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M. A.




Writer: Dr. Vikram Kaushik

Lecturer, Department of C M and T, GJUST, Hisar, Haryana
Vetter: Sh. Mihir Ranjan Patra
Lecturer, Department of C M and T, GJUST, Hisar, Haryana
Converted in to SIM format by: Sh. M. R. Patra

So far we have learned about the theory parts of the various aspects of mass
communication. Now let us discuss about the practical aspects. In this lesson, we
shall discuss about the practical aspects. You will have to prepare a PRODUCTION

PORTFOLIO or ASSIGNMENT on the basis of what ever you have learned in the five
theory papers. You are to do a few assignments as listed in the syllabus.
The assignments will expose you to the practical aspects of mass
communication. These assignments are an integral part of your syllabus. You are
expected to do your assignments and prepare the PRODUCTION PORTFOLIO seriously
to derive maximum benefit of the course.
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Presentation of Content
1.2.1 Editing Tele-printer Copies
1.2.2 Newspaper Page Make-up
1.2.3 Covering Major News Events in Your Area
1.2.4 Book Review
1.2.5 Film Review
1.2.6 Television Programme Review
1.2.7 Script Writing for Radio News
1.2.8 Script Writing for Television News
1.2.9 Classified, Display Classified, and Display Advertisements
1.2.10 Posters, Pamphlets, Leaflets, Hoardings, Brochures

1.2.11 Writing News Releases/ Press Releases
1.2.12 Questionnaire Preparation

The objectives of this lesson are as follows:
* To understand how to Edit Tele-printer Copies
* To study about Newspaper Page Make-up
* To study about Covering Major News Events in Your Area
* To study about Book Reviews
* To study about Film Reviews
* To study about Television Programme Reviews
* To study about Script Writing for Radio News
* To study about Script Writing for Television News
* To study about Classified, Display-Classified, and Display Advertisements
* To study about Posters, Pamphlets, Leaflets, Hoardings, Brochures
* To study about Writing News Releases/ Press Releases
* To study about Questionnaire Preparation

The broad field of mass communication, and each related sub-field is highly
practical-oriented. In the field of newspapers, you write news stories, articles,
features, etc. You also help in preparing the story layout and page layout. In radio
and television there is a lot of writing involved.
All most every word that is spoken on radio or TV is first written and polished.
Then there is editing. Both radio and TV involve text editing. Radio involves editing of
audio material. Television involves editing of audio-visual material.
Similarly advertising and PR also involve a lot of practical work. This paper is
an attempt to learn about the practical aspects.


The content of this lesson shall be presented as follows:
Editing Tele-printer Copies
Newspaper Page Make-up
Covering Major News Events in Your Area

Book Review
Film Review
Television Programme Review
Script Writing for Radio News
Script Writing for Television News
Classified, Display Classified, and Display Advertisements
Posters, Pamphlets, Leaflets, Hoardings, Brochures
Writing News Releases/ Press Releases
Questionnaire Preparation


To edit tele-printer copies you have to collect tele-printer copies from a nearest
newspaper office and edit and proof read them. According to the syllabus, you are to
edit ten tele-printer copies.
In case you do not get tele-printer copies, get ten news stories typed (in all
capitals if the stories are in English) and edit the stories.
In addition to editing the news stories, you also should give a lot of other
instructions for the compositors and page make-up artists. You start by writing the
headline. In case a sub-headline is required, you should write that also.
Next, you suggest the headline font and font size. You also mention in how
many columns the story needs to composed. The other instructions include whether
the news story should be boxed or not; whether there should be any background
screen, etc. you also suggest the colour and gradation of the background screen.
The modern practices require a lot of graphics. You should suggest the visual
graphics like computer graphics, charts, maps, etc. The other type graphics are the
information graphics.
You are supposed to learn the editing and proof reading symbols by heart.
This can be achieved by intense practice. It not only helps you if you are working in
the media but also in our daily life too when we have to do editing. The proof reading
symbols are provided at the end of this assignment.


Giving a visually comfortable look to a newspaper is a skilled art. The content of a
newspaper (photographs, headlines, texts, graphics, boxes and other visual

elements) should be placed in such a manner that it does not disturb the harmony of
the page make up or layout. To learn newspaper page make up you should prepare
a dummy of a newspaper.
The dummy of a newspaper is the collection of the layouts or designs of all
the pages of the paper. One way of doing this is to prepare rough copies of the
layout s of pages.
Now take an old issue of any newspaper. Cut out few advertisements,
headlines, texts, graphics, and photographs. Now paste them one by one on to the
dummy keeping in mind the principles of page make up. This way you will be able to
create your own newspaper page.
The whole exercise should be repeated at least for the three different pages
mainly front page, editorial page and any other page of your choice. A example is
shown below.
You can absorb more details about page making going through chapter 9
(nine) of the book editing a handbook for journalist by T. J. S George.
Apart form the above mentioned exercise you are required to produce at least one
complete dummy of a tabloid size newspaper (four pages minimum)


