methods in the study. Patients with systemic illnesses and received
Study design: A single blinded non-randomized pre and post treatment for weight reduction in last 3 months were excluded
observational study was carried out in the Dept. of Ilmul from study.
Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan (OBG), National Institute of
Unani Medicine, Hospital, Bengaluru during Nov 2014 - Study procedure: Patients meeting inclusion criteria were
March 2016.The study was approved by Institutional ethical offered study participation and informed consent was obtained.
committee. Enrolled patient were evaluated during the early follicular
(IEC NO. NIUM/IEC/2013-2014/ANQ/01) phase after a spontaneous or induced menses. Each patient
underwent a detailed history including the duration and type of
Participants: Total 166 patients were evaluated for eligibility infertility, previous treatment received for infertility, its
during the trial, out of these, 41 denied for participation and outcome, detailed menstrual history (including duration of
125 were subjected to investigation; 95 were excluded for not cycle, duration & amount of flow and history of passing clots).
meeting the inclusion criteria and 30 were included in the study Complete physical examination was performed in all patients
(Fig.1). and findings were recorded in the case record form designed
for the study. BMI, waist hip ratio, hirsutism score and vitals
were measured. Assessment of socioeconomic status
(Modified Kuppuswamy’s Socioeconomic Status Scale), Mizaj
(as per the parameters mentioned in classical Unani literature),
menstrual blood loss (Pictorial blood loss Assessment Chart
Scoring System), and hirsutism (Modified Ferriman Gallwey
Score) was done in each patient. Following initial screening,
patients were advised for routine investigation (complete
haemogramm), Biochemical test (SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline
phosphatase, Blood Urea, Sr. Creatinine, lipid profile including
Sr. Cholesterol, Sr. Triglyceride, HDL-Cholesterol), fasting
serum insulin, transvaginal ultrasonography was carried out to
know safety and efficacy of Unani formulation.
International Journal of Medical and Health Research
International Journal of Medical and Health Research
Subjective Parameters
Objective parameters
International Journal of Medical and Health Research
Table 4: Comparison of primary outcome measures Abuelghar WM et al. [38, 40] reported 66.7% and 33.3%, SF
No. of patients Majeedi et al. [36] reported 65% and 35%. Literature report says
Primary outcome measures
% that the incidence of primary infertility is more than compared
Weight loss to secondary infertility. [41] Mean±SD of duration of infertility
No 6 20.0 were 4.80±3.69 years. These findings is in conformance with
Yes 24 80.0 the study conducted by Tang T et al. [42] reported 4.9±2.9,
Menstrual regulation Elkadi MA et al. [39] reported 4.2±2.83 years and Serour GI et
No 10 33.3 al. [43] reported 4.0±2.53 years as duration of infertility.
Yes 20 66.7 Maximum patients 36.7% were from upper lower class which
Conception is in conformance with the study of SF Majeedi et al. [36]
No 30 100.0 reported 55% from upper lower class. Most of the patients
Yes 0 0.0 (83.3%) possessed balghami mizaj; which is in compatible
Data were presented as number (percentage) with the study of SF Majeedi et al. [36] and Kafeel G et al. [44]
both reported 77.5% patients with balghami mizaj. Further, this
Table 5: Comparison of secondary outcome measures
observed results are in accordance with theory proposed by
No. of patients Unani physicians, who states that in obese women infertility is
Secondary outcome measures %
(n=30) mainly caused by the dominance of khilte balgham which
Reduction in BMI causes zo’afe jigar [9] and zo’afe quwwate tawleede mani [10, 11]
No 6 20.0 resulting in chronic anovulation; zo’afe quwwate masika of
Yes 24 80.0 Rahim [7, 19] which prevents implantation [6] and increases the
Improvement in Lipid Profile risk of miscarriage (Table 1). [12, 21]
No 18 60.0
Yes 12 40.0
Subjective parameters
Improvement in Fasting Insulin
Menstrual regulation: At base line, 43.3% patients reported
No 24 80.0
Yes 6 20.0
regular cycles and 56.7% irregular cycles; which gets regular
Data were presented as number (percentage) in 63.3% after treatment with % change of 20%. Menstrual
cycles remain irregular in 33.3% patients. These findings is
Discussion: In the present study, it was observed that out of 30 consistent with the studies of Qayyum B et al. [45] reported 73%
patients, none of the patient conceived during the study period; patients had regular cycles and 26% had persistent irregular
but 3 (10%) patients conceived after 2 months of completion cycles and Tang T et al. [42] reported menstrual regulation in
of study probably due to the long term effect of research drug 58% and 52% patients(Table 2a). MeanSD duration of cycle
as literature report says that if an infertile women received before treatment, after 1st and 2nd month of treatment and after
treatment for infertility, she has to be followed for 6 months treatment follow up was 59.57±38.76, 51.16±33.34,
without giving any further treatment. Weight loss was achieved 35.52±11.85, 44.11±27.68 respectively. Significant reduction
in 80% and menstrual regulation in 66.7% of patients. The in duration of cycle was observed from baseline to after 2nd
mechanism can be postulated based on earlier experimental month of treatment (P=0.024) and even after treatment follow
studies. up (P=0.081). No significant difference in duration and amount
of flow was observed during the study period. The
Demographic data: Maximum patients 83.3% were in the age improvement in menstrual cyclicity is defined as a change from
group of 20-30 years which is consistent with the study of irregular to regular cycles. Further, this improvement in
Dhaliwal LK et al. [35] reported 83% and SF Majeedi et al. [36] duration and nature of cycle is credited to mudirre haiz,
reported 77.5%. Mean age of patients were 27.17±4.84; which mufattih sudad [46-50] and muqawwi jigar [13, 41] properties of
is in conformance with Athar R et al. [37] reported 27.55±5.6, Unani formulation which helps in menstrual regulation.
