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1. A 25 year old female has proximal third of the vagina of

perfectly normal cycles since her her vagina. You are confused if it
puberty . Which of the following is a cystocele. To ascertain, you
pattern of hormones is expected pass a metal catheter tip per
in the proliferative phase, urethra which fails to come
around the time of ovulation and underneath the vaginal mucosa.
in luteat phase respectively ? Which of the following is the
A. Increased FSH , LH surge ,low most appropriate treatment.?
estradiol A. Antibiotics
B. Increasing estradiol , high FSH B. Anterior colporrhaphy
, high inhibin A C. Surgical excision
C. High Progesterone , High FSH , D. Incision and drainage
High Estradiol
D. increasing estradiol ,high FSH, 5. Which of the following occurs
low inhibin A first in the majority of girls with
normal pubertal development?
2. AMH secreted by which cells in A. Achieving peak height velocity
female B. Menarche
A. Leydig cell C. Breast development
B. Sertoli cell D. Development of pubic hair
C. Theca lutein
D. Granulosa cell 6. A 36-year-old Asian woman
attends the infertility clinic with
3. Which of the following is true her husband. She has been trying
regarding Organ of to conceive for the last 2 years.
Rosenmuller? She is overweight and gives a
A. Forms paraovarian cyst history of irregular periods over
B. Consist of horizontal tubules the last 2 years. Her history and
in mesovarium investigations are suggestive of
C. Tubules are lined by columnar polycystic ovary syndrome
cells (PCOS). She has been using
D. Represents cranial end of the clomiphene citrate for the last 6
Wolffian body months with day 21
progesterone of 10 ng/L. Her
4. A 46-year-old woman is seen for husband’s semen analysis is
evaluation of a large swelling in normal. What is management?
the Anterolateral wall of the

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A. Perform laparoscopy and dye 9. Which one of the following is

test true about Basal body
B. Arrange in vitro fertilization temperature?
(IVF) 1. Biphasic pattern
C. Bilateral ovarian drilling 2. Increase in the level of
D. Counsel and offer support progesterone and
7. A 35 year old women with three 3. Temperature falls by 0.5˚C
years of infertility came to after ovulation
hospital for further investigation 4. It can predict ovulation
, vaginal smear obtained on day precisely
22 shows the following what is Select the correct answer using
the diagnosis ? the code given below:

A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 2
C. 1 and 4
D. 2 and 3

10.In Abdominal hysterectomy, the

first clamp includes:
A. Ovulatory cycle
A. Uterine artery
B. Anovulatory cycle
B. Cornual structures
C. Premature ovarian failure
C. Uterosacral ligament
D. b/l cornual block
D. None of the above
8. An 18 year old unmarried girl
11.A 43-year-old patient is admitted
comes with complaints of
with acute urinary retention,
heavy, prolonged bleeding
fever and dysuria. She recollects
during menses. Which among
having heavy periods for the
the following investigations is
past few months. On
NOT usually advised?
examination there is a central,
A. Urine pregnancy test
20-week-sized mass.?
B. Ultrasound uterus and
A. Transcervical resection of the
endometrium (TCRE)
C. Coagulation profile
B. Catheterisation and
D. Dilatation and curettage

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C. Total hysterectomy revealed normal uterus but

D. Myomectomy with a prior gonads weren’t detected.
gonadotrophin-releasing Further evaluation done showed
hormone (GnRH)analogue 46 XY karyotype.
The most probable diagnosis
12.The following organism is A. Androgen insensitivity
associated with ? syndrome
B. Noonan’s syndrome
C. True hermaphrodite
D. Swyer syndrome

