APODEV+ Module 1 Final 29 June 2020

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DNM Discipling the Nations





January 2020
Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION (BRO HAL RAHMAN)........................................................................................................ 1


CHAPTER II: YOUR PLACE OF DESTINY IN THE GOSPEL (BRO HAL RAHMAN)..................................11





GLOBAL CHURCH (BRO. NICHOLAS ONGUENE)........................................................................................33

CHAPTER VII: DYNAMICS OF EVANGELISM (BRO. SOB MATHURIN)..................................................37




FRANÇOIS MBESSE)..................................................................................................................................... 53


CHAPTER XII: CHURCH GROWTH DYNAMICS (BRO HAL RAHMAN)...................................................64

CHAPTER XIII: GLOBAL KINGDOM ADVANCE (BRO HAL RAHMAN)...................................................70

(Bro Hal Rahman)
The life of Jesus began as a seed in the womb of Mary, and then developed as a
baby born in a manger, grew up in an adolescent, and later became an adult, who
later went to the cross to die for our sins. Through His life, you can see the
wisdom of God, Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners - that is
humanity. He preached the Gospel, won souls, planted churches (not church in
the way you know it), made disciples, and catalyzed church growth (which is
spiritual maturity). Finally, He gave the commandment, “Go into all the world
and have dominion because of the Gospel that came through Me.” One man -
Jesus Christ - has the capacity for world dominion. If Jesus can give us that
command, then we can do it.

Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and

everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is
begotten of Him. By this we know that we love the children of
God, when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is
the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His
commandments are not burdensome. For whatever is born of God
overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome
the world--our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he
who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? (John 5:1-5)

As one person born of God, you can win souls; you can plant churches; you can
make disciples; and you can build churches to maturity, to create Kingdom
dominion. Your ministry and life can dominate the whole world. As Jesus was,
so are you and so am I. The same Holy Ghost that was in Jesus is in you, and the
same Father that was with Jesus is with you.

We are going to be talking about ‘apostolic dynamism for fruitfulness of the

Kingdom in global Gospel advance.’ God has a plan and a purpose for every

individual under the sun. Jesus is our example of fulfilling purpose and doing
the work of the ministry in dynamism for Kingdom fruitfulness. God never sent
three or four ‘Jesuses’ in order to fulfill His purpose; He sent only one. As Jesus
was, so are you now; therefore, you can fulfill God’s purpose. You can have
global evangelism, and you have a global ministry, not the way you think, but
according to His assignment for you specifically.

And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
(Matthew 24:14)

This Gospel is for everybody. It is not the Gospel of a particular church.

Whosoever wills and encounters the Gospel has a portion in it. Nobody has
monopoly over the Gospel or owns the Gospel - it is a free gift. God sacrificed
His Son to give you a free gift. Receive it and pass it unto others, who will also
give it to others.


Fulfilling God’s Eternal Plan and Purpose

(Bro Hal Rahman)
It is important for the church to clearly see, as evident in the Scriptures (Genesis
to Revelations), that God has divinely ordered all things past, present and future,
to accomplish His eternal plan and purpose (Ephesians 1:11). We are not saved
to be church-goers only. We are not blessed just to lavish His abundance upon
our souls. We are not healed and healthy just to enjoy the best things in life.
Inasmuch as all of the above are our portion in Christ and we must make full use
of them, they have been made available to us as an expression of God’s
goodness, revealing the Father’s love and serving to fulfill His eternal agenda
for all humanity.

There are seven major attributes of God’s eternal plan and purpose that must
become a priority in the life of every believer, every local assembly and in the
universal body of Christ. The Holy Spirit has empowered us and is leading us
into this divine enterprise of eternal purpose and destiny.

1. The love of God for all humanity (love revealed and received).
If there is any scriptural definition of God, then our God can be defined as ‘God
is love’ (I John 4:8): a God with a BIG HEART of love for His creation,
especially human beings created in His image and likeness. Though Adam fell
and sin was passed on to all men, God continued seeking a relationship with
man. In His Son, Jesus, God was finally able to package the fullness of His love
in flesh and blood and to reveal it to all humanity through the life and ministry
of Jesus Christ.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

It is God’s love that gave up His only Son to be crucified for us, so that faith in
Christ will bring us back into the family of God. His love paid a great price on
the cross of Calvary to fulfill the requirements of righteousness so that all
humanity can be redeemed from spiritual death unto eternal life in Him. This
awesome eternal love of God, revealed and demonstrated, shows His eternal
plan and purpose for all humanity. We, as believers, should now take a hold of
this revealed love and walk in it to enjoy our fellowship with the Father, with
our brothers and sisters in Christ, and should demonstrate it to the lost and dying
world in order to bring hope and eternal life to all humanity.

2. Salvation of all men.

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said:
“Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also
may glorify You, as You have given Him authority over all flesh,
that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true
God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” (John 17:1-3)

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers,

intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings
and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and
acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to
be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (I Timothy 2:1-

As the Scriptures show, it is the will of the Father for all men to be saved. Put in
the right derivative context, the Father wants EACH MAN to be saved; not just
groups of men, but the soul of each living person on the earth. To save each man
will require a massive effort of believers. This cannot be done through mass

crusades, as we have been made to believe by some well-meaning sincere
(though sincerely wrong) ministers. IT WILL TAKE EACH PERSON WHO IS

It is the responsibility of each believer to become a soul-winner for the Lord.

Every believer must become a soul-winner and a church-planter within their
area of social influence: in gender (male/female), profession (doctors, lawyers,
business persons, politicians, and governors), age groups (children, teens, youth,
and adults), and so on. For example:

 Office workers (who are believers) reaching other co-workers with the
gospel of truth and planting a church of those who believe in their offices
(as conditions may permit or as the Holy Spirit will direct).
 Medical professionals reaching their kind with the gospel and planting
churches in their hospital, clinics and dispensaries.
 Business persons reaching other business persons in the world of
 College students reaching their fellow students.
 And so on.

In every Christian gathering throughout the world, I always do a spiritual litmus

test to prove this point. In any assembly of true believers of, say, about 100
persons, ask people to indicate, by a show of hands, whether they were saved
through a mass crusade, television ministry or by personal evangelism. This is
usually the average result:

 Salvation through mass crusade: 10%

 Salvation through televangelism: 9%
 Salvation through literature outreaches: 10%
 Salvation through personal touch evangelism: 65%
 Other methods: 6%

Personal touch evangelism produces more lasting fruits than any of our modern
technological strategies. Though these modern methods have their place, they
cannot substitute the love touch of person-to-person evangelism. This is what
needs to be emphasized in our churches: each one reaches one, or each one
reaches five, or each one reaches twelve, and so on. The Holy Spirit is already
working in the hearts of people and He only needs our obedience to bring in the
harvest of souls.

3. The Father seeks true worshippers.

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers
will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is
seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who
worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23-24)

If God is seeking something, it means that what He is seeking is very important

to Him, since He is God and has everything. This then enlightens us about the
fact that the Father is seeking true worshippers who will worship Him in spirit
and truth, and not in a dead religion of forms and rituals. In response to His
need, we, as believers, must BECOME TRUE WORSHIPPERS who will live
and offer a lifestyle of worship from our hearts to the Father. Therefore, our
focus in all our Christian institutions should not be to make proselytes after our
doctrines and dogmas, but to MAKE DISCIPLES whose lives and ministry
will constitute true worship to the Father.

To worship in the Spirit, we must be born of the Spirit (that is, born again), be
filled with the Holy Spirit (both the indwelling and the baptism), and be led by
the Holy Spirit in every aspect of our life.

To worship in truth is to receive the Word of God as truth, being convicted of

this truth, walking in the Word, and becoming living epistles of every aspect of
His Word. That is, we do not just read the Word as truth in our homes or

temples. We go a step further by putting the Word into practice until we become
what the Word says. This is what it means to become true worshippers.

4. God wants matured sons.

We are born of the Father as children of God, but should grow up into matured
sons. There is a time to be a child of God, and a time to be a son. The church is
in a dilemma today because we lack the discernment of the growth process in
our spiritual lives. Thus, we get saturated in childhood characteristics, always
begging the Father for bread, mercy, pity and so on. The Father wants matured
sons who will take their place of sonship in the Kingdom of God just as Jesus
was a Son in the house.

For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is
God. And Moses indeed was faithful in all His house as a servant,
for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward,
but Christ as a Son over His own house, whose house we are if
we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to
the end. (Hebrews 3:4-6)

God wants true mature sons who will seek the heart of the Father, not just His
goods. They will seek to please Him, and are kingdom minded, always praying
and thinking about the advancement of the Kingdom of God, and not about their
little religious denominations and dioceses. They seek to inherit the nations for
the glory of the Father, not just to enrich themselves with the goods of the
nations. Matured sons are partners with the Father for the family business of
‘Jehovah and Sons Incorporated’ to become the largest enterprise in the world.

Therefore, the Father wants sons who will take their place in the family to build
the Kingdom of God on the earth, and will not just remain children who are
always seeking for His blessings to spend upon their selfish desires. Arise and

become sons and you will walk in a greater level of His blessings, in super-
abundance beyond what you can ever think or imagine.

5. Salvation of all nations.

As God wants all men to be saved, so too, He equally wants all nations (Ethnos)
to be saved. Truly, the love of the Father is beyond comprehension and is in a
class all by itself.

After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which

no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues,
standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with
white robes, with palm branches in their hands… (Revelation 7:9)

To achieve the salvation of the nations, we need to identify the specific

ethnos/ethnic people groups on the earth and target them for evangelism and
discipleship. This necessitates the drawing-up of a missions agenda for the
nations. Every believer, every local church, every Christian institution must be
missions-minded. We are commanded to fulfill the Great Commission to the
nations of the world.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has
been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to
observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with
you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen (Matthew 28:18-20)

We must each have a missions mobilization agenda to in order to fulfill this

commandment. This agenda consists of the following:

i) Vision: See the harvest fields throughout the world, and be
moved with compassion and conviction to please the heart of the

ii) Prayer: Pray for laborers and prophesy the nations unto
salvation and the obtaining of an inheritance in Christ. Cover
specific people groups (UPG - Unreached People Groups; RPG -
Religious People Groups; SSG - Specialized Social Groups) in
constant prayer.

iii) Giving: Mobilize resources (finances, materials, equipment and

literature) to help take the gospel to the nations.
iv) Going: Inspire, train, equip and send laborers into the nations to
reap the harvest.

To do this, we need to come out of our thinking box of denominationalism and

network our ministry gifts, talents and abilities together, harnessing our
thoughts, prayers and resources in unity for a massive onslaught of gospel
advance with global significance. The nations are waiting and the harvest is ripe.
Let’s go for it.

