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To all young chess players
Early history
10 26
The chess set Opening
12 28
The aim of the game The major pieces
13 30
Simple notation Essential techniques
14 32
Pawns Attack and defend
16 34
Bishops Tactics
17 36
Knights Endgame
18 38
Rooks It’s a draw!
19 40
The queen Taking it further
20 42
The king Glossary
22 43
King of the castle Answers
24 44
Further notation Index and useful addresses

To all young chess players

“A LL OVER THE WORLD people are taking up the challenge
of chess, meeting new opponents, and testing their mental
strength. The power of the mind – the avenue to success in
business and study – is awakened, developed, and strengthened
by chess. There is no feeling more satisfying than beating an able
opponent, and to be a winner you just need confidence,
concentration, and the ability to learn – from books, videos,
computers, and your own defeats. Chess was once the game of
royalty, but is now open to everyone.

I have been playing chess since I was 10 years old, and since then
I haven’t been away from a chess board for long! Each game I play
is still exciting and challenging. Since becoming an International
Master in 1981, I have devoted my time to teaching
chess to school-children. In 1996, I launched the UK
Chess Challenge. I have made many friends
through playing chess and enjoy the friendly
rivalry the game encourages.



Early history
1,500 years old. The oldest pieces that have been
dug up date from the 6th century ad. Before that,
chess might have been played, but no one can be
sure. Chess is certainly a descendant of the Indian
game Chaturanga, meaning “four sides” – because
Indian armies were made up of four parts: the
chariots, the cavalry, the elephants, and the
footsoldiers. The ultimate war-game, chess is based
on ancient battle scenarios which can still be applied
to the game played by people all over the world today.
Chinese chess
A close relation to chess is the Chinese
game of Hsiang Chi (meaning “elephant
game”), which is still very popular in China.
The date this game originated is not known.

Chess goes west

The game of chess spread with the
opening of markets between the Far
East and Persia in the 10th century. Arab
merchants plying their way along the
famous Silk Route would often have a
chess set among their baggage. As a
result, travellers and traders eventually
introduced chess into Europe.

An explosive growth in interest

Until the late 19th century, chess had earned
the nickname “the game of kings” because of
its popularity among the upper classes.
However, in the 20th century, ordinary people
started taking up the game in their thousands.


Files are

The chess set rows that

run from
one player’s
end to the

CHESS SET IS MADE up of 32 Here the
pieces and a board. The board acts as a edge file
is blue.
simple battlefield, where there are no trees,
rivers, hills, valleys, or buildings to hide A diagonal
behind. This means you can control the is marked
by the red
events of the battle far better than any squares.
army general. The pieces are the opposing
armies, and the numbers on both sides are
the same, so the game begins on an equal Ranks are
footing. It is how you move your pieces that rows across
the board.
determines eventual victory – or defeat. Here the
first rank
is green.

Your army The battlefield

Chess pieces come in many shapes and sizes. But the pieces There are special terms for the rows of squares going sideways –
most widely used are the Staunton-pattern pieces, which are these are called the “ranks”. There are eight ranks on the chess
the ones used in tournaments and in this book. The two board. The rows that go vertically, top to bottom, are called
armies are collectively called “the pieces”. In your army you “files”. There are also eight of these. Lastly, the squares of
have a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and the same colour going in one direction are called “diagonals”.
eight pawns. (Note: sometimes chess players refer to pawns Surprisingly enough, there are 26 diagonals on the chess board.
as different to “the pieces”, meaning king, queen, rooks,
knights, and bishops, though technically they are all “pieces”.) It’s black and white
No matter what colour the pieces are
– red and black, pink and purple – the
lighter colour is always called “White” and
the darker colour is always called “Black”.

One king One queen Two bishops Two knights

As the head of the army, the king The queen is your most Your bishops are recognised These unique pieces are the only
is the tallest piece. Although the powerful piece. She can by the distinctive “cuts” in ones that can leap over obstacles,
most important, he cannot move attack almost half of the their heads – representing and the only ones that don’t travel in
far and is therefore not powerful. squares on the board from bishops’ hats. Bishops are a straight line. In the often crowded
If he cannot avoid capture, he is one position. She is both agile pieces that move conditions of the chess board, you
“checkmated” and the game is over. fast and wide-ranging. swiftly along the diagonals. will find your knights invaluable.


The king, queen, bishops, Rooks are

knights, and rooks are placed in
arranged on the each corner.
back rows.

The pawns, eight for

each army, stand in
front of the main Black’s army is
fighting pieces. correctly set up.

The king and queen

The white queen is placed
Setting up the board on a white square, the
black queen on a
of each army are
opposite each other.
Firstly you must place the board between black square.
you and your opponent, who sits opposite
you. A white corner square of the board must
always be to the right of each player. Then
you place the pieces in their correct positions.
The white army and the black army are set
up at opposite ends of the board, facing each
White square
other. The king and queen are in the middle.
on the right.
Then come the bishops, knights, and rooks
spanning out on either side. Finally the pawns
are placed on the row in front.

Two rooks Eight pawns

This pair of sturdy pieces that use These are the footsoldiers of the chess board, and
the ranks and files look like castles and there are eight in each army. Your pawns often enter
in fact are frequently called “castles”. the action first. Pawns are the least powerful pieces –
Your rooks are the second most powerful but they have ambition. If a pawn reaches the end of
pieces, after the queen, but they are also the board, it can be promoted, perhaps even to
the hardest to get into the action. the status of the mighty queen.


The aim of the game

T HE AIM OF CHESS, simply, is to
trap your opponent’s king and deliver
“checkmate”. Actually doing it, however,
isn’t so simple. Chess is a battle of wits
between two players, each controlling
their own army. The battle can last for
hours or end very suddenly. You can gain
the advantage by steady pressure, building
up your attack slowly by capturing enemy
pieces, while keeping your own pieces
safe. Or a well-aimed blow after only a
few moves can end the game.
Battle it out!
Chess is one of the oldest war games in the world. The pieces
Developing/capturing represent the armies, and the board represents the battlefield.
There is a white army and a black army. The two armies move
Though checkmate is the aim of the game, you towards each other and then the fight begins. Attacking and
build up to it by weakening your enemy’s army defending strategies are played out as though the players are
through capturing pieces. The idea is that your real generals overseeing a real battle. The general with the
opponent will then be too weak to resist, and best strategy and tactics will win the game.
will not be able to defend the king. Players
must first compete for a good position
in the middle of the board. One Checkmate
player will get the upper hand, and Checkmate comes as a result of the
will then be able to invade enemy tactics and strategy of one player
territory, capture weak enemy being superior to that of the
pieces, or open up a decisive other player’s. The player who is
attack on the enemy king. “checkmated” (or “mated”) has
lost the game. Only more games
can increase your skill and help you
learn to be the victor in the next match.

White’s general is pleased

because she is playing an
effective move. Black’s general will
have to think of a way
White has captured one knight, to improve his position.
one bishop, and one pawn.

Black has captured

White’s two knights
and one pawn.


Simple notation Check it out!

The chess board can be read in the same
way as a map. Look at this map. The chess

club is in square C1. If you can read a map,
OW MANY LANGUAGES do you know? English, you can read a chess board.
probably, maybe some French or German, or some A B C D E F
other language. Perhaps you know the language of
music, with its crochets, quavers, and staves. Chess has Chess Club

its own language too, but it’s much easier to learn. It’s a Orchard Lily Lake
2 Quarry Path
simple way to name the squares and to describe the Lane
Back Lakes

movement of pieces over the board. Salt Lake

3 Victoria

The pieces

Each piece is represented by a symbol in chess diagrams. These are not the
same for every book. Although they come in a variety of colours, shapes, and
The board
sizes, it’s usually easy to tell which symbol stands for what. In notation, each The board is made up of 64 squares, in eight
piece is given a letter to make it easy to tell which one you are writing about. rows of eight squares. If we place the numbers
You always use capital letters when referring to the pieces. 1 to 8 at the side of the board, and the letters
a to h along the bottom of the board, by joining
up the number and letter we can give every
This is the symbol for the square its own name. The letter comes first,
king. In notation a king is followed by the number. Have a look at the
written as just “K”. Note This is the symbol for diagram to see how it works.
the symbol is red, although the white queen. In
it stands for a white piece notation a queen is
and is called “white”. written as just “Q”.
8 h8
7 g7
6 f6

K 4 d4
3 c3

2 b2
1 a1
This is the white bishop. In A knight is written
notation a bishop is written as “N”. The king a b c d e f g h
as just “B”. took the “K” first!
It’s your move!
Look at the board. Can you write down
where the black rook is? How about the
black knight, black king, white queen,
white pawn, and white bishop? For
example, the white queen is on square c1.
B N 8

There are so many pawns that it
is simpler to note them by their 5
A rook is written as “R”. position on the board.
The pawn has no letter. 4

R 1

a b c d e f g h


Pawns Check it
In Lewis Carroll’s
HE PIECES ARE RANKED from Alice through the
the highest to the lowest, and nothing Looking Glass,
many characters
is lower than a pawn. In fact its name are inspired by
seems to come from the Old French paon, meaning chess pieces.
“footsoldier”. Yet the pawn is a fascinating piece, Alice herself is a
white pawn who
and many players see it as the soul of chess. What a eventually makes
pawn lacks in strength, it makes up for in numbers. her way to the
top of the board
The pawns take the brunt of early fighting, they where she is
control territory, and are the king’s natural guardians. promoted to
a queen.