15.Ms XY (30 years) and her male

partner (26 years) have been
trying to conceive naturally for
the last 3 years. They have had
infertility investigations over the
A. Curdy white discharge last year. These include a normal
B. LUCD users semen analysis, normal USS
C. Greyish white foul smelling pelvis, normal HSG, normal TSH,
discharge prolactin, D3 FSH, LH and normal
D. Pruritus AMH. Her day 21 progesterone
suggest ovulation. Ms XY is
13.All of the following are causes of rubella immune and has
premature ovarian failure negative swabs for an STI. Her
except: recent cervical smear is normal.
A. Fragile X syndrome Which of the following
B. Kallmans syndrome treatment options are best
C. Mumps oophoritis suited to her?
D. Turner’s syndrome A. Clomiphene citrate
14.20 year old young girl presents to C. IVF-ICSI
the clinic with primary D. IVF
amenorrhea. She has a female
phenotype, height 150 cm, 16.PESA/MESA is helpful in:
poorly developed breasts. A. Pretesticular azoospermia
Further evaluation was done. B. Testicular azoospermia
Vagina was present on C. Post-testicular azoospermia
examination, Ultrasound

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D. Asthenospermia C. High FSH, low LH

17.A 25 year old woman on a
routine usg done on day 24 of 20.A 25 year old lady with septate
her cycle , shows a incidental uterus was undergoing
finding of a small thick walled hysteroscsopic septal resection
right ovarian cyst with ,the surgeon was using normal
peripheral vascularity. A follow saline as irrigating fluid for the
up scan done days post cavity . During the surgery the
menstrually shows no such cyst . nurse informs that there is a
The most probable mechanism 1000 ml deficit of irritating fluid .
involved in resolution of this What is the next step to be
cystic structure is ? done?
A. Increased levels of A. Stop the surgery
progesterone B. Change the fluid to glycine
B. Increased levels of estrogen C. Continue the surgery with
C. Decreased levels of LH careful monitoring of fluids
D. Decreased levels of fsh status
D. Give furosemide to patient
18.Women of 40 years age with and continue surgery
severe cardiac compromise , she
had to undergo an operation for 21.A 45 year old lady has come with
which the surgeon gave heavy and painful menstruation
clearance , which of the which since last 2–3 years they
following surgery must not be have become almost
done ? unbearable. She bleeds every 24
A. Total hysterectomy days and the period lasts for 8–9
B. Subtotal hysterectomy days with very heavy flow from
C. Vaginal hysterectomy day 2 to day 6. The pain starts
D. Laparoscopic hysterectomy approximately 36 h before the
onset of the bleeding and lasts
19.A 54 year old female with until about day 5. The pain is
amenorrhea from last 16 months constant, dull and severe, such
, what should be the hormone that she cannot do any
levels ? housework or any social
A. Increased LH , decreased FSH activities during this time. Her
B. Increased LH and FSH GP has prescribed paracetamol

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and mefenamic acid in normal. Which is the next step in

combination, which she says management?
‘takes the edge off’ but does not A. Give progesterone and stop
fully relieve the symptoms. She after 10 days for withdrawal
is p5l5 ,tubectomised .There is bleeding
no history of intermenstrual or B. Check USG for polycystic
postcoital discharge and she has ovaries
no abnormal discharge. C. Estimate serum estradiol
Examination The abdomen is values
soft and there is vague D. Do a urine pregnancy test
tenderness in the suprapubic
area. The cervix appears normal. 23.A 32 year old becomes pregnant
On bimanual palpation the with IUCD insitu , tail of IUCD
uterus is approximately 10 being seen next course of action
weeks size, soft and bulky. She is is ?
tender on palpation but there is
no cervical excitation, adnexal
tenderness or adnexal masses.
What is the management?

B. Remove the IUCD
C. Continue the pregnancy
D. Remove IUCD and terminate
A. Inj .DMPA
B. Inj. leuprolide acetate s/c
24.All the following are emergency
C. Hysterectomy
contraception except?
D. Myomectomy
A. RU 486
22.A 23-year-old female came with
complaints of 4 months
amenorrhea. The FSH and LH
were elevated above the normal
25.A 48-year-old woman presents
value, thyroid function test were
with intermenstrual bleeding for

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2 months. Episodes of bleeding combined progesterone and

occur any time in the cycle. This estrogen test. Diagnosis may be:
is usually fresh red blood and A. Mullerian agenesis
much lighter than a normal B. PCOD
period. It can last for 1–6 days. C. Asherman syndrome
There is no associated pain. She D. Prolactinoma
has no hot flushes or night
sweats. She is sexually active and 27.Where is the following
has not noticed vaginal dryness. instrument used ?
She has three children and has
used the progesterone only pill
for contraception for 5 years.
Her last smear test was 2 years
ago and all smears have been
normal. She takes no medication
and has no other relevant
medical history.