6. Kingdom Dominion
Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; a scepter of
righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. (Psalm 45:6)

Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in
heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the
kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever
and ever!”(Revelation 11:15)

Kingdom dominion on the earth does not mean a Christian religious

organization controlling the world. It is not creating Christian countries or
isolationist movements. It is the gospel of truth in the hearts and minds of every
person, every family, and every home. It creates possibilities for leaders

(educational leaders, business leaders, political leaders, and social leaders) in
any given nation, state or country to make decisions that will establish the
Lordship of Jesus over their nations; so that the fear of the Lord and the Word of
God become the basis for running our human institutions for the betterment of
our lives on the earth.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the
Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)

7. End-time to Eternity with Him.

The prophetic word in the Scriptures gives us a point of reference and direction
of purpose for all our Christian endeavors. All that the Lord is doing in and
through us right now points to one major event: THE SECOND COMING OF

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world
as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

God wants His church to flow with Him in the end-time events in all its
ramifications (Matthew 24:1-13), and to keep our focus on Him until we see the
manifestation of the second coming of Jesus. This second coming brings with it
the judgment seat of Christ to judge the living and the dead.

The first judgment is for unbelievers who did not receive His love through faith
in Jesus. They will be condemned to eternal damnation in hell (not a good
thought – Revelations 20:11-15). The second judgment is for believers, to prove
their works and give them a reward so that everyone will receive their crown of
glory according to their labor of love (II Corinthians 5:10).

We should not get too caught up in meeting our earthly needs or desires that we
forget that we will also be judged for how we used all that He has given us for
His glory. AMEN!!!

Your Place Of Destiny In The Gospel
(Bro Hal Rahman)

The Gospel is never saturated. We will never have more than enough workers in
the Gospel. There is a place for everybody. The Gospel enterprise is the only
enterprise which has a 100% employment rate and never suffers from what
economists call a recession or depression. Never! The Gospel is able to employ
a 100% workforce and still have space for an additional 100%. Every one of you
has your place in the Gospel in global evangelism. Do not feel intimidated, in
the unnecessary competition for success, in the Christianity success enterprise.

The ways of the Kingdom are different from the ways of our human culture.
There is a place for you in the Kingdom; you do not need to copy and paste, or
to seek your own in order to be fulfilled or successful. The fact that you are in a
ministry does not mean that you do not have a personal ministry. When a banana
is just a bud, is it a banana? Yes. Is it ripe enough to be eaten? No, but this does
not change its nature – the fact that it is a banana. If you do not understand this,
you can allow ambitions to deceive yourself. Scriptures (Matthew 25:23 -
paraphrased) says ‘that if you are not faithful in that which is another man’s,
who will give you your own true riches?’ If you do not understand these
principles of life, you will seek to carve out a place for your own in order to be
considered a successful failure.

You may be more educated and successful than your pastor and have more
experience than he does, but it does not make you qualified to fulfill purpose
without His input in your life. Every time you see him, humble yourself, for it
will not change you. When you do not know spiritual order, you fail to think
right and you always think of breaking up to have your own. Just follow in order
as Jesus did. He said, “For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the
Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should
speak” (John 12:49).

You have also been given a command on what to say. According to Matthew
24:14, the end of time of humanity is tied to your destiny of preaching the
Gospel. We have been given ownership of this Gospel that brought us together
to become brothers and sisters.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might
become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Hence, the ministry of reconciliation has been given to us. What then is the
ministry of reconciliation?

Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself

through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of
reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:18)

It is the Gospel that brings men to salvation, reconciling men back to God.
Every believer has this ministry. It is the ministry that comes with the
dispensation of love, faith, grace and mercy. In the ministry of the law, specific
people are chosen to declare the law, but in the ministry of love and grace, the
moment the Gospel touches your heart, it electrifies you into the ministry of

Jesus said that this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached to all nations
(Matthew 24:14). Who will preach? Not angels! Angels do not preach the
Gospel. Who is better placed to preach the Gospel than those who have been

reconciled in the Gospel, we have tasted of the heavenly gift. There is something
about the Gospel: you cannot preach it in fruitfulness if it has not transformed
you. But when it touches you, you experience a new life and receive the
conviction that Jesus is Lord. Then, the way you preach the Gospel in conviction
brings abundant fruit. That is how we know that you are called, because those
He predestined, He called. (Romans 8:30)

Make no mistake, God did not predestine some to be saved and some not to be
saved. He gave us the choice of the election of our salvation into sonship. So by
choosing, you are predestinating your life. This is God’s gift and provision for
you. The Gospel is for every man. It is the will of God for all men to be saved (1
Timothy 2:4), and not for some men to be saved. In God’s mercy, Jesus shed His
blood for all.

So, this Gospel of the Kingdom is to be activated by ALL who believe. Our
responsibility is to impart the good news to all men. It is their choice to
believe or not.

And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached… (Matthew 24:14)

 Where shall it be preached? In the whole world.

 Whose responsibility is it? Those who have experienced the Gospel.

…as a testimony to all the nations and the end will come.

We cannot escape it because we are the one who will bring the end. The more
we refuse to preach the Gospel, the longer it takes for the end to come. In the
wisdom and mindset of God, He has tied every footprint to a place of preaching
the Gospel that will culminate in the end. The more you refuse to do your part,
the more you retard the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The Father has designed it this way because He wants to share His inheritance
with you. He does not want to be seen as the only one who can draw people into
the harvest. He wants to be seen as a God of love who gave you an opportunity

to be a part of this eternal Gospel and the salvation of the Nations. You must
receive it with Godly fear, trembling and honor.

You may ask, “Lord, do You know me? the tribe I come from? God, do You
know my mind, my heart, my humanity? I can shout hallelujah, it is just religion,
but do You know me?” He says, “Yes, I do and I still give you an opportunity in
the ministry of reconciliation, to reconcile men back to Me.” That is the
responsibility, the call, the ministry, and the global impact of every believer.

To fulfill your global ministry, you do not have to take any title (Bishop, Rev.
Dr., etc.); it is good for you if you desire it, but you don’t need those titles to
fulfill your assignment. Who is Jesus? He calls Himself the Son of Man, and not
even the Son of God. You are so captured by these Christianity tactics, but you
do not need titles to fulfill God’s purpose. What you need is your divine
relationships, with Jesus and fellow believers, with one another as sons of God
in love. With these relationships, you can reach the whole world. With these
relationships, you are able to attract sinners and reconcile them to Christ in a
global impact of your ministry.

Some Christians actually feel embarrassed if they attract sinners. If I attract only
believers, it shows that I am not fulfilling my ministry of reconciliation. I have
to attract sinners. When some ministers believers are passing by a bar and their
old friends shout out a greeting from inside the bar, they act as if they do not see
them. They do not want to be identified with sinners, but our master, savior,
deliverer and advocate is a friend to sinners. He ran after them and reached them
where they were. I love to be around sinners; to reflect the love of God, for it
tells me I am doing the work of God. I am among them not to become like them,
but to reconcile them to Christ.

So this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached… The ministry of

reconciliation has been handed to us. It is my responsibility, and yours. Later on
in Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus points out that the commission is not just for His

first disciples, but for all who will believe in Him. Therefore, the ministry of
global evangelism has been given to every believer. It has been packaged for
you and put into your hands, as your life’s agenda, success and fulfillment.

When you identify with the Gospel, you have to become with the fullness of
what it takes to be a son of God, and have full comprehension of the
dispensation of life. The fruit of the ministry of Jesus is tied to the principles of
His relationship with His Father. Whenever He did miracles, He refused to take
the glory, directing it all to the Father. We want to have a world impact, but we
don’t want to take up the cross and follow Jesus.

So this Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached. Jesus has given you a
commission: “Go into the world and make known My name.” In John 17, which
I call Jesus’ valedictory speech, He says, “Father, I have made known Your
name to them and now, they believe in You and in Me, the Son of God sent to
save them from their sins” (paraphrased). That is the perfection and accuracy of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Go and activate the Gospel in the order that God has prescribed for you. If you
operate in order, you will win much souls, plant 100 hundred churches and
disciple hundreds of believers in the kingdom of God. Your fruit shall testify of
your submission to Christ.

The Bigger Picture of the Kingdom of God Son
Holy Spirit
(Bro Hal Rahman)

When we talk about the Kingdom of God, what is the bigger picture we should
see? It is not the works and success of our ministry, or the good social deeds of
the ministry, nor is it your plan and ambition. The bigger picture of the Kingdom
of God does not reflect what you see, but rather Who you see. That is, it is the
Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit manifested in the lives of the fruit of the
ministry – saints of God

For many of us, the success of our ministry is measured by how many souls
saved, how many churches we have planted, and how much money comes into
our ministry accounts. When we were young, we used to think in this manner.
The bigger picture of the ministry is not about you, your call, your anointing and
your fruitfulness; these are important but do not constitute the bigger picture.
The bigger picture is the Godhead manifested in your life and the life of others.
The bigger picture of the Kingdom is what we should endeavor to activate.
“Christ in you the hope of Glory” (Colossians 1:27)

If you spend 20 years in the work of the ministry and all your efforts go towards
showing your image, your prosperity, your success, your name, fame and gain in
the hearts of the people, you will have wasted your time. All you will be
attempting is to leave a name for yourself. Yes, you will die and go to heaven,

but your works would be consumed by fire, because it was not a labor of love,
but of works (Galatians 2:16). This is not the bigger picture of the Kingdom of
God; it is the bigger picture of yourself.

The reason why you have that false image is because you have not died to self to
live for Christ. All that has been put before you is success, education, and
achievement, not God as the bigger picture. Because of this, you only keep
those who say, “Yes Sir” around you and make egotistical decisions over
people’s lives. All you are concerned about is your ego and you think that you
are doing right you can be sincere but sincerely wrong. “There is a way that
seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12).

Honestly, if the bigger picture in your life is not Jesus, then you are wasting
your time. That is why John the Baptist says, “He must increase, but I must
decrease” (John 3:30). This is the crux of the Gospel. It is not about building
successful ministries, but it is about decreasing so He can increase. Church
history tells us that when Peter was to be crucified, he said, “I am not worthy to
die like my Master. Please, crucify me upside-down; let my head be towards the
ground while my feet face the sky. I am not worthy to die like Him.” All many
want is success; it is not to reveal the personhood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus says to the Father, “In all what I have done, I have revealed You to them. I
did not come to this earth for the success of my ministry. I came to reveal the
Father: the heart of the father, the love of the Father. He gave His only-begotten
Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”
(Paraphrased - John 17:3-4)

Therefore, what is the bigger picture in the mind of the Father?

1. You must know the heart of the Father.

What is His heart? In 1 Corinthians 13:1-2, Paul says, “Though I speak with the
tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass

or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand
all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could
remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my
goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not
love, it profits me nothing.”

Watch the things that we emphasize on: those things that attract you, what things
push you to get more money. But Jesus gave everything He had for the
advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You must know the heart and mind
of the Father. It is His love for humanity.

The heart of the Father conceived the plan of salvation. It is His idea, with Him
in the midst of the Godhead.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life. (John 3:16)

2. You must understand the obedience of the Son on the cross.

The Father could have good desires for humanity, it takes the Son to go to the
cross. I speak about the obedience of the Son because He had the right and
choice to do the will of God. The Father gives you an option, saying, “Son, it is
your choice to go on the cross or not to go.” However it is my perfect will for
you, and the salvation of all men.

Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was

accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him. When He came
to the place, He said to them, "Pray that you may not enter into
temptation." And He was withdrawn from them about a stone's
throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, "Father, if it is Your
will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but
Yours, be done. «Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven,
strengthening Him. And being in agony, He prayed more
earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling

down to the ground. When He rose up from prayer, and had come
to His disciples, He found them sleeping from sorrow. Then He
said to them, "Why do you sleep? Rise and pray, lest you enter
into temptation." (Luke 22: 39-46)

Giving you a choice provides for the highest form of obedience. When you are
forced to execute an instruction, it is not obedience. God gave Jesus an open
choice when the time came for Jesus to be crucified. That is why at the garden
of Gethsemane, Jesus said, “Father, I personally don’t want to go to the cross,
but if that is Your will, I will go to the cross. Your will has become My will. I
choose to do the will of God.”

then He said, "Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God." He

takes away the first that He may establish the second. (Hebrews

It is difficult to put yourself in Jesus’ place. As the Son of God, He has the
power to do all things, even to appear and disappear. Yet the Son of Man had to
submit to being arrested by man, to travel toward the cross deprived of all that
power, to deliver Himself just so He can be obedient unto death; but that was the
mind of the Father for Him. That is the mind of the Father for a Son. Can you
choose to do His will for you, over your will for yourself???

Imagine the following conversation between the Father and the Son. The Son
says, “But Father, You gave me power to cast out demons. I fed 5000 people. I
walked on water. I did uncountable miracles. I even raised the dead.” The
Father responds, “Yes, I did but the hour has come when You do not have the
power to raise the dead. Instead, I will raise You from the dead.” Can you
submit yourself to that? When you are given an opportunity to perfect your
calling in the Lord, you simply obey the will of God. “Not My will, but Your
will be done.”

Like the Son, you must be obedient. Wherever He sends you, you are obedient
to go and to do. His will for you is your success in Destiny.

3. You must believe the confirmation and activation of the Holy Spirit

Jesus could not do all that He was called to do by Himself. To fulfil his mission,
He had the Spirit without measure. He had the power of the Holy Ghost
activating the will of the Father in Him.

If you want to operate in that power, then you have to be obedient unto the
cross. You cannot just be obedient to your own will and desires; you have to be
obedient to the will of the Father even unto your death. Then the Holy Spirit can
activate more in you - because you do not belong to yourself anymore; you
belong to Him.

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but

Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live
by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
(Galatians 2:20)

4. The finality of this Gospel enterprise

The finality of the Gospel enterprise is for all Nations to worship the Father.
You cannot worship if you are not a son. So our call, strategy, and fruitfulness is
to bring all nations to submit to the will of the Father so we can worship Him in
spirit and in truth.

You have to see the big picture of the Gospel, not just a small picture of your
church empire success. It is not about your global church representation
throughout the world, but it is about what you carry in your heart as a Gospel

explosion for the Kingdom of God. It is your heart as an expression of
demonstrating God. Whatever ministry you do, your purpose must be to
demonstrate the fullness of God in the lives of people and not to please them.
You must fulfill your call in this dispensation of the grace of God to honor Jesus
and the Father.

However, if you cannot obey man in the work of the ministry, then you cannot
fulfill the fullness of your call towards the Father, because our objective and
purpose for you is that you fulfill your calling in this life. Therefore, I echo what
Paul says, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” My objective is that together we
rejoice in heaven and that we fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. Halleluyah!!!

The Big Picture of the Kingdom of God
(Bro Hal Rahman)

Church Global
Church- Making
Evangelism Growth Kingdom
Planting Disciples

Reaching the lost Consolidating Lifestyle Maturity Mathew 28:19/

and winning New Believers Christianity in Spiritual Acts 1:8
souls Fruitfulness Numerical

As we have laid down the right foundations for you to see the bigger picture,
then your work in the big picture can now be activated. Working in the big
picture, will enable you to always reflect the bigger picture. For instance, as I
activate evangelism in all its dynamism, reaching the lost and winning souls, my
goal is to produce the bigger picture of turning men to God, not to produce the
small picture of my ministry. It is to produce the bigger picture of the Father,
Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the lives of the believers.

So what is the big picture?

1- Evangelism

The big picture starts with evangelism - reaching the lost. We must first have a
conviction of what the bigger picture is, and then we will know how to operate
in the big picture.

The bigger picture is about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This means
when I operate in the big picture by reaching the lost and winning souls, it is
about revealing the image of the Father, revealing the purposes of Jesus, and
revealing how to honor the Holy Spirit in our life. These three personalities are
strategic in helping you to do the big picture.

Once you reach the understanding that it is all about the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, and not about you, your emotions, feelings and thinking and the success
of your ministry, will tailor your work in the big picture and create a better result
as God is always glorified. You may not put in too much human effort, He will
do much more than you ever expect or think. We know how to evangelize and
grow a church; it is as easy as drinking water. Still, sometimes you work so hard
but the fruit is not tangible because you are doing it by the works of the flesh. So
instead, when I evangelize, it must be to reveal Jesus. Grasp this. I speak from

Many who know me think that I work so hard. Yes, I do, but 75% of the work in
the ministry is done by the Lord, and I am as surprised as others at the fruitful
outcome. I must be tuned to the Spirit in order to do His works. So, if I launch
out in evangelism, I am launching out in the power of the Spirit. When I am
reaching the lost, I am doing so in the power of the Spirit. What the Spirit can
do, my preaching cannot do. He can put images in the hearts of people and bring
conviction to their hearts.

Sometimes, when I see people responding to the Gospel, I ask myself, “What
did I preach to make these people believe?” I am convinced it is not by my
might but simply because I was obedient to the love of God. When I preach the
Gospel, it is not about what I say but about what my heart says. It is the heart,

and not the excellence of the preaching that brings conviction. I see a lot of
young people struggling to preach like the late Reinhard Bonnke, thinking that
his preaching style initiates the flow of power. That is false. They are not
preaching with conviction of heart, or because they love sinners; No. They
preach because they are seeking for results.

So the big picture is, firstly, reaching the lost and winning souls. Your big
picture should never be about reaching other Christians, or for church growth.
When you preach the Gospel, souls will be saved. You reach the lost because
you love sinners and do not want them to be in misery; you want them to
experience the accuracy of the love of the Father. That is why you have a
passion for the lost. If that is not the characteristic of your heart, preach all you
can, the fruit will come but will not abide.

So, the big picture primarily consists of reaching the lost and winning souls.
Whatever you have to do, start by reaching the lost and winning souls.
Therefore, you cannot start a ministry by fishing in other people’s churches; you
cannot start by speaking evil things against another ministry even if they are
wrong in practice, in doctrine and dogma.

In this ministry, we are always reaching the lost. To start Bible schools, we
reach the lost. In fact, the lost in the streets who come to the Bible schools do
better and stay longer than those who were Christians long before arriving at the
Bible schools. The former can be sent to go anywhere for Christ, but the
obedience of the latter is sometimes limited to their church comforts.

You must consider the strategies for reaching the lost. We will look at these
later. Moreover, when you win the lost, you must consolidate them in church-

2- Church-Planting

Most people define “church”, as a building and think that church-planting must
be accompanied by the availability of a building for people to gather. Those who
believe this tend to forget that people are not trees, and while they can walk in,
they can also walk out. So the key question is how to keep them as they walk in.
We plant the church in the people, before planting them in a church. Most
pastors misunderstand this dynamics. The fact that the people came to a building
does not mean they are interested in your church.

What then is a church? It is a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ,

characterized by love, sacrifice and communion.

God made every human being a social being with the ability to receive love and
give love. This is the first basic need of humanity: love. If your priority is just to
have people in terms of numbers in church, then you fail. If your objective for
planting them in a church is to be able to say that you have 10, or 100, or 1000
members, then your objective is a figure from your head, and not compassion
and love for souls. You should have love and compassion for the souls; you
cannot fake this or lie about it. Whatever you do, the truth will come out and
people will know whether you love them or not.

Listen! Really good pastors may not always be really good Holy Ghost fire
anointed preachers, but their fire and passion for souls attracts and keeps the
sheep. The shepherd feeds the sheep because he chooses to spend his time for
the interest of the sheep. Be careful because spiritual things cannot be hidden. If
you want to plant churches, plant them because you love the people and want to
create an environment for their spiritual growth, not a place for you to preach.
Do not come out to bluff them with your spiritual knowledge; feed them with
the word by precept and examples.

A mother does not put bones or big pieces of meat in the mouth of children.
That is where we may get into error: we try to feed them to impress them about
our spirituality. Instead, we are supposed to feed them, growing them spiritually

as they gradually upgrade from milk to yoghurt, to mashed potatoes/vegetables,
to bits of solid food and unto meats and then bones. They must see and know
that you are feeding them.

Not everyone you feed will stay. Remember that you are not feeding them for
the success of your ministry, but for Jesus, because He said, “If you love Me,
feed My sheep” (John 21:15-17). If you don’t understand this particular aspect
of the whole enterprise of the Gospel, you will err without wisdom. You do not
have to be a pastor to feed the sheep. God will work with you at the level where
you are, but you must have the willingness to feed the sheep. When you do that,
watch the way God confirms His word with signs and wonders.

If all you love is the title of a pastor, and the honors and the high tables of the
ministry, but you lack the characteristics of a good pastor, your ministry will
lack quality fruit. Rather, find your place in the Kingdom. Every believer should
be able to win souls, feed and consolidate the sheep. Yes, you can but that does
not make you a pastor – it makes you a good disciple.

3- Making Disciples

As you consolidate the sheep, you must step up to Making Disciples –

consolidated lifestyle believers. You have to develop believers to adopt lifestyle
Christianity in fruitfulness for a lifetime. You cannot just leave them because
you did church-planting. You have to go beyond church-planting into Making
Disciples, because you are molding every life to become a fruitful life that will
produce fruit after their kind.

You cannot stop at just taking tithes and offerings, and having them give you
honor as a pastor. That is not the excellency in the way of the Gospel. You have
to go beyond, by making them to become self-propelling and life-producing.
You have to change their lives, and let them become greater than you. If you

win 20 souls and plant 2 churches, they must win 100 souls and plant 5
churches. That is your objective, and that is what making disciples means.

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I

have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these,
because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask
in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You
may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. (John 14:12-

In issuing the Great Commission, Jesus did not say we should make converts;
He said we should Make Disciples.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
(Mathew 28:19)

So, your work is not limited to door-to-door evangelism, crusades and winning
souls; that is just the beginning of our work. We have to transition the souls into
church-planting, not into a building. Church-planting implies that you meet them
where they are. All the churches needed for making disciples have already been
built: they are called homes.

You cannot take them to a bigger building; if you have not disciple them where
they are – homes, work places, sports centers, places of entertainment, etc. This
approach would be the imitation of denominations who build a cathedral and
then start ordaining bishops. We shall go into the details of how to make
disciples later. I weep every time I see these closed – abandoned cathedrals in
Europe. I cry out for revival in public places.

4- Church Growth
When you make disciples, it does not stop there. You must transition into
creating the conditions for church growth to happen. The church must grow.

What are the characteristics of church growth?

 Spiritual growth
 Numerical growth
 Financial growth
 Global growth

Jesus says we should go to the entire world; we have to take the church to the
Nations. (Ethnos, geographic, gender, social groups etc.)