Advance! The black pawn has The pawns are lined The white
A player often moves a pawn before anything else, moved only one up like footsoldiers at pawn has
just as a general might send in the footsoldiers square forwards. the start of a battle. moved two
before the cavalry
on a battlefield. On
because it is
its first move each its first move.
pawn can move two
squares forwards, or
one square forwards.
After that it can
only move one
square forwards
at a time. Pawns
never move

Capturing This pawn moves

diagonally forwards
This knight is removed from
the board and the white 8
Unlike all the other to capture the knight. pawn takes its place.
pieces, pawns do
not capture in the 6
same way that they 5
move. They move
straight forwards,
but they capture 3
one square. 1
a b c d e f g h

It’s your move!

Look at this game position.
Which black pieces can
white pawns capture?
(Answers on page 43.)


En passant
En passant means “in passing”
in French. In chess it is a rule
that prevents a pawn from
slipping past an enemy pawn,
by moving forwards two squares
on its first move. En passant
can happen anytime during a
game. A pawn moving up two
squares can be captured by an
enemy pawn standing next to
it. The enemy pawn, capturing
diagonally, takes the position 1
This white pawn, on its
first move, moves two 2 It settles alongside an
enemy pawn. The pawn 3 Next move, the black pawn
can capture the white pawn
of the captured pawn as though squares forwards. has missed out the square diagonally, as though it had only
it had only moved one square. the black pawn is diagonally moved one square.
A white pawn has attacking, marked in red.
reached the end of
Promotion the board and
become a queen.
Promoting a pawn
Pawns have a special feature, which To show your pawn has been
makes them individually precious, promoted, use an upside-down
and often sways the result of a rook, or a queen from another chess set.
game. A pawn starts the game
as the lowest piece, but if it
reaches the end of the board
– crossing six squares
without mishap or capture
– it can become a queen,
a rook, a bishop, or a
knight. The queen is
the most powerful
piece on the board, so
usually players would
choose to promote The queen is the most powerful
their pawn to a piece, but you can also promote
queen. In fact, your pawn to a rook, a bishop,
pawn promotion or a knight – it depends on what
is often referred is the most useful at the time.
to as “queening”.

The pawn game

Play this game with a friend, using only the pawns. This will give you a firm idea of White starts
how pawns move, capture, and promote. The en passant rule also applies, so watch In games of chess, White
out! The winner is the first to cross the board and promote a pawn. However, if Black always starts. So take it in
can promote a pawn one move after White, the game is a draw (as White starts – the turns to play White.
two colours must have the same number of moves). The game is also a draw if both
sides cannot move at all. Look at this example game.

8 8 8 8

7 7 7 7

6 6 6 6

5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

1 White has started and

moved a pawn up two
squares. Black has mirrored
2 White has moved a second
pawn up two squares. A
mistake! It can be taken.
3 White moves a pawn up
one square, and lays down
a challenge to the advancing
4 Good move! Black moves
forwards. Now the black
pawn cannot be stopped.
its move. Both pawns are Black makes the capture. black pawn. Will Black Black will get a queen in two
now stuck. capture again? moves and win the game.


Bishops Check it out!

Up until the end of the
15th century, the bishop pieces

ISHOPS ONCE HELD powerful positions as the were represented by elephants.
Elephants were common on
king’s chief advisors, and the king would ask for battlefields in the Middle
their blessing before every battle. In chess, the bishops and Far East
where chess
are a formidable pair. Like bishops of old, they are originated.
powerful pieces that often work together, one moving along the This piece
is from
white diagonals and the other moving along the black diagonals. an old
Between them they can cover all of the squares. Burmese
chess set.
Bishops only move along the diagonals. They can move The “white-square” bishop is
backwards and forwards and are especially effective if they so-called because it only moves
are positioned in the middle of the board. Bishops are along the white diagonals.
blocked if there is a The “black-
piece in the way as square” bishop
they cannot jump. only moves
along the black
Notice how the diagonals.
bishop in the
middle of the
board controls 13
squares, and the
bishop on the
edge controls
only seven.

Capturing 8
The bishops capture in the same way as they The bishop moves
move: diagonally. The white-square bishop only along the white
captures pieces on the white squares, while the diagonal to 6
black-square bishop only captures on the black capture the knight.
squares. Because of
their wide range, 4
bishops are useful 3
in guarding long
tracts of squares. The knight is 2

removed from 1
the board to sit a b c d e f g h
out the rest of
the game. The
bishop takes It’s your move!
its place. The white bishop can capture all
the black pieces in eight moves.
Black will kindly keep still for
White’s rampage. There are two
ways of doing this. Can you work
them out? (Answer on page 43.)


Knights Check it out!

Horses have been used in
battle for centuries. In

MOST OF THE PIECES on the board move in medieval times, their riders
were brave soldiers, who were
a straightforward way; the rook, queen, bishop, given the special title of
king, and even the pawn are variations on the straight “knight” by
their king.
or diagonal move. The knights, however, are governed
by completely different rules. They can travel in an L-shape and
can also jump over obstacles, just like real horses.

A knight can jump from one square to another, without
touching the ground in between. This means it can jump The knight can jump in an L-shape in
over other pieces. Yet a knight jumps neither in a straight any direction. It can hit a maximum of
line nor diagonally. It is best described as an “L-shaped” eight squares from one position.
move. The knight
crosses two squares
in a straight line,
and then goes
either one square
to the right or
one square to
the left.

Like bishops,
knights have
more power
in the centre
than on
the edge.

Capturing 8
The knight captures in the same way that it moves.
It therefore has a maximum of eight squares that it This knight jumps in an
can attack at any one time. Because it can jump, the L-shape onto the square 6
knight never gets blocked in, and as a result can occupied by the black pawn.
really “float like a
butterfly and sting 4
like a bee”. 3

The pawn is 2
removed from 1
the board, and a b c d e f g h
the knight takes
its place.
It’s your move!
The white knight can capture
all the black pieces in six
moves. Again, they will kindly
stand still. Can you work out
the two ways to do it?
(Answer on page 43.)


Rooks Chess culture

HERE ARE TWO ROOKS in each army. At the
beginning of a game, they stand at the corners of
the board, like fortresses guarding the outskirts. Rooks are
often the last to enter the fray, but when they do, they make
very efficient weapons of attack, second only to the queen.
The rook is shaped like a castle
Moving tower. Up until the 15th century,
kings lived in castles, where their
The rook moves along the ranks and files of the chess board. It can access army could easily defend them.
every square of the board, and at any one time it can control a maximum The rook in the chess army defends
of 15 squares. A rook cannot jump over any other pieces, except when it the king very effectively, as well as
makes a special move called “castling” (see page 22). Once your rooks are being a powerful weapon of attack.
brought into play, they can cover the board very well.

Rooks rarely
come into play
at the beginning
of a game.
The rook is the
only piece that
has the same
range on the
edge and in
the middle
of the board –
14 squares.

