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The degree to which

MODERN OFFICE AND ITS FUNCTIONS centralization or decentralization should be
adopted depends on the specific organization
Principles of Management
in which the manager is working.
A principle may be defined as a fundamental 9. Scalar Chain- Managers in hierarchies are
statements or general truth providing a guide to part of a chain like authority scale. Each
thought or action. The principles of management are manager, from the first line supervisor to the
the guidelines are the ground rules for the efficient president, possess certain amounts of
management of any undertaking. authority. The existence of a scalar chain
and adherence to it are necessary if the
HENRY FAYOL’S 14 PRINCIPLES OF organization is to be successful.
MANAGEMENT 10. Order- For the sake of efficiency and
Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925) coordination, there should be a proper,
systematic, and orderly arrangement of
1. Division of Labor- Work should be divided physical and social factors.
among individuals and groups to ensure that 11. Equity- All employees should be treated as
effort and attention are focused on special equally as possible.
portions of the task. 12. Stability and Tenure of Employees/
2. Authority & Responsibility- The concepts Personnel- Retaining productive employees
of authority and responsibility are closely should always be a high priority of
relAuthority was defined by Fayol as the management. Recruitment and Selection
right to give orders and the power to exact Costs, as well as increased product-reject
obedience. Responsibility involves being rates are usually associated with hiring new
accountable and is therefore naturally workers.
associated with authority. Whoever assumes 13. Initiative- Management should take steps to
authority also assumes responsibility. encourage worker initiative, which is
3. Discipline- A successful organization defined as new or additional work activity
requires the common effort of workers. undertaken through self-direction.
Penalties should be applied judiciously to 14. Esprit De Corps- Management should
encourage this common effort. encourage harmony and general good
4. Unity of Command- Workers should feelings among employees.
receive orders from only one manager.
5. Unity of Direction- The entire organization FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT
should be moving towards a common Since office management is similar to the general or
objective in a common direction. administrative management, it performs the same
6. Subordination of Individual Interests to functions as are performed by the management. The
the Common/ General Interests- The functions of office management are.
interests of one person should not take
priority over the interests of the organization i. Planning: Planning is concerned with
as a whole. dealing in advance what is to be done.
7. Remuneration- Many variables, such as
cost of living, supply of qualified personnel, According to Terry, Planning is the first
general business conditions, and success of fundamental function of management. It
the business, should be considered in provides prior to activity, guides courses for
determining a worker’s rate of pay. action required by managers to achieve
8. Centralization- The term refers to lowering goals.
the importance of the subordinate role.
Decentralization is increasing the
Planning is the selecting and relating of facts b) Providing inducements and
and making and using the assumptions incentives to employees.
regarding the future in the visualization and c) By satisfying the needs of the
formulation of proposed activities believed employees.
necessary to achieve desired results. vi. Co-ordinating : It means monitoring,
balancing and keeping the team together by
ii. Organizing: According to Oliver Sheldon ensuring a suitable allocation of tasks to the
“Organization is the process of combining various members, and by seeing to it that
the works done by an individual or a group these tasks are performed with an opinion
to perform with facilities necessary from its among the members themselves.
execution, that the duties performed provide
the best channel for the efficient, systematic, MEANING OF MODERN OFFICE
positive and co-ordinated application of the In simpler terms we can say office is a place
available efforts.” where business is carried on. In common parlance,
an office is understood to be a place where
iii. Staffing: Staffing in an organization refers clerical work is performed and where all kinds of
to the selection of men for the various jobs. paperwork (letters, correspondence, files, records
It refers to choosing and preparing men in etc) are dealt with. It is “a central place where all
the selection, recruitment, training, sorts of clerical work are done to co-ordinate and
development, promotion, and remuneration control the affairs of the whole organization”. A
of employees. few definitions may be noted.

