Kii Shinyanga Negezi Veo
Kii Shinyanga Negezi Veo
Kii Shinyanga Negezi Veo
FGD DATE: 13th April 2023
FGD DURATION: 1 hour 21 minutes and 03 seconds
Transcriber name: Peter Mmassy
M: Good afternoon, my name is Happy, i am from Redefine Africa Ltd, it is the company
that deals with research in Africa, we are currently doing research to save poor
households on behalf of World Bank and TASAF. The aim of this discussion is to get in-
depth insights of your skills on various procedures on conditional cash transfers on
PSSN II. The discussion will approximately take 2 hours of your time, i will be recording
this discussion but it's for report writing purposes. And i would like to ensure that your
names or your name will not be disclosed in any stage of report writing. So, any
information that will be shared today will be dealt in secrecy. I am asking you to speak
louder so that we may not distort the quality of the voice recorded. Please remember
that, in this discussion there are no correct or incorrect answers. Please feel free to
contribute your opinions and experience. Before starting, can you please state your
M: I would like to talk about the questions on your information in the program. Think of
the households which are direct beneficiaries in your village or street and the selection
procedures. Why are the families were selected in the program and others were not?
R1: I summoned a public meeting, we then selected people who will list the names of
households who can not afford three meals. Thereafter, we had another public meeting
to assess the names where all names were mentioned and the citizens are the ones who
decided who should be selected and who should not be based on the assets or things,
they posses.
R1: The first attribute is those who cannot afford three meals.
M: Another attribute?
R1: There are single parents with children and struggling to make ends meet. There is
no assistance, some had no close relatives around.
M: Do you think the selection procedure was transparent?
M: Why do you say it was transparent? Which things that made the procedure
R1: In the selection, the public meeting was the one which selected the beneficiaries.
M: Those who were selected, how were they selected and who was involved in the
R1: After sending the names, the experts are the ones who selected them based on the
criteria set forward.
R1: Municipal
M: With whom?
R1: Taking the meeting minutes, summaries and presenting to the DED.
R1: We got the feedback, then we held another public meeting. We communicated the
R1: It is the selection of names whom the meeting confirmed them, with the help of
village government and experts from the municipal office.
M: Do you think this program leaves the families that need this program the most? And
what makes them deserving to be in the program?
R1: The challenges are there due to the changes of life’s situations. There are ups and
downs, at times life was easier and currently everything has changed and they don't
have any assistance.
M: In general, are you satisfied with the procedure of selecting the beneficiaries?
R1: Yeah
R1: The procedure can be improved based on the accuracy of the works that are seen,
the assistance that the beneficiaries have received. Previously, they were fearful. Most
of them prefer to be in the program.
R1: You can't take all people, those who are in need are many. The improvements will
be done compared to the past days. Some refused their names to be written. When they
see some assistance that people have managed to improve their lives.
M: I would like us to talk about the communication procedure that is used in TASAF
program. In your own understanding, can you explain the procedure that is being used
to implement in the TASAF program? Every office has it's procedure, who should
receive what and where should it go.
M: Yes.
R1: It start from the beneficiaries to me, then i submit to TASAF municipal coordinator.
R1: Yes, there are phone numbers to TASAF HQ, coordinator, VEO, chairmen. We are all
communicate if there are challenges.
M: What happens when the feedback comes from the coordinator to you and then to the
M: Yes
R1: As instructed.
M: Which information that you are receiving from TASAF team at municipal level?
R1: When they need to meet the beneficiaries, payments are ready 2 days before. When
i receive such information, i send to the sub village leaders then to the beneficiaries, we
then meet.
M: Are there challenges that you encounter from the information that you are receiving
from TASAF?
R1: No
M: How early do you receive the information that you are supposed to inform the
M: How do you convey the information to the beneficiaries? Which language you
normally use when contacting the beneficiaries?
R1: I am using the normal language so that the beneficiaries may understand. If you
speak fast, others might not understand because they are older and others have hearing
challenge. I must convey the message in a correct way so that everyone might
R1: A Day before. If information reaches today, they will be informed the same day. We
meet tomorrow.
R1: The complaints have a lot of challenges especially the old, in the NIDA they have
another name.
M: What i want to know, how long it takes to submit from beneficiaries to TASAF and
vice versa, in the area of complaints, trainings, payments and temporary payments. So
that the information reaches to the beneficiaries.
R1: when i receive information today, within two days, it will reach the beneficiaries.
