The Great Transformer

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Original Research Article

Big Data & Society

July–December: 1–14
The great Transformer: Examining the role © The Author(s) 2021
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of large language models in the political
DOI: 10.1177/20539517211047734
economy of AI

Dieuwertje Luitse and Wiebke Denkena

In recent years, AI research has become more and more computationally demanding. In natural language processing
(NLP), this tendency is reflected in the emergence of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3. These powerful neural
network-based models can be used for a range of NLP tasks and their language generation capacities have become so
sophisticated that it can be very difficult to distinguish their outputs from human language. LLMs have raised concerns
over their demonstrable biases, heavy environmental footprints, and future social ramifications. In December 2020, crit-
ical research on LLMs led Google to fire Timnit Gebru, co-lead of the company’s AI Ethics team, which sparked a major
public controversy around LLMs and the growing corporate influence over AI research. This article explores the role
LLMs play in the political economy of AI as infrastructural components for AI research and development. Retracing
the technical developments that have led to the emergence of LLMs, we point out how they are intertwined with the
business model of big tech companies and further shift power relations in their favour. This becomes visible through
the Transformer, which is the underlying architecture of most LLMs today and started the race for ever bigger models
when it was introduced by Google in 2017. Using the example of GPT-3, we shed light on recent corporate efforts to
commodify LLMs through paid API access and exclusive licensing, raising questions around monopolization and depend-
ency in a field that is increasingly divided by access to large-scale computing power.

Artificial intelligence, algorithmic techniques, Transformer, large language models, monopolization, platforms

Introduction Due to this capacity, language models can be used to

make predictions about how a sentence might continue
Over the past decade, artificial intelligence (AI) technolo-
and, consequently, to generate text. Sophisticated language
gies have evolved rapidly.1 Much of the public acclaim models, often based on neural networks and large text
and many commercial breakthroughs have been due to corpora, are very powerful because they can be used in a
deep learning, a specific methodology for machine learning
wide range of different applications such as translation or
in which complex neural networks are trained using large text recognition. Their increasingly convincing (that is to
amounts of data (LeCun et al., 2015). Deep learning has say human-like) outputs have raised concerns about future
spurred activity in different AI subfields like Computer
social ramifications, from automated text production in
Vision or natural language processing (NLP), resulting in areas such as journalism or advertising, allowing for even
sophisticated commercial products for applications such more personalization and the solidification of filter
as facial recognition or automated language generation. In
bubbles (Floridi and Chiriatti, 2020), to discrimination
response, a growing body of research focuses on the
social impact, ethics, and regulation of machine learning
systems (e.g. Benjamin, 2019, Amoore, 2020). Regarding Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
NLP, such scholarly work is devoting attention to the the Netherlands
study of large language models (LLMs). Technically, a lan-
Corresponding author:
guage model is a statistical representation of a language, Dieuwertje Luitse, Department of Media Studies, University of
which tells us the likelihood that a given sequence Amsterdam, Turfdraagsterpad 9, 1012 XT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
(a word, phrase, or sentence) occurs in this language.2 Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (https:// which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (
2 Big Data & Society

(Abid et al., 2021) and risks stemming from malicious up to the release of the language model GPT-3.
actors who could use language models to automatically Developed by AI research company OpenAI, GPT-3 can
generate fake news or violence-inciting posts on social be considered one of the largest and most sophisticated
media at scale (McGuffie and Newhouse, 2020). English language models today, and it is currently only
In December 2020, research into the social implications accessible through a closed-off API. GPT-3 and other
of LLMs was entangled in a major controversy as Google recent LLMs are based on the Transformer network archi-
terminated its AI ethics co-lead Dr Timnit Gebru for refus- tecture (Vaswani et al., 2017), an algorithmic technique
ing to retract her name from a paper that turned a critical eye for the training of neural networks developed by Google,
on the development of LLMs and their associated risks which allows large parts of the computations to be executed
(Hao, 2020a). The paper in question discusses the financial in parallel, and hence, a significant acceleration of training
and environmental cost of English LLMs as well as social speed. The introduction of the Transformer in NLP has
implications, for example stemming from the encoding of caused a tendency towards ever bigger pretrained language
‘stereotypical and derogatory associations along with models, which correlate with higher performance according
gender, race, ethnicity and disability status’ (Bender et al., to certain measures, such as the convincingness or ‘human-
2021: 612). The authors emphasize that the corporate likeness’ of text (Brown et al., 2020). In this article, we shed
push toward LLMs is taking resources away from other light on the Transformer and its impact on NLP to argue
research efforts in the field, despite the fact that it remains that the growing size of language models accelerates mono-
‘far from clear’ that LLMs bring researchers ‘any closer polization in the digital economy, even though companies
to long-term goals of general language understanding like Google or OpenAI seem to take different strategies
systems’ (Bender et al., 2021: 616). The controversy over with respect to their models. Due to the applicability of
Google’s termination of Dr Gebru, and the firing of Dr LLMs for a wide variety of tasks in different societal con-
Margaret Mitchell a few weeks later, is said to have texts and the increasing prevalence of the technology in
incited a debate around ‘corporate influence over AI’ working algorithmic systems, including search engines,
(Hao, 2020a) and the immense power of big tech conversational agents, and third-party applications, they
companies. offer a meaningful case study to shed light on the inherent
In fact, beyond siphoning off most talent in the field by accumulative tendency of capital and corporate ownership
offering unrivalled salaries (Lee, 2018), the last years have in the context of AI, and the subsequent corporate control
seen significant infrastructural investments of major plat- and power over crucial AI infrastructures, which are asso-
form corporations across different fields of AI. This ciated with a number of societal risks.
includes the extension of cloud computing platforms like Taking a combined political economy and historical
Google Cloud, Amazon’s AWS, and Microsoft Azure. software studies approach, this argument is developed in
Enhanced by expenditures in data centres, specialized hard- three steps. First, the paper lays out the tendencies
ware such as processor chips, or undersea cables, these cor- towards monopolization that exist within digital capitalism
porate clouds provide top-to-bottom solutions for data and AI in particular, most clearly observable at the business
management, analytics, dynamic scaling, and machine model of the digital platform. Second, we consider the his-
learning that are ‘increasingly difficult to replicate without torical development of the Transformer through a discus-
considerable investment’ (Rieder, 2020: 119). In a similar sion of the key literature that has informed the invention
vein, Google has open-sourced its machine learning frame- of the architecture. Here, we loosely follow Rieder’s
work TensorFlow and released a powerful open-source lan- (2020) concept of algorithmic techniques to formulate ‘an
guage model called Bidirectional Encoder Representations approach to the analysis of software that sits between
from Transformers (BERT) (Devlin et al., 2019). Both are broad theorizing and the empirical investigation of concrete
widely used and have shaped the development and applica- applications’ (Rieder, 2020: 100). In Rieder’s conceptual-
tion of machine learning systems worldwide. It is infra- ization, algorithmic techniques are technical schemata
structural developments like these that allow platform employed by programmers to respond to typical, wide-
corporations to leverage their assets, resulting in a concen- spread problems such as sorting a list or making a ‘good’
tration of market and political power (monopolization) in recommendation. From this perspective, the Transformer
their hands (Srnicek, 2018). network architecture can be considered an algorithmic tech-
The recent concerns over ramifications of LLMs (Bender nique responding to a variety of language tasks, which, in
et al., 2021) call for a closer investigation of large tech cor- its derivative and solidified form as a large language
porations’ infrastructural ambitions within the subfield of model, enters working systems and applications from
NLP, focussing on the role these language models play in diverse contexts: ‘Spelled out, stabilized, and ‘frozen’,
the political economy of AI (Srnicek, 2018; algorithmic techniques spread through technical imagin-
Dyer-Witheford et al., 2019). This article contributes to aries and artefacts, and further into application logics and
such an inquiry through a historical account and a critical business models.’ (Rieder, 2020: 16). The third section dis-
analysis of recent technical developments in NLP, leading cusses the role of LLMs in the political economy of AI. By
Luitse and Denkena 3

