Monster Guts QS

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Danielle Osterman



Wheels Within Wheels

Publishing -
elcome to MONSTER GUTS, a tabletop
roleplaying game, Illuminated by LUMEN, that
draws from your favorite monster-hunting
video games.

This zine contains all the information you need to make

a Scavenger, pick a Weapon, and hunt some Monsters.

Happy butchering!

Illustrations by Evangeline Gallagher.
Graphic Design by MV.
Monster Silhouettes by RAPIDPUNCHES, and Madeleine
Contributors: Spencer Campbell.
Playtesters: Phoebe Haynes, Nevlynnei, Jordan H (GMR),
Josh Hittie, and Poizon.

This game is Illuminated by LUMEN, based on the LUMEN

RPG system designed by Spencer Campbell, Gila RPGs. This
game is in no way affiliated with Spencer Campbell or Gila

Core Mechanic The Hunt
5 26

Weapons Monster Guts

6 32

Scavenger Monsters
22 34

Companion Bestiary
— 37

nce, we flew the skies and traveled the deeps.
Once, we delved into the miniscule and corralled
the massive. Once, we created life to support
and sustain our progress.

And then our monsters turned on us. They consumed

our forests, our ore, our livestock, our homes, and our
lives. And then they multiplied.

Our Village was isolated enough to escape the brunt of

the attacks. But there are no more trees to burn, no
metal to smelt, no food to eat, no water to drink. To live,
we needed to hunt the very monsters who had deprived
us of our livelihoods and liberties.

And so we trained the scavengers in massive weaponry

cobbled together from whatever we could spare. Weap-
ons suited to killing the behemoths who stalk our land.
These scavengers are our last, best hope for victory.


As always, the enemy is capitalism.

s scavengers are Crush
highly trained and
capable individuals, Crush governs actions that
MONSTER GUTS’s employ raw power and
mechanics focus on how brute force.
they perform actions, the
approach they take when
confronted with obstacles.

There are three stats, cor-

responding to the three
damage types used by
scavenger weapons and Slice
three different ways of
tackling problems. Each Slice governs tactics that
stat has a rating of 0 or require speed and dexteri-
more. When undertaking ty.
an action in a perilous situ-
ation, choose which stat
best applies to the scaven-
ger’s approach and then
roll a number of dice equal
to that stat’s rating, choos-
ing the highest number (if
0 in a stat, roll two and
choose the lower roll). Pierce
1-2: failure Pierce governs maneuvers
that depend on precision,
3-4: mixed success study, patience, and prac-
5-6: success

eapons are the heart of a game like

Each functions like a character class in

other roleplaying games, providing an
initial rating in each of the 3 damage
types, base Health, a unique Passive
ability, a few Weapon Moves, and a cap on the weapon’s

Basic weapon attacks use the core mechanic: rolling dice

based on the approach used and consulting the highest

1-2. The attack misses and the monster attacks!

3-4. The attack hits the monster’s body and you suffer
small setback.
1. lose 1 Edge, 2. knocked back, 3. must reload, 4.
knocked down, 5. staggered, 6. the monster attacks.

5-6. The attack hits the targeted part.

Weapon Tags
W eapons are described with a series of tags. You
gain more tags by slaying monsters and applying their
guts to your weapons.

Aimed: +1 Harm when using Pierce

Aerial: while airborne, attacks deal +2 Harm

Brutal: +1 Harm when using Crush

Cleaving: affects multiple targets with each swing

Close: useful at-hand

Explosive: On a 6, deal +1 Harm

Far: useful at a distance

Glancing: failures deal half Harm to a Close target

Keen: +1 Harm when using Slice

Near: useful nearby

Musical: each swing adds +1 Melody

Reload: weapon must be reloaded

Stationary: must be still to use

Stunning: On a 6, +1 Stun Clock

S cavengers via their weapons access formidable pow-
ers called Weapon Moves. Using these powers requires
either spending Ammo or degrading the weapon’s Edge.
Some moves are particularly powerful and require more

The War Bugle uses a special currency called Melody.

Blisters indicate how much the weapon chafes the scav-


Ammo represents special

coatings and elixirs that
augment regular ranged
weapon attacks.

During a Lull, the Scrounge

action will fully replenish

Edge measures the Harm

dealt by a regular weapon
attack. Most moves spend
Edge, reducing the Harm
dealt in exchange for a
powerful effect.

