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Previous Year Questions For Semester IV DU History Hons.

1.) History of India V

A. 2022

1. Give a brief account of the importance of Tawarikh writings as a source for the study
of Mughal India in the sixteenth century.
2. Critically examine the recent historiographies of the nature of Mughal state.
3. How did Rajput political culture facilitate their integration into the Mughal Empire?
4. What changes were brought about by Abul Fazl in the notions of kingship originally
envisaged in the Chaghatayid traditions?
5. Define Zamindari right. What role did various categories of Zamindars play in the
economy and polity of the Mughal Empire?
6. Discuss the distinguishing features of the process of state formation in south India in
16th century with special reference to Nayaka states of Madurai, Thanjavur and Jinji.
7. How did architecture in medieval India-become a medium to express imperial
authority? Discuss with reference to the buildings of Fatehpur Sikri OR temples and
Gopurams of the Nayaka rulers of south India.
8. Was Akbar's policy of Sulh-i-Kul guided by his political needs or an outcome ofhis
eclectic religions ideology?

B. 2021 OBE OC
1. Evaluate the significance of the writings of Abul Fazl and Abdul Qadir Badauni for
the study of Akbar’s policies.
2. With reference to his administrative and revenue reforms discuss how did Sher Shah
achieve centralisation of authority?
3. To what extent did gun powder technology help in the early military successes of the
Mughals in India?
4. Describe the evolution and chief features of the Mansab system that developed
during the reign of Akbar.
5. Describe trade routes and patterns of internal commerce in India during 16th century.
6. Analyse the evolution of Akbar religious ideas with special reference to his policy
of Sul-i Kul.
C. OBE 2021 NC

1. Analyse the importance of Tawarikh literary tradition for the study of Mughal Indian
History during the 16th century.
2. How did tactics and technology contribute to the early military successes of the
Mughals in India?
3. Was the inclusion of Rajputs and other warrior groups in the Mughal nobility under
Akbar a result of liberal policies or political exigencies?
4. Discuss the chief features of Nayaka state formation of south India during the 16th
5. Do you think that the buildings of Fatehpur Sikri were structured to articulate
imperial authority?
6. Analyse the important stages in the evolution of Akbar’s policy of Sulh-i Kul.

D. 2018 OC

1. Account for the rise of Persian as the language of Mughal administration.

Analyse the significance of Braj literary tradition for the study of Akbar's reign.
2. Was Sher Shah's administration a compromise between Turkish principles of
governance an Afghan theory of kingship?
3. Assess role of gun powder technology in the early military successes of the Mughals.
4. Describe salient features of Mansab system as it evolved during the reign of Akbar.
5. Was incorporation of Rajputs in the Mughal nobility a result of political expediency
or an outcome of Akbar's liberal religious outlook?
6. With special reference to Zabti as a method of assessment, discuss the evolution of
Mughal land revenue system during the reign of Akbar.
7. Discuss the pattern of inland trade and commerce in India during 16th century.
8. Discuss the evolution of Akbar policy of Sulhi- kul. How did the Ulama react to it?

E. 2018 NC

1. With reference to tawarikh and insha writings, briefly discuss the significance of
Persian literary traditions as a source for the study of Mughals till the reign of Akbar.
Evaluate the importance of Braj or Telugu literary tradition for the study of medieval
India for the period c. 1500-1600.
2. Discuss the role of military tactics and technology in the early military successes of
the Mughals in India.
3. Analyse the process of incorporation of Rajputs and other warrior groups in the
Mughal nobility during the reign of Akbar.
4. Describe the process of state formation under the Nayaks in south India during the
period of your study.
5. Discuss the evolution of Mansab system during the reign of Akbar. How did it fulfill
Akbar's objectives?
6. Briefly analyse the recent historiographical debate related to nature of Mughal state.
7. With reference to the buildings of Fatehpur Sikri or temples and Gopurams of the
Nayakas, analyse how architecture was used as a medium to articulate authority.
8. Akbar's policy of Sulh-i-Kul was determined by political considerations. Comment.
Critically analyse the political and religious ideas of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi.

