Control Symbols: LO1: Plan and Prepare For Motor Controller Installation
Control Symbols: LO1: Plan and Prepare For Motor Controller Installation
Control Symbols: LO1: Plan and Prepare For Motor Controller Installation
Control symbols
We use drawings to convey the information about piece of equipment in a form which all those I
nvolvedin its production installation and service will understand Tomake this possible standard d
rawing conventions have been adopted by most companiesn
When you learned to readyou werefirst taught a set ofsymbolsthat represented different soundsThisset ofs
ymbols is called the alphabet. Schematics and wiringdiagrams are the written language of motor con
trols.Before you can learn to properly determine the logicof a control circuit, you must first lear
n the writtenlanguage Unfortunately there is no actual standardused for motor control symbolsDiffere
nt manufacturers and companies often use their own sets of symbolsfor their in-house schematicsAlso, sch
ematics drawnin other countries may use entirely different sets ofsymbols to represent different cont
rol components.Although symbols can vary from one manufacturerto another, or from one country
to another once youhave learned to interpret circuit logic it is generallysent by the way they are use
d in the schematic Themost standardized set of symbols in the United Stateis provided by the National
Electrical Manufacturer’sAssociation, or NEMA. Schematic and wiring diagrams are the written langua
geof control circuitsMaintenance electriciansmust beable to interpret schematic and wiring diagrams to i
nstall control equipment or troubleshoot existing controlcircuits Schematic diagrams are also known as li
diagrams and ladder diagrams. Schematic diagrams showcomponentsin their electrical sequence without
regardto physical location.Schematics are used more thananyother type of diagram to connector troubl
eshoot acontrol circuit.Wiring diagrams show a picture of the controlcomponents with connecting
wires. Wiring diagramsare sometimes used to install new control circuits, but
they are seldom used for troubleshooting existing circuits.
Circuit Symbols
The following are the circuit symbols commonly used in motor related schematic diagrams
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17. Plug (male contact).
18. Socket (female contact).
19. Coaxial plug.
20. Coaxial socket.
50 Push button switch momentary.
51. Push button, push on/push off (latching).
52. Lever switch, two position (on/off).
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The circuits drawn for motor control circuits are in two forms :(a) Circuit or schematic diagram
(a) Schematic or Circuit Diagram: While designing a control circuit, the schematic diagram is drawn
first as it is easy, simple, clear and easy to follow for implementation in practical wiring diagram. 'The
diagram drawn below is a schematic diagram for a simple D.OL starter. The main thing which is to be
settled in mind is that practically, the contactor coil and its auxiliary contacts are close to each other but in
schematic diagram, they are at different places .
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Fig. The contactor coil A and auxiliary contact 'a' are practically close together but in control
circuit or schematic diagram, they are at different places. The power contactors, coil and
auxiliary contacts are mounted over a common insulating link.
(b) Wiring Diagram": The wiring diagram is practically implemented design showing
to various components, While designing the control circuit, the schematic diagram is drawn first
and then
on the basis of connections shown on schematic diagram, the power circuit wiring diagram is
prepared showing layout and connections to componen
1. The supply to relay or contactor coil should commence by pressing start push button.
2. The supply to relay coil should continue through its contactor even if push button is released.
4. While drawing wiring diagram, mark the layout of components and then make connections
purely on
The basis of schematic diagram. For example, upper terminal of contactor 'a', lower terminal of
off push button and upper terminal of start push button are connected together in the schematic
diagram identify the same terminals in wiring diagram wherever they are, and connect them.
5. The 3 phase supply lines are to be shown horizontal while the power circuit lines are to be
drawn vertical.
6. The movement of contacts and push buttons to be shown from left to right.
7. The main switches and other switches are to be shown in off position.
10. If there is sequence of operation, the circuit, which is energized, first should be more to the
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11. All letters and numerical should be kept clear of the guidelines. Words may be underlined in
a drawing where preferred.
12. Lettering should be done on the drawing in such a way that it may be read when the drawing
is viewed from the bottom edge or from bottom and right hand edges.