Capturing 8

Like the other pieces, the rooks capture by occupying the The rook moves along 7
place of an enemy piece. There must be empty squares the rank to take the
bishop’s place. 6
between the rook and an enemy piece for it to capture as
rooks can’t jump. Because 5
the rook can cover every 4
square on the board, it is a
dangerous attacking piece. 3

The bishop is now
“dead wood” and 1
is removed a b c d e f g h
from the
board. It’s your move!
You have nine moves to capture
all the black pieces with the
white rook. All the white pieces
are stuck and cannot move.
Can you work out how to do it?
(Answer on page 43.)


The queen
N THE 15TH CENTURY, the way the queen moved
was changed forever. Originally she was one of the
weakest pieces, advancing just one square at a time. Once
she was given the power to move diagonally and horizontally over all
the squares, the game came alive. While the queen stalks the board
no piece is safe, and kings tremble behind their stockade of pawns.

If you’ve absorbed the moves of the rook and The queen moves in every direction.
bishop, you will have no trouble understanding She can move as many squares as Queens are “colour conscious”
the queen as she combines their moves. Your she wants, unless she is blocked by at set up. They are placed on the
queen can hit a staggering 27 squares from one another piece. The queen cannot jump. square that matches their colour.
position, covering
both the ranks
and files, as well
as the diagonals.

Capturing The knight is

The queen captures in the same way that The queen streaks across removed from the 7
she moves. She cannot jump over pieces in the board to capture the board, and the
the way. Your queen is your most valuable black knight. queen takes
piece and so you must its place. 5
be very careful that
she isn’t captured.
If you lose her, you 3
will find it hard to 2
win against an
enemy who 1
still has a b c d e f g h
a queen.
It’s your move!
Play this game with a friend.
The aim for White is to get one
pawn to the other end of the board
to be queened. The aim for Black
is to prevent this from happening
with just one rampaging queen.


The king Check it

HE MOST IMPORTANT piece is Ancient Persia’s
influence on the
the king, although he is by no means origins of chess is
the strongest. Unlike the other main reflected in the
language we use in
pieces, your king can only shuffle along the game. The word
one square at a time. His safety is vital. If your “checkmate”, that
tells us the king is
opponent manages to trap your king, so that he trapped and the game
cannot avoid capture, the game is over and you over, comes from the
have lost. The downfall of the king, as in days Persian words Shah
mat, meaning “the
of old, means the end for your whole army. king is dead”.

At any one time your king can move to the eight squares
surrounding him, as long as he is not blocked by another The king can move one square in any
piece, nor lands on a square that puts him in check (see page direction. The squares surrounding
21). He can move in any direction but only one square at a him can act as escape routes.
time. He is not speedy and cannot make hasty escapes.

In a game, the
king usually stays
on the edge of the
battlefield, behind
a protective wall
of pawns.

The knight is Here the white king

Capturing removed from
the board and
moves diagonally
one square to
The king captures in the the king takes capture a knight.
same way that he moves. the knight’s
Don’t forget that place.
although he is
weak, he can still
capture, and this
can sometimes
get him out of
sticky situations.


Check The white king is in check from

When the king is attacked by an enemy piece, it is called
“check”. If your king is in check, your next move has to be
the black bishop. He can escape
by moving one square sideways to challenge
to get him out of check. You can do this by moving your king the right, by capturing the bishop Look at these diagrams. Can you
out of trouble, blocking the attack with another piece, or with his rook, or by blocking the find the move in each one that
capturing the enemy piece that is threatening you. attack with his bishop. gives checkmate? You are playing
White and it’s White’s move.
(Answers on page 43.)

a b c d e f g h

1 In this diagram, White can give

checkmate in one move. The
black king cannot move on to the
Checkmate Master players can see when a situation
is hopeless and resign by knocking
rank covered by the rook on a7.
What is the winning move?
“Checkmate” (or “mate” for short) is when over their king before
the king is under attack and he cannot checkmate occurs.
escape. No matter what move is made, the 8
king can be captured and the game is lost. 7
For this reason every move throughout the
game is made with the ultimate aim of
checkmate in mind. Checkmating your 5
opponent can be achieved in just two moves,
or it can be a long struggle that can take more
than 50. Either way, giving checkmate is a 3
thrill – you have won the battle. 2
The white king is in
checkmate. There is 1
The black queen moves in nowhere for him to go and a b c d e f g h
to deliver a fatal blow. White has lost the game.

2 Here White can give

checkmate by moving the
bishop on f3. Which square
should the bishop move to?

a b c d e f g h

3 Here the black king is

vulnerable and the white
queen is ready to pounce.
Where should she go?


King of the castle

I T IS IMPORTANT to understand the king’s relationships
with the other pieces. Here we look at “castling”, a special
rule that puts your king into safety, almost as though he is in
a real castle. Once you have learnt the attacking strengths of
your enemy’s pieces, and how your pawns make effective
guards, your king should be safe from ambush.
Check it out!
Castling Castles were the only buildings
safe enough for kings to live in.
Both sides can tuck their kings into a corner, using a rule called “castling”. Castling is the The “castling” move is an echo
only time you can move two pieces at the same time – the king moves two squares, and the of the past and it is just as effective
rook jumps over! Castling happens on the back row, behind the pawns. You can only castle if against attack as a real castle.
the squares are empty between the king and rook, and the king and rook have not yet moved.

There are spaces between the king There are three empty squares so the
and rook, so White is ready to castle. ... and then the rook king moves two spaces to the left... ... and then the
The king moves two squares right... jumps over. rook jumps over.

King’s-side castling Queen’s-side castling

This is when your king castles on his own side of the board. If If the pieces on the queen’s side of the board are moved out of
both the knight and bishop have moved out of the way, so there the way – the queen, bishop, and knight – so that there are three
are empty squares between the king and the rook, the king moves empty squares between the king and the rook, you can also castle
two squares towards the rook, and then the rook jumps over. on this side. This is called queen’s-side castling.

When you can’t castle

There are three important situations when you can’t castle: if the king passes through
check on his way; if, by castling, you land in check; or when your king is already in check.
Through check Into check Out of check
The coast seems In this position, The white king
clear for White White is ready to would dearly
to castle, but it castle. But the love to castle
is not. If White black bishop out of check. It
castles, the king spoils the party. would solve all
will pass over a If White tries to his problems.
square attacked by castle, his king Instead he must
Black’s queen, and will land in check, move, or block
that’s not allowed. and that’s not the attack with
allowed either. his queen.


Friend or foe? Enemy strength

The king’s best friends are the pawns. Clustered around him at the Try this simple test to measure
beginning, they provide protection at all stages of the game. The the strength of enemy pieces. From
king also has enemies; your opponent is planning to trap your king this you will see why the queen is
and will use every weapon at his or her disposal. The most powerful the most dangerous attacking piece.
weapon is the queen. Look at this game, called “Fool’s Mate”.

1 White moves a pawn

forwards two
squares. Black

also moves a 6
pawn up. 5
Both players
have made a
conventional 3
opening 2
a b c d e f g h

Rook’s strength
Put a white rook and a black king on
the chess board. You could move the
rook to one of two squares, in this
diagram g6 and e2, and from both
positions the rook could call check.

2 White’s second White has 8

pawn moves up, moved a
forgetting how pawn to
important it is to disastrous 6

keep the king effect!

under guard. 4

a b c d e f g h

Bishop’s and knight’s strength

Now put a white knight and a white
bishop onto the board. There is a
maximum of two squares they can
move to that give check for each piece.

Black’s queen delivers

3 Black’s queen streaks

in and delivers
checkmate to
checkmate. Game over! 7

6 9
5 12
the powerless 5 8 4
white king. The 11
4 7
white king has
been deserted 3 2 1 3
by his pawns 2 10
and lost the
game in
a b c d e f g h
just two
Queen’s strength
Lastly put a white queen onto the
board. From any one position the
queen can move to give check from a
multitude of squares. In this diagram
there are 12 (although squares next to
the king are dangerous for her unless
she is supported).


Further notation Chess notation is

like a code. During
Check it out!

