Withheld Assesment Question

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1. Define the term ‘Factory’.

2. Produce any two reasons for ‘lay-off’.

3. What is ‘wages’?

4. Define ‘Permanent Partial Disablement’.

5. What is ‘Occupational Disease’?

6. What do you understand by ‘Industrial Dispute’?

7. Define the term Lock-out’.

8. Who is an ‘Immediate Employer’?

9. What is the ratio of contribution of employer and employees as per ESI act?

10. Define the term ‘Standing Order’?

11. What are the powers of inspector prescribed in the Factories Act?

12. What are the defenses available to employers for nonpayment of compensation

against personal injury caused to a workman under Workmen’s Compensation Act,


13. Explain any five welfare measures provided by the Factories Act, 1948.

14. Explain the main objectives of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.

15. What is ‘Strike’? Explain the various types of strikes.

16. What is ‘Retrenchment’? Explain the requirements for retrenchment.

17. What are the powers of the E.S.I Corporation?

18. What are the matters to be provided in Standing Order?

19. Explain the provisions ensuring the health of the workers under Factories Act.
20. What are the various authorities established by the Act to settle industrial dispute?

Give a brief note on any three of them.

21. Elaborately explain the Sickness benefit and Dependents’ benefits according to E.S.I


22. Explain the scope and object of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.

23. What do you mean by maternity benefit?

24. State the provision regarding nursing break under the Act.

25. Is it necessary for a working woman to give notice to its employer for maternity


26. Is it mandatory for maintenance of Register under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961?

27. State the scope and object of the Payment of Gratuity Act?

28. Define the following terms: (i) Continuous service (ii) Employee (iii) Wages.

29. When gratuity becomes payable? To whom gratuity is payable?

30. Who are entitled for payment of gratuity?

31. Explain the scope and objectives of Labour law.

32. Explain the provisions ensuring the safety of the worker in the Factories Act, 1948.

33. Describe the various Deductions from Wages.

34. Briefly explain the Adjudication mechanism available to the worker in Industrial

Dispute Act, 1947.

35. Explain the benefits of contract labour.

36. What is total disablement and partial disablement?

37. Explain Compensation for death in detail?

38. Explain Temporary disablement, Permanent disablement and Death.

39. Explain Strike & Lockout in Public Utility Services

40. What all employees’ PF and Miscellaneous Provision Ac 1952 includes. Explain all.
41. Explain the Unfair Labour practices on the part of “employers” & Trade Union of


42. What is Provident fund Contribution?

43. Who are not eligible under Maternity act 1961

44. Define Payment of Subsistence Allowance

45. What is Conciliation

46. Difference between strike and lockout.

47. What is Industrial Dispute Resolution Mechanism.

48. What are the objectives of the Payment of wages Act, 1936?

49. What is Arbitration?

50. Describe the rules for payment of wages under Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Manpower Planning And Performance Management

1. What is the importance of performance appraisal?

2. What are the various purpose of performance appraisal?

3. What do you mean by learning?

4. Define HRD climate.

5. What do you mean by core competencies?

6. What is competency analysis?

7. Define potential appraisal?

8. What do you mean by performance planning?

9. Define performance management system.

10. What is compensation structure?

11. What do you mean by rewarding?

12. What is OB modification?

13. Define executive compensation.

14. Define BARS.

15. Describe the factors affecting compensation.

16. What is wages board?

17. What do you mean by job evaluation?

18. What is the basic difference between performance appraisal and performance


19. What is a fringe benefit?

20. Define profit sharing.

21. What do you mean by HRD culture?

22. What is negative reinforcement?

23. What do you mean by quantitative and qualitative techniques?

24. What is the full form of ESOP?

25. Explain how job evaluation is different from performance appraisal.

26. Explain the different process involved in selection.

27. How do you determine someone’s key job responsibilities?

28. What items typically included in job Specification?

29. Why it is important to conduct pre-employment background investigation?

30. Write short notes on (A) 3’C (B) BARS (3) Halo effect (4) Telecommuting

31. Explain the linkage between Performance Management System and Job Analysis

32. What is Behavioral anchored rating scales.?

33. Difference between Recency and Primacy error?

34. What is KRA and KPI?

35. What is SMART Techniques?

36. What is Full Circle feedback? Explain?

37. List and evaluate external factors affecting staffing? Which ones are most critical


38. What are types of interviews?

39. How aptitude test helps in selection process?

40. Write a detailed note on traditional and modern methods of performance appraisal.

41. What do you mean by ethics ? Explain with the help of example how ethical issues

and dilemmas have an impact on performance management of an employee in an

organization ?

