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Rep. 1740 Data 06/12/2006 Ed. 01 Em./Var.

Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero

Type K-Shelf

Field Line-up and Commissioning


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Rep. 1740 Data 06/12/2006 Ed. 01 Em./Var. Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero


1 REVISION LIST ............................................................................................................... 4

2 SCOPE............................................................................................................................. 4
3 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................................... 5
4.1. Tests Instruments......................................................................................................... 6
5 SRT 1F BASIC REFERANCE IMMAGE .......................................................................... 7
5.1. SRT 1F K Shelf Sub-rack Block structure ................................................................... 7
5.1.1. SRT 1F K Shelf BRU Composition example ............................................................ 8
5.1.2. SRT 1F K Shelf SCSU Composition example......................................................... 9
5.2. Typical Branching Wave Guide connection ............................................................... 10
5.3. Typical Waveguide path and antenna connection ..................................................... 10
6 START UP ..................................................................................................................... 11
6.1. Preliminary on both terminal station........................................................................... 11
6.2. Equipment Configuration in both terminal station ...................................................... 11
7 BEFORE START............................................................................................................ 12
7.1. Shelf visual inspection................................................................................................ 13
7.2. Fuse/Breaker for Main DC power distribution ............................................................ 14
7.3. DC power supply check ............................................................................................. 14
7.4. SW LCT Information................................................................................................... 16
7.4.1. Laptop Hardware requirements.............................................................................. 16
7.4.2. Software requirements ........................................................................................... 16
7.5. LCT Installation .......................................................................................................... 17
7.6. Starting LCT and Log on ............................................................................................ 18
8 BASIC EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION ....................................................................... 20
8.1. Provisioning of basic configuration parameter ........................................................... 22
8.1.1. Set NE ID ............................................................................................................... 22
8.1.2. Set System configuration ....................................................................................... 23
8.1.3. Set Optional unit configuration ............................................................................... 27
8.1.4. Set Led Mode ......................................................................................................... 29
8.1.5. Set Radio protection system .................................................................................. 30 Set System Parameter ....................................................................................... 31 Set SW Initiator .................................................................................................. 32
8.2. Setting of Provisioning Facility and Radio Interface................................................... 33
8.2.1. Set Baseband Interface.......................................................................................... 33
8.2.2. Set of Facility Group............................................................................................... 36
8.2.3. Set of Radio Interface............................................................................................. 38 Set of RSPI......................................................................................................... 38 Set of Radio Channel ......................................................................................... 40 Set ATPC (Automatic Transmit Control) ............................................................ 42 Set RSC (Remote Switch Control) ..................................................................... 44
8.3. Provisioning Service State ......................................................................................... 45
8.3.1. Service State Equipment........................................................................................ 45
8.3.2. Service State Facility.............................................................................................. 46
8.3.3. Service State radio protection system state ........................................................... 48
8.4. Example of configuration for system type 2+1 without Occasional service................ 49
8.5. Provisioning of DCC channel and Network Configuration.......................................... 52
8.5.1. DCC Configuration ................................................................................................. 52
8.5.2. LAPD Parameter .................................................................................................... 55
8.5.3. Network Layer Parameter ...................................................................................... 57
8.5.4. LAN Parameters..................................................................................................... 59

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero

8.5.5. TCP-IP Interface..................................................................................................... 63

8.5.6. IP Address.............................................................................................................. 65
8.6. MSTU Switch ON ....................................................................................................... 67
8.7. Provisioning of EOW .................................................................................................. 67
8.7.1. EOW Channel Select ............................................................................................. 67
8.7.2. EOW Function ........................................................................................................ 68
8.8. Sync Plan ................................................................................................................... 69
8.8.1. Example of Sync Configuration .............................................................................. 70
8.9. Date and Time setting ................................................................................................ 71
9 MW LINK ANTENNA ALIGNMENT................................................................................ 72
9.1. Antenna Alignment summarized steps....................................................................... 73
9.2. AGC Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 73
9.3. Receive (Rx) Signal Level .......................................................................................... 75
9.3.1. Receive (Rx) Signal Level with LCT SW Menu ...................................................... 77
9.4. Cross Polar Decoupling ............................................................................................. 79
10 LOCAL TESTS AND MEASURE................................................................................ 83
10.1. MSTU Transmitting Power ..................................................................................... 83
10.1.1. MSTU Transmitting Power Adjustment .................................................................. 84
10.2. Transmitter spectrum Mask.................................................................................... 88
10.3. Tx Local Oscillator frequency. ................................................................................ 89
10.4. Optical Interface Output Level (on BSW Units). ..................................................... 90
10.5. Return Loss Feeder Check. ................................................................................... 92
10.5.1. Return Loss Feeder with Site Master. .................................................................... 93
10.5.2. Return Loss Feeder with Spectrum analyzer ......................................................... 95
11 LINK TESTS AND MEASURE ................................................................................... 98
11.1. IF-IF Testing Basic ................................................................................................. 98
11.1.1. IF Frequency Response and Group Delay in single mode................................... 102 Response on Main Rx Channel........................................................................ 103 Response on Diversity Rx Channel.................................................................. 105
11.1.2. Space Diversity Equalization................................................................................ 107 Static Delay Equalization between Main and Diversity .................................... 108 Main and Diversity Amplitude Response check ............................................... 112
11.1.3. IF-IF testing using Spectrum analyzer with MLA option. ...................................... 114
11.2. BER vs Receiver. ................................................................................................. 115
11.2.1. Test on Single Rx Main Channel (Attenuator on Rx Side). .................................. 117
11.2.2. Test on Single Rx Diversity Channel (Attenuator on Rx Side). ............................ 117
11.2.3. Test in Combined mode (Main and Diversity) (Attenuator on Tx Side). ............... 118
11.3. STM 1 Radio Protection Switching....................................................................... 119
11.4. LINK quality evaluation......................................................................................... 123

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero


Date Ed Description
11/2006 1


This document is intended as a helpful guide to put in service the SRT 1F type K-Shelf system in field,
according to the FIELD COMMISSIONING TEST SHEETS documents.

The procedure begins with the local switch on and settings of the radio link, it continues with the line-
up and the commissioning of both radio stations.
Note that this procedure is applicable for all system type, but some setting and figure must be different
related to the system SVR, System Type and configuration in field.

In any case refer to the properly UMN and OMN manual of system and follow this procedure only for
guide line.

In case of mismatch between the pictures used in this document and the equipment in field (layout
and SW LCT Figures) you have to refer to the corresponding manual with the S.V.R. of your system.

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero


Suggested basic support documentation for Line-up and commissioning activities.

Standard Documentation Note

LCT OMN Manual Related to the system SVR
UMN Manual Related to the system SVR
Installation Instructions Related to the system SVR
Field Test sheets Collection Document Related to the system type

Note for Field commissioning tests sheets documents:

The Field tests protocols are composed by different documents related to the Shelf type and not
related to the system type.

Use only one of them related to the Shelf type present in field.

The complete list of document present in the Field Commissioning Test sheet Doc collection is:

Doc Type/Code Description

902-110/12.doc Full Commissioning Tests Sheets Document collection

Field Commissioning Tests Sheets for SRT 1F K-Shelf
902-110/12 2n+1x2
equipped with 2x(N+1) Sub-rack and Expansion
Field Commissioning Tests Sheets for SRT 1F K-Shelf
902-110/12 2n+1
equipped with 2x(N+1) Sub-rack witout Expansion
Field Commissioning Tests Sheets for SRT 1F K-Shelf
902-110/12 n+1x2
equipped with N+1 Sub-rack structured with 2 rack
Field Commissioning Tests Sheets for SRT 1F K-Shelf
902-110/12 n+1
equipped with N+1 Sub-rack in one Rack
Additional Field Commissioning Tests Sheets for BBIU Sub-
902-110/12 BBIU
Guide line document with the all necessary information and
909-040/12 specifications for Test instruments and accessories used
for Field commissioning
909-039/52 Full Indoor Equipment, installation Check List
Guide line document with the necessary specifications
902-110/12 spec
necessary for Field commissioning

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero


4.1. Tests Instruments

Choice the properly test instrument related to the tributary Interface Type (Electr. / Optical), RF
Frequency range, WG Flange Type, and DDF Interface.

HP8593E Spectrum Analyzer with MLA option code 11770A, is able to perform the group delay and
phase adjustment measurement (in this case use two Spectrum Analyzer with MLA option and
not the Link Analyzer instrument).

Site Master Anritsu and related accessories in alternative to the coupler for Return Loss
measurements (in this case use Site Master Test instrument and not Coupler and RF Sweep

For more detailed and information for test instrument, refer to the guide line document on the
main index collection document (Doc. P/N 902-040/12).

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5.1. SRT 1F K Shelf Sub-rack Block structure

SRT 1F K-Shelf Basic Rack Composition

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5.1.1. SRT 1F K Shelf BRU Composition example

SRT 1F K-Shelf BRU Structure example

SRT 1F K-Shelf RF Flange output example

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5.1.2. SRT 1F K Shelf SCSU Composition example

SRT 1F K-Shelf 2xN+1 SCSU Shelf

SRT 1F K-Shelf N+1 SCSU Shelf

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5.2. Typical Branching Wave Guide connection

SRT 1F K-Shelf Indoor Typical interconnection wave guide

5.3. Typical Waveguide path and antenna connection

SRT 1F K-Shelf Outdoor Typical Wave Guide and antenna connection

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In order to operate and configure the SRT 1F system is important following the reported step by step

6.1. Preliminary on both terminal station

1. Verify the properly installation.

2. Verify the system composition
3. Check the PSU Voltage and Breaker values.
4. Switch ON the main power and the related switch for all units.
5. Connect the PC
6. Start the connection with LCT installed on your computer
7. Log In to the system using a proper User and Password

6.2. Equipment Configuration in both terminal station

1. Provisioning all basic configuration parameter

a. Set the Network Element ID (refer to the project specification)
b. Set all the System Configuration
c. Set the Optional Units Configuration
d. Set the Led Mode for Alarms indication colors
e. Set the radio Protection System Parameter and related Initiator configuration
2. Set the Provisioning Facility on the Base Band Interface and Radio Interface
a. Set Base Band interface Over Head Bytes (RSOH and MSOH)
b. Set Facility Group
c. Set RSPI
d. Set Radio Channel
e. Set ATPC
f. Set RSC
3. Set the Provisioning on Service State
a. Change the equipment State
b. Change Facility State
c. Change Radio Protection System State
4. Provisioning all the DCC and Network Parameter
a. DCC Configuration
b. LAPD Parameter
c. Network Layer
d. LAN Parameter
e. TCP-IP Interface
f. IP Address
5. Provisioning of EOW Channel (if request)
a. Set and configure the Channel Select
b. Set and configure the EOW Function
6. If applicable Provisioning and configure the Sync Plan
7. If applicable Provisioning and configure the Date and Time

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At the end of all provisioning and system configuration Phase (on both station), prepare the system
configuration for Antennas adjustment phase (alignment).

8. Set on both station the Tx Power data with the ATPC in Disable mode with the
Maximum power transmission (Ptx High).
9. Start the Antenna adjustment
10. Check the Prx Value
11. Check if required the Cross Polar decoupling
12. Start with the Local test on Both station
13. Start with Link test on both station
14. Check a short Term Quality evaluation
15. Measure a long term quality evaluation

Apply all necessary measure and tests following the filed commissioning tests sheets.

The next chapters of this document are intending to supply a guide line for the operator in order to
apply all the above mentioned point.

In any case it is suggested to use also the UMN and OMN manual supplied with the equipment in
order to get additional information not inserted in this document.