A. Laparoscopy
B. Hysteroscopy
C. Fallaposcopy

28.Identify the structure ?

A. Endometrial polyp
B. Endocervical polyp
C. Cervical ectropion
D. Cervical malignancy

26.Child with primary amenorrhea

with negative progesterone
A. B/L pyosalphinx
challenge test but positive

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B. Normal HSG
C. B/L cornual block
D. B/L fimbrial block

29.Patient in infertility treatment

with hMG and USG given below
A. Tubal ligation
B. Clamp ovarian pedicle
C. Uterine pedicle clamp for
D. Veeres Needle

32.A 20-year-old woman is referred

to the gynaecology clinic having
had amenorrhoea for the past 6
months and a negative
pregnancy test. She has recently
B. Theca lutein cysts
noticed anincreased growth of
C. Granulosa cell tumor
hair on the face, chin and chest
with clitoromegaly. Her blood
test results show very high levels
30.33 year old female case of heavy
of 17-hydroxyprogesterone.?
menstrual bleeding managed
A. Adrenal cancer
initially with non hormonal
B. Adrenal adenoma
treatment failed , next
C. Ovarian cancer
management is ?
A. Hormonal treatment
B. Endometrial sampling
33.Which of the following is best
C. Endometrial ablation
marker of ovarian reserve:
D. Hysterectomy
A. Serum FSH
B. Inhibin A
31.Following instrument is used for
C. Inhibin B
D. Serum anti mullerian

34.ASSERTION : Pregnancy favours

monilial vaginitis

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REASON: Vaginal pH decreases 36.A 20-year-old pregnant woman

during pregnancy presented to the genitourinary
A. Both ASSERTION and REASON medicine clinic with anogenital
are true and REASON is the warts. She is diagnosed as in
correct explanation of image. What are her treatment
ASSERTION options?
Are true but REASON is not a
correct explanation
C. ASSERTION is true but
REASON is false
D. ASSERTION is false but
REASON is true
A. 5-fluorouracil.
35.A 59-year-old female with B. Cryotherapy.
history of ovarian carcinoma in C. Imiquimod.
the mother achieved menopause D. Podophylline.
with smooth transition. And she
is on hormone replacement 37.A 36 year old female, with two
therapy. She developed alive children complains of
abdominal pain and the right dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia.
adnexal mass was palpable, non TVS shows a thin walled cyst
tender. On routine examination 4cm*5cm with ecogenic fluid
she has a 3×3 cm smooth cyst in and no solid areas in right ovary.
her ovary. Which is the next She doesn’t wish to conceive.
step? Which is first line management?
A. Do CA-125 levels, if normal
advise regular checkup
B. Confirm USG findings by
ordering CT scan
C. Do an exploratory laparoscopy
to visualize the nature of cyst
D. Reassure and advice regular
follow up once in 6 months
A. Perform laparoscopic

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B. Treat with OCP continuously D. Colposcopy

C. Treat with GnRH
D. Treat with injection DMPA 41.HSG is done:
A. Day 2-3
38.A 30 year old, para two, with two B. Day 8-10
live children has menorrhagia for C. Day 14-20
2 years. She was ligated 4 years D. At any time
back. On investigation, she is
found to have a 2 cm × 2 cm 42.The contraception method
submucous myoma. What will shown below is made of:
be the best management option
for her:
A. Total abdominal
B. Danazol 400 mg twice daily for
3 months
C. GnRH analogues
D. Hysteroscopic myoma

39.Lady with infertility with

bilateral tubal block at cornua;
best method of management is:
A. Laparoscopy and
A. Quinacrine pellet
B. Quinacrine pellet with LNG
B. Hydrotubation
C. Molybdenum-cobalt steel
D. Tuboplasty
D. Nickel-titanium steel alloy