There are churches all over the world; but sometimes, they are just a
representation of particular denominations, and not a representation of the
Kingdom of God. How much are these churches reaching their neighborhoods?
How well are they partnering with other pastors to reach their neighborhoods?
That is the vision of the Kingdom. If you want church growth, it should be not
for you but firstly for the Kingdom of God and then for every ministry. When
done this way, church growth embraces an exponential growth rate.

5- Global Kingdom Advance

Achieving church growth never ends. You must finally shift gears towards
Kingdom dominion. Where the Kingdom of God is established as the order of
the day in every heart, in every family and in every nation, then righteousness
reigns supreme.

When you propel Kingdom dominion, it is not with the goal that a geographical
nation should adopt Christianity, that a president to declare his/her nation a
Christian nation. If they do, Christianity will instead become a religion.
However, this is an expectation of what many Christians will like; but is a very
elementary expression of the Kingdom of God.

So what is our final objective? It is that every soul, every family, and every
nation should confess the name of Jesus. You know that this will never happen
during your lifetime. That is why you keep working until Jesus comes back.

There is never an end to this Gospel enterprise, but you must do your part. You
must reach your neighborhood and your nation. Reach them through bible
schools, evangelism and church-planting, children’s ministry, etc. Whatever it
takes to reach your generation, reach them where God has placed you. By so
doing, you will glorify God and He will glorify you. It is His will and desire to
glorify you, but you must put your hand to the plough and not turn back.

This Gospel must be preached and demonstrated throughout the world. It is a

choice. Make this choice to fulfill your destiny in His purpose.

The Power of Prayer to Discipling the Nations
(Sis. Martha Rahman)

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the

workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send
out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38)

Jesus speaking in this passage said that there is a whole lot of the harvest, the
only solution to reaping the harvest is when the church prays for the harvesters
to come in and take their place. To have faithful and dedicated harvesters it will
be done by way of prayer. Prayer that must be intentional, precise and backed by
the word.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in

the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
(Matthew 28:19)

The answers to our prayers is based on the fact that our request is in according to
His will and in agreement with His own plans and purpose.
In reality, prayer is a man’s heart being available to God so that His will be
carried out.
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in
heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

Prayers are not just answered like that because someone prays, it must be
heartfelt, our position before God, determines the weight and the impact of our

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other
so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is
powerful and effective. (James 5:16)
Now let us look at some Kingdom interest prayers that we must become as a
A. Prayer for Soul Winning – Evangelism
1. Pray His Kingdom come in the hearts of men.
2. Call men to come to the light of the gospel.
3. Pray that their eyes be open to see and act on the truth.
4. Pray and break the yokes of bondage in their lives.

B. Prayer of Cell Group and Church Planting

1. Pray that the word of God have it home in their hearts and minds
2. Pray that eyes of their understanding be open to know what glorious
hope God has called us to.
3. Pray for the knowledge of His will in all spiritual understanding and
wisdom, deeply and clearly.
4. Pray that they be consolidated in the full knowledge of His will.
5. Pray for their sanctification, consecration to the Lord completely.

C. Prayer for the process of Making Disciples

1. Pray that disciples be strengthened with might through the Spirit in
their inner man.

2. Pray that Christ will dwell in their hearts through faith.
3. Pray that they be rooted and grounded in love.
4. Pray that they will be filled with all the fullness of God.

D. Church Growth
1. Pray for spiritual growth into matured disciples.
2. Pray for numerical growth – that disciples will go forth and win souls
and make disciples.
3. Pray for financial growth for kingdom advancement.
4. Pray for global growth, that missionaries will arise to go and preach
this gospel throughout the Nations.
Luke 18:1 (paraphrased) – Jesus says “Men ought to pray and not give up.” We
are required to pray always not some time or when we feel good.

….. Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17)

Prayer for the church is a necessity, a requirement if we are to fulfill the great
commission. Our prayer is the water that softens the ground in other for the
harvest to come forth.

A Lifestyle Agenda for every Believer, Local Church
and for the Global Church (Bro. Nicholas ONGUENE)

Jesus has a working agenda for the salvation of humanity.

And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
(Matthew 24:14)

This is the agenda of Jesus for His disciples. In order for them to fulfill this
working agenda, they have the obligation to align their lives to this mandate.
That is why we talk of a lifestyle agenda.

The apostles had an Apostolic ministry. To fulfill that ministry, there were
certain things they had to do.

Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was

multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the
Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily
distribution. Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the
disciples and said, "It is not desirable that we should leave the
word of God and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, seek out from
among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit
and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; but we

will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the
word." (Acts 6:1-4)

After the contention in the passage above, the apostles said that it was not
convenient for them to abandon preaching, prayer and focus on the Word. They
understood that if they have to fulfill Jesus’ agenda, their agenda must be a

I have realized that sometimes, I do not have a personal agenda for my life. The
apostles had a lifestyle agenda. For the Kingdom to advance and spread all over
the world as Jesus had commissioned them in Acts 1:8, they had to have a
lifestyle wherein they applied themselves to prayer, and to the study, meditation
and proclamation of the Word. It was not just a program, but a lifestyle. It was a
manner of living. They had to consistently develop attitudes and aptitudes to
empower them to fulfill the Jesus manifesto.

As disciples, we have a working agenda from Jesus, and also from our ministry
leadership. In order to fulfill this agenda, we need a lifestyle, just as the apostles
did. The book of Acts of the Apostles vividly reports on the fruits of the
apostles, because of the lifestyle they developed. They were completely set apart
and consecrated, and were able to accomplish the agenda set by Jesus for global

If the Kingdom must advance at the global level, then there are three things the
believer, the local church and the universal church needs:

1- Lifestyle, Not Program

Every believer, local church and the universal church needs to develop an
applicable lifestyle for personal development to ensure the advancement of the
Kingdom of God.

The apostles adopted a personal development lifestyle through the study of the
Word, meditation and travailing in prayer. We are able to see the results of their

discipline. After Peter took the Word as a lifestyle, he started preaching. In Acts
3, the people responded to his preaching with the question of what they ought to
do. To this, Peter replied that they should repent and be baptized so times of
refreshing can come. His lifestyle provoked the repentance of those who listened
to him.

When we develop ourselves personally, we can incite the salvation of souls and
see the Kingdom advance. Sometimes words may not create an impact, but your
lifestyle can create an impact. I have understood that when you depend on the
Holy Spirit, your life, your being, and words are full of power. Then it is not you
who speaks, but the Holy Spirit speaks through you. The apostles understood
this. In order to accomplish the global evangelistic ministry, they needed to
apply themselves to personal spiritual accuracy. If we follow their example, we
will see souls come into the Kingdom through our lives.

If we must evangelize globally, then our lives depend upon this. We must be
able to align our lives with our words. Jesus, our model, always did what He
said. We must not end only in speaking but we must transform this into a
lifestyle. Evangelism must not be a planned program; it should be about our
lives preaching everywhere.

Therefore, evangelism is not a program but a lifestyle at home, around us, and
into the nations by the grace of God.

2- Life Activation, Not Program Success

For the disciples to evangelize globally, they put into practice a principle the
Master taught them.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I

have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will
know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
(John 13:34-35)

If the Gospel has to be preached and the Kingdom has to advance at a global
level, we need to walk in love. The love-walk of the disciples attracted the favor
of the people. In Acts 2:47, the Bible records they had the favor of the people
because of their humility and love.

We cry for resources, but do not get them because we do not walk in humility
and love. This is why the world withholds what it has. Once you walk in love,
the world will release its resources and the Kingdom will advance.

3- Becoming Him To Reveal / Produce Him In Others

In Mk 3:13-19, Jesus chose his apostles. Jesus had an objective while He was
choosing these apostles – He wanted them to be with Him in order to become
like Him. When you study vv. 16-19, you realize that these men chosen had
differing identities and personalities. Their lives were not really up to Jesus’
expectations, but He called them to create a fusion between Himself and them.

A fusion is the bringing together of diverse elements to create one new entity.
Jesus wanted the disciples to become a reflection of who He is. He wanted that
through this fusion, the disciples should lose their identity, that is, anything that
does not reveal Jesus Christ.

In Acts 4:13, the Bible declares that the Jewish leaders marveled when they saw
how Peter and John spoke with confidence although they were uneducated and
untrained men. This verse concludes that the leaders realized that these men had
been with Jesus. If the Gospel needs to advance, we need to resemble Him in
order to make Him known to others. In Acts 11:26, it is said that the disciples
were first called Christians in Antioch. The Kingdom will advance, not only by
your preaching or words, but by your lifestyle, and God shall be glorified.

Dynamics of Evangelism (Bro. SOB Mathurin)

The Gospel in itself is dynamic. You cannot think of the Gospel without
thinking of dynamism. Matthew 24:14 gives us precision. There is a Gospel that
takes over a prostitute from prostitution and makes her a preacher of the Gospel.
There is a Gospel that impacts the life of an armed robber, transforming him into
a worshiper of the Lord.

Jesus died for the salvation of souls, and we are in His Commission. He has sent
us to go forth and preach this good news. Why are souls not being saved then?
The problem does not lie with God or with the Holy Spirit; but the problem lies
with us. If souls are not being saved, it is because the Gospel is not being
preached, or we received it and making our beds in church.

The Bible declares that after Peter preached once in Acts 2, 3000 persons were
saved. These souls were truly touched. This is proven by the fact that after their
new birth experience, the 3000 persons began to commune together, giving all
that which they had and laying them at the apostles feet. This is what we call the
dynamics of evangelism.

1- Each One Reaches One Or More – Personal Evangelism

The soul-winner is a worshipper. They are totally obedient and submissive
persons. He or she is a person who has been touched by the Father; consumed by
His love, and determined to communicate the power of the Gospel.

The heart of the soul-winner is consumed by a burden for souls. Souls are not
saved by chance. There must be preparation beforehand. So if you want to be a
candidate to ensure that souls are saved, you need to pray for these souls. You
must have the salvation of souls at heart on a regular basis. Your heart must be
ready to sacrifice with joy. That is the Gospel of Jesus. God recognizes Himself
in such evangelism and draws multitudes to Himself.

When Apostle Peter preached, 3000 people were saved. Was it Peter’s voice that
was heard without a megaphone or PV, and in the absence of electricity? The
people heard the voice of the Lord. The preaching of the Gospel begins on a
personal level; and you must accept the Gospel and take it to others.

2- Public Preaching And Teaching Demonstrations

Once you have become the strategy of God and a worshipper in spirit and in
truth, it becomes easy to carry worship to other Nations. What God has done in
you privately, He will do publicly.

I have met believers who say they have never preached in public. There are
platforms which have been given to us where the Gospel needs to be preached.
We can preach and plant cell groups in public markets, in bus stations, in
neighborhoods, where prostitutes and homeless children are found, in prisons, in
hospitals, etc.

We can do the same in business enterprises. Most enterprises have one-hour

break for employees; a lot can go happen within this time. If you have an open
door within an enterprise, then you will influence the management, and the
Word of God can penetrate into their hearts.

The Gospel must be preached in hospitals. The patients escaped from listening
to the Gospel in the quarters. They ran away from Morning Cry, and refused to
collect tracts, but they fall sick, and respond to the Gospel in the hospital.
Ministering in the hospitals also gives us the opportunity to preach to the
medical staff. Wake-keepings and corpse-removals organized at the mortuary
also present an opportunity to preach the Word. There are people who would
come from abroad to attend the funeral and suddenly, they hear the preaching of
the Gospel for their salvation.