The people responsible for the installation and commissioning must have the following basic

• SDH MW system knowledge

• SRT 1F and Full Indoor equipment radio basic knowledge
• Basic PC knowledge
• Skill to install and use SRT 1F software management (LCT)
• Mechanical installation knowledge (antennas, Rack, Wave guide, cabling, etc.)

Note that if you never saw a SRT 1F system before, is recommendable read previously the
system manuals (UMN and OMN).

Before to switch ON the equipment, it is suggested to verify that all installation Items are installed
properly and the system are equipped as for Project specification.

For the system composition refers to the indications described in the paragraph "Mechanical
Specification” on the UMN manual and in according to the project specification.

For the installation Items, refer to the document code 909-039/52 (Full Indoor Installation Check List)
and to the summary of Installation check list reported in the field commissioning documents.

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Basically all the external connections have been done following the system specifications, in

• Primary supply voltage

• Wave guide and related connectors’
• Wave Guide pressurization system
• Tributary cable
• Alarm cable (if request)
• Networking connection (if request)
• Auxiliary Channel (if request)

All Outdoor elements installation has been done following the system specifications, in particular:

• Antenna Positioning
• Antenna Fixing
• Antenna Polarization and related Wave Guide connections
• Wave Guide fixing
• Wave Guide Grounding Connections

Acceptance tests are performed to ensure that proper installation procedures detailed in the
installation manual have been applied.

On the start up installation phase it is fundamental that a proper power wiring has been provided to
the shelf and the equipment shelves are free of defects or damage.

7.1. Shelf visual inspection

• Locate the SRT 1F / shelf and rack that will house the equipment.
• Position yourself at the front of the rack.
• Check that no slide-in units are installed. Remove any units that are installed.
• Check that the shelves are secure and free of defects or damage.
• Check that all electrical connectors inside the shelves are properly secured and aligned in the
shelf slots.
• Check that there are no broken, bent or mis-aligned contacts in the connectors.
• Check that there are no mis-aligned, dented or twisted shelves.
• Check that there is no broken or damaged equipment
(connectors, wiring, and back wiring boards, etc.).
• Check that all cabling and wiring is terminated and secured in place.
• Check that the wiring from the central office battery supply is connected to the power
connector on the SRT 1F rack.
• Check that the SRT 1F rack connection to equipment outside of the rack has been made.
• Check that the feeder connection is properly terminated.
• Record the inspection results on the proper Form (the installation Check list are inserted in the
Field commissioning tests sheets collection document code 902-110/12).

Note: Report any problems to the installation group in order to solve the problem before the

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7.2. Fuse/Breaker for Main DC power distribution

It is fundamental verify that the installed Fuse/Breaker used on the PDB (Power Distribution Box), are
conform to the consumption of the SRT 1F. Note that the value of system consumption, depend to the
type of shelf and system type, refer to the installation manual (UMN) for the proper consumption

Open the cover of PDB and check if the Breaker specification is under required specification.
(Next image are only for reference).

Breaker Visual check

Verify also that the Power supply DC cables are under the system specification.

It is recommended use a 1x10 mm2 for the connection between PDB and UIA Block.

7.3. DC power supply check

After the visual inspection of the installation verify the proper incoming DC Power Supply at SRT 1F

This procedure lists the steps required to check the incoming power supply to the SRT 1F + shelf.

• Turn OFF all Fuse/Breakers on the units and shelves.

• Turn ON the main power supply from the DC Main distribution Box.
• With a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) or equivalent, confirm that the voltage on the Power Supply
Terminal of UIA block is –48 V nominal and in the nominal tolerance accepted by the

If OK, switch ON Fuse/Breakers on the units and shelves.

If NO, report the problem to the installation group.

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DC Power connection on UIA

DC Power check

Due that the Positive on the Power supply are also the ground reference,
when you measure the DC voltage make attention to the connection of

Normally if you connect the Common port of multimeter (Black cable) on the
ground or Positive voltage and the measure port on the Negative voltage (Red
Cable), the value measured are negative:

- 48 Volt

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero

7.4. SW LCT Information

This section describes how to install, start, log In with LCT SW application. This section also describes
the minimum HW and SW requirement for computer, the user interface and explains how to perform
the initial setup, log on/off to the SRT 1F System.

The windows and dialog boxes shown in this document are typical of those displayed on the computer
screen, but individual displays may vary depending on the network element (NE) configuration,
shelves, and units selected.

In any case refer to the OMN manual for further detailed information.

7.4.1. Laptop Hardware requirements

To use LCT, a personal computer should meet or exceed the minimum HW requirements listed below:

• Processor Intel Pentium family 300 MHz or faster

• RAM Minimum 128MB of RAM
• Hard disk Minimum 200MB of free hard disk space
• Disk drive 1.44 MB 3.5-inch disk drive (not mandatory)
• CD-ROM drive
• I-O ports Minimum of one operating Serial port (RS-232C 9pin D-sub)
• Pointing device Microsoft-compatible pointing device
• Monitor 16-bit color at 800 x 600 resolution or higher
• Video Memory 8MB or more
• Modem Hayes-compatible internal or external modem
• Sound AC’97 conformed Sound Controller, Speaker
• Cable Communication cable for connection from the network element (NE) to a serial port on
the modem or computer
• LAN ETH Adaptor

7.4.2. Software requirements

The following software should be installed prior to using LCT:

• Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP

• Service Pack: Windows XP Service Pack 1
• MS Office Package suggested

Note that LCT does not support multi-user in Windows XP.

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7.5. LCT Installation

The LCT program is shipped on CD-ROM.

Please refers to the software manual (OMN) to install the LCT software program on the PC.

The operating system required for the LCT is Win NT/XP.

Note that to establish a proper connection between the PC and the radio
equipment when the LCT program is used you need to configure the Control
Panel Regional Settings.

Set the parameters in the Control Panel Regional Settings menu as follows:

In the Number menu:

• Decimal Symbol “.”
• Digit Grouping Symbol “,”

In the Currency menu

• Digit Grouping Symbol “.”

In the Time menu

• Decimal Symbol “.”

Warning for com port on laptop

If you need to use an external power supply for the Laptop, it is

recommended to connect first the serial cable and then the power supply
Doing this the other way round could be dangerous, because the power
supply unit for the laptop normally contains an autotransformer, and the
difference of ground potential could damage the serial port of the PC and
(or) the serial interface of the equipment.

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7.6. Starting LCT and Log on

After the installation, to start LCT, switch ON the SV unit, connect the Serial cable on the unit, and do
the following action:

Start -> Programs -> Siemens -> LCT SRT 1F.

The LCT Main Menu screen appears as showing in next figures.

LCT Application group

Log On LCT Window

Select Logon menu and after a confirmation of Com port setting select OK.

User and Password Log In dialog Box

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Select the NE ID from the Enter NE ID pull-down menu or type the desired NE ID in the text box,
using 7 to 20 characters (Default if any NE ID is configured are Fujitsu or Siemens).

Type the user name in the Enter User Name text box, using up to 10 ASCII characters.
Type the password in the Enter Password text box, using up to 10 ASCII characters.

On the first access use the following access right.

Ne ID: Fujitsu or siemens

User: root
Password: root

Click OK. When the logon procedure succeeds, a working window for the logged on NE appears.
LCT shows the shelf configuration using information retrieved from the NE. Next figure is an example
of an SRT 1F shelf picture.

Default LCT SW shelf picture

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On the first activation, the default configuration retrieved from the equipment as like a 1+1 FD
configuration and in any case it is required to reconfigure all system parameter in order to insert on
service the equipment.

All LCT Menu Tree are summarized on the following table:

Logfiles Preferences
File >
Logon Logoff Re-configure Screen ASCII Terminal
Session >
Health Check
TL1 > TL1 Commands
Service State
Facility System
Section DCC
Provisioning > OSSI Interface
Network Layer Protocol TARP Control
LAN Parameters
TCP/IP Interface
Shelf Condition Radio Protection Switch
Service State
Performance Monitoring Analog Monitor Display CSES Log
Housekeeping Alarm External Control
Change Maintenance State Trace
Status/Control > Signal Label Alarm Cut Off
Loop Back Protection Switch
Maintenance Radio Interface
Physical Inventory ALS Release Special Tool
RCI Control
Auto Report Control Transaction Log
Add User
Delete User
Administration > Change User
Change Logged User Password Show User List
Show Logged User Privilege
Tile Horizontal
Tile Vertical
Window > Arrange Icons Toolbar
Status Bar
Global View
Index for LCT Using Help
Help > Index for SRT 1F
About LCT

More detailed information of tree menu dialog box on OMN Manual.

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A large part of sub-menu necessary for the system configuration is available from the basic menu
called “Provisioning”.

This chapter describes the procedures for provisioning a network element (NE).

Provisioning sets up the operating parameters for each plug-in unit in the SRT 1F.

The Provisioning menu provides the following commands:

Changes the state of individual units and facilities in the SRT

Service State:
1F system.
Sets facility formats and thresholds for aggregate and
Facility: tributary facilities and sets alarm attributes for all units on the
Sets all parameters related to the operation of the entire NE
that do not depend on traffic. Options include trace, NE ID,
date and time, performance monitoring (PM) time, and other
system parameters.
Sets up communication between NEs. Options include
section data communication channel (SDCC) service state,
Section DCC:
link access procedure on the D-channel (LAPD), and SDCC
attribute parameters.
Connects to the NE via an X.25 network. Options include
operation support system interface (OSSI) type and service
OSSI Interface:
state, link access procedure-balanced (LAPB), and other
Selects the role of the NE in the network layer routing and
Network Layer Protocol:
Protocol administrative domains.
Specifies the attributes associated with the terminal identifier
TARP Control:
(TID) address resolution protocol (TARP).
LAN Parameters: Edits attributes associated with the local area network(LAN).
TCP/IP Interface: Edits service state and attributes associated with TCP/IP.

Changing the Equipment/Facility/Radio Protection System state, may
causes traffic loss

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8.1. Provisioning of basic configuration parameter

8.1.1. Set NE ID

Following the project specification or Network Planning, set the NE ID in order to identify the
equipment on the network.

Select Provisioning > System > Set NE ID

NE ID Menu

NE ID Dialog Box

Note that it is also possible configure all system configuration with all MSTU unit in OFF status and
activate the configuration at the end.

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8.1.2. Set System configuration

This is the basic system setup in order to configure frequency band, system type, number of Working
channel and other primary parameter.

Select Provisioning > System > Set System Configuration

System Configuration Menu

For all Provisioning menus it is possible select basically two type of action:

• Edit: in order to configure the Parameter of the selected sub-menu.

• Retrieve: in order to check and read the existing configuration of the selected sub-menu.

System Configuration Dialog Box

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If we select the Retrieve mode the windows showing a summary of the existing configuration and
related configured parameter:

Retrieve Action for System Configuration

If we select the Edit mode the windows showing all related parameter in order to configure the

For the System Configuration (Edit mode) set all the following data:

• RF Type: To set the frequency for the radio channel(s) (Refer to the RF Network Planning and
get the reference from the MSTU Label (eg. If label is U6G Tx: Lower, the setting would be
• FRQ Arrangement: To set the frequency arrangement for the radio channel(s) (Alternate
polarization or CC System).
• Space Diversity: To specify whether or not the system has the space diversity function.
• Line Interface: To control the setting of the interface type on the Line side.
• BBIU Use: To set the presence or absence of BBIU (Base Band Interface).
To configure Optical Base band shelf select OPT, N to configure Electrical Base Band only
and PE to configure PDH Interface (Not supported).
• Group 1 Maximum CH: To set the maximum number of RPS (Radio Protection Switch)
channels for Group 1.
• Group 2 Maximum CH: To set the maximum number of RPS (Radio Protection Switch)
channels for Group 2.
• Group1 RPS: To set an RPS system type for Group 1.
• Group2 RPS: To set an RPS system type for Group 2.
Select Y (RPS with OCC) to enable Radio Protection Switching, N (Non RPS) to disable
Radio Protection Switching.
The setting type OCCN is only for system equipped with PDH interface. This setting is to
enable the Radio Protection Switching with PDH Interface, configuration Not more supported
in the majority case.

