Bec Pointers PDF
Bec Pointers PDF
Bec Pointers PDF
A set of skills and competencies which allows us to function and thrive in modern
– day society.
It refers to practical skills needed to live a normal life.
Requires reading literacy or the ability to understand, apply, and analyze written
1. Digital Literacy
2. Problem – Solving
3. Public Speaking
4. Writing
5. Communication
Emergent or Early
It is the early stages of reading and writing development that begins in infancy and
continue through the preschool years.
It encompasses the skills and knowledge that children acquire before they learn to read
and write.
These are the “fundamentals skills” that the children acquire even before formal
Print awareness- Become aware of printed texts, pictures and drawings and the meaning
it carries.
Talking: Learn language by listening to others talk. Hearing words leads to understanding
their meaning as you hear them in context.
Singing: Songs slow down language and break down the sounds
and syllables in words. Practicing rhythm and rhyme help.
Reading: The single most important way to help children get ready to read is to read
Phonological Awareness
Phonemic awareness (an awareness of sounds that make up words) is the ability to hear
and play with the individual sounds of language, to create new words using those sounds
in different ways. This happens naturally as children develop.
Awareness of Print
Most print awareness begins at home and in the child & in everyday environment. This is
most likely to be through reading books together with parents.
Everyone typically has two types of vocabulary: active and passive.
Active vocabulary is the words that a person knows and is able to use accurately in
speech and writing. The passive vocabulary contains words that a person is aware of, but
wouldn’t necessarily be able to use accurately in
Emergent literacy has been defined as those behaviors shown by very young children as
they begin to respond to and
approximate reading and writing. However, literacy goes beyond reading and writing. It
encompasses the interrelatedness of language: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and
What is Basic Literacy skill?
Developing foundational competency including reading,writing, math, job application
assistance, and overall life-skill development. Also includes STEM (Science Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics) knowledge building on basic skills and concepts.
•Children start to learn language from the day they are born. As they grow and develop,
their speech and language skills become increasingly more complex.
•They learn to understand and use language to express their ideas, thoughts, and
feelings, and to
communicate with others.
• During early speech and language development, children learn skills that are important
to the development of literacy (reading and writing). This stage, known as emergent
literacy, begins at birth
and continues through the preschool years. Children see and interact with print (e.g.,
books, magazines, grocery lists) in everyday situations (e.g., home, in preschool, and at
daycare) well before they start elementary school.
•Parents can see their child growing appreciation and enjoyment of print as they begin to
recognize words that rhyme, scribble with crayons, point out logos and street signs, and
name some letters of the alphabet. Gradually, children combine what they know about
speaking and listening with what they know about print and become ready to learn to read
and write.
Every classroom contains students of different race, religion, and cultural groups.
Students embrace diverse behaviors, cultural values, patterns of practice, and
communication. Yet they all share one commonality: their educational
opportunity (Guo, 2014). Teacher should teach their students that other cultures
exist and that these deserve to be acknowledged and respected.
Social Literacy
•It implies learning about the give and take of interacting with others.
• Social literacy deals with the development of social skills, knowledge and positive human
Multicultural literacy consists of the skills and ability identify the creators of knowledge
and their interests (Banks, 1996), to uncover the assumptions of knowledge, to view
knowledge from
diverse ethnic and cultural perspective, and to use knowledge to guided action that will
create a humane and just world. Multicultural Literacy then, brings attention to diversity,
equity and social justice to foster cultural awareness by addressing difficult issues like
discrimination and oppression towards other ethnicities.
According to Boutte (2008)
- education for multicultural literacy should help students to develop the 21st century skills
and attitudes that are needed to become active citizens who will work towards achieving
social justice within our communities. Because of the growing racial, language and ethnic
diversity in our country, Multicultural Literacy needs to be transformed in substantial ways
to prepare students to function effectively in the 21st Century.
What is Social Literacy?
*Social Literacy is the ability an individual has to connect effectively with those around
them by interacting, maintaining, and building relationships.
