Poems About The Mountains
Poems About The Mountains
Poems About The Mountains
Oh Mountain
Thou high mountain Oh Gunung
Exudes charisma and prestige Engkau gunung yang tinggi
Dashing unspeakable Memancarkan kharisma dan wibawa
Decorating the earth of the Archipelago Gagah tiada terperi
The sound of the kalong dispelled the evening. Di pucuk-pucuk ilalang belalang berloncatan.
Shortly before the sun passes masih kudengar suara bedug bertalu-talu.
Tak tersentuh hiruk pikuk dunia Untouched by the hustle and bustle of the
Mereka hidup dengan jiwa yang sejahtera
They live with a prosperous soul
Sungai bersinar, menyilaukan mata The river shines, dazzling the eyes
Di buai angin dengan sayang In the gusto of the wind with affection