comparing OpenAI’s model release strategy to earlier open- data is no longer the most important driver towards mono-
source release approaches, we specifically consider how, polization because data extraction has been adopted as a
with the release of GPT-3’s closed-off API, the company business model across the wider economy, distributing
attempts to strengthen its powerful position in the field of the resource among a growing number of actors. This is
NLP and the wider digital economy. facilitated by an increase in the availability of ‘Open
Data,’ and the rise of synthetic data for the production of
ML models (Srnicek, 2019). Instead of data, computing
The political economy of AI power (‘compute’) has instead become more important in
Our inquiry contributes to scholarship on the digital politi- AI competition. Aggregating huge amounts of computing
cal economy (Wittel, 2017) and the emerging discussion of power not only require large amounts of capital to invest
the political economy of AI (Srnicek, 2018; in or rent the necessary hardware, like powerful graphics
Dyer-Witheford et al., 2019). Spawning from critical processing units (GPUs) or expensive purpose-built chips,
media studies and neighbouring disciplines, prominent the- but also professionals that possess the skills and the experi-
oretizations of ‘digital capitalism’ (Srnicek, 2017; Staab, ence to operate complex neural networks on large clusters
2019; Zuboff, 2019) outline the specific dynamics of cor- of hardware. Consequently, only a small number of institu-
porate competition and the consolidation of power in the tions and companies have the means to keep up this kind of
digital era. Despite their differences in focus and analysis, compute-intensive research and produce large-scale
these theoretical frameworks share important insights per- models. Srnicek (2019) therefore predicts that the few AI
taining to monopolization: crucially, the concept of the companies that persist in this highly competitive environ-
digital platform has highlighted how large tech corporations ment will become massive global rentiers through their
position themselves as intermediaries in a network of differ- AI infrastructures: smaller companies looking to adopt
ent actors, allowing them to extract data, harness network ML but cannot afford to train their own models, nor to
effects, and approach monopoly status. Beyond such over- run a sophisticated neural network on their own hardware,
arching frameworks, several scholars have used the political are pushed towards the infrastructures of big corporations
economy lens to point to issues like commodification or that already provide polished cloud solutions for AI.
corporate concentration in cultural production (Nieborg The increasing importance of compute and its implica-
and Poell, 2018), the mobile ecosystem (Nieborg and tions for the field of AI has also been recognized by other
Helmond, 2019), or web search (Rieder and Sire, 2014). authors. To be precise, compute has always played a
While this scholarship has generated important insights, major role in the history of AI, being one of the reasons
the specific capitalist dynamics implied by AI remain why research into neural networks was hindered for a
understudied. Laying the foundations for a Marxist political long time. But nowadays compute has become so central
economy of AI, Dyer-Witheford et al. (2019) discuss the that it is shifting power relations in the field. Based on an
ramifications and prospects of AI-induced capitalism. empirical investigation into corporate presence at important
While a large portion of their work is dedicated to questions AI-related computer science conferences since the rise of
of labour and automation, the inquiry into the current state deep learning in 2012, Ahmed and Wahed (2020) observe
of the ‘AI industry’ is insightful with regards to the argu- that the unequal access to computing power creates advan-
ments advanced in this paper. The authors introduce the tages for big tech corporations and elite universities who
notion of ‘actually existing AI capitalism’—in contrast to slowly crowd out other members of the research community
a speculative future realization of ‘AI capitalism’—to such as mid- and lower tier universities. They introduce the
describe the present moment, which is characterized by idea of a ‘compute divide’ which ‘increases concerns
the industrial distribution of ‘narrow AI’ in working around bias and fairness within AI technology, and presents
systems, distributed through ‘the cloud’. In this context, an obstacle towards ‘democratizing’ AI’ (Ahmed and
big tech corporations benefit from their control of data, Wahed, 2020: 1). Similarly, Hwang (2018) argues that the
talent and computing infrastructure, enabling them to soli- importance of compute in AI shifts attention to hardware:
dify their dominant position. Disseminating narratives ‘The medium is a significant message here: hardware
about the alleged ‘democratization of AI,’ these companies actively shapes the landscape of what can be done with
pursue the ‘creation of a generalized AI infrastructure for the technology of machine learning, and plays a significant
advanced capital’ (Dyer-Witheford et al., 2019: 52) under role in influencing how it will evolve going forwards’
their control. (Hwang, 2018: 7). While AI research has widely switched
In very similar terms, Nick Srnicek (2018, 2019, 2020) from universal central processing units (CPUs) to GPUs,
argues that the success of machine learning, and deep learn- which allow for increased parallelization since the late
ing in particular, further accelerates the dynamics character- 2000s (Raina et al., 2009), the question now becomes
istic of digital platforms, such as ‘the insatiable appetite for who can further scale up their compute capacity, for
data and the monopolizing dynamic of network effects’ example, by acquiring purpose-built hardware such as
(Srnicek, 2018: 157). Following his analysis, however, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICS) or field-
4 Big Data & Society

programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). These specialized It was not until the emergence of the Internet, large data
chips have the potential to significantly improve perfor- sets, and more powerful computing hardware that it became
mance but come at a high cost, in terms of financial invest- worthwhile to work with neural networks in practical appli-
ment and—depending on the level of specialization—lack cations for the first time, resulting in the wide uptake of
of flexibility (Hwang, 2018). backpropagation, a technique to more efficiently train
Building on these observations about the growing eco- neural networks, which had already been around since the
nomic and political importance of compute, this paper 1980s (Rumelhart et al., 1986). Subsequently, AI slowly
investigates the political economy of AI through the shifted from a symbolic, knowledge-based approach to be
example of the emergence and commodification of increasingly data-driven. Instead of aiming for universally
(English language) LLMs. It provides a applicable ‘intelligent’ systems, research became much
technically-informed case study about the dynamics in a more task-specific (‘narrow AI’) (Wooldridge, 2020).
specific subfield of AI, thereby concretizing and extending Throughout the years, many systems were trained based
the macro-level analyses by Dyer-Witheford et al. (2019) on different data sets, experimenting with different
and Srnicek (2018, 2019, 2020). The next section gives a network architectures, and different parameters.
brief account of the developments in AI research since the Parameters are the variables that neural networks continu-
1950s that have led to the Transformer network architecture ously optimize during training to minimize error. High
(Vaswani et al., 2017), which forms the foundation for the numbers of parameters often correlate with more subtlety
creation of large pretrained models in NLP. This context- (Kaplan et al., 2020): for example, the more parameters a
ualization helps understand the Transformer as part of the neural network-based language model has, the more fine-
currently dominant connectionist AI paradigm which is grained its language generation capacity. For this reason,
heavily data-driven, requires large amounts of computing a trend towards neural networks with ever more neurons
power, and is mainly executed by a small number of and larger numbers of highly interconnected layers devel-
actors worldwide. Lastly, we use the case study of GPT-3 oped, summarized under the term deep learning (LeCun
to discuss how LLMs are commodified in a et al., 2015). The current hype around neural networks
software-as-a-service model. As rentiers and gatekeepers really took off in 2012, when deep learning proved success-
of crucial components in the development of NLP ful at the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition
systems, large tech companies provisioning these language Challenge (Krizhevsky et al., 2012). Although neural net-
models concentrate both economic and political power in works have evolved significantly and gained in complexity
their hands. since the 1950s, they still only very remotely resemble the
complex human brain. Nevertheless, deep neural networks
have proven to be highly efficient for a variety of tasks
The great Transformer (LeCun et al., 2015). Beyond image recognition, deep
learning has been rapidly taken up in other fields, such as
Prehistory of the Transformer architecture NLP. As a consequence, connectionist AI has in many
The field of ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ a term coined by John areas outcompeted symbolic approaches that were domin-
McCarthy in 1956, broadly knows two approaches: sym- ant during the first 30 years of AI research.
bolic AI (‘Good Old-Fashioned AI’) and connectionist AI The Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) is one of the
(cf. Cardon et al., 2018). Simply put, the symbolic approach latest iterations in the history of connectionist AI.
attempts to build intelligent systems by modelling knowl- Essentially, the Transformer is an architecture for neural
edge and logical reasoning, and encoding both in the networks which was designed to efficiently handle sequen-
form of facts (knowledge base) and rules of transformation tial data (e.g. sentences). In NLP, the architecture has led to
(Woolridge, 2020). In contrast, connectionist AI attempts to new heights in model size and performance because it
approximate the structure of the human brain and its allowed for significantly increased parallelization and
network of biological neurons in order to make machines reduced training times. It thus became the go-to architecture
‘learn’ and eventually reach ‘intelligent’ behaviour. This in many areas, often replacing complex recurrent or convo-
approach is theoretically rooted in cybernetic thought of lutional neural networks with a much more efficient setup.
the 1940s (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943) and was first imple- As this paper will argue, the architecture has changed the
mented in 1957 when Frank Rosenblatt built a pioneering NLP landscape by making scale, and the computing
artificial neural network (the ‘perceptron’), but was long power to achieve this, crucial factors in the development
disregarded by the more prestigious symbolic AI commu- of industrial systems. As emphasized before, computing
nity. Combined with the influence of the critical volume power has always played an important role in AI but the
Perceptrons (Minsky and Papert, 1969), which described recent turn to scale for the improvement of systems is shift-
the then-prevailing limitations of neural networks, this ing power relations in the field. This has an impact on AI
was one of the reasons why connectionist research was deployment and provision which are, as we attempt to
hampered in the 1970s. show, increasingly centralized.
Luitse and Denkena 5