During a Bout, scavengers

may take the Sharpen ac-
tion to restore their
weapon’s Edge.

Each regular attack with
the War Bugle adds 1 Mel-
ody, to a maximum of 5.

Most War Bugle moves

scale with the length of the
Melody played.

Sometimes scavengers have to be carted back to safety.

Each time a scavenger’s health drops to 0, they gain a
Blister. Track Blisters separately for each weapon.

At the end of a Hunt, roll a die. If the roll is equal to or

less than the number of Blisters, the scavenger must use
a different weapon on the next Hunt.


Attack: 1 Harm, Near/Far, Accurate: Always hit the

Aimed, Reload targeted monster part on a
mixed success.

How many have you slain with me?

Sidestep (1)
Close; Evade incoming attacks and deal 4 Harm at
the start of your next turn.

Quick Shot (1)

Near; Fire a rapid volley, dealing 2 Harm to all
parts and targets in range.

Skullpiercer (2)
Near; Spend the round drawing a deadly shot,
dealing 10 Harm at the start of your next turn un-
less the attack is interrupted.


Attack: Close, Explosive, Discharge: When you hit,

Reload you may spend 1 Edge to
deal +2 Harm.

How many have you slain with me?

Reposition Rockets (1)
Explode your lance to travel up to a far distance. If
you rocket into a monster, deal 4 Harm.

Bombard (1)
Near; fire a blast at a target, dealing 4 Harm.

Splinterstrike (all)
Stab your lance deep into the monster and then
explode it, dealing 3 Harm per Edge expended in
this attack.


Attack: Close, Glancing, Weighted: Cannot be

Stationary knocked away on a mixed

How many have you slain with me?

Deflect (1)
Shrug through the next enemy attack, reducing
incoming Harm by 2 (minimum 1).

Whirlwind (1)
Use the mass of your sword to launch yourself,
spinning, into the air. Land next turn, dealing +2
Harm with your next attack.

Charged Swing (2)

Prepare a massive swing that attacks your target
at the start of your next turn, dealing double dam-
age. If hit between now and then, your attack


Attack: Close Evasive: Cannot take

Harm from a mixed suc-

How many have you slain with me?

Fury Swipes (1)
Close; Attack twice on your next turn, with 3 base
Harm. You dodge all attacks between now and

Sparkshow (1)
Close; Smash your knives together in a spray of
sparks, blinding foes.

Spiraling Blades (2)

Close; Traverse the length of the monster, dealing
Harm to each part.


Attack: Close, Stunning Impactful: Headshots in-

flict +1 Stun clock

How many have you slain with me?

Yeet (1)
Using your Maul as a launch pad, hurl a Close ally
to Near.

Bonecruncher (1)
Twirl your Maul as it slams into the monster, deal-
ing +3 Harm. If the struck part is Hard, deal an
additional 2 Harm.

Clock-Cleaning (2)
Whirlwind your Maul into the monster, dealing 6
Harm. If you hit the head, refresh the monster’s
Stun clock, allowing it to be filled again this Bout.


Attack: Close/Near, Aerial Stingers: When you hit a

target, your wasp familiars
flurry and inflict +1 Harm.

How many have you slain with me?

Kip Up (0)
Close; Strike the Monster for 2 Harm and spring
airborne. Spend an Edge when attacking to stay

Aerial Rodeo (1, while airborne)

Dance above the monster, dealing 5 Harm.

Pheromone Control (1)

Mark the monster with special pheromones. Until
the end of the Bout, each round your wasps drain
curative juices from the monster, removing 1
Harm from yourself or an ally.

ou are trained fighters, foragers, trackers, and
slayers. You are the only hope of your Village, the
only ones capable of facing the terrifying

But while you are powerful, your equipment is not. The

village only has enough materials to furnish you with a
basic form of each weapon and rudimentary armor.
You’ll have to enhance them with the guts from the
monsters you hunt.

You will also be joined by a furry friend, a Companion

who will support and aid you as best they can.

Write down the name of your scavenger, their

Companion, and the first weapon you will use, as well as
a description of all three. Scavengers are the stuff of
tales, after all, so you’d best make them memorable.

I n addition to their weapons and companions, scaven-
gers also rely on their gear to ward off killing blows and
store the many useful things they find while on a hunt.