I T’S TIME TO LEARN a few more of the the Second World

War, top chess
signs and symbols that will help you to follow players used their
the moves in the rest of the book. After a bit of familiarity with
codes to invent a
practice, you’ll be able to use what you learn to type of computer
amaze your friends and family by playing chess that could decode
German messages.
without a board or pieces!
This pawn move is written This rook move is
in notation as “a5”. written as “Rd7”.
Moving and capturing
We show how the pieces move by naming the square
that they move to.
Rc2 means “rook moves to square c2”
e3 means “pawn moves to e3”
You can tell which piece is moving because it is the only
one that can move to the named square. The rare cases
you can’t tell are called “ambiguous moves” (see below).
The letter of the piece (always a capital letter) comes
before the square it moves to. In the case of the pawn,
because it has no letter, you just name the square that
it moves to.
Captures are shown by placing an “x” in the middle
of a formula:
Qxb8 means “queen captures at b8”
For pawn captures, you name the file that the pawn came
from: exf4 means “pawn on the e-file captures at f4”.

The knights at d7 You write: You write:

and g8 can both Ndf6 if the knight Ngf6 if the knight
move to f6. on the d-file moves. on the g-file moves.


This white queen moving to This white pawn moving The rooks
capture the black bishop is to capture the black knight can both
written as “Qxc2”. is written as “gxf3”. move to a4. a4

You write:
Notation checklist R6a4 if this
rook moves
because it is
Castling: 0-0 means castles on the king’s side on the sixth
0-0-0 means castles on the queen’s side rank.
Check: + at the end of a move
e.g., Bb5+ means “bishop moves to b5
and gives check” You write:
Checkmate: ++ at the end of a move
e.g., Qh5++ is “queen moves to h5 and
R2a4, if this
rook moves
Ambiguous moves
gives checkmate” because it is Sometimes two of the same pieces of the same colour
Promotion: e.g., e8=Q means a pawn moves to e8 and on the second can go to the same square. This usually happens with
is promoted to a queen. f8=N means a rank. rooks and knights. To identify which piece moves, you
pawn moves to f8 and becomes a knight specify where the moving piece came from, i.e. which
rank or file, as well as naming the square it moves to.


Following a game 1. e4 e5
Practise your notation skills by following this game on your 2. Nf3 d6
chess board. Set up your board in the start position. Read 7
the notation and make the moves, three moves at a time. 3. c3 f5
Notice the way the games are written with each move 6
numbered, and separate columns for White’s moves White’s Black’s
and Black’s moves. This game is a famous game, called moves moves
“Boden’s mate”, played in London in 1853. 4

1 Remember that
pawns have no
letter, so they are
Make a record! 2
When you’re playing a game, practise indicated by the
notation by writing down your moves position they move to. 1
on a piece of paper as you go along. Also that “N” means
one of the knights. a b c d e f g h

Bc4 Nf6 7. exf6 Qxf6

8 8
d4 fxe4 8. gxf3 Nc6
7 7
dxe5 exf3 9. f4 Bd7
6 6

5 5

4 4

2 Now one of White’s

bishops has moved
into the game. And
3 3 Black’s powerful
queen has entered
the fray and has

there have been some 2 already made her 2

neat pawn captures. 1
presence felt. 1
Both players are
jockeying for position. a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

10. Be3 0-0-0 13. 0-0-0 d5

8 8
11. Nd2 Re8 14. Bxd5 Qxc3 +
7 7
12. Qf3 Bf5 15. bxc3 B a3 + +
6 6

4 Following so far? 5 5

Good. See how Black seemed
4 4
neatly the black foolish to lose the
king was tucked 3 queen. But Black had 3
away when Black a good plan... White
castled on the 2 2
is undone by Black’s
queen’s side. White bishops. Checkmate!
1 1
is looking a little
vulnerable. a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

It’s your move!

Have a go at these two
8 2 Crack the codes for this
short game and do the moves
on your chess set. You should

7 7
exercises, and find out if end up with
1 e
you’re a natural code-breaker. 6 the checkmate 4 6
2 B e5
(Answers on page 43.) position shown c4
5 3 Q B c5
here. This h5
4 Qx Nf6
4 is called f 7++
1 Look at the four moves
made by White in this
diagram and write them

mate”. 6


down in chess notation 1 A typical 1

on a piece of paper. a b c d e f g h score sheet 10
a b c d e f g h


so far, you are equipped with enough
knowledge to play a game. You can move
your pieces around the board, capture
enemy pieces, and maybe even get
checkmate. However, to play well you
will need to understand the second half Starting your game sets the scene for the battle ahead. If you play a good
of this book, starting with the first phase opening, you will have a good basis for attack later in the game.
of a chess game – called the “opening”.
There are more books written on the
opening than on any other part of the Light brigade
game, and over nine million possible In the first stage of the
opening, only the pawns,
positions after only three moves. Do bishops, and knights
you have to learn all these positions should be brought into
play. This “light brigade”
by heart? No. With just a few ideas is used for initial
you can play the opening very well. skirmishes and for
gaining a good central

Five opening rules position. The more

valuable queen and
If you decide your opening moves based on the rooks make up the
following five rules, you will get off to an excellent “heavy brigade”
start. These rules are relevant to all chess players, (see pages 28-29).
whether you are a beginner or a Grandmaster.
They are simple and easy to follow. Keep in mind
that opening play is about gaining a strong position Both sides’ light brigades have
on the board from which to launch your attack, not been mobilized to take up good
for embarking on an immediate onslaught. central postitions.

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

1 Pawns in the centre 2 Knights and bishops in the centre

Place one or two pawns in the centre. This is an important rule. Send your knights
The centre of the board is where the and bishops into the centre. This will
first power struggle takes place, and mean moving pawns to clear the path
whoever controls more of the midfield of your bishops, which can’t jump.
controls the game. Once the pawns have Knights, bishops, and pawns are your
taken up position in the midfield, it’s “light brigade” and need to be moved
quite hard to dislodge them, so they before your queen and rooks – the
may stay there for a long time. “heavy brigade”.


3 Move each piece once

As we have seen, the opening is about putting It’s your move!
your pieces into good positions near the centre, 8 Before you play your first game
ready for action. Your attacks come later. If you of chess using the new opening
move the same piece around, making attacks, 7 rules, test yourself on these
you’ll soon end up with one piece fighting an positions. Are you on the right
entire army. Move each piece once instead. 6 lines? Choose the best move
out of the three options. In all
these positions you are playing
White. (Answers on page 43.)

8 3
7 2
6 1 6

5 a b c d e f g h 5

3 4 Guard and capture
Be careful with the placing of your pieces. 2
2 If your opponent can capture, make sure 1
you can recapture so the armies stay level. a b c d e f g h
1 Here Black has made a mistake. Moving
a b c d e f g h
the knight to e4 means that White can
capture the queen! 1 Choose a move!
a. Pawn to e4
b. Pawn to h4
5 Castle your king c. Knight to h3
Make your king safe by castling early. Castling removes Look and learn
your king from the centre and puts him on the edge, behind If you take
a stockade of pawns. In this picture the game has continued opportunities to
as though Black hasn’t lost the queen. When you are playing, watch or study real chess 8
you should aim for an opening position like this. games, you will find it
easier to become a
The king and rook good player yourself. 6
have castled. 5
The pawns act as 4
the castled king’s
bodyguards, 3
forming a 2
wall in front 1
of him. a b c d e f g h

2 Choose a move!
a. Bishop to b5
b. Knight to a3
c. Pawn to d3

a b c d e f g h

3 Choose a move!
a. Knight to f3
b. Pawn to e5
c. Knight to c3


The major pieces The heavy brigade

Unlike the “light brigade” (the


opening, you are already getting off to a good start.
But so far we have not looked at bringing the major
pawns, knights, and bishops) the
“heavy brigade” (queens and rooks)
should not be placed in the centre
straightaway. You
pieces into play – your queen and rooks. They make must deploy them
further back, and
up the “heavy brigade” and are extremely powerful always keep in mind
and valuable pieces; rather like owning two tanks “minimum exposure,
maximum power”.
and a rocket launcher. With these weapons you
can do immense damage to the enemy position.
However, you do need to be careful with them. You
need a plan of action that will put them into strong
positions without exposing them to danger.
The queens in
both armies
move off the
back rows to
Minimum exposure
squares at Your major pieces are important to your
the rear. eventual victory, so you must be very
careful with them. The queen and
rooks should fire at the enemy from
a distance at the rear of the field, where
enemy units cannot easily attack them.
It’s a good idea to move your queen
off the back rank, bringing her into
play and freeing up the back row
for the rooks to move along.

Open and half-open files

Pawns need to be cleared out
of the way to get the rooks into
the action. An “open” file has no
pawns on it. A “half-open” file
The rooks are free to move to open or half-open files. has pawns of one colour on it.