iv. Directing: The process of direction refers to
the way an executives issues instruction to 1. “The office is the administrative center of
his subordinate. It includes leadership, a business. The purpose of an office has
communication, and supervision. been defined as the providing of a service
a. Leadership: The quality of of communication and record.”
leadership is the ability to influence - Mills and Standingford
people to strive willingly for the
realization of mutual objectives. 2. “An office is a place where business is
b. Communication: It is the process of transacted or professional services are
passing information from one person available.”
to another person. It involves a - Random Hours of Dictionary
systematic and continuous process of
telling, listening, and understanding. Office Work
c. Supervision: Supervision attempts According to the old concept “Office Work” is
to bring about conformity between mostly concerned with the records of an enterprise
planned and actual results. and making, preserving the records for further
usage, so from this we can call office work as
v. Motivating: Motivating is a process of clerical work. And office work not only deals with
stimulating an individual to take action records, it also includes communication,
which will bring about the satisfaction of a mechanical data processing, planning and
need and the accomplishment of a desired scheduling, etc.
goal. Motivation moves a person to action. It
is achieved by, According to Leffingwell and Robinson: “Office
a) The use of power, or force. work is concerned with records and statistics, with
communication, with computing, with planning
and scheduling. Every office task comes within  Internal sources: ex. different
the scope of one or the other of these activities.” departments, sections, etc.
 External sources: Govt. departments,
financial Institutions, universities,
Office Activities general public etc.
- Each office has a personality of its own. This b. Recorded of collected information
personality is a reflection of the purpose for which - In a suitable form, this recorded
an office exists. The manufacturing office will information is needed for preparing
have a profile that differs from that of a sales future Policies, and taking decisions.
office. The accounting office will have a different
orientation from that of a research and c. Arranging (or) Processing of
development office.” Information
- In all the information received cannot
- In organizing a new office, the office manager be used in the same form. Office has to
must first determine the prime reason existence of convert it in form of notes, reports,
that office and then add the necessary ingredients diagrams, graphs etc, and showing
to bring about an efficient operation entity that different aspects of business.
achieves pre- determined results.
d. Communication of recorded and
Although offices differ from one another in prime arranged information promptly
responsibility, many activities are commonly - Office has to supply the information to
carried out by all the offices. Some of these different departments and outside
activities are: bodies who are related in some way or
the other Ex. Planning is to be done for
i. Processing Incoming mail which future information and
ii. Processing Outgoing mail projections are to be made on the bias
iii. Dictation of part information which has to be
iv. Transcription supplied by the office in the most
v. Typing suitable form.
vi. Printing
vii. Copying 2. Administrative Management Functions
viii. Filing - A part from the basic functions of an
ix. Records Retrieval office, there are certain administrative
x. Records Disposal management functions which have to be
xi. Communication performed for a smooth functioning of the
Office Functions - These functions are outlined below
The functions of a modern office may be
classified into two categories:
(i) Management Functions: For
efficient functioning of an office
1. Basic functions (or) routine functions,
the management function includes.
2. Administrative management functions.
a. Planning.
1. Basic functions (or) routing functions
b. Organizing.
a. Receive and collecting information
c. Staffing.
- About the activities of the organization
d. Directing.
the source may be.
e. Communicating.
f. Controlling. d. Analyzing the existing office
g. Co-coordinating routines and adopting improved
h. Motivating ones

- Office work has to be properly planned,

and then organized and executed
according to the plan.