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Note that the numeric value inserted on the Group 1 Maximum CH, identify the number of
Working Radio Channel present on the Basic Shelf and the Group 2 Maximum CH, identify the
same info for the Expansion Shelf.
In case of 2x(N+1) without expansion shelf it is possible insert a maximum of 4 channel for
each group (from 1 to 4 for group 1 and from 5 to 8 fro group 2).

e.g: For 3+1 system on N+1 shelf insert 3 for group 1 and N (“NO”) for group 2.

The 1+1 configuration is considerate in any case a Type N+1 with one working channel.

In the following example we suppose that our NE is a system 1+1, U6 Ghz UPPER with space
diversity alternate pattern and STM1 electrical interface.

NOTE: even if your system is without occasional interface, it is necessary to set in “RPS
GROUP1” item “YES with OCC”

Edit Action for System Configuration Dialog Box

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After the System configuration was set, select OK to confirm a new configuration.

Completed Action Dialog Box

In order the refresh the screen and apply the new configuration, the system inform the operator that it
is necessary Re-configure the screen command and apply the new configuration loaded in the
memory database of NE.

Request of Re-Configuration Action Dialog Box

To apply the command, select from the Menu bar Session > Re-configure Screen

Re-Configuration Menu

Select OK

Confirmation of the Re-Configuration Action

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8.1.3. Set Optional unit configuration

This selection configures or reconfigures any optional units present on the system. In any case it is
necessary verify the setting starting from the default configuration.

The default configuration of SRT1 F expect the TCU protection unit, if

you haven’t got this unit you need to reconfigures it

Select Provisioning > System > Set Optional Unit Configuration

Optional Unit Configuration Menu

Select the appropriate setting for the parameters listed below:

Group 1 Additional ECU: To install the GPn-ECU (Embedded Communication Unit) to Group 1.
Group 2 Additional ECU: To install the GPn-ECU (Embedded Communication Unit) to Group 2.
Additional HK Unit: To add new housekeeping units to the system.
TCU Protection: To protect the timing control unit.

Optional Unit Configuration Dialog Box

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At the end re-apply the Re-Configuration Screen command descript below.

Request of Re-Configuration Action Dialog Box

The new screen appears with the different units related to the configured configuration.

Shelf screen after the screen reconfiguration

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8.1.4. Set Led Mode

This setting change the default led mode for SRT 1 F (yellow color for normal operations).

It is suggested change the normal operation mode from yellow to green.

Select Provisioning > System > Set LED Mode

Led mode menu

Led Mode dialog box

Apply the new configuration and confirm with OK

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8.1.5. Set Radio protection system

Related to the system type configuration, it is necessary set the correct parameters related the RPS

On the Set Radio Protection System two commands are available:

• Set System Parameter

• Set SW Initiator

It is necessary configure both settings.

Select Provisioning > System > Set Radio Protection System > Set System Parameter and
Provisioning > System > Set Radio Protection System > Set SW Initiator

RPS Configuration menu

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero Set System Parameter

On the Set System Parameter command allows you to set the system parameters.

Select the appropriate setting for the parameters listed below:

Maximum CH: To set the maximum number of channels that can be used in the system.
The protection is activated on All the installed MSTU and on both the racks (in co-channel
configuration), that is it is not possible to configure a number of protected channels lower than the
number of the present channels.
Priority CH: To specify the priority of the channels.
Wait to Restore (Min): To specify the time in minutes for restoring the RPS system in the event of a
OCC Use: To specify the OCC as In-Use or Not-In-Use.

Note that the field for Maximum CH are variable related to the number of configured Radio channel
(see on the next figures a example for 1+1 system and 3+1 system).

System parameter for 1+1 system type System parameter for 3+1 system type

In case of 1+1 system without occasional use (without OCC card), set the system like a next figure:

System parameter for 1+1 system type without OCC card

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero Set SW Initiator

After the setting of the previous system parameter it is necessary to enable the monitoring of the
switching criteria with the command SW Initiator.

SW Initiator menu

Select Y in the field SW INITIATOR ENABLE –X for all the channels configured in the system.

SW Initiator dialog box

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8.2. Setting of Provisioning Facility and Radio Interface

8.2.1. Set Baseband Interface

These settings depend on the characteristics of the network in which we implement SRT1F. It is a
very important setting, in particular DCCM that must be transparent within the microwave link.

Select Provisioning > Facility > Set Baseband Interface > Set OHB

OHB menu

Choose all MSTU units

Selection for MSTU Units

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And verify / set the status of STM1RS and STM1MS HOB.

OHB dialog box

For STM1RS set all access ID like Yes

OHB Retrieve mode screen

But for STM1MS, bust be important that the D4-D12 Byte must set in “NO” Status.

OHB Retrieve mode configuration check

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A example of editing setting for STM1MS is the following figure:

OHB edit mode dialog box

At the end of setting confirm the new provisioning status.

Confirmation for OHB provisioning dialog box

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8.2.2. Set of Facility Group

This setting in order to set a proper value for B2 SD threshold to 10-6

Select Provisioning > Facility > Set Baseband Interface > Set Facility Group

Facility Group menu

Select all MST Units

Selection of MSTU Units

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Configure all units with a Signal Degrade Threshold at 10E-6.

Facility Group dialog box

At the end confirm the new Status of Provisioning Facility Group.

Confirmation of provisioning for Facility Group

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8.2.3. Set of Radio Interface

The Set Radio Interface commands allow you to set the channel, threshold levels for the radio

The following Set Radio Interface commands are available:

• Set RSPI (command allows you to set the radio synchronous physical interface)
• Set Radio Channel (command allows you to set the radio channel and its frequency.
• Set Facility Threshold (command allows you to set the performance monitoring threshold
levels for detecting threshold crossing alerts. The system sends a message or alarm when
that level is exceeded).
• Set Level Threshold (command allows you to set the level threshold for the radio interface).
• Set Automatic Transmit Control (command allows you to set automatic transmit control to the
radio interface).
• Set RSC (command allows you to report the settings of the radio supplementary channel). Set of RSPI

In the RSPI menu is important to set early warning alarm related to the switching criteria, suggested
by TAC3 department, select 2 equivalents to 10-7 after FEC

Note that it is not possible select and configure all MSTU on the same time, select before the
Protection channel and then the working channels.

Select Provisioning > Facility > Set Radio Interface > Set RSPI

RSPI menu

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For Protection Channel:

RSPI dialog box for Protection channel

Then confirm the new configuration

Confirmation of provisioning for RSPI

• For working channels:

RSPI dialog box for Working channel

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Then confirm the new configuration

Confirmation of provisioning for RSPI Set of Radio Channel

This setting configure each MSTU unit equipped for the proper radiofrequency channel, Sync data and
XPIC (only for CC system) availability.

Select the appropriate setting for the parameters listed below:

Frequency: To set the frequency for the radio channel(s).
Local Clock: To set the local clock to MASTER or SLAVE.
XPIC: To enable or disable use of the Cross Polarization Interference Canceller function.
Inhibit MOD Function: To enable or disable the transmitter and modulation function.
Inhibit DEM Function: To enable or disable the receiver and demodulation function.

About the warning to inhibit MOD or DEM function is valid only if MSTU is switched ON.
The Inhibit warning message must be important, because this setting is applicable when the MOD and
DEM function are inhibited (if the MSTU are in service, this condition cause a loss of traffic).

The following example is for AP system:

Select Provisioning > Facility > Set Radio Interface > Set Radio Channel

Radio Channel menu

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In edit status a warning message for Inhibition of MOD and DEM changing status appear, select OK to

Request for Inhibit MOD and DEM

In retrieve condition show the default parameter status.

Retrieve screen for Radio Channel setting

Radio channel dialog box

This setting is applied for each channel (one by one)

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Then confirm the new configuration

Confirmation of provisioning for Radio Channel Set ATPC (Automatic Transmit Control)

Note that the default configuration for ATPC is Tx power fixed to the minimum level

It is suggested on the commissioning phase to fix it to the maximum level (e.g. for antenna alignment
phase). After the commissioning set the ATPC referred to the Project specification.

Select Provisioning > Facility > Set Radio Interface > Set Automatic Transmit Control

ATPC menu

It is possible apply this setting for all selected channel at the same time

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ATPC dialog box

Then confirm the new configuration

Confirmation of provisioning for ATPC

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero Set RSC (Remote Switch Control)

This setting configures the remote switching control signal passing through RFCOH.
On the default configuration this setting normally are OK

Select Provisioning > Facility > Set Radio Interface > Set RSC

RSC menu

In retrieve mode, check that the DSC SEL setting are P(protection) for GP1-X and Working for the
other GP1-Y Group.
Check also the settings for the GP2 Group.

RSC dialog box RSC screen in retrieve mode

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8.3. Provisioning Service State

This settings Changes the state of individual units and facilities in the SRT 1F system.

The Service State commands allow you to place individual units in or out of service when
maintenance is being performed on the SRT 1F shelf.

The following Service State commands are available:

• Change Equipment State

• Change Facility State
• Change Radio Protection System State

The Change Equipment State command allows you to place plug-in units in and out of service.
The Change Facility State command allows you to place facilities in and out of service.
The Change Radio Protection System State commands allow you to select the group for which you
wish to place RPS function in and out of service.

8.3.1. Service State Equipment

From this setting here start the procedure to put in service the MSTU unit

Select Provisioning > Service State > Change Equipment State

Change equipment State menu

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Select the action Type “In Service (IS)

Equipment State dialog box

Accept and confirm the action selected

Confirmation of Provisioning for Equipment State

8.3.2. Service State Facility

Select Provisioning > Service State > Change Facility State

Change Facility State menu

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Select before the Protection Unit and only for the protection channel on the “change facility state”
menu, set “in service” only the RSPI function. ( STM1RS has to be set “in service” only when used the
Occasional channel)

Facility State dialog box for RSPI

Confirm the new state:

Confirmation of Facility State

After select the other working Channel and set in service before the STM1RS with available status for
Line side and Radio Side.

Facility State dialog box for STM1RS

Confirm the action:

Confirmation of Provisioning for Facility State

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After select the RSPI and select the “In Service (IS)” state with the Radio Side available and confirm
the anction.

Change Facility State for RSPI

8.3.3. Service State radio protection system state

This setting is to enable the protection system

Select Provisioning > Service State > Change Radio Protection System State > Group …
(repeat the setting for all available group).

Change Radio Protection System State menu

Radio Protection System State dialog box

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Confirmation of Provisioning for Radio Protection System State

8.4. Example of configuration for system type 2+1 without Occasional service

Using the Status/Control menu, check the operating status of the equipment. You can use these
procedures to check for faults in the equipment, monitor functions, and test the operation of the
network element (NE).

Using the Service State sub menu, displays information about out-of-service equipment, the primary
and secondary states of facilities for the selected facility type.

Select Status/Control > Service State > Display Equipment OOS List
and confirm the action for all Cards in Service.