40.A 35-year-old lady with post

43.During diagnostic laparoscopy
coital bleeding management is:
on a 28-year-old female for
A. Clinical examination and pap
chronic pelvic pain, you noticed
inflammation of the liver capsule
B. Visual examination with lugol
and adjacent peritoneum.
What is the most likely causative
C. Visual examination with acetic

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A. Calymmatobacterium complex hyperplasia with

granulomatis. atypia.
B. Chlamydia trachomatis. What would you offer her as a
C. Haemophilus ducreyi. further step of treatment?
D. HSV-type 2. A. Endometrial ablation.
B. Expectant management
44.A 24-year-old woman comes to awaiting the menopause.
the genitourinary medicine clinic C. Hysterectomy.
complaining of small multiple D. Levonorgestrel-releasing
groups of painful vulval ulcers. intrauterine system (LNG-
On examination, the base of the IUS).
ulcer was erythematous and
inguinal lymph nodes were 46.An 18-year-old national
painful. What is the most likely gymnastic champion is referred
diagnosis? to you. She experiences long
A. Chancroid. periods of secondary
B. Granuloma inguinale. amenorrhea and she only has
C. Herpes simplex virus (HSV). two to three periods each year.
D. Lymphogranulma venereum. She is training for the coming
Olympics but her general
45.A 48-year-old woman is practitioner advised her to visit
complaining of abnormal uterine you because she is worried
bleeding, which has lasted for about her. She suffers from
two years. She has tried the backache. Her BMI is 16.
combined oral contraceptive, What will you offer her?
oral progestogens, tranexamic A. Cyclic COCP.
acid and mefenamic acid but B. Cyclic progesterone for
without any improvement. withdrawal bleeding.
She has three children and has C. Depomedroxy progesterone
been sterilized. Her last cervical acetate.
smear was two years previously D. GnRH analogue.
and was normal. She had surgery
for breast cancer four years 47.A 35-year-old woman, who is a
before. Her pelvic scan shows no para 2+1, has presented with
uterine abnormalities. Her secondary amenorrhea for the
endometrial sampling Is showing past 10 months and complains of
weight gain. She has increased

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two dress sizes over the last

year. The pelvic examination
was normal. The TVS shows an
increased AFC and increased
ovarian volume.
What is the diagnosis?
B. Savage syndrome
C. Adrenal adenoma’
D. Premature ovarian failure

48.What is the best way to A. TB

differentiate between class 4 B. Gonococci
and class 5? C. Unicornuate uterus
A. HSG D. Didelphys
C. 3 d USG 51.Identify the image ?

49.What is the diagnosis of the

following HSG ?

A. Endometrial pipelle
B. Karmans cannula
C. Uterine curette
A. TB D. Uterine retractor
B. Gonococci
C. B/L Cornual Block 52.A 48 years old female suffering
D. Post Tubectomy from severe endometriosis
underwent hysterectomy. She
50.What is the diagnosis ? wishes to take hormone

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replacement therapy. Physical What is the most appropriate

examination and breast are treatment in her case?
normal but X – ray shows A. Chemoradiation.
osteoporosis. The treatment of B. Radical hysterectomy.
choice is: C. Radical trachelectomy and
A. Progesterone pelvic lymph node dissection.
B. Estrogen and progesterone D. Simple hysterectomy.
C. Estrogen
D. Do not give HRT 55.Diagnosis based on the
Microscopic Image of the
53.35 year old, mother of two cervical discharge?
children is suffering from
amenorrhea from last 12 month.
She has a history of failure of
lactation following second
delivery but remained
asymptomatic thereafter. Skull
X-ray shows empty sella
diagnosis is:
A. Menopause
B. Pituitary tumor A. Before ovulation
C. Sheehan’s syndrome B. Post ovulation
D. Intraductal papilloma of C. At ovulation .
breast D. Bacterial Vaginosis.

