AEVIU - Emotions
AEVIU - Emotions
AEVIU - Emotions
A Strong desires
Pregnant women crave / have a craving for strange things like tuna and banana pizza! [want very
Young children often seem to thirst / have a thirst for knowledge. [feel very strongly that you want]
Sometimes my cousin just yearns to be on her own with no family responsibilities. [if you yearn to
do / yearn for / have a yearning for something, it means that you want something that you do not have
and, often, can never have]
An Olympic gold medal is probably the most coveted sporting prize. [to covet something means to
want to possess it very much]
Language help
A useful adjective from placate is implacable. It is used about someone’s opinions and feelings and
means that they cannot be changed, e.g. I cannot understand the implacable hatred that he still
feels for his old rival. (Note: placable doesn’t exist.)
William Ashley
B Negative feelings
noun meaning adjective verb examples
loathing intense hatred loathsome loathe I just loathe people who tell lies.
abhorrence intense disgust abhorrent abhor We all find her behaviour abhorrent.
scorn lack of respect for scornful scorn There was a scornful note in his
something voice.
irritation a feeling of being annoyed irritating irritate Her comments gave me an intense
irritated* feeling of irritation.
distress a feeling of being distressing distress Being told that my best friend was
extremely upset or worried distressed* seriously ill was very distressing.
alarm a feeling of being very alarming alarm The advance of the enemy troops
worried or frightened alarmed* across the river was an alarming