(ii) Public Relations Functions : An CHAPTER 2- OFFICE ORGANIZATION AND

office has not only maintains ADMINISTRATION
relations with the other
departments, it also needs to Definitions
maintain a good relations with the
outside world the public. - “Organization is a group of people who
Maintaining good relations with are cooperating under the direction of
the company increases the leadership for the accomplishment of
reputation and good will of the common end”-Ralph C. Davis
company. - “Organization is the arrangement of
(iii) Retention of the Records : Office function deemed necessary for the
Records includes correspondence, attainment of the objective and is an
letters, invoices, orders, financial indication of the authority and the
and cost records, minutes etc. responsibility assigned to individual
These records have to be retained charged with the execution of their
for future reference. respective functions.”
(iv) Safeguarding Assets : It is the
function of the office to safeguard Characteristics of an Organization
the assets of the organization,
which may be fixed assets like (i) It is a group of individuals which may be
buildings, plants, Machinery, office small or large.
equipment, lighting and air (ii) The group in the organization works under
conditioning equipment, movable the direction of executive leadership.
assets like furniture, office (iii) It is a function of arrangement.
machinery, or the cash, title deeds, (iv) It consists of some direction authority
records and documents etc. which controls the collective efforts of the
(v) Controlling Office costs : With group.
the adoption of scientific methods (v) It refers to a structure of duties and
for office management, a modern responsibilities.
office is further supposed to (vi) It is established for accomplishments of
discharge the function of common objective.
Controlling office costs This may (vii) It is continuous function and is preferred
be done by: in varying degrees by all levels of
management, from the first line supervisor
a. Mechanization of the office. to the top executive of the enterprise.
b. Adopting time and labour (viii) It cannot be static for simple reason that
saving devices in the office. an organization which is effective today
c. Using better forms. may not be satisfactory tomorrow. It needs
periodic changes and modifications
according to current needs and situations production, finance, personnel, marketing and
in terms of objective, jobs and personnel. such other activities.
c. Grouping the activities : The next step is to
Importance of Organization group the various activities into practical units
 The need for organization arises when two based on similarities and importance, and to
or more people work together. indicate the person who would do the work.
 A one-man business will have no difficulty For instance, purchasing, assembling may be
about co-coordinating the efforts of the placed under manufacturing while recruiting,
buying, selling and other management training job grading, compensation may be
functions of business. “but when the placed under personnel.
business starts to grow, and separate d. Defining and assigning activities to jobs :
departments are created for buying. Sales, Jobs must be clearly defined and the activities
accounting administration, and so on, the related to them must clearly identified and
need for organization grow with it”. assigned. This will help the management to fix
 With the growing complexities of a large the authority and responsibility of the
scale organization, the need and employees concerned.
importance of organization has grown
substantially. Administration
 The importance of organization can also  There is a sharp difference of opinion
be judged from the fact that a good among experts about the meaning and
organization is now regarded as the significance of the term “administration “,
foundation of sound management. “management”, and “organization”.
 Some writers maintain that there is no
Steps in Organization Management difference between these terms, while
Organizing refers to the grouping of activities others are of the view that they are not
necessary for the attainment of objective. It also synonymous and have different meanings.
indicates the authority and the responsibility
assigned to individual charged with the execution Management versus Administration
of their respective functions. The term administration is that function of an
enterprise which relates to the overall
The following steps are involved in organizing the determination of policies and major objectives.
structure of an enterprise.
a. Knowledge of objectives : In organization, it (i) “Administration is the function of
is important to bear in mind the objective or “determining the policies upon which the
target of organization or department. The enterprise is to be conducted, while the
objective must be determined, keeping in view function of management is to carry out the
the environmental situation. They must be policies laid down by the administration
clear, precise and complete, and free from group.
ambiguity or confusion. Unless the manager - Leffingweel and Robinson
or supervisor knows the objective, he may not
be able to organize properly and motivate (ii) “Administration is largely determinative,
people towards the attainment of the objective. whereas management is essentially
b. Division of work into activities : After laying executed.”-Oliver Sheldon.
down objectives, the manager must identify
the total work involved in achieving them. For (iii) “Administration includes broad policy-
instance, the total work involved of a making and management is a part or
manufacturing enterprise may be divided into element of administration” -Prof. Walter.
(iv) The term “administration “is more often (vii) Principle of division of work
used in non-business enterprises or (viii) Principle of discipline
government departments. The term (ix) Principle of continuity of operations
management may be used for business and (x) Principle of employee participation
non-business enterprises.