R1: The village is big it has 4 sub village and they are far apart. Sometimes the
contacting the sub village leaders becomes a challenge due to communication barrier.
Sometimes we have to use motorcycle looking for them. You can not get all of them at
the same time that's why the information should be brought to us a day before. There
are emergency days but we haven't failed even it is a very short time.
M: Where do you think the beneficiaries get their information about TASAF program?
R1: I said, the information that i receive i convey to the sub village leaders.
R1: They know because the how instructions given and the implementation is good.
M: How many times are TASAF meetings held? Do you take attendance of the
R1: Yes.
M: What happens for the beneficiaries who are not attending the meetings?
R1: There are challenges, either someone is sick or has travelled, we receive the
M: What happens for the beneficiaries who are not attending the meetings?
R1: If it happens, they are sick, we tell the chairmen that they should not miss the next
R1: They know and we always instruct them. And whenever they are missing, it is not
R1: I can not say about that due to the challenges that i have said that, they might have
travelled or sick. We have to insist that they should not miss.
M: What else?
R1: During Covid - 19 we had meetings and discuss about it. Food preservation and
health insurance.
R1: We always talk about it and the experts are coming from TASAF coordinators.
M: What about them knowing on how to use money and saving.? Do you talk about this
during the meetings?
R1: They are repeating because some listen but they implement slowly, that’s we have
to repeat topics often.
R1: I am staying with the chairman with the help of experts, we distribute the talking
points in the meeting.
R1: Chairman and i we decide in collaboration with experts in delivering such topics for
M: Have you received any training on the program before the start of your role?
M: Personally, have you received trainings on the topics that are to be discussed during
TASAF meetings?
R1: Yeah
R1: No
M: Can you tell us what are the beneficiaries receive and how they receive?
R1: The beneficiaries receive in either mobile payment, banking and others in cash
where the challenge is some don't know how to read and write. There is name mismatch
challenge between the NIDA and the program. The coordinator tried to change that.
R1: They receive a message through their mobile phones and i receive the message from
the TASAF coordinator that the beneficiaries’ payments are ready?
R1: I receive a letter on the date of payments in my area. I send information to the
R1: My role is to supervise the payments of the beneficiaries together with the chairman
and three members of village leadership.
R1: VEO, all information must be through him and the same date, there must be minutes
on the payments for those who received via cash, mobile phones and bank. Such
information must be sent to the beneficiary.
M: What is the role of TASAF, CMC, Diwani, village chairman, through community
R1: The role of the leaders is to motivate the TASAF beneficiaries as i said that, some are
slow in having health insurance. The responsibility is to insist and give the directives as
delivered by TASAF coordinator.
M: What is the procedure during the payments? The first to come will be the first to be
R1: The date of payments we start with the very old members as the first priority.
M: Are the beneficiaries asked to show their ID before the payments done?
R1: We ask them to come with all their IDs during the payment days.
M: Which IDs are acceptable?
R1: There is a form where the beneficiaries must fill, the members of village leadership
must verify if they have forgotten or else. But such challenges are not many.
M: Who has a responsibility of distributing money to the beneficiaries? How many other
leaders are around during the payments?
R1: Leaders who are supposed to be there is the village chairman, VEO and three
members of village leadership council, 2 CMCs who will follow the money and other
three who will participate to distribute such money and the expert from TASAF
coordination office.
R1: CMC with the help of any other leader who will be appointed by the municipal
TASAF coordinator. We will be aside, if there any challenge, they will ask us for
R1: You must verify your money before you have left and the best thing is every
beneficiary comes with the coupon that explains how much they deserve to receive.
R1: Yes. There is assistance. The members of village leadership council and the
chairman are there to verify.
M: Is there any receipt that is being given to the beneficiaries as a sign of payments? If
yes, what kind of receipt is this?
R1: Yes. The receipt is given by the VEO to confirm the receipt of money. There is a
receipt book from the municipal that we use to verify the exact amount that is being
brought to the village and the beneficiaries have received it. And the summary of the
M: Generally, what do you like about the payments through cash payment system? What
do you think should be changed to make it better off?
R1: To be better is through mobile payments or bank would be best for the beneficiaries
to receive in that way.
R1: I didn't like that’s why i said, it would be better if payments should be done through
mobile payments or banks.
M: Is there any document that shows the payment procedure? Where the payments
should start and end? The payment steps.
R1: The procedure that states that money is coming from the coordinator or HQ, to the
village and to the beneficiaries?
M: Yes
R1: We are receiving such directives from DED through a special letter.
R1: Yes
M: Through bank?