13. The height of letters on the drawing should not be too small or too large. When drawings are
to be reproduced to a smaller scale by photographic process, the size of letters in the original
.Selection of HRC Fuses for Motor Panels The HRC (High Rupturing Capacity) fuse links are
used on all industrial panels in main switches. The conventional rewirable fuse links are now out
dated hence not preferred. A protective device must withstand maximum possible destructive
energy of expected short circuit. If fault current exceeds the capability of protective device, the
device may itself rupture. A current limiting protective device cuts off a short circuit current in
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less than one half cycle. The fuse links selected should have a current rating not less than the
normal full load current
A circuit breaker basically consists of a bimetal strip connected to two terminals and to aco
ntact in between. Manual circuit breaker when tripped (current flow beyond its rating) willo
pen and must be reset manually, These manual circuit breakers are called non-cycling"circuit
The circuit breaker contains a metal strip made of two different metals bonded together
called a bimetal strip. This strip is in the shape of a disc and is concaved downward. Whe
n heat from the excessive current is higher than the circuit breaker current rating the two
metals change shape un evenly. The strip bends or warps upwards and the contacts open to
stop current flow. The circuit breaker can be reset after it is tripped
Selection of A circuit breaker is equipment that breaks a circuit either manually or
automatically under all conditions at no load, full load or short circuit.Operating Principle
Two contacts called electrode remains closed under normal operating conditions. When
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fault occurs on any part of the system, the trip coil of the circuit breaker gets energized and
contacts are separated. Circuit Breaker ratings 7.5, 10, 14, 18, 20, 22, 25, 30, 35, 42, 50, 65,
85, 100, 125, 150, or 200kA
Overload Relay
A relay is an electromagnetically operated switch. It consists of an operating coil wound
around an electromagnet pole piece, a moving armature and one or more sets of contacts.When
a voltage of the correct value is applied across the coil terminals the resulting current flow
through the coil produces a magnetic field similar to a bar magnet.The armature is attracted by
the magnetic field and so moves a small distance.This movement operates the contact(s). The pol
e piece is magnetically soft. When current flow through the coil ceases the pole piece loses
its magnetism and the armature returns to its deenergised position. This allows the contact(s)
return to the de-energized or normal
There are two types of overload device in use;
The thermal overload relay
The magnetic overload relay
The thermal overload relay is the more popular type and is the only one covered in Phase 2.
type of thermal overload relay.
it is suitable forthe protection of amotor with a Full Load Current of any value from 1.6 Amps to
2.5 Amps. Interference with This value can be setusing the current range adjustment. It also feat
ures a stop button, a hand / auto reset button and a test button.
It has one N/O and one N/C auxiliary contact. When installed and properly adjusted it may be
sealed to prevent / monitor any un authorized settings.
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The three pins protruding from the top are connected directly into the outgoing terminals of acon
tactor. Two of these pins are adjustable so that they can be matched up to a number of
Different size contactors. See underneath pins for this information.
The overload relay may also be installed using a terminal block for separate mounting. Againthe
pins are adjusted to suit the terminal block. See Figure
Operation of Thermal Overload Relay
A thermal overload relay works on the principle that, current flowing through a conductor
produces heat. If the current is doubled in value the amount of heat produced will be
The current taken by a three phase motor is passed through a set of three small
heater elements. One heater is wrapped around each of the three bi-metal strips as shown in
Terminals Trip Levers
Bi-metal Load
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Element Terminal
The operation of the thermal overload relay is as follows:
Under normal conditions the heat produced by the heater elements is just balanced by the heat
lost from them to the surroundings and consequently there is no effect on the bimetal strips.When
an overload current flows, more heat will be produced by the heater elements, resultingin
further heating of the bimetal strips, thus causing them to bend more. This bending of the bi-
metal strips changes the position of the trip lever, which causes the auxiliary contacts to change
over.The N/C contact opens and is used to disconnect supply from the contactor coil,
There by disconnecting the supply from the motor. The N/O contact closes and is generally used
to supply a signal lamp to indicate that the overload relay has tripped.
Reasons for Overload Protection
As stated earlier, excess current flowing through a motor winding will cause overheating. Thisin
turn will result in damage to the winding insulation.
If this occurs the motor is described asbeing “burned out” and must be rewound or replaced.Her
e are some of the reasons why motors burn out:
The main functions of thermal type overload relays are to prevent burn out of windings due to
Overloading or single phasing. Overloading applies to all motors, while single phasing only
applies to three phase motors.