54.A 32-year-old nulliparous 56.Damage to Level I supports of

woman is diagnosed with a the De Lancey’s three levels of
cancer lesion at the anterior lip support of the uterus results in:
of the cervix with extension of 6 A. Uterine descent
mm and stromal invasion of 8 B. Enterocele
mm. There is no parametrial C. Vault descent
invasion, neither is there any D. All of the above
lesion elsewhere. Cystoscopy
and sigmoidoscopy are normal. 57.A 63-year-old woman is booked
She asks for fertility sparing for vaginal hysterectomy for
treatment. pelvic organ prolapse stage 2,
according to the Pelvic Organ

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Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) prolapse without any cystocele

classification. What is the best or rectocele. There is no stress
surgical procedure to perform to incontinence. The uterus is
prevent vault prolapse in the retroverted. Uterocervical
future? length is 3 inches. All other
A. Approximating the round symptoms are normal. The best
ligament and suturing it to the treatment plan for her will be:
vaginal vault. A. Observation and reassurance
B. Closure of the peritoneum as till child bearing is over
high as possible. B. Shirodkar’s vaginal repair
C. McCall culdoplasty. C. Shirodkar’s abdominal sling
D. Vaginal Moskowitz operation. D. Fothergill’s operation

58.Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) 61.A 90-year-old woman with

is most commonly seen in early hypertension and type 2
pregnancy, which is the reason diabetes presents with
why it is standard antenatal worsening uterovaginal prolapse
practice to send a urine sample that is not being controlled with
for microscopy and culture at the shelf pessaries. What is the
initial booking. management ?
Which of the following A. Leforts colpoclesis
organisms is the most common B. Vaginal hysterectomy
cause of ASB? C. Manchestars operation
A. Enterococcus. D. Shirodkar sling surgery
B. Escherichia coli.
C. Group B streptococcus. 62.A primipara who had a
D. Klebsiella pneumoniae. prolonged labour and difficult
vaginal delivery three months
59.In uterine prolapse, decubitus ago presents with complaints of
ulcer in the cervix is caused by: incontinence of loose stools and
A. Friction flatus from the day of delivery.
B. Malignant change The most likely diagnosis: A
C. Venous congestion primipara who had a prolonged
D. Trophic changes labour and difficult vaginal
delivery three months ago
60.A young nulliparous woman had presents with complaints of
3rd degree of uterovaginal incontinence of loose stools and

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flatus from the day of delivery. 66.Peritoneum is opened in all of

The most likely diagnosis: the following sterillisation
A. Chronic diarrhea procedures except?
B. Rectovaginal fistula A. Mini lap
C. Haemorrhoids B. Laparoscopy
D. Complete perineal tear C. Vasectomy
D. Transvaginal tubectomy
63.Patient of rectovaginal fistula
should be initially treated with: 67.A 17-year-old girl comes to the
A. Colostomy accident and emergency
B. Primary repair department. She had
C. Colporrhaphy unprotected intercourse four
D. Anterior resection days previously. She was not
very keen on an intrauterine
64.A woman attends the device (IUD). What other
urogynaecology clinic with alternatives do you wish to
symptoms of stress incontinence offer?
that have not responded to A. Double-dose Levonorgestral
conservative measures. She is tablet.
keen for surgical intervention B. Single dose of 30 mg
but wishes to avoid synthetic micronized ulipristal acetate.
meshes and tapes as she has C. IUD can offer her long-term
read adverse reports in the reversible contraception.
media. What is the management D. Single-dose 150 mg Lng tablet.
do you prefer ?
A. TVT 68.A 21-year-old woman comes to
B. TOT the genitourinary medicine clinic
C. Bursch colposuspension complaining of vaginal
D. Kellys stitch discharge. Vaginal high-swab
results show that she has
65.A couple is advised to use barrier bacterial vaginosis. She asks you
methods after vasectomy till : about treatment of her sexual
A. 3 months partner. Which infection needs
B. No sperms in ejaculate treatment of an asymptomatic
C. Next 15 ejaculations sexual partner?
D. None of the above A. Bacterial vaginosis.
B. Candidiasis.