42. Write a detailed note on performance management with special reference to its

meaning, importance and process.

43. What is HR demand forecasting ? Discuss in detail the methods involved in it.
44. What do you understand by human resource planning ? Discuss the objectives of

MPP/HRP in the current scenario.

45. What are the challenges faced while implementing succession planning ?

46. What are the objectives of career planning and development ? Discuss the stages in

career development.

47. Describe principle and factors affecting of learning.

48. What do you mean by learning? Discuss the various theories of learning?

49. What is performance managing? Explain the process.

50. Describe the objectives and importance of performance managing with suitable

International Business

1. What is International Business?

2. What are the factors to be considered to calculate ‘Country Attractiveness’?

3. Write short note on GATT.

4. Write short note on “Absolute Advantage Theory”.

5. What is ‘Balance of Trade’?

6. What is Global Portfolio Management?

7. Write short note on ‘Make or Buy Decision’.

8. What is exchange rate risk?

9. What are the various ‘conflict resolution measures’ in International Business?

10. What is ethical decision making?

11. Outline the political, economic environment of international business with suitable

real time examples.

12. Discuss the various Approaches (Orientation) of International Business.

13. Explain the factors that cause the Globalization of Business.

14. Explain the role of WTO in International Business.

15. What is regional trade block? Explain the different types of regional trade block and

give suitable examples.

16. Distinguish between Standardization vs Differentiation Strategies.

17. Discuss the Areas of Strategic Compulsions.

18. Discuss the different forms of international business with merits and demerits.

19. Explain the various sources fund available in International Business.

20. Discuss about the various types of exchange rate systems and state the factors

determining the exchange rate.

21. Explain the types of conflict and conflict resolution techniques in International


22. Discuss the role of international agencies in Negotiation.

23. Draw the diagram of Market Entry method

24. Explain Hofstede Model with example?

25. What is Global sourcing?

26. What is Trade Block?

27. What is International Marketing? Explain the various methods?

28. How would you describe the modern challenges in international Business domain

along with their possible solutions in international business management?

29. Explain the reasons for internationalization.

30. Examine the steps needed to upgrade domestic business into international business

31. What you understand by Balance of Trade & Balance of invisible?

32. How Preferential Trade agreement if different from the multilateral trade?

33. Why does india need FDI? What india should do to attract suitable FDI?

34. What are the barriers to international trade? List and explain all the types of barriers to

international trade.

35. Explain the concept of country risk analysis. Comment on socio-economic risk and its


36. What do you mean by Multi-National Enterprises? Explain all the advantages and

disadvantages of MNEs from the point of view of MNEs as well as the host country.

37. What are the various methods of payment available for settlement of international


38. Explain the working of a letter of credit and list all the types of L/Cs.

39. Define International Monetary Fund.

40. Define WTO Ministerial Conferences.

41. International market selection.

42. 2004-09 EXIM Policy.

43. Explain about capital budgeting?

44. Explain about capital budgeting?

45. Define training. 16.Evaluate global marketing?

46. How would we PRODUCT strategies in global markets?

47. Explain about distribution Channel Management.

48. Define social responsibilities of a global organization?

49. Solve the distribution channel?

50. Explain David Ricardo Theory?

Sales and Distribution Management

1. Nature and Scope of Sales Management‐Past & Present.

2. Functions of Sales Management.

3. Define Market Potential

4. What is Sales potential

5. Define Territorial potential

6. Define sales forecast.

7. What are the methods of sales forecast?

8. Define Sales Management

9. Define Personal selling

10. Define Salesmanship

11. Objectives of Sales Management

12. Define sales territory.

13. Different selling and buying styles.

14. Importance of personal selling.

15. Define Salesmanship and its type?

16. Briefly describe Expert Opinion Method?

17. Elaborate the term “Sales Quota”?

18. What is Sales Force Management? Role of Sales Manager

19. Process of personal selling

20. Difference between marketing and selling

21. Selling and buying styles

22. Role of Personal selling.

23. Write short notes of the following:

(a)Role of sales management in marketing function

(b) Differentiate selling and buying styles.
(c)Importance of personal selling.
(d) Sales presentation and its role in selling.
(e) Roles and responsibilities of sales manager.
(f) Selling process and its objectives.