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When the load is increased on an induction motor the rotor speed reduces and the current taken
by the motor increases.When this current rises above the motor Full Load Current, the motor is
considered to be overloaded. Generally speaking, motors can cater for a 110 - 120% overload.Co
nsequently overload devices are calibrated to allow for this. An overloadrelay set at 10Amps will
trip after a time delay, on a load current of 10 + 15% = 11.5 Amps.A thermal overload relay will
allow for the starting current of an induction motor. It takes time
to heat the bimetal strips. This provides a time lag to allow the starting current flow for
a sufficient period of time to get the motor up to full speed.
Low value overloads will be detected and acted upon after a period of time.
Higher value overloads will be detected and acted upon in a shorter time.A relay is an electro-
magnetically operated switch. It consists of an operating coil wound around an electro
magnet pole piece, a moving armature and one or more sets of contacts.
When a voltage of the correct value is applied across the coil terminals, the resulting current flow
through the coil produces a magnetic field similar to a bar magnet. The armature is attracted by
the magnetic field and so moves a small distance.
This movement operates the contact(s). The pole piece is magnetically soft. When current flow
through the coil ceases, the pole piece loses its magnetism and the armature returns to its de-
energised position. This allows the contact(s) return to the de-energised or normal state.
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Digital display
time delay relay
Figure 1.6. Analog display relays Figure 1.7.Digital display relays
2. Contactors
-A contactor is an electromagnetically driven switch applied for electrical power engineering.
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Contactors may have different arrangements of contacts. One has to differentiate between
primary contacts (main contacts) and secondary contacts (auxiliary / control contacts).as shown
in the fig.2.1.
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Coils for different
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Main contacts
Auxiliary contacts
Figure 2.3.A contactor with two one NO and one NC auxiliary contacts.
You can control contactor circuits by timers with on –or off delay. This is important for
motor control circuits like star-delta start circuit.
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Since a contractor is required for a higher load, a relay is always cheaper than a
A relay is used only in control circuit while a contactor can be used in both
control and power circuits.
Selector Switch
The difference between a push button and selector switchis the operator mechani
ma selector switch operator isrotated(instead of pushed) to open and close contact
s ofthe attached contact block Switch positions are established by turning the op
erator knob right or left Theseswitches may have two or more selector positions
witheithermaintained contact positionor spring return to given momentary
contact operationan. example of a three-position selector switch used to select
three differento
perating modes for control of a pump motor The operationof the circuit can be su
mmarized as followsIn the HAND position the pump can be started by
closing the manual control switch.
It can be stoppedby opening the manual control switch or selectingthe OFF positi
on of the selector switch.
The liquid level switch has no effect in either the HAND or OFF position
When AUTO is selected, the liquid-level switch controls the pump
At a predetermined level theliquid level switch will close,starting the pump At
another predetermined level, the liquid level switch will open stopping the pump.
The selector switch contact position and resultant state are identified
by means of the table shown Contacts are marked as A and B, while positions are
Drum Switch
A drum switch consists of a set of moving contacts and
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a set of stationary contacts that open and close as the
shaft is rotated. Reversing drum switches are designed
to start and reverse motors by connecting them directly
across the line. The drum switch may be used with
squirrel-cage motors; single-phase motors designed for
reversing service; and series, shunt, and compound DC
.Reversal of the direction of rotation is accomplished by
interchanging two of the three main power lines to the
Note that the drum switch is used
only as a means for controlling the direction of rotation
of the motor and does not provide over current or over-
load protection. A good rule for most motors is that they
should be allowed to come to a complete stop before
you reverse their direction.
Limit Switches
A mechanically operated switch is one that is controlled
automatically by factors such as pressure, position
Limit switches are designed to operate
only when a predetermined limit is reached, and they are
usually actuated by contact with an object such as a cam.
These devices take the place of human operators. They
are often used in the control circuits of machine processes
to govern the starting, stopping, or reversal of motors.
Limit switches are constructed of two main parts: the
body and the operator head (also called the actuator). The
body houses the contacts that are opened or closed in
Pressure Switches
Pressure switches are used to monitor and control the
pressure of liquids and gases. They are commonly used to
monitor a system and, in the event that pressure reaches a
dangerous level, open relief valves or shut the system down.