Principles of organization and formal and Formal and Informal organization

informal organization
Formal organization: a formal organization is
(i) Principles of objective: The objective of one in which position , responsibility , authority
an enterprise should be clearly laid down. and accountability at each level is clearly defined.
Within the enterprise, there should be
unity and uniformity in the policies and A formal organization is bound by the rules ,
objectives of difference departments so systems , producers and methods as laid down by
that every part of the organization, the top management from time to time.
including the office.
(ii) Principle of inter-related function: According to George R.Terry , there are four
Because organizations no longer have basic components of a formal organization.
mutually exclusive function, but rather
integrated functions, the functional area- (i) The work- which is divisionalized;
for example, sales, production, finance, (ii) Persons- who are assigned to perform the
marketing, and personnel are interrelated. divisionalized jobs
(iii) Principle of definition: The duties, (iii) The environment- under which the work
responsibilities, authority, and relations of is done
everyone in the organizational structure (iv) The relationships- among persons or
should be clearly and completely defined, work units.
preferably in writing.
(iv) Principle of work assignment: the work The advantages of formal organization include
assignment for everyone in the (i) Avoidance of role conflict.
organization should be taken into (ii) avoidance of overlapping of authority and
consideration the special strength and responsibility
talents of the individual. This means that (iii) advantage of specialization
an individual should be given an (iv) Defining and standardizing systems, rules,
assignment commensurate with his or her policies and procedures of an enterprise,
ability and interests. etc.
(v) Principles of ultimate responsibility:
The responsibility of a higher authority for The limitations are
the acts of his subordinate is absolute; that (i) It does not recognize informal
responsibility to his workers to do a given relationships
job , and the worker commits a mistake , (ii) It creates problem of communication
the supervisor is the one accountable to his (iii) It emphasizes structure rather than people
superiors. He cannot escape
responsibilities by saying that the mistake Informal organization
was committed by a particular worker. An informal organization always exists together
(vi) Principle of flexibility with a formal organization in every enterprise. In
an organization, people evolve informal groups
among themselves which are bound together by c. Line and staff organization- is the
common social, technological work or other organization that combines the merits of line
interests. Such groups make up an informal and functional organization, by adding the
organization. functional specialist to the line organization.
Here, line authority stays same, as in the case
According to Davis “an informal organization is of line organization and it flows downward.
that network of personal and social relations The functional experts, give advise to the front
which is not established by formal organization.” line managers, in the matters relevant to the
object of the organization. The specialist
The advantages of an informal organization are works as staff and serves the line officials, by
(i) It provides a useful channel of supporting and guiding them, whenever
communication necessary.
(ii) It covers deficiencies of formal
organizations d. Committee organization - is an association
(iii) It influences the formal organizations to of people set up to arrive at solutions to
work carefully common problems. The line people are given
(iv) It brings about mutuality among group opportunities to discuss their problems in the
members who derive job satisfaction by an committee. The committee organizational
exchange of ideas and views, etc. structure is not like line or functional
organization but is similar to staff
Its limitations are organization.
(i) It may tend to act on basis of mob
psychology Functions of Administrative Office Manager
(ii) It may be a source of rumors or wastage of
time a. Layout: It includes planning the layout,
(iii) It may tend to oppose change. maintenance and safeguarding of the building
and providing a proper work environment in
Types of Organization the office.
b. Equipment: It includes selections, purchase,
a. Line organization -is the oldest and simplest standardization, maintenance and replacement
method of administrative organization. of furniture, equipment, and office machines. (
According to this type of organization, the c. Organization: It includes the preparation of
authority flows from top to bottom in a organization charts and manuals, laying down
concern. The line of command is carried out of the functions of department and supervising
from top to bottom. departmental operations.
d. Communication and Correspondence: It
b. Functional organization- A functional includes the handling of inward and outward
organization is a common type of mail, the organization and supervision of
organizational structure in which the office correspondence and messenger service,
organization is divided into smaller groups telephone and intercom system, data
based on specialized functional areas, such as communication system, etc.,
IT, finance, or marketing. e. Records Management: It includes the
organization and supervision of filing and
Functional departmentalization arguably indexing, sorting, classification, protection,
allows for greater operational efficiency and destruction of records, etc.,
because employees with shared skills and
knowledge are grouped together by function.
f. Reproduction: It includes duplicating, etc, should be available near the office
copying, printing and other reproduction premises.
g. Budgeting and cost analysis: It includes the Location of Office
preparation of departmental and master - Every office manager should give a full
