Biology Paper 3 HL Markscheme PDF

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November 2018


Higher level

Paper 3

23 pages
–2– N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

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–3– N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section A
Question Answers Notes Total
1. a 12 breaths per minute/6 litres per minute ✔ Accept answers from 11 to 12
breaths per minute.
Accept answers from 5.5 to 6 litres
per minute.
Answer must include breaths or litres
and a standard unit of time. 1
eg: 12 breaths / minute
eg: 0.1 L sec–1 or 6 L min–1
eg: but 12 breaths = 0 marks
1. b a. the volume of air per breath increases
the volume of each breath reaches a maximum/levels off
frequency of ventilation/breaths per minute increases ✔ 2 max
b. exercise increases «rate of cellular» respiration/energy use/blood CO2/acidity ✔
c. exercise causes increased demand for oxygen/removal of carbon dioxide ✔
d. maximum rate/depth of ventilation is determined by the capacity of the student ✔
1. c «total resting lung volume» would be greater ✔ 1
1. d a. type I pneumocytes carry out gas exchange ✔ OWTTE
b. type II pneumocytes secrete surfactant/fluid OWTTE
type II pneumocytes create a moist surface inside the alveoli 2
type II pneumocytes reduce surface tension between alveoli
type II pneumocytes prevent the sides of the alveolus adhering to each other ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

2. a a. X: phloem ✔
b. Y: xylem ✔
2. b 7 mm Accept answers in the range of 17 to 19 µm
A-B =
17.5 µm ✔
2. c a. stem vascular tissue is in bundles ✔ Allow answers in an annotated drawing
b. «bundles» form a ring
c. phloem is towards outside «of bundle»
xylem 2 max
xylem is towards centre «of bundle» ✔
–5– N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

3. a X AND Y ✔ Both needed 1
3. b W AND X ✔ Both needed 1
3. c pro (yes, it could be evidence)
a. starch is a product of photosynthesis ✔

con (not necessarily evidence)

b. starch could be made elsewhere «in the plant» and transported to/stored in leaves OWTTE
starch could be made by another process «other than photosynthesis» OWTTE
OR 2 max
starch is being detected although glucose is the direct product ✔ OWTTE

limitations of experiment
c. starch depletion may take more than 24 hours «of dark» OWTTE
starch production may take more than 6 hours «of light» OWTTE
starch should have been measured before and after ✔ OWTTE
–6– N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section B
Option A — Neurobiology and behaviour

Question Answers Notes Total

4. a a. «the process shows» the growth of an axon/dendrites/extensions ✔
b. differentiation/forming a specialized neuron ✔ 2 max
c. responding to a chemical stimulus ✔
4. b a. the neuron forms synapses/multiple connections «with other neurons»
a neural network forms
more dendrites ✔

b. some synapses/connections in excess of what is required 2 max

some synapses/connections not used ✔

c. it could be removed by neural pruning/apoptosis ✔

d. it could migrate to another place ✔
4. c a. allows brain to change/adjust/make new synapses throughout lifetime/with experience/learning ✔

b. allows regeneration of neurons after brain trauma

OR 1 max
allows other areas «of the brain» to take over a function after brain trauma ✔ OWTTE

c. selective advantage/increases chance of survival ✔

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Question Answers Notes Total

5. a similarity:
a. as body size increases, brain volume increases for smaller mammals
«weak» positive correlation ✔ 2 max

b. humans do not fit the trend/are the exception ✔
5. b a. human cortex has a larger total volume/is larger than gorilla’s ✔
1 max
b. human cortex has more folding/area «to accommodate within the cranium» ✔
5. c i speech production/language processing ✔ 1
5. c ii cognitive processing of motivation/pleasure/reward
modulates the effects of «the neurotransmitter» dopamine 1
involved in learning ✔
5. c iii swallowing/breathing/heart rate/digestion/sneezing/coughing/vomiting ✔ 1
–8– N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

6. a a. with each trial the drawings get better/less errors
each day the patient becomes better at drawing the star ✔

b. by day 3 the patient makes few mistakes/less fluctuations ✔

3 max
c. even though left hand went through fewer trials, still an improvement ✔

d. practice improves the behaviour

learning occurs «over time» with repetition ✔
6. b right handed, as the patient made fewer mistakes with this hand Must give reason for the mark
right handed as fewer trials with left hand
not possible to draw conclusion as the trends are the same for both but
left hand trials end after a few trials ✔ OWTTE
6. c i a. learning by trial and error
reward/punishment to reinforce behaviour ✔
b. example ✔ eg: mice given food when finding their way
across a maze will perform better the second
6. c ii a. a form of learning where the young animal fixes its attention on the
first object seen ✔
b. example ✔ eg: a duckling seeing a human after hatching
will follow that human