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C. Human papilloma virus. A. Stage II c

D. Trichomonas vaginalis. B. Stage III a
C. Stage III b
69.An 18-year-old girl presents to D. Stage III c
her general practitioner with
distention of the abdomen. An 71.A 54 year old female presents
ultrasound scan reveals a with pmb. biopsy shows
unilateral solid/cystic mass on endometroid variety of cancer of
the left side. An MRI scan 3 cm in the uterine fundus ,
confirms that the ovarian histology shows grade 1 . mri
tumour is confined to the left shows >50%of myometrial
ovary and the right ovary looks involvement. next step in
normal. However, her tumour management is?
markers, beta human chorionic A. TAH +BSO
gonadotropin (beta hCG) and B. TAH + BSO with pelvic
alpha fetoprotein, were normal. lymphadenopathy
She is then referred to the C. TAH +BSO with pelvic and para
gynaecology oncology centre for aortic lymphadenopathy
further management, following followed by radiotherapy
which she undergoes staging D. TAH + BSO followed by
laparotomy and left-sided radiotherapy
oophorectomy. One of the
components of the histology 72.A 45-years-old woman has
shows elements of glial tissue. negative pap smear with positive
A. Benign teratoma endocervical curettage. Next
B. Choriocarcinoma step in management will be:
C. Dysgerminoma A. Colposcopy
D. Immature teratoma B. Vaginal hysterectomy
C. Conisation
70.Laparotomy performed in a case D. Wertheim’s hysterectomy
of ovarian tumor revealed
unilateral ovarian tumor with 73.Lady with infertility with
ascites positive for malignant bilateral tubal block at cornua;
cells and positive pelvic lymph best method of management is:
nodes. All other structures were A. Laparoscopy and
free of disease. What is the hysteroscopy
stage: B. Hydrotubation

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C. IVF C. Laparoscopic laser surgery

D. Tuboplasty followed by three trials of
artificial insemination.
74.A 29-year-old woman with D. The couple should proceed to
primary infertility due to tubal IVF as soon as possible
obstruction has undergone two
trials of IVF with no success. 76.A 27-year-old woman fails to
Ovarian response and embryo conceive for one years. She is a
cleavage had always been good. heavy smoker with
Previous ultrasonography and oligomenorrhea. Her BMI is 37
hysteroscopy were normal. Her kg/m2.What would be the first
partner’s semen analysis is line of management?
satisfactory. Karyotyping for the A. Attempt IVF without any
couple is normal. What is the further delay.
most probable cause of failure of B. Assessment laparoscopy.
implantation in this patient? C. Diet control for weight
A. Aneuploidy of the embryos. reduction and advice to stop
B. Antiphospholipid antibodies. smoking.
C. Toxic fluid, in a hydrosalpinx D. Pelvic ultrasonography and
draining to the uterus measurement of serum
D. Progesterone deficiency. testosterone and prolactin
75.A couple have been trying to
achieve a spontaneous 77.An HIV-discordant couple
pregnancy for three years. The desiring children are counselled
female partner is 37 years old regarding the risk of viral
and was diagnosed with transmission. Which of the
endometriosis stage III. Which of following information is correct?
the following would be the most A. Only IVF should be performed
appropriate recommendation? if the infected male partner’s
A. Laparoscopic surgery with sperm is to be used.
ablation of endometriotic B. Semen washing and artificial
tissues. insemination is a safe option
B. Laparoscopic surgery followed for both female partner and
by a six-month period of offspring.
ovulation induction.

