LOPF5111 Learn Module Outline PDF
LOPF5111 Learn Module Outline PDF
LOPF5111 Learn Module Outline PDF
Law of Persons
(First Edition: 2018)
This guide enjoys copyright under the Berne Convention. In terms of the Copyright Act, no 98 of
1978, no part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other information storage
and retrieval system without permission in writing from the proprietor.
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 3
Using this Module Outline ................................................................................................................... 4
This Module on Learn........................................................................................................................... 5
Icons Used in this Document and on Learn ....................................................................................... 6
Module Resources ................................................................................................................................ 7
Module Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 10
Module Outcomes .............................................................................................................................. 10
Assessments ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Module Pacer ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Glossary of Key Terms for this Module ............................................................................................ 43
The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the main legal principles encountered in
the Law of Persons. The module aims to demonstrate why these principles are important and
how they can be applied when solving legal problems. It is intended that by the end of the
module, students will be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to
identify problems and formulate solutions to the various factual and legal issues relating to the
Law of Persons. Another important benefit of this module is that students will be shown,
through the study of relevant case law, the impact that the Constitution of the Republic of South
Africa, 1996 has on this area of private law.
• This document does not reflect all the content on Learn, the links to difference resources,
nor the specific instructions for the group and individual activities.
• Your lecturer will decide when activities are available/open for submission and when these
submissions or contributions are due. Ensure that you take note of announcements made
during lectures and/or posted within Learn in this regard.
Kindly note:
• Unless you are completing this as a distance module, Learn does not replace your
contact time with your lecturers and/or tutors.
• LAPE5111 is a Learn module, and as such, you are required to engage extensively with
the content on the Learn platform. Effective use of this tool will provide you with
opportunities to discuss, debate, and consolidate your understanding of the content
presented in this module.
• You are expected to work through the learning units on Learn in your own time –
especially before class. Any contact sessions will therefore be used to raise and address
any questions or interesting points with your lecturer, and not to cover every aspect
of this module.
• Your lecturer will communicate submission dates for specific activities in class and/or
on Learn.
Icon Description
A list of what you should be able to do after working through the learning
Sections where you get to grapple with the content/ theory. This is mainly
presented in the form of questions which focus your attention and are aimed
at helping you to understand the content better. You will be presented with
online resources to work through (in addition to the textbook or manual
references) and find some of the answers to the questions posed.
Module Resources
Prescribed Barratt A, Domingo W, Mahler-Coetzee JD, Amien W, Denson R, Olivier
Material (PM) M, Osman F, Schoeman H and Singh PP. 2017. Law of Persons and the
for this Module Family. Second edition. Pearson South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town
Recommended Please note that a number of additional resources and links to resources
Readings, are provided throughout this module on the Learn platform. You are
Digital, and Web encouraged to engage with these as they will assist you in mastering the
Resources various objectives of this module. They may also be useful resources for
completing any assignments. You will not, however, be assessed under
examination conditions on any additional or recommended reading
Heaton, J. 2012. The South African Law of Persons. 4th Edition. Durban,
LexisNexis ISBN: 9780409052657
• Heaton, J. 2012. Casebook on the South African Law of Persons. 4th
Edition. Durban, LexisNexis ISBN: 9780409052718
• Kruger, H and Skelton, A (eds). 2010. The Law of Persons in South
Africa. Cape Town: OUP
Badul, C.J. and Strode, A. ‘LM and Others v Government of the
Republic of Namibia: The first sub-Saharan African case dealing
with Coerced Sterilisations of HIV-Positive Women – Quo Vadis?
(2013) 13 African Human Rights Law Journal 214-228.
• Beyer, C. ‘Autonomy of the Child in the South African Context’
(2014) 4(3) Journal of Community Medicine and Health Education 1-
• Le Roux-Kemp, A. ‘A question of life and death’ (2013) 46(1)
Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 74-
• Pickles, C. ‘Termination-of-Pregnancy Rights and Foetal Interests in
Continued Existence in South Africa: The Choice on Termination of
Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996’ (2012) 15 (5) Potchefstroom Electronic
Law Journal 403-434.