This is again practical field training for you. You are supposed to cover a few major
news events in your locality. It can be a seminar, workshop, meeting, a visit by some
VIP, accident, development work, inauguration, ceremony festival or celebrations,
etc. You are required to visit the news site and do the reporting.
You should keep in mind the 5 W's and one H of reporting i.e. who, where, what,
when, why and how before you cover an event. While preparing the report you
should maintain balance and objectivity. The following example will help you to
understand this assignment.


Gulab Singh presiding officer of Environment Court has sentenced five persons to
three years imprisonment each on charges of killing of two deer.The court has also
imposed a fine of Rs. 500 on each of them.

The Wild Life Inspector of Bhattu has registered a case against Parkash, Kaur
Singh, Milia and Inder all residents of Dhabi Kalan village and Ramji of Chuli village
under the Wild Life preservation Act, 1972 on July 9, 1997.

You can also submit a brief account of your reporting experience. State how you
have come to know about the news story and where you have tapped it. Narrate the
problems you have faced while you were covering the news story.


To write a book review, you should thoroughly read the book first for yourself. The
second reading should be for the readers. While writing the review you should write
what is new in this book, what is the writing style, of the author? What kind of
language author has used? Further more what author is trying to say and what is the
viewpoint of the author on the topic?
The book review should give an overall view and critical analysis of the book.
The following example by Seema Alavi will help you to understand more clearly.


River of fire is the English translation of Qurratulain Hyder's Aag Ka Darya, first
published in 1959. Following the travel and professional itineraries of two close
friends-Gautam Nilambar, a university student, and Hari Shankar, the princeling
yearning to be a Buddhist monk-the book spans a large canvas of Indian history.
The gripping narrative moves form the fourth century BC and culminates in
the two friends meeting in post-independent India and be moaning the bygone era
they cherished.
Their past is beautifully captured by Hyder as her protagonists meander
through Magadgan Pataliputra, the Kingdom of Awash, the British raj and finally into
in dependent India.
The journey of Gautam and Hari Shankar turns in to a virtual feast for the
reader as one is introduced to the social and cultural nuances of the myriad
traditions that constitute Indian political culture.
Each chapter of the book is a delight in itself, providing a rare peep into the
historical past. Hyder's craft in capturing the ethos of the period is best reflected in
the sections on the British Raj and Awadh society- a period and region Hyder is

perhaps most familiar with. Thus, for instance, the contrasts between the Awadh
court culture and that of Bengal are sensitively portrayed in the conversation
between Gautam and the Awadh nobbles.
The most interesting sections of the novel are its first fifteen chapters where
Hyder sensitises the reader to India's rich plural culture in which she integrates very
effectively the 400 years old Indo Persian legacy, Gautam's visit to the university
town of Janupur, his encounter with Bano- the daughter of a relative of the Sharqui
saints who reveal to him fascinating folk tales of India in which Hindus and Muslims
are almost interchangeable categories which reveal the existence of a vibrant and
synergetic Indo-Muslim culture which was all encompassing.
The novel is a delight in its original Urdu form. Its translation however drags,
especially in the first hundred paged. It picks up as we move towards terrain and
time more familiar to the author.
But these hiccups not with standing Kali has done a great service by
introducing to the non-Urdu knowing populace both the magic of Hyder's enchanting
craft as well as the wonder that was India.


A film contains many different element put in a logical order. Writing a film review is a
tricky one, because all the factor one acting simultaneously at a given point of time.
The very first thing that is it to be noticed is the story. The reviewer has to find out
whether the story is logical and natural or just a regular masala one. Then you can
comment on the direction.
How well it is directed? How the director has handled the issue or theme. What
is the level of sensitivity towards the theme? A film is incomplete without dialogue.
You must comment on the dialogues. Then you can critically analyze one
photography, locations, editing and music and lyrics. Finally you can comment on the
kind of business the film is doing.
You are required to do at least two film reviews one of Hindi and another of an
English film.