In contrast to previous approaches in software studies and make a suggestion for the next word that could poten-
that have focussed on foundational principles of computa- tially follow. Typing ‘good,’ a phone might suggest
tion (Fuller, 2008) or the analysis of concrete implementa- ‘morning’ as the next word. If we follow the suggestion
tions of algorithms in the form of source code (Marino, and type ‘morning,’ another suggestion is made (e.g.
2020), we consider Transformer networks through the ‘my’). This functionality could be achieved using an
lens of algorithmic techniques (Rieder, 2020). The RNN.3 In simple terms, this architecture consists of multi-
Transformer architecture was indeed developed with the ple instances of the same set of artificial neurons, where
goal to enable a language model to better process longer the output of the first is fed into the second, and so forth
sentences in a shorter amount of time. As a well- (see Figure 1). In our example, ‘good’ would be the input
documented algorithmic technique, it quickly entered the of the first instance, which would then return ‘morning’
reservoir of available methods for deep learning, and NLP as the most likely follow-up term. ‘Morning’ would then
in particular. In this article, we aim to exemplify the import- be passed to the second set of neurons, the output of
ant insights that a conceptual focus on algorithmic techni- which would be ‘my’. To make plausible predictions for
ques as the conceptual and material building blocks of the next word, the different instances of the neural
concrete software, affords in critical media and technology network need to ‘memorize’ the previously typed words,
scholarship. at least to some extent. Without this ‘memory’,
RNN-based language models could only ever predict the
next word based on the previous one, resulting in implaus-
The emergence of Transformers ible outputs. The ‘memory’ of an RNN is implemented in
Before the introduction of Transformer networks, NLP the form of a fixed-length vector. During training, the
researchers used other neural network architectures such RNN learns how to best adapt this vector in order to store
as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) (Rumelhart et al., information about preceding words. After training, the
1986) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) network can be run (inference) and used for different appli-
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012) to generate language models. cations (e.g. autocomplete). The trained RNN receives an
RNNs, in particular long short-term memory (LSTM) net- input sentence (represented in the form of an input vector)
works (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), gained promi- and ‘encodes’ it into a ‘memory’ vector that it uses to
nence as they are useful for tasks involving language predict the next word (Figure 1). In a second step, the
modelling, like machine translation (Sutskever et al., vector, which now contains the information the network
2014) and predictive text generation (Graves, 2013). For has successfully captured about the input sentence, is fed
example, smartphones usually have an autocomplete func- into another instance which ‘decodes’ it and predicts the
tion that enables them to predict the word a user is typing next word on the base of it.

Figure 1. The recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are characterized by chains of instances of the same neural net along which the
input phrase is passed sequentially (encoding) before a prediction can be made (decoding).
6 Big Data & Society

However, due to the mechanism of backpropagation— network architecture was introduced to tackle this
the algorithm used for training the network by adapting problem (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997). However,
the weights in order to minimize error—RNNs can LSTM-based model performance still degrades the longer
usually not remember every word, especially as sentences the processed sequence gets (Hernandéz and Amigó,
get longer. This is the so-called problem of ‘vanishing gra- 2020). Besides vanishing gradients, RNNs also pose pro-
dients’ (Bengio et al., 1994) that keeps a model from mem- blems in terms of computing capacity: Due to the chain
orizing long data sequences, making it more difficult to of instances that makes up a recurrent neural network,
train that model (Pascanu et al., 2013). For example, in data is necessarily processed sequentially. Each step of
order to determine the right pronoun to follow a phrase the computation is dependent on the previous one.
like ‘I called my parents to congratulate’ the RNN is proces- Therefore, RNNs are hard to parallelize, and working
sing every word between ‘my parents’ and the last word of with them quickly gets time-intensive.
the phrase (Figure 2). The longer a sentence, the more dif- In their attempt to improve model performance, Bahdanau
ficult it tends to become for the RNN to predict the next et al. (2014) and Luong et al. (2015) introduced and refined a
word based on its predecessors. In 1997, the LSTM technique called ‘Attention’. Extending the encoder–decoder

Figure 2. The recurrent neural networks (RNNs) learn to adapt a fixed-length vector in order to store information about the
previously processed symbols of the input sequence. However, the vector cannot capture enough information about longer input
sequences. This is why early words in longer input sequences tend to be ‘forgotten’ when the end of the sequence is processed.
Luitse and Denkena 7

