An Android Mobile App For Women's Safety
An Android Mobile App For Women's Safety
An Android Mobile App For Women's Safety
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Women's safety is a major concern and has as and when they are in danger and need support in order to
been the most important issue. Women's safety is of take tangible measures to help the general public and ladies.
great importance, whether at home, outside the home, or
in the workplace. Few crimes against women, especially Problem Statement
rape, are horrible and frightening. Most women of The 'Women safety app' project is an Android mobile
different ages are still exposed to violence and domestic application. In an emergency, this programme gives
abuse today. Since women are usually out late at night, it women the option to request assistance.
is necessary to be vigilant and safe. Although the When necessary, by hitting the volume button, it sends
government is taking the necessary measures for their the SMS of the GPS position and calls one of the saved
safety, there are still free safety apps for women that can contacts in the database.
help them stay safe. Most women nowadays carry their The users must register for the programme by entering
smartphones with them, so installing at least one their cell numbers and saving the emergency contact
personal safety app is necessary. Such a security app for numbers.
women will be helpful in one way or another. It is a user-
friendly application that can be accessed by anyone who II. LITERATURE SURVEY
has it installed on their smartphone. Our intention is to
provide you with the fastest and easiest way to contact Women's security is a subject that is raising more
the nearest help. . In this case, the user must provide concerns. Numerous tragic events involving women have
three call numbers. If a crisis arises, the system will send been reported, and the frequency is rising. Today's women
an SMS with a specific location and make calls to one of are employed, and globalization has increased our awareness
the numbers entered. The phone starts to ring, and the of gender equality. In the past, women could only perform
siren starts to vibrate. This has daily safety features as domestic tasks. Due to the changing environment, women
well as real emergency capabilities, making it an all- now face competition from males in all sectors. Women are
purpose generator. achieving high levels of achievement in a variety of
professions, including business, science, education, and
Keywords: Smartphones, Android, Sms. corporate. Whether at home, away from the house, or at
business, women's safety is very important. The recent
I. INTRODUCTION crimes committed against women in the nation are
horrifying and terrifying. Due to these incidents, women's
Motivation safety has gained a lot of attention. According to the
The development of technology has given us a vast statistics, it is found that every two out of three women
array of options for communication, regardless of location. have suffered trauma in the last year.
Smartphones provide a wide range of functions that improve
the users' quality of life and make their lives easier. The According to a study of female respondents, women
number of features and capabilities available on portable are reportedly losing confidence due to these instances.
mobile phones is growing daily at a startling rate. Because According to a poll conducted by the Women and Child
of this, we decided to design an Android application that Development Department of the Indian government, around
would allow us to expand our expertise in mobile 80% of women in the capital city are concerned about their
application development. We see this project as a fantastic safety. Women are harassed during the day at their homes,
opportunity to integrate a variety of technologies and places of employment, or other locations like streets, clubs,
languages into a single software system and develop our etc., not just at night or in the evening. The survey reveals
teamwork skills. . The task of finding solutions to every that the lack of a gender-friendly environment and
issue that arises while the project is being developed was a improperly functioning infrastructure, such as the use of
significant source of inspiration for us. Additionally, we alcohol and drugs in public places, inadequate lighting,
needed to create a programme that was portable, unsafe public restrooms, unsafe sidewalks, an ineffective
dependable, secure, stable, and user-friendly. Women's police force, a lack of properly operating helpline numbers,
safety is a topic that is frequently discussed, yet nothing is etc., are to blame for safety concerns.
being done to stop harmful situations. Even now, we hear
about a lot of tragic instances involving women. We
attempted to create an Android application to assist the users
Implementation: by transmitting the location of the user and the message "I
am in danger" to the contacts.
Registration Activity:
The user must provide their cellphone number in this Dashboard Module:
module; shared preferences will permanently keep that The dashboard module shows the information about
information. Utilizing their mobile number, users register the contacts that have been stored in the emergency
with this module. contacts modules. The user can remove any contacts they
no longer need from their dashboard if they have any.
OTP Verification Module: After the user's OTP has been verified, the dashboard
Utilizing OTP, this module is used to validate mobile grants access permissions for location, call, and
phone numbers. The OTP is delivered to the specified phone messages.
number and is automatically detected; if it is not, the user
must manually input the OTP. OTP either has to be Volume Key Down Module:
manually validated or links to the dashboard page if it is A crucial task is carried out by the volume down key in
automatically verified. OTP verification uses the Firebase an emergency. The on KeyDown function is started when a
database. certain key is pressed three times. After activating this
feature, Google Maps is used to determine the user's current
The verification ID is then supplied to the user when a location and an SMS with the subject "I am in danger" and
callback is received to determine the status of the the location is sent to all of the contacts that have been saved
verification. In the event that the verification is successful, in the dashboard. In addition to delivering the message with
the profile activity begins; otherwise, an error notice is sent. the location, another action is taken, and that is for the user
In addition, the user has the option of receiving a call rather to dial the first contact listed on the dashboard.
than a text message in relation to the OTP.