A 3.1 Sudden Pregnancy Complications PDF
A 3.1 Sudden Pregnancy Complications PDF
A 3.1 Sudden Pregnancy Complications PDF
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Sudden Pregnancy
Sudden Pregnancy complications
> Bleeding During Pregnancy
> 1 Spontaneous Miscarriage
> 1 Ectopic Pregnancy
> 2 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (H – mole)
> 2 Cervical Insufficiency
>3 Placenta Previa
>3 Abruptio Placenta
>3 Pre term Labor
>3 Premature Rupture of Membranes
> Gestational Disorders in Pregnancy
> Fetal Death
Bleeding During Pregnancy
Spontaneous Miscarriage
1. Threatened abortion
2. Imminent abortion
or Inevitable abortion
3. Complete abortion
4. Incomplete abortion
5. Missed abortion
6. Recurrent abortion
1. Threatened abortion
Threatened abortion – characterized by scanty
vaginal bleeding with cramping but with
NO cervical dilatation
- usually lasts for 24 to 48 hrs.
- avoid strenuous activities
- complete bed rest is usually recommended
- reduce stress
- strictly NO coitus for 2 weeks
- If bleeding persist, proceed to the hospital
- Ultrasound (to assess fetal viability)
2. Imminent abortion or Inevitable abortion
- There is a loss of the products of conception
if there is uterine contraction and cervical
dilatation during threatened abortion.
- vaginal bleeding (tissue fragments to be
- cramping (severe uterine contraction)
- cervical dilatation
- NO fetal heart sounds
Management: (Imminent abortion or Inevitable abortion)
3. Complete abortion
- no increase in fundal height during
prenatal check up
- no fetal heart sound hears
- had previous experience of threatened abortion
- sonogram result will reveal a dead fetus
Management: (Missed abortion)
- Dilatation and Evacuation if the embryo is 4 to 6 weeks
age of gestation.
- Induction of labor if fetus is over 14 weeks
A.) Prostaglandin supp. or Misoprostol (Cytotec) – are the
drug of choice used to dilate the cervix
B.) Start Oxytocin drip to stimulate uterine contraction
and actively terminate pregnancy.
Possible Causes:
- defective spermatozoa or ova
- deviations of the uterus
- endocrine factors (low protein bound iodine,
poor thyroid function or luteal phase defect)
- autoimmune defects
- infections
Common Signs & Symptoms of
Spontaneous Abortion
1. Vaginal bleeding in the first 20
weeks of pregnancy
2. Cramping in the lower abdomen
due to uterine contractions
3. Body malaise or other signs of
4. Ultrasound reveals the absence of
a viable fetus.
Nursing Management of Spontaneous Abortion
1. Woman with history of PID which leads to tubal
2. Woman who smoke which cause the constriction of
the reproductive organ
3. Use of IUD as a contraception which causes the
slow transport of the zygote.
4. In vitro fertilization
Assessment: (signs and Symptoms)
1. Positive HCG result
2. nausea & vomiting (morning sickness) – at early pregnancy
3. Sharp, stabbing pain in one of the lower abdominal
quadrants at the time of rupture
4. Scanty vaginal spotting after the pain
5. Signs of shock, (lightheadedness, rapid pulse & resp, falling BP)
6. Leukocytosis is present due to trauma
7. Ultrasound (TVS) reveals ruptured fallopian tube & blood in the
peritoneum – bluish tinge color on the woman’s umbilicus
8. A tender mass is palpable in Douglas’ cul-de-sac on vag’l exam
Early Stage: (before the rupture of the tube) which can be
diagnosed by ultrasound
1. Methotrexate (an oral drug), a folic acid antagonist
chemotherapeutic agent, attacks and destroys
fast growing cells.
- Hysterosalpingography, also known as uterosalpingography,
is a radiologic procedure to investigate the shape
of the uterine cavity and the shape and patency
of the fallopian tubes. This means it is a special x-ray
using dye to look at the womb and Fallopian tubes.
2. Mifepristone – an abortifacient drug; also effective
at causing sloughing of the tubal implantation site.
- It keeps the tube intact with no surgical scarring.
3. If ectopic pregnancy ruptures – it is an emergency situation.
Therapy: LAPAROSCOPY – the ligation of bleeding vessels
and to remove or repair the damaged fallopian tube. ,
Nursing Management:
1. Monitor vital signs, intensity of pain and
2. Ensure appropriate physical, psychological
and emotional needs are attended to
3. Prepare the client for emergency
operation if needed.
> 1: 1,500 pregnancies
> common to women who have a low protein intake
> common to women older than 35 yrs age.
> more to women of Asian heritage
2 Types of H – Mole identified by Chromosomal Analysis
1. Complete – all trophoblastic villi swell & become cystic.
- karyotype is 46XX or 46XY component only which
means the father is the one contributing the
chromosomes, the ovum is empty.
2. Partial H mole – the syncytiotrophoblastic layer of villi is swollen & mishapen.
- Fetal blood and the macerated embryo is present.
- has 69 chromosomes(a triploid formation) in which there are
3 chromosomes instead of 2 in every pair; meaning 1 ovum is being
fertilized by 2 sperms or 1 ovum is fertilized by 1 sperm who did not
undergo meiosis
1. Strongly positive pregnancy test ( by serum or urine)
2. NO fetal heart sounds
3. Nausea & vomiting at early pregnancy period
4. 16 weeks pregnancy > vaginal spotting of dark brown blood
or as a profuse fresh flow.
5. Discharge of clear fluid- filled vesicles which confirms the
diagnosis of H-Mole.
- commonly occurs at approximately 20th week of
pregnancy when the fetus is still too immature.
The most common treatment
for incompetent cervix is a
procedure called a cerclage.
Your doctor will sew a stitch
around the weakened cervix to
make it stronger. This
reinforcement may help your
pregnancy last longer. Doctors
usually perform a cerclage at
12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy.
Transvaginal – McDonald’s
- Shirodkar
Shirodkar Technique – sterile tape is
threaded in a purse string manner
under the sub mucous layer of
the cervix and suture in place to
achieve a closed cervix.