24. Write notes on of the following:

(a)Causes and effect of channel conflicts.

(b) Importance of specialized and primary distributors in Retailing era.

(c)Role of channel members in ‘just‐in‐time’ inventory management system.

25. Write notes of the following :

(a)Good selection promotes cost savings. comment

(b) What do you mean by socialization and assimilation in hiring process?

(c)Define the benefits of a good territory design.

(d) Define the purpose of sales budget.

(e) Explain the steps involved in designing a compensation plan.

(f) Define AIDAS theory.

(g) What are the non‐financial compensation plan?

26. What can management do to reduce a salesperson’s:

Role ambiguity?

Role conflicts?

27. Write short notes on of the following:

(a)Selection procedure.

(b) Routing and scheduling sales personnel.

(c)Sales contest.

28. Write short notes on of the following:

Reasons for channel conflicts.

Selection of distributors .

29. What do you mean by “Sales Management”? Is it a part of marketing Management?

30. What do you mean by function of Sales Management? Compare the concept of past
with present.

31. Define market potential. How does it differ for sales potential? How is market


32. Distinguish between sales potential and territory potential.

33. What are the methods of sales forecast?

34.“Sales volume objective , profit target and marketing capabilities require balancing
act to choose the optimum strategy of sales” Elucidate.

35. What are the steps involved in sales forecasting? Explain them briefly.

36. Define sales territory. What are the objectives? How does it differ from “trade areas”?

37. What are the objectives of Sales Management? Briefly discuss them.

38. Write an essay on ‘Personal Selling’, bringing out clearly the concept, desirable
qualities of sales persons and the process involved therein.

39.Write an essay on strategies involved in personal selling, bring out clearly the
communication Skill involved therein. What are its limitation?

40.What are the purpose the sales territory serves? Explain them briefly.

41.Explain how will you design a sales territory, highlighting steps involved therein .

42.What do you mean by the terms” Sales territory design”?

43. Explain the method of sales force assignment to territories having equal sales
potential. Illustrate your answer with examples.
44. Illustrate with suitable example the method of assignment of sales persons to
territories having sales potential proportional to sales person’ abilities.

45.“Sales budget is the blueprint for sales. “Elucidate.

46.Define Sales budget. What are its objectives, nature and principles?

47. What are the method of preparing Sales Expense section of a sales budget?

48. What do you mean by sales budgeting process? What are the steps involved in

preparing a sales budget?

49. “Budgets assist managerial control of activities.” Explain this statement, bringing out

clearly how far this assists managerial control at different levels.

50. What are the various prospecting methods?

Service Marketing

1. What do you understand by service failure?

2. What constitutes the service blue print?

3. What are the five criteria of evaluating service quality?

4. How service can be tangibalised?

5. What is the difference between augmented service and potential service? Differentiate

between standardization and customization.

6. How services can be packaged?

7. What do you mean by moments of truth?

8. What do you mean by zone of tolerance?

9. What is service recovery paradox?

10. “Perishability of services poses challenges to management” comment on it . and

Distinguish between goods and services and explain

11. How do you track customer behaviour?

12. Define service quality and explain briefly how do you bridge service quality gap?

13. Define services marketing mix and explain mechanism to maintain value relationship

14. Briefly explain effective pricing strategies for financial service of your choice

15. Explain the scope of services marketing

16. What is service delivery? Explain the factors effecting service quality design and


17. Explain the components & Characteristics of services

18. What is service quality audit? Explain the process of delivering quality services

19. What is service mix?

20. What are waiting line strategies?

21. What do mean by positioning maps?

22. What is meaning of physical evidence?

23. What is the importance of employees in marketing of services?

24. What are the different types of service scapes?

25. What is relationship marketing?

26. What is meant by complaint handling?

27. Differentiate between Goods and Services.

28. What are the main characteristics of effective marketing plan?

29. Explain the role of service sector in Indian economy. Discuss its importance in
developing economy like India.

30. What are the benefits of retaining the citing customers? Discuss the various strategies
for customer retention.

31. What are the types of new services? Describe the new service development process.

32. What types of intermediaries are available to a Service Product Company? Describe
the factors determining the choice of an intermediary.