Maximum power The white rook

moves across to
Clearing the way for your rooks is a half-open file.
your priority at this stage (maximum
power). Castling is a good way to get
your rooks out of the corner, as well
as to protect your king. Then, if
you can move your rooks to an
open or half-open file, so much
the better. Your idea should be
to have both the rooks and the
queen in strong positions but
not too far forward.

This file is open.

White’s other
rook can move
here next move.


An opening 8 8
Now we shall follow
the course of an 7 6. Nc3 g6 7
opening, and show
how the rooks and the 7. d4 6
queen are brought into
play, keeping in mind 5 5
“minimum exposure,
maximum power”. 4 4
This pawn is a
Make all the moves temptation to
on your chess board. 3 3
Black – the
2 capture would 2
e4 c5
1. be beneficial to
1 both players. 1
2. Nf3 d6
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h
3. Bb5+ Bd7

4. Bxd7+ Nxd7 1 Five moves have been made. The

two sides have exchanged bishops
and advanced their light brigades. A good
2 White is now offering an exchange to Black.
Black can capture White’s pawn at d4 and
White can recapture with the knight on f3. It
5. 0-0 Ngf6 central position is the aim for both players. would be to both players’ advantage to create
open files for later deployment of their rooks.

8 8

7. ... cxd4 7 8. Nxd4 Bg7 7

6 9. Be3 0-0
notation 5 5
“...” shows that
White has already 4 4
moved. For example, in
step 2, White’s seventh 3 3
move was d4 (see above).
Black’s following seventh 2 The white king 2
move is preceeded by is tucked away
“...” to show that White 1 in a corner. 1
has already moved. a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

3 Black has acted as expected and has

captured White’s pawn. White will of
course immediately recapture with the
4 Next, both players move their bishops off
the back rows, following the five rules of
the opening as well as clearing space for the
knight on f3. Black’s c-file and White’s rooks behind them. White remembers the
d-file have now been opened. important opening rule of castling early.

8 8

10. Qe2 Rc8 7 11. ... a6 7

11. Rad1 6 12. f4 Qc7 6

5 5

4 The black queen 4

cannot be easily
3 attacked this 3
The light brigades
far back.
are in good central
2 2
positions, and the
heavy brigades have
1 1
been deployed well
by both sides. a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

5 White moves the queen off the back

row, and both Black and White move
their rooks onto half-open files.
6 The black queen is also moved off the
back row to a safe position at the rear.
Both generals have directed their armies
well and kept to the rules of the opening.
It’s still anyone’s game.


Essential techniques
W Value
E CAN DREAM of being a pop
star, a famous actor, or a footballing
hero, but behind any success there are
There is a value system that you can use to guide you. Your pawns
are worth one point each, your knights and bishops are worth
three points each, your rooks are worth five points, and
months of preparation, practice, and your queen is worth a grand total of nine points. Your
setbacks. To be a champion chess player king, of course,
takes the same kind of dedication, and is priceless.
the foundations of your success will be
your ability to learn basic attacking and
defending techniques. We are now
moving into the important “middlegame”
phase of a chess game, and start by
introducing piece value.

Taking the black queen is Capturing the black bishop will give 1 3 3 5 9
an excellent capture for White a reasonable three points, but
White, worth nine points! capturing the queen is much better.

Capturing and value

Capturing is a very precise skill. At every move you should be
working out all the possible captures you can make and rank them
in order of their points value. The best captures are the ones that
win the most points. On this board (left) White can make two
captures: Nxc8 and Qxd6. Nxc8 is the best capture because the
black queen is worth nine points. Capturing the bishop would only
gain White three points. Capturing your opponent’s strong pieces,
while holding on to your own, is a sure way to eventual victory.

Here the white bishop captures the black rook and is

recaptured by Black’s queen. White has gained two points,
as a rook is worth two points more than a bishop.

White’s queen can capture

Black’s bishop, but always study the board to see
if there are any better captures you can make.
In a game of chess, many pieces that you may want to attack
are defended. You can capture an enemy piece, only to find
that you are then captured back. This is called “recapture”.
In a game you must decide who gains or loses after a capture
and recapture. You do this by measuring how many points,
according to the value system, have been “exchanged”. So if
your bishop takes a pawn and is then recaptured, you have got
the worst of the bargain. You deduct one point for the pawn
from the three points for the bishop and find that your
opponent has won two points. It’s simple maths!


The blue squares are completely safe for

White to move to. The other squares on
the board are all attacked by Black.

Nc5 is safe-enough. The knight could Qh6 is also a safe-enough move.

be captured by the black rook on c8, True, Black could play Qxh6, but
but Black dare not capture as he White could then recapture, Bxh6,
would lose points when White then and the points would be level.
recaptures with the pawn on b4.

Safe move
Moving your pieces around the chess board is like walking through
a minefield. However, there is one big difference. None of the
mines on the chess board are hidden. You can scan the board and
see just which squares are under attack. Therefore, before you
make a move, make sure you have checked that the square you
are about to land on is safe. In this picture (above) there are only
a few squares that White can move to that are entirely safe.

Mental checklist Safe-enough move

Before you move, run through these questions in your head. The further you advance into enemy territory, the more you
1. What is your best move/best capture? find the squares are guarded by enemy pieces. However, you can
2. By moving a piece, are you leaving any other piece still advance your pieces into good positions, provided they are
undefended? adequately defended by their comrades. Therefore an important
3. Are any of your pieces about to be captured? technique to master is the safe-enough move. This is where you
4. If so, what can you do to defend yourself? move to a square attacked by an enemy piece, but you can
recapture on that square and do not lose points overall as a result.

It’s your move! Look at each of these diagrams and work out the moves. (Answers on page 43.)

8 8 8 8

7 7 7 7

6 6 6 6

5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

1 How many captures can

White make? Write each one
down and rank them according
2 What captures can White
make? There are four
possibilities. Which is the best
3 Write down the nine
moves that are entirely
safe for White (moving to
4 White can make the
following moves: Rd4,
Bxc7, Rd7, and Be5.
to how many points you could capture assuming that Black squares that the enemy does Which moves are safe,
gain from each capture. will recapture if he can? not attack at all). Well done if not safe, or safe-enough?
Which is the best capture? you find all nine!


Attack and defend Keeping time

In tournaments players are given 2-3 minutes
on average to play each move. They are

timed by a special clock with two faces. After
AKING PRECISE, ACCURATE ATTACKS on making a move, a player hits the nearest
enemy pieces is part of your technique. However, button on top of
half of the moves in a chess game are made by your the clock. The
other clock then
opponent, so knowing how to defend your pieces is also starts timing the
important. Chess is like a dance, except the idea is to other player.
tread on your opponent’s toes as often as possible, while
keeping your own feet out of danger.

Making threats
A simple threat is an attack on an undefended enemy
piece or a piece of higher value. Threats force your
opponent to waste moves in avoiding attack and help
you to establish a strong position. If your threats result
in captures, you will gain a stronger army, but any
threats you make must be safe or safe-enough moves.

An effective threat
On this board (right), White moves a bishop up to
threaten the black knight at d6. This is a safe-enough
move, because although the bishop can be captured by
Black’s queen, White could recapture with the knight
on d3 and Black would lose the queen. Black must
think of some other way to avoid the danger.
Bb4 is a safe-enough move, which makes an
effective threat against Black’s knight at d6.

It’s your move!

Improve your attacking skills by making threats on
enemy pieces. You are White and it’s White’s move.
on page 43.)

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4
Rooks working in pairs
The rook-to-e7 move makes a threat – against Black’s 3 3

queen at c7. True, the queen can capture White’s rook, 2 2

but White is quite happy with that deal because the
1 1
rook is guarded by White’s other rook on e1. This is
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h
a very effective way to use your rooks.

1Mobilize your troops to make an

attack! Remember that all threats
must be safe or safe-enough moves.
2 There are six possible threats
in this position. Can you find
them all?


