Finished Resume
Finished Resume
Finished Resume
1216 E. Marks St. Apt. 206 Allentown, PA 18109 |484-966-8017 |
My first classroom teaching experience was in Florida when I served as a volunteer early childhood
teacher at a local church for two years. In addition, I worked for several summers at New Smyrna
Beach Kids Camp, teaching dance, coordinating, and managing a book club.
I have student teaching experience at the second and third grade levels in both suburban and urban
school districts. During these in-service experiences, I particularly enjoyed working with at-risk
students. My careful preparation and workable lessons allowed me to break down complicated concepts
into simple examples that my young students could grasp, which was rewarding both my students and
for me. I used this experience to look for ways to improve and promote quality and make myself
accessible to principals and colleagues.
During my student teaching at Fleetwood School District, I taught Spanish to third-grade students.
Managing my students’ differences in abilities proved a difficult but gratifying challenge. I tailored
activities to maintain the interest of high-level students without intimidating less-skilled Spanish
My resume is enclosed; I am forwarding an official copy of my transcripts. I will reach out to you next
week to discuss employment opportunities; in the meantime, please feel free to contact me at
(484) 966 – 8017 or I look forward to speaking with you.
Respectfully yours,
Sylvia V. Rivera
“As a n e ntry- level te acher, I woul d like to leve rage my extr overt a nd dynami c appr oac h in
teac hing st udent s. Wit h my gre at admini strati ve and coordinat ion ski lls, I woul d wor k to
perf orm organi zati ona l tas ks and duties. My aim as a tea cher would be to guide the stude nts
to e nc our age them to partic ipat e in constr ucti ve incl usi ve programs.
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Degree | Expected May 2023
School: Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
GPA: 3.62 (Fall ’22)
Student Teacher | Willow Creek Elementary School | March 2023 – May 2023
Assisted my mentor in maintaining the class orderliness during lectures and class activities. Created lesson plans,
organized learning activities, managed student behaviors, observed classroom procedures, prepared visual
materials and other educational equipment. Provided feedback for students and kept students' records for
evaluation. Maintained excellent communication, punctuality, and adapted decision-making skills. I had the
pleasure of setting for each student in the classroom based on their individual needs. I was able to witness
students reaching their goals and that was my ultimate reward.
-Assisted my mentor with an after-school Science Club. I’ve had the pleasure of learning the process of
how to organize and present the presentation to receive permission from the principal.
CVS Pharm acy | Le ad Certi fied Pharmacy Te chni cian | Marc h 2015 – Curr ent
Assist the pharmacists in providing quality pharmaceutical care to all patients by performing technical duties in
the pharmacy department, working under the direct supervision of the Pharmacist. Experience in areas including
purchasing specialty medications, monitored inventory control, controlled substance distribution, and Specialty
IV Admixture (Chemotherapy, Intrathecal, Epidural, Sterile Syringes, IVIG and Prolactin, etc.) Required
knowledge of USP 797 requirements.
Upon my return to Jefferson Elementary School, I immediately took control of the classroom. I was able to
successfully create detailed lesson plans. Observed special classes such as gym, music, art, media, and guidance.
I enhanced my teaching skills within the classroom and time management by repeatedly setting goals for myself.
I participated in several IEP and 504 meetings including creating Tier 1 plans to better assist students.
Familiarized myself with the school organizations and programs by attending any school functions and faculty
meetings. I’ve had the pleasure of attending parent conferences and meetings. I am very fortunate to have
attended all mandatory seminars and expanded my knowledge. I adapted to the Danielson Framework and
improved my professionalism in and outside of the classroom, because of my self-evaluation; I am proud of the
person I’m growing into.
My first semester student teaching was challenging, I wanted to be perfect - but was not. As we all know no one
is perfect. I am grateful for the goals I was able to achieve and learn. I accomplished the following task as a
future educator, providing my mentor with authentic lesson plans and advanced teaching materials by implanting
the use of technology. Incorporated reading materials per academic area and practiced flexibility in teaching by
planning for interruptions including time constraints. I took the time out to know and understand the concepts of
the required core standards to ensure high levels of teaching competence. Observed the behavior and learning
styles of students and incorporated diverse culture in the classroom with accommodations as needed.
Qualified college students were handpicked by the program’s council to tutor primary grade level students
located in Alaska via zoom. Through a secure zoom meeting I was able to utilize my teaching skills while
gaining the experience needed for my future. I created lesson plans, built healthy student relationships, and
created engaging activities pertaining to the students’ needs. I tutored a total of seven students that needed ELA
support while others needed math support. I learned to deliver clear instructions in a respectful manner and
develop critical thinking through asking students open ended questions. Enhanced my assessments by using a
variety of tools and teaching students how to use self-evaluation methods. I had fun creating lesson activities that
required team/partner work and my favorite skill learned is encouraging students to share their ideas to help me
enrich classroom experiences. I am extremely grateful for the Alaska Tutor Program because I have grown into a
phenomenal teacher.
Mrs. Katherine Ache – Kutztown University Supervisor | Contact Info: (610) 360-6803
Mr. David Crissman – Teacher Willow Creek Elementary School (Mentor) | Contact Info: (610) 790-5026