M: Why do you think cash payments is the system preferrable most by the beneficiaries?
R1: They are preferred by the old beneficiaries who can read and write. They are very
old to the extent they can not attend the banking facilities; their finger prints can not be
read by the NIDA systems. That’s the huge challenge.
M: What should be done to increase the number of beneficiaries to receive their money
R1: They are to be insisted and previously they had no NIDA numbers.
M: What is the assistance given to the beneficiaries to make sure they are shifting to
electronic payments?
R1: Assistance to them. We sometimes bring the mobile phones registers at the office
and register them before going to town. We contact the mobile operators to come and
assist them from here, the challenge also is those who do not have the NIDA numbers.
Most of them have already had registration number.
M: What are the main challenges that you are facing when paying cash? What should be
done to improve or solve these challenges?
R1: As i said, the fingerprints are not being accepted by the system, sometimes it may
take 30 minutes.
M: How do you handle the complaints from the beneficiaries who have not received
their payments?
R1: They are handled pretty well, sometimes it may be due to network errors.
R1: When the fingerprints are rejected by the system or there is a network error. That’s
why they complain if they have arisen.
R1: The fingerprints is being rejected. The other one is to receive. They don't feel well
but after sometimes, they are receiving.
M: Are the beneficiaries who receive their payments attend TASAF meetings?
R1: We give the information the evening before the day of the meeting that they should
attend, even if they have received their payments. There is a form that they should sign
that they have received payments.
M: Why?
R1: Because of the large number of people at the banking hall, they spend a lot of time at
the bank. When their payments enter through a mobile payment, the agents are
M: Why are there few beneficiaries who uses their payment systems electronically?
R1: I said, previously they didn't register with NIDA, especially those older beneficiaries,
the challenge is with them.
M: The complaints from those who don't receive their payments electronically, how are
they handled?
R1: If they didn't receive their money, they must come to the office and hand their
complaints. I contact TASAF coordinator regarding the issue. The feedback is
communicated to us and to the beneficiaries. It may be due to the network glitches or
due to a large number of people.
R1: They are arising because when one receives the payments and the other does not,
questions must arise but after sometimes, the person receives. The complaints arise and
they are disappearing themselves.
M: What are the main challenges arise when handling the electronic payment? What
repeats regularly?
R1: The challenge that arise is due to the late payments, that some received and others
haven't. Some might have received in the morning and others in the evening but the
payment process is still continuous.
R1: They are resolved by the TASAF coordinator, that the procedure is still on going.
M: What should be done to make sure that these challenges are permanently resolved
and they are not happening again?
R1: They should improve so that the challenges should not happen.
M: What can be done differently so as to increase the number of beneficiaries who are
shifting to electronic payment system?
R1: Continuing to insist them to have NIDA IDs which is still the main challenge. If your
NIDA ID with the same name and number, the shift is going to be smooth.
M: How long it takes to crosscheck or balancing after the payments?
R1: Those who receive through mobile payments and bank are the ones who starts, the
cash payment follows.
R1: After a week all beneficiaries should have received their payments.
M: Yes.
R1: I report that the beneficiaries have received their payments. And if not, the
challenge can be to those who are receiving cash payments. There is a form that has to
be filled it becomes very impossible to issue payments. Stating the reasons for not being
able to issue such payments, the TASAF coordinator will see the main reason and later
they are giving feedback on the future payments will combine both payments.
M: Yeah.
R1: Yeah.
M: Do you have a sample of the report that you are submitting to TASAF team.
R1: There is a receipt book that i am remained with the copy together with the summary
that is being sent to the team.
R1: Yeah
M: How long it takes to prepare such reports? And where are they sent?
R1: One day, the next day is to be submitted. If it is the day of payments, if possible, the
same day or next day you must send such information.
M: Are you aware of the procedures that are being used to solve the complaints in the
TASAF program.?
R1: I am aware. The beneficiaries will communicate with me the challenges and i will
give him the directives and the challenge is being resolved.
R1: When he is explaining to me, i give out the solutions. If the answers are out of my
capacity, i contact TASAF coordinator for clarification and assistance.
M: Which complaints or queries are mostly given out during this TASAF program?
R1: Mostly is about the fingerprint issues, others are about the phones where the
beneficiaries can not read and write. When they payment is sent, they are not told by
the ones who their mobile phone is being used. The beneficiaries come to complain that
they haven't received their payments but after a crosscheck we confirm that the
payments have been issued. The directives were given that there should be households
assistant but others are not faithful, the challenges appear but they are not many.