Defending against threats Rf4

While you are making good moves, and making threats, your opponent will Rf6
be doing the same. To avoid enemy threats, there are five main methods of 7
defence, which all resemble defence against physical attack. Look at the Rg3
positioning on the five chess diagrams. Black’s rook at f7 is attacking the 6
white rook at f3. Each diagram shows a different defensive technique.
1. Move away
In this diagram, 4
Defensive moves
White can reduce
1. Move away..........................Run! the threat from 3
2. Capture the enemy............Fight back! Black’s rook at f7
3. Support your piece..............Get some friends to help! 2
by moving the
4. Block the attack.................Use a shield! threatened rook 1
5. Counter-attack...................Cause a diversion! to any of the three
squares shown. a b c d e f g h

2. Capture 3. Support
the enemy 8
your piece 8
White’s rook can, of White can defend
course, capture the 7 the rook by moving 7
black rook – it will a bishop to e2.
be recaptured, but 6 If the black rook 6
it’s an equal carries out its
exchange. 5 threat, White 5
can recapture. 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
Rxf7 a b c d e f g h Be2 a b c d e f g h

4. Block the attack 5. Counter-attack

Here White chooses to Here White’s other 8
move a knight in front rook moves to
of the threatened rook 7 threaten Black’s 7
to block the attack queen. This tactic
from Black’s rook. 6 means that White 6
doesn’t waste a move,
5 5
and it throws a
spanner in the works. 4
A counter-attack only
3 works well if you 3
attack a piece of
2 equal or greater 2
1 1

Nf4 a b c d e f g h Rb1 a b c d e f g h

It’s your move!

Look at the diagrams
and work out all the
8 1 Black’s
queen is
8 2 Black’s
bishop is
7 7
possible defensive moves White’s knight White’s queen
that White can make. 6 at h3. What 6 at e3. What
(Answers on page 43.) 5
defensive moves can
moves can White make to
4 White make 4 avoid losing
against the 3
the queen?
2 2

1 1
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h


Knight forks

Tactics The greatest fork

moves of all are made
by your knight, which
can threaten eight

T HE FOUNDATION OF YOUR pieces at the same 6

time. In this diagram,
success will be the techniques you the knight can move

have already learnt. However, you can often to c7 and put three 4
speed up the winning process if you gain a pieces under attack.
knowledge of tactics. Between strong and 2
equally matched players, tactical ability This knight, by moving to
c7, makes a devastating
will turn the game one way or another. fork, attacking the black
a b c d e f g h
The main tactical ideas are the fork, king at e8, the rook at a8,
and the queen at d5.
the pin, and the discovered attack.
The white pawn forks both black rooks. Though one rook
can escape in the next move, the other will be captured.

The fork
The fork is a tactical move
where one piece attacks two
or more pieces at the same
time. This effective tactic
makes it very difficult for
your opponent to
escape with all pieces
unscathed, and usually
results in a capture.
Every single piece on
the chess board can
fork – even the
humble pawn.

attack Black’s pawn
After torturing your White’s bishop.
opponent with forks and
pins, you can also drop in
a few discovered attacks.
On the chess board
nothing is hidden – all the
pieces and all the squares
are in full view. The only
thing you cannot know is
the future and the White’s rook
thoughts in your moves to capture
opponent’s head. The Black’s queen.
discovered attack is the
nearest thing you can

1 2
get to concealment since Both sides have been going hammer and tongs Now the true point of White’s plan is
you do one thing, but at each other, and now, during a lull in the revealed – the white rook at a1 captures
threaten another. Look action, White decides to bring out a knight to Black’s queen! White’s tactical play has paid
at this example taken d2. Thinking little of it, Black continues with his off and put his army at a massive advantage.
from a recent junior game. plan to capture the white bishop at b5 with a pawn.


The pin This bishop is pinning the

white knight to the king.
The knight cannot move or
the king will be in check.
A pin is another effective
tactic. It is an attack on a
piece which, if it tries to
move, leaves a more
valuable piece open
to capture. Sometimes
this leads to complete
paralysis of an enemy
piece, sometimes to
material gain. With this
tactical weapon you
can really drive a stake
into the heart of your
opponent’s position.

A pawn is guarding
the knight.

A pinned pawn Under pressure

Here the pinned black 8 Here the pinned 8
pawn at d5 can’t be piece – the black
guarded, can’t move, 7 knight at c6 – is 7
and White will capture securely defended by
it next move with the 6 a bishop at b7. But 6
bishop at b3. Not only 5
White attacks the 5
will Black lose a pawn, knight again with a
but Black’s king will 4 pawn, moving from 4
also be in check. d4 to d5. Now Black
3 stands to lose 3
a knight. 2

1 1
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

A killer blow
A discovered attack can be
even more deadly if you can
get the piece that moves to
do some attacking work.
Look at this situation.
Black’s pawn moves White will have
forwards and Black to move to get
delivers check with a out of check.
discovered attack from
the bishop. White has
to escape check and
The black pawn
cannot react to the
will then capture
threat posed to White’s queen.
the queen by the
black pawn. Next
move White will
lose the queen.


W E HAVE SEEN HOW games can
end after only a few moves with a neat
checkmate. But many games do not finish like
that. In fact, though your opponent may be
several pieces behind, it is certainly possible to
avoid checkmate for a very long time. The term
used to describe the end of chess games, when
there are only a few pieces left, is “endgame”.
There are particular skills that you need to
play effectively in endgame situations.

Endgame strategy
Good endgame play is the mark of a true master. Working out how
to win without many pieces means that you will have to adopt a
whole new strategy. Use the three golden rules in the box below.
Black’s pawn at a7 has been “mopped up”.
1 Look at this endgame. White is way ahead on points but
is not going to be able to checkmate quickly, in particular
because both queens are off the board. White starts by
“swapping down”. White’s bishop takes the knight at c6, which
will be recaptured by Black’s pawn on b7. Follow the notation
below on your chess board to find out the rest of White’s plan.

1. Bxc6 bxc6
Golden rules
2. Re7+ Kf6
1. Mop up
3. Rxa7 d5 Use your extra pieces to clean
up remaining enemy pieces.
4. a4
2. Swap down
Exchange your pieces with
enemy pieces until your
opponent has virtually
2 White has “swapped
down”, “mopped up”, and
with the move to a4 is now
nothing left except king
and pawns, and you still
have fighting units.
well on the way to “queening
a pawn”. It won’t be long 3. Queen a pawn
before White delivers Get a pawn to the end of the
checkmate. board. A new queen will make
your checkmating task easy.

It’s your move!

Look at these two
8 1 Which is the
best move for
White? Ng6+
8 2 Should the
white rook
on d2 capture
diagrams. Using the 7 7
or Bd7? the black rook
three golden rules – 6 6 on d6 and then
“mop up”, “swap be recaptured?
5 5
down”, and “queen Or should
a pawn”– choose the 4 4 White move
correct moves to the rook out
3 3
make in these of harm’s way?
endgame situations. 2 2
(Answers on page 43.) 1 1
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h


The lawn mower 1. ...

We still haven’t shown how to actually Rg4

get checkmate with only a few pieces.
The “lawn mower” makes a great weapon
with which to crush your poor opponent.
One army has two rooks and a king,
against one king. Using the rooks as a
team, it is possible to get checkmate very

1 Set up your pieces in the position

shown in this picture and follow the
moves on your board using the notation.
Knowing that it would be difficult to
give checkmate when the king is in the
middle of the board, Black sets about
driving the white king to the edge.

8 8
Kc3 Rh7 Ke2 R g2 +
2. 7
4. 7
3. Kd3 R h3 + 5. Kf1
6 6

3 The king is at last at the edge
of the field and, by attacking

4 4
Black gradually pushes the black rook, threatens to
the white king towards 3 escape. But the slow-footed 3
the edge. He is now stuck 2
king is no match for the speedy 2
to the back three ranks of rooks, who simply transfer
the board and will have 1 themselves to the 1
to retreat further. a b c d e f g h other side of the field. a b c d e f g h

... Ra2
6. Kg1 Rb3

7. Kf1 R b1 + +

4 Black’s rook moves forwards to b1

to give checkmate. The rooks
have worked together to great effect.
Study this checkmate carefully. It is
called the “lawn mower” because the
action of the rooks looks like
someone mowing a lawn.

Other 8
Queen mate
Here, White’s 8
Box mate
This is called
checkmates 7
king has played a
vital role in the
“Box mate”
because the
It may be that you 6 attack. Not only 6 king and the
have even fewer 5 has he helped 5 rook work even
pieces at your disposal. drive the black more closely
In fact with a king 4 king to the edge, 4 together than in
and a queen, or a king 3 but also guards 3 Queen mate, and
and a rook, you can the queen as she they gradually box
still checkmate 2 2
delivers the kiss in the enemy king.
provided you use 1 of death. 1
your king. a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h


It’s a draw! Check it out!