budgets, allocation of revenues and expenses and proper consideration to a suitable
and control of office costs, etc. location for his office. This location or site
h. Reporting: It includes the preparation of is an important consideration because an
reports and minutes, and the collection and unsuitable location may result a waste of
presentation of data to the top management. resource and efforts and result in loss of
time, inconvenience and any one to the
office staff as well as to the persons
dealing with it.
Office Accommodation and Environment
The problem of location arises under one or the
Every office manager is concerned about getting other of the following conditions:
office work performed with the maximum
efficiency and at minimum cost. (i) At the time of starting a business
This would be possible only if he makes a proper (ii) The increased volume of work may require
selection of employees, gives them a proper training location plan are no longer sufficient for
and guidance, and places them in appropriate jobs. the expanding business, and therefore, the
However, if the office staff is to work efficiently it entire expansion of the existing office or a
must be properly accommodated, have a good new location is necessary.
working environment, and should be properly (iii) The facilities provided in the original
equipped with suitable accommodation. location plan are no longer sufficient for
the expanding business, and therefore, the
Modern equipment and proper working conditions entire expansion of the existing office or a
are not in any way less important factor in new location is necessary.
improving efficiency and reducing costs. (iv) The lease for the office premises has
Principles expired and the owner of the premises is
not prepared to renew it.
(i) The office must be located at some (v) Shifting of the business by the business
convenient place so that it may serve the enterprise from one place or one state to
entire organization in the best possible another.
(ii) Office space should be sufficient from The Office Building
the point of view the present and future - The problem of choosing the right location
needs of the organization. for the office premises is as complicated as
(iii) Due provision should be made for the that of getting a proper and suitable
conveniences and amenities required for building to accommodate it. The office
the comfort and well-being of the staff, building should not only be of a proper
e.g. washing room, rest room, water size and shape, it should also be of such
coolers , canteen, etc. design as to serve the particular needs of
(iv) Service facilities like telephone, lift, the enterprise often, it is rather difficult to
internal communication, etc, should be get a building which is exactly suited to
available in the office, while other like the requirements of organization. The
banking, transport, market, post office, management should try to obtain such
premises which fulfill its requirements in (iv) Office furniture.
the best possible manner. (v) Freedom from noise and dust.
- The construction of one’s own office (vi) Safety.
building may be necessitated in the (vii) Sanitary arrangement.
following: (viii) Security
(ix) Secrecy
(i) When the business is large and
well established. Office lighting
(ii) When the demand for the products Lighting is perhaps the most important of office
in services of the organization is of physical conditions.
relative stable character.
(iii) When there is a cost advantage in Probably the best way to grasp the importance of
the construction of the business lighting to office management is to realize that
premises. virtually every office task is a seeking task. Since
(iv) When a specific type of building is office work is mostly paper adequate lighting
required for office purpose e.g., should be provided in any modern office.
centrally air-condition, soundproof
or specially constructed for Office lighting possible for the worker to see what
housing computers etc. he is doing-clearly, quickly and accurately
Office Layout
- G.R.Terry defines office layout as “the “ less than adequate lighting results in delays, and
determination of the space requirements mistakes delays because it takes longer to read in
and of the detailed utilization of this space poor light; mistakes because the visual image is
in order to provide a practical arrangement indistinct instead of sharp and clear. Moreover, it
of the physical factors considering causes over-strain, fatigue and headache to
necessary for the execution of the office workers.
work within reasonable cost.
- The objective of an office layout is to Lighting must have the following
make arrangements for the placing of men, characteristics :
materials, machines, furniture and
equipment within the available floor space (i) Sufficient quantity: Sufficient quantity of
of the office in such a way that everything light should be provided. The foot candle
can be utilized in the best possible manner. is the unit measure of light and represents
(i) The determination of correct the amount of direct light obtained from a
amount of space for each employee distance of one foot form the standard
and for machinery and equipment candle.
they use. (ii) Intensity: The light should provide the
(ii) The correct arrangement of right degree of intensity and brightness.
furniture, equipment, and The light should be well diffused over the
machinery etc. workplace and should not cast any
(iii) The best possible environment shadows. It should also be spread
conditions. uniformly over all parts of the working
Office Environment (iii) No Glare: An efficient lighting system
Office environment comprises of following. should not cause any surface glare. Direct
(i) Office lighting. glare which results from sunlight or ceiling
(ii) Ventilation and temperature control. light can be prevented by the use of
(iii) Interior decoration and furnishing. shadows or light fixtures.
(iv) No contrasts: Abrupt contrast in lighting the sense that it provides less heat and less
of work surface and remainder area should glare, last longer than filament bulbs and
be avoided. consumes less electricity.