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C. The couple should defer appropriate next investigation

pregnancy in order to avoid for her?
the risks of viral transmission. A. Fasting insulin levels.
D. The only safe approach is to B. Oral glucose tolerance test
use the sperm of a healthy (OGTT).
matched donor. C. Serum prolactin.
D. FSH/LH ratio
78.A 38-year-old para 1 is seen in
your clinic with intermenstrual 80.A 26-year-old woman has had
bleeding. Apart from a two previous miscarriages and
proliferative pattern has a BMI of 24, has been in a
endometrium, there is nothing stable relationship for three
remarkable on hysteroscopy or years and is keen to conceive.
histology. She reveals to you that She presents with cyclical lower
she has been seen at the genetics abdominal pain, menstrual
clinic owing to her family 54 dyschezia, unregulated bowel
history and diagnosed to have habits and bloating of the
HNPCC? abdomen. The transvaginal
A. Perform annual screening for ultrasound scan (TVS) findings
endometrial cancer are: uterus measuring 8 x 6 x 3
B. Perform hysteroscopy þ/– cm, normal appearance of
polypectomy ovaries. What is your
C. Offer levonorgestrel interpretation of these findings?
intrauterine system A. Adenomyosis.
D. Reassure B. Bicornuate uterus.
C. Impacted faeces.
79.A 40-year-old woman, who is a D. Rectal endometriosis.
para 2+1, presents with
secondary amenorrhea for the 81.A 38-year-old woman presents
past 10 months and complains of with an ultrasound scan report
weight gain. She has increased showing a unilocular anechoic
two dress sizes over the last left ovarian cyst measuring 5.6 x
year. The pelvic examination 5.2 x 5 cm. The CA-125 is 25.
was normal. A TVS shows an What is the risk of malignancy
increased antral follicle count index?
(AFC) and increased ovarian A. 0.
volume. What is the most B. 5

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C. 25. some fusion of the labia and

D. 125. undescended testes. How will
you counsel her?
82.A 54-year-old patient is found to A. Surgery should be carried out
have advanced stage III ovarian immediately.
disease. What is the best B. Surgery should be delayed
management? until the child is more mature,
A. Cytoreductive surgery. e.g. at the age of five years.
B. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy C. Surgery should be carried out
and interval debulking immediately before puberty.
surgery. D. Surgery should be carried out
C. Primary debulking followed by at puberty.
adjuvant chemotherapy.
D. Palliative therapy 85.Identify the image ?

83.You are asked by the midwife to

review a baby she has just
delivered because she was not
able to identify the sex of the
baby. Your examination reveals
ambiguous genitalia. What is
your first urgent investigation?
A. Blood karyotyping.
B. Magnetic resonance imaging.
C. Serum cortisol and or 17- A. Ring pessary
hydroxyprogesterone. B. Gel horn pessary
D. Testosterone response to C. Nuva ring
human chorionic D. Diaphragm
gonadotrophin (hCG).
86.Which of the following
84.A mother of a three-year-old statement wrong about the
child with incomplete androgen following instrument ?
sensitivity syndrome brings the
child to the clinic. She asks about
the best time for cosmetic
vaginal surgery. On examination,
you notice mild clitoromegaly,

DBMCI, Ph: 9810150067, E-mail: studentsupport@dbmi.edu.in, Page 18


89.All of the following are true

about this contraceptive device

A. Designed by marion sims for

visualisation of fistula
B. It has two blades of equal size
on both side
C. Used to visualise cervical and
ant vaginal wall lesions A. It is reusable
D. Used in operations like d and c B. It should be removed after 30
minutes of intercourse
87.The earliest morphological C. A spermicide jelly should be
evidence of ovulation on used along with it
endometrial biopsy is: D. It does not protect against
A. Pseudo stratification STDs
B. Basal vacuolation
C. Decrease in glycogen content 90.Gland homologous to prostate in
D. Pre decidual reaction females is?
A. Gartner's gland
88.Semen variables less than the B. Skene's gland
reference value for morphology C. Bartholin's gland
are: D. Cowper's gland
A. Normo zoospermia
B. Oligozoospermia 91.Which is not used in
C. Asthen zoospermia management of stage III ovarian
D. Teratozoospermia cancer:
A. Debulking
B. Abdomino-pelvic
radiotherapy is very effective