S OMETIMES PLAYERS ARE so evenly matched that

neither side is able to win and the game is a draw.
There are several ways a game can be drawn, such as
when neither player has enough strong pieces left, or a
draw by agreement, when neither player can see a way to
win. However, there are three other draws set out by the
rule book. These are stalemate, a draw by repetition, In the 1993 World Championship
match between reigning champion Gary
and the 50-move rule. Kasparov of Russia and Nigel Short of
Great Britain, Kasparov was on the brink
Stalemate of defeat in two vital games. However,
to stave off disaster, and to keep his
If a player cannot move any pieces, and his or her king, which championship title, he played a brilliant
is not in check, cannot move anywhere, the position is called a defence to get a draw in both games.
draw by stalemate. Here the black king cannot move except
into check. He is not in check now so this game is a stalemate.

This is the best position that

White can achieve with just a
bishop and a king against a king.
It is impossible to get checkmate.

Not enough material

A situation may arise where
you simply don’t have enough
strong pieces left to give
checkmate. If only the two
kings remain, they cannot
checkmate each other.
Likewise, you cannot
give checkmate with
only a bishop and
king, or a knight and
a king left. Without
enough material
a game results
in a draw.

Forcing a stalemate The white rook moves across the On the next move, White
Sometimes it is worth board and puts the black king can’t move any white pieces.
intentionally bringing into check. Black is forced to The white king cannot move
about a draw by capture the rook with the queen. into check. Stalemate! 7

stalemate, rather 6
than losing. Here 5
White, about to
be checkmated, 4

finds a cheeky 3
way to draw. 2

a b c d e f g h

It’s your move!

This is tricky! It is in White’s
interests to get a draw, otherwise
Black will soon deliver checkmate.
What move can White make with
the rook on g6 to ensure that the
result is a draw? Hint: disregard
the queen. (Answer on page 43.)


Draw by repetition
If a position repeats itself three times,
the game can be declared a draw. If one
player keeps checking the other with
no escape and no checkmate either,
this is known as perpetual check.
Look at this series of moves.

1 Black is in a bad postion. White

has more points and two strong
attacking pieces. Black decides to
go for a draw by perpetual check.
The black queen moves up to
put the white king into check.

The white king is forced to move

to the only safe square.

2 White has no other option but

to hastily move the king onto
the edge to avoid check. However,
the white king is not safe yet.

The third draw

The third kind of draw in
the chess rule book happens
when no pawns have been
moved and no captures have
taken place for 50 moves.
As you can imagine, this
doesn’t happen very often.

3 Black moves along the

diagonal to deliver check
again. The white king has
nowhere to go unless he
moves back to where he
came from. The black
queen will then move
back to where she came
from, putting the white
king in check again.
These moves could
continue forever and
the result of this
game is a draw by
perpetual check.


Taking it further
Y OU CAN ENJOY CHESS throughout your
life, and it is up to you how you choose to
play. Whether you prefer relaxing games with
your friends at home or playing hard battles in
tournaments, joining a chess club gets you off to
a good start. The more you play, whether at a chess
club, online chess, against a computer, or in
tournaments, the better you will be. So get out
your chess board and pieces and start playing!

Chess clubs
At chess clubs you can practise your skills and techniques against a
variety of opponents, as well as get advice from a teacher. Some clubs
may invite famous players to come and give talks and demonstrate their
skills. Joining a school chess club has been the start for many top chess
players, including me! If you get into a school team, you can go to other
schools to play matches. Any games, against as many different people as
possible, will help your ability.

Entering a chess tournament means playing in more formal surroundings.
At a tournament, you’re not allowed any help from other people and your
moves are timed.

The Mind Sports Olympiad

The Mind Sports Olympiad is the Olympics for all games that require
mental agility. There are hundreds of games events, including backgammon,
bridge, memory games, and speed-reading tests. Chess is an important part
of the agenda. The Olympiad is held annually in England and anyone, from
any country, can enter. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are awarded to the
top juniors and top adults in each event.

Online chess
The internet is a great resource for chess players. There are many
websites to choose from, and you can find opponents to play against all
over the world.

Chess computers
Chess computers come in many shapes and sizes, from super computers
that take on grandmasters, to electronic chess sets. These are great for
analysis, practice, and for when a human opponent is not available.

Young chess players

More than 600 young contestants from nine
countries – Belarus, Estonia, Israel, Moldova, Poland,
Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine – take
part in the First Vinnytsia International Golden
Youth Cup, Vinnytsia, central Ukraine, 3 July, 2019.
The event set the national record for the
largest children’s chess tournament.



Glossary P
Pawn The footsoldier of the chess
board. Each army has eight pawns.
During practice, or when watching a game, Perpetual check A series of
you may find it helpful to understand checks that leads to a draw.
some of the following words and phrases. Piece In general, a member
of the chess army. Sometimes
B used in the context of a piece
Bishop A piece that only moves in meaning a king, queen,
a diagonal direction. Each army bishop, knight, or rook,
contains two bishops. as opposed to a pawn.
Pin An attack on a piece which, if it
C should move, leaves a more valuable
Capture When one piece takes an enemy F piece open to capture.
piece. The capturing piece moves onto the File A straight row of squares going Promotion Where a pawn becomes
square of the enemy piece, which is vertically – i.e. from one player to the other. a queen, knight, rook, or bishop when
removed from the board. it reaches the end of the board.
Fool’s mate The shortest possible
Castling A special combined move where game ending in checkmate.
the king moves two squares towards a rook Q
and the rook jumps over to stand next Fork When one piece attacks more
than one enemy piece at the same time. Queen (noun) The most powerful piece
to the king. on the board. Each army has one queen
Check An attack on a king. and she can move in either a horizontal,
H vertical, or diagonal direction.
Checkmate A situation in which a king Half-open file A file with a pawn or
is in check and cannot escape – therefore pawns of only one colour on it. Queen (verb) To promote a pawn
the end of the game. to a queen.
Chess clock A double clock that measures Queen’s side The files that are nearest
the time taken by each player to make a I
Illegal move A move that breaks the
the queen – the a-, b-, and c-files, and
move so that the game doesn’t last too long. sometimes the d-file is also included.
rules of chess.
International Grandmaster A rank
above the International Master. One R
of the strongest players in the world. Rank A straight row of squares going
horizontally from one side of the board
International Master A title for a chess
to the other.
player, recognizing internationally a
player of great strength. Rook Each army has two rooks, which
resemble castle towers. They move in a
straight line along the ranks and files.
King The most important
piece in the game. The whole S
aim of the game is to capture Sacrifice To give up material in order to
the enemy king. fend off an attack or to gain advantage.
King’s side The files that are Scholar’s mate A four-move checkmate,
nearest the king – the f-, g-, and which can occur quite often
h-files, and sometimes the e-file is between beginners.
Development also included. Score The written record in notation
Moving the pieces off the back row into a Knight The only piece that does not move of the moves of a game, usually on a
more central position in order to attack. in a straight line; the two knights score sheet.
Diagonal The corner to far corner on each side jump in an L-shape. Stalemate A position
direction on the chess board. in which a king is not
M in check but the player
Diagram A picture of a chess board has no legal move.
with the chess pieces in place used Mate Abbreviation for checkmate.
Such a position is a
to demonstrate specific positions. Material All the pieces and pawns on draw.
Double attack See Fork. the board, apart from the king.
Strategy The planning
Draw A game that cannot be won Middlegame The phase of the game of long-term moves in
by either side. between the opening and the endgame. a game rather than
short-term tactics
E N and actions.
Endgame The final phase of the Notation The method of recording
game when only a few pieces are left. the moves of a game. T
En passant A move where a pawn that Tactics The art
has moved up two squares on its initial O of the double or
move in the game can be captured by an Open file A file on which there are no multiple threat.
enemy pawn standing alongside, as though pawns of either colour.
the pawn had only moved one square. Opening The first phase of the game;
Exchange A swap or trade of pieces. when the pieces are brought into position
before the start of any attack.