structure familiar from classic RNNs and LSTMs, Attention

allows a model to focus on specific, relevant parts of the
input sequence when performing a text prediction task.
Rather than encoding the entire input sentence into a
fixed-length vector, an Attention-based architecture enables
the encoding of the input sentence into a sequence of
‘memory’ vectors. During training, the model is optimized
to capture information about the input sentence across
these multiple vectors, and to only consider those vectors
containing relevant information for the respective prediction,
when a prediction is being made. Since this mechanism
offers a way of determining which parts of the input Figure 3. In the Transformer network architecture, attention
sequence are important (and which parts are less), it is vectors are calculated for all words in the input sentence. When
better at keeping up its performance when processing predicting the word ‘them,’ the network pays specific attention to
longer sequences (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Luong et al., 2015). the object of the sentence (‘my parents’).
In their foundational paper Attention is All You Need,
Vaswani et al. (2017), introduced the Transformer architec-
While parallelization is a general approach to designing
ture for the first time. Compared to earlier implementations
and analyzing computational models, the introduction of
of Attention (e.g. Parikh et al., 2016), this Google-based
the Transformer has pushed NLP research into a direction
research team designed an architecture without recurrent
that plays into the hands of large corporations like
network units. The Transformer model entirely relies on
Google, who are among the few actors who can operationa-
an attention mechanism to ‘compute representations of its
lize this technique at scale. In the long run, this further shifts
input and output’ (Vaswani et al., 2017: 2). Rather than cal-
power relations in their favour by introducing consequential
culating attention vectors for a single word, a Transformer
path dependencies into the field. The next sections further
enables the computation of multiple attention layers at
unpack how the introduction of this architecture has
once. The so-called ‘Multi-head Attention’ module
impacted and restructured the landscape of NLP research.
(Vaswani et al., 2017) allows an encoder to execute the
computation of attention in parallel, for all words in the
input sequence (Figure 3), while the decoder still operates Reaching for the sky: Transformer-based language
sequentially, generating the final output ‘from left to
right,’ one word at a time. As the Transformer facilitates models
more parallelization of computational processes during For those who can afford the required computing power, the
training, it has enabled training on much larger datasets Transformer architecture has made it feasible to ‘pretrain’
than previously possible (Wolf et al., 2020). The more com- enormous language models using data sets of hundreds of
putations are executed in parallel, the easier it is to spread gigabytes containing (primarily English language) web-
the training over a cluster of processing units, which short- based text resources like, for example, Wikipedia entries
ens training times when lots of hardware is available. (e.g. Radford et al., 2019a). Pretrained models are useful to
Based on this detour into the Transformer as an algorith- improve the analysis of other data sets for different applica-
mic technique, we can begin to understand why and how tions: ‘Instead of training models on a specific task from
the Transformer revolutionized NLP in a context of local scratch, pretraining models are firstly trained on general-
compute abundance. With regards to the training of lan- domain corpora, then followed by fine-tuning on down-
guage models, parallelizability is particularly of interest to stream tasks’ (Zhao et al., 2019: 1). Crucially, pretrained lan-
those who already own the respective hardware to take guage models are reusable components that can be employed
full advantage of it, or to those who possess the capital to to initialize the model parameters for a wide range of tasks in
rent or acquire the computing power to make use of it. As NLP. First proposed by Google researchers Dai and Le
such, parallelizability is the central feature that makes an (2015) to initialize LSTMs, pretrained models are a fairly
architecture like the Transformer compatible with the recent innovation.
overall logic of data centres and cloud computing. The first pretrained model based on and closely adhering
Arguably, the invention of this architecture by a company to the Transformer architecture was ‘gGenerative pretrained
like Google ‘does not follow teleologically from the mere Transformer’ (GPT) (Radford et al., 2018), a generative lan-
existence of computing machinery and programming lan- guage model released by OpenAI in June 2018. OpenAI had
guages’ (Rieder, 2017: 101). In this sense, the been founded by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and others in
Transformer is ‘the product not just of a technological 2015 with the stated goal to harness the social benefits of
logic, but simultaneously of a social logic, the logic of pro- Artificial General Intelligence, which is the highly specula-
ducing surplus-value’ (Dyer-Witheford et al., 2019: 3). tive and contentious idea of an AI that ‘has the full range
8 Big Data & Society