Akshay Kumar's obsession with Khiladi started with his first hit of the same name.
Since then he has tried out Sabse Bada Khiladi, Khiladion Ka Khiladi with indifferent
success. International Khiladi is the latest in line.
With such a title, a film can, at best have some passable music. It fares much
worse. Music director Adesh Srivastava, best remembered for his Paro (Shastra)
and Dhanno (Lal Badshah) is at his inspiring worst. One is well aware that an action
flick provides little scope for creative scores. But the film's music is incapable of even
passing muster at the countdown charts. Even after three listenings, none of the
seven songs stay in memory.
Lyricist Dev Kohli begins with Choon kar tere man ko which is horribly close to
the Yaarana's Kishore Kumar hit, Choon kar mere man ko. The rest of the album
meanders aimlessly. Sonu Nigam tries in vain to inject some attitude in his rendition
of the title track. Perhaps, the last track kudi kunwari, partially sung by Johny Lever,
has some box-office potential. After all, most Lever antics do end up being popular.


Television offers variety of entertainment, educational, informational, edutainment or
infotainment programme. Unlike films these programmes are for shorter duration.
There are very compact stories in T. V. programmes.
Before writing a T. V. programme review, first critically analyze the story.
Judge the theme and see if it is socially relevant? What roll it is playing in the
society. After that you can analyze the acting standards, script, direction,
technologies if there is new technologies and other important aspect of the

Zee. T. V. (Monday 9.30 P. M.)
A group of committed officers take on the menace of drug trafficking, arms
smuggling, insurgency, blackmail and a spy network (among other things) in this
series that went on air recently. No, they are not acting in any official capacity, just
doing their own bit. They are part of a secret service agency called Cell 3. Their job-
To protect the national security interests of the country.
People who are recruited from different government services and are trained
in espionage, which they put to use “to ward of the evil shadows over the country”

Every operation they undertake deals with traitors, black marketers and smugglers,
man the Cell.
The series started with Operation Indradhanush. Shot around Calcutta, the
operation revolves around the two interpretations of war terrorism or the war of
independence. Operation Sunflower breaks a South Asian network smuggling
government documents. The episode explores the trauma of a woman caught in a
web of espionage and counter espionage.
The serial than moves on to operation Mrigaya, which deals with the
smuggling activities of a mercenary group operating overseas. Then there is the
battle to stop drug trafficking and the selling of arms.
The highlight of the serial is its star cast. Naseeruddin Shah, Raghubir Yadav,
Kitu Gidwani, and Benjamin Gilani are part of this serial. The other novelty is that a
different person, who the makers claim gives the serial newness and makes each
episode different, has directed each episode.


Today large numbers of people think of Radio or television as their major source of
news. On the other hand it is not possible to give same amount of information in
broadcast media as it is provided in print media. Broadcast writing emphasizes
certain characteristics that newspaper writing does not and story structure may also
Broadcast news is more conversational style, which is simple and informal. It
should not contain slang and grammatically it should be correct. Since there is time
limit there for condensed sentence should be used. Cut down on adjectives, passive
voice and use strong active verb.
Then give a clear and objective version of news. It is better not to report at all
if the message news item is not understood to you. Avoid jargons, and foreign
words. Try to present data figures in its simplest form.
Different radio stations have different approach to the scripts. However there
are some general rules, which are to be kept in mind while writing script for radio
news. These are:
a. A slug heads the story. A slug is one or two-word label own a story. The slug
identifies a story and keeps it separate from other stories.
b. Date and time of broadcasting.

c. The writer’s name.


To write television news script split page format is used. Two columns are
categorized under video (left column) to audio (Right column)
The audio column contains the copy to be read by anchors and the director
for camera cues and instruction to the technical crew uses the video.
Like in case of radio news scripts, here also you have to mention slug, date
time and writer’s name.
The following are the assignments:
1. Convert at least two news stories from any newspaper into 45-second news
stories for radio.
2. Select a news story from year local newspaper and covert it into 60 sec. news
story for T. V.
3. Listen- record and write down the every news from radio or TV and compare it
with next day's newspaper news.

You can write a TV news script in the following format also. This is called the
continuous format opposed to the earlier mentioned split-page format.
VTR of corpses of the victims and their relatives weeping, a child whose parents
were killed, followed by the interview of the relatives of the victims shifted to
police party patrolling the site, the Bihar CM. Ms. Rabri Devi arriving at the scene
and talking to reporters slogan shouting by opposition members at the site of the
(VO) There has been yet another massacre in Bihar, 12 people were killed late
last night in Gaya district of central Bihar. The police say the Ranvir Sena is to be
blamed. A massive hunt has been set in motion. But no arrest has been made so
far (NS) followed by the voice of the reporter and voices of the relatives of victim
s, (vo) of reporter and interviewers.