R1: The example that i have mentioned, they are not reporting because we have given
them the directives that the assistants should hand them their payments, short of that
they will be sent to the police. Later, the parents are left in dilemma in that situation,
that they can not sue their children. Later, the beneficiaries and the assistant are
summoned to the office for further clarifications so that issues like them should not
have happened.
M: When the beneficiaries have complaints or hesitations about the program, do they
normally report?
R1: When their payments are done but they haven't received. So, they come to check if
the payments have been done. When you come to crosscheck, you find that the
payments have been delivered.
M: Which different methods that the beneficiaries can use to report their complaints or
M: Which different methods that the beneficiaries can use to report their complaints or
R1: The first method is for them to come to the office because some are very old, they
can not read and write. I haven't received a written complaint.
R1: There are no beneficiaries who report in a written form. They can not read and
write, that's why their money that they receive in the phones is stolen.
R1: They can call through my number and others come directly. The two methods are
being used.
M: Have you solved the complaints from the beneficiaries earlier? Which method was
used to launch the complaints?
R1: As i have said, through them attending the office or through calling. I haven't
received complaints through mobile payments.
M: Do you have any documents that shows the complaints procedures? Where the
complaints come from and where are they channelled to?
R1: No.
M: Are the beneficiaries aware that they can channel their complaints through call
centre? How was this delivered to the beneficiaries?
R1: We always deliver the number to the meetings and some beneficiaries have noted
down the numbers, the number is being posted at the office doors if you find the office
closed but it can be accessed. They can call to TASAF HQ or the TASAF coordinator.
M: What are the main challenges that arise from reporting the complaints through the
call centre?
R1: The main challenge is when the payments become late, others have received but i
haven't. After a while, when they receive their payments, the challenge is resolved.
M: How are the challenges resolved earlier? If any.
M: What should be done differently on how the complaints are being handled through
the call centre?
M: Yes. When they are calling the TASAF coordinator or TASAF HQ.
R1: The improvements should start with VEO or chairman from there i will contact the
TASAF coordinator, if it becomes difficult or there are other directives that should be
done whether a form to fill or the updating of the information, the beneficiary’s
information is sent to the TASAF coordinator to be updated.
M: The type of improvements that we are talking about, is the one who has decided to
call directly and not passing through you. What should be done to improve how the
complaints are being submitted.?
R1: Yes.
M: How effective are the TASAF meetings in handling the households’ complaints?
R1: The effectiveness comes when the beneficiaries ask a question, will receive instant
responses. The complain will automatically be solved based on the answers that have
been given.
M: Do you think male beneficiaries submit more queries more than female beneficiaries
during TASAF meetings? If yes or no, why?
R1: The male beneficiaries’ complaints are based on why they are left behind. The
criteria are that, men have a lot of things, that's why the TASAF program focuses more
on women. Men may misuse the payments compared to women who are everything.
M: What should be done during TASAF meetings to make sure that all the complaints
that are submitted are responded on time?
R1: To continue to insist. When everything is transparent, the challenges are not to be
seen, they will remain very few for the complaints that they may have.
M: What you are meaning is everything to be transparent in the meetings, will make
things smooth?
R1: Yes.
M: How easy are the beneficiaries go to the municipal office to submit their complaints?
M: What about the hospitality and staff’s availability in the offices when you need their
R1: They are available and the answers are given on time.
M: Are the complaints that are given on time to the municipal, are they resolved?
R1: Depends on the extent of the challenge, it may take a day or two.
M: What happens when the complaints are not solved in the municipal?
R1: The biggest challenge is the absence of NIDA IDs and the names mismatch.
R1: They are remained very few who don't have NIDA, that's why we insist. That's why
the complaints have ended.
M: What should be done differently so that to improve how complaints are handled and
to reduce the complaints from the beneficiaries?
R1: To have all the credentials that are needed like NIDA which is the main challenge.
M: Are you well aware of the temporary communal employments from TASAF
R1: Those who are very old who can not dig a tunnel.
R1: We are looking at the age based on the NIDA information. Who is allowed and who
is not allowed?
R1: As i have said from 66 years and above are not supposed to work. And from 60
years and below are allowed, if they are not able, they can have other members to assist.
M: Is there equal gender representation in selecting women or households that are led
by women to participate in the temporary employment projects?
M: Do you have any documents on how the selection was done on these communal
R1: Yes.
M: How assessment is done in the selection of communal projects that are for
temporary employment that are supposed to be implemented?