of intellectual capabilities that a person has […] at or above which facilitate the development of deep learning applica-
the same level as a typical person’ (Wooldridge, 2020: 41).4 tions worldwide. Once a model is trained, it becomes a
GPT was trained on BookCorpus, an unlabelled collection of means of production enabling ‘software-makers to step
more than 7000 self-published books, and with its 110M further faster, not merely regarding resource efficiency but
parameters, the model was pioneering the scaling-up of lan- in terms of what can be considered possible in the first
guage models. GPT’s initial training was unsupervised and place’ (Rieder, 2020: 16). Like programming languages or
not targeted to a specific task, but it was then fine-tuned software frameworks, pretrained language models ‘widen
for specific applications such as classification or sentiment the spaces of expressivity, broaden the scope of ambitions,
analysis (Shree, 2020). Soon after, Google open-sourced but also structure, align, and standardize’ (Rieder, 2020:
the architecture ‘BERT’ and released some pretrained 16). This understanding of large models like LLMs as
models based on it (Devlin et al., 2019). In contrast to means of production is also reflected in the following
GPT, which largely follows the original Transformer work quote by Jeff Scott, CTO at Microsoft, albeit in a clearly
by Vaswani et al. (2017) (Radford et al., 2018), BERT hyperbolic way, which problematically implies that current
does not include both an encoder and a decoder but uses mul- AI systems and large models possess some kind of univers-
tiple encoders stacked on top of each other. BERT has 340 ality and generality akin to the far-fetched idea of AGI:
million parameters and is used to improve Google search
results (Nayak, 2019). By now most people intuitively understand how personal
Since the success and influence of GPT and BERT, pre- computers are a platform—you buy one and it’s not like
trained models have flourished and companies have entered everything the computer is ever going to do is built into
what seems to be a race to build ever bigger models (cf. the device when you pull it out of the box […] That’s
Table 1). In early 2019, OpenAI released GPT-2 (Radford exactly what we mean when we say AI is becoming a plat-
et al., 2019a), a model with 1.5 billion parameters, 10 form […] This is about taking a very broad set of data and
times as many as its predecessor. GPT-3 (175 billion para- training a model that learns to do a general set of things and
meters) followed in June 2020 (Brown et al., 2020). To our making that model available for millions of developers to
knowledge, the largest model to date was recently go figure out how to do interesting and creative things
announced by the Chinese-government funded Beijing with it (Scott cited in Langston, 2020).
Academy of Artificial Intelligence and has 1.75 trillion
parameters (Feng, 2021). So far, all of these models However, with the scaling-up of language models, some
confirm the apparent correlation between size and sophisti- problems arise that hinder these benefits as adaptable and
cation based on the various task-specific performance reusable components. The growing size of Transformer
metrics used by practitioners. The limits of scaling-up models has raised concerns about them becoming so big
even further do not seem to have been reached yet. that it becomes complicated to move them off the infra-
structure they were trained on and integrate them into con-
crete applications (Riedl, 2020). First, this is due to the size
Understanding language models as of LLMs. While GPT-2 could still be handled with moder-
vehicles of power ate hardware, its 5GB already made it unfeasible for local
deployment on a mobile device (Kaiser, 2020). GPT-3 is
LLMs and the push towards the cloud more than 10 times as big: With 570GB, it becomes a chal-
As reusable components that can be adapted for different lenge for all but most computers to do anything with the
tasks, language models can function as infrastructures model at all. LLMs are thus often deployed in the cloud
instead of on a device. In such a software-as-a-service
Table 1. Selection of known, record-breaking language models model, the language model stays on remote servers which
based on the Transformer architecture. users can address via the web. Second, training and
Year of Number of running LLMs requires significant amounts of processing
Model release Company parameters power (Strubell et al., 2019; Bender et al., 2021). To save
time and energy, large models are often trained and
GPT 2018 OpenAI 110 million
deployed on GPUs, or even purpose-built AI chips such
BERT 2018 Google 340 million
GPT-2 2019 OpenAI 1.5 billion as ASICs or FPGAs (Hwang, 2018). Lastly, LLMs also
MegatronLM 2019 NVIDIA 8.3 billion require a lot of random-access memory (RAM) in order to
Turing-NLG 2020 Microsoft 17 billion run frictionless. Especially when handling long sentences,
GPT-3 2020 OpenAI 175 billion LLMs become very memory-intensive. In order to mitigate
T6-XXL 2021 Google 1.6 trillion some of these problems, research has focussed on reducing
WuDao 2.0 2021 Beijing Academy of 1.75 trillion the size of these models (e.g. Sanh et al., 2020). However,
these ‘compressed’ versions still ‘rely on large quantities of
data and [require] significant processing and storage
Luitse and Denkena 9

capabilities to both hold and reduce the model’ (Bender access model. Instead of releasing the model as open-
et al., 2021: 612). source like its predecessors, OpenAI introduced an API
Considering the unequal distribution of large-scale com- through which accepted users can access it as a running
puting power in research and the wider economy (Ahmed system to generate textual output such as translations
and Wahed, 2020; Srnicek, 2019), the size, compute- and or summaries (Floridi and Chiriatti, 2020). After a two-
memory requirements of LLMs can become a major con- month ‘beta’ phase, where users could test the service
straint, turning people towards cloud deployment. for free, OpenAI introduced a pricing plan in October
Corporate cloud solutions offered by actors such as 2020:
Google or Amazon allow for flexible and scalable deploy-
ment, making them attractive to companies that do not
Explore: Free tier: 100K tokens or a three-month trial,
have the financial means to operate their own computational
whichever you use up first
infrastructure, especially when their need for compute is
Create: $100 per month for 2M tokens, plus 8 cents for
intermittent, as is the case in the training phase of LLMs.
every additional 1K tokens.
To profit from this situation, big tech companies have con-
Build: $400 per month for 10M tokens, plus 6 cents for
structed extensive cloud ecosystems for AI. For example,
every additional 1K tokens.
Amazon Web Services today not only contains ready-to-use
Scale: Contact OpenAI for pricing (Macaulay, 2020).
services like ‘Rekognition’ for image and video analysis, or
‘Comprehend’ for text analytics, but provides software
development platforms which span the entire production The release of GPT-3 as a commercial model that is
process of machine learning systems, supporting developers partially accessible can be seen in line with a series of
with everything from data preparation and labelling to earlier decisions by OpenAI that have pointed to the com-
deployment and monitoring (Mucha and Seppala, 2020). pany’s move away from open-source. In early 2019, after
In addition, Amazon provides exclusive specialized hard- releasing GPT-2 (reluctantly) as open-source (Radford
ware for AI training and inference (e.g. the ‘Inferentia’ et al., 2019b), the company announced that it was restruc-
chips), which allows users to run models much quicker turing its nonprofit business model towards a ‘capped-
than on traditional CPU or GPU chips. Instances of this profit’ model to increase its investments in compute
hardware can be rented in an infrastructure-as-a-service power and AI talent (Brockman et al., 2019). The way
model, optionally with pre-installed machine learning fra- the company is currently provisioning GPT-3 is emblem-
meworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch or other software atic of this strategy.
solutions on Amazon’s software palette. The example of The closed-off commercial API provision model
LLMs in the specific AI subfield of NLP thus concretizes hinders many of the benefits of language models as
and extends Srnicek’s (2019, 2020) argument that computes means of production discussed earlier. Arguably,
has become central to AI research and development: If the GPT-3 does not function as a platform in the sense of
field continues to progress by scaling-up language models, being fully programmable (Plantin et al., 2018). Users
smaller companies and other actors aiming to develop NLP can interact with the model but do so without reprogram-
systems are likely to turn to the big tech companies who, ming it or being able to use it for initializing their own
through their cloud businesses, provide the integrated language models. Instead, users generate textual
compute infrastructures needed to work with large outputs by feeding the model a so-called prompt, for
models. This solidifies these companies’ role as rentiers in example, in the form of a small task description or the
the political economy of AI. beginning of a sentence (Brown et al., 2020). GPT-3 per-
Nonetheless, even the deployment of LLMs in the cloud forms particularly well when it is given a few examples
can require significant knowledge and skills in order to of how to perform a task in the prompt (‘few-shot learn-
handle the models correctly and avoid large bills (Kaiser, ing’). These examples allow users to more precisely
2020). Especially smaller companies likely lack the respec- specify the nature of their task and, by doing so, optimize
tive professionals. This is where OpenAI’s language model GPT-3’s results. However, depending on the desired
GPT-3 comes in. In the following, we present the case of output, writing a good prompt can be difficult and
GPT-3, a commodified language model that can be used involves some experimentation. Arguably, it is a skill
off-the-shelf. We argue that GPT-3 and its novel paid API that could be compared to the activity of programming.
access model, risks further accelerating dependency on In this sense, GPT-3 is ‘programmable,’ yet only within
big AI companies throughout the wider economy. tight boundaries specified by OpenAI, if we can speak
about programmability at all. In any case, we can
observe a ‘reification of abstraction into [a] tight, com-
GPT-3: Redefining AI-as-a-service modified infrastructure’ (Rieder, 2020: 25), whereby
With 175 billion parameters, GPT-3 is one of the largest complex underlying operations are being packaged into
language models today, provisioned through a novel single commands. GPT-3 hides complex language
10 Big Data & Society