Display Equipment OOS List menu Confirmation of OOS list

Than select Status/Control > Service State > Display Facility

and select the different Facility to check:

The Primary State in MA status is referred to the “Out Of Service” State:

Display Facility menu

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Display Facility dialog box and Retrieve for STM1RS configuration


Display Facility dialog box and Retrieve for STM1MS configuration

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Display Facility dialog box and Retrieve for RSPI configuration

• RPS:

Display Facility dialog box and Retrieve for RPS configuration

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8.5. Provisioning of DCC channel and Network Configuration

During the Configuration phase it is also important set all data regarding the use of DCC and Network
parameter in order to active the Management system referred to the Project DCN network plan.

Be sure that:

ƒ About these setting you have to follow the information coming from the DCN planning.

The first operation is to check the default status of DCC

8.5.1. DCC Configuration

The Section DCC commands allow you to set up communication between NEs.
Options include section data communication channel (SDCC) service state, link access procedure on
the D-channel (LAPD), and SDCC attribute parameters.

Select Provisioning > Section DCC > SDCC Service State

SDCC Service State menu

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Verify with the retrieve Action Command the existing configuration

In order to view the existing configuration for all channels, select ALL from the Access ID dialog bog.

SDCC Service State dialog box

On the default configuration the DCCR channel are in status “In service” for Line side (GP1-W1-L-RS)
and for Radio Side ((GP1-W1-R-RS).
Note that also that DCC are available only on Channel Protection and Working 1, in order to increase
the DCC Channel availability it is necessary a ECU extension unit.

SDCC Service State in retrieve mode

Except a particular info from DCN Network Planning it is suggested to set the DCCR Line Side in Out
of service State.

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With a action Edit select all L RS status and change from In Service state to Out of Service.

SDCC Service State dialog box

SDCC Service State dialog box and changing status

After each status change it is required to initialize the unit.

Request of Initialization for SDCC Service State Initialization action for SDCC Service State

Confirmation of SDCC Service State

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8.5.2. LAPD Parameter

The LAPD Parameters command allows you to select the attributes associated with the Data Link
Layer Protocol (LAPD) of a Section Data Communication Channel (SDCC).

Also here you should follow the DCN planning

In any case if you don’t have to realize any inter-working by DCC with other NE different respect to
SRT1 F leaves the default setting.

In order to check the default setting select Provisioning > Section DCC > LAPD Parameters

LAPD parameter menu

Check with retrieve command Action the existing configuration:

In order to view the existing configuration for all channels, select ALL from the Access ID dialog bog.

LAPD Parameter dialog box

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Verify in particular that the setting on “LAPD Cmd/Rsp” column is Plus-R, this setting guarantee the
connection through DCC channel between SRT1 F equipments ONLY with a internal auto-
negotiation protocol.
(Except different DCN Network planning specification)

LAPD Parameter screen in retrieve mode

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8.5.3. Network Layer Parameter

The settings of Network Layer Parameter are a sub menu of the Network Layer Protocol.

The Network Layer Protocol commands allow you to select the role of the NE in the network layer
routing and protocol administrative domains.

The NLP Parameters command allows you to set the Network Layer Protocol parameters.

This menu is used in order to set the NSAP Address (OSI)

In the default setting is already configured an AREA Address that can be changed following the DCN
What is no possible to change is the MAC address that corresponds to the system ID of the NE.
If you are interested just to realize a connection with your LCT between the local and the remote NE
you can live the default setting!

Select Provisioning > Network Layer Protocol > NLP Parameters

NLP Parameter menu

NLP Parameter dialog box

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With the Retrieve action command check the existing configuration:

NLP Parameter request for retrieve screen

NLP Parameter screen in retrieve mode

Note that the System ID value correspond to the MAC Address and is a fixed value by default.

Suppose to change area address, enter in the Edit Action Mode and write the new Area address
defined by the DCN Network Planning.
(If not specified, don’t insert any value on the System ID in order to maintain the default value).

NLP Parameter Changing Area Address data

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At the end confirm the Provisioning with the new data and Initialize the system.

Confirmation of Provisioning for NLP parameter

Request of Initialization for new NLP parameter

8.5.4. LAN Parameters

This setting in order to Edits the attributes associated with the local area network (LAN).
Configure the parameters related to the Ethernet interface in front of SV card

Select Provisioning > LAN Parameters

LAN Parameter menu

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Note that the LAN port as default value “out of service”.

If your system is a GATEWAY of NETVIEWER or you need an Ethernet connection between two
terminals with crossed cable RJ45, the LAN port must be set “in service”.

LAN Parameter dialog box

Open the Retrieve Action Mode to check the default value:

LAN Parameter request for retrieve action

Note that the Status of the port is in OOS (Out Of Service).

LAN Parameter screen in retrieve mode

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In Edit Mode change the only the Service State from Out of service in “In Service” Mode.

LAN Parameter changing setting

At the end confirm the Provisioning with the new data and Initialize the system.

Confirmation of Provisioning for new data in LAN Parameter

Request of Initialization for new data in LAN


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E.g. for Gateway and Terminal Inter-working:

Gateway mode

LAN Inter-working between two terminal

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8.5.5. TCP-IP Interface

The TCP/IP Service State command allows you to modify the IP Service State configuration.
Use the TCP/IP Service State command to modify the IP Service State configuration.
The value that is set by Edit Action becomes valid after the Initialize Action is executed.
The value indicated by Retrieve Action shows current effective value. As default this interface is “out
of service”, must be enable ONLY on netviewer gateway NE

Select Provisioning > TCP/IP Interface > TCP/IP Service State

TCP/IP Service State menu

Select the Retrieve Action Type to view the existing configuration.

TCP/IP Service State Retrieve action request

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Note that the default value is in OOS (Out Of Service).

TCP/IP Service State screen in Retrieve mode

To set in service enter in Edit Action Mode and change the service State from Out of Service in In

TCP/IP Service State changing configuration

At the end confirm the Provisioning with the new data and Initialize the system.

Request of Provisioning for TCP/IP Service State

Request of Initialization for TCP/IP Service State

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8.5.6. IP Address

Set the ip address coming from your DCN plan

Don’t change the default connection port that netviewer utilize to establish a connection with
the NE!!!!

Select Provisioning > TCP/IP Interface > IP Address

IP Address menu

Select before the Default Field in order to set the default configuration.

IP Address dialog box

Than insert only the data referred to IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default gateway.
Don’t change the default value for port (2024)

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IP Address Default configuration

See Example

IP Address new configuration example

At the end confirm the Provisioning with the new data and Initialize the system.

Request of Provisioning for new IP Address

Request of Initialization for new IP Address

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8.6. MSTU Switch ON

The above descript settings, are applicable also with MSTU units in OFF condition.

At this step switch ON the PSU of MSTU units, in order to transfer from SV to MSTU all configuration
and settings parameter.

On the moment when the MSTU is switched ON is also active the RF
transmission signal

8.7. Provisioning of EOW

If necessary in order to configure the EOW it necessary verifies the OHB availability before the setting
of Channel and Numbering.
Normally the default status is enabled.

8.7.1. EOW Channel Select

Select Provisioning > System > Set Order Wire > Channel Select

The Channel Select command allows you to select the channel for the order wire facility.
Enable on the selected GP the order wire facility.

Configuration of EOW Channel select dialog box

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8.7.2. EOW Function

The OW Function command allows you to specify the address and to select the related order wire
byte and function.

Select Provisioning > System > Set Order Wire > OW Function

Configuration of EOW Function dialog box

Select the Group Address and Station Address value referred to the Project Specification Plan.

E.g.: 0010 is Group address 00 and Station address 10

In this mode to make the phone call dial: #0010.

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8.8. Sync Plan

Referred to the project specification, define the proper sync Parameter for the system.
Active the following menu:

Select Provisioning > System > Set Synchronization > Set Sync Parameter

Configuration of Sync Parameter dialog box

Select the default configuration and from then configure the proper Sync. Parameter.

• GP1-W1-R means sync is get from radio W1 rx
• GP1-W1-L means sync is get from radio W1 Line
• CLKBIT X means sync is get CLK connector X 2Mbit
• INT means sync is get from Internal

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8.8.1. Example of Sync Configuration

An example of particular synchronization parameter it is used for a particular test in order to check if
the MW equipment is synchronized with a STM 1 stream.

Connect the a SDH BER Analyzer with S1 capability function to the SRT-1F radio equipment in the
local station and put a base band loop in the remote station.
Basically select the following settings on test instrument:

STM-1 signal - VC4 unframed - 140 M/s payload

To synchronize the hop performing the following step:

• In the local station connect the DTA to the radio and set the byte S1 to 0010 (G.811)
• In the local station by LCT choose Provisioning→Set Synchronization→Set Sync Mode and
the following dialog box appears.
• Select the Action Edit and the SYNC Mode 1 and click OK

Setting of SYNC mode dialog box

• Choose Provisioning > system > Set Synchronization >Set Sync Parameter and the following
dialog box appears.
• Select the Action Edit and set the CLK MODE = TCU and EC Priority 1 = GP1-W1-L (STM1
channel1) and click OK.
• In the same dialog box select the action retrieve and click OK to control if the radio equipment
is sync. to the STM1.
• In the remote station by LCT choose Provisioning > System > Set Synchronization >Set Sync
• Select the Action Edit and the SYNC Mode 1 and click OK.
• Choose Provisioning > System > Set Synchronization > Set Sync Parameter
• Select the Action Edit and set the CLK MODE = TCU and EC Priority 1 = GP1-W1-R (DEM
channel 1) and click OK.
• In the same dialog box select the action retrieve and click OK to control if the radio equipment
is sync. to the DEM 1.

The above parameter is used only to perform a BER test in case of Sync
Every in service equipment should be configured according to the sync.

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8.9. Date and Time setting

Select Provisioning > System > Set Date and Time

Set Date and Time related to the proper value applicable on the moment of Line Up.

Setting of Date and Time dialog box

Note that the Date and Time data are also visible on the command menu description on the lower part
of the main LCT screen.

Overview of existing Date and Time parameter

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For a reliable microwave link communication between two terrestrial radio sites, fundamental is a
correct antennas alignment.

Parabolic microwave antennas can be aligned using either a customer supplied radio, independent
path alignment transceiver set or other properly tools and test instrument related to the equipments
Microwave antennas must be accurately positioned on true azimuth and be absolutely level before
beginning path alignment. Most alignment difficulties are the result of incorrect azimuth position or
inadequate leveling.

Target of antennas alignment is to adjust the properly direction of both antennas (site A and B), in
order to obtain the Calculate (Nominal) Power receive in both site.

For more information’s and procedure for antenna adjustment, refer to the document 909-033/52.

In additional to the above mentioned procedure, for SRT 1F equipment, in order to start the alignment,
it is important to set the ATPC feature in manual mode, with the maximum Power transmission vale
(High setting value).

Change setting for ATPC

Verify if the installed elements matching with the RF planning form, in particular regarding the antenna
diameter, frequency band, WG type / length and other additional element.
If some of the above mentioned element are not included in the RF Planning form it is necessary
review the data for the Rx power level calculation.

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9.1. Antenna Alignment summarized steps

• Align the antenna in both vertical and horizontal planes according to the site drawings.
(Elevation angle will have to be calculated from the height above sea level.) If site data is not
available, adjust the antenna for zero elevation.
• Pan the antenna in the horizontal plane and have a second party check the RX or AGC
voltage (or using a spectrum analyzer/Power meter) for the distant site’s signature. When the
signature is detected, pan the antenna through the peak signal level and locate the first
minimal to the left and right of the peak.
Note the number of turns of the adjusting screw between the minimal, actual peak signal is
EXACTLY half way between the two minimal.
• Pan the antenna in the vertical plane in the same steps as above, then completely lock the
antenna panning bars and secure.