* Social Literacy is successful when an individual can intercede their world as family
member’s workers, citizens, and lifelong learners.
*Social literacy helps students combine all of the features of literacy and uses them to
Communicate with others so students are able to express their own thoughts.
Why Is It Important?
1. Technology Trend
2. Culture Awareness
3. Language Challenge
4. Resources Challenge
5. Time Differences Issue
Multicultural Concern
Social Literacy
- The development of skills through social
interaction, knowledge and positive human values to act and react positively and
responsibly in social setting.
- Globalization is the process of interaction and integration between
people, business entities, governments, and cultures from other nations, driven
by international trade and investment and supported by information technology
(Levin Institute, 2017)
Cultural Literacy
- is a term coined by Hirch(1983)referring to the ability to understand the signs and
symbols of a given culture and being able to participate its activities and customs as
opposed to simply being a passive (an outsider) observer.
Multi-cultural Literacy:
- We define multicultural literacy here as the knowledge and skills necessary to
ensure that any communication with a culture different from our own is clear
and productive and respectful such as their differences are celebrated and
neither culture is demeaned or treated as inferior.
Be selfless
Know that good and useful things can (and do) come from those different from
Be willing to compromise
Accept that there are limits
Example of MEDIA:
News Paper
Mobile Phones
Social Media
Financial Literacy
In literal terms, financial literacy is the possession of the set of skills and knowledge that
allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial
Financial Literacy
-The ability to understand and effectively use a various financial skills. Including
personal financial management, budgeting, and investing methods. The meaning of
financial literacy is the foundation of your relationship with money, and it is a lifelong
journey of learning. The earlier you start, the better off you will be because education
is the key to success when it comes to money.
What are the benefits of financial literacy?
• Financial Literacy can Prevent devastating mistakes Floating rate loans may have
different interest rates each month, while traditional IRA contributions can’t be withdrawn
until retirement. Seemingly innocent financial decisions may have long-term implications
that cost individuals money or impact life plans. Financial literacy helps individuals avoid
making mistakes with their personal finances.
•Financial Literacy, Prepares people for emergencies. Financial literacy topics such as
saving or emergency preparedness get individuals ready for the uncertain. Though losing
a job or having a major unexpected expense are always financially impactful, an individual
can cushion the blow by implementing their financial literacy in advance by being ready
for emergencies.
• Financial Literacy can help individual reach their goal By better understanding how to
budget and save money, individuals can create plans that set expectations, hold them
accountable to their finances, and sets a course for achieving seemingly unachievable
goals. Though someone may not be able to
afford a dream today, they can always make a plan to better increase their odds of making
it happen.
• Financial Literacy invokes confidence
Imagine making a life-changing decision without all the information you need to
make the best decision. By being armed with the appropriate knowledge about
finances, individuals can approach major life choices with greater confidence realizing
they are less likely to be surprised or negatively impacted by unforeseen outcomes.
Strategies to improve Financial Literacy skills
• Create budget
Track how much money you receive each month against how much you
spend in an Excel sheet, on paper, or with a budgeting app. Your budget should include
income (paychecks, investments, alimony), fixed expenses
(rent/mortgage payments, utilities, loan payments), discretionary spending
(nonessentials such as eating out, shopping, and travel), and savings.
• Pay yourself first
To build savings, this reverse budgeting strategy involves choosing a savings goal (say,
a down payment for a home), deciding how much you want to contribute toward it each
month and setting that amount aside before you
divvy up the rest of your expenses.
• Pay Bills Promptly
Stay on top of monthly bills, making sure that payments consistently arrive on time.
Consider taking advantage of automatic debits from a checking account or bill-pay apps
and sign up for payment reminders (by email, phone, or text).
• Get your Credit report
Review these reports and dispute any errors by informing the credit bureau of
inaccuracies. Because you can get three of them, consider spacing out your requests
throughout the year to monitor yourself regularly.