Primary schools are also avenues for the Gospel to be preached. There, you do
not need to rent the hall or chairs. The students are readily available.

3- Other Specialized Strategies To Win The Lost

Here, I would refer to sad and happy events. Insist on preaching the Gospel on
all occasions, be they favorable or not.

Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season.

Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. (2
Timothy 4:2)

Ministering during birthday celebrations is a perfect strategy to plant a home cell

and consolidate it. Even during weddings, you can ask the preacher for the
opportunity to do an altar call, and you speak briefly of the wedding supper
awaiting believers in heaven. Preach the Gospel during graduation celebrations,
at festival and carnivals, and at Christmas and New Year. There is no new year
without God. But how will the people be saved if they have not heard the
Gospel? How will they hear if you do not preach?

Through the talents of others, the Gospel must also be preached. There are
Christian dancers and football players. Millions can be influenced during a
football game. Do not remain within the four walls; go towards them where they
are and preach the Gospel. They have a right to the good news because Jesus

died for them. Musical concerts organized during the ‘FOMARIC’ trade fair are
also arenas where the lost can be reached.

The Gospel can also be preached through programs organized to commemorate

public holidays. A sister organized a program during the International Day of
the Woman and invited many people, including her quarter-head, the mayor, and
the women in the quarter. We used this opportunity to preach the Word and
created contacts. Now, that mayor gives us authorizations and facilities.

The Bible describes the beauty of the feet of those who preach the Good News.
This Gospel must be preached with passion. If it is preached sluggishly, it
becomes lukewarm to the hearers. The world does not need that. They need
preachers with total conviction to Jesus.

There are some who can only be reached with the Gospel at 5 am, and you do
this through the Morning Cry. Others can be reached at 10 am or at midday. Still
others can only be reached at 4 pm as they come out of schools, or towards
weekends at the bus stations as they travel. They are afraid to die, and accept
prayers at that time.

The Lord also inspired me with a unique strategy. Many think that it is difficult
to preach the Gospel when it is raining. Once it was raining and while I was
going out, I saw pockets of people sheltering from the rain in a shed. They were
obliged to listen to me, as they could not rush out into the rain. On another day, I
met almost 200 people seeking refuge from the rain at a petrol station. I
preached to them, and there was a powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit: no
one fell, all repented with fear and trembling, and I had a testimony of God’s

Creation is eagerly expecting and longing for the rising of the sons of God
(paraphrased -Romans 8:19). The Lord says, “Who shall I send? Who will go
for us? Who will go to the markets? Who will seize the opportunities, be they
favorable or not, to bring in the harvest?”
The Lord is waiting for you on the field. May He deliver you from fear of men.
The Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of every one who believes.
What validates your call is the souls of men saved.

Church-planting Possibilities (Bro. BAYIHA Theodore)

Some of us win so many people at public places and neighborhoods, but do not
know what to do afterwards. The only strategy we develop is to hand them over
to local churches to train them. At the beginning of my Christian walk, I used to
entrust the souls I won to others. But a certain time, while evangelizing, I will
meet these same souls who have now backslidden and abandoned the faith. I
started crying within and asking, “Lord, what is the real problem?” The Lord
told me that I lacked church planting possibilities.

When we win souls, the work is not yet finished. In fact, the true work has just
begun. It is easier to demonstrate the power of God and multitudes come to
Jesus than it is to keep them for 40 years in the faith. Maintaining them in Christ
is one of the most difficult tasks. In this chapter, we will be talking about the
possibilities of church-planting. There are many possibilities and methods the
Lord gives us so we can establish these new converts in their new walk with the
Lord, giving them platforms to grow in the faith, where they will experience the
basics of Christian life, and later become the ministers they are destined to be.

We have 3 possibilities for church-planting.

1) Planting churches among homogeneous groups:

Homogeneous groups are made up of people with the same social similarities.
For example, these could be people within the same job (mechanics) or, the
same age range, (youth) or the same socio-cultural links (tribal). In the
evangelism movement, we have realized that when people are like-minded, the
movement grows rapidly. Multiplication is rapid. It becomes easy to reach them
when one among them is raised or has been touched by the gospel.

A homogeneous group can consist of footballers and football-related jobs. We

have the tendency to think only of those who play on the field, but the football
world includes managers, trainers, coaches, etc. They are also part of the
football milieu and we can reach them with the Gospel, and introduce churches
in their midst in order to begin discipleship-training. When the church is not
introduced, how will you commence discipleship-training? You will instead
become tired, trying to be everywhere at the same time until you are spiritually-
exhausted and empty. You may still be found in the market, but you will no
longer be giving the true Gospel because you are tired. You are tired because
you are dispersed everywhere, lacking the wisdom to plant and to start

It is important to establish cell groups in the midst of homogenous groups, as a

place to consolidate new believers before launching in discipleship.

There are certain groups we have already reached, but there are also groups we
have not yet reached. We have to send disciples to go, preach the Gospel, and
establish churches in their midst. Examples of unreached groups include secular
musicians in Cameroon. Listen to the lyrics of their music, and you will realize
that there is still work to be done. Glory to God for the students, youths and

children, but this homogenous group called musicians must be reached, and
churches must be established in their midst.

Teachers are another example of a homogenous group. I was invited to the

graduation ceremony in my children’s school. Knowing that I am a pastor, the
school administration led me to the front seats. My child was chosen among
those to act a sketch, and while they were preparing to come on stage, they were
accompanied by a well-known secular song. The Lord told me that day, “That is
an unreached people group. You must establish a church in their midst.” I send
my child to school there and she returns and tells me that her pen was stolen at
school. One day I went to Class One – her class – and saw that there were small
children there who are already skilled in thievery. I then understood that they are
also an unreached people group among whom we must go, build churches and
begin discipleship-training.

Glory to God because we have reached certain groups, but there are still groups
to be reached. Let us rearrange, update and restructure our agendas. Let us bring
changes in the design of our agendas so that we can set objectives to reach these
homogenous groups. Let us develop wisdom to work with these groups. We
need wisdom from the Lord.

2) Heterogeneous groups:
These are mixed groups. These are different homogenous groups which come
together. We need wisdom to know how to introduce the church among them.
That is the strategy of the Lord Jesus. In His crowd of disciples, there were
homogenous groups such as fishermen (e.g. Peter and the others), tax-collectors
(e.g. Zacchaeus and Matthew), men, and women. The entirety of Jesus’ ministry
was made up of heterogeneous groups and Jesus knew how to minister to each
group of people so that their spiritual needs were met. It is good to specialize
with a group, but the wisdom of God can also help us to work with
heterogeneous groups of people.
When a church is planted and established, the work is not over.

3) You have to put in place a regular flow for spiritual development in a

church Plant.
In Acts 2:40-47, we see 4 foundational pillars to catalyze spiritual development
in churches, be they homogenous or heterogeneous churches. The Bible tells us
about Peter who proclaimed the Gospel with extraordinary power. He created
impact and we saw the supernatural happen as 3000 people entered into the
Kingdom of God, but the work was not over. It was just beginning. The bible
says that these over-three-thousand people were established in a spiritual family,
and in this family, they submitted themselves to apostolic teachings. These were
not religious teachings, but were rather teachings with an apostolic character.
Rather, through their teachings, there was the transmission of an apostolic spirit
to each person in the church. There was no teaching without motives. There was
a spirit and a characteristic they wanted to pass on. The disciples had to do this
in order to establish their faith, not on human philosophies, but on the Word of
God. That is why they had to be taught.

So, the first pillar here was teachings. Let us teach in our churches that have
been established. By so doing, we begin to establish and reinforce the Kingdom
in the hearts of all those who have come into the Kingdom. These teachings
were well-planned, well-organized and done as a team. The Scriptures mention
‘the teachings of the apostles’, not ‘the teachings of an apostle’. Although the
first twelve were all apostles, each apostle had a peculiarity, which was useful
for the development of all. Some may have had a teaching on grace, and other
apostles might have had an evangelistic gracing or a pastoral gracing, but all
were needed to build the Body, the family.

Other foundational pillars were brotherly fellowship and the breaking of bread.
The disciples ate together, fellowshipped as brothers, and drank together. It is
important that this is done in the church to catalyze the life of Christ – Zoe life.
It is in the spiritual family that we find this life of God. Jesus said that He came
to give us life and life in abundance. When we get into the family that we call
the Church of Jesus, let us see this lifestyle. People ate together, drank together,
and they prayed together. When there was a need or challenge, they did not seek
human solutions. They turned their eyes to the Lord to get a solution. They came
together for prayers. Everyone looked to God for the solution to problems here
on earth. It was a regular practice. Let us catalyze this.

Because of the presence of these pillars, the disciples had everything in

common. There was solidarity among them – the Zoe life of God. They shared
everything together. Extraordinary things –signs and wonders – were happening.
These were consequences of building the pillars.

So, when these pillars are put in place, we would not be stressed or start
fabricating miracles. We would not push people down to say that people fell
down during our service. There are some people who believe that God did not
work in their service if no one fell during their ministration. That is not true.
With these foundations in place, we will not fabricate miracles, but miracles will
happen even when we do not touch anyone, without any gimmicks whatsoever.
The Holy Spirit Himself will manifest the presence of God. The anointing of
God will manifest because God is present.

The Bible tells us that people will take hold of the Jew and will say, “We
recognize that God is with you.” It is not just something we manufacture, but it
will be a lifestyle because the atmosphere is agreeable and pleasant, and the
spiritual flow is good.

May the Lord bless you.

Dynamics of making Disciples
(Bro. DJIMELI Debonnaire)

We see a passion for the preaching of the Gospel. It is an excellent thing because
we must dynamise and multiply evangelism strategies. We must seize every
opportunity to plant churches in the midst of homogenous and heterogeneous
groups, and consolidate the fruits.

Globally, we realize that there is a great discrepancy between the statistics of

those saved, the number of churches planted, and the number of disciples
trained. Every week, we have thousands upon thousands who are saved, be it
through our platform, or through some other ministries who specialize in
evangelism. But when we consider the number of churches planted, in
comparison to the number of people saved, we realize that there is no efficiency
or dynamism. When we compare the number of churches planted to the number
of disciples trained, it brings tears to our eyes.

Global statistics present to us the fact that mega-churches constitute only 5% of

the churches worldwide. The other 95% consist of churches where 2 or 3 are
gathered. When we see the mega-churches on television, we are impressed by

what we see, and we have the impression that there is Kingdom advance.
Meanwhile, in reality, they are turning around the same spot, because what
makes for the essential acceleration of the Gospel is discipleship, which is the
most neglected aspect in the global system of the church.

We see evangelists who spend millions and millions of dollars for the
proclamation of the Gospel in a three-day program with great demonstration of
power and displaying of vast statistics. The budget reserved for preaching is
enormous in relation to the budget reserved for discipleship. It is easier to preach
the Gospel. It is easier to win souls but it is more difficult to make disciples.
Visibly, we invest more in what is far easier to do and invest less in what is
more difficult. We see a greater demonstration of passion in the preaching of the
Gospel to win souls, but we are sleepy when it comes to discipleship. As long as
we function in this manner, as the church of Christ, we delay the second coming
of the Lord.

