Missy Gender
Missy Gender
Missy Gender
Some women or couples may not want to have baby, or they may prefer to wait until
another time.
There are a number of ways for them to have , and enjoy sex without getting pregnant.
Condoms for men, are thin rubber tubes that cover the penis.
You can buy them at supermarkets and pharmacies.
Each condom can only be used once.
Female condoms are tubes that can be inserted into the vagina.
They’re harder to find than male condoms, but you can get them from family planning clinics, some
pharmacies, and on the internet.
Condoms help avoid pregnancy by trapping the white fluid containing sperm that comes
from the penis during sex, so that it does not touch the inside of the vagina.
Be aware that condoms are the only contraceptive method that can also protect you from
getting certain infections during sex.
Is a small soft plastic stick “containing a hormone.” It is inserted under the skin of your arm by a
doctor or nurse, and can last for 3 years.
Your fertility will quickly return when you remove the implant.
Is a hormone fluid, injected into your buttock or arm. It can last for 12 weeks.
Are medications containing hormones. Which need to be taken every single day.
There are 2 types of Contraceptive Pill:
Combined Pill, usually known as “The Pill” has tablets containing 2 hormones.
The Mini Pill contains only 1 hormone.
Is a small soft ring that contains 2 hormones placed inside the Vagina. It can last for 3 weeks.
Is where people use calendars or programs to try and guess when they can have sex, with a lower
chance of pregnancy. This
method may not be reliable as using condoms, hormonal methods or the copper IUD’s.
It is when Penis is taken out of the Vagina before the man releases sperm, at sexual climax.
Even if only a small amount of sperm touches the vagina, it is still possible to get pregnant.
Is a men or women has surgery, to make that they won’t have children in the future. For a man, it
involves cutting small tubes inside his body to stop sperm from being discharged during sex.
For a women, it involves clipping in the small tubes in her body, to stop eggs moving into her womb.