Theory PDF
Theory PDF
Theory PDF
- Feedforward: All signals flow in one direction only, i.e. from lower
layers (input) to upper layers (output).
Example: Fuzzy ARTMAP, GRNN, Self-Organizing Maps, Competitive
Show typical fuzzy logic controller architecture for a single input-single
output (SISO) feedback system.
• Definitions/explain:
The fuzzification:
involves the conversion of the input/output signals into a
number of fuzzy represented values (fuzzy sets) which comprise of
selection of appropriate Membership Function, appropriate Universes of
Discourse, type of Membership Function and the appropriate center points.
is a mapping from a space of fuzzy control actions defined
over an output universe of discourse into a space of non-fuzzy (crisp)
control action
artificial intelligence:
Simulation of human intelligence on a machine such that the machine is efficient enough to identify
and make use of a right piece of knowledge at a given step of solving a problem.
Fuzzy logic:
Designing steps:
1. Identify the process input and output variables
2. determine on the number of fuzzy partitions (or fuzzy subsets)
3. Choose the membership functions for the input and output fuzzy
4. Derive the fuzzy control rules based
5. The inference engine needs to be defined
6. Choose the right choice of defuzzification method
7. Run simulation and check the performance. If the results are not as
desired, tune some parameters.
8. Use trial-and-error approach will continue until satisfactory results
are obtained.
Draw the feedback control block diagram of the water bath system by using
fuzzy logic control approach.
Using the typical practice of fuzzy rule base, complete the fuzzy control
matrix for this system
Illustrate (draw) a biological neuron and an artificial neuron. Identify the
similarities between the two types of neuron.
Fuzzy sets are represented by membership functions that assign each fuzzy set element a truth
Question 5 chapter 5 6 7
• Given a set of input and output data, how can the ANN be trained?
• Calculate total error by applying inputs one at a time and propagate through the layers.
• Back-propagate error through output and hidden layer and adapt weights.
• Back-propagate error through hidden and input layer and adapt weights.
• If 𝐸< 𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑛 stop the training. If not repeat the steps above.
If a new set of input and output data is presented, how can one ensure a
proper alphabet identification by the ANN?
The training is restarted by combining the new data with the old data.