This good news of the Kingdom must be preached in all the

nations, to all tribes and peoples, and then the end will come.
(Matthew 24:14)

As a great evangelist, it is easier to reach 125 nations and touch 1 million

people, but it is better to train 10,000 evangelists and saturate the world to reach
out to 7 billion people. This is called discipleship. It is necessary for us, as the
church of the Lord, to render dynamic discipleship-training, to commit ourselves
to the dynamics of discipleship.

And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He

Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Then He appointed
twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them
out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast
out demons. (Mark 3:13-15)

When Jesus went up to the mountain, He consulted God and heard from Him.
When He returned from His fellowship with the Father, He called twelve to BE

with Him, to walk with Him, to collaborate with them in order to send them. He
invited them to discipleship. It is therefore necessary for us to make dynamic
discipleship process.

We normally do not invest in what does not produce. A wise businessman does
not invest his time or money in what does not work. We invest more in fruitful
endeavors. We must therefore make discipleship dynamic.

How can we make discipleship dynamic?

We do this primarily by building lifetime relationships for maturity in Christ.

Jesus invited His disciples, not for a one-off relationship but for a lifetime
relationship. It was a lifetime connection, not a punctual connection or an
egoistic connection for personal interest. It was a mutual commitment to the end
that the disciples should become mature and should do exploits. Today, our
salvation and spiritual growth testifies that it was a good decision. It is thanks to
that relationship that the world got saturated with the Gospel. We must therefore
build lifetime relationships in order to make disciples mature.

Remember that in II Timothy 3:10-11, Apostle Paul says, “You have been my
witnesses. You have seen my suffering, my faith, and my trials. You have been
witnesses to my tribulations. You have seen how I faced these things.” It is not
possible to see these things when the disciple-maker is mysterious. We see them
only in the context of a relationship. The discipleship-training we are talking
about what takes place through relationships.

The people God draws towards us must not become a statistic; rather, they are
relationships. For example, when you say, “I have a church of 2000 people” or
“I have a church of 15,000 people,” that is only statistics. What kind of
relationship do you have with them? What do they represent for you: a
relationship or a statistic? We can modify statistics whenever we want,
according to times and seasons, or according to interests. A hard-earned
relationship has value.
We must therefore develop a relational approach in our ministerial style. We
were told that each time somebody submits to your ministry for three minutes or
one hour or 30 days, that is a relationship that is established, and must be
maintained and developed. But if we work with a purely ministerial approach, a
strategic approach and not a relational approach, we miss the relationships that
God has established for us.

We must build lifetime relationships and develop disciples unto maturity

through these relationships. True discipleship-training is done through
relationship and not through programs and activities. It is when there is a
relationship that there is a possibility of discipleship.

In discipleship-training, we are not that tender, neither do we strive to please

people. This is because our goal is to mold them and give a form. To train
someone means to give the person form. Most of the people God draws to us
have a background. This background can be spiritual, cultural, traditional,
intellectual, familial, social, etc. They already have a form. All the cultural,
social, family and traditional values have already deformed them. In the process
of discipleship-training, through relationship, God wants to give them a
form/shape. He desires to give them a model, and pass them through a mold that
has nothing to do with their culture or with their person, but everything to do
with the culture of God and with the person of Christ.

And the things that you have heard from me among many
witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach
others also. (II Timothy 2:2)

Without relationships, discipleship is not effective. It follows that we cannot

train disciples in a crowd. Moses loved the crowd, but Jethro advised him to
adopt the principle of setting up groups of 10, 100, and 150 according to each

leader’s capacity. Moreover, we have the model of Christ – 12 disciple, 40
disciples, 70 disciples, 120 disciple, 500 disciples, etc.

Discipleship-training must be a lifestyle of Christianity - spirit, soul and body.

It does not limit itself to an event; it is not a one-off event. It is a permanent and
consistent lifestyle. There is no special place reserved for discipleship. When we
do discipleship training as a lifestyle in Christ, we train disciples even while we
are eating. I recall that my restructuring concerning my first mission trip in
Nkongsamba was done around a plate of barbecued meat. While we are walking
on the road, we train disciples. If we only limit ourselves to teaching, or if we
wait for a hall or for an opportunity to be given to us to demonstrate our know-
how, we have bypassed the concept of discipleship. That is exactly what the
church is doing: each Sunday is an opportunity to show that we are superstars,
and we know how to work the crowd. That has nothing to do with discipleship-
training. We must move ourselves to transfer competence to those around us.

Discipleship-training is a lifestyle, and not an event or a program, and it is

costly. It is not spectacular but it is effective. It empties us of our ego and
money, and demands sacrifice and discipline. When you are mysterious, you can
have a double-life. When you are mysterious, you can pretend. When you are in
public, you are one thing, and in private, you are another. In discipleship,
hypocrisy falls because we know one another. It is a heart-to-heart relationship,

Discipleship is costly and whoever does not want to change cannot commit
himself in discipleship. When you are ready to change, then you are ready for
discipleship. It is not about teaching or only demonstration of power. It is about
a lifestyle that affects other lives. It is about a Gospel that transformed you, and
which you live and demonstrate in the midst of others without compromise.

 A lifestyle of thinking.

 Your lifestyle of language.

 Your lifestyle of daily actions.

When I was young, we used to hear people say, “Do what I say and not what I
do.” No, we train the spirit, soul and body of the disciples. We train disciples to
restructure their thinking process. We train disciples to bring healing in their
souls. We train disciples so that they discipline themselves physically in their
dressing code, time and money management, etc.

Finally, it is not only about winning souls. We must not only win them, but
must also consolidate them. All those that Jesus won, He consolidated. All
those the disciples won, they consolidated in houses and in the assemblies.
According to Acts 2, they fellowshipped in the breaking of bread, in brotherly
love, in teachings and in prayer. You must consolidate them, but you must go
beyond consolidation to discipline them. It is not just about bringing them food
to eat, or mourning with them at funerals or assisting at their weddings. It is
good, but that is not all. It is not paying their rents when they have such
challenges. It is not about that. Many of us limit ourselves to that level. We think
that our money can train disciples. False! It is not because you have helped a
disciple with your money that you think that you are training that one as your
disciple. That is false.

You need to look at them face-to-face and help to restructure their thoughts
because they come from backgrounds where the standard of education was not
in accordance with the standard and model of Christ. You must change their
paradigms. Let them mingle with you so as to change their paradigms. They
must become better every day, more dynamic every day, and more fruitful every
day. We have the responsibility to train them and discipline them.

We have them in our cell groups. Sometimes, we are quick to point fingers at
the local churches, saying that they harvest and harvest, but do nothing with the

harvest. What are we doing with those God has given us? Have we become
those who just sit and delight to have the disciples and share in their bounty?
That is why we say that all we learn in Bible school during the preliminary years
are just an introduction to discipleship-training. What should follow should be a
lifestyle so we say that Discipleship is a lifestyle for a lifetime.

Our attitude testifies to the truth of whether or not discipleship has become a
lifestyle for us. Our attitude towards the Body of Christ attests whether
discipleship has become a lifestyle or not. God is demanding us to train
disciples. God is calling us to discipleship. We must work daily to transfer from
new birth to discipleship, from discipleship to leadership, and from leadership to
become heroes of the faith.

Bible Training Centres as Platform for Training
Disciples (Bro. François Mbesse)


The command to ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations...’ concerns
all believers. This command is the responsibility of every local assembly, every
Christian ministry, and even of every believer in Jesus Christ.

We must therefore work together, to achieve this divine mandate. Each ministry
gift must be fully involved in accomplishing the Great Commission, as everyone
plays their designated role.

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some

evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of
the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of
Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of
the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13)

It is important to note that to raise mature disciples who will usher in the reign
of God upon the earth, all the ministry gifts ought to act jointly.

We also note that the Scriptures outline several mediums for the transmission of
the Word:

 Preaching or declaration
 Exhortation or encouragement
 Prophecy or revelation
 Doctrine or teaching

The Church usually prioritizes the three first mediums above teaching.
Meanwhile, Jesus built up His apostles (that is, persons to whom He could
entrust the Great Commission) by teaching the twelve disciples systematically
for three-and-a-half years.

Later on, Paul made a great impact in the Kingdom, chiefly because of his
understanding of this principle of systematic teaching. Within two years only, he
taught and made disciples such that the entire Asia heard the Gospel of Jesus
Christ (Acts 19:8-10). His strategy involved finding a neutral setting which
could host the disciples whom he was training through systematic teachings.

It is therefore vital to return to this biblical model if we will, like Paul, make
disciples and advance the Kingdom of God on the earth.


1) Nature

The Bible Training Centres are an interdenominational training ground,

welcoming all believers without preference or exception, irrespective of gender,
social class, or the presence or lack of an educational background, given that
discipleship-training is open to all. Because the Bible Training Centre is not a
church, we are committed to building disciples whom we release to their
different assemblies after two years so that they can be useful for Kingdom

2) The vision of the Bible Training Centres
 Deliver the people of Cameroon from the bonds of slavery to
religion through the teaching of the Word of Faith.

 Train strong, wise, faithful and fruitful disciples for the

advancement of the Kingdom.

 Catalyze unity in the Body of Christ.

There is a deadly disease which is continually attacking believers: RELIGION.

It is the arch-enemy of the Christian life. It kills slowly while its victim remains
ignorant of the fact that he/she is in the process of dying. If this disease is not
handled, we will profess to be Christians, but we will not be different from the
Pharisees who masterminded the crucifixion of Jesus, believing that they were
serving God’s purpose.

Once the disease has been identified, we heal it by the teaching of the word of
faith. With the accuracy of the truth of the Word, we can deliver men from
religion and make them active disciples.

3) A platform for discipleship-training

Since one of the objectives of the Bible Training Centres is to train strong, wise,
faithful and fruitful disciples, we have put in place:

 The Systematic teaching of the word of God. When the Word of God
is not presented in a systematic and accurate manner, the listeners are
only informed about the truth, and what they hear is so disorganized in
their spirits that they get confused. They cannot take ownership of the
truth and appropriate it in order to practice it.
On the other hand, a well-structured teaching which is delivered with
precision takes away the grey areas and doubts, and helps the disciple
develop a clear understanding of the truth. He can then independently
practice the truth he has been taught (Luke 24:25-27).
 Rigorous discipline. This is activated through the respect of internal
rules and regulations, the annual schedule and through other aspects of
the training. In the making of disciples, the disciple-maker may
sometimes have to submit potential disciples to difficult situations they
need to overcome. Watch what Jesus did in John 6:51-56. Without
discipline, believers cannot become disciples; consequently, they will
be useless for Kingdom advance, being unable to stand firm unto
 A meticulously-developed process for the transformation of lives has
been established for making disciples.
This process consists of the preaching of the Gospel; systematic teaching of
the Word; the respect of discipline; practical evangelism in houses, and
public places; planting cell groups; preregistration of potential students by
current disciple-students. This process yields disciples who are on the
frontline of Kingdom advance.

