Humanhistologyreviewer PDF
Humanhistologyreviewer PDF
Humanhistologyreviewer PDF
If well nourished,
epithelial cells REGENERATE themselves
REGENERATION – natural process of
CELL – the basic unit of life replacing or restoring damages/missing
TISSUES – group of cells cells, tissues, organs to full functions in
Epithelial plants and animals
Connective - Have one free (unattached) surface or edge
Muscle called the APICAL SURFACE
Nervous Exposed to body’s exterior or to
EPITHELIAL TISSUES the cavity of an internal organ
- Cover body surfaces - Lower surface of an epithelium rests on a
- Located at outer layer of skin and lining of BASEMENT MEMBRANE / BASAL SURFACE
organs Structure less material secreted
- Also found in glandular tissue by both the epithelial cells and
GLANDULAR TISSUE - a type of tissue the connective tissue cells
that lines certain internal organs,
Classification of Epithelium
makes and releases substances in the
body e.g. MUCUS, DIGESTIVE JUICES, - Each epithelium is given 2 names
AND OTHER FLUIDS - First: indicates relative number of cell layers
- Located in stomach, colon, SIMPLE (one layer of cells)
pancreas, prostate gland, STRATIFIED (more than one cell
uterus, cervix layer)
- Play roles in absorption, filtration, secretion, - Second: describes the shape of cells
and protection against foreign substances SQUAMOUS (cells flattened like
- These are widespread throughout the body. scales)
They form the covering of all body surfaces, CUBOIDAL (cube-shaped)
line body cavities and hollow organs. COLUMNAR (shaped like columns)
- The major tissue in glands.
Special Characteristics of Epithelium
- Usually fit closely together in continuous - Simple squamous (SS) tissue is composed of
sheets flat, scale-like cells that usually forms
• Exception: glandular epithelium membranes
- AVASCULAR (Have no blood supply of their - It lines the walls of blood vessels, pulmonary
own) alveoli (singular term alveolus) (shown here),
1. Intercellular matrix and the lining of the heart, lung, and
It fills the space between the peritoneal cavities.
Salts, fibers
2. Extracellular matrix - This tissue is composed of a single layer of
The space located outside the cube-like cells.
cells that form extracellular - It lines the walls of kidney tubules, covers
spaces the surface of ovaries, and is common in
glands- EXOCRINE AND SALIVARY GLANDS - The outer layers of cells appear flat, but the
and their ducts. inner cells vary in shape from cuboidal to
SIMPLE COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM - Stratified squamous epithelium serves as a
barrier to the outside environment in
- This tissue is composed of a single layer of locations such as the skin, mouth, and
tall cells. esophagus.
- It often includes mucus-producing GOBLET STRATIFIED CUBOIDAL EPITHELIUM
CELLS – located in intercalated within the - Stratified cuboidal epithelium (SC) is found
epithelia of the conjunctiva/ conjunctivitis, in the ducts of sweat glands and surrounds
respiratory epithelium, and gastrointestinal Graafian follicles of ovaries.
Goblet cells are basically arise
from stem cells and derived their - Shape of cells depends upon the amount of
name goblet cup-like appearance stretching
Primary Function: To secrete - It lines organs of the urinary system
mucin and create a protective
- It often lines the digestive tract.
PHOTOMICROGRAPH – a tool use to - Some epithelial membranes are made up of
visibly and clearly to view simple cells with cilia, tiny projections that beat in
columnar epithelium. unison to move mucus along the surface.
- Ciliated epithelia in the trachea, for
PSEUDOSTRATIFIED COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM example, sweep debris out of the
respiratory tract.
- Although this tissue appears stratified, it is GLANDULAR EPITHELIUM
actually composed of a single layer of cells of
different types. -A gland is defined as one or more cells
- Although their nuclei are found at different responsible for secreting a particular
levels, each cell adjoins the basal membrane product
(BM). Two major gland types:
- This tissue lines the larger respiratory Endocrine gland
passageways. - Ductless since secretions diffuse into
- It is often ciliated (arrows) blood vessels
- Main functions: absorption and secretion - All secretions are hormones
- Ciliated variety lines respiratory tract - Examples include pituitary, pancreas,
Mucus produced by goblet cells traps dust ovaries, testes
and other debris Exocrine gland
Cilia propel mucus upward and away from - Secretions empty through ducts to the epithelial
the lungs surface
STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM - Include sweat and oil gland
PENNATE – Muscle body has one or more Muscles are at times grouped as to the
tendons – fascicles at oblique angle to tendon regions where they are found and
– pulls harder than a parallel muscle of equal function.
size INTRINSIC MUSCLES are localized to a
UNIPENNATE: all muscle fibers specific are (i.e. hand, tongue, back, etc.).
on the same side of the tendon They function and are contained only
(e.g. EXTENSOR DIGITORUM) within that area.
BIPENNATE: muscle fibers on EXTRINSIC MUSCLES extend into other
both sides of the tendon (e.g. area are responsible for movements of
INTEROSSEOUS) area other than where they are attached.
branches within the muscle (e.g. Terms to know and identify
DELTOID) SARCOLEMMA – plasma membrane
CIRCULAR – fibers arranged concentrically covering each muscle cell.
around an opening SARCOPLASM – muscle cell cytoplasm
– Functions as a SPHINCTER to close a THICK FILAMENTS – contractile protein
passageway or opening (e.g. orbits, myosin molecules, shaped like a golf club
mouth, and anus) head. Thin filaments slide over thick
– E.g. ORBICUALRIS ORIS filaments but do not shorten.
CONVERGENT – triangular muscle with THIN FILAMENTS – contractile protein actin
common attachment site molecules (f and G actin) also contains the
– Direction of pull of muscle can be regulatory proteins tropomyosin and
changed troponin.
– does not pull as hard as equal-sized ELASTIC FILAMENTS – titin and connectin
parallel muscle keep thick and thin filaments over one
– E.g. PECTORALIS MAJOR another for proper contraction to occur;
Functional Groups of Muscles comprise the “Z” line