Abuelghar WM et al. [38] reported 27.63±4.05, Karimzadeh MA
et al. [39] reported 27.4±2.38. Most of the patients (56.7%) Weight reduction: MeanSD of weight reduction at baseline
suffered from primary infertility and 43.3% from secondary 75.93±7.54 and after treatment follow up was 70.60±8.05
infertility. This finding is in accordance with the study of respectively; 5 kg of weight loss with 7 % reduction of initial
International Journal of Medical and Health Research
body weight was observed over a period of 3 months, which supplementation in type 2 diabetes) reported reduction in BMI
was strongly significant (P<0.001). These findings is in from 30.1 ± 0.4 to 28.8 ± 0.4 over period of 3 months, Trivedi
conformance with the studies of Mahalwar V et al. [51] VR et al. [52] reported reduction in BMI from 30.93± 2.69 to
conducted a clinical trial on management of hypomenorrhoea 29.71±3.07 (P<0.01) over a period of 3 months, Fanghanel G
in obese women by a herbal compound (Test group: Zingiber et al. [58] reported reduction in BMI from 36.14±5.07 to
officinale, Piper longum, Piper nigrum, Embelia ribes, 33.56±4.78 (P<0.05) over period of 2 months. Halpern et al.
Cinnamomum zeylanica, Commiphora mukul and control reported reduction in BMI from 36.7±6 to 34±6.3 (P<0.01)
group: physical exercise with diet restriction) reported weight over a period of 3 months. Strongly significant reduction in
reduction from 69.8±2.9 to 64.87±2.6 with 7.02 % reduction in BMI is attributed to hypolipidemic and anti-obesity effect of
Test group and 68±1.29 to 65.6±1.27 with 3.52% reduction in Unani formulation. [21, 25, 30, 60, 61]
control group over a period of 3 month (P<0.001) and Trivedi
VR et al. [52] reported weight reduction from 80.13±11.47 to Hirsutism: Before and after treatment, MeanSD of hirsutism
76.89±11.88 (P<0.01)(Table 2b). Moreover, reduction in was 14.35±5.31 and 13.94±5.18 respectively. Significant
weight was the most significant predictor for improvement in difference (P=0.030) in hirsutism was observed during the
menstrual cyclicity. study period. Dodin S et al. [62] reported reduction in hirsutism
score from 16.9±1.6 to 14.2±1.7 (P<0.01), 15.6±0.8 to
Conception: None of the patient conceived during the study 11.9±0.8 (P<0.01), Ciotta L et al. [63] reported 19.07±0.73 to
period (Table 2c). 18.47±0.73 and 20.93±0.99 to 20.07±0.93 (P<0.05). The result
of present study is compatable with most of the above studies.
Objective parameters Inverse relationship exist between the weight and sex hormone
Urine for pregnancy test & gestational sac: Urine for binding globulin (SHBG); probably Unani formulation may act
pregnancy test and e/o gestational sac on USG Pelvis was as insulin sensitizer, increases SHBG through weight reduction
negative, as no patient conceived during the study period. and decreases androgen levels which in turn causes reduction
in hirsutism score. [21, 28]
Polycystic ovarian disease: At base line, 46.7% patients had
PCOD on USG Pelvis which persists in 36.7% on post Waist to hip ratio: Before and after treatment, MeanSD of
treatment scan with percentage change of 10%. (Table 3a) An waist to hip ratio was 0.90±0.03 and 0.88±0.04 respectively.
Association between insulin resistance, compensatory Strongly significant change (P<0.001) was observed during the
hyperinsulinaemia and hyperandrogenism has provided insight study period. Fanghanel G et al. [58] reported change in waist to
into the pathogenesis of PCOD. [42] Chronic inflammation has hip ratio from 0.88±0.08 to 0.86±0.06 and from 0.89±0.08 to
been implicated as a cause of PCOD and several studies have 0.87±0.06 (P<0.05) over a period of 2 months which is in
reported the presence of inflammatory markers in PCOD. [53] agreement with the present study. This effect is ascribed to
In vitro study on rats has shown that Tukhme Karafs improve hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic and insulin sensitizing activities
insulin sensitivity due to presence of phenolic compounds, of Unani formulation. [21, 25, 47, 61]
alkaloid and flavonoids. Tukhme Hulba also exhibits same
effect due to presence of Amino acid (4-hydroxyisoleucine). [21] PBAC: Strongly significant difference (P<0.001) in MeanSD
Pharmacological studies has reported that Unani formulation of PBAC score was observed before (107.43±115.02) and after
possess anti-inflammatory properties due to presence of treatment (171.59±120.18) during the study period. This effect
flavonoids in Tukhme Ajwain, [13, 22] Tukhme Anisoon,[54] is credited to mufattih sudad, mulattif, qawi mudirre haiz [46-50]
Asaroon; [55] apigenin and luteolin in Tukhme Karafs [56] and and muqawwi jigar [13] properties of Unani formulation (Table
glycoside and steroidal compound - saponin in Tukhme Hulba. 3b).