–9– N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

(Question 6 continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

6. d a. slow-acting neurotransmitters affect learning/memory ✔
b. «slow-acting neurotransmitters» trigger the release of secondary messengers
«in postsynaptic neuron» ✔
c. synaptic transmission is enhanced 2 max
increase in the number of receptors in the postsynaptic membrane ✔
d. modulate/reduce/increase fast synaptic transmission «in the brain» ✔

7. a. males’ long feathers/plumage/bright colours attract mate

dance/vocalizations attract mate ✔

b. males compete for the females to reproduce ✔

3 max
c. characteristics also make males more vulnerable to predation ✔
d. males survive despite having huge tails/extreme features ✔
e. «natural selection» has benefited the most colourful/attractive males with best OWTTE
reproductive success/fitness/passing genes to offspring ✔
– 10 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

8. Allow answers in annotated
a. photoreceptors/cones/rods detect «reflected» light/stimulus ✔
b. cones found in fovea «of retina» and rods found all over retina ✔
c. rods active in low-intensity/dim light ✔
d. cones active in high-intensity/bright light ✔
e. rods give black and white vision ✔ OWTTE 6 max
f. cones detect colours ✔ OWTTE
g. bipolar neurons/cells synapse with multiple rods but «only» with individual cones ✔ OWTTE
h. bipolar neurons/cells «in the retina» form synapses with ganglion cells ✔
i. electrical/nerve impulses travel to brain/occipital lobe via the optic nerve ✔
j. right field of vision from both eyes sent to the left part of the visual cortex through
the chiasma «and vice versa» ✔
– 11 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Option B — Biotechnology and bioinformatics

Question Answers Notes Total

9. a a. bacteria/B. subtilis adhere to surfaces ✔
b. «bacteria/B. subtilis» grow surrounded by
EPS/exopolysaccharide/extracellular polymeric substance matrix ✔
2 max
c. «bacteria/B. subtilis growing in a biofilm» are highly resistant to
antimicrobial agents ✔
d. «bacteria/B. subtilis in biofilms» cooperate through quorum sensing ✔
9. b a. example of where biofilm cause problems ✔ eg: clogging/corrosion of pipes/water systems ✔
slows down/interrupts/clogs water supply
b. description of problems ✔
systems ✔
eg: contamination of surfaces in food production ✔
causes food transmitted diseases ✔
2 max
eg: plaque formation on teeth ✔
causes cavities ✔
eg: catheter clogging ✔
causes urinary infections ✔
– 12 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

10. a bacteria Accept a named bacterium
archaeans 1
methanogens ✔
10. b continuous because there is a constant input of raw materials ✔ 1
10. c a. pH/acidity/alkalinity ✔ Accept other valid condition
b. foam ✔
c. metabolites ✔
d. substrate ✔ 3 max
e. oxygen ✔
f. carbon dioxide ✔
g. temperature ✔
h. pressure ✔
10. d methane ✔ 1
10. e a. mixing substrate to increase contact with bacteria
preventing sedimentation ✔
2 max
b. avoids formation of biofilms ✔
c. aeration for aerobic bacteria ✔
– 13 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

11. a a. by detecting a marker/resistance/sequencing gene ✔ Accept PCR to detect the marker
gene. 1 max
b. the offspring produce yellow rice ✔
11. b a. biopharming is the introduction of genes into another species for medical use ✔
b. β-carotene/provitamin A is added to rice to prevent «night» blindness/diseases ✔ 2 max
c. through genetic engineering ✔
11. c a. «Ti/tumour inducing» plasmid of A. tumefaciens/bacterium causes tumours/galls ✔

b. Ti incorporates genes «of β-carotene synthesis»

Ti is used as a vector of the gene «for β-carotene» ✔
3 max
c. recombinant plasmids reintroduced into A. tumefaciens/bacterial cells ✔

d. bacteria infect rice plant cells ✔

e. the newly incorporated gene produces β-carotene/Golden Rice ✔
11. d sequence shown on alignment:

– 14 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

(Question 11 continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

11. e a. BLASTp aligns amino acids «of proteins» ✔
b. BLASTn aligns nucleotides «of DNA/RNA» ✔ 2
c. amino acid sequence is shown therefore BLASTn would not work ✔
11. f a. dashes are shown where there is no alignment ✔
b. due to lack of amino acids on one of the sequences ✔
3 max
c. in order to make them align the computer introduces gaps ✔
d. the sequence with dashes does not include the sequence of the other protein shown ✔
– 15 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

12. a. blood/urine cultures to diagnose bacterial infections ✔

b. «ELISA» uses antibodies specific to pathogen antigen ✔
c. the antibodies are linked to an enzyme ✔
d. after binding of the antibody enzyme complex samples are washed to remove unbound complex ✔
e. is added for the enzyme which changes colour «if they join with an antigen» ✔ 6 max

f. test for specific mRNA sequences «using a microtiter plate» ✔
g. reverse transcriptase used to make cDNA from mRNA, linked with fluorescent dye ✔
h. «laser» light detects when cDNA and DNA hybridize which confirms presence of protein ✔

i. detection of genetic material from the pathogen is obtained using a PCR «by using primers based
on pathogen sequences» ✔
j. if DNA/RNA is amplified «more than control» then infection is confirmed ✔
k. problems of false positive or false negative «in test result interpretation» ✔
– 16 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Option C — Ecology and conservation

Question Answers Notes Total

13. a Japanese stiltgrass ✔ 1
13. b produce seeds which spread when cutting Accept any other reasonable answer
avoid vegetative proliferation/cloning 1
may provide habitats for other species ✔
13. c a. «biotic» competition with native plants
disrupt the food chain/ecosystem ✔
Accept an example of an abiotic factor such
b. competition for abiotic factors ✔ as light/space/water/etc
c. reduce competitive exclusion 2 max
avoid overlapping niches ✔

d. can cause changes to soil ✔ eg: Rhododendrons/conifers acidify the soil,

making it difficult for other species to grow
e. break/damage/cause death/extinction of native plants ✔
13. d a. «control» introduced species should only target alien plants
«control» introduced species should not outcompete endemic species ✔

b. should not upset food chains/habitats ✔

2 max
c. should have some natural control/predator ✔
d. should not spread outside required area/not become invasive OWTTE
field testing for effectiveness ✔
– 17 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

14. a there is exchange of matter/energy eg: matter could be
OR nutrients/gas/water/minerals/etc; energy 1
there is an exchange between the surface of the water and the atmosphere ✔ could be heat or light
14. b soil and no fish «mesocosm» AND soil and fish «mesocosm» ✔ Both mesocosms required
Accept answers such as “the two with soil”.
14. c a. zooplankton feed on bacteria reducing their numbers ✔
b. fish feed on zooplankton «therefore» increasing bacterial population ✔

14. d a. conditions closer to levels experienced naturally by the organism ✔ OWTTE

b. natural variation of abiotic variables ✔ Accept examples, eg: temperature,
dissolved oxygen 2 max
c. more natural behaviour/interactions ✔
d. not harm organisms by removing them from natural habitat ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

15. a «group» I ✔ 1
15. b i number of individuals of a species ✔ 1
15. b ii tolerance rating of that species ✔ 1
15. c a. group V organisms «could» contain indicator species ✔
b. group V organisms can survive in polluted environments «while others cannot» ✔

c. they have a high tolerance/BI index

OR 3 max
«relative number of» indicator species can be used to calculate the value of a biotic index ✔

d. the more group V present could indicate more pollution ✔ OWTTE

e. absence of group V could indicate a cleaner environment ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

16. a a. phosphate-rich rocks/resource is limited ✔

b. demand exceeds availability of phosphorus

there is greater consumption than P available ✔

c. cycling of phosphorus is slow ✔

3 max
d. as crops are removed, the phosphate levels within the soil is continually depleted ✔

e. there is no biological/industrial way to replenish the mineral «fast enough» OWTTE