4) A place to know God personally, and to discover one’s destiny and

fulfill it.

In the Bible Training Centres, the students are inspired to press in to personally
know God through teachings, reading assignments (based on the bible passages
and other books) and through other practical assignments. They learn to
maintain a vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit and depend on Him. This
then catalyzes the process of discovery of their purpose in Christ (I Corinthians

5) Practice-Centered Training Aimed at Making Effective Disciples

We have set up platforms which provide a framework for practicing the Word of
God. These include,

 Covenant partnerships.

 Aggressive Soul-Winning Program.
 The two-month Practical fieldwork.
 Planting of cells.
 Preregistration of potential students.

This practical process further molds the student on the path of discipleship.

6) A place to catalyze unity in the Body of Christ

Given that the students of the Bible Training Centres come from different local
assemblies, persons of the same gender from different local assemblies are
paired together, initiating a covenant relationship in which they have obligations
to fulfil, one towards the other. In this way, they learn to value covenant
relationships above religious systems, and gradually get less conscious of
denominational differences.

In addition, during our graduation ceremonies and other gatherings, such as the
Missions Mobilisation Summits and weekly school sessions, over 600 pastors
respond to our invitation to be present, further reinforcing the unity of the Body.


As the believers go through the process of discipleship, we expect to have:

Strong disciples:
 Is accurate in the knowledge of the Scriptures and enjoys a wonderful
fellowship with God.
 Someone who is firmly committed to accomplishing the plan of God for
his or her life in the face of challenges and obstacles, and who lives to
advance the Kingdom of God.

Wise disciples:
 Knows what, when and how to communicate, with the right attitude

 Has the ability to aptly apply knowledge received, doing the right thing at
the right time, all for the glory of God

Faithful disciples (Proverbs 20:6; 2 Timothy 2:2):

 Honors all his/her commitments towards the Lord and towards men.
 Constant in form and in depth

Fruitful disciples.

 Able to multiply all that is entrusted to him/her.

 Is passionate towards missions.
 Is a true worshipper, a perfume of good odor unto the Lord.

Generally, through the Bible Training Centres, as disciples are made, the
transfer of the relay baton of the preaching of the Gospel is assured. As such, the
body of Christ receives qualified workers, boosting the work in the local
churches to the end that the world can, through the Church, appreciate the
manifold wisdom of God.

The Apostolic Model for Gospel Advance
(Bro. Hal Rahman)

Church Global
Evangelism Church- Making
Growth Kingdom
Planting Disciples

Reaching the lost Consolidating Lifestyle Maturity in Go into all the

and winning souls New Believers Christianity in the church world and make
Fruitfulness Disciples

Discipleship is a lifetime training. If you really take everything into

consideration, it will last for the rest of your life. If you really receive it, you
will receive an agenda from the Lord such that nobody had a say in the success
of your life or ministry, except you.

In this first diagram, you see the flow of the process of world evangelism. It is a
linear process, but it is not limited to the linear process; it is also a dynamic
process. Life is not linear; it is only represented as such for understanding. Life
is in dynamic relationships. Therefore, when we speak of the linear relationships

from evangelism to church-planting, these are expressions of a continuous
process. This means that you never stop evangelizing or church-planting. These
are not stages of beginning and ending. It is a continuous process.

We should not stop because you have evangelized and planted a church. That is
the erroneous character of the church. They strain to plant a church in a season.
After planting, they begin to work on the church in order to attract others. That
is good, but you are just building is a successful church, not a lasting church. If
you need to build a lasting church, evangelism has to be non-stop; it has to be a
lifestyle. That is why in this ministry, evangelism is a priority. We do not stop

In the diagram, we use a one-directional arrow simply as an expression of a

linear relationship, communicating that if you win souls, you should consolidate
them in a process we call church-planting. When we mention the term, ‘church-
planting’, it seems to imply that we are planting people in a room or hall space
auditorium called a church. The building is just a tool to be used for the
consolidation of believers. It can be done in a home. It does not necessarily have
to be done in a public place.

There is a difference between planting churches and planting assemblies. When

you plant a church, it involves a personal relationship; it is like a baby being
born that you have to nurture. Young people always think that they are the ones
who discovered sex, and do not count the cost of their actions, namely minutes
and some hours of sexual pleasure resulting in pregnancy is equal to 25 years of
responsibility. Many men run away because they never counted the cost. Sex is
not for children; it is for mature people. So too is evangelism. When you win
souls and they are born-again, you cannot abandon them.

When a child is born, you have to be responsible for them for up to, at least, 25
years, from elementary school to having their university degrees. They are your
responsibility - psychologically, socially, financially, and spiritually. This

responsibility increases with time. You are always on the job. You have to
watch over them so that you can help them through life.

I must admit that not all parents are responsible. I can tell by a person’s behavior
if they are responsible parents or whether they have responsible or irresponsible
parents. It shows through one’s personality. You do not have to say a word, but
it shows through the way you look, walk, or are distracted. As parents, Proverbs
22:6 is our responsibility. If you are a parent, do not abandon your

If I were God, I would have stopped women from getting pregnant until they
come to church with a ring. From babyhood, He put all the requirements of
sexuality in males and females. He then leaves parents with the responsibility to
raise them up to fit into a proper structure. So is church-planting. People were
walking all over the place and they heard the Gospel, turned around, fell on their
knees and surrendered to Jesus. From that day, they are spiritual babies, even if
they are 70 years old. It is a process. Once they are saved, you must consolidate.
You are not planting an assembly; you are planting a church. A church is a
living organism with great potentials. You develop a personal relationship with

Then, we move on to making disciples. 90% of the church stops at planting the
church. The character of the present-day church is to stop at church-planting
level. In church-planting, there are some things you can use: good preaching,
good promises, some signs and wonders and miracles. When you use these, the
church can swell – not grow, it can swell with attraction, and not grow in
substance quality.

There is a difference between church-swelling and church growth. Swelling is

caused by inflammation. In church-planting, when you see your assembly swell,
do not necessarily be happy. It is the work of a maggot that has entered and
swollen the church too quickly, and you think that it is your success. Because

sooner or later, the growth curve will fall flat. It is a virus of excitement, a virus
of personality. I can use my personality and swell a church. I can use the power
of signs and wonders, but that is not church growth. It is church-swell.

When we plant churches to have church, we need to go through discipleship.

The more you make disciples, the more you evangelize, and the more you plant
churches. New believers do not plant churches. It takes disciples to do so,
because they know all the coordinates, all the elements, and all the
circumstances and situations of church-planting.

Every believer is a soul-winner. Every believer can plant a cell group, prayer
group, study group. Every believer is called to make disciples, but this is where
we separate the boys from the men. We recognize Who’s Who in the area of
making disciples. That is the area where you make or break. You cannot give, or
produce what you have not become.

Discipleship is a lifestyle for a lifetime. You can start with becoming a disciple,
but you can abort your discipleship process by your egoism, by your cultural
mind, by your thinking. You can abort your discipleship process because your
head grows bigger than your shoulders. You can abort your discipleship because
numbers swell your head, and you cannot distinguish between quantity and
quality. Your church may grow to 2000 members, but still you cannot validate
it, because you know that over 80% of them are just babies – because you know
that you used your personality to attract them. You did not grow them up
through discipleship.

That is why I assume that every one of us still has to go through much
discipleship. If your feelings are at the tip of your fingers, you still have much
more to go through. If your emotions are on thin skin, you have much more to
go through in discipleship. If you always think that you are right and everyone
else is wrong when you analyze issues, you have much more to go through in
discipleship. If anger is still ruling over your mind, or if you are still thinking in

very simple reasoning (1+1=2 and 2+2=4) and that is all you know, then you
have not yet started discipleship. That is why discipleship is a lifestyle, and it is
for a lifetime.

That is why in the business world, the responsibility of multitasking and running
up and down is usually given to women – because they can multitask better than
men. Women multitask and God has given them the grace to do this well. There
is always a space for you to do something extra, because the different
multitasking responsibilities are different in nature and time.

So, discipleship is when you raise the standard of your capacity in responsibility.
Making disciples is when you raise their capacity in responsibility.

Church Growth Dynamics (Bro Hal Rahman)

Church growth can be realized through quality discipleship process. You cannot
talk about church growth just in evangelism. To grow a church, you cannot use
evangelism alone. That would be a false growth because the church would be
composed of immature new believers. Easy they come, easy they go. Church
growth is determined by maturity and discipleship. This is the model of the New
Testament church. Church growth springs out of discipleship. It creates the
conditions for springing out.

Your capacity in discipleship-training determines the power of disciples to go

deeper in Christ and to do reasonable work for Jesus. If you do not place much
weight on them and investment in them, they will not become profitable
disciples. One characteristic of making disciples is to invest in their lives. Right
now, you are receiving a serious investment in your life to prepare you to go
higher in the Lord.

Discipleship creates the right conditions to catalyze church growth, and church
growth has three or four characteristics.

1) Spiritual Growth

When we mentioned church growth, the first thing we initiate is spiritual

 What are we teaching potential disciples over the years?

 How are you training the disciples?
 What objectives have you set before them?
 How spiritual are they to make quality decisions in the church
 Do they easily fall for numbers? Do they fall easily for prosperity,
or for somebody who offers them more money?

You can spend ten years training your disciples and somebody comes to lure
them, but they still abide with you – because you love them with a sincere love
and are building them sincerely from your heart. You are giving them your best.
You are not the best, but you give them your best. You may not be Mr. Perfect
or Ms. Perfect. My disciples know all my errors and they still stay with me. That
is the characteristic of quality relationship between you and disciples.

That is why one of the first characteristics of the apostolic dynamism is to bring
people into sonship. In sonship, you are in an agape love relationship. That is
why Jesus, in Mark 3:13-14, called the disciples to be with Him. He called them
to be with Him; not just to know ministry, but to know Him. He calls us to know
Him. Ministry springs out of relationships. It is not in a structure, nor is it a
place to get your success. Ministry is based on relationship. You can do
excellently more than what your master did or more than what someone who
trained you did. But if you only see ministry as an opportunity for success, you
will fail successfully. The quality of the spiritual growth of your disciples is
determined by your quality relationship with them. Do not hide yourself by
putting a face of spiritual maturity when you know the level of your spirituality.

Spiritual growth is first birthed out of your relationships. The seed of the
relationship can be watered by teaching, practical examples, and by practical
work (that is, spirit, soul, and body). We must build them spiritually; we must
build their minds and natural appearance. That is the investment in the life of a
disciple, and it should be done non-stop until God calls you home.

Spiritual growth requires the base of the Word of God in your spirit; and as you
face circumstances and situations, you make right judgements and decisions.

Sometimes, you grow and slow down your growth because your head swells or
your mind is confused, or because you have been influenced by toxic forces.
The most powerful or dangerous influence is the spirit of pride. When this enters
you, your head can swell to ten times the size of the earth. When you are in
spiritual error, everybody is wrong and you are always right, and everything you
say is correct.

I have some disciples who cannot give me an opportunity to talk. They are
always talking. When they finish, they say, “Okay, Sir. See you later.” I just
answer, “Okay, no problem.” You do not even have time to give them any
wisdom. They do not want it, but are only using you as an opportunity for their
own spiritual success.