F. 2019 OC
1. Analyse factors that led to growth of Persian as language of Mughal administration.
With reference to Braj literature evaluate the importance of vernacular literary
traditions as a source for the study of Mughal India during c. 1550-1605.
2. Assess role of tactics and technology in early military successes of Mughals in India.
3. The administrative and revenue reforms of Sher Shah were aimed at centralisation
of authority. Discuss.
4. Discuss the chief features of the Mansabdari system till the reign of Akbar.
5. With reference to Rajputs and other indigenous groups discuss the process of
creation of a composite governing class under Akbar.
6. Analyse the role of various categories of Zamindars in Mughal polity and economy.
7. Describe the pattern of India's overseas trade during the period of your study.
8. Analyse the evolution of the policy of Sulh-i-Kul under Akbar.
2.) Rise of Modern West II

A. OBE 2021 NC

1. Do you think that the 17th century crisis touched every aspect of life of Europe?
2. Assess the significance of the English Revolution (1603-1688).
3. Can the rise of modern science be considered the result of changes in Europe in the
16th and 17th centuries?
4. Define mercantilism. What different forms did it take in major economies of Europe?
5. Discuss the significance of Enlightenment in 18th century Europe.
6.Enumerate the factors responsible for the origin of Industrial Revolution in Britain.

B. 2019 NC

1. Assess the relative importance of economic and political factors which went into
making of the 17th century Europe crisis.
2. Examine the major issues involved in the English Revolution.
3. The rise of Modern Science was the product of changes in European society and
individual contributions. Elucidate.
4. Define the main features of Mercantilism with reference to 17th-18th century France.
5. Assess the significance of trade and empire in the economies of either England or
Holland in the 17th- 18th centuries.
6. Can Enlightenment be associated with the rise of modern thought in Europe?
7. Evaluate the causes for the emergence of Britain as the first industrial nation.
8. How has the divergence debate broadened our understanding of the genesis of
Industrial Revolution?

C. 2019 OC

1. Do you agree with the view that 17th century was a period of total crisis in Europe?
2. Analyze the social, economic and political aspects of the English Revolution.
3. Examine the causes for the rise of Modern Science in Europe.
4. Assess factors responsible for economic decline of Italy and Spain in the 17th century.
5. Define Mercantilism. How was it implemented by England in 17th-18th centuries?
6. Discuss nature of Enlightened Despotism with reference to either Austria or Russia.
7. Evaluate the main causes of the American Revolution.
8. Explain the role of agricultural changes and colonization in the origin of the
Industrial Revolution in Britain.
D. 2018
1. Do you agree with the view that 17th century was a period of total crisis in Europe?
2. Analyze the social, economic and political aspects of the English Revolution.
3. Examine the causes for the rise of Modern Science in Europe.
4. Assess factors responsible for economic decline of Italy and Spain in 17th century.
5. Define Mercantilism. How was it implemented by England in 17th- 18th centuries?
6. Discuss nature of Enlightened Despotism with reference to either Austria/Russia.
7. Evaluate the main causes of the American Revolution.
8. Explain the role of agricultural changes and colonization in the origin of the
Industrial Revolution in Britain.
1. Critically examine the different dimensions of the 17th century European crisis.
2. Discuss the causes and consequences of the English Civil War.
3. The rise of Modern Science in Europe was related contemporary economic, social,
intellectual, political and religious developments. Elucidate.
4. Critically evaluate the nature of Mercantilism either in France or Holland.
5. Account for development of English Mercantilist policies in 17th and 18th centuries.
6. Discuss the significance of Enlightenment as an intellectual movement in Europe.
7. Assess the role of agriculture, state, colonization, markets and technological changes
in the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
8.Analyze origins of the Industrial Revolution with reference to the divergence debate.

1. Critically examine economic & political dimensions of 17th century crisis in Europe.
2. Analyze the bourgeois and radical strands in political and economic spheres of the
English Revolution.
3. Was the rise of Modern Science in 16th and 17th century Europe a product of
individual genius? Comment.
4. Account for the decline of Spain and Italy in the 17th century.
5. Critically evaluate the main features of Mercantilism either in France or Holland in
the 17th century.
6. How enlightened were the enlightened despots of 18th century Europe? Elucidate
with reference to either Austria or Prussia.
7. Discuss the main issues in the American Revolution.
8. Assess the role of agrarian change, domestic and foreign markets, and state in the
genesis of the Industrial Revolution in Britain.


