Reseone Reviewer
Reseone Reviewer
Reseone Reviewer
For example, qualitative research can be used in
It involves the researcher’s subjectivity. understanding the experiences and attitudes of
It is hard to know the validity or reliability of the patients, the community, or health care workers.
data. One may study on the people’s experiences of the
Its open-ended questions yield “data overload” health care and needs, and one’s access to
yhat requires long-term analysis. healthcare and keeping healthy
It is time-consuming.
It involves several processes, which results greatly THE PROBLEM
depend on the researcher’s interpretation AND ITS BACKGROUND
Basic Approaches to or Types of Qualitative Research Introduction
Phenomenology Statment of the Problem (SOP)
It focuses on one’s beliefs, experiences, and Theorotical/ Conceptual Framework
perceptions. Significance of the Study
What it is like to teach in a rural elementary Scope and Delimitation
school? Definition of Terms
Create some context and background. Explain the
It emphasizes the study of culture.
problem that needs to be addressed. State your
One may study the behavior of the students at a
rationale (reasons why your research topic is
school event.
Grounded Theory
It starts with inductive data collection and then
Topic: Covid 19
create generalizations after.
Frist Paragraph - what, where, and how
A study on how principals try to sustain and
Succeeding paragraphs - problems, and introduce
boost the morale of teachers in their schools.
your topic
Last paragraph- locale/ setting why
Case Study
It is interested in a specific individual or situation.
One can visit a rural elementary school and
Statement of the Problem
observe their day-to-day activities wherein
heart of the research study
valuable insights would be gained.
objectives or specific problems
general problem and specific questions
question to be answered at the end
Narrative Study
It uses narratives from one or more sources as source
of data.
Your questions should be based on the topic.They
The Rise and Fall of Women in Selected Filipino
should be Wh- questions. Think of variables of
Short Stories in English
your topic which are in line with the scope of your
Qualitative Research Across Fields of Inquiry
Point of view
Use third person point of view.
La Consolacion College Tanauan (LCCT) is a
premier Augustinian Catholic Educational
Institution in Batangas City established on June
20, 1948, by the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady
of Consolation. It provides quality education that
seeks to develop graduates who are globally
competitive and technically equipped and
committed to establishing God’s kingdom through
evangelization. LCCT pioneered its Senior High
School (SHS) curriculum.
Always punctuate your sentences. Use proper
punctuations in your paper (comma, colon, semi-
colon, period, question mark).
Arielle Marie S. Carandang La Consolacion College Tanauan
Paraphrase the original ideas before citing them.
Keep in mind The paraphrasing guidelines you
studied in EAPP.
Arielle Marie S. Carandang
a group of individuals that represent the
characteristics of a particular situation.
Research Population
Research Design
process of structuring techniques and strategies that
The researchers had fifteen (15) Junior High
will help you in solving problem and in finding
School respondents from La Consolacion College
Tanauan (LCCT). Seven (7) respondents were from
Grade 9, and eight (8) were from Grade 10. The
researchers chose them as respondents because they
This study used phenomenological method of
are the next
research. Based on Waters (2007), its purpose is to
batch of Senior High School. Each of them was
describe a lived experience of a phenomenon. For
asked of some questions according to their
this is a qualitative analysis of Narrative data,
perceptions about the related topic of the research
methods to analyze its data should be different from
paper. The Junior High School department of
more traditional or quantitative methods of
LCCT has the total population of 574 and all
research. Essentially, the researchers are focused on
respondents were selected from them. The
meaning, the meaning of the experience, behavior,
researchers used the random sampling, a very useful
narrative, etc. It aims to describe the meaningful
way of gathering information.
experience of the Junior High School students
towards the leadership styles of their class Officers.
Research Locale
the location where the study was conducted
Research Population
used to describe a complete set of person or objects
The study was conducted in the Junior High
that possesses same characteristics that are of
School Department of La Consolacion College
interest of the researcher
Tanauan, located at A. Mabini Avenue, Tanauan
City, Batangas.
Target- made up of all persons or objects which the
researcher would want his findings to be generalized
Arielle Marie S. Carandang
Research Instrument
serves as a tool to help researchers in collecting data
Research Instrument
The study used interview questions to gather
information directly from the respondents. There
was a face-to-face conversation between the
researchers and the respondents. The researchers
asked questions about their perception towards the
efficiency and effectiveness of their class officers.