DBMCI, Ph: 9810150067, E-mail: studentsupport@dbmi.edu.in, Page 19


C. Chemotherapy contraception to prevent

D. Cyto reduction sexually transmitted infections
(STIs). She wants to know if there
92.A 58 year old woman, post is further protection if a
menopausal for last 8 years spermicide is included. What will
comes with history of spotting you tell her regarding
per vaginum. What is the most spermicidal creams and STIs?
likely cause? A. Does not offer added
A. Endometrial hyperplasia protection.
B. Endometrial carcinoma B. Does not offer any protection
C. Atrophic endometritis against HIV.
D. Estrogen replacement therapy C. Offers specific protection
against HIV.
93.Identify the wrong statement D. Protects against some types of
regarding the given sexually transmitted
contraceptive device? infections.
95.What is the best test of fallopian
tube function?
A. Hystero-contrast-
salpingography (HyCoSy)
B. Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
C. Laparoscopy and dye test
D. Spontaneous intrauterine

96.A 39-year-old woman consults

you about the risk of venous
thrombosis if she uses a
A. Lifespan is 10 years
combined hormonal
B. Contains Barium Sulphate to
contraceptive. She shows you a
make it radio-opaque
brand, which contains 35 μg
C. Most common S/E is pain
ethinylestradiol and
D. Associated with higher
levonorgestrel. How will you
expulsion rate as compared to
counsel her?
medicated IUCDs
A. She should change to an
94.A 23-year-old woman is using intrauterine contraceptive
male and female barrier

DBMCI, Ph: 9810150067, E-mail: studentsupport@dbmi.edu.in, Page 20


B. She should change to another A. Admit for 24-hour observation

oral contraceptive, which and intravenous antibiotics
contains one of the new B. Arrange an urgent
progestogens. laparoscopy
C. Her current pill has the lowest C. Arrange an urgent laparotomy
risk of blood clotting. D. Insert a urinary catheter and
D. Her current pill has the highest observe for 12 hours
risk of blood clotting.
100. A 55-year-old woman
97.What is the primary mode of presents with postmenopausal
action by which the COC pill bleeding. A pipelle endometrial
exerts its contraceptive effect? biopsy is performed, and she is
A. Endometrial atrophy found to have endometrial
B. Inhibition of ovulation hyperplasia without atypia. It is
C. Suppression of meiosis explained to her that she will
D. Thickening of cervical mucus need to have treatment for 6
months followed by a repeat
98.What is the most efficacious biopsy. Which treatment is most
form of long-acting reversible likely to result in a histologically
contraception? normal endometrium after 6
A. Copper intrauterine device months?
B. Depo medroxyprogesterone A. Continuous oral
acetate medroxyprogesterone
C. Etonogestrel-containing acetate (MPA)
subdermal implant B. Cyclical oral MPA
D. Levonorgestrel-containing C. GnRH analogues
intrauterine system D. Insertion of an LNG-IUS

99.During the course of an

outpatient hysteroscopy with a 3
mm hysteroscope, a doctor finds
that he has perforated the
uterus. Patient observations are
stable and there is no evidence
of any bleeding. What is the
most appropriate management?

DBMCI, Ph: 9810150067, E-mail: studentsupport@dbmi.edu.in, Page 21


Answer key:
1. B 53. C
2. D 54. C
3. D 55. C
4. B 56. D
5. C 57. B
6. A 58. A
7. B 59. C
8. D 60. C
9. B 61. A
10. B 62. D
11. B 63. A
12. B 64. C
13. B 65. B
14. D 66. C
15. D 67. B
16. C 68. D
17. C 69. D
18. D 70. B
19. B 71. C
20. C 72. C
21. C 73. A
22. C 74. C
23. B 75. D
24. B 76. D
25. A 77. B
26. D 78. A
27. A 79. B
28. A 80. D
29. A 81. C
30. B 82. B
31. A 83. A
32. D 84. D
33. D 85. C
34. A 86. B
35. A 87. B
36. B 88. D
37. D 89. B
38. C 90. B
39. C 91. B
40. D 92. C
41. B 93. C
42. D 94. B
43. B 95. C
44. C 96. C
45. C 97. B
46. A 98. C
47. A 99. A
48. B 100. D
49. D
50. A
51. A \

52. C

DBMCI, Ph: 9810150067, E-mail: studentsupport@dbmi.edu.in, Page 1

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