«phosphate» fertilizers need to be added «to replenish it in the soil»
«lost phosphate» does not go back in the cycle ✔
16. b a. phosphates are leached to lakes/rivers ✔
b. induces incremental growth of plants/bloom/algae ✔
c. algae do not let light go through water so less photosynthesis ✔
d. plants/algae die/decay ✔
e. bacterial decomposition consumes the oxygen ✔ 3 max

f. creating state of hypoxia

greater biochemical oxygen demand ✔

g. causing death of «aerobic» organisms ✔ eg: fish

– 20 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

17. This question can be answered by
referring to one specific species
a. «keystone species» have a main/disproportionate role in the maintenance of
the structure of a community ✔

b. not necessarily top predator/most abundant species

affect other organisms even if they have a small biomass/productivity

c. may impact a top-down/bottom-up control ✔

d. «if removed» cause increase in populations of secondary consumers and OWTTE 6 max
decrease of primary consumers ✔
e. «if removed» may cause loss of balance in food chain/community ✔

f. «if removed» may cause «drastic» loss of biodiversity

extinction of species ✔

g. example of named keystone species ✔ eg: honey bees

h. example of role in the environment where they are found ✔ eg: pollinate flowers
i. example of change if removed ✔ eg: plant reproduction is reduced
– 21 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Option D — Human physiology

Question Answers Notes Total

18. a small intestine ✔ 1
18. b a. hemoglobin «from red blood cells» broken down into heme and globin ✔
b. iron removed from heme ✔
c. «remainder of» heme group transformed to bilirubin ✔ 3 max
d. «surplus» cholesterol is converted to bile salts ✔
e. bilirubin and bile salts form bile ✔
18. c a. use as energy source «for cellular respiration» Accept first function written only
«long term» energy storage ✔

b. fat tissue for «heat» insulation ✔ 1 max

c. protects axons by myelin sheath

other function of fats ✔
18. d a. microvilli/brush border to increase surface area ✔ Explanation must be included for
each characteristic
b. numerous mitochondria for energy for active transport ✔
2 max
c. have transport proteins for specific nutrients ✔ eg: glucose, amino acids
d. single layer of cells/short distance allowing for diffusion ✔
18. e Award [1] for each correct row
Process Fat Glucose
Award the mark only for rows
a. Transported in micelles yes no ✔
containing two correct answers, 3
b. Absorption mostly into lacteals yes no ✔ ie: no blanks accepted
c. Transported from gut in blood no yes ✔
– 22 – N18/4/BIOLO/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

19. a a. both males and females have higher «mean/range» SBP as weight
both males and females have highest SBP for overweight BMI ✔
2 max
b. «SPB» males «slightly» greater than females in all BMIs ✔
c. similar values/no/little difference between underweight and normal
weight in females but «visible/obvious» difference in males ✔
d. range of SBP narrower in «overweight» females than males ✔
19. b i «at rest/chronic/constant» higher than normal «120 mmHg» systolic OWTTE
blood pressure is an indicator of hypertension ✔
19. b ii stroke ✔ Award up to [2 max] for the first two answers
thrombosis ✔
blood clot ✔
heart attack ✔
heart failure ✔ 2 max
aortic aneurysms ✔
coronary heart disease/CHD ✔
peripheral arterial disease ✔
atherosclerosis ✔
19. c blood pressure:
sphygmomanometer/blood pressure monitor
description how this is used ✔
heart rate:
taking pulse manually/using a blood rate monitor/stethoscope «to count OWTTE
the beats» ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

20. a i breast ✔ 1
20. a ii FSH ✔ 1
20. a iii estrogen
OR 1
progesterone ✔
20. b a. growth and development of the breast/mammary gland ✔
b. lactation/synthesis of milk ✔ 2 max
c. maintenance of milk secretion ✔
20. c a. oxytocin ✔
b. antidiuretic hormone/ADH/vasopressin ✔

21. a. pH of blood is regulated to stay within a narrow range/7.35 to 7.45 ✔ If values provided, both required
b. increase in CO2 produced during aerobic respiration «during exercise» ✔
c. CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid ✔

d. chemoreceptors detect drop in blood pH «when CO2 concentration rises»

«increase in» CO2 lowers blood pH ✔

e. carbonic acid dissociates to form hydrogen carbonate ions and hydrogen ions ✔ Allow formula 6 max
f. hydrogencarbonate is alkaline/increases pH/neutralizes H ions ✔
g. hydrogen ions bind to plasma proteins/hemoglobin ✔

h. stimulation of breathing centre/medulla oblongata

ventilation rate increased ✔

i. faster diffusion/removal of CO2 «in alveoli/lungs» ✔

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