Chapter 1 - What Is Economics
Chapter 1 - What Is Economics
Chapter 1 - What Is Economics
● Definition of Economics
● Two Big Economic Questions
● The Economic Way of Thinking
● Economics in The News
● Graphs In Economics
● Mathematical Note
● Economics:
○ The social science that studies the choices that individuals, businesses,
governments, and entire societies make as they cope with scarcity and the
incentives that influence and reconcile those choices
○ Microeconomics:
■ The study of the choices that individuals and businesses make, the way
those choices interact in markets and the influence of governments
■ How to allocate scarce resources
■ Example:
● Why are people buying more ebooks and fewer hard copy books?
○ Macroeconomics:
■ The study of the performance of the national and global economies
■ Example:
● Why does the unemployment rate in Canada fluctuate?
● There are two big questions that summarize the scope of economics:
○ 1) How do the choices end up determining what, how and or whom goods and
services are produced?
○ 2) Do choices made in the pursuit of self-interest also promote social interest?
○ What?:
■ In Canada, Agriculture (2%), Manufactured Goods (28%), Services (70%)
of total production
■ In Ethiopia, Agriculture (35%), Manufactured Goods (28%), Services
(44%) of total production
● What determines these patterns of production?
● How do choices end up determining the quantity of each item
produced in Canada and around the world?
○ How?
■ Factors of Production:
● The resources used to produce goods and services
● Grouped into Four Categories:
○ 1) Land:
■ The natural resources that we use to produce goods
and services
○ 2) Labour:
■ The work times and work effort that people devote
to producing goods and services
■ Includes the physical and mental efforts of all the
people who work
■ Human Capital:
● The knowledge, skills, training, education
and expertise the people obtain
○ 3) Capital:
■ The tools, instruments, machines, buildings and
other constructions that businesses use to produce
goods and services
○ 4) Entreprenuership:
■ The human resource that organizes labour, land and
■ Drivers of economic progress
■ Develop new ideas about what and how to produce,
make business decisions and bear the risks that arise
from these decisions
● What determines how the factors of production are used to produce
each good and service
○ For Whom?:
■ Who consumes the goods and services that are produced depends on the
incomes that people earn:
● Land earns Rent
● Labour earns Wages
● Capital earns Interest
● Entrepreneurship earns Profit
■ Labour earns the most income
● Wages are about 70% of the total income