What does your scavenger’s armor look like? How do

they carry bits and bobs with them?

The first goal of your The Village might be short

apparel is to look badass. on resources but there is
The second is to guard no shortage of creative so-
your highly-skilled bod lutions to bloody problems.
from harm.
They’ve developed a quick-
Each outfit can have up to acting salve that will re-
two tags, following the store your Health to full.
same rules as your However, the salve is un-
weapons: only one Effect stable and easily-spoiled,
tag and one Element tag at so you can only carry one
a time. with you at a time. Assume
you start each Hunt with
one at the ready.

In time, perhaps the Vil-

lagers will develop new
gadgets and ways for you
to carry more of them at
Name _________
Pronouns ______


Weapon ________ Weapon ________

Tags _________________ Tags _________________
Blisters _______________ Blisters _______________

Weapon ________ Weapon ________

Tags _________________ Tags _________________
Blisters _______________ Blisters _______________

Outfit _________ Name ________________

Breed ________________
______________ Tool _________________
Tags _________________
Tags _________________

Outfit _________ Assist

______________  Push to
Tags _________________
 Prone

 Out of

he Hunt begins as soon as the scavengers leave
their village and ends only when the monster has
been slain.
Hunts have 2 alternating phases: Bouts and Lulls.


A ttack the monster! Get its guts!

During a Bout, we divide time into Rounds. In every

round, each scavenger receives a Turn, during which
they may travel between range bands and take a Move.
After the scavengers have all acted, roll to see what
Tempo Change occurs.

After the Tempo Change, another round begins.

During each round, scav-
engers have different
Moves they can take. Usu-
ally, scavengers either at-
T he Tempo Change hap-
pens at the end of each
tack or use one of their round. Roll a die.
weapon’s special moves.
All scavengers may also 1. Complication appears
take the following moves.
2-5. Monster attacks
Use an item on yourself or 6. Monster flees (3rd or
a Close target. Roll a die. 1 later round only)
-2. Monster attacks, item
3+. Item used successfully Complications
When rolling a 1 for the
Sharpen Tempo Change, a compli-
Roll a die. cation interrupts the bat-
1-2. Monster attacks, re- tlefield. Roll to see what
store only 1 Edge. kind of complication mani-
3+. Fully replenish Edge. fests.

Attack 1-2. Beasts

Make an ability test to see A group of beasts from the
how well your attack suc- area will interfere with the
ceeds. hunt.
1-2. Miss; monster attacks
3-4. Hit monster’s body; 3-4. Instability
suffer small setback Hazardous weather or
(1. lose 1 Edge, 2. knocked treacherous terrain will af-
back, 3. must reload, 4. fect the hunt.
knocked down, 5. stag-
gered, 6. monster attack.) 5-6. Monster
5-6. Hit targeted part Another monster from that
area will interrupt the


T rack the monster! Heal and resupply! Each scavenger

takes 2 Lull Moves, after which the next Bout begins.

Restore your Edge to full.

Use an item or ability on yourself or allies.

Restore your Ammo to full or roll a die to see what you


Return to camp to exchange up to 2 tags on your equip-


Leave your allies to immediately start the next Bout.

Those who don’t Chase will arrive at the start at the sec-
ond round. Roll a die. On a 6, you catch the monster

Roll a die to see what you have found.

1-2. Bitter Herbs. Consume to restore Health to full.

3. Ambrosial Honey. Consume to cure all status effects
and recover 3 Health.
4-5. Glob.
6. Boost.

1. Treebomb. Explosive pinecone. Throw to inflict 1
Harm and +1 Metal.
2. Slimeball. Clump of mucus and goop. Throw to inflict
1 Harm and +1 Slime.
3. Dungball. You know what it is. Throw to force the
monster to flee at the round’s end.
4. Hollybomb. Bundle of toxic berries wrapped with
thorns. Throw to inflict 1 Harm and +1 Venom.
5. Sparkgrass. Magnesium fern that blinds nearby foes
for 1 round.
6. Somnashroom. When smashed, all Close at start of
next round gain +1 Snooze Clock.

