Ipg2013 1931
Ipg2013 1931
Ipg2013 1931
July 24-26, 2013, Bogota, Colombia
Diverter berms are structures that are intended to control Diversion berms are structures that are designed to capture
erosion by means of the reduction of the dragging forces due to the runoff and minimize the erosive effects runoff. This
runoff. In a hillside, as the slope and length increases, the requires an appropriate design of the diverter berms to prevent
towing capacity of the runoff increases; diverter berms aim to water concentrations, erosion of roadways and instabilities of
reduce the flow length and with this the water potential erosion. filled slopes. The correct design criteria for diversion berms are
In Colombia is common to determine the separation of based on the basic principles of erosion caused by rainfall. The
diverter berms based in the graphics presented in the NIO 0802 factors that control these types of erosion are related to the
standard (Ecopetrol, 2001), in which separation is function of amount and characteristics of the precipitation, the type of soil,
the slope of the hillside, the type of soil and the rainfall the topography, and the type and extension of any kind of
intensity. vegetal cover. One of the most important aspects when this
In this paper the equations proposed by Morgan (1995) kind of structures is designed is the berms distance so that the
and Mirtskhoulava (2001) are applied to determine the superficial flow does not cause soil erosion.
separation of diverter berms based on the maximum non- There are several methods by which the distance between
eroding velocity, the discharge flow, the surface roughness and diverters can be defined. Through engineering experience it has
the slope steepness. been possible to create tables or graphs in which with the slope
In order to compare the results of the application of the steepness and the observed erosion of the soil, typical spacing
Morgan (1995) and Mirtskhoulava (2001) models, with those have been obtained. In some countries is common the
curves of the NIO 0802 standard (Ecopetrol, 2001), an construction of structures that have the same function as the
application was made to the right-of-way for the Medellín- diverter berms; for this kind of structures not only horizontal
Cartago pipeline, along the called Sinifana variant. The distances are defined but also the vertical spacing. In order to
information regarding topography, soils and coverage was define the diverter berms dimensions various alternatives have
provided by Civil and Tech SAS. been proposed as typical dimensions that are a function of the
kind and materials of those diverters (i.e. sacks of soil-cement
mixture or concrete berms).
Associate Professor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – Assistant Professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Figure 1. Diverter berms spacing as function of the type of soil, the slope of the ground and the precipitation. (Ecopetrol, 2001)
For the adequate use of this graph is necessary to establish (𝜗 52 𝑛32 )
if the diversion berms are going to be in erodible soils (silts and 𝑋 (𝑚) = Eq. 1
sands) or in resistant soils (clays, compact soils, rock, etc.) 𝑃 − 𝐼 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝜃 34 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜃
Also, the longitudinal slope (in percentage) of the ground
should be known and the precipitation needs to be classified Where:
between A (when is less than 10 mm/hr) and B (when is greater L = diverter berms spacing
than 15 mm/hr). Unfortunately, the procedure for obtaining this = maximum non-eroding velocity
graph is unknown, which makes its application subjective. n = Manning´s roughness coefficient
P = precipitation rate, mm h-1
2. METHOD I = infiltration rate, mm h-1
θ = slope angle, deg
To determine the separation of the diverter berms it should
be taken into account the runoff velocity and the size of the soil The second method corresponds to the analytical equation
particles; these two parameters determine soil behavior and proposed by Mirtskhoulava (2001), based on Chézy’s
define if any problem with soil erosion, sedimentation or expression to determine flow velocity:
transport is expected.
Two methods were taking into account to determine the
diversion berms spacing. The first one is that proposed by 0.000034 𝑣𝑐 3.32
𝑋 𝑚 = Eq. 2
Morgan (1995) and defined by the following equation: 𝑄 𝑚1 2.32 𝑠1.16 𝑛
Q = discharge flow, m3 s-1
𝑓 = 𝐾 1 + Eq. 4
K = hydraulic conductivity, cm h-1
Δθ = effective porosity
Ψf = suction head at wetting front, cm
F = infiltration, cm
f = infiltration rate, cm h-1
Tr = 2.33 Years
Tr = 5 Years
250 Tr = 10 Years
Tr = 20 Years
Intensity [mm/h]
Tr = 50 Years
200 Tr = 100 Years
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Duration [min]
Separation (m)
Tr = 2 years
Tr = 10 years
Tr = 15 years
Tr = 25 years
Tr = 50 years
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Slope (%)
Figure 4. Diverter berms spacing for a Sandy Loam based on Morgan (2005) method.
Separation (m)
Tr = 2 years
Tr = 10 years
Tr = 15 years
Tr = 25 years
Tr = 50 years
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 5. Diverter berms spacing for a Sandy Loam based on Mirtskhoulava (2001) method.