Basic Engineering Science
Basic Engineering Science
Basic Engineering Science
1. Instructional Hours
Lecture :
Tutorial :
Practical :
Assignment :
Exam :
Total : 45 Hours
2. Subject Aims:
To provide students with the understanding of the fundamentals of engineering. The module will
familiarize the students with the basic engineering terms, their definitions and equations.
3. Teaching Methods
Instruction shall take place through a combination of lectures, explaining the basic
engineering terms with examples and relating with practical components.
4. Assessment Methods
LCA 1 20%
LCA 2 20%
Final Exam 60 %
5. Recommended Texts
I. Hannah Hillier, J. Applied Mechanics. Harlow, Longman 1995.
II. Jackson, L and Morton, T.D. General Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers.
5th ed. London, Thomas Reed Publications Ltd 1990.
III. Joel, R. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics In SI Units. 4th ed. Harlow, Longman,
1996 (ISBN 0582 41626 4)
Competence details:
Specific Learning Outlines
Code as Ref L P T A