• Check your Credit score
Having a good credit score helps you obtain the best interest rates on loans and credit
cards, among other benefits. Monitor your score via a free credit monitoring service (or,
if you can afford to and want to add an extra layer of protection for your information, use
one of the best credit monitoring
services). In addition, be aware of the financial decisions that can raise or lower
your score, such as credit inquiries and credit utilization ratios.
• Manage Debt
Use your budget to stay on top of debt by reducing spending and
increasing repayment. Develop a debt-reduction plan, such as paying down the
loan with the highest interest rate first. If your debt is excessive, contact
lenders to renegotiate repayment, consolidate loans, or find a debt-counseling
• Invest in Your Future
If your employer offers a 401(k) retirement savings account, be sure to
sign up and contribute the maximum to receive the employer match. Consider
opening an individual retirement account (IRA) and creating a diversified
investment portfolio of stocks, fixed income, and commodities.
• To educate
Media has the advantage of a great reach. It can simultaneously communicate to
multitude of audiences which makes is special. The best purpose media can serve and
the best way it can contribute to social progress is by educating the masses keeping in
mind the real needs of the audience. Different audiences have different needs to bring
about development.
• To persuade
Media also makes specialized communication to some select audience in order to bring
about a desired behavioral change. All advertising is an example of this. It is an effort to
convince the audience to buy the product or service the communication is advocating for.
Advertisers aspire to bring about the change in behavior of the audience by convincing
them to make positive decision to buy their product by influencing them through
How to Belong Element.
We learn how to be part of the online community and understand how our digital space
differs from our offline world.
How to Behave Element.
We learn how to understand the digital culture, how to respect netiquette, and
how to protect our online privacy.
How to Communicate Element.
We familiarize ourselves with the communication norms and expectations of various
online tools.
How to Participate Element.
We familiarize ourselves with various digital environments to prepare ourselves
and others to participate in social movements.
How to Evaluate Element.
We acquire reasoning skills to question, analyze, and evaluate digital content and context
using information literacy.
How to Make Element.
We learn to create and do innovative things in new ways within digital environments.
Fritjof Capra
Is an Austrian-born American physicist, systems theorist and deep ecologist.
In 1995, he became a founding director of the Center for Ecoliteracy in
Berkeley, California
According to him, In the coming decades, the survival of humanity will depend
on our ecoliteracy
David Orr
is the Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and
Politics as well as Special Assistant to the President of Oberlin College
He is perhaps best known for his pioneering work on environmental literacy in
higher education and his leading role in the promising new field of ecological
According to him, The goal of ecological literacy is “built on the recognition
that the disorder of ecosystems reflects a prior disorder of mind
The development of ecological understanding is not simply another subject to be
learnt but a fundamental change in the way we see the world.
Organisms do not survive in isolation. Instead, the web of relationships within any
living community determines its collective ability to survive and thrive
1. Product
2. Theory
3. Solution to a problem
4. Concept on basis of which an art piece is created
Includes skills and talent to create fine works of art
Is the skill and talent to use our imagination to create and solve.
1. Being creative is baking a yummy cake.
Being artistic id baking a pretty cake.
2. Being creative is building a house.
Being artistic is decorating a house
Artistic ability might be weak as a start but can be developed and practice
We are all born creative and remain creative throughout lives
Artistic is basically being decorative
“Creativity is not an option, it’s an absolute necessity”.- Sir Ken Robinson
“You don’t have to be an artist to be creative “.
Literacy Strategies
- are tools to assist readers so that they can develop proficiency
- are techniques that teachers use to help students improve their reading skills
Making Connections
It invoves the activition of prior knwledge in the process of evoking personal connections
with the text.
Is the reading strategy that helps your students create a picture in their head of what
they’re reading.
If the student is reading a short story on a person who travelled through the dark, scary
forest, the student may create a mental image of the dark and scary forest.
Is a comprehension strategy to help students understand information that is not always
completely described in a text.
The author may provide clues that the reader can used to understand the topic, setting,
characters, or event.