1. Analyze the nature of the 17th century crisis in Europe.

2. Trace the economic, social, political, intellectual and religious dimensions of the
English Revolution.
3. Was the rise of Modern Science in Europe a product of historical changes in the 16
and 17th centuries?
4. Evaluate the role of the scientists and scientific institutions in 16th and 17th century
5. Assess the main economic and political principles of Mercantilism with reference to

6. Discuss the salient features of Enlightened Despotism with reference to either Russia
or Prussia or Austria.
7. Elucidate the main causes of the American Revolution.
8. Discuss the causes of the Industrial Revolution in Britain with special reference to
the Agricultural Revolution.
3.) History of India VI

A. OBE 2021 OC

1. Recent writings have challenged the depiction of eighteenth century in India as a

‘Dark Age’. Comment.
2. How significant were the European ideological currents in shaping the British land
revenue policies in India up to the mid-nineteenth century?
3. Trace the impact of the British policies on the growth of modern education in India?
4. Examine the major reform movements of 19th century and their impact on the
5. Define de-industrialization. How serious was the process of deindustrialization of
the Indian economy in the nineteenth century?
6. Discuss the nature of the revolt of 1857.

B. 2018 OC

1. The eighteenth century was a period of dynamism. Do you agree?

2. Discuss the reasons for the rise of Maratha power in the second half of the eighteenth
century. Why were they defeated by the British in the early nineteenth century?
3. How did the ideas of Orientalism and Utilitarianism shape colonial policies in India?
How did British attitudes towards India and Indians change between 1757 and 1857?
4. What do you understand by the rule of colonial difference? How did this affect the
codification of law during the first century of British rule?
Discuss the growth of modern education in the English medium. What was its impact
on Indian society?
5. How did the various land revenue systems introduced by the British influence
agrarian economy and society?
Discuss the factors leading to the growth of commercial agriculture in India. What
was the role of merchants and moneylenders in this process?
6. Discuss the ideas of the reformers in nineteenth century India. Did the reformers
succeed in addressing the concerns of women and the lower castes?
7. Discuss the role of different social classes during the revolt of 1857.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following topics:
(a) Battle of Plassey
(b) Colonial army and military culture
(c) Ram Mohan Roy
(d) De-industrialization
(e) Forest policy
(f) Deccan Riots.

C. 2019 OC

1. Do you think that the 18th century was a period of decline and decay?
2. What factors account for the expansion of British power in India until 1857?
3. Discuss the role of Orientalism and Utilitarianism in shaping colonial policies on
law OR education.
4. Why was the Permanent Settlement introduced? Did it achieve its objectives?
5. How did the process of commercialization of agriculture influence the evolution of
social classes in India?
6. Discuss the evolution of the apparatus of colonial rule with special reference to the
army and police.
7. How far were British policies responsible for the Revolt of 1857?
8. Write short notes on any two of the following topics:
(a) Drain of wealth
(b) Mahalwari system
(c) Indigenous education in India
(d) Indigo rebellion
(e) Famine policy
(f) Rani Jhansi.

D. 2018

1. How have studies of regional economies and societies altered our understanding of
eighteenth-century India?
2. Why were the British successful in establishing their dominion in India? How did
British ability to tap the military labour market and credit networks in India
contribute to this success?
3. Assess the role of ideologies and circumstances in shaping British policies in India.
4. Discuss the evolution of law in colonial India. Assess impact of European and
indigenous ideas in this process.
Discuss the evolution of indigenous and modern education in colonial India.
5. Was India de-industrialized during the colonial period?
Discuss the process of commercialization of agriculture and its impact on the
6. Did social and religious reformers of the nineteenth century articulate a
comprehensive critique of contemporary society?
7. Can the widespread revolt of 1857 be understood in terms of a variety of local
8. Write short notes on any two of the following topics:
(a) Subsidiary Alliance
(b) Ryotwari system
(c) Famines in nineteenth century India
(d) Arya Samaj
(e) Sayyid Ahmad Khan
(f) Santhal uprising