9.2. AGC Monitoring

It is suggest to connect and monitoring the AGC Voltage on the Work 1 channel (W1 CH) Main/SD
The AGC is monitored through the connector UIA block for antenna alignment and future
troubleshooting. Connectors positioning are different related to the Shelf type, refer to the UMN
The following example tables are only for system with sub-rack type K-Shelf.

CN34 connector N+1 Terminal configuration

Multishelf CN104 connector for “SYS A” Double Terminal configuration
CN204 connector for “SYS B” Double Terminal configuration

1+1 N.E CN4 connector for 1+1 N.E. configuration

CN34 of UIA of HK1 for N+1 Type

K-shelf Or
CN39 of HK1 for 2x(N+1) Terminal Type

Connector Pin No. Pin Name Function

19 9 SDA SG Signal Ground for Monitor


8 SD AGC SD AGC monitor (W1)

20 7 AGC SG Signal Ground for Monitor


Front view
facing to 6 AGC MON AGC monitor (W1)

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Note: In the case of Double Terminal equipment, the AGC current monitoring function is situated in the
connector of:

• CNxxx => HK1 for System A

• CNyyy. => HK1 for System B

CN34 (or CN39) of UIA block accommodates housekeeping (external) supervisory/control terminals in
addition to AGC monitoring.

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9.3. Receive (Rx) Signal Level

At the end of the Alignment phase, verify that the Received signal are under the Project specification.

This test is intended to confirm the result of antenna alignment by measuring the RF receiving level at
the input of MSTU.

• Required Test instruments:

• RF Power Meter with appropriate power sensor
• Adaptors and RF cable

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Prx measurement

• Test Procedure:

• Check that ATPC (Automatic Transmitter Power Control) setting state of the TX side(ATPC =
HIGH is recommended).
• Remove MN and SD RX IN connection between the branching network and RX.
• Connect the Power meter to the RX branching network MN output.
• Compare the result with the path calculations.
• Repeat steps 3 thru 4 for SD.
• Repeat for all other bearers (PROT, W1 etc.)

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Report the value on the field commissioning tests sheets

On the measure check that is considered all loss present in the Link, in
particular Flex wave guide and all Branching filter loss.
Refer to the UMN manual for more detailed value

Referred to the above picture a example of Received Signal Level (RSL) Calculation Sheet are:

Ref. Parameter Value Type

1 Transmitter Output Power + …… dBm Start value
2 MSTU Adaptor Loss (Tx ADPT) - ……. dB Loss
Branching Network Loss (TX + RX)
3 - ……. dB Loss
BPF + CIR + DUP on Both Side)
4 Flex. WG Loss (Tx) - ……. dB Loss
5 Feeder Loss (Tx Side) - ……. dB Loss
6 Antenna Gain (Tx Side) + ……. dB Gain
7 Free Space Loss - ……. dB Loss
8 Antenna Gain (Rx Side) + ……. dB Gain
9 Feeder Loss (Rx Side) - ……. dB Loss
10 Flex. WG Loss (Rx) - ……. dB Loss
11 MSTU Adaptor Loss (Rx ADPT) - ……. dB Loss

Calculated Received Signal Level (Sum of all Loss and Gain) - …….. dBm

Antenna gain and feeder loss shall be calculated based on technical data.
In the above example table the Prx signal are calculated on MSTU Input

Note that Item Ref. 2,3,11 is reported on the UMN manual with a cumulative value.

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9.3.1. Receive (Rx) Signal Level with LCT SW Menu

It is also possible check the Received power level on MSTU unit using a SW facility monitoring

Select Status/Control > Analog Monitor > Display Current Level

Display Current Level Menu

Select the unit (one or more)

Display Current Level Menu

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Select the type of monitoring signal:

• RL-M: Received power on Main Channels

• RL-SD: Received power on diversity Channels
• TL: Transmission Power level
• ALL: All data

Level menu Dialog Box

Display level data

On the above example figure, the Prx levels for main and protection channels are – 50 dBm. The
Transmission powers are +16 dBm for Protection and +18 dBm for working channel.

Note that the Prx value have a tolerance at about 3-4 dB

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9.4. Cross Polar Decoupling

This check is fundamental in case of AP system with double polarization or CC system type.
This test is intended to confirm the result proper XPIC Optimization.

Note that if the test is applied only on the local station (Tx on V polar Rx on H polar and reverse) you
test only the local antenna decoupling, if the test is applied on link you test also if there are some
misalignment between the feed of both antenna.

• Required Test instruments:

• Spectrum Analyzer
• Adaptors and RF cable

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Cross Polar (Link Overview)

Typical test bench for Cross Polar (Local station Overview)

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• Test Procedure:

1. On the remote side active only one MSTU on a reference polarization (e.g. Vertical)
2. Set the MSTU (on the remote side) to transmit only the CW signal.
3. On the local side, connect a spectrum analyzer to the horizontal waveguide, and measure the
relevant Prx value; memorize the race on the spectrum analyzer.
4. Disconnect the Spectrum Analyzer from the horizontal waveguide and connect the test
instrument on the vertical waveguide, and measure the relevant Prx value on the second
5. Measure the difference between the signal on the same Polarization and the cross
6. The difference level should be at least at about 30 dB below the received signal level of the
vertical polarization.
7. If the value are less than 27 dB, rotate the feed point on the antenna (both at the local and
remote sites) to achieve maximum cross polar discrimination.
8. Note that the discrimination ratio is dependence to the antenna specification (i.e. HPX10-44D
is grater than 30 dB.).
9. Lock the feed mounting hub after achieving maximum cross polar discrimination.
10. Repeat the test for both polarizations for both stations.

Example of Cross Polar signal (CW) Example of main signal (CW) detected from
detected from Spectrum Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer

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Note that in order to transmit only the Carrier signal it is necessary configure the remote MSTU unit in
maintenance mode.

On the Transmission Station, select Status/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > Change
Maintenance State

Change Maintenance State Menu

Select the unit or units where it is necessary operate the status changing command

Unit / Units selection

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Change the Action menu from “In Service (IS)” to “Maintenance (MT)” status.

Change Maintenance State dialog box

Confirm the changing maintenance state

Confirmation of changing maintenance status

After that, select Status/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > Radio Physical Interface.

The Radio Physical Interface dialog box appears.

Active the CW Transmission with the command Carrier Wave ON, select Operate command.

Setting for CW transmission signal

At the end of test to disable the Carrier Wave ON signal select Release command action.

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After the link alignment and the Prx and Cross Polarization decoupling (if required) it is possible to
start with all tests required for Line-up and commissioning.
In any case some of the controls descript in the above chapters’ are required on the commissioning
tests, in this case take a note and report the value on the commissioning tests sheets.

10.1. MSTU Transmitting Power

This measure, verify the proper RF Tx Power of MSTU Unit.

• Required Test instruments:

• Power meter with proper Sensor
• Fix attenuator (minimum 20dB)
• Adaptors and RF cable

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Transmission Power measurement

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• Test Procedure:

1. Remove the TX OUT cable (Jumper cable between ADPT and Tx Branching filter).
2. Connect the Power sensor with in serie a fix attenuator (min. 20 dB) into the TX OUT port of
3. Set the MSTU Power with a ATPC High value
4. Read the power meter indication.
5. Repeat the measure with ATPC Low value.

Note that
TX output power specifications, is referred at the MSTU output port, but the measure are performed
on the MSTU Adapter

The value of Tx power on MSTU are:

Tx = Measured Value + Fix Attenuator + Adapter Loss + Cabling loss (if applicable).

Refer to the specification document attached on the field commissioning testes sheets for the proper
value of Adapter Loss.

Note that it is possible evaluate the Transmission Power also with the LCT SW application.

Select from Main menu Status/Control > Analog Monitor > Display Current Level

If the measured power level is not with in specification (supposed the Tx Spectrum Mask in
specification) it is possible a small Power Tx adjustment.

10.1.1. MSTU Transmitting Power Adjustment

To adjust the Tx power refer to the following steps.

On the Transmission Station, select: Status/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > Change
Maintenance State

Change Maintenance State Menu

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Select the unit where it is necessary operates the status changing command

Unit / Units selection

Change the Action menu from “In Service (IS)” to “Maintenance (MT)” status.

Change Maintenance State dialog box

Confirm the changing maintenance state

Confirmation of changing maintenance status

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After that, from main menu, select:

Status/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > Transmit Power Adjustement.

Transmit Power Adjustment menu

Select the MSTU unit to change the Tx Power.

Unit / Units selection

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Now select if the adjustment is in UP or Down and if the changing mode is with Fine or Coarse
Adjustment mode.

Note that it is suggest adjusting only a fine mode adjustment in order to maintain the Tx linearity
answer (expect the case of high value of Power mismatch value between specification and Measured

In any case refer the Transmission power level to the MSTU Output point.

Transmit Power Adjustment dialog box

At the end of application reconfigure the unit in “In Service” mode from Maintenance menu.

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10.2. Transmitter spectrum Mask

This measure, verify the proper RF Tx spectrum are under specification referred to the Transmitter
emitted mask descript on the UMN manual.

• Required Test instruments:

• Spectrum Analyzer
• Fix attenuator (suggested 30dB)
• Adaptors and RF cable

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Transmission output mask measurement

• Test Procedure:

1. Insert a STM-1 word on the BSW Unit related to the channel under test.
2. Switch off all the MSTU units and disconnect the waveguide from the TX/RX antenna
3. Connect an adapter at the TX/RX antenna circulator.
4. Connect the Spectrum Analyzer to the adapter (Main) and switch ON only the MSTU under
5. Search the Central frequency and set the Spectrum Analyzer, with the following suggested

ƒ Span: 200 Mhz

ƒ RBW: 100 Khz
ƒ VBW: 300 Hz
ƒ Center frequency: MSTU Specification

6. Check that the MSTU emitted spectrum respects the specification mask.
7. Refer to the specification document attached on the field commissioning tests sheets or to the
UMN Manual.
8. Repeat the test for all equipped MSTU (one by one).

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10.3. Tx Local Oscillator frequency.

This measure, verify the proper CW frequency on the Tx local Oscillator on the MSTU Unit.

• Required Test instruments:

• Frequency counter
• Adaptors and RF cable

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Tx Local Oscillator frequency check

• Test Procedure:

Connect the Frequency-Meter to the Local Oscillator Monitory Point in the front side of MSTU units
and check that the measured value respects the limit (under 10 ppm referred to the OL Frequency
nominal value).

The LO frequency is 844MHz distance to the RF nominal value.

Refer to the specification document attached on the field commissioning tests sheets or to the UMN

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10.4. Optical Interface Output Level (on BSW Units).

This measure, verify the proper output power emitted by BSW Unit.
This test is applicable only in case of Optical BSW Unit.

Controls and alarms for BSW Optical are not managed by SW LCT, but via
connection to SRT1F housekeeping facility. 4 DI plus 2 DO of housekeeping
facility are needed per each BSW Optical card.

Through hardware switch setting on the BSW Optical card, it is possible
choose maximum two type of control items.
The control items can be set per card individually.

Refer to the technical description of UMN manual in order to manage properly the unit for testing and

• Required Test instruments:

• Optical Power meter
• Optical Adaptors and Fiber patch cord with LC connectors (side BSW)

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Optical Power measurement

• Test Procedure:

1. Clean and inspect the optical connections.

2. Using the proper HW Switch selector on the Unit, set OFF (or disable) the Automatic Laser
Shutdown function.
3. Connect the optical power meter to the optical signal output port of the OPT BSW unit through
the optical fiber cord with LC Duplex connectors.
4. Verify that the optical output power is within specifications.
5. Record the results.
6. Repeat for all OPT BSW units.
7. At the end of testing set all HW switch referred to the project specification.

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Note that to manage the Laser Shutdown (ALS) select the Switch number SW22.