Questioning is a strategy that readers use to engage with the text. Questioning techniques
help the reader to clarify and comprehend what he is
reading, integrate information, identify main ideas, and summarize information. When
students regularly ask questions as they read, they are encouraged to:
Engage with the text
Think Critically
Look for answers in the text
Discuss the text with others and generate ‘high quality talk’.
Right There- Questions found right in the text that ask students to find one
right answer located in one place as a word or sentence.
Think and Search- Question based on the recall of facts that can be found
directly in the text which is found in more than one place.
Author and You- requires to use what you as the reader has already know, with what
you have learned from reading the text. Students must understand
the text and relate it to the prior knowledge before answering the question.
On your own- based on the reader’s prior knowledge and experiences.
Determining importance is a strategy that readers use to distinguish between
what information in text is most important versus what information is interesting but
not necessary for understanding. This practical reading strategy enables the student to
distinguish between the most and least important information presented in textbooks and
non-fiction reading. The goal is to extract the most important information needed. Since
according to studies, our brain cannot possibly remember everything we read, our job is
to keep the most important information and strain out the rest.
Synthesizing from the prefix Syn- which means together, is the process of
pulling together background knowledge, newly learned ideas, connections,
inferences and summaries into a complete and original understanding of the text.
It is important to teach students to synthesize. Teaching them to do more than
just to provide a retelling of a text that they read. Students must internalize the text
they’re reading for them to grow and change as thinkers.
A synthesis can include parts of summary but it goes beyond the text.
Synthesizing, unlike summary that only gets the word directly from the text, requires a
reader to take the summary of a text and add in their own ideas, experiences,
interpretations, and pinions to generate a new idea.
A synthesis integrates information from multiple of sources and add own ideas to form
new big ideas. Synthesizing is an on-going process that helps build and grow as a reader
goes deeper into the text.
It helps to develop:
A new understanding- something that a reader has not considered before until reading
the text.
A deeper understanding- becoming more aware and appreciative of an idea as a reader
continues to read the text.
A changed understanding- thinking differently after reading the text.
I. When possible, all students should have the opportunity to draw their understanding
and use pictures and objects.
II. Teachers can ask all students to summarize the lesson’s big idea or a major concept
that can be summarized with the use of pictures.
11. Struggling students can share and explain their pictures with a partner,
in a small group, or in a gallery walk They may draw in different ways:
•To add to a picture
•To create an original picture
•To draw and label a picture
• To draw and to annotate a picture
IV. Children begin to learn concepts about pictures, environmental images, and alphabet
knowledge, which are receiving more attention recently. Research has indicated that a
child’s understanding of picture concepts builds the necessary foundation for reading and
I . In designing any lesson, a teacher must select the vocabulary that is necessary for all
students to meet the goal for the lesson’s objective rather than attempt to try to fill in all
the gaps in prior knowledge or ability.
II. For example, if the objective of a lesson is to have all students understand that a river’s
location is important in developing a settlement, then all students will need to become
familiar with content-specific terms such as port, mouth, and bank. As each of these words
has multiple meanings, a teacher can develop pre-reading activities to familiarize all
students before reading.
III. Activities can be developed for vocabulary such as these three different
definitions for bank:
•The land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake
•An institution for receiving, lending
• To tip or incline an airplane
Phonemic Awareness
is a subset of phonological awareness in which listeners are able to hear, identify and
manipulate phonemes, the smallest mental units of sound that help to differentiate units
of meaning.
The ability to hear and manipulate the sounds in spoken words and the understanding
that spoken words and syllables are made up of sequences of speech sounds (Yopp,
1992; see References).
Essential to learning to read in an alphabetic writing system, because letters represent
sounds or phonemes. Without phonemic awareness, phonics makes little sense.
Fundamental to mapping speech to print. If a child cannot hear that “man” and “moon”
begin with the same sound or cannot blend the sounds /rrrrrruuuuuunnnnn/ into the word
“run”, he or she may have great difficulty connecting sounds with their written symbols or
blending sounds to make a word.