Types of Lighting System b. Incandescent: This type of light is provided

by filament bulbs. The installation of
(i) Direct: In this type of lighting, incandescent lighting is much less expensive
approximately 90-100 percent of the light than fluorescent lighting.
is directed downward to the working
surface. This system makes use of some Benefits of good lighting in the office
shade on, or reflector for the source of
light. It provides good intensity of light. (i) Increased output: A change from poor
(ii) Semi-direct: In this system, a transparent lighting conditions to good is almost
or translucent shade is used which is certain to result in some increase in the
directed 60-80 percent of the light rate of work output.
downward; the remaining light is directed (ii) Better quality of work: The quality of
upwards and is reflected from the ceiling. work in an office can be improved
(iii) Indirect: In this system, 90-100 percent of appreciably by bring light up to accepted
the light is directed towards the ceiling or standards where light is not good, errors
walls and is then diffused and reflected are more frequent, may be due to eye
downwards on the work surface. This strain or fatigue.
system provides light which is soft, avoids
shadows and glare and does not cause Ventilation
eyestrain. Ventilation in the office refers to the supply of
clean and fresh air in right amount, at the right
Kinds of lighting temperature and of the right humidity.

(i) Natural: Natural light or daylight is the Proper ventilation is an important aspect of
best form of lighting. The maximum use office environment; fresh air must pass through
should be made of natural lighting from the office regularly. This is possible only when
whatever source available. Windows the office premises are properly ventilated. In the
should be large and high up; but provision absence of proper ventilation, air becomes stale,
should be made to prevent direct sunlight causes headache, fatigue and restlessness to the
falling upon the surface. employees. On the one hand, lack of proper
(ii) Artificial: Artificial lighting may be used ventilation makes a person sleepy and unduly
to supplement natural light. Since it is tired and adversely affects his health.
generally not possible to provide natural
over the whole working surface, artificial The following methods are generally used to
lighting has to be provided so that the maintain proper ventilation
working surface may be properly and
evenly illuminated. (i) Natural ventilation: Natural ventilation
may be obtained by providing enough
Artificial lighting is mainly of two kinds doors, windows, and ventilators of the
right type at the right places. They would
a. Fluorescent: The illumination produced by ensure a regular flow of fresh air from the
the fluorescent lighting closely resembles that outside and of stale air from the inside.
Natural ventilation can be increased by
of natural lighting. Although such lighting is
very expensive to install, it is advantageous in
providing roof ventilators and internal tube not only adds to appearance of a room, but has a
ventilators. psychological effect on the people working in it.

(ii) Artificial ventilators : Artificial Interior decoration involves

ventilators may be achieved by use of (i) A tasteful coloring of walls, doors and
electric fans, exhaust fans, air-coolers, air windows.
filters etc
(ii) Placing of attractive art objects pictures,
painting and informative charts on the
Types of Artificial Ventilators
(iii) Floor covering, curtains and wall
(i) Electric fans : Electric fans are used to
hangings, etc.
circulate air because air circulation is
much better than stagnant air.
(ii) Exhaust fans : These fans expel the
stagnant air from the room. They are very
After deciding the layout of the office
effective measure o ventilation.
accommodation and its decoration, it is necessary to
(iii) Air coolers : Air coolers have also
turn to the furniture that is to be put in it. Office
become very popular in offices. They draw
work mostly indoor desk work; suitable furniture
in the air which passes through water and
should therefore, be provided for office clerks so
becomes cool.
that they may be comfortable enough to perform
(iv) Room heaters : Room heaters may be
office work speedily and efficiently.
provided during the winter to keep the
temperature of the work place above the
Office furniture is the basic facility with which the
atmospheric temperature.
employee identifies himself. It is the duty of the
(v) Air conditioning : Air-conditioning is
office manager, therefore, to provide the right type
usually the most suitable form of
of furniture in the office
ventilation. It contributes to mental
activity and boosts the efficiency of
The usual furniture found in any modern office
employees. It is a costly system, but it
include desks, chairs and tables, racks, cabinets,
eliminates the problem of cleanliness, heat
cupboards, lockers, safes, trays, almirahs etc. the
and ventilation.
number of pieces and the kind of furniture to be
purchased for any office depends on various factors:
Apart from providing good atmospheric
conditions, air conditioning offers the following
(i) The number of departments and
(ii) The nature and volume of work to be
a. It helps maintain employees efficiency.
b. It helps safeguard their health.
(iii) The office space available for their
c. It helps to keep production cost low and.
suitable accommodation
d. It helps to protect the product or equipment in
the plan.
Factors : In selecting the furniture and other
equipment to be used for a specific job, the
Interior Decoration
following six questions should be considered.
Interior decoration may be described as the art of a
(i) Is the working area adequate.
careful decoration of interior of a room or a
(ii) Can the clerk work comfortably.
building, it has been found that an attractive décor
(iii) Can the clerk use both hands.
(iv) Can the job be supervised.
(v) Is the work adequately protected against
dust loss or damage.
(vi) Is there suitable provision for the clerk’s
personal effects

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