Spiritual growth is one of the characteristics of church growth. If you are placed
in a leadership position. You may not be matured for that position, but you have
been given the opportunity to be built into maturity. The leader only gives you
the opportunity to build your maturity. Some people can say, “But you have
given me the position. I have to exercise the power therein.” This means that all
they are thinking about is the position and power. Every assignment or
opportunity we are given by God is an opportunity to grow spiritually as we
make decisions. The assignment and opportunity given to you are for your
spiritual growth, mental growth, and psychological growth.

Many Christians are growing spiritually, but psychologically, immature. Grow

in equilibrium: your mind, your heart, and your thinking, influence each other to
give you a balanced maturity. Your spiritual growth is determined by you: how
you use the opportunity God gave you by putting you in relationship with other
people. Never take that opportunity as an asset for your selfish good, but use it
as an opportunity in that which God will teach you. That is why He gave you the
Holy Spirit. Humility is the measuring stick for spiritual maturity.

2) Numerical Growth

Let us review the principles of addition and multiplication. The average pastor
who wants to grow his church sends the believers out to win souls. They always
say, “Invite somebody else.” That is not church growth. That is church
excitement. You are inviting them to come and experience the preaching and
praise-and-worship. They will come, but as they come, so they leave.

There is a deliberate strategy of discipleship in personal relationship with those

who the Lord brought close to you. Train those who start with you. Keep your
eyes out; look for those who are coming. Look for the simple hearted and pull
yourself close to them.

When you have spiritual growth, numerical growth is automatic because with
discipleship, multiplication begins to take place. You do not have to send people
to go and invite others; their lifestyle will attract and multiply. As of three years
ago, we realized that we had planted about 3000 churches, and these are only the
statistics for Cameroon, but none of these churches have our name or any
expression of me. They rather have Jesus. We have multiplied these churches in
high schools, in primary schools, in the community homes etc.

Numerical growth is automatic when spiritual growth has laid the foundation for
church growth. You multiply churches when you multiply disciples. Note that I
have not said that you multiply members. Membership is not really church
growth. You are a disciple in the church, called to multiply yourself in others.
You are called to be a disciple in fruitfulness.

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that
you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain,

that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
(John 15:16)

So as a disciple, in the church, you should be seeing yourself multiply into


3) Financial Growth

Another characteristic of church growth is financial growth. Again, we go back

to discipleship. You do not grow financially by members. You grow by disciples
through relationships. If you take time to invest in the lives of disciples, they
will become prosperous and in-turn invest in your life. IT WORKS.

Your prosperity is in your heart to believe, and in your hand to give.

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down,

shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Luke

4) Global Growth

As we spring out from the base of discipleship, I will be building up spiritual

champions - those who are spiritually strong, understand Scriptures, know how
to discern, and know how to apply Scriptures in the process of thinking. I am
building disciples who take the Scriptures and ask, “God, how can I apply
this?” Kingdom dynamism deals with the spirit of the Word, not the letter of the
Word. You can read the Word, but if you apply it by the letter, you are still in
religion, and you are limiting your prosperity and your spiritual impact; you are
limiting yourself in everything.

Kingdom dynamism is to operate in the spirit of the Word.

In global growth, it takes spiritual growth, numerical growth and financial

growth combined for world dominion. You cannot go to the world if you cannot
make disciples.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has
been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to
observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with
you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20)

That assignment is given only to disciples. New converts cannot go to the world.
Members cannot go to the world. You have been in a church for the past 20
years and all we see is a banner announcing the launching of church named
fabric or an upcoming concert etc. Spiritual growth, numerical growth, financial
growth emboldens you to reach nations without any title or name – just with
your simplicity and relationship in Christ.

Global Kingdom Advance (Bro Hal Rahman)

What creates kingdom acceleration? What catalyzes the Gospel highway that
causes the word of God to advance in rapidity? It is a demonstration of the
power of the love of God.

That is how the Gospel started. Jesus did not say, “For God so loved to have
church…” or “For God so loved to have so many churches…” That is not the
Gospel. “For God so loved the world…” The seed of acceleration in the Gospel
is His love for sinners. For God so loves the world… Do you know the world?
“Full of sin and human evil.”

But God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten son. He
demonstrated His love by giving His Son. On the basis of that, nothing stops the
Gospel. There is no hindrance to the Gospel. God has demonstrated his love by
putting His Son on the cross; nothing will stop the Gospel from going to the
Nations. Nothing will stop the Gospel from reaching the Nations. Nothing will
stop the power of God from providing for you, because He will provide for His
glory. That is what it means to believe in the Gospel. That is what it means to
empower you to have a global ministry, not in rebellion but in your assurance of
who you are in Christ.

The Father demonstrated His love. If He demonstrated His love, the doors are
open for you in His love. Nothing stops you. Nothing hinders you. Whatever
you think you lose, He will restore and multiply. On the cross, Jesus said, “My
Father, My Father, why have You forsaken Me? I am losing My life. I am
bleeding to death. Though I call upon you and there is no response. Where are
You? I know who You are, and I know that You are there, but I am losing My
life. Yet into your hand I commit my spirit, because I came from you and now
returning to you.”

This can happen to you: to your mind and to your experience. It looks like you
are losing, but that is just for a while. Pretty soon, the Spirit of God has
empowered you to do the will of the Father and you will see sons coming to
glory because your mind is focused on demonstrating His love. When you
demonstrate God’s love, you experience the Spirit of holiness that will raise you
and others from the dead. Those who were dead in their sins and trespasses will
be raised up – raised back to life in righteousness, all because you demonstrated
God’s love. It is not your good preaching that saves souls; it is your faith in His
love. So, who are you?

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon
you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

In this passage, Jesus says that you shall be His witnesses:

 In Jerusalem: (In the city or quarter in which you are)

 In Judea: (In the city surrounding you)
 In Samaria: (In the city that is a bit far away.)
 And in the uttermost parts of the earth

God took the time to the extent of giving you geographical expressions of your
life and ministry. He says, “You shall be My witness. I am not asking you if you
want to. Because you got attached to Me, witness for Me where you are – in
your home.” Some of you are missionaries in your homes. They will resist you,
but keep preaching the Gospel. Keep demonstrating the love of God.

And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

(Matthew 24:14)

The preaching of the Gospel is not just done by words, but also by your lifestyle.
The demonstration of the power of love through the Gospel shall be a witness
that all men will know that although they persecuted you, you loved them - in
your home, in your city, in your quarter, in the other cities.

Jesus took time to give you geographical locations of your testimony: “I say to
you, do not worry about where you will serve Me. You will serve Me in fullness.
If you want to serve me in the city, I will glorify Myself. If you want to go to
Judea or Samaria, I will glorify Myself.” If you want to go to the extremities of
the earth where nobody knows you, I have news for you: He glorifies Himself
more when you are out of your own domain. He does miracles; He multiplies.
You will see, “Really, this is not me; this is God.” But do not touch it with your
pride. Do not identify with it as if to say, “See what I am doing.” Let God be

When Jesus says, “You shall be My witnesses,” this means, “You shall
demonstrate My love. You shall demonstrate truth. You shall demonstrate the
power of God wherever I place you. You do not have to ask Me to place you
where you want to be.” He can bless you with good things, but still change His
instructions for you in the next phase of your assignment. Do not be satisfied
with your plan designed according to your mind’s desires or your cultural group
orientation. Especially if you have 5 or 6 children, you want to stay in a stable
place so that you can support your children. I have seen a missionary with 10
children who was on his way to the mission’s field. Another will say, “I am not
yet married and so I cannot go.” Who says so? Jesus was not married; yet He
still went. Wherever you go, you will find him or her, waiting for you. He is not
looking for what you plan to do, or looking at your circumstances and situations.
All He wants is your heart of obedience.

The finality of the Gospel enterprise is that all Nations must worship Him. That
is what missions is all about; and that is the preaching the Gospel is all about.
That is what raising finances is all about - so that all Nations must worship the
King of kings and the Lord of lords. The goal of engaging the Gospel enterprise
is not to make you rich. If that is your thinking, you will be poor. I do not desire
to be rich or wealthy; I desire to be a blessing. That is my highest call. This
means that everywhere I am, no matter what, I am always a blessing. In my
humanity, I am a blessing. I can teach other people how to make wealth. If you
are too concerned about making wealth, you risk being self-motivated and not
Christ centered.

My life, my character, and my objective is to raise the standard of worship

among the Nations (Ethnos). I am not referring to worship in singing songs.
When He says, “You shall worship Me in spirit and in truth,” it means that you
must be filled with the Spirit, you must be led by the Spirit, and you must
demonstrate the Spirit. It is not just emotional singing. That is good. But it goes
beyond this.

You must worship in truth. Jesus says, “Thy word is truth.” It is to receive the
Word. It is to believe the Word. It is to activate the Word, and finally, it is to
become the Word. When we quote, “Lord, Your Word says…,” we are in the
process of believing. But to really worship in truth is to become what the Truth
says. When you fulfil that, then you are worshipping.



Kingdom Dynamism

Global 1
Kingdom Evangelism

4 2
Church Church-
Growth Planting


I showed you the linear expression. Now, let me show you the apostolic
dynamic expression. In the linear expression, you go from step to step. In
dynamism, all the forces are interacting to produce a particular result. It is a
lifestyle. This means that I may start with evangelism, and move on to church-
planting, but everything is by the cross. I then go on to making disciples,
activate church growth, move on to experience global advance, and return to
evangelism. It is cyclical. It is an expression of your humanity. That is the way
God made man

As blood pumps around your body, through your heart, so is this expression of
apostolic dynamism. Blood does not only pass through once; it circulates around
all the time. If you look at the design of your body, at the way God made you –
at the perfect human system - you will bow your knees and honor God. So is the
dynamics of apostolic dynamism. Just as it takes your blood to circulate every
day for you to live, it takes the love of God in power to circulate every day for
us to be fruitful.

All that I have demonstrated to you is:

1) For yourself – that you can fulfil Kingdom purpose.

2) For you to teach others. You must go and have this seminar in your
family, cell groups, churches etc. Start with those around you who say
that they are disciples. Everybody must activate this agenda for Kingdom

So, start with yourself. Start with the disciples that you work with. Start with
your local church.

Go to your local church and tell the pastor, “I know how you can start from here
to global evangelism.” Tell your pastor that he can start from one church and
grow to 500 churches, he is going to listen. You must teach them. You must

teach your church or your cell group. You must teach the local body of Christ.
This is a model that you can use for the rest of your life.

This is just Module I, but even if you never have Module II, this is sufficient.
You can take this and reach the nations. You can do it. Christ in you, the hope of
glory. That is all you need. Christ with you, Christ in you, Christ for you: what
else do you need? Wherever He places you, He confirms His word with signs
and wonders following. Now, go into all the world and make disciples of all
Nations and let Jesus be glorified.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world
as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
(Matthew 24:14)

The LORD bless and keep you. The LORD stir you up. The Lord put tools in
your hands, and the Lord empower your word so that when you declare it, it
shall come to pass.

Do not draw back. Fear nothing. You have Him. He is all you need. All you
need is Jesus. The rest is history. God bless you.


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