1. Do you agree with the view that the eighteenth century in India was a 'Dark Age'?
Discuss with reference to some recent writings.
2. Discuss the relative importance of economic and military factors in the expansion
of the British Empire up to the mid-nineteenth century?
3. Do you agree with the view that European ideological current were instrumental in
shaping British Policies in India up to the mid- nineteenth century?
4. Outline the evolution of modern education in India during the first half of the 19th
5. Why was the permanent of settlement introduced in Bengal? Discuss its impact on
the economy and society of Bengal?
6. To what extent did India experience de-industrialization in the colonial period?
7. Discuss the ways in which recent writings have changed our understanding of the
revolt of 1857.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following topics:
(a) Mercantilism
(b) Army and Police under Company rule
(c) Santhal Rebellion
(d) Rani Lakshmi Bai
(e) Colonial Forest Policy
(f) Drain of Wealth

4.) SEC Indian Art and Architecture

A. OBE 2021 NC

1. What are the historiographical shifts in study of ancient Indian art and architecture?
Outline the main features of Mathura School of art. How is it different from the
Gandhara School of art?
2. Highlight the origin and essential elements of stupa architecture with special
reference to Sanchi or Bharhut stupa.
3. Underline the architectural features of Khajuraho temples or Rathas of
4. Write an essay on the architectural features of the buildings of Qutub Complex.
5. Discuss the architectural development under Akbar.
“Humayun’s tomb is the precursor of Taj Mahal”. Comment.
6. Write an essay on the development of paintings under Akbar and Jahangir.

B. 2019 NC

1. Trace the historiographical shifts in the study of Ancient Indian art and architecture.
Outline the main features of Mathura school of art. How it is different from the
Gandhara School of art?
2. Discuss the origin and essential elements of stupa architecture with special reference
to Sanchi or Bharhut stupa.
3. Analyse the architectural features of Khajuraho temples or Rathas of Mamallapuram.
4. Describe the architectural features of the buildings of Qutb Complex.
5. Discuss the architectural development under Akbar.
“Humayun’s tomb is the precursor of Taj Mahal”. Comment.
6. Write an essay on the development of paintings under Akbar and Jahangir.
7. The "Bengal school of art" was associated with Indian nationalism. Elucidate this
8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Ashokan Pillar
(b) Ajanta Caves
(c) Khidki Mosque
(d) Amrita Shergil

5.) Politics of Globalization

A. 2022

1. What is political globalization? Give arguments for or against contemporary

2. Discuss Radical Approach to understand Globalisation.
3. Examine the role of World Bank and International Monetary Fund in promoting
economic globalization in contemporary world.
4. Discuss the role of civil society in social movements in Asia in the era of
5. Analyse the different issues concerning human security in the context of
6. Globalization has both positive and negative impact on the developing countries.
7. State sovereignty declined in a globalized world. Do you agree with the statement?
Give reasons in support of your answer.
8. Write short notes on Any Two of the following:
(a) Liberal Approach
(b) Cultural Dimension
(c) Globalization & Territoriality
(d) WTO

B. 2018

1. What is Globalization? Discuss the arguments for or against Globalization.

2. Discuss the Liberal approach to the study of Globalization.
3. Discuss the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in
strengthening the process of Globalization.
4. "Globalization has weakened the state and empowered the • individual.” Substantiate
your views with suitable examples.
5. Discuss social movements in the light of Globalization in the developing countries.
6. What has been the impact of Globalization on human migration? To what extent has
international human migration been the reason of ethnic problems?
7. Give an account of opportunities and challenges for the developing countries in the
light of Globalization.
8.Write short notes on any two of the following:
(i) World Trade Organization
(ii) Cultural Dimensions of Globalization
(iii) Multinational Corporations
(iv) Role of Civil Society.

C. 2019

1. Discuss the concept of Globalisation. Explain the political dimension of

2. What do you understand by economic globalisation? Explain the role of International
Monetary Fund and World Bank in today's global economic order.
3. What are the major threats to state sovereignty? Do you think globalisation has
hastened the demise of the nation state?
4. Discuss the role of Global Civil Society in the context of a globalised world.
5. What is cultural globalisation? Has globalisation led to a culturally homogenised
world? Elaborate.
6. What impact has globalisation had on human migration? Discuss the various reasons
for human migration in contemporary world.
7. Do you think the process of globalisation is an inevitable reality? Analyse.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Liberal Approach to Globalisation
(b) World Trade Organisations
(c) Global Social Movements
(d) Globalisation in developing countries

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