Advertisement has become an irreplaceable part of our life. It provides us
information about a product or service and helps us to create options. Out of different
options we opt for the best one after valuation
Certain print advertisement has very attractive visual and body copy. It pulls in
a reader at one glance and compels him/her to read the whole message. On the
other hand there another categories of ads, which are very dull, and reader has to
put a lot of efforts to search and read them. These ads are classified ads. Besides
being cost effective classified ads lacks the usual decoration. It contains information-
based copy.
They are used where you have to give information to your target audience.
The content of information varies from sales, purchase, and change of names
matrimonial to employment, education, coaching treatment etc.
There exist another category classified ads i.e. display classified. It is slightly
decorated and costlier then the simple classified ads. The decoration gives little edge
over simple classified ad to get spotted.
The other category of print advertisement is display ads. It is most decorated
and costliest advertisement in print media. These are high budget ads. The display
advertisement requires meticulous planning- right from writing body copy to the kind
of visual accompanying it. Professionals, to make it more visually appealing, use
attractive layouts and colour schemes. A lot of research work also goes into the
designing of the message.
Below are shown few examples of classified and display advertisement. Study
them carefully and also go through different newspapers and magazines to know
more about mentioned ads.
For your assignment you are to prepare at least two advertisements of each
category i.e. classified, display classified and display ads.


Our every day life is engulfed with different print, audio, audio-video publicity
messages. They can come in the form of posters, pamphlets, leaflets, brochures,
radio ads, TV ads, hoardings, etc. The technology has moved so advanced that now
the latest publicity technology uses interactive billboard skywriting through laser
lights etc. But one thing that has remained unchanged is the visual appeal of all
these publicity material.

Appeal depends on many factors like layout, colour scheme typeface, body
copy visuals etc.
In this exercise you have to produce the under mentioned publicity material.
You can choose any theme, like a social theme in which you can inspire or motivate
people to don't blood give equal education to girl child or you can choose any
commercial theme, for example launching of a new soap, etc. and prepare the
following material.
o Posters - 2
o Pamphlets - 2
o Leaflets - 2
o Hoardings 2
o Brochures - 2


One of the effective ways to get publicity is press release. Since press releases are
sent deliberately to the media with a motive to get publicity, therefore away word
should be carefully crafted in order to fulfill the motive. Writing effective press release
requires correct informational input. The facts and data are to be organized in such a
manner that it minimizes the chances of editing.
To write a good press release, start with collecting all the essentials. Organize
the information in the order of priority. Decide which will be the first lead 2nd lead
and so on simplify your press release either by eliminating technical terms or
explaining them Give names titles correctly and spell check before you prepare final
draft. When using a quote identity the speaker as soon as possible in the sentence
or paragraph. You should restrict yourself from giving opinions. Always present the
balance version. Provide are logical conclusion if it is required and finally edit the
copy yourself before you sent the new release.
For your assignment you are to prepare at least 5 Press release of different
functions seminar, workshops, events, etc. that has taken place in an organization or
institution. You can also prepare periodic new release of your organization/institution
for the purpose of image building
Those students who are not part of any organization or institution should
submit a press release of any function or event, which they have attended, and it has
some news release.

Guru Jambheshwar University
Press release
Veteran journalist Sh. Shyam Khosla launched Media India, new media research
journal, yesterday. The Department of Communication Management & Technology
of Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar, is producing the journal.
While releasing the first issue of the Media India Sh. Shyam Khosla said that
there exit a vacuum in media journals and this journal would provide a platform for
active integration between media academicians and practitioners. Emphasizing the
need of free and fare press Sh. Khosla said that newspapers and magazines are a
part of democracy.
He said that there is need for healthy competition between Indian press and
foreign press but he said that entry of foreign media should not be in discriminated.
Sh. Khosla asked that if our politicians or bureaucrats did not perform well do we
have an alternative to import expert politicians or bureaucrats? Similarly with all its
shortcomings the Indian media has to be given a fair chance to perform as a vehicle
of dissemination of information and courses of public opinion.
Introspecting his days as an investigative reporter he said that he wonders
whether his investigative reports were for the ultimate good of the society. Quoting
example he said that some of his reports created more problems than solving them.
Sh. Khosla complemented the Department of Communication Management &
Technology of the university and hoped that it would provide a platform for active
dialogue resulting in reform in media education.


In media research data is also collected through a properly designed questionnaire.
It contains series of questions on a particular topic, which is either distributed
through mail or personally. A questionnaire allows you to sample many more people
then personal interview.
Designing a good logical questionnaire requires many inputs. You have to
keep in mind your target respondents. What is their profile and personality? Then
you have to select questions, which are relevant to your topic. Make sour there

should not be any gaps between your topic of research and questionnaire. The
language of questionnaire should be dear concise and relevant Ask one question at
a time and keep away double barrel questions.
One most important part of a questionnaire is the coding of the questions. Try
to design such questions whose answers can easily be tabulated. Any question that
requires a comment for or answer take time to think about and write and thus lessen
your chance of obtaining desired response. They also create difficulty in coding and




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