BT Quiz - 1 PDF
BT Quiz - 1 PDF
BT Quiz - 1 PDF
Number: _____ Date:_________ b. Hyperkalemia
c. Circulatory overload
d. Delayed transfusion reaction
Please encircle the letter of your answer (1 point 8. The nurse has discontinued a unit of blood that was
each). infusing into a client because the client experienced a
transfusion reaction. After documenting the incident
1. The nurse has obtained a unit of blood from the blood appropriately, the nurse sends the blood bag and tubing to
bank and has checked the blood bag properly with another which of the following departments?
nurse. Just before beginning the transfusion, the nurse a. Blood bank
assesses which priority item? b. Risk management
a. Vital signs c. Environmental services
b. Skin color d. Infection control
c. Urine output
d. Latest hematocrit level 9. A client has received a transfusion of platelets. The nurse
evaluates that the client is benefiting most from this therapy
2. Packed red blood cells have been prescribed for a client if the client exhibits which of the following?
with low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. The nurse takes a. Increased hematocrit level
the client's temperature before hanging the blood transfusion b. Increased hemoglobin level
and records 100.6F orally. Which of the following is the c. Decline of elevated temperature to normal
appropriate nursing action? d. Decreased oozing of blood from puncture sites and gums
a. Begin the transfusion as prescribed
b. Delay hanging the blood and notify the physician 10. A client requiring surgery is anxious about the possible
c. Administer an antihistamine and begin the transfusion need for a blood transfusion during or after the procedure.
d. Administer two tablets of acetaminophen (Tylenol) and The nurse suggests to the client to do which of the following
begin the transfusion to reduce the risk of possible transfusion complications?
a. give an autologous blood donation before the surgery
3. The nurse has received a prescription to transfuse a client b. ask a friend or family member to donate blood ahead of
with a unit of packed red blood cells. Before explaining the time
procedure to the client, the nurse asks which initial question? c. take iron supplements before surgery to boost hemoglobin
a. "have you ever had a transfusion before?" levels
b. "why do you think that you need the transfusion?" d. request that any donated blood be screened twice by the
c. "have you ever gone into shock for any reason in the past?" blood bank
e. "do you know the complications and risks of a
transfusion?" 11. A client is brought to the emergency department having
experienced blood loss related to an arterial laceration.
4. A client has a prescription to receive a unit of packed red Fresh-frozen plasma is prescribed and transfused to replace
blood cells. The nurse should obtain which of the following IV fluid and blood loss. The nurse understands that the rationale
solutions form the IV storage area to hang with the blood for transfusing fresh-frozen plasma in this client is:
product at the client's bedside? A. to treat the loss of platelets
a. Lactated Ringer's B. to promote rapid volume expansion
b. 0.9% sodium chloride C. That the transfusion must be done slowly
c. 5% dextrose in 0.9% sodium chloride D. That it will increase the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
d. 5% dextrose in 0.45% sodium chloride
12. The nurse determines that a client is having a transfusion
5. A nurse has an order to transfuse a unit of packed red reaction. After the nurse stops the transfusion, which action
blood cells to a client who does not currently have an IV line should be taken NEXT?
inserted. When obtaining supplies to start the IV infusion the a.) Remove the intravenous (IV) line.
nurse selects an angiocatheter with a size of: b.) Run a solution of 5% dextrose in water.
a. 18 gauge c.) Run normal saline at a keep-vein-open rate.
b. 21 gauge d.) Obtain a culture of the tip of the catheter device removed
c. 22 gauge from the client.
d. 24 gauge
13. The nurse is caring for a patient who is to receive a
6. The nurse is picking up a unit of packed red blood cells at transfusion of two units of packed red blood cells. After
the hospital blood bank. After putting the pen down, the obtaining the first unit from the blood bank, the nurse would
nurse glances at the clock, which reads 1:00. The nurse ask which of the following health team members in the
calculates that the transfusion must be started by: nurses' station to assist in checking the unit before
a. 1:30 administration?
b. 2:00 A. Unit Secretary
c. 2:30 B. A Phlebotomist
d. 3:00 C. A Physician's Assistant
D. Another Registered Nurse
7. A client receiving a transfusion of packed red blood cells
(PRBCs) begins to vomit. The client's blood pressure is 90/50 14. The nurse has just received a prescription to transfuse a
from a baseline of 125/78. The client's temperature is 100.8F unit of packed red blood cells for an assigned client.
orally from a baseline of 99.2F orally. The nurse determines Approximately how long will the nurse need to stay with the
that the client may be experiencing which complication of a client to ensure that a transfusion reaction is not occurring?
blood transfusion? a. 5 minutes
b. 15 minutes
c. 30 minutes
d. 45 minutes
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the
great things while they are small. A journey of a
thousand mile must begin with a single step”
- Lao Tzu