T - D - Gynaecology - (Questions) PDF
T - D - Gynaecology - (Questions) PDF
T - D - Gynaecology - (Questions) PDF
A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 2
C. 1 and 4
D. 2 and 3
B. Remove the IUCD
C. Continue the pregnancy
D. Remove IUCD and terminate
A. Inj .DMPA
B. Inj. leuprolide acetate s/c
24.All the following are emergency
C. Hysterectomy
contraception except?
D. Myomectomy
A. RU 486
22.A 23-year-old female came with
complaints of 4 months
amenorrhea. The FSH and LH
were elevated above the normal
25.A 48-year-old woman presents
value, thyroid function test were
with intermenstrual bleeding for
A. Laparoscopy
B. Hysteroscopy
C. Fallaposcopy
A. Endometrial polyp
B. Endocervical polyp
C. Cervical ectropion
D. Cervical malignancy
B. Normal HSG
C. B/L cornual block
D. B/L fimbrial block
A. Endometrial pipelle
B. Karmans cannula
C. Uterine curette
A. TB D. Uterine retractor
B. Gonococci
C. B/L Cornual Block 52.A 48 years old female suffering
D. Post Tubectomy from severe endometriosis
underwent hysterectomy. She
50.What is the diagnosis ? wishes to take hormone
Answer key:
1. B 53. C
2. D 54. C
3. D 55. C
4. B 56. D
5. C 57. B
6. A 58. A
7. B 59. C
8. D 60. C
9. B 61. A
10. B 62. D
11. B 63. A
12. B 64. C
13. B 65. B
14. D 66. C
15. D 67. B
16. C 68. D
17. C 69. D
18. D 70. B
19. B 71. C
20. C 72. C
21. C 73. A
22. C 74. C
23. B 75. D
24. B 76. D
25. A 77. B
26. D 78. A
27. A 79. B
28. A 80. D
29. A 81. C
30. B 82. B
31. A 83. A
32. D 84. D
33. D 85. C
34. A 86. B
35. A 87. B
36. B 88. D
37. D 89. B
38. C 90. B
39. C 91. B
40. D 92. C
41. B 93. C
42. D 94. B
43. B 95. C
44. C 96. C
45. C 97. B
46. A 98. C
47. A 99. A
48. B 100. D
49. D
50. A
51. A \
52. C