Lakshya JEE (2024) : Chemical Kinetics
Lakshya JEE (2024) : Chemical Kinetics
Lakshya JEE (2024) : Chemical Kinetics
1. The influence of temperature on the rate of reaction 7. The velocity of a reaction is doubled for every 10°C
is determined by rise in temperature. If the temperature is raised to
(1) Nernst’s equation 50°C, the reaction velocity increases by about
(2) Gibbs-Helmholtz equation (1) 12 times (2) 16 times
(3) Arrhenius equation (3) 32 times (4) 50 times
(4) Van’t Hoff equation
2. The temperature coefficient of a reaction is: 8. If we plot a graph between log k and by
(1) Ratio of rate constants at two temp. differing by Arrhenius equation, the slope is
1°C (1) –Ea/ R (2) + Ea/ R
(2) Ratio of rate constants at temp. 35°C and 25°C.
Ea Ea
(3) Ratio of rate constants at temp. 30°C and 25°C (3) (4)
2.303R 2.303R
(4) Specific reaction rate at 25°
Note: Kindly find the Video Solution of DPPs Questions in the DPPs Section.
Answer Key
1. (3) 8. (3)
2. (2) 9. (4)
3. (2) 10. (2)
4. (1) 11. (2)
5. (1) 12. (1)
6. (4) 13. (2)
7. (3)
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