33. Explain the pricing strategies applicable for services with suitable examples"

34. How do you match service promise’s with delivery? Discuss the various strategies.

35. Why 4 p's of marketing mix framework becomes in adequate in services marketing ?
Explain. Discuss the characteristics of services.
36. What are Services?

37. Explain the types of Service Marketing?

38. Explain the process for setting Customer defined service standards?

39. What are the Myths of Service Marketing?

40. Explain the Role of Service Quality in Offensive and Defensive Marketing?

41. What is Market Testing?

42. Explain search, experience, and credence qualities?

43. What are the various types of Expectations?

44. Define a customer?

45. Define Zone of Tolerance?

46. Explain the types of Service Encounters?

47. Explain the Determinants of Customer Satisfaction?

48. Define queue discipline?

49. Explain Process for Setting Customer-Defined Standards?

50. Explain the Five Dimensions of Service Quality?

51. Discuss
52. the
53. process
54. for
55. market
56. segmentation
57. and
58. targeting
59. in
60. services
61. Discuss
62. the
63. process
64. for
65. market
66. segmentation
67. and
68. targeting
69. in
70. services
71. Discuss
72. the
73. process
74. for
75. market
76. segmentation
77. and
78. targeting
79. in
80. services
81. Discuss
82. the
83. process
84. for
85. market
86. segmentation
87. and
88. targeting
89. in
90. services
91. Discuss
92. the
93. process
94. for
95. market
96. segmentation
97. and
98. targeting
99. in
101. Discuss
102. the
103. process
104. for
105. market
106. segmentation
107. and
108. targeting
111. Discuss
112. the
113. process
114. for
115. market
116. segmentation
117. and
118. targeting
121. Discuss
122. the
123. process
124. for
125. market
126. segmentation
127. and
128. targeting
Organization Development and Change

1. What is Organizational Change?Explain different parties involved in it?

2. Explain Lewin’s model of change.
3. What is planned and unplanned change?
4. Explain concept and characteristics of Organizational development.
5. What is the Different OD Techniques .Explain?
6. Explain Six Box Model.
7. Explain symptoms of organizational problems
8. Explain different diagnostic model of organizational problems.
9. Explain Individual and Interpersonal OD Intervention.
10. Explain Group and Team OD intervention.
11. Explain Skill of OD Agents.
12. Explain leadership role of OD Agents.
13. Explain different factors influencing Organization Development (OD).
14. Explain role of power, politics and culture in Organizational development.
15. Explain different tactics that influence organization development of any organization.
16. Explain Organization development and Organizational Change.
17. Explain the cultural intervention that transform any Organization.
18. What are the different strategies on which organization reflects its transformation?
19. Write notes on “Learning Through transformation in an Organization”.
20. Explain the different process of Organization development.
21. Write notes on “Organizational Change and Development”.
22. Explain Lewin’s model of Organization Change? What is planned and unplanned
organizational change?
23. Explain concept, value, process and characteristics of organizational development?
24. Explain different OD techniques. Explain six box model of organizational
25. Explain Individual, Group and Team OD intervention?
26. Explain OD Consultant and their skills in Organizational Development.
27. Write Notes on “Factors influencing Organizational Development”
28. Explain role of Leadership skill in development of any organization with suitable
29. Write notes on “Organization Transformation “
30. Explain Organizational Problems and their diagnosis with suitable example.

31. One of the Component of Change Management is

a) People
b) Machine
c) Place
d) All of above

32. Organization Change can be divided in

a) Individual
b) Group
c) Organization
d) All of the above

33. “Physical move of employee to a different location” is an example of .

a) Individual
b) Group
c) Organization
d) All of the above

34. TQM is an example of

a) Organization Change
b) Organization Development
c) Both a & b
d) None of these

35. Reengineering is an example of

a) Organization Change
b) Organization Development
c) Both a & b
d) None of these

36. Component of TQM is/ are

a) People
b) System
c) Only A
d) Both A & B

37. Component of Re Engineering is/are

a) Value and Belief

b) Business Process
c) Both A & B
d) None of these

38. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an external cause of organization change.

a) Crisis
b) Change in work climate
c) Fall in organization effectiveness
d) Globalization

39. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is called developing new attitudes and behaviour

a) Unfreezing
b) Moving
c) Re Freezing
d) None of these

40. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ also called Force Field Theory of change

a) Rechard Beckard theory

b) FW Taylor Theory
c) Lewin’s Theory
d) None of these

41. T Group Intervention also called

a) Sensitivity Training
b) Quality Circle
c) None Of These
d) All of above

42. Change Process consist of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sequential process.

a) Three
b) Two
c) Four
d) Six

43. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is Reinforcing new values attitudes and behaviours.

a) Un Freezing
b) Moving
c) Refreezing
d) None of these

44. Cultural Intervention is a part of

a) Organizational Development
b) Organizational Transformation
c) Organizational Change
d) None of these

45. The Six Box Model by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a) Marvin Weisbord
b) F W Taylor
c) Both A & B
d) None Of These

46. Organization to have a set of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ such as raw materials, technological

resources, and others that help in attaining its objectives

a) Software
b) Helpful mechanisms
c) Business
d) None of these

47. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the symptoms of organizational problems where too many un necessary

designation has created.

a) Skill Based Work

b) Jobs are narrow
c) Too Many Meetings
d) Fancy Designation

48. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _is defined as the mood or unique “personality” of an organization

a) Organization Climate
b) Organization Development
c) Organization Change
d) None of these

49.” An Organization development is an effort that is Planned, Organization wide, Managed

from top to increase organization effectiveness and health through planned intervention “this
definition is given by

a) Henry Fayol
b) F W Taylor
c) Richard Beckard
d) None of these

50. Organization Change can be



(c)Both A & B

(d)None Of These

International Human resources Management

1) Define IHRM. Mention international HRM objectives.

2) Elaborate the models of international HRM.

3) Explain the approaches relevant to international HRM.

4) Distinguish between domestic HRM and international HRM.

5) Define culture and its characteristics of culture.

6) Explain the cultural variables and its categories of cross-culture variables.

7) Explain the elements of culture.

8) Define cultural variables and its effect on work environment.

9) Define expatriate. Explain its expatriate selection process for global assignment.

10) What is repatriation? Discuss the repatriation process in detail?

11) Define international compensation and its components.

12) What is mean by collective negotiation? Discuss the process and importance of

collective negotiation.

13) Explain the concepts of international conflict.

14) Explain quality circle and process/steps are involved in quality circle.

15) What is meant by participative management and explain benefits of worker

participation in management?

16) What is International Human Resource Management?

17) What is Hofstede’s power distance approach in IHRM?

18) What is GLOBE Model in IHRM?

19) What are the main similarities and differences between domestic and international


20) : Discuss two HR activities in which a MNC must engage that would not be

required in a domestic environment.

21) Why is a greater degree of involvement in employees’ personal lives inevitable in

many IHRM activities?

22) What are the stages a firm typically goes through as it grows internationally and

how does each stage affect the HR function?

23) What is the difference between a global manager and a global mindset?

24) What are the most important factors involved in the selection decision?

25) Outline the main characteristics of the four approaches to international HRM.

26) What are some of the challenges faced in training expatriate managers?

27) Why do some multinationals appear reluctant to provide basic pre-departure


28) What should be the main objectives for a multinational firm with regard to its

compensation policies?

29) What are the key differences in salary compensation for PCN’s and TCN’s? Do

these differences matter?

30) What are the effective ways to manage repatriation process?

31) What are the elements of a good mentoring system for international assignees?

32) Why is it important to understand the historical origins of national industrial

relations systems?

33) Discuss two aspects of cultural differences and their impact on HRM practices.
34) Why should MNEs be concerned about expatriate failure?

35) What are the determinants of the balance of standardization and localization in

human resource management in MNC’s?

36) Compare three responses (ethical relativism, absolutism and universalism) a MNC

manager may take in his/ her operation in a host country; identify the dilemma of

these three responses.

37) How culture is significant for international management?

38) What is the role of communication in cross cultural management?

39) What is geocentric staffing?

40) Define ethical relativity.

41) Who are expatriates?

42) Define cultural shock.

43) Discuss various motivational practices of multinational companies.

44) Explain cross-cultural negotiation process.

45) Explain various ethical issues in international human resource management.

46) Discuss the role of culture in strategic decision making.

47) Explain cross cultural study of Hofstede.

48) Discuss the factors affecting recruitment and selection of international managers.

49) Discuss the motivational practices of culturally diverse organisations.