modelling tasks behind abstraction layers, obscuring the big tech corporations with large data centres started to
technical functioning and preventing modification. experiment with very large models. Due to the persistent
By operating GPT-3 as a closed system and controlling its correlation between size and certain performance indica-
accessibility, OpenAI is said to have created a model of tors of these LLMs, a race for ever bigger model has
‘unique dependence’ (Mayer, 2021), as it no longer allows started, at least in the commercial sector. Examining
developers to view, assess or build-on-top of GPT-3. the role of LLMs in the political economy of AI
Instead, users are required to rely on the ready-made com- through the example of GPT-3, this paper has argued
mercial model, which offers them the opportunity to tap that current trends in NLP risk accelerating processes
into GPT-3 without access to the model’s inner workings. of monopolization and dependence on hyper-scaling AI
This opacity not only hinders NLP-related research into companies. While LLMs are, in theory, reusable compo-
LLMs but also has consequences for commercial startups nents that can be implemented by developers in a variety
for whom it becomes even more difficult to replicate such of applications, their size as well as compute- and
a language model for their own purposes. As becomes memory requirements make them difficult to handle. In
clear, OpenAI attempts to establish itself as a powerful line with Srnicek (2019) and Dyer-Witheford et al.
rentier (Srnicek, 2019) of an essential infrastructural compo- (2019), we have argued that companies or researchers
nent in the context of NLP in the form of GPT-3, aiming to looking to adopt LLMs are likely attracted to one of the
commercially benefit from the unequal distribution of big tech corporate cloud infrastructures in order to train
large-scale computing resources (Ahmed and Wahed, a model themselves on their scalable infrastructure, or
2020; Srnicek, 2019). While it remains to be seen whether to use a ready-made model like GPT-3 through a com-
OpenAI’s business model works out, LLMs are generally mercial API.
advertised as valuable assets within the industry, potentially The observations made in this article thus point to pro-
‘providing several billions of dollars’ worth of value from a blems which are not new but have not received much atten-
single model’ (Catanzaro, as cited in Hemsoth, 2021). tion in the particular context of AI. In our view, the
Besides distributing GPT-3 through a commercial API acceleration of monopolization stresses the need to consider
with limited functionality, OpenAI exclusively licenced legal limitations to the growing power of corporations in the
the model to Microsoft, providing the company access to digital era (e.g. Khan, 2018). As Meredith Whittaker (2021)
underlying code and the opportunity to modify, repurpose, has argued, ‘[t]he technological breakthroughs that pro-
and embed it into its larger cloud computing infrastructure pelled the current AI gold rush from deep face to
(Hao, 2020b) and consumer products (Langston, 2021). AlphaGo to GPT-3 are all contingent on the vast power
This exclusive deal followed a multiyear corporate partner- and resources of the current big tech business ecosystem.’
ship between the two companies after Microsoft’s initial These companies possess the capital, infrastructure, and
investment of one billion dollars in OpenAI (Etherington, data to turn algorithmic techniques for AI, such as the
2019)—partly consisting of compute credits for its Azure Transformer, into ‘engines of profit’, thereby solidifying
cloud infrastructure. Ever since, the company has been their dominant position. Retracing the history of the
supporting OpenAI by collaboratively building a supercom- Transformer as an algorithmic technique adds to our under-
puter for their purposes and hosting GPT-3’s API on Azure standing of how technical properties relate to economic out-
(Microsoft, 2019). According to Microsoft, the supercom- comes. Our analysis thus sheds light on another dimension
puter used for GPT-3 consists of ‘a single system with of the complex big tech ecosystem and underlines the diffi-
more than 285,000 CPU cores, 10,000 GPUs, and 400 culty of keeping platform power at bay.
gigabits per second of network connectivity for each GPU Indeed, critical research into LLMs shows that regula-
server’ (Langston, 2020). Access to such efficient tory oversight over the creation and deployment of such
hardware helps OpenAI keep the training costs low. As systems may be necessary. The paper that led Google to
becomes clear, the partnership between OpenAI and dismiss Timnit Gebru (Bender et al., 2021) indeed discusses
Microsoft is a mutually beneficial alliance, which allows LLMs critically, highlighting their significant requirements
both companies to further strengthen their already powerful in terms of money and energy as well as their potential to
positions. reproduce hegemonic worldviews or denigrate vulnerable
communities. And other scholars have raised concerns
over the output of LLMs, and their potential to further soli-
Conclusion dify filter bubbles (Floridi and Chiriatti, 2020), discriminate
With the introduction of the Transformer architecture in against marginalized groups (Abid et al., 2021), and gener-
2017, Google started the era of LLMs in NLP. ate fake news or violence-inciting social media posts
Congruent with the increasing computational require- (McGuffie and Newhouse, 2020). Considering these risks
ments in AI since the rise of deep learning, the and concerns, the creation of LLMs asks for critical over-
Transformer architecture allows for more parallelization sight by public institutions and civil society, particularly
in the training of language models. As a consequence, as systems like GPT-3 are increasingly operated outside
Luitse and Denkena 11