• Satyapal, K.S. ‘The Treatment of Human Remains’ (2012) 5(1) South
African Journal of Bioethics and the Law 55-59.
• Wood-Bodley, M.C. ‘DID YOU SAY “ASININE” MILORD? – Bekker v
Naude en andere 2003 5 SA 173 SCA at
Module You will find an overview of this module on Learn under the Module
Overview Information link in the Course Menu.
Assessments Find more information on this module’s assessments in this document
and on the Student Portal.
Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is to provide students with graduate-level applied competencies
and legal knowledge necessary in the field of Law of Persons, with specific insight into the
content, scope and development of the Law of Persons in South Africa. Students should be
able to analyse and solve common problems relating to the Law of Persons.
Module Outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the language, terminology,
concepts and principles of the Law of Persons.
Apply core concepts used in the Law of Persons to problems commonly
encountered in legal practice.
Evaluate the role and application of the elements of the Law of Persons in the
context of the various sub-disciplines comprising the South African legal system.
Integrated Curriculum Engagement (ICE)
Minimum number of ICE activities to complete 4
Weighting towards the final module mark 10%
Summative Examination
Weighting 35
Duration 2 Hours
Total marks 120
Open/closed book Open book
Resources required n/a
Learning Units covered All
Test 1 This test will challenge you to recall Your primary focus will be on the
and apply the legal principles textbook and your notes made
covered in Learning Units 1-3. It is a during lectures. In addition, the
closed book test that will consist of Learn Guide and the internet will
theory and practical questions. provide information in many
Test 2 This test will challenge you to recall Your primary focus will be on the
and apply the legal principles textbook and your notes made
covered in Learning Units 4 -6. It is during lectures. In addition, the
a closed book test that will consist Learn Guide and the internet will
of theory and practical questions. provide information in many
Exams The exam will challenge you to Your primary focus will be on the
recall and apply the legal principles textbook and your notes made
covered in ALL of the Learning during lectures. In addition, the
Units. It is a closed book exam that Learn Guide and the internet will
will consist of theory and practical provide information in many
questions. instances.
Module Pacer
Code Programme Contact Sessions Credits
LAPE5111p HLS1p 28 lecture plus 2 12
learn hours
LOPF5111 BLAW 1 48 lecture plus 5 15
LOPF5121 BALW316 learn hours
Learning Unit 1 Defining Words and Concepts Used in the Law of Persons
Words and concepts are the tools of the law. However, we are not free to decide what the
words and concepts mean as they have very precise meanings in the legal environment.
Lawyers are deeply concerned with definitions of words and concepts – they want to know
precisely what the words mean – as whole court cases may hinge on the particular meaning
of a word, a phrase or a particular concept.
In this learning unit, we will look at defining and explaining particular concepts used in Private
Law and, in particular, the Law of Persons. It will discuss the most important consequence of
being recognised as a “person” from a legal perspective, and provide a detailed explanation
of the concepts of rights and duties.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 4 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of
your prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives
for this learning unit, please also ensure that you complete the following activities on Learn:
Activity Estimated
Time on Task
1.1.1 Legal persons and legal personality 30 minutes
1.2.1 Rights and duties of legal persons 30 minutes
1.3.1 The Constitution 90 minutes
1.4.1 Capacity to be held accountable for wrongdoings 60 minutes
1.5.1 Legal status 30 minutes
Estimated total time for this learning unit’s activities 4 hours
The challenge you may experience in this learning unit relates to the new concepts applicable
to the law of persons, so ensure that you are familiar with the way that these are used in this
module by referring to the definitions included in the prescribed readings for this unit.
Learning Unit 1: Defining Words and Concepts Used in the Law of Persons
Sessions: Theme 1: What is a “person” and why Prescribed Material (PM)
1-4 does this matter?