Page 13: Simple notation 2a. Bishop to b5: bad move – you’ve already moved
White: Queen is on c1 the bishop once.
Bishop is on g2 b. Knight to a3: bad move. Again, you moved out
Pawn is on d4 a knight, but put it on the edge.
Black: King is on e8 c. Pawn to d3: good move. It puts a pawn in
Knight is on b6 the centre and releases the bishop at c1.
Rook is on h5 3a. Knight to f3: bad move. You get a knight near
the centre (Rule 2) but you lose your pawn at e4,
Page 14: Pawns which is threatened by the black bishop at b7.
White pawns can capture the knight on d4, Guard your pieces! (Rule 4). 2. The six threatening moves are:
the bishop on b4, and the pawn on e5. b. Pawn to e5: not good! Only move each Qf7 attacks the bishop at e7
piece once (Rule 3). Nf5 also attacks the bishop at e7
Page 16: Bishops c. Knight moves to c3: good choice! You get out Rd5 attacks the queen at c5
The bishop moves in either of the following orders: a new piece (Rule 2) and you also defend your c4 attacks the knight at b5
f6, d8, b6, a5, c3, e1, f2, g3 pawn at e4 (Rule 4). Ne4 attacks the queen at c5
or f6, d8, b6, f2, g3, e1, c3, a5 Qf3 attacks the rook at a8
Page 31: Essential techniques If you found them all, congratulations!
Page 17: Knights 1. White can make the following captures:
The knight jumps in either of the following orders: Kxe3 (1 point), Kxf3 (3 points), Kxg3 (3 points), Page 33: Attack and defend (continued)
d6, f5, g7, e6, d8, f7 bxa6 (3 points), Nxf6 (5 points), Bxg8 (9 points – 1. Support: Kg2, Kh2, Rc3
or d6, f7, d8, e6, g7, f5 the best capture) Counter-attack: Rc7 attacks the knight at b7, Rc8+
2. Qxf5 – not good as Black can recapture attacks the king at g8
Page 18: Rooks Move: Ng5 moves the knight to a safe-enough square
The rook moves in the following order: with a pawn, and White will lose the queen
f5, f3, g3, h3, h7, f7, d7, b7, b4 gxh4 – good move because Black can only 2. Move: Qe2, Qe1, Qb6
recapture a pawn, and White has won a bishop Block: f4
Page 21: King Rxc7 – an equal exchange as Black can recapture Counter-attack: also f4, attacks both the knight at e5
1. White’s rook moves to h8 to give checkmate your rook with the black rook on h7 and the bishop at g5; Bd5+ attacks the king at g8
Bxf8 – White wins Black’s queen. Black’s king
2. White’s bishop moves to d5 to give checkmate will recapture White’s bishop but the profit for Page 36: Endgame
3. White’s queen moves to c7 to give checkmate White is 6 points. This is therefore the best 1. The best move for White is Bd7, as next move
capture for White. the bishop can “mop up” the pawn at b5 and go
Page 25: Further notation 3. The nine safe moves for White are: on to “queen a pawn”, ensuring victory.
1. The four moves are written as follows: Qg1, Kg1, Rc3, Ra1, Na1, Qe1, Ke1, h4, Bb5 2. Yes, White should capture the rook and then
bxa3, Nxg1, g5, and Bd6+ be recaptured (“swap down”). White will then
4. Rd4 – safe
Bxc7 – not safe be able to “queen a pawn” on the h-file.
Page 27: Opening
1a. Pawn to e4: good move. Rd7 – safe-enough
Be5 – safe-enough Page 38: It’s a draw!
b. Pawn to h4: bad move because Rg3. Black’s next move has got to be to capture
it puts a pawn on the edge. the rook which has the
c. Knight to h3: not Page 32: Attack and defend
1. White can make the following threats: king in check. White
good – you move out can then not move
a knight (Rule 2) Bb6 attacking the rook at d8
Rc7 attacking the pawn on b7 the king –
but you put it on stalemate!
the edge. Rg1 attacking the queen on g7
Bh4 attacking the rook on d8


aim of the game 12
ambiguous moves, notation

bishops 10, 16
capturing 16
moving 16
notation 13
opening moves 26 discovered attack 34–35 capturing 17 Queen mate 37
position at set-up 11 draw 38–39 fork moves 34 strength 23
strength 23 moving 17 value 30
value 30 E notation 13 queening, see promotion
board 10 elephant piece 16 opening moves 26 Queen mate 37
notation 13 en passant 15 position at set-up 11 queen’s-side castling 22
setting up the board 11 endgame 36–39 strength 23
“Boden’s mate” 25 value 30 R
Box mate 37 F ranks 10
files 10 L recapture 30
C “Fool’s Mate” 23 The “lawn mower” 37 repetition, draw by 39
capturing 12, 30 fork 34 resignation 21
bishops 16 M rooks 11, 18
king 20 H mate, see checkmate Box mate 37
knights 17 history 9 middlegame 30–35 capturing 18
pawns 14 Mind Sports Olympiad 40 castling 18, 22, 28
queen 19 the “lawn mower” 37
recapture 30 N moving 18
India 9
rooks 18 notation 13, 24–25 notation 13
internet 40
Carroll, Lewis 14 opening moves 28
castling 18, 22 position at set-up 11
notation 24 strength 23
Kasparov, Gary 38, online chess 40
opening moves 27, 28 value 30
Kieran, Rosalind 8 open file 28
check 21
king 10, 20–23 opening 26–29
and castling 22 S
notation 24 Box mate 37
capturing 20 P safe-enough moves 31
checkmate 12, 20, 21 setting up the board 11
castling 22, 27 pawns 11, 14–15
endgame 36–37 Short, Nigel 38
check 21 capturing 14
notation 24 stalemate 38
checkmate 20, 21 en passant 15
chess clock 32 Staunton-pattern pieces 10
moving 20 and the king 23
chess clubs 40
notation 13 notation 13
chess computers 40 T
and pawns 23 opening moves 26
chess set 10–11 tactics 34–35
position at set up 11 pawn game 15
Chinese chess 9 discovered attack 34–35
Queen mate 37 position at set-up
resignation 21 11 fork 34
D promotion 15 pin 35
value 30
defensive moves 33 queening 36 threats 32–33
king’s-side castling 22
diagonals 10 value 30 timing games 32
knights 10, 17
Persia 9, 20 tournaments 40
pieces 10–11
notation 13 U
setting up 11 UK Chess Challenge 8
pin 35
promotion 11, 13, 15 W
endgame 36 World Championships 38
notation 24

queen 10, 19
capturing 19
moving 19
notation 13
opening moves 28
position at set-up 11,


Useful addresses
The English Chess Federation NSW Chess Association UK Chess Challenge
The Watch Oak GPO Box 2418 Sinclair House,
Chain Lane Sydney NSW 2001 11 Station Road, Cheadle Hulme,
Battle Australia Cheshire SK8 5AF
East Sussex TN33 0YD Tel: 02 9498 2760 Tel: 0161 485 1729
Tel: 01424 775222 Website: email:
email: Website: delanceyukschoolschesschallenge.
Website: FIDE (Fédération Internationale com/
des Échecs)
Australian Chess Federation Inc 54, Avenue de Rhodanie
22 Bruarong Crescent, 1007, Lausanne,
Frankston South, Switzerland
Victoria 3199 Tel: 0041 21 348 1104
Australia Website:
Tel: 0409 525 963

Useful websites Acknowledgements

Special thanks to Caroline Greene, Amanda Rayner, Lee Simmons,
and Penny York for editorial assistance; Jacqueline Gooden, Tory
General links: Chess Scotland Gordon-Harris, Rebecca Johns, and Tassy King for design assistance;
Hilary Bird for preparing the index; and Giles Powell-Smith for
Playing chess online: Chess lessons: designing the jacket. Picture credits
Mind Sports Olympiad: The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission
Chess chat:
to reproduce their photographs: a = above; Australian chess: c = centre; b = below; l = left; r = right; t = top. AKG London: 22tr. Allsport: Chris Cole 38tr. Bridgeman Art Library,
London/New York: 12tr, 20tr; Royal Asiatic Society, London 9cl. Camera
Kasparov websites: New Zealand chess: Press: 9tr. Christie’s Images Ltd 1999: 9br. Mary Evans Picture Library: 14tr. Hulton Getty: 24tr. Telegraph Colour Library: Peter Adams 18tr.


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