Matecconf Icudr2019 06006
Matecconf Icudr2019 06006
Matecconf Icudr2019 06006
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5 authors, including:
Andani Achmad
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1 Background
With the development of technology that is developing now, encouraging operational work
done by humans can be facilitated with adequate technology so as to facilitate its use. This is
characterized by the presence of various equipment that was created and can be operated and
used in an automated manner. the use of equipment with automatic technology is now the
right solution because it can be tailored to the needs of users. One of the automated
technologies that is currently developing is the microcontroller, currently many
microcontrollers are applied to instruments related to everyday human life. Microcontrollers
are practical and easy to apply for various purposes because they can be programmed
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MATEC Web of Conferences 331, 06006 (2020)
ICUDR 2019
according to needs. Along with the development of technology, the need for electricity is also
increasing. For this reason, there is a need to reduce unnecessary electricity consumption.
When the conditions outside are cloudy and the lights are on, then the situation in the
room will be too bright and even dazzling. And vice versa if the lights are turned off, then
the room will darken. Also, the habit of users who often forget to turn off the lights when
leaving the room, of course this makes it very inefficient in the use of electrical energy.
Therefore, it is necessary to have an appropriate lighting setting for both lighting needs and
the efficient use of electricity. In general, energy savings can be done in two ways, namely
by increasing the efficiency of the technology used, or by changing the behaviour of users.
Energy saving behaviours include turning off lights when not in use and utilizing natural
lighting for lighting.
Several studies have been conducted such as trying to combine the two, namely making
a prototype of a tool that can streamline energy for lighting based on the principles of energy-
saving behaviour. System using dimmer circuit with optocoupler and triac, LDR sensor as
light detector and PIR sensor as detection of human presence, programming language using
Bascom-AVR, the load used is 60 wat incandescent power supply circuit, microcontroller,
LCD, PIR sensor, dimmer circuit and the whole series. With a lamp load of 60 watts, the
measurement results show that the maximum power to the load converted to light is only
54.72 or about 93% [1]. The system uses a dimmer circuit with optocoupler and triac, LDR
sensor as a light detector and PIR sensor as a detection of human presence, programming
language uses Bascom-AVR, the load used is incandescent lamp 60 wa this circuit consists
of optocoupler, optoisolator, transistor, triac, and relay. the measurement results using AVO
meter resistance from the LDR sensor when given light is 75Ω and when not given the light
is 1.05MΩ [2]. In this study the driver circuit is used to pair the voltage between the logic
voltage and the voltage to the lamp load and the dimer lamp. By using regulator 7805 to all
circuits as a supply of circuit power in the system. Microcontroller support equipment,
Bluetooth, LCD, relay driver circuit (optocoupler and transistor)[3].
Another study used a microcontroller to generate sensor signals (presence and light
intensity), with light intensity controlled by turning on and off the ballast. Where the auxiliary
circuit is connected to the drive gate on each switch. The features of the timer are
implemented by software, which allows the power of the lamp to be controlled, with light
intensity, and the rules of the environment are achieved. With the use of ballasts, energy
savings are achieved. Thus, ballasts can adapt for various applications with modifications in
the software. This software modification provides important flexibility for lighting systems
without significant changes in the hardware implemented[4]. The next study uses a PIR
sensor circuit to detect whether or not someone is passing through the detection area. If the
human body enters the detection area, the PIR sensor accepts variations in temperature by
the infrared energy emitted around it, it can also produce variations in electrical changes
through the pyroelectric effect. Because of the small electric charge and not easily felt by the
sensor, the high impedance FET system was adopted to pick up the signal. Because the output
amplitude of the sensor measured in the mV level range is not large enough for an MCU, the
output signal from the sensor must be amplified by increasing the number of amplifiers
doubling the gain[5].
Other lighting control methods are processed by the lighting control circuit to determine
the lighting conditions of the load light. Lighting control circuits include semi-conductor
switching devices, zero-point intersection detection circuits, and microcontrollers. The steps
in the method consist of the first step of the zero-point-intersection detection circuit. AC
Voltage The sine wave is converted into a symmetrical square wave then the microcontroller
is read as an external control signal and executes one of the many external control loops
written in code form by the microcontroller program and Zero time accordingly time-delay
time-point pulses generated.[6]. This study uses a compiler battery with a microcontroller
MATEC Web of Conferences 331, 06006 (2020)
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placed in a WAIT mode to reduce unused power consumption. The Microcontroller program
works normally about every 65 ms. A / D conversion is done with four analog variables. In
this way, the analog variable is measured approximately every 65 ms, because the conversion
time is only 0.13 ms. If a voltage is detected at a low line, the microcontroller places the
digital output in a high state, and activates the inverter; otherwise this output is maintained
in a low state. While the use of batteries to maintain signal stability is maintained if there is
interference with the microcontroller[7].
With the high-quality SMSP (switch-mode power supply) approach and the DC-DC
converter with a power factor of 95% increasing the efficiency of a DC LED lighting system
that has 92% power and is implemented into each LED light to supply DC LED lights with
the required DC voltage, on the other hand low quality SMSP is implemented for each LED
light in an AC LED lighting system, making the AC LED lighting system inefficient and the
usage costs of each LED lamp higher [8]. PWM dimming results in an efficient LED light
output and its user colour output does not vary. The benefits of dimming have a lower impact
on the environment because CO2 emissions are lower, stored energy can create a sense of
comfort. PIC16F877A microcontroller is used to generate PWM signals to change the
brightness level of the LED module for a certain time with minimum light intensity. This
technology results in more energy savings. The proposed technology can be used in
applications such as commercial lighting, decorative lighting, road lighting and automotive
In this study, the light intensity controller system uses the Arduino microcontroller by
controlling the LDR sensor and Smartphone, implemented by considering the light and
electric power requirements in a room.
2 Supporting Theory
2.1 ATMega328
Fig 1. AT Mega328
Arduino is an open source microcontroller minimum board. In the Arduino board there is
an AVR series ATMega 328 microcontroller which is a product of Atmel. Arduino provides
20 I / O pins, consisting of 6 analog input pins and 14 digital input/output pins. The 6 analog
pins themselves can also be used as digital outputs if additional digital output is needed in
addition to the 14 pins that are already available. To change the analog pin to digital simply
change the pin configuration on the program. In the board can be seen digital pins are given
information 0-13, so to use analog pins to digital output, analog pins on the 0-5 board
information are changed to pins 14-19. in other words analog pins 0-5 also function as digital
output pins 14-16[10].
MATEC Web of Conferences 331, 06006 (2020)
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3 Proposed Method
Illustration of the system from the design of this study explains the workflow of control
through an Android Smartphone with Bluetooth media, sending a command signal to the
microcontroller and running it to the lamp.
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MATEC Web of Conferences 331, 06006 (2020)
ICUDR 2019
Based on the circuit diagram block above, it can be seen that the workflow of this system
starts on an Android Smartphone. via the Smartphone application with Bluetooth
communication commands sent to the Arduino microcontroller. Then Arduino UNO sends
the PWM signal to the Dimmer Circuit. In addition, the Microcontroller uses a light sensor
system as the first controller of light intensity.
MATEC Web of Conferences 331, 06006 (2020)
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In the series of images 9. addition of additional components in the form of Arduino UNO
as a microcontroller will send PWM output signals as traffic light brightness control, LDR
(Light Dependent Resistor) functions as the first light controller when the LDR finds the
room feels dark the lights will automatically increase the intensity the brightness is light, and
finally the Bluetooth HC-06 functions as the second controller, if the smartphone application
is connected to the HC-06 Bluetooth module, then the light intensity can be adjusted to the
user's needs.
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MATEC Web of Conferences 331, 06006 (2020)
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MATEC Web of Conferences 331, 06006 (2020)
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40 0,032 72,6 16
60 0,037 91,1 24
80 0,042 108,5 32
100 0,047 125,6 40
120 0,051 142,6 48
140 0,055 158,6 56
160 0,054 174,3 72
180 0,057 190,9 88
200 0,059 205,1 104
220 0,060 211,8 104-112
240 0,060 212,3 112-112
255 0,061 213,7 120
Current, Voltage, Lux
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig 14. Graph Testing The PWM Light Control Slider System
Table 2. Testing of the PWM Light Control Button system
I Current Voltage Int Lampu
(Ampere) (Volt) (Lux)
0 0 0 0
3 0,017 29,2 8
42 0,030 78,1 16
84 0,041 114,6 32
126 0,049 150,4 48-56
168 0,055 184,7 88
210 0,060 211,3 112
255 0,061 213,7 120
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Fig 15. Graph Testing of The PWM Light Control Button System
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ICUDR 2019
The conclusions that can be taken in this study are as follows:
1. In this study, researchers can draw conclusions from the performance of PWM streamed
by Arduino Uno in practice, every increase from 0-255PWM which is channeled to a
dimmer circuit, the power used is 0-13.0357 Watts compared to before using a circuit of
around 13, 5036 Watt with a comparison ratio of 1.7% with a 15 Watt lamp power with
a stable light condition in its brightness
2. The distance of control of this tool can reach 26.15 M with 1 barrier wall and can still
work with 3 barrier walls with a distance of 21.45 M in its use.
3. Tools designed to function properly, when the room is exposed to dim lighting, the lights
can light up brightly and when the room gets lighting, then the lights dim.
4. The electric current used to turn on the lights is smaller (depending on the detected light)
compared to the switch system with a constant current.
1. It is expected that microcontroller-based light intensity control devices can be further
developed with more complex forms.
2. The Light Control PWM application should be developed with better control items and
can be uploaded to the Play store.
3. For further research you can list the types of lights that can be used in this series of
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