BSW OPT unit overview

In case of Optical unit on BBIU interface, all setting are applicable from LCT SW.
Operate using the following steps:

1. Clean and inspect the optical connections.

2. With LCT SW check that the ALS setting (Automatic Laser Shutdown) are OFF.
3. Connect the optical power meter to the optical signal output port of the OPT BSW unit through
the optical fiber cord with proper connectors/adaptor.
4. Verify that the optical output power is within specifications.
5. Record the results.
6. Repeat for all OPT BSW units.
7. With LCT sw set ALS value referred project specification

Note that to set the Set Automatic Laser Shutdown command select the following command:

Select Provisioning -> System -> Set Automatic Laser Shutdown.

• The selectable units are displayed with a Unit Selector (a “C” in a square).
• Click a selectable unit(s), then click anywhere else on the shelf. The Set Automatic Laser
Shutdown dialog box appears.
• Select the proper value for ALS Function.

ALS Function for optical units in BBIU shelf

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10.5. Return Loss Feeder Check.

This measure is one of the most important tests in order to evaluate if the antenna and WG
connection are proper installed and connected.

Note that if the result of test is lower to the minimal specification, it is possible a high value of residual
BER on the system with a bed quality improvement.

In field this test is applied on the WG and antenna.

In order to knowledge the tests (and related tests instrument) it is important defined the difference
between the Return Loss Test (normally applied in field) and VSWR.

The reflection can be estimated by reflection coefficient, which is the ratio of reflected wave voltage
(current) to incident wave voltage (current). Reflection coefficient has a magnitude and phase and can
be represented by complex numbers.
Another parameter for reflection is voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). VSWR is defined from the
magnitude of reflection coefficient and, therefore, does not have a phase.
Return loss compares the power in the reflected wave with that in the forward wave. The unit for
return loss is decibel. Return loss can be calculated from VSWR and vice-versa.
Return Loss: This is the dB value of absolute reflection coefficient.

It is rather curious concept of transmission engineering. This loss value becomes 0 for 100% reflection
and becomes infinite for an ideal connection (requested minimal value, higher than 23 dB for WG with

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR): this is the ratio of maximum voltage to minimum voltage in
standing wave pattern.
It varies from +1 to infinite.

Both VSWR and Return Loss are a measure of the divergence of a microwave device from a perfect
impedance match, for example, 50 ohm (RF impedance used in MW).
They are mathematically interchangeable and result from scalar measurements, which are required
for a number of reasons; the relations between both values are defined by the following formula:

Return Loss and VSWR Formula conversion

Where: RL=Return Loss Γ= Reflection Coefficient

Note also that there are different test equipment (and related tests bench) applicable for this test, in
this procedure we descript the measure with two typical test bench:

• Using Site Master Test Equipment

• Using Spectrum Analyzer / Coupler and RF Sweep Generator tests equipments

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10.5.1. Return Loss Feeder with Site Master.

Site Master is a useful test instrument for Return Loss, fault locator and VSWR measurement.
Note that to use this test instrument for Antenna and WG (normally for frequency higher than 3 Ghz) it
is necessary a complete set of calibration Kit related to the Flange WG and frequency used in the
device under test.

• Required Test instruments:

• Site Master
• RF cable, Adaptors and Calibration Kit

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Return Loss measure with Site Master

Adaptor and Calibration Kit for Site Master

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• Test Procedure:

The test port interface to the waveguide under test is a small coaxial-to-waveguide adapter rather than
a bulky precision coupler.
The calibration components include two offset shorts,1/8 and 3/8 wavelength, and a precision load.
The two offset shorts eliminate reference error suffered by scalar systems when only a single
waveguide short is used to determine the 0.0 dB reflection reference level.

For a calibration phase of test instrument, connect before the related RF cable and Cable/WG
adaptor, then apply the internal calibration procedure require from test instrument.
In particular:

• Select the appropriate frequency range

• Step 2. Press the START CAL key to start the calibration.
• Step 3. Select the Waveguide soft key. The Waveguide Flange Selection menu will appear,
with the Start Calibration function highlighted. Check if the correct DUT waveguide is selected
from the list in the menu. The selected waveguide flange type is marked by the symbol (*) and
is also displayed at the bottom of the screen.
• Step 4. If the correct DUT waveguide is selected, proceed with the calibration (go to Step 5).
To choose a different waveguide, use the Up/Down arrow keys to highlight the desired
waveguide. Press the ENTER key to select the new waveguide flange and go to its
configuration listing, which lists the lengths of the calibration 1/8th and 3/8th Offset Shorts as
well as the waveguide Cutoff Frequency.
To choose a different waveguide, go back to the previous menu (use the Up/Down arrow key
to highlight Waveguide Flange Selection and press the ENTER key). Otherwise, proceed with
the calibration.
• Step 5. Press the ENTER key or the Start Cal soft key to start the calibration. The message
Connect 1/8 OFFSET SHORT to RF Out Port will appear in a message box.
• Step 6. Connect the required 1/8 offset short component and press the ENTER key. After
several seconds of measurements and calculations, the message Connect 3/8 OFFSET
SHORT to RF Out Port will appear.
• Step 7. Remove the 1/8 offset short, connect the required 3/8 offset short component and
press the ENTER key. The message Connect LOAD to RF Out Port will appear.
• Step 8. Remove the 3/8 offset short, connect the required calibrated Termination component
and press the ENTER key. An audible tone will sound when the calibration is complete.
• Step 9. Verify that the calibration has been properly performed by checking that the Cal ON
message is now displayed in the upper left corner of the display.
• Step 10. Connect the device under test and measure the return loss.

Note that some calibration and measurement steps must be different related to the model of Site
master, refer in any case to the User Guide of test instrument for the proper Calibration and
measurement procedure.

Typical figure of Return loss with Site Master

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10.5.2. Return Loss Feeder with Spectrum analyzer

For further reason in filed this test bench is a larger used, note that with this test bench it is possible
measure only the Return Loss.

• Required Test instruments:

• RF Sweep generator
• Spectrum Analyzer
• Directional coupler
• RF cable, Adaptors, Load and CC
• Plotter or Printer (optional)

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Return Loss measure with Spectrum Analyzer and coupler

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• Test Procedure:

Phase 1: Test Bench Calibration and reference level.

Short Circuit calibration for Return Loss

• Set a test bench as shown in the above (connect the RF generator to the directional coupler
input and the spectrum analyzer to the output).
• Use the RF sweep generator to send a sweep signal in the working frequency bandwidth. Set
the RF generator with about 10 dBm Tx Power and sweep time at 0,01 s.
• Set the spectrum analyzer as follows:

o Residual Bandwidth Filter: 1 MHz

o Video Bandwidth Filter: 100 kHz
o Sweep Time: 15 s.

• Connect the short circuit to the coupler terminal flange.

• Memorize the received trace on the spectrum analyzer display.
• Remove the short circuit from the coupler terminal flange and connect it to the wave guide
under test

Phase 2: Return Loss measure.

Return Loss Measure

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• Switch off all MSTU units and disconnect waveguide from the N3 rack.
• Verify that no other radio systems are transmitting in the RF sweep band under test.
• Connect the Waveguide to the Directional Coupler measurement ports.
• Check the received trace on the spectrum analyzer display.
• Check that the minimal amplitude difference between the actual and the previous memorized
trace is comply with the limit reported in the test sheets document.
• If required plot/print the traces on the spectrum analyzer display.

Example of Spectrum analyzer screen for return loss test

Note that if the value of return loss is lower than the required specification, in larger case the cause is
one of both connectors.
Check then (if necessary reassembly the connector) and repeat the tests.

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11.1. IF-IF Testing Basic

All IF-IF testing are intended to measure and Adjust the IF-IF characteristics at normal propagation
condition in order to detect any sort of flaws on antenna and/or waveguide system and to equalize a
proper IF-IF response on the Link.
Note that if the result of test is lower to the minimal specification or if is not applied, it is possible a high
value of residual BER on the system with a bed quality improvement.

It is possible identify this type of adjustment in two basilar mode:

a) IF Frequency Response and Group Delay for each single beam.

b) Space Diversity Equalization.

If the Link is without space diversity, operate only the first one.
If the MW Link is with diversity, it is necessary adjust the IF Frequency Response and Group Delay for
Main and Diversity receiver in single mode (Main with diversity disconnected and Diversity with main
disconnected), and after operate with Space diversity Delay and Amplitude equalization in order to
optimize the answer between Main and diversity.

It is recommended performing the following tests with a Prx value at about <-50dBm and with a
stable propagation condition without fading.

If the Rx power is higher than – 50 dBm, set the Transmitter ATPC in Tx Low level.

In the following chapters we analyze each test in independently mode, but note that in particular for
diversity system all of them are correlated.

• Required Test instruments:

• MW Link Analyzer (MLA)
• Power meter
• IF cable and coax


The following description is applied using the Link Analyzer test instrument.
In alternative it is possible use a couple of spectrum analyzer type Agilent model HP 8593-E,
equipped with a additional option type HP 11770A Link Measurements Personality

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• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for IF-IF tests with Link Analyzer

• SRT 1F Typical image and adjustment point:

Link Analyzer port connection on MSTU

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Adjustment point on MSTU

Item No. Item Function

The position for normal operation, in service state. INCR and
0 Normal operation
DECR push switches are invalid.
Compensates the delay time difference between the feeders
for Vertical and Horizontal polarization using DADE
(Differential Absolute Delay Equalizer) in the case of co-
channel operation.
2 DELAY-H Adjusts IF-IF group delay, high frequency component.
3 DELAY-M Adjusts IF-IF group delay, medium frequency component
4 DELAY-L Adjusts IF-IF group delay, low frequency component
5 ALC LVL Sets TX output level at ALC AUTO (ON)
6 ALC GAIN Sets TX output level at ALC MNL (OFF)
Adjusts XPIC OUT level to -10 dBm at AGC OFF to
compensate the loss of DADE line.
Adjusts XPIC OUT slope at AGC OFF to compensate the
slope of DADE line.
9 RRF GAIN ♣ Adjusts MN/SD 70M OUT level to -10 dBm at AGC OFF
A RIF GAIN ♣ Adjusts XPIC OUT level to -10 dBm at AGC OFF
B R SLOPE ♦ Compensates the slope of Main line.
C T SLOPE ♦ Compensates the slope of TX.
D Normal operation
The position for normal operation, in service state.
FAN replacement For FAN replacement, inhibits FAN alarm and switches TX
SD ASCII output to LOW level.
♣ Use the LCT for setting.
♦ Do not attempt to re-adjust.
To memorize some the setting, select ITEM No. = 9, then press INCR/DECR switches together.

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SLD MRK: ±14.00 MHz

IF: –10 dBm
FM: 250 kHz rms, BF: 250 kHz



Marker Marker

Y1: IF AMPL: 0.5 dB/div Y2: DELAY: 2 ns/div

Typical screen of Group delay and IF Amplitude

For 128 MLCM modulation system, an IF adaptive equalizer D-EQL is
used according to the BRU branching system.
Check that the proper D-EQL module are installed, (Part Number must be
different related the type and release of MSTU Unit)

Position of D-EQL module on MSTU

Channel Arrangement Adjacent Channel Type D-EQL Code

Interleaved No adjacent Channels CA53140-0330
Co-Channel Both Adjacent Channel CA53140-0263
Co-Channel Adjacent Channel Upper CA53140-0264
Co-Channel Adjacent Channel Lower CA53140-0265

For all other system type, a sample IF cable is inserted on the slot of D-EQL module.

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11.1.1. IF Frequency Response and Group Delay in single mode.