Essential to learning to read in an alphabetic writing system.
A strong predictor of children who experience early reading success.
-Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, move or change sounds, called
phonemes, in spoken words. Phonemic awareness is an important basic skill that gets
students ready to develop into readers. Phonemic awareness is usually taught during
kindergarten and beginning first grade.
Examples include being able to identify words that rhyme, counting the number of
syllables in a name, recognizing alliteration, segmenting a sentence into words, and
identifying the syllables in a word.
1. Phoneme segmentation
Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. For
example, a child may break the word “sand” into its component sounds – /sss/, /aaa/,
/nnn/, and /d/.
Analytic phonics
Teaching students to analyze letter-sound relations in previously learned words to avoid
pronouncing sounds in isolation.
Embedded phonics
Teaching students phonics skills by embedding phonics instruction in text reading, a more
implicit approach that relies to some extent on incidental learning.
Synthetic phonics
Teaching students explicitly to convert letters into sounds (phonemes) and then blend the
sounds to form recognizable words.
Reading fluency is the ability to read accurately, rapidly, and with expression so the reader
can process and comprehend what has been read. It involves recognizing words
accurately, understanding their meaning quickly, and reading with enough expression to
convey an understanding of the text. Fluency also requires accurate and automatic
decoding of words so that reading becomes effortless rather than labored. This allows
readers to focus on comprehension without becoming bogged down in decoding words.
Fluency requires automatically. Familiarity and ease of associating letter with their sounds
and recognizing sight words and spelling patterns help students read words automatically.
This called automaticity.
Teaching Strategies:
1. Record students reading aloud on their own.
2. Ask kids to use a ruler or finger to follow along.
3. Have them read the same thing several times.
4. Pre-teach vocabulary.
5. Drill sight words.
6. Make use of variety of books and materials
7. Try different font and text sizes.
8. Create a stress free environment.
9. Guide students to help them establish a steady pace.
10. Introduce typing course.
Choral Reading
The teacher and the pupil read together.
Taped Reading
The teacher tapes the children reading individually.
Echo Reading
The teacher models fluent reading and the children repeat
the reading back to the teacher.
Buddy Reading
Older children are paired with younger children.
Aspects of Fluency
1. Accuracy
Accurate reading requires students to be able to pronounce written words correctly.
Correct pronunciation of a word allows the young reader to access its meaning from
their existing oral vocabulary – the words they use and recognise in spoken
2. Rate
The rate at which students read is important because slow reading hinders
3. Prosody
Prosody is the third element of text reading fluency. Prosody means reading with
expression – with the appropriate rhythm, tone, pitch, pauses, and stresses for the
text. Prosody depends on both accuracy and rate.
Types of Fluency
• Reading fluency refers to the link between the recognition of words while
reading and reading comprehension, which manifests itself in the speed and
accuracy that one is able to read text.
Teaching Strategies:
Small words in big words
Word of the week
Word taxonomy
2. Significance
The practice of defining unfamiliar words with other unfamiliar words is useless, yet that
is what the common dictionary often does for a young student. The target vocabulary
word has no significance to the student because the definition is also lacking in
significance. Definitions should be written in age-appropriate language and accompanied
with other tools with which the student can attach significance, such as pictures and
3. Context Clues
When a student is drowning in an ocean of unfamiliar words, it’s often context clues that
serve as the life preserver. But what if they were a lifeboat instead? We often use context
clue strategies that only provide a sentence or two with no effective narrative. The truth
is that if we provide a more complete narrative structure that serves as a series of context
clues, the target word is more likely to be moved into long term memory.
4. Word-Rich Environment
One-and-done is simply not effective when it comes to vocabulary instruction. Mudambi
says students should be exposed to a new word at least six times, if not more. But
repetitive strategies are also ineffective. Students should encounter the unfamiliar words
as naturally as possible. That comes from a word-rich environment where words and
literature are king.
Teaching Strategies