LO1: Explain what the Law of Persons is PM1: Chapter 2
Related and why we commence the study of
Outcomes: law with this subsection of private
MO001 law;
MO002 LO2: Define the following legal concepts
and explain how they relate to each
o Law of Persons;
o natural person;
o legal person;
o legal subject;
o legal object;
o legal subjectivity; and
o legal personality
Theme 2: What are Rights, Duties and PM2: Chapter 2
Legal Objects?
LO3: Differentiate between t real rights,
personal rights and personality
LO4: Explain the relationship between
legal rights and duties;
LO5: Differentiate between physical
things, performance and personality
Theme 3: The Impact of the Constitution PM1: Chapter 2
of the Republic of South Africa,
1996 on the Law of Persons
LO6: Identify which rights in the Bill of
Rights are most relevant to the Law
of Persons;
LO7: Discuss what happens when
common law and/or statutory rules
are unconstitutional;
A legal subject is an entity capable of holding rights, duties and capacities. For purposes of the
law, it is important to identify how and when a human being becomes a legal subject, and how
and when a juristic person becomes a legal subject in the eyes of the law. According to current
law, legal personality for human beings begins at birth, whereas for juristic persons, such as
commercial companies, the decisive event is registration.
In this learning unit, we will look at how and when a human being becomes a “person” for
legal purposes, how the law acknowledges in practical terms the period in time before the
birth of a human being and consider the important legal consequences that arise from the
acquisition of personhood status.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this
learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
The challenge you may experience in this learning unit relates to understanding the nasciturus-
fiction and the applicable cases. Ensure that you are familiar with content and the prescribed
cases that are used in this module by referring to the definitions included in the prescribed
readings for this unit.
A person’s legal status depends on his or her membership of a particular group or class of
people. The legal system decides which particular groups are important for the purpose of
legal status. It may be said that age is the most significant factor affecting status of persons,
and therefore their ability to acquire rights, duties or capabilities in terms of the law.
In this learning unit, we will look at the effect of age on status, on a person’s capacity to
perform juristic acts, on contractual capacity, on a person’s ability to consent to medical
treatment and the effect of age on a person’s capacity to be held accountable for crimes and
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 4 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of
your prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives
for this learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
The challenge you may experience in this learning unit relates to differentiating between
the capacity of infans and minors as it relates to contractual capacity, consent to medical
treatment and criminal and delictual accountability.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 protects certain human rights, including
the right to be treated equally under the law by forbidding unfair discrimination on several
grounds, including a person’s sex or gender. However, these rights are not absolute and may
be limited in certain circumstances. Situations may arise where the Constitution permits
discrimination on the basis of sex and/or gender provided that such discrimination is ‘fair’.
In this learning unit, we will look at the meaning of ‘sex’ in a legal context, when the law allows
for different treatment of people because of their sex and issues relating to transsexualism
and sex reassignment.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this
learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
The challenge you may experience in this learning unit relates to differentiating between the
terms “gender” and “sex”. Pay particular attention to the ways in which the law differentiates
between persons on the basis of sex and familiarise yourself with the effect of the Alteration
of Sex Description and Sex Status Act 49 of 2003 on the legal position of persons who have
undergone sex reassignment surgery.
The justification for limiting a person’s capacity to act is to protect his or her interests. If a
person does not understand the nature and consequences of an act, the law will attach no
legal consequences to the act. It is for this reason that the law does not recognise any capacity
to act on the part of people suffering from mental illness.
In this learning unit, we will look at the meaning of mental illness, the impact of a person’s
mental illness on his or her capacity and the provisions regarding curatorship and
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this
learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
The challenge you may experience in this learning unit relates to defining mental illness in
terms of the common law and statute and the impact the mental illness has on the individual’s
Learning Unit 6 Intoxication from Drugs and/or Alcohol as a Factor Affecting Status
The justification for limiting a person’s capacity to act is to protect his or her interests.
Accordingly, the law does not recognise any capacity to act on the part of people suffering
from mental illness as they do not understand the nature and consequences of their actions.