R1: We held public meetings and give them the directives that TASAF have improved
that they have given the projects that will benefit the community. People suggested the
projects and the experts of such projects participate in the meetings. If you say that you
want water projects, the water expert must be there. If you want roads, the road experts
must be there. We involved the TASAF coordinator leadership.
M: Yes.
R1: We submitted the proposals and later the TASAF coordinator sat with the experts
based on the kilometre needed, the expert said how much it will cost.
M: Which challenges are you facing in the selecting the temporary employment
R1: You can choose three projects; the challenge is in the budget can not be enough. The
budget was not enough from the first to the second project. The first was water project
that was declined due to shortage of budget. The road project was the second that was
selected due to the budget, after the completion, we will continue with the water
M: What are the other stakeholders that are involved in temporary employment
projects and at which stage are they involved?
M: I am listening.
R1: After being selected, they are being to be trained by the TASAF coordinator and
given the instructions. We stay with the beneficiaries and tell them that who will be
their supervisor.
M: What is the main success from temporary employments? And give examples.
R1: For example, the roads that is being built by TASAF beneficiaries is clean and
citizens are happy by seeing the projects are successful.
M: What is the challenge that you encounter before the implementation of the project?
What about BOQ, getting funds, looking for LSP who deserve?
R1: I have encountered any challenge.
M: Are there any challenge that you encounter after the implementation of the projects?
R1: The challenges are in areas where roads pass, it becomes narrower due people's
properties like trees that should be removed. Leaders should be there to give in detailed
instructions so that the person understand. There are no compensations where the
roads are passing, we even said that during the meetings. When it comes to the
implementation, you must remind them.
R1: The shortage appears because others have seen this as they are being cheated on,
the payments are late. In the attendance, there are some who worked for 8 days and
others worked for 7 days.
R1: They are there as i have said, some might deny the service and VEO will assist and
the work continues.
R1: Public and other meetings should be held to promote and give relevant instructions
so as to reduce those who are hindering the procedure.
M: Do you think the last project had the best quality and has benefits to you are your
R1: Yes
M: How?
R1: As i said previously, as the standard road is seen, the community congratulates.
M: In your own understanding, can you explain the procedure that is being used to
implement important projects that are geared towards improving households’
economic welfare that is being given by TASAF?
R1: I know, we have meeting sessions that TASAF personnel come to offer such
R1: They are all elaborated openly but one's understanding becomes a challenge, a week
after some remember and others are not but they have all received the information.
M: Do you think the level of education that is given to households is enough to identify
the opportunities and the current needs at the society level? If yes, why?
R1: I can say yes, when the instructions are given openly and they have understood, but
the quickly understanding is the challenge. More sensitization should be done to remind
M: Is there any course or skill that you think is important but it is not in the list of skills
that you were trained for the household’s primary income generation activities?
R1: No.
R1: They are getting the instructions from development officer so as to improve
themselves or having the self-help groups so as to reduce improve.
M: What is the society's perceptions on the savings groups? How have the beneficiaries
received it in their implementation?
M: Are there TASAF groups that have been formed in your area?
R1: There are few that is not in this village. The other village.
M: What are the challenges that you encounter in submitting such information and the
implementation of the beneficiaries?
M: What are the normal business ideas or plans that are discovered from the
M: How accurate are the business plans written, if no, what should be done in the
trainings as to improve the business plan?
R1: I request to development officer to insist to form such groups. Men are fearful to
join in the groups, the awareness is minimal.
M: How the economic empowerment activities and the households’ economic activities
change the beneficiaries lives and the society in general?
R1: It appears when the beneficiaries get their money have managed to buy plots of
land, build houses, buying animals such cattle, goats. So, they are doing fine to improve
their household’s economy.
R1: To continue to sensitize them and give them instructions so that they may reach the
M: What is the procedure to issue funds that have been requested by the beneficiaries?
What are the criteria are used to issue funds and how are they made?
M: Is there any procedure that was given to request for funds? Or not yet?
M: Are you aware what should be done after sending the funds to beneficiaries?
M: The groups formation exercise has not been official that has been organized by
TASAF in your area?
R1: Yes.
M: Thank you, we have reached the end of our discussion, please feel free to ask any
question that you would like to ask. If there are no questions, i would like to thank you
for your time and joining us for this discussion. Do you have any question? Welcome.
R1: Thank you, i should appreciate the good questions. So, i would say, thank you and
you are welcomed.
M: Thank you, i would like to pass through the procedural documents that you said you
have. So that we may see them shortly.