1. Swordscales. When next Sharpen, augment Max
Edge by 1 until end of Hunt.
2. Mud Bath. Ignore the Harm from the next attack.
3. Euphorishroom. Raise maximum Health by 2 until
end of Hunt.
4. Stimshroom. Deal +2 Harm with your next strike.
5. Ampjuice. The next attack that would reduce your
Health to 0 leaves you at 1 Health instead.
6. Dummyfish. This awkward, hovering fish is so weird
the monster’s next attack hits it instead of your friends.


M ONSTER GUTS uses three different range bands to

determine how close all of the Hunt’s combatants are to
each other. Folks who are Close are within a few feet,
while those who are Near are a few yards distant. Those
who are a Far distance are easily a dozen yards away.

The following variant rules use figures and cards for a

more visual representation of each Bout.

Scavengers are Close if Moving nearby entails hop-

they are on the same card. ping to an adjacent card.

Moving a far distance

means moving two cards.

Scavengers are near if

they are on adjacent cards.

Scavengers are Far if there

is a card between them.

Due to the size of the mon- Tuck a card perpendicular

sters, place them between to the base card under it
cards. Scavengers next to and place the scavenger on
the monster are close to it, this card.
those a card away are a
Near from it, and so on.

Hunt Environs

Built from poured stone A testament to the laziness

and metal, these fallen and inefficiencies of those
towers now house new oc- Before, the Wastes are
cupants: steel-trees, moss, windswept plains and irra-
and monsters. diated waterways.

Complications Complications
Sinkholes, toppling trees, Flash flood, vicious tumble-
explosive mold. weed, mighty wind.

In the Before, these trees were green. Now they are red,
orange, purple, blue, and their needles are sharp and
hard. Their bark turns aside any axe and their fruit is
toxic to all but the most venomous of creatures.

Vanishing sun, hasty shrubs, poisonfruit showers.

t the end of each Hunt, the triumphant scaven-
gers carve up their quarry’s body, repurposing its
bones, flesh, and fluids. Each scavenger retrieves
1 monster gut for slaying the monster, plus an
additional monster gut for each part broken.

Each monster gut gets a random tag from the

monster that the scavenger may imbue into their weap-
on or gear.

Tags fall into three categories: Ephemera, Ele-

mental, and Effect. Weapons and gear can have 1 Ele-
mental and 1 Effect tag active at the same time, alt-
hough scavengers can exchange any acquired Elemental
and Effect tags while in the village or by taking the Re-
supply Move.

E phemera tags indicate the type of a monster. Imbu-
ing 2 matching Ephemera tags into a weapon allow scav-
engers to increase any of its numbers by 1.

Ephemera tags include: Beast, Behemoth, Brute, Insect,

and Leviathan.
W hen applied to weap-
ons, Element tags convert
the weapon’s damage to
the appropriate element,
which fills the appropriate
clocks and may receive ex-
tra bonuses.

When applied to gear, Ele-

ment tags convey damage Effect
resistance to attacks
marked with the same tag,
allowing the scavenger to
ignore the first attack in-
W hether applied to
weapons or gear, Effect
flicting that type of Harm tags offer new Moves or
each Hunt. passive abilities.

Element tags include

Bleed, Venom, Water, Fire,
Metal, Stun, Ice. Snooze, Dash—once per Bout,
Shock, and Slime. travel between range
bands in addition to all
other actions.
Bellow—resist the effects
of monster roars
Stomp—resist knockback
Armor—reduce incoming
Harm by 1, to a minimum
of 1.
Survivor—roll twice when
Scrounging, taking both
Sharing—items you use
affect Close allies as well

• All monsters have a
cool name and can be
summarized in three
words or less.

• All monsters have tags

that reflect the perils
they present and act as

• All monsters have parts

that can be broken as
well as a silhouette, a
graphic representation
of these parts.

• All monsters have their

own moves listed on a
2-die spread so they
can be randomly rolled.

Monster Parts

Monster parts include all

areas and organs of the
body that the monster us- Soft parts take full damage
es in its attacks. By dam- from all damage types.
aging these parts, scaven-
gers weaken the monster’s
abilities and gain more re-
wards at the end of a hunt. When a monster’s attack
uses a broken part, the at-
All monster parts are ei- tack deals half its regular
ther Hard or Soft. Harm. If the attack does
not deal Harm, its other
effects are lessened or do
not activate.
Hard parts are reinforced
by bone or cartilage. They
take half damage from all
damage types except
Crush. Once broken, Pierce
attacks to the part deal 2
additional Harm.