50) Discuss the ethical values and ethical dilemmas across cultures.
Consumer Behaviour

1) What are the objectives of advertising?

2) What is copy writing?

3) Define unfair trade practices.

4) Differentiate between sales promotion and advertising.

5) What is subliminal perception?

6) What is the significance of motivational research ?

7) What do you understand by opinion leadership?

8) Define  Culture.

9) What is innovation?

10) Define consumer Behaviour.

11) Explain the concept of integrated marketing communication and suggest some ways

to make it effective.

12) Explain the concept of integrated marketing communication and suggest some ways

to make it effective.

13) What is the purpose of consumer research? Explain its process.

14) Define perception. Discuss the role of extrinsic cues and intrinsic cues in the perceive

quality of a product.

15) Explain the factors affecting the credibility of marketing communication.

16) Discuss the various practical applications of consumer behaviour

17)  Briefly explain all the determinants of consumer behaviour. 

18) Discuss in detall about the contributions made by consumer behaviour in various


19) Explain in detall, the consumer behaviour in the contemporary environment. 

20) Explain the process of online consumer behaviour.

21) Describe the changing face of consumer behaviour in different scenarios.

22) Explain the varying perspectives to defining Innovation

23) Write a note on diffusion of innovation in consumer behaviour

24) Describe the various stages in adoption process

25) Outline the Utility of the Study of 'Consumer Behaviour'.

26) What do you Understand by the Phrase 'Consumer Research Process' ? Explain and


27) What are the 'Rational Motives’ ? Describe.

28) . Do Personal or Psychological Influences really work in the field of 'Consumer

Behaviour' ? How ? Explain.

29) Are 'Consumer Attitude' and 'Consumer Perception' the same thing ? Give a logical /

reasoned answer.

30) . Explain the Term 'Marketing Significance'.

31) Give a description, in brief, of the Engel Blackwell-Miniard Model of the Consumer


32) What is the Nicosia Model of Consumer Decision-Making ? Explain.

33) Discuss the different Types of Buying Situations, in brief.

34) What are some Major Factors that influence the Buyer's Behaviour ? State, and

35) In the Context of 'Consumer Behaviour', explain the Term : 'Inter-Personal Behaviour'

and 'Group Behaviour', in brief.

36) Is it Correct to say that All People are 'Consumers' of Goods and Services ? Explain.

37) "Consumer Behaviour incorporates several Major Aspects of Disciplines such as

Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, and Economics." Elucidate.

38) What are the Various Sources for Collecting the Information in order to understand

'Consumer Behaviour' ? Explain.

39) What are the Various Sources for Collecting the Information in order to understand

'Consumer Behaviour' ? Explain.

40) Give an account of the Various Methods of 'Consumer Research'.

41) Socialization is helpful to Individuals in determining his/ her Consumption Criteria.

Elaborate, and Illustrate.

42) Do the Business Markets Compare to the Consumer Markets ? How ? Explain.

43) . What do you understand by the Term ‘Personality’ ? Explain the Various

Determinants of ‘Individual Personality’.

44) Can ‘Personality’ be Tested ? If yes, then discuss the Various Techniques and Tests by

which ‘Personality’ can be measured.

45) What is the Relevance of Studying the concepts of ‘Buying Behaviour’ in the present

times ? Explain its importance in terms of Management.

46) Explain the Various Determinants of ‘Individual Personality’.

47) ‘Consumer Behaviour’ is the Process whereby Individuals decide on Purchasing the

Goods and Services, keeping in mind, one of the following:

i) What ?

ii) Where, and When ?

iii) How, and from Whom ?

iv) A Mix of (i), (ii), & (iii)

48) Which one of the following is NOT a Significant Structure within the Human Mind ?

i. The Id.

ii. The Ego.

iii. The Superego.

iv. The Selflessness.

49) . 'Personality Traits' of the Consumer are determined by

: i) Freudian and Juangian Theories.

ii) Neo-Freudian Theory.

iii) Trait Theory.

iv) All of the Above.

50) Which one of the following, is NOT TRUE in respect of 'Personality' ?

i) External Appearance and Behaviour.

ii) Inner awareness of Self as a Permanent Organizing Force.

iii) The Particular Pattern or Organization of Measureable Traits, both inner or outer.

iv) Affecting things or Influencing others is not the Role of Personality.

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