This test is intended to measure the IF-IF characteristics at normal propagation condition in order to
detect any sort of flaws on antenna and/or waveguide system and to equalize a proper IF-IF response
on the Link.
Note that if the result of test is lower to the minimal specification or if is not applied, it is possible a high
value of residual BER on the system with a bed quality improvement.

• Test Procedure:

Connect the Tx Link Analyzer to “70M IN” of MSTU in the remote station and the Rx Link Analyzer to
“XPIC OUT” of MSTU in the local station as show in above, set the tests instruments as follow

Link TX Settings
Baseband Frequency 250 ÷ 500KHz
Deviation 250 ÷ 500KHz
Sweep width ±12.0 / 14.0 MHz
IF Frequency 70.00 MHz
IF Level –10.0 dBm

Change the status of Rx equipment from “In service” to “Maintenance” by LCT.

• Choose Status/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > Change Maintenance State and
select the MSTU. The Change Maintenance State dialog box appears.
• Select RSPI and the action Maintenance and click OK.

Change Maintenance state dialog box

If Space Diversity system is applied, this test should be done for MAIN receiver and SD
receiver independently.

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero Response on Main Rx Channel.

1. Remove the SD RX RF cable.

2. In the received side on the rotary switch “ITEM No” select “B” position.
3. Set the Frequency Measurement of Rx side by LCT. Choose State/Control > Maintenance
Radio Interface > Radio Physical Interface. Select the MSTU unit and the dialog box
4. Select the Action Operate and the Item Frequency Measurement and click OK.

Change Radio physical Interface state dialog box

5. The amplitude response and the group delay curve are displayed on RX link analyzer.
6. If the Link under test is without diversity, (with space diversity continue with next point)
check that the Power on MN 70M measurement point is within the limit (–10dBm±1dB). If the
output level is not complying with the tolerance adjust the level by LCT sw command:

• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→RSPI adjustment.

On the Adjustment Item, five selections are available:

TXGAIN: Adjustment of transmission gain (default)

RXRFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving RF gain
RXIFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving IF gain
SDGAIN: Adjustment of SD gain
SDSLOPE: Adjustment of SD amplitude

• Select the Adjustment Item RXRFGAIN to modify the MN 70M output point.
• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode (Coarse or Fine) as required and click OK.
• Repeat the step in order to obtain the properly IF output power level.

Set RSPI adjustment dialog box

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7. Connect the Link Analyzer on XPIC OUT measurement point.

8. If the RX link analyzer is not locked, check that the XPIC OUT level is within the limit (–
10dBm±1dB). If the output level is not complying with the tolerance adjust the level by LCT sw

• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→RSPI adjustment.

On the Adjustment Item, five selections are available:

TXGAIN: Adjustment of transmission gain (default)

RXRFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving RF gain
RXIFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving IF gain
SDGAIN: Adjustment of SD gain
SDSLOPE: Adjustment of SD amplitude

• Select the Adjustment Item RXIFGAIN to modify the XPIC OUT output point.
• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode (Coarse or Fine) as required and click OK.
• Repeat the step in order to obtain the properly IF output power level.

Set RSPI adjustment dialog box

9. In absence of fading and reflections, check that the amplitude response and the group delay
of the main receiver are within the limits.
10. If the amplitude response does not comply with the limits, use the INCR/DECR push- button
on the front panel of the MSTU until the amplitude is within the limits. Performed this
operation with ITEM No. rotary switch in the “B” position.
11. If the group delay response does not comply with the limits, use the INC/DECR push- button
on the front panel of the MSTU until the amplitude is within the limits. Performed this operation
with ITEM No. rotary switch in the following position:

• ITEM No.2 : DELAY-HIGH (for adjustment of higher frequency)

• ITEM No.3 : DELAY-MIDDLE (for adjustment of middle frequency)
• ITEM No.4 : DELAY-LOW (for adjustment of low frequency)

12. To memorize the new value set the ITEM No. rotary switch in “9” position and push the
INCR/DECR buttons simultaneously. After that, reset the ITEM No. rotary switch to “0”and
then return on B position.
13. Enter in the Radio Physical Interface dialog box by LCT and Release the Frequency

If the diversity is not installed, change the status of Rx equipment from Maintenance to In service by

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero Response on Diversity Rx Channel.

1. Remove the Main RX RF cable.

2. Connect the Diversity Receiver RX RF cable.
3. In the received side set the ITEM No. rotary switch to “B” position.
4. Set the Frequency Measurement of Rx side by LCT. Choose State/Control→ Maintenance
Radio Interface→Radio Physical Interface. Select the MSTU unit and the dialog box
5. Select the Action Operate and the Item Frequency Measurement and click OK.

Change Radio physical Interface state dialog box

6. The amplitude response and the group delay curve are displayed on RX link analyzer.
7. In absence of fading and reflections, check that the amplitude response and the group delay
of the diversity receiver are within the limits.
8. If the amplitude response does not comply with the limits, adjust it by LCT.

• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→RSPI adjustment.

• Click a selectable unit, and then click anywhere else on the shelf. The RSPI Adjustment
dialog box appears
On the Adjustment Item, Five selections are available:

TXGAIN: Adjustment of transmission gain (default)

RXRFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving RF gain
RXIFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving IF gain
SDGAIN: Adjustment of SD gain
SDSLOPE: Adjustment of SD amplitude

• Select the Adjustment Item SDSLOPE to modify the IF Response

• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode (Coarse or Fine) as required and click OK.
• Repeat the step in order to obtain the properly IF answer.

Set RSPI adjustment dialog box

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9. If the group delay response does not comply with the limits, use the INC/DECR push- button
on the front panel of the MSTU until the amplitude is within the limits. Performed this operation
with ITEM No. rotary switch in the following position:

• ITEM No.2 : DELAY-HIGH (for adjustment of higher frequency)

• ITEM No.3 : DELAY-MIDDLE (for adjustment of middle frequency)
• ITEM No.4 : DELAY-LOW (for adjustment of low frequency)

10. To memorize the new value set the ITEM No. rotary switch in “9” position and push the
INCR/DECR buttons simultaneously. After that, resets the ITEM No. rotary switch to “0” and
return in position B.
11. Note that sometime in case of high adjustment of group delay curve, it is necessary research
a compromise curve adjustment between Main and diversity system (common setting and
12. At the end connect the MN RX RF cable.
13. Enter in the Radio Physical Interface dialog box by LCT and Release the Frequency
14. Change the status of Rx equipment from Maintenance to In service by LCT.

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11.1.2. Space Diversity Equalization.

This step is fundamental in case of system with Space diversity, in order to equalize the amplitude of
different path introduced by the diversity.
The tests bench used for this measure is the same bench used for IF-IF response tests (Group Delay
and IF amplitude), but it is necessary introduce in the system (via sw and front setting on MSTU Unit)
a particular application called DADE (Differential Absolute Delay Equalizer) to active a internal
oscillation from Main and Diversity Channel.
The adjustment of Absolute delay is performed using a front panel (MSTU) jumper and the amplitude
equalization are performed using a SW LCT application.

• Required Test instruments:

• MW Link Analyzer (MLA)
• Power meter
• IF cable and coax

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for IF-IF tests with Link Analyzer

Use the same test bench used for Group delay and IF amplitude measurement.

The following description is applied using the Link Analyzer test instrument.
In alternative it is possible use a couple of spectrum analyzer type Agilent model HP 8593-E,
equipped with a additional option type HP 11770A Link Measurements Personality

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DADE Jumper on MSTU Unit Static Delay Equalization between Main and Diversity

1. In the remote station, connect the Tx Link Analyzer to “70M IN” of MSTU
2. In the local station, connect the Rx Link Analyzer to “XPIC OUT” of MSTU.
3. Set the tests instruments as follow

Link TX Settings
Baseband Frequency 250 ÷ 500KHz
Deviation 250 ÷ 500KHz
Sweep width ±2.0 MHz
IF Frequency 70.00 MHz
IF Level –10.0 dBm

4. Control on the remote station that the ATPC function is in OFF status with the ATPC in High
or low value.
5. Change the status of Rx equipment from “In service” to “Maintenance” by LCT.

• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→Change Maintenance State

and select the MSTU. The Change Maintenance State dialog box appears.
• Select RSPI and the action Maintenance and click OK.

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Change Maintenance Status dialog box

6. Set the Frequency Measurement of Rx side by LCT.

• Choose State/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > Radio Physical Interface,
select the MSTU unit and the dialog box appears.
• Select the Action Operate and the Item Frequency Measurement and click OK.

Change Radio physical Interface state dialog box

15. In the received side set the ITEM No. rotary switch to “B” position.
16. Check the level of IF Output on XPIC Out Port (–10.0 dBm ±1 dB).
17. If the amplitude response does not comply with the limits, adjust it by LCT.
• Choose Status/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > RSPI adjustment.
• Click a selectable unit, and then click anywhere else on the shelf. The RSPI Adjustment
dialog box appears
On the Adjustment Item, Five selections are available:

TXGAIN: Adjustment of transmission gain (default)

RXRFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving RF gain
RXIFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving IF gain
SDGAIN: Adjustment of SD gain
SDSLOPE: Adjustment of SD amplitude

• Select the Adjustment Item RXIFGAIN to modify the IF Level

• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode (Coarse or Fine) as required and click OK.
• Repeat the step in order to obtain the properly IF answer.

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Set RSPI adjustment dialog box

7. After the Level adjustment, set the Activation of SD DADE facility.

8. Set the “SD DADE ON” (to active the internal oscillation) and “EPS OFF” (to turn off the
automatic phase adjustment) by LCT in Rx station.

• Choose State/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > Maintenance for SD,
select the MSTU unit and the Maintenance for SD dialog box appears.
• Select the Action Operate and the Item SD DADE ON and click OK.
• Select the Action Operate and the Item EPS OFF and click OK

SD DADE activation on Maintenance for SD dialog box

9. To display the two tracks on the Rx link analyzer turn the ITEM No. rotary switch in position
“0” and after than in position “B” again. The difference between the 2 tracks displayed
represent delay between Main and diversity’s received signals (due to wave guide path
Confirm that the delay difference displayed on the Microwave Link Analyzer is less than 2 ns.
(see next figure for a example).
10. If the delay difference is not less than 2 ns, change the delay line with SD DADE jumpers so
as to achieve the difference of 2 ns. The green jumpers are used to introduce the delay on
Diversity way.
The green jumper in default position (vertical) does not introduce delay; put it in horizontal
position to introduce the delay. Please refer to above reference picture or to the UMN manual
for more detailed information.
11. At the end, enter in the Maintenance for SD dialog box by LCT and select the Action Release
and the Item SD DADE ON and click OK. In the same dialog box select the Action Release
and the Item EPS OFF and click OK

In the SRT1F equipment is possible to compensate a static delay
between Main and Diversity antenna only to insert a delay on diversity
way. The max delay compensable is 120nsec.

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Example of Static delay Curve before equalization

Example of Static delay Curve after equalization

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Esec. Elifani Contr Escudero Main and Diversity Amplitude Response check

This chapter describes how to check and equalize the amplitude of the two received path.
They must be executed on the Main way when the Diversity receives a negligible power and vice

It is suggest performing this test with a Prx value at about <-50dBm

1. Remove the SD RX RF input cable.

2. Check the IF level value for Main Channel, verify that the following output levels are within the

• MN 70M OUT –10dBm±1db

• XPIC OUT –10dBm±1dB

3. If the output levels are not comply with the tolerances adjust the levels by LCT

• Choose Status/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > RSPI adjustment.