Status Clocks

A ll monsters have a few

Status Clocks that reflect
Metal creates a powerful
explosion, dealing 10
their vulnerability to differ-
ent statuses. Ice inflicts 2 Harm when-
ever the monster moves.
When a clock fills, the
monster succumbs to the Snooze makes the mon-
clock’s effect until the end ster fall asleep. The next
of that Bout. Each clock attack deals double Harm.
cannot be triggered more
than once per Bout, and all Water increases Harm
clocks are reset at the be- from Shock attacks by 1.
ginning of each Lull.
Shock adds +2 Stun clock
Bleed increases the Harm or reset the Stun clock if it
received from Slice attacks has been filled.
by 1.

Venom deals 2 Harm each


Slime makes the monster

fall over when next it
would move around.

Fire increases Harm taken

from Fire sources by 1.

Stun prevents the monster

from taking any actions
until their next turn.

No one has an explanation
for the ancorhynch, bizarre
salmon with muscly legs
that terrorize the shores.

Health: 2
Harm: 1

Kick: Whack a scavenger
with its mighty legs,
knocking them away.
Bite: Clamps onto an arm,
refusing to let go.

Child-sized flies with a
fiendish stinger. An ento-
mologist’s last wet dream.

Health: 1
Harm: 1

Slurp: Pierces with its
stinger, draining fluid. An-
other needlefly explodes
from it next round.
Bzz: 2+ Close needleflies
stun Near foes.
Body Tags Clocks
75 Health; shock-immune 1-2: Shock Venom (3)
3-4: Stun
5: Dash Slime (4)
6: Beast
Head (15-S) Stun (4)
Foreleg (15-S)
Hindleg (15-S) Water (4)
Tail (15-S)

At 50 and then 25 Health, the Sparksquirrel glows red
and rages. All Harm +1.

Thunderous, Springing Squirrel
Originally designed to control household humidity,
sparksquirrels were household pets. When exposed to
the environmental collapse of the Oil Wars, they super-
sized and became a threat. Their ability to channel static
electricity into potent currents now interferes with local
weather patterns, turning ordinary storms into furious

Most sparksquirrels still lair in the ruins of their ances-

tors’ homes, the Cities of Yore, but some can be found in
the Once-Emerald Forests.

2-3. Sparking. Electricity crackles through the mon-
ster’s fur. Scavengers hit by attacks are Stunned, losing
their next turn.
4. Tail Whip. Violently waves its tail, dealing 2 Harm to
all Close to it.
5. Charge. Rushes forward. All in its path take 2 Harm
and are knocked away.
6. Roar. All Close lose their turn.
7. Reposition. 1-2: advances; 3: retreats; 4-5: flips
around; 6: changes facing.
8. Swipe. Claws someone near its foreleg, dealing 3
9. Tail Slam. Flips forward, bashing those formerly
Close to the head for 1 Harm.
10. Bound. Leaps into the air, dealing 3 Harm and pin-
ning a single foe.
11-12. Climb. Scales nearby terrain but leaves its tail
dangling. The Sparksquirrel’s next move is Bound.

Monster Guts Reference

Core Mechanic Hunt Moves

Describe what you want to do
and choose the attribute that
best describes it, then roll a Use an item on a self or Close
pool of dice based on your at- target. Fails on 1-2.
tribute rating, choosing the
highest result.
1-2. Incur a consequence
3-4. Mixed success Replenish Edge. Fails on 1-2.
5-6. Full success

1-2. Miss; monster attacks

Crush governs actions that 3-4. Hit monster’s body; suf-
employ raw power and brute fer small setback
force. (1. lose 1 Edge, 2. knocked
back, 3. must reload, 4.
Harm from Crush applies nor- knocked down, 5. staggered,
mally to both Hard and Soft 6. take 1 Harm.)
targets. 5-6. Hit targeted part

Tempo Change
Slice governs tactics that re- End of round roll a die.
quire speed and dexterity.
1. Complication appears
Slice attacks deals half Harm 2-5. Monster attacks
to Hard targets. 6. Monster flees (3rd or later
round only)

Pierce governs maneuvers

that depend on precision, 1-2. Beasts
study, patience, and practice. 3-4. Instability
5-6. Monster
Pierce attacks deal half Harm
to unbroken Hard targets.
Against broken Hard targets,
they deal an extra 2 Harm.

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