of research environments and implemented into applica- that more financial support could be directed to independent
tions that are being used in different societal settings. AI research. Critical scholarship coming from an indepen-
The costs and difficulties of creating and deploying dent and diverse group of academics and practitioners is
LLMs make it unlikely that the crucial role of big tech cor- crucial to advancing the development of techniques and
porations in the provision of these services will diminish in systems that provide alternative ways of ‘doing AI’ and
the foreseeable future. Due to economies of scale, LLMs therefore contribute to different understandings about AI’s
lend themselves to centralized cloud distribution, with the possibilities and applications, out of reach from the confin-
effect that a few large models may become widely used ing embrace of big tech companies.
building blocks. This can be observed through the
example of GPT-3, which is already being used in several Acknowledgements
Microsoft products and other third-party apps (Langston,
First, we would like to thank the editors and three reviewers for
2021; Pilipiszyn, 2021). However, there are some open-
their meticulous feedback on this article which helped us to signif-
source initiatives aiming to make LLMs more accessible icantly revise and improve the text. We are equally grateful to
(Khan, 2020). For example, EleutherAI ‘is a grassroots col- Bernhard Rieder who encouraged us to submit this paper for pub-
lective of researchers working to open-source AI research’ lication and provided valuable feedback on several earlier versions
(EleutherAI, n.d.) founded in July 2020 whose main goal is of this article. We also thank Maxigas and Sarah Burkhardt for
to replicate GPT-3 and publish it under an open-source their insightful comments. Lastly, we would like to thank
licence. If the initiative succeeds, the challenges of handling Thomas Poell for his support in publishing this article.
and running such a large model would remain.
Nevertheless, by open-sourcing the model and its underly- Declaration of conflicting interests
ing code, EleutherAI would significantly lower access bar-
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
riers. Researchers could, for example, interact with a to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
GPT-3-like model on the level of code rather than just
through an API and study its architecture, which is not pos-
sible with GPT-3 as OpenAI did not release some key Funding
details (Leahy as cited in Wiggers, 2021). The authors received financial support for the publication of this
Our last point concerns independent AI research. article from the Graduate School of Humanities UvA.
Countering the idea of teleological progress in technology,
this article has proposed the Transformer as a case study to ORCID iDs
highlight the ways big tech corporations push the develop- Dieuwertje Luitse
ment of AI in their favour. The developments in NLP, Wiebke Denkena
which are the focus of this paper, reflect the increasing
power of these companies over AI development and inno-
vation in general. While the controversy around the Notes
firings of Gebru and Mitchell attest to the lack of indepen- 1. Using the term ‘AI’, we acknowledge the ambiguity of this
dence of corporate in-house research, big tech companies field of research and the difficulties to draw clear lines of
also increasingly infiltrate AI research at independent insti- demarcation. In our understanding, ‘AI’ encompasses various
approaches rooted in different research traditions and disci-
tutions: For example, they broadly engage in scientific col-
plines. Today, many of these share the application of neural
laboration, while retaining sole control over the resulting
network technology and the methodology of deep learning.
patents (Rikap and Lundvall, 2020). They aggressively When we speak about existing AI systems in this paper, we
fund individual scholars and entire study programmes, as refer to ‘narrow AI’ deep learning systems.
well as major conferences and events, thereby ‘working 2. Given a language model that approximates the English lan-
to shape the terms of the field, and to act as the gatekeeper guage, the probability that is assigned to a sequence of words
to the infrastructure, data and funding needed to do is then supposed to represent the likelihood that this exact
so-called cutting-edge research’ (Whittaker, 2021). As sequence occurs in the English language. In order to capture
Abdalla and Abdalla (2021) have argued, they attempt to as much of a given language in a language model as possible,
significantly distort academic discussion and public knowl- the model is trained on large amounts of data that ideally con-
edge to serve their interests. In contrast to research at big tains as much of its nuances, dialects, and manners of speaking
as possible. In practice, many LLMs (e.g. GPT-3) are not solely
tech companies, independent AI research thus finds itself
trained on text from one language but use a large corpus of
in an increasingly precarious position. This limits research- resources for training, making them capable of text generation
ers’ ability to develop alternative techniques and NLP in several languages and translation tasks. Yet, such models are
systems that require fewer financial and energy resources, usually heavily English-centric.
and are less hungry for data, more transparent, and so 3. While RNN’s (and Transformers) can also be used for other
forth (Bender et al., 2021). Therefore, the last proposition tasks than word prediction, we will stick to this example
we want to make in terms of governmental measures is throughout the paper for reasons of simplicity.
12 Big Data & Society

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