Osm Reviewer
Osm Reviewer
Osm Reviewer
iv. Directing: The process of direction refers to
the way an executives issues instruction to 1. “The office is the administrative center of
his subordinate. It includes leadership, a business. The purpose of an office has
communication, and supervision. been defined as the providing of a service
a. Leadership: The quality of of communication and record.”
leadership is the ability to influence - Mills and Standingford
people to strive willingly for the
realization of mutual objectives. 2. “An office is a place where business is
b. Communication: It is the process of transacted or professional services are
passing information from one person available.”
to another person. It involves a - Random Hours of Dictionary
systematic and continuous process of
telling, listening, and understanding. Office Work
c. Supervision: Supervision attempts According to the old concept “Office Work” is
to bring about conformity between mostly concerned with the records of an enterprise
planned and actual results. and making, preserving the records for further
usage, so from this we can call office work as
v. Motivating: Motivating is a process of clerical work. And office work not only deals with
stimulating an individual to take action records, it also includes communication,
which will bring about the satisfaction of a mechanical data processing, planning and
need and the accomplishment of a desired scheduling, etc.
goal. Motivation moves a person to action. It
is achieved by, According to Leffingwell and Robinson: “Office
a) The use of power, or force. work is concerned with records and statistics, with
communication, with computing, with planning
and scheduling. Every office task comes within Internal sources: ex. different
the scope of one or the other of these activities.” departments, sections, etc.
External sources: Govt. departments,
financial Institutions, universities,
Office Activities general public etc.
- Each office has a personality of its own. This b. Recorded of collected information
personality is a reflection of the purpose for which - In a suitable form, this recorded
an office exists. The manufacturing office will information is needed for preparing
have a profile that differs from that of a sales future Policies, and taking decisions.
office. The accounting office will have a different
orientation from that of a research and c. Arranging (or) Processing of
development office.” Information
- In all the information received cannot
- In organizing a new office, the office manager be used in the same form. Office has to
must first determine the prime reason existence of convert it in form of notes, reports,
that office and then add the necessary ingredients diagrams, graphs etc, and showing
to bring about an efficient operation entity that different aspects of business.
achieves pre- determined results.
d. Communication of recorded and
Although offices differ from one another in prime arranged information promptly
responsibility, many activities are commonly - Office has to supply the information to
carried out by all the offices. Some of these different departments and outside
activities are: bodies who are related in some way or
the other Ex. Planning is to be done for
i. Processing Incoming mail which future information and
ii. Processing Outgoing mail projections are to be made on the bias
iii. Dictation of part information which has to be
iv. Transcription supplied by the office in the most
v. Typing suitable form.
vi. Printing
vii. Copying 2. Administrative Management Functions
viii. Filing - A part from the basic functions of an
ix. Records Retrieval office, there are certain administrative
x. Records Disposal management functions which have to be
xi. Communication performed for a smooth functioning of the
Office Functions - These functions are outlined below
The functions of a modern office may be
classified into two categories:
(i) Management Functions: For
efficient functioning of an office
1. Basic functions (or) routine functions,
the management function includes.
2. Administrative management functions.
a. Planning.
1. Basic functions (or) routing functions
b. Organizing.
a. Receive and collecting information
c. Staffing.
- About the activities of the organization
d. Directing.
the source may be.
e. Communicating.
f. Controlling. d. Analyzing the existing office
g. Co-coordinating routines and adopting improved
h. Motivating ones
(i) Natural: Natural light or daylight is the Proper ventilation is an important aspect of
best form of lighting. The maximum use office environment; fresh air must pass through
should be made of natural lighting from the office regularly. This is possible only when
whatever source available. Windows the office premises are properly ventilated. In the
should be large and high up; but provision absence of proper ventilation, air becomes stale,
should be made to prevent direct sunlight causes headache, fatigue and restlessness to the
falling upon the surface. employees. On the one hand, lack of proper
(ii) Artificial: Artificial lighting may be used ventilation makes a person sleepy and unduly
to supplement natural light. Since it is tired and adversely affects his health.
generally not possible to provide natural
over the whole working surface, artificial The following methods are generally used to
lighting has to be provided so that the maintain proper ventilation
working surface may be properly and
evenly illuminated. (i) Natural ventilation: Natural ventilation
may be obtained by providing enough
Artificial lighting is mainly of two kinds doors, windows, and ventilators of the
right type at the right places. They would
a. Fluorescent: The illumination produced by ensure a regular flow of fresh air from the
the fluorescent lighting closely resembles that outside and of stale air from the inside.
Natural ventilation can be increased by
of natural lighting. Although such lighting is
very expensive to install, it is advantageous in
providing roof ventilators and internal tube not only adds to appearance of a room, but has a
ventilators. psychological effect on the people working in it.