• Click a selectable unit, and then click anywhere else on the shelf. The RSPI Adjustment
dialog box appears
On the Adjustment Item, Five selections are available:

TXGAIN: Adjustment of transmission gain (default)

RXRFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving RF gain
RXIFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving IF gain
SDGAIN: Adjustment of SD gain
SDSLOPE: Adjustment of SD amplitude

• Select the Adjustment Item RXRFGAIN to modify the MN 70 MOUT level.

• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode as required and click OK.
• Select the Adjustment Item RXIFGAIN to modify the XPIC OUT level.
• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode as required and click OK.

Set RSPI adjustment dialog box

4. After the check on main channel, replace the SD Rx RF input cable and remove the Main Rx
RF input cable
5. Check that the relevant output power on XPIC OUT port is –10dBm±1dB

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6. If the output levels are not comply with the tolerances adjust the levels by LCT

• Choose Status/Control > Maintenance Radio Interface > RSPI adjustment.

• Click a selectable unit, and then click anywhere else on the shelf. The RSPI Adjustment
dialog box appears
On the Adjustment Item, Five selections are available:

TXGAIN: Adjustment of transmission gain (default)

RXRFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving RF gain
RXIFGAIN: Adjustment of receiving IF gain
SDGAIN: Adjustment of SD gain
SDSLOPE: Adjustment of SD amplitude

• Select the Adjustment Item SDGAIN to modify the XPIC OUT level.
• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode as required and click OK.

Set RSPI adjustment dialog box

7. Set the ITEM No. rotary switch in position “0”in the Rx station.
8. Enter in the Radio Physical Interface dialog box by LCT and Release the Frequency
9. Change the status of Rx equipment from Maintenance to In service by LCT.
10. Replace the MAIN RX RF input cable.

Repeat the same control for all MSTU units equipped.

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11.1.3. IF-IF testing using Spectrum analyzer with MLA option.

In alternative to the MLA (Microwave Link Analyzer) Test instrument, it is possible use also a particular
model of Agilent spectrum analyzer equipped with a Link Measurements Personality Measurement
option for group delay.

The applicable Spectrum analyzer is Agilent model HP 8593-E equipped with a optional card e
configuration type HP 11770A Link Measurements Personality.

If for IF-IF measurement it is used the spectrum analyzer test instrument,
must be use 2 test instrument (one on both end terminal station).

Typical test bench for IF-IF tests with Spectrum Analyzer with option 111

Refer to the supplied User manual with test instrument in order to configure and set properly the
Spectrum Analyzer.

Link Measurement Personality

Fbr use with the HP 85933, HP 8594E, HP 85953, and HP 8596E only. The spectrum analyzer
must be configured with options 010 and 111. The HP 11770A Link Measurement Personality is a
downloadable program on a memory card. It provides a way to adapt your spectrum analyzer for
making end-to-end and loop back measurements of group delay and amplitude flatness.
These are important test requirements for digital microwave radio, satellite, cable, and other systems

Group Delay and Amplitude Flatness (Option 111)

Fbr HP 85933, HP 8594E, HP 8595E, and HP 8596E only. Option 111 allows you to make end-to-
end and loop back measurements of group delay and amplitude flatness. It must be used with HP
11770A Link Measurement Personality and the Option 010, Tracking Generator.
HP 11768A Group Delay and Amplitude Flatness Retrofit Kit contain both the Option 111 and the HP
11770A Link Measurement Personality. This kit is factory retrofittable only.

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11.2. BER vs Receiver.

Purpose of this test is to verify the proper BER threshold of Receiver equipment.
Note that in order to apply this test is require a link with a stable propagation condition without any
type of interference (external signal, reflection etc…).

Basically the test is performed with variable attenuator on Rx side only, but in case of SD system, in
order to verify the diversity improvement, the variable attenuator could be inserted in Tx side.
Note that in particular in this condition some effect of external interference are detect and the tests
result could be not compliant (cause external interference and not the equipment specification).

• Required Test instruments:

• Rotary variable attenuator
• RF Cable
• Fix attenuator (if necessary)
• SDH BER test analyzer
• Power meter with Related Sensor for Low RF power measure

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for BER vs Receiver test

Note that it is suggest using 2 SDH BER test, because if the measure is applied with a remote STM 1
loop, in case of High BER detected on the remote side, this errors increase the BER result on local

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• Test Procedure:

To perform this test the variable attenuator could be inserting in TX side or RX side.
Note that attenuating on Rx side only the MSTU unit is tested, instead attenuating on Tx side also the
presence of RF interferences are considered in the measure.
In presence of interfering system verify that the measured value is complying with expected one.

Note that the test result curve are inserted on the UMN manual or in a document embedded in the
Field commissioning Tests sheets collection.

The Rx value are referred to two point called A and B;

• Point A is referred to input of MSTU unit.

• Point B is referred to the input of Branching filter.

See a BER Threshold curve for an example:

Example of BER threshold characteristic

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11.2.1. Test on Single Rx Main Channel (Attenuator on Rx Side).

1. With LCT SW application Force and Lock the traffic on the MSTU/Channel under test.
2. For Space diversity system, disconnect the RF cable from Branching unit (Div.) and MSTU.
Open also some DADE jumper in order to isolate completely the Main channel from Diversity
3. Connect the RF Test bench (RF Cable, variable attenuators) on the Main RF output filter.
4. Measure the Prx value on the end point of the tests bench. Take a note of the value.
5. Connect the end point of test bench to the input (Rx) of MSTU.
6. On the Prx value measured consider the Branching / Adaptor loss referred to point A or B
considered for the measure.
7. On both side, connect the SDH BER Analyzer on the relevant Input/output STM1 port on BSW
8. Active repetitive measures with a small gate counter (about 1 second, in repetitive mode),
verify that in this condition no errors are detected.
9. Increase the attenuation (with the rotary variable attenuator) and check that BER 10 and
BER 10 points respect the limits. Note that it is possible read the Prx value also with LCT SW
(on MSTU input point)

11.2.2. Test on Single Rx Diversity Channel (Attenuator on Rx Side).

1. With LCT SW application Force the traffic on the MSTU/Channel under test.
2. Disconnect the RF cable from Branching unit (Main.) and MSTU, in order to isolate completely
the Main channel from Diversity channel.
3. Connect the RF Test bench (RF Cable, variable attenuators) on the Diversity RF output filter.
4. Measure the Prx value on the end point of the tests bench. Take a note of the value.
5. Connect the end point of test bench to the input (Div. Rx) of MSTU.
6. On the Prx value measured consider the Branching / Adaptor loss referred to point A or B
considered for the measure.
7. On both side, connect the SDH BER Analyzer on the relevant Input/output STM1 port on BSW
8. Active repetitive measures with a small gate counter (about 1 second, in repetitive mode),
verify that in this condition no errors are detected.
9. Increase the attenuation (with the rotary variable attenuator) and check that BER 10 and
BER 10 points respect the limits. Note that it is possible read the Prx value also with LCT SW
(on MSTU input point)

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11.2.3. Test in Combined mode (Main and Diversity) (Attenuator on Tx Side).

1. With LCT SW application Force the traffic on the MSTU/Channel under test.
2. On the transmission side, connect the RF Test bench (RF Cable, variable attenuators)
between the RF output (MSTU) and Transmission Filter.
3. On the received side, measure the Prx value. Take a note of the value.
4. On the Prx value measured consider the Branching / Adaptor loss referred to point A or B
considered for the measure.
5. On both side, connect the SDH BER Analyzer on the relevant Input/output STM1 port on BSW
6. Active repetitive measures with a small gate counter (about 1 second, in repetitive mode),
verify that in this condition no errors are detected.
7. Increase the attenuation (with the rotary variable attenuator) and check that BER 10 and
BER 10 points respect the limits.
8. Compare the result value with the same tests in single mode (Main Channel) and check that
the threshold limit improves the BER limit at about 2 dB.

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11.3. STM 1 Radio Protection Switching.

Purpose of this test is to verify the proper switching with a simulation of the switching criteria alarms
defined in the field commissioning tests sheet.
Tests to be performed in all protected Configuration.
Apply the test for all protect channel.

The three switch criteria are:

• B-SW (bipolar switch)

• U-SW (unipolar switch)
• SW switch

• Required Test instruments:

• SDH BER test analyzer

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for Radio Protection switch tests

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• Test Procedure:

Connect the SDH BER analyzer to the SRT-1F radio equipment in the local station and put a base
band loop in the remote station.

Configure the STM1 payload with the following settings:

STM-1 signal - VC4 unframed - 140 M/s payload

Before to perform this test check that the configuration of SW INITIATOR status (The proper setting
must be configured during the first configuration of system).

In any case to check them, select the Provisioning > System > Set Radio Protection system > Set
SW initiator menu by LCT.

Select Y in the field SW INITIATOR ENABLE –X for all the channels configured in the system.

SW Initiator menu

SW Initiator dialog box

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1. To simulate the B-SW (bipolar switch) turn OFF the MSTU under test. Confirm that the B-
SW has occurred by DTA instrument and by LCT (Choose Status/Control→Radio Protection
switch→Group 1/2 and the dialog box in fig.19 appears). This test is not errors free.

2. To simulate the U-SW (unipolar switch) insert a variable attenuator in Tx or Rx side on the
Worker channel under test (to simulate a fading variability) and increase the attenuation.
Confirm that the U-SW has occurred by DTA instrument and by LCT. This test is not errors

3. To simulate the SW switch enter in the Radio Protection Switch dialog box and select the
MSTU under test ( click on the B-SW or U-SW green button). To switch the MSTU under test
on Protection channel press the button Manual or Force in the dialog box. Confirm that the U-
SW/B-SW has occurred by DTA and by LCT. Remember that only the U-SW is errors free.

Remember that the B-SW is not hitless because occurs for HW faults.

The Radio Protection Switch dialog box does not have the automatic
refresh in the default configuration. Click the button Refresh in the dialog
box to have the actual status of the equipment.

Radio Protection Switch selection menu

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Condition in normal working condition.

Condition with SW simulation with B-SW in Lockout condition

Condition with Force command on Protection channel

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11.4. LINK quality evaluation

Purpose of this test is to verify that the quality improvement of the MW link is under the Quality
(G.826) parameter defined by the MW Planning.

Two types of tests are requested:

• Short Term, to check only the BER functionality of each beam / MSTU present in the system
• Long Term, to check the G.826 Quality improvement on one channel chooses by customer.

Note that the proper G.826 Quality tests need a SDH BER Test Instrument in both end terminal, but if
the Short term performance don’t detect any particular problem it is possible apply the test with a
remote loop. In case of problem it is mandatory a single Beam analysis with two test instrument.

The measurement time should be in according to the customer requirement (normally 12h).
If the measure fails remove the base band loop and connect to the radio equipment another SDH BER
Analyzer. This operation is helpful to locate which direction is critical.

If there are any particular sync. configuration between MW equipment
and tests instrument, it is possible some Pointer Adjustments detected
by the test instrument.
This type of detection is normal, because the equipment is with MST.
In some particular case it is suggested to synchronize the radio
equipment with the STM1 signal generate from the SDH test instrument
(for this application is request a test instrument with S1 capabilty)

It is also suggested to perform the test on DDF (Digital distribution Frame) level, in order to verify also
the STM1 cabling between equipment and DDF.

For the test configure the basic parameter of test instrument with the following data:

STM-1 signal - VC4 unframed - 140 M/s payload

If the mw Link is connected with a Siemens management supervision
system (e.g. Netviewer) it also possible activates the Performance
Monitoring feature, in order to apply the Long Term Quality test with the
management system.

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• Required Test instruments:

• SDH BER test analyzer

• Typical Test Bench:

Typical test bench for short term G.826 quality evaluation

Typical test bench for long term G.826 quality evaluation

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Ed. 02

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