For that reason, the law also protects those influenced by drugs or alcohol by limiting their
capacity to act in some cases.
In this learning unit, we will look at the meaning of intoxication, the impact of a person’s
intoxication from drugs and/or alcohol on their capacity and the provisions regarding
curatorship of an intoxicated person.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this
learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
The challenge you may experience in this learning unit relates to when intoxication may have
an effect on the individual’s capacity to act in terms of contract, their ability to litigate, hold
certain offices and be liable either delictually or criminally.
Learning Unit 6: Intoxication from Drugs and/or Alcohol as a Factor Affecting Status
Sessions: 19 -22 Theme 1: The Meaning of Intoxication Prescribed Material (PM)
In this learning unit we examine the legal capacities of the ‘prodigal’. As we shall see,
declaration as a prodigal has the result that a person will have limited capacity to perform
juristic acts, in particular, he or she will not have the capacity to bind herself or himself in
contract unless assisted by a curator.
In this learning unit, we will look at what a prodigal is, the procedure to have someone
declared a prodigal and the consequences of such a declaration.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Theme 1 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your prescribed
source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this learning
unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
Insolvency limits the legal capacities of a person in order to protect his or her creditors or
potential creditors.
This learning unit examines the impact of insolvency on a person’s capacity to deal with his or
her estate. It further looks at how an insolvent person can become rehabilitated.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1 and 2 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this
learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
Physical disability may lead to a person being unable to manage his or her own affairs, and
therefore, such a person’s legal capacity may be affected to some extent. Accordingly, the law
makes provision for people who are physically disabled and legally incapacitated in some
In this learning unit, we will look at the law relating to persons who are unable to manage their
own affairs due to physical disability, the appointment of curators in such circumstances and
the legal capacities of a person for whom a curator has been appointed.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this
learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
The challenge you may experience in this learning unit relates to the different factors or
infirmities a court may take into consideration when appointing a curator for someone who is
physically disabled and the impact such an order will have on the individual’s capacity
Ordinary language can take on a different meaning when used in a legal context. The definition
of domicile relates to a home in ordinary language, whilst it can mean a place the law identifies
as a person’s place of residence for the exercise of rights and duties, when understood within
a legal context. Domicile is an important principle in South African law and is not the same as
residence or citizenship. There are various sources of our law that have different implications
for different types of domicile and the application thereof. As is the case with most legal
principles, the supremacy of the Constitution takes precedence in matters relating to domicile,
particularly where issues affecting matrimony, choice, origin and birth are concerned.
In this learning unit, we will look at the impact of a person’s domicile on his/her legal status.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 4 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 4 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of
your prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives
for this learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
You may experience difficulties differentiating between the different types of domicile and
when they would be applied. Pay particular attention to the rules of domicile and make sure
you can apply them to various scenarios.
Legal personality is the ability to be the bearer of rights, duties and capacities in terms of the
law. Two types of legal persons, namely natural and juristic persons, can potentially be
bestowed with this status and consequent capacities. In the case of natural persons, legal
personality arises at the live birth of a human; with juristic persons this usually occurs through
a form of registration. In turn, the law also makes provision for the termination of this legal
recognition or status as a legal person.
In this learning unit, we will look at death and its legal significance, proof of death, the
presumption of death and its effects, the sequence or moment of death and the registration
of death.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 4 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of
your prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives
for this learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:
The challenge you may experience in this learning unit relates to distinguishing between the
common law and statutory procedures for obtaining a presumption of death order.
Death leads to the termination of the legal personality of a legal subject, and subsequently,
the law recognises the sentiments of society regarding what happens after the death of a
person. However, the law does not regulate death for the sake of the dead persons but rather
for the boni mores or in the public interest.
In this learning unit, we will look at the law relating to burial and other duties following the
death of a person, post-mortem examinations and crimes involving the human corpse.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 3 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 2 sessions on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this
learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn: