BRM Final Report PDF
BRM Final Report PDF
BRM Final Report PDF
Submitted by Submitted to
Dr. Subrahmanyam A
Team: 15
Course Instructor, BRM
1. Anjali (182)
2. Bhargavi (204)
3. Aishwarya (175)
4. Rachana (139)
Table of Content
References 20
We would like to thank each one from our group for playing an important role in all aspects:
Aishwarya, Suman, Rachana, Bhargavi and Anjali for the stimulating discussions, for the
sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have had
in the few weeks.
Last but not the least, we are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring
and sacrifices for educating and preparing me for my future. We also express our thanks to
our sisters and brothers for their support and valuable prayers.
Group 15
This chapter seeks to provide a synthesis of the whole study and provide a summative
approach for the research findings. Typically, this chapter consists of the summary and
conclusions made from the survey. This study sought to determine the attributes influencing
customer satisfaction and define the direct relationship between service quality and customer
satisfaction. Data collection entailed the use of a structured questionnaire that each
respondent was supposed to fill. Out of the 100 questionnaires sent to respondents, a total of
64 questionnaires were returned. This data therefore formed the basis for our analysis. Based
on the analysis of the data, a couple of findings were made. There are few factors that
influenced customer satisfaction which include hotel’s facilities, staff appearance, the state of
hotel equipment, communication channels, sticking to timelines, the quick attention to
customer issues, staff flexibility, customer safety, staff courtesy, staff that is willing to help,
individualised attention, reliable hours of operation, and guest hospitality. Further, the results
indicated that there are few significant aspects that impacted customer satisfaction included
sticking to timelines, improved communication channels, staff willingness to help guests, the
state of hotel equipment, and guest-tailored needs. The research findings indicate a direct
correlation between client satisfaction and the service quality, including responsiveness,
assurance, reliability, empathy etc. Further, the most influenced factor forms the relation of
service quality and customer satisfaction is reliability. Therefore, the above factors are totally
significant for the relation between service quality and customer satisfaction. These factors
indicate that hotels can enhance their customers' satisfaction by emphasising the significant
elements that satisfy customers in their service. Moreover, this study's results indicate that
service quality's aspects have varying impacts on customer satisfaction. Based on this study,
it is recommended that all hotels should improve on all the factors influencing customer
satisfaction. This factor is to help the hotels enhance satisfaction among their customers.
Lastly, it is recommended that hotel’s communication channels should be improved since
most customers are dissatisfied with this factor.
Food, water, and shelter is an organization focused on providing support and resources for the
three essential components to life. we understand that without food, water, and shelter people
cannot survive. the place where it gets these things is called its habitat. when it comes to food.
food is any substance consumed by an organism for nutritional support. food is usually of
plant, animal or fungal origin and contains essential nutrients. we can note, the change in the
eating pattern of the people starting from the era. of hunting and gathering for food. hunter-
gather, also called forager, any person who depends primality on the wild food for
subsistence until about animal domestication energy in southwest Asia and in mesa America,
all people were hunter gathers, by the time the consumption of fast-food increased. A 2015
study identified the sometimes-irreparable effects of eating fast food therefore, the scope of
business is also increased in outlets. As in this competitive environment it is necessary for
service provider to be unique. Food and beverage industry plays major role in this economic
growth as the segment of the hospitality industry that focus on operations in restaurants,
hotels, and more. the Indian food industry is of considerable size, with a latent demand us$12
billion as of 2009.
This research aims to determine the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in the
hotel industry. It seeks to determine the direct correlation between service provided and
customer perception regarding the service. The study's objective is to establish how an
increase or decline in service quality affects customer feedback. The objective is to describe
the nature of the impact of each dimension on customer satisfaction.
Research Problem
Studies by Priyo et al. (2019) and Elvira & Shpetim (2016) have shown that the determinants
towards efficient customer satisfaction include assurance, tangibility, and empathy. These
factors are essential when assessing the quality of services rendered to customers in any hotel
setting. Apart from that, it has gotten established that customers suitably rate the services
provided to them based on their promptness, transaction accuracy, and security aspects (Fida
et al., 2020). Research carried out by Hashem & Ali (2019) on the interrelationship of service
quality and customer contentment has primarily pointed at the importance of the service
quality. Therefore, the study implies that customer satisfaction only gets realised with the
consistent provision of top-notch services.
Research Questions
Research Objectives
Research Hypotheses
1. Service quality is generally referred to the output of service delivery system, which is
linked to consumer satisfaction, perception, and opinions that are formed based on
various contributing factors and references. The interest on this issue has grown
extensively over the last decade. It has become a very popular field for academic and
scholarly research (Zeithaml, 2000). A great number of models and theories have
been developed to address and highlight this matter. Scientific and technological
innovations made way for the generation of quality, the more frequency the less gap.
These quality gaps will be further discussed later in the paper (Bhargava, N.D.). In
some cases, the best service efforts can be criticized because of the customer's bad
mood, according to direct service providers such as waitresses. It is recognized that
the practice in influencing customer may be affected by their psychological and
physical conditions.
2. Elvira & Shpetim (2016) state that customer satisfaction can be impacted by various
issues, including service features, consumer emotions, customer perception,
workplace colleagues, friends, and family. Hapsari et al. (2017) believe that customer
satisfaction is influenced in most instances by the customer service a given
organisation offers as well as the price it charges for such services. Al-Karim &
Chowdhury (2014), Rita et
al. (2019), and Fida et al. (2020) outlined a couple of features that influence customer
contentment. These include physical facilities, service timelines, the presentation of
hotel staff, available types of equipment, communication techniques, response to
customer complaints, efficiency, data accuracy, service consistency, problem
resolution duration, attention to detail, staff flexibility, positivity towards offering
customer support, staff behavior, customer security, courtesy, staff competence,
personalized customer attention, service availability in all durations, and
understanding of guest-specific preferences.
3. The problem facing a service provider who does not directly deliver a service to the
customer, is how to analyse the service quality gap. A solution for this problem was to
use the SERVQUAL scale and identify the areas where expected customer service
level is not achieved in each of the five dimensions (Gagliano and Hathcote, 1994).
The results from the SERVQUAL scale could then indicate where a gap analysis is
required. During the late eighties and very early nineties the SERVQUAL scale was
advantageous to managers of organizations as it was easy to use, as well as being the
first qualitative method to measure service quality. The SERVQUAL scale invented
by Parasuraman et al (1988) has been supported by various researchers (McKay,
1989; Brady and Robertson, 2001).
Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the
population or phenomenon studied. This descriptive methodology focuses more on the “what”
of the research subject than the “why” of the research subject.
The descriptive research method primarily focuses on describing the nature of a demographic
segment, without focusing on “why” a particular phenomenon occurs. In other words, it
“describes” the subject of the research, without covering “why” it happens.
They are:
Observational method
The observational method is the most effective method to conduct this research, and researchers
make use of both quantitative and qualitative observations.
Qualitative observation does not involve measurements or numbers but instead just monitoring
characteristics. In this case, the researcher observes the respondents from a distance. Since the
respondents are in a comfortable environment, the characteristics observed are natural and
effective. In a descriptive research design, the researcher can choose to be either a complete
observer, an observer as a participant, a participant as an observer, or a full participant. For
example, in a supermarket, a researcher can from afar monitor and track the customers’
selection and purchasing trends. This offers a more in-depth insight into the purchasing
experience of the customer.
Case studies involve in-depth research and study of individuals or groups. Case studies lead to
a hypothesis and widen a further scope of studying a phenomenon. However, case studies
should not be used to determine cause and effect as they cannot make accurate predictions
because there could be a bias on the researcher’s part. The other reason why case studies are
not a reliable way of conducting descriptive research is that there could be an atypical
respondent in the survey. Describing them leads to weak generalizations and moving away
from external validity.
Survey research
In survey research, respondents answer through surveys or questionnaires or polls. They are a
popular market research tool to collect feedback from respondents. A study to gather useful data
should have the right survey questions. It should be a balanced mix of open-ended questions and
close ended-questions. The survey method can be conducted online or offline, making it the go-
to option for descriptive research where the sample size is enormous.
3. Research Design
Here, qualitative descriptive research was applied to evaluate service quality and client
satisfaction based on customer perspective. Qualitative descriptive research always seeks to
accurately and systematically analyse a given group of individuals, event, or phenomenon. This
research design is specifically valuable when a researcher seeks to learn more about a given
event, i.e., knowing who took part, what was taking place, and where the event's location was.
Contrary to experimental research, a researcher in qualitative descriptive research has minimal
control or manipulation of any variables. The researcher only carries out observations and
measurement of such variables. Qualitative descriptive research is of great significance when a
researcher seeks to elaborate on a given phenomenon.
The reason for selecting this research technique was because it primarily aimed to figure out the
existing interconnection between the research’s variables (service quality and customer
satisfaction). Furthermore, qualitative descriptive research was used to establish the correlation
between the determinant features for standard of service and satisfaction among customers in
restaurants or hotel industry. Studies carried out by various researchers, including Hapsari et al.
(2017), Othman et al. (2019), and Fida et al. (2020), utilized the qualitative descriptive approach.
It was evident that the specific research objectives would be achieved.
Sampling Design
The sampled population for this study consisted of 100 respondents who visit restaurants or
hotels. This group entailed individuals of this nation, cutting across all ages, and included
males and females. Moreover, this group consisted of both the frequent and non-frequent
visitors. Close to 100 individuals got projected to be involved in the survey. The study was
not that difficult because nowadays the people or an individual frequently visit restaurants or
hotel. We gathered information through our classmates and friends. Therefore, the study used
a sample of the population to answer the study questions considering its size.
Sampling Method
Convenience Sampling is used for this research as it is a non – probability sampling method
and it is easiest to access. This sampling method is considered due to geographical proximity,
availability at a given time, or willingness to participate in the research. It is a non-random
type of sampling. We know people or individual who frequently visit the hotel or industry so
it is not that difficult to collect the samples or response. It is convenient sample comparing to
other methods of sampling and it consumes less period with subjects readily available.
Data types
Every kind of data has a rare quality of describing things after assigning a specific value to it.
For analysis, you need to organize these values, processed, and presented in each context, to
make it useful. Data can be in different forms; here are the primary data types.
Qualitative data
When the data presented has words and descriptions, then we call it qualitative data.
Although you can observe this data, it is subjective and harder to analyse data in research,
especially for comparison.
Quantitative data
Any data expressed in numbers of numerical figures are called quantitative data. This type of
data can be distinguished into categories, grouped, measured, calculated, or ranked.
Example: questions such as age, rank, cost, length, weight, scores, etc. everything comes
under this type of data. You can present such data in graphical format, charts, or apply
statistical analysis methods to this data. The (Outcomes Measurement Systems) OMS
questionnaires in surveys are a significant source of collecting numeric data.
Primary Data
Primary data is data that is collected by a researcher from first-hand sources, using methods
A primary source is collected directly from the original source. It is not clouded with
someone else’s views or judgments.
Therefore, we used questionnaire as a source to collect data with the help of google form.
Secondary Data
The term is used in contrast with the term secondary data. Secondary data is data gathered
from studies, surveys, or experiments that have been run by other people or for another
research. Examples of secondary data include:
1. Encyclopaedia’s,
2. Essays,
3. Newspaper opinion pieces,
4. Reviews, 5. Textbooks.
Typically, a researcher will begin a project by working with secondary data. This allows time
to formulate questions and gain an understanding of the issues being dealt with before the
more costly and time-consuming operation of collecting primary data.
Therefore, the secondary data is collected from various references, websites, magazines, and
This research entailed the use of primary data. The data collection method entailed a
standardized questionnaire that consisted of a total of twenty-two statements. Typically, this
modification entailed introducing a section that would evaluate factors affecting customer
satisfaction within the hotel industry. Moreover, the questionnaire entailed three answerable
sections. The first section asked the respondent to provide their demographic information.
This critical information was queried with the primary objective of determining the type of
customer visiting the hotels or restaurants. The second section entailed asking the respondents
to choose the options with which the factors included in the questionnaire impacted customer
satisfaction. In the last section, the participants were required to provide their perception
levels regarding the services they received. Here, a nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales
were used. The process of questionnaire administering was to analyse and interpret the
response with the research objective.
A survey was conducted with the help of questionnaire that was designed keeping in mind
the research objectives. The questions included collecting demographic data, selecting
appropriate options and perception regarding the service.
These data are collected from relevant open sources. We have used external sources such as
Research Gate, online articles, business news and various research papers to conduct our
Execution of questionnaire
We executed the questionnaire using different mediums such as personally interacting and
connecting with the people who visit hotels or restaurants. Used google forms for more
accurate data for response and their opinions. We also executed questionnaire via
communicating personally and telephonic way, which created an atmosphere that allowed to
understand the content in more appropriate way.
Executing all these took some period. Some methods like google forms and personal
interaction took 2 – 3 days. Some methods even took more than 2 – 3 days such as e – mail, it
took the more time for replies to come as people need to take their time and reply to it.
Our target respondents were mostly the people who visit restaurants and hotel, who know
most about quality service and customer satisfaction. The data collected from them was an
experiment but it still provided lot of information for our survey.
After defining the questions, measurement priorities should be clearly set, regarding unit of
measure, time frame, and other factors. During the analysis steps and advanced tools can be
extremely useful to efficiently review and interpret information. Finally, before reporting the
findings, it is critical to assess the collected data to be reliable and valid and fully understand
the procedures. The analysis breaks down data to clarify the relationship between quality
service and customer satisfaction. This study uses both descriptive and inferential statistics to
analyse data, in form of literature review, tables, and graphs to present the results.
• Nominal
• Ordinal
• Interval
The main targets of the study guests who visit hotels frequently. The respondents entailed
persons of my known. Out of the 100 questionnaires sent to respondents, a total of 64
questionnaires were returned. This data therefore formed the basis for our analysis. Before the
inception of the analysis, the questionnaires were assessed for any input errors and data
Respondent distribution was grouped into age, gender, and income. This distribution is
outlined in the table below;
Age Percentage
18-25 81.3
26-35 7.8
36-45 4.7
46-55 4.7
Above 55 1.6
Gender Percentage
Male 45.3
Female 54.7
Income Percentage
Below 50000 37.5
100000 35.9
150000 14.1
200000 4.7
above 200000 7.8
Based on the table above, the respondents comprised 54.7% females and 45.3% males.
Regarding the respondent age bracket, 81% of the respondents were aged 18 to 25. 7.8%
comprised 26 to 35-year-olds, those aged 36 to 45 formed 4.7% of the studied population,
4.7% represented the 46 to 55-year-olds. In contrast, those above 55 years constituted 1.6% of
the sample size. Regarding the monthly income level of the respondent’s family, 37.5% were
below 50,000, 35.9% were between 50000 to 100000, 14.1% were between 100000 to
150000, 4.7% were between 150000 to 200000 and 7.8% were above 200000.
The respondents were requested to fill the questionnaires which include the questions related
to the factors that influence or impact the customer satisfaction based on service quality
provided. The questionnaire contains questions of multiple choice, and Likert scale. Likert
scale is a 1-5 scale to evaluate the factors that influenced customer satisfaction. Typically, a
rating of 1=strongly disagrees, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4-=agree, and 5=strongly agree. An
interpretation of each response was achieved through the help of the five-point Likert scale.
Based on this scale, factors with minimal consideration were rated with a '1'. Those with
higher impacts on customer satisfaction were placed with a '5'. '4' represented those factors
that were said to have a fair influence, whereas '3' stood for neutral elements. Moreover, '2'
defined elements that were somehow influential.
Problem Solving 24 26 12 1 1
Behaviour of employees 36 14 11 2 1
Understanding Needs 33 16 11 2 2
Communication 34 17 9 2 2
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
group 1 5 165 33 29
group 2 5 87 17.4 24.8
group 3 5 52 10.4 1.8
group 4 5 7 1.4 0.8
group 5 5 9 1.8 0.7
Source of
Variation SS df MS F Pvalue F crit
Between Groups 3429.6 4 857.4 75.07881 12 2.866081
Within Groups 228.4 20 11.42
Total 3658 24
With the respondent’s response we can see that the quality services significantly impact and
influence the customer satisfaction. Frequency between the groups is beyond the critical
point. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.
2. T- test
knowledge of
service quality
56 58
5 6
3 0
After performing t-test, we can see that t-stat is 0.00 which is smaller than critical two tail,
therefore, we accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.
3. Chi-square test
Unskilled staff
impact Frequency
Yes 48
No 7
Maybe 9
staff OB EXP CHI
impact Value HYP PROP Value SQUARE
64 34.2421875
p value 3.66778E-08
test stat 34.2421875 p<0.4
With the response of the respondents, we can say that unskilled staff does influence
the customer satisfaction. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis.
4. Regression Test
Impact of
Frequenc Increase in Frequenc
y loyalty y
Time 40 41
Quality 53 Better Quality 51
Price 48 28
Choices 26 40
Convenien Good
28 29
ce Relations
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.370084993
R Square 0.136962902
Adjusted R Square -0.150716131
Standard Error 10.21616137
Observations 5
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 49.69014085 49.69014085 7 0.539782035
Residual 3 313.1098592 104.3699531
Total 4 362.8
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
0.22689722 81.419219
Intercept 26.26478873 17.33082845 1.515495281 1 -28.88964225 7
0.53978203 1.6599640
Frequency 0.295774648 0.428660609 0.689997266 5 -1.068414722 2
Here, as per the response of respondents, it is portrayed that there is an impact of service quality
in increase of loyalty, as p value is greater than alpha 0.5. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
At the start of this study, the following questions formed the hypothesis;
H1 – There is a relationship between quality service and customer satisfaction. The various
aspects of quality service significantly influence the satisfaction of customers whether it is
problem solving, physical facilities, behaviour of employees, understanding the needs or the
effective communication.
H0 – There is no relationship between the loyalty and customer satisfaction. With the
response examining and the study we can say that the loyalty programs and other influencing
aspects of loyalty does not impact or affect the customers satisfaction in the hotel industry.
H0- There is no impact of unskilled staff on customer satisfaction. With the response and
study, we studied that unskilled staff does not impact or affect the satisfaction of the
This research aimed to determine the features influencing customer satisfaction and establish
a direct relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Based on stipulated
findings total 19 questions were prepared to study the impact of quality service, loyalty,
unskilled staff, on customer satisfaction. From all the questions, the most influential ones
included sticking to timelines, improved communication channels, staff willingness to help
guests, the state of hotel equipment, and understanding the needs. These factors indicate that
hotels can enhance their customers' satisfaction by emphasising the significant elements that
satisfy customers in their service. Unskilled staff and loyalty programs and other loyalty
aspects do not affect the satisfaction of the customers. Therefore, this study indicates that the
hotels experienced by the respondent’s lack at providing good quality of services and they
need to improve.
Boadi, E., n.d. Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Ghana Hospitals: A
PLSSEM Approach. Canadian Journal of Applied Science and Technology.
Eshetie, S. K., Seyoum, W., & Ali, S. H. (2016). Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
in Hospitality Industry: The Case of Selected Hotels in Jimma Town, Ethiopia. Global
Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing.
Huang, P., 2017. The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in
B2B Technology Service Industry.
Khan, F., Yusoff, R. & Kakar, P., 2017. Impact of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
on Tourism Industry.
Markovic, S. & Loncaric, D., 2014. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Health
Care Industry- Towards Health Tourism Market. Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Priyo, J., Mohamad, B. & Adetunji, R., 2019. An Examination of the Effects of Service
Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in the Hotel Industry.
Sharma, S. & Srivasta, S., 2018. Relationship between Service Quality and Customer
Satisfaction in Hotel Industry. Tourism Research Journal.
Hello! We are students from the Gitam's University pursuing MBA 1st year, doing research
on the above given topic as part of our assignment. This questionnaire is on general
information about you as a respondent and this concerns the factors that influence the quality
service on customer satisfaction. Please provide answers to the following questions by ticking
(✓) against the most suitable alternative or giving narrative responses in the spaces provided.
Your response shall get accorded all the confidentiality it deserves and will only get used for
academic purposes.
o 18-25 o 26-35
o 36-45 o 46-55 o
Above 55
o Male o Female
o Others
o Below 50000 o
50000 – 100000 o
100000 – 150000 o
150000 – 200000 o
Above 200000
o Yes o No o
5. Which factor impact service quality on customer satisfaction? (Can choose more than one
6. What is the impact of loyalty on customer satisfaction?
o Increases o
Decreases o Remains
the same
o Partnership
rewards o Points
system o Personalized
8. What helps in increasing the loyalty? (Can choose more than one option)
Quick Response
Better Quality
Loyalty Programs
Reasonable Prices
Good Relations
9. Which factor affects loyalty and satisfaction?
o Reputation o
Expectation o
Convenience o
10. Which is the most frequent problem faced within the service quality?
o Misunderstandi
ng o
Miscommunication o
Safety and security o
Unskilled Staff o
o Dressing o
Attitude o Less
Waiting Period o
Promised Services o
Provides correct
12. What do you expect the most from hotels?
o Cleanliness o
Communication o
Comfort o Other
13. Rate factors that influence customer satisfaction on scale 1 to 5. (1 stands as strongly agree
and 5 stands as strongly disagree)