Thus, useful in PCOD.
Primary outcome measures: Weight loss was achieved in
Lipid profile: Before and after treatment, MeanSD of serum 80% patients and even statistical analysis has proved
cholesterol was 166.27±25.17 and 163.17±29.06, triglyceride significant reduction (P<0.001) in weight and BMI, with 7%
was 125.43±41.33 and 122.60±41.27 and HDL was reduction of body weight over a period of 3 months. Fanghanel
43.53±7.35 and 43.57±7.26 respectively. Cholesterol and G et al. [58] reported weight loss in 72.5% of patients. Pasquali
triglyceride slightly decreased (P-not significant), while HDL et al., Kiddy et al., Huber-Buchholz et al., Clark et al. [42]
remains unchanged during the study period. suggested that weight loss improves endocrine profile,
menstrual cyclicity, frequency of ovulation and chances of
Fasting insulin: Before and after treatment, MeanSD of pregnancy. Despres et al. suggest 5–10% weight loss result in
fasting insulin was 12.99±4.88 and 16.22±6.09 respectively; approximately 30% loss of visceral adipose tissue, which can
statistically strongly significant (P=0.004) difference in fasting improve metabolic and reproductive functions. [42] Significant
insulin was observed, though the values were in normal range change in weight loss in the present study is credited to the
only and perhaps signs of insulin resistance was not observed medicinal properties of Unani formulation such as mujaffif,
in patients clinically during the study period. mulattif, mu’arriq, musakhkhin, muhallil, munzije balgham and
mudirre bawl [46-50] thereby it reduces the obesity. Moreover,
BMI: Before and after treatment, MeanSD of BMI was the ingredients of Unani formulation consist of obesity
32.83±2.72 and 30.43±3.14 respectively. Strongly significant suppressing active substance diosgenin [30, 61] and camphene [26]
(P<0.001) change in BMI was observed over a period of 3
months. This findings is consistent with the study of Parham Menstrual regulation was achieved in 66.7% of patients.
M et al. [57] (conducted RCT on effect of pistachio nut Rezai M et al. reported 73.9% and 54.1%, Hanjalic-Beck A et
International Journal of Medical and Health Research
al. [64] reported 70% and 78%, Ciotta L et al. [63] reported 60%, obesity and PCOD, as it has significant effect on weight
Karimzadeh MA et al. [39] reported 66.6%, 62.5%, 55.5%, reduction, menstrual regulation and BMI; slight effect on lipid
66.6% improvement in menstrual disorders. The result of profile and fasting insulin and no effect on conception during
present study is compatible with most of the above studies. the study period but 10% patients conceived after 2 months of
Significant improvement in menstrual regulation is attributed completion of study. Unani formulation was effective to reduce
to mufattih sudad, qawi mudirre haiz [46-50] and muqawwi jigar obesity and menstrual regulation, due to hypolipidemic, insulin
properties of Unani formulation. Moreover, the ingredients sensitizer, diuretic, emmenagogue, and ovulation inducing
of Unani formulation contains phytohormones like flavonoids, properties. Moreover, Unani formulation consist of obesity
[13, 22]
saponins [65] and glycosides which helps in menstrual suppressing active substance (diosgenin and camphene) as well
regulation. [66] It seems that menstrual regulation is associated as phytohormones like flavonoids, saponins, and glycosides
with weight loss, secretion of SHBG, free androgen reduction, which helps in menstrual regulation and conception.
and improvement in ovarian function. [67] Further,
improvement in menstrual regularity is an indication of Acknowledgement: The authors are thankful to the Director,
improvement of potential fecundity. [68] Conception rate in the National institute of Unani medicine; Bengaluru for providing
present study was 0% than those reported by others (El Gharib all facilities to complete the research and Dr. KP Suresh,
MN et al. [69] reported 2.22% and Athar R et al. [37] reported Scientist (Biostatistics), National Institute of Animal Nutrition
3.2%), the probable reason could be short duration of and Physiology, Bengaluru for performing the statistical
intervention (as minimum 3 months treatment is required to analysis.
conceive), [52, 58] short follow up (as minimum 6 month is
required to restore reproductive function after weight loss). [70] Conflict of interest: none declared
The patients could have conceived, if the treatment was
continued for one more month and follow up for 2 more months References
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