The three categories of pressure switches used to activate
electrical contacts are positive pressure, vacuum (negative
pressure), and differential pressure.
Pushbutton Switche
Push button switches are commonlyused in motor control applications
to start and stop motors as well as to controland over ride process functions a push button operates by
pressing a button that opens or closes contacts Push button commonly
used types of pushbutton symbols and switching action. Abbreviations N.O(normally open) and
N.C (normally closed) represent the state of the switch
contacts when the switch is not activated The N.O. push
button makes a circuit when it is pressed and returns to its open position when the button is released
The N.Cpushbutton opens the circuit when it is pressed and returns tothe closed position when the butto
n is released button makes a circuit when it is pressed and returns to its
open position when the button is released The N.C push
button opens the circuit when it is pressed and returns tothe closed position when the button is released
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With a break make pus hbutton the top section contacts are N.C and the bottom section contacts are
N.O.When the button is pressed the bottom contacts are closed.
Start Button
A start button consists of a green coloured actuator, which when pressed operates a normally
open contact. On pressing the green actuator the normally open contact will close. These are
fitted on the panel door via a mounting collar. The actuator is fitted through a suitable hole in
the panel door. A rubber washer is used on the outside to provide ingress protection. The
actuator is locked into the collar. The collar is secured to the panel door by a screw. This action
compresses the rubber seal on the actuator. Finally the contact block is simply clipped on to the
Stop Button
A stop button consists of a red coloured actuator, which when pressed operates a normally
closed contact. On pressing the red actuator the normally closed contact will open.
See Figure
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Actuator Rubber Mounting
Emergency Stop Button
This is an emergency stop button and it differs from a standardstop button as follow
It has a large, easy to operate, mushroom shaped actuator.
This actuator must be mounted on a yellow background.
When operated, the actuator latches in the “Off “ position.
The actuator is released by twisting the mushroom shaped head.
Conduit systems are classified by the wall thickness of tubing, mechanical stiffness of the tubing, and the
material. Tubing with thicker walls in the same material offers better protection from impact, but
increases the weight and cost of the conduit, and also increases labor cost to install the system. Conduit
is primarily used to protect insulated electrical conductors from damage or the environment. In
addition, metallic types of conduit may also be used to function as an electrical bond from one point to
another. Typically, separate conductors are pulled through conduit and terminated in junction boxes or
other types of enclosures.
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The following is a description of the different types of conduit used in these
electrical systems.
Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT), sometimes referred to as
“thin-wall conduit”, is commonly used instead of Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC), Galvanized Rigid
Conduit (GRC), or Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC), as it is less costly, lighter, and easier to install. However,
EMT cannot be threaded due to its thin wall thickness. Lengths of EMT conduit are connected to each
other, and to equipment with setscrew or compression-type conduit fittings. Like GRC and RMC, EMT is
more common in commercial and industrial buildings than in residential applications. EMT is generally
made of zinc galvanized steel, though it also may be specified in aluminum or stainless steel. EMT sizes
of 2½" and larger have the same outside diameter as corresponding sizes of RMC.
Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC)
Galvanized Rigid Conduit (GRC)
Galvanized Rigid Conduit (GRC) is galvanized steel tubing, similar to RMC, with a hot
dipped galvanized coating which gives it a higher corrosion resistance than standard RMC.It
is commonly specified for industrial applications
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Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit (RNC)
Rigid Non metallic Conduit (RNC) is non-metallic, un threaded tubing. This is also a
generic term for PVC (polyvinylchloride) conduit.
RNC is the lightest in weight compared to otherrigid conduit materials, and usually lower in cost than o
ther forms of conduit.
In North America, itis available in three different wall thicknesses (SCH 80, SCH 40, & Type TC or
Type A), with thethinwall variety only suitable for embedded use in concrete, and heavier grades su
itable fordirect burial and exposed work. The various fittings are also made from PVC. The plastic
material resists moisture and many corrosive substances, but since the tubing is noconductive, an e
xtra bonding (grounding) conductor must be pulled into each conduit. PVCconduit may be heated and bent in
the field. Joints to fittings are made with slipon, solventwelded connections, which set up rapidly after ass
embly, and attain full strength in about oneday. Since slipfit sections do not need to be rotated during a
ssembly, the special union fittingsused with threaded conduit (i.e. “ThreePiece” Couplings) are not req
uired. Since PVC conduithas a higher thermal coefficient of expansion than other types, long runs mus
t be installed withexpansion couplings to allow for expansion and contraction of each run.