Problem solving
Behaviour of Employees
Understanding Needs
Effective Communication
o Yes o No
o Maybe
15. Do you think that customer satisfaction may decrease due to unskilled staff?
o Yes o No
o Maybe
o Quality
o Quantity
o Price o
Taste o
o Excellent
o Very
good o
Good o
Fair o
17. Kindly provide some suggestion to improve the quality service of hotel industry?
Code Age Frequency (%)
1 18-25 52 81.3
2 26-35 5 7.8
3 36-45 3 4.7
4 46-55 3 4.7
5 Above 55 1 1.6
From the above data we can see that the maximum respondents are from the age group of
1825 which constitutes to 81% of the total responses, followed by 0.08% of age group 26-35
and 0.04% from the age group of 36-45 and 46-55 as well, And 0.03% of age group above 55.
1 Male 29 45.3
2 Female 35 54.7
From the above data we can understand that 45% of the respondents are male and 55%
respondents are female.
From the above data we can observe that majority of respondent are with below 50000 and
50000-100000 range of monthly income which is 37% And the minority of respondent are
within the range of 100000-150000,150000-200000, above 200000 which is 9%,3% and 4%
Service quality on
Code satisfaction Frequency Percentage
1 Yes 58 90.6
2 No 6 9.4
3 Maybe 0 0
From the shown data we can study that 90% respondents thinks that service quality ensures
satisfaction of customer, whereas 10% of them are have different thoughts.
Impact of service
Code qualities Frequency Percentage
1 Time 40 62.5
2 Quality 53 82.8
3 Price 48 75
4 Choices 26 40.6
5 Convenience 28 43.8
Interpretation 5:
From the give data we could observe that the 62.5% respondents think that time is the factor
that impacts service quality on customer satisfaction. Whereas 82.8%, 75%, 40.6% and
43.8% respondents think that quality, price, choices, and convenience are factors for impact
of service quality on customer satisfaction.
1 Increases 52 81.2
2 Decreases 6 9.4
3 Remains the same 6 9.4
From the above data we can observe that 71% of respondents think that customer satisfaction
increases with loyalty and 6% of respondents thinks it remains the same and decreases
50% of them are motivated from personized reward and the 28% and 21.9% are motivated by
points system and personalized rewards.
Here 51% of respondents believe that increase in loyalty is due to better quality and the
remaining believes in programs, prices, good relations, and quick response with 28%, 40%,
29% and41% respectively.
Factors affect
Code loyalty Frequency Percentage
1 Reputation 18 28.1
2 Expectation 35 54.7
3 Convenience 11 17.2
The factors that are affecting loyalty and satisfaction are reputation, expectation, and
convenience with 28%, 54.7% and 17.2% respectively.
Frequently faced
Code problems Frequency Percentage
1 Misunderstanding 9 14.1
2 Miscommunication 18 28.1
Interpretation 10:
Here misunderstanding, miscommunication, safety and security, unskilled staff with 14%.
28%, 15%, and 40% respectively thinks that these are the frequently faced problems
Positive influence on
Code customers Frequency Percentage
1 Dressing 4 6.2
2 Attitude 30 46.9
The factors of staff create positive influence on customer are dressing, attitude, waiting
period, premised staff, and correct information with 6%, 46%, 14%,9% and 23% respectively.
Expectations from
Code hotels Frequency Percentage
1 Cleanliness 38 59.4
2 Communication 7 10.9
3 Comfort 18 28.1
Here Cleanliness, communication, comfort are the factors that are expected most from hotels
and often all the above as well.
Rate influencing Strongly Strongly
Code factors Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
Hotel Physical
1 facilities 38 14 9 0 3
2 Problem Solving 24 26 12 1 1
Behaviour of
3 employees 36 14 11 2 1
4 Understanding Needs 33 16 11 2 2
5 Communication 34 17 9 2 2
Knowledge Percentage
Code Requirement Frequency %
1 Yes 56 87.5
2 No 5 7.8
3 Maybe 3 4.7
1 Yes 48 75
2 No 7 10.9
3 Maybe 9 14.1
Code Food aspects Frequency %
1 Quality 35 54.7
2 Quantity 9 14.1
3 Price 5 7.8
4 Taste 15 23.4
1 Excellent 18 28.1
3 Good 23 35.9
4 Fair 4 6.2
5 Poor 0 0
Kindly provide some suggestion to improve the quality service of hotel industry?