2082-4-1 Midterm
2082-4-1 Midterm
2082-4-1 Midterm
Student Number:
5. Which one of the following is not correct? The aim of passive design is ……………………………………
a) to optimise the building form, orientation, façade design and space planning
b) to make maximum use of the natural environment
c) to provide occupant comfort with minimum use of energy and mechanical systems
d) to increase the use of mechanical and electrical equipment
6. Which one of the following is correct? The aim of passive design is ……………………………………
a) to expand the building form, orientation, façade design and space planning
b) to make minimum use of the natural environment
c) to provide occupant comfort with minimum use of energy and mechanical systems
d) to increase the use of mechanical and electrical equipment
7. Which of the following materials has a lower thermal absorption coefficient than others?
a) Ceramics
b) Stone
c) Concrete
d) Plastic
8. Which of the following materials has a higher thermal absorption coefficient than others?
a) Wood
b) Stone
c) Water
d) Plastic
9. ‘The state of mind in humans that expresses satisfaction with the surrounding environment’
Which following term is correct for the above description?
a) Definition of thermal comfort of American Standard
b) Definition of thermal comfort of British Standard
c) Definition of thermal comfort of Turkish Standard
d) Definition of thermal comfort of German Standard
10. Gender, health, psychology, sociology & situational factors belongs to ………………………….
(fill in the blanks with the correct words)
a) Clothing level
b) Activity levels
c) Metabolic rate
d) Personal factors
12. Which of the following statement about double channel duct systems is correct?
a) It has seperated cooling and heating coils in the different channels
b) It cannot be used with air cooling coils
c) It is a small condenser for a large capacity system.
d) It has the highest efficiency of the water-cooling coils.
13. Which of the following statements about air handling unit (AHU) is true?
a) The air which is coming out of the building is conditioned in the AHU
b) AHU can only heat the air intake
c) AHU only circulates the air
d) For each function we need to place separate air handling units.
15. If we take off our fan coil unit from our space the VAV system turns to
a) Constant air ventilation
b) Variable air ventilation
c) Variable refrigerant flow
d) Variable refrigerant ventilation
16. Which one of the following is the most suitable waste water branch pipe (horizontal) material?
a) Copper
b) PVC
d) PE
18. Which of the following percentage is more suitable for clean water pipes?
a) % 2
b) % 0
c) % 4
d) % 7