Chili Pepper Research Studies
Chili Pepper Research Studies
Chili Pepper Research Studies
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Pesticides and Repellents
These natural pesticides used to repel and eliminate harmful pest. The chili pepper (capsicum
annum) extract has a potential to use as an organic pesticides that can eliminate the high
number of pests. Natural pesticides can combat insects upon contact or through ingestion. Use
as part of an integrated Pest Management Program which includes traps for monitoring and
capturing pests and beneficial insects and organisms to control pests in their developing stages.
Enhancing fertility programs with natural fertilizers and soil amendments will increase plants’
health and resistance to all types of pests in your home or gardening including weeds and
diseases. (Kumar et al., 2009)
Theoretical Framework
Lichtenberg and Zilberman (1986) provided a theoretical foundation on why pesticides are
protective inputs and not productive inputs as commonly perceived in past studies. Pesticides
provide a significant contribution to crop production only if a serious pest attack exists and if
the pesticides use is able to control the pest attack effectively. If farmers do not observe the
pest attack, then it is likely that they may not apply pesticides at all. Adapting the concept of
economic threshold n use of pesticides is suggested by Headley (1972) and Mumford and
Norton (1984) we have analyzed the factors determining Indonesian chili farmers decision on
the level of pesticides.
Farmers’ objectives for plant protection are not only to obtain high yield but also to minimize
risk of crop failure and to ensure economic efficiency of farm inputs used, including pesticides
chemicals. This is explained by the concept of economic threshold for both the quantity as well
as the intensity of use. The economic threshold is defined as: For any level of pest attack a
maximum acceptable level of pest attack for which the expected value of yield loss associated
with the pest is equal to the cost of pest control measures using pesticides. (Headley, 1972;
Mariyono, 2007 )
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables Dependent Variables
Chili pepper as pesticides Growth of plants
Figure 1. Showing the schematic diagram on the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables.
This figure represents the two variables that are related on the study. The independent variable
is the chili pepper pesticides while the dependent variable is the growth of plants. It may or
may not affect each other.
Definition of Terms:
Chili pepper (capsicum annum) – is an organic spicy flavored fruit that will be used to
experiment as a pesticides to help preventing the maximum amount of pest that destroys the
rapid growth of crops.
Pesticides – is a poisons used for chemical control. It is an effective tool that can kills insects
(e.g. termites, mosquitoes, borers etc.). It will not kill all insects but it helps to repel most insect
or other pest that damaged the crops.
Crops – is a plant to used, in which pest easily compromised it. It used as a subject to test the
effectiveness of chili pepper as pesticides
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