Flexible Metallic Conduit (FMC)
Flexible Metallic Conduit (FMC) (also known as “Greenfield’) is made through the coiling of a self
interlocked, ribbed strip of aluminum or steel, forming a flexible, hollow tube through
which insulated conductors are pulled. FMC is used primarily in dry areas where it would be
impractical to install EMT or other non flexible conduit, yet where metallic strength to protect
conductors is still required. The flexible tubing does not maintain any permanent bend. Cutting
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FMC requires a specialized hand tool with a rotary abrasive disc to create a small incision in to
the ribbing so that a twisting motion separates the segments.
Liquid tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
Liquid tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC) is a non metallic and liquid tight jacket (usually PVC)
covering a flexible metal interior. The metal interior is similar in construction to FMC.
Liquidtight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit (LNFC)
Liquid tight Flexible Non metallic Conduit (LNFC) “TypeB” refers to several types of flame
resistant, non metallic tubing.
Interior surfaces may be smooth or corrugated. There may or maynot be integral reinforcement
within the conduit wall.
Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing (ENT)
Electrical Non metallic Tubing (ENT) (slang: “smurf tube”) is thin-walled, corrugated
tubing that is moisture resistant and flame retardant.
It is extremely flexible and can bend easily by hand.
It is not threaded due to its shape and the plastic fittings are specially designed to
interlock with the special corrugated shape. It is typically used in concrete work as well as
commercial building systems.
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LO – 02 Request materials, tools and equipment
Information Sheet – 1 Learning guide 1
Why and how will the equipment be used? The instrument should be matched against the
service the laboratory provides
What are the performance characteristics of the instrument? Is it sufficiently accurate and
reproducible to suit the needs of the testing to be done
What are the facility requirements, including the requirements for physical space?
Will the cost of the equipment be within the laboratory’s budget?
Will reagents be readily available?
Will reagents be provided free of charge for a limited period of time? If so, for how long?
How easy will it be for staff to operate?
Will instructions be available in a language that is understood?
Is there a retailer for the equipment in the country, with available services?
Does the equipment have a warranty?
Are there any safety issues to consider? If the decisions about purchasing are made
outside the laboratory, for example by a central purchasing body, the laboratory manager
should provide information that will support selecting equipment that will best serve the
needs of the laboratory. In areas where there are national programs for purchasing
standard equipment, the laboratories of the country should have some input to decisions.
In addition, in areas where donors are likely to provide some of the equipment that is
used, laboratory management should have input into choice of equipment. If this is not
possible, management should consider declining equipment, if inappropriate for
laboratory needs.
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LO – 03 inspect electrical materials and tools
2,The second inspection called the final is done after the walls and ceilings are finished and all
electrical connections are made.When preparing for the rough in inspection, make
sure the area is neat. Sweep up saw dust and clean up any pieces of scrap wire or cable insulation.
Before inspecting the boxes and cables, inspectors will check to make sure all plumbing and other mechanical work
is completed. Some electrical inspectors will ask to see your building and plumbing permits.
At the final inspection, inspectors check rando boxes to make sure the wire connections are correct.
If they see good work man ship at the selected boxes,the inspection will be over quickly. However, if they
spot a problem, inspectors may choose to inspect every connection.
Inspectors have busy schedules, so it is a good idea to arrange for an inspection several days in advance.
When you apply for awork permit, make sure you understand what the
inspectors will look for during inspections.You cannot put new circuits into use legally until
an inspector approves them at the final inspection. Ifyou have planned carefully and done your work well,
electrical inspections are routine visits that give you confidence in your own skills.
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Equipment/ Daily User Formal visual Combined inspecti
environment visual checks inspection on
and test
Power leads, Exte Yes As per category As per category
nsion used with used with below
leads, plugs and below
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• damaged equipment casing;
• correct marking (e.g. in-date test labels).
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LO-4 Assemble electrical motor controller
All motors must have a control device to start and stop the motor called a “motor controller”. A
motor controller is the actual device that energizes and de-energizes the circuit to the motor so
that it can start and stop.
Motor controllers may include some or all of the following motor control functions:
starting, stopping, over-current protection, overload protection, reversing, speed
changing, jogging, plugging, sequence control, and pilot light indication.
Controllers range from simple to complex and can provide control for one motor,
groups of motors, or auxiliary equipment such as brakes, clutches, solenoids, heaters,
or other signals.
Motor Starter
The starting mechanism that energizes the circuit to an induction motor is called the “starter” and
must supply the motor with sufficient current to provide adequate starting torque under worst
case line voltage and load conditions when the motor is energized.
• There are several different types of equipment suitable for use as “motor starters” but only two
types of starting methods for induction motors:
1. Across the Line Starting
2. Reduced Voltage Starting Across the Line Starting of Motors
Across the Line starting connects the motor windings/terminals directly to the circuit voltage
“across the line” for a “full voltage start”.
• This is the simplest method of starting a motor. (And usually the least expensive).
• Motors connected across the line are capable of drawing full in-rush current and
developing maximum starting torque to accelerate the load to speed in the shortest
possible time.
• All NEMA induction motors up to 200hp
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(horsepower,) and many larger ones, can withstand full voltage starts. (The electric
distribution system or processing operation may not though, even if the motor will). Across the
Line Starters
There are two different types of common “across the line” starters including
1. Manual Motor Starters
2. Magnetic Motor Starters
4.1.1 Installing manual motor starter for 3-phase squirrel cage motors on
an installation chassis
Manual Motor Starters
A manual starting is a motor controller whose contact mechanism is operated by mechanical
linkage from hand operated ,toggle or push button a thermal unit a direct acting over load
mechanism provide motor over load protection basically manual starting is ON _off switch
overload relay
Manual starters are generally used on small machine fans and blowers
A manual motor starter is package consisting of a horsepower rated switch with one set
of contacts for each phase and corresponding thermal overload devices to provide motor
overload protection.
• The main advantage of a manual motor starter is lower cost than a magnetic motor
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starter with equivalent motor protection but less motor control capability.
• Manual motor starters are often used for smaller motors - typically fractional
horsepower motors but the National Electrical Code allows their use up to 10
Figure 3 Magnetic Starter
Closing the Start button contact energizes the contactor coil. An auxiliary contact on the
contactor is wired to seal in the coil circuit. The contactor deenergizes if the control circuitis
interrupted, the Stop button is operated, or if power is lost.The overload contacts are arranged so
an overload trip on any phase will cause the contactortor open and de-energize all phases
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4.2.1 Installing on-off control circuits with magnetic contactors on an
installation chassis
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Motor starts using magnetic contactor
This stating method is not used for motors with power rating of greater than 5KW.
Thus is due to high starting current and starting torque.
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Figure 5 D.O.L starting power and control circuit
As shown in Fig.5 power circuit, when the coil of the contactor energized the contactor closes
the contacts and the motor receives a three phase supply. In the control circuit of separate push-
buttons are provided for energizing and de-energizing a contractor. For starting, a push-button
with an NO contact (S3) and for stopping another push-button with an NC contact (S2) is used.
A normally open (NO) auxiliary contact (-K1-13-14) of the contactor is connected in parallel
with the start push-button S3 so that the contactor should remain energized even when the
pressure on the start push-button is with drown. Thus the contactor would continue to remain
energized by receiving supply through its own contact –K1. Contact –K1 here has been used as a
self-hold -on contact as it holds on the supply even after the pressure on the push-button has been
released. Thus the motor continues to rotate once the start push button has been pressed. For
stopping the motor S2 is pressed. Here –S1 is the emergency switch and –F5 is overload relay for
overload protection.
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Figure 6 Star- delta starting contactors, push-buttons, and overload relays
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Let’s consider an example motor: 120kW, 4 Pole, 380 Volt, Delta connected, 3 Phase, 50
Hz. To truly grasp the differences between these two starting methods, we will list the
values next to each other in table.
Immediately we notice the primary reasons for using star delta starters on electric motors:
The starting power is reduced from 98 kW to 33 kW (by approximately 67%).
The starting current is reduced from 1495 A to 500 A (by approximately 67%).
Because the motor is not intended to actually run in this connection, the reduction in full
load speed, power factor and efficiency is not significant for this discussion. The reason
for these 67% changes becomes clear when we examine the phase voltage on the motor,
we see that the phase voltage when the motor is connected in Delta is 380 Volt.
When the motor is however connected in Star, the Phase Voltage will be 219.3 Volt.
Thus, when the motor is started in the star connection, the phase voltage of the motor is
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
reduced by a factor of √3. The relations for star and delta connections are as listed in a
Table as follow
The reductions in starting current, starting power and starting torques for a reduced Voltage can
each be calculated as follow:
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Figure 2.7 Power and Control circuit of Star-Delta starting
As shown in the control circuit of fig.2.7 when push-button –S2 is pressed contactor –K3
energized thus, intern makes NO(13,14) of contactor –K3 to close and NC(21,22) to open, as
a result contactor –K1 energized and contactor –K2 de- energized . This helps the motor to run
in star connection. When push-button –S3 is pressed contactor –K3 de-energized, both –K1
and –K2 energized, and the motor operated in delta.
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Figure 8 Star- delta control circuit using timer
As shown in the control circuit of fig.2.8 when push-button –S2 is pressed both contactors –K3
and –K1 energized and the motor runs in star after a pre defined time NC contact of the off delay
timer (-K4T) opens, thus makes contactor –K3 to de-energies and contactors -K2 and -K1 to
energies, and the motor operates in delta.
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Figure 2.9
Push button interlocking Push-button interlocking is one of the methods of preventing two
contactors from being energizing simultaneously. As shown in fig.2.9 power circuit, through
contactor –K1, the motor is fed with a three phase supply for forward rotation whereas through
contactor–K2, the motor is fed for reverse direction rotation. Both the NO and NC contacts of the
forward and reverse Push-button have been used. When the forward Push-button (-S3) is
pressed, contactor –K1 get energized by getting supply through the NC contact of the reverse
Push-button (-S2). The contactor remains energized even when the pressure on the Push-button
is withdrawn as the NO contact (-K1:13-14) of the contactor –K1 is now closed (this is called
self-hold-on contact). When the reverse Push-button (-S2) is pressed contactor –K1 gets de-
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
energized first and then contactor –K2 B gets energized. This ensures that it is not possible to
energies both the contactors simultaneously.
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Figure 2.1.1 power and control circuit of sequence start of two motors
Let us consider the operation of two motors one (-K1) and two (-K2) in sequence. The condition
is such that it should not be possible to start motor two unless motor one is first started. The
control circuit is shown in fig.2.1.1 It is to be noted that contactor –K2 has been connected to the
supply through –K1:23, 24 NO contact of contactor –K1. Hence, unless contactor –K1 is
energized, which closes –K1:23, 24 NO contact, it is not possible to energies contactor –K2 by
pressing Push-button S2. In the same manner it should not be possible to stop motor one unless
motor two is first stopped. Hence contactor –K1 has been connected to the supply through –
K2:13, 14 NO contact of contactor –K2 it is not possible to de-energize contactor –K1 by
pressing Push-button S4.
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Self check 1(you have to prepare self Give short answer
check questions to measure the fact of
the information sheet )
If the statement is correct write TRUE if the statement is in correct write FALSE
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Operation Sheet 1 Sectioning the solid objects
PURPOSE: - after
performing this operation
the trainee’s should be able to perform sectioning of solid objects.
Conditions: -
EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS: - set squares, fixer, t-square, brush, drawing board,
A sectional view is obtained by imagining the object, as if cut by a cutting plane and the Portion
between the observer and the section plane being removed.
The next Figure1a shows an object, with the cutting plane passing through it and Fig.1b the two
halves drawn apart, exposing the interior details
Figure 1
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
PRECAUTIONS: - assume as you have cutting a solid object.
QUALITY CRITERIA: - the trainee’s should be able to perform full sectioning of solid objects by any direction
of cut.
1. Show the isometric view of a shaft support
2. Section the views from the front,
3. The view from above and
4. The view from the right.
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________________
Instructions: You are required to perform the following individually with the presence of your trainer.
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C
Almaz Boehm